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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 14, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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smells of indian chests, and me see young prodigies who are meeting their mark on the international stage. india's chest cottage is $10.00 to 0. the us is always of inside $54.00, right? the world people pay attention to this $1.00 here. and i'll just see this very good the bringing the news to the world from here. the, these very minute trade targets residential buildings in underground garza city. as many as 20 are killed, including women and children, the carry johnston. this is all just here a lot from the also coming up on the program, escalating exchanges of fire across the israel and lebanon for them under ramping up a whole range of races is of a whitening conflict. the us signs
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a long term security agreement with ukraine at the g 7 summit and its weight on the blocks leaders each and then keith, $50000000000.00 on south africa, proposed to swear in the new parliament sent it can you trust? and as a government sits for the 1st time since the recent and ex, the is running that actually is carried out to see was of strikes and raids across the goes up as a number of civilian casualties from its war continues to grow. at least 9 palestinians were killed off to israel, targeted a residential building in kansas city among the dead with 3 women and 3 children. 3 of the women and the child were also killed in a sold targeting homes, west of the city. and at least 5 palestinians were killed in the l. shante county. and also her area on the outskirts of goza city. their bodies were taken to
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o x. a hospice in central garza were very overwhelmed with dead and injured as well as open knights errors. so so, so targeted a family at the refugee can at least one, palestinian was killed in 10 of those inches. the less heads, essential goals now speak to. i'll just say it was honey mountain mood in the all the honey, what more can you tell us about these latest strikes? yes. well, as of early hours this morning, this really military with its ongoing, got tox, almost roland, less air, it strikes 10, couple with heavy artillery shilling across the gauze. a trip that are concentrated right now on the central area as of a lead hours of last night. the attack on a residential home on a bridge refuge account, the bridge brings you got me that the eastern part of the central area and this
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particular refuge account is the home of, of a densely populated on the large number of children and grandchildren. very the palestinian where displays and the refugees in 1948, but we're looking at us. lisa, 3 people were killed. one child and 2 others growing up in who were killed in the attacks and several other injuries were reported to luck saw hospital here. it's important to point out that the area has been under a heavy artillery shilling, an air attacks for the past few weeks. then civil defense members and paramedics find it very difficult to remove bodies that been already pronounced did inside these areas. just giving the intensity of the art dealer's feeling in the area, the only quarter number of the bodies made it to the hospital. remaining bodies are still there are laughter. couple of weeks they are largely deceased under pile of revels in the eastern part of the central area to gaza. city. these really military continues to pound across the city with relentless air attacks,
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including the eastern neighborhoods of gauze and city. that includes, i thought i should hire neighborhood were reports of more residential buildings, remaining public facilities being targeted and destroyed, and to the western part of the city. mainly i saw that refuge account and this place is a notorious site right now for mid a of the relentless attacks carried out by this very military. we talked about more than 60 percent of this strategy cabinets completely destroyed and turned into part of rebels. but a close to 3 people also were killed and multiple injuries were reported to allow the baptist hospital death. at the center of gauze, the city of natalie baptist hospital is quite insufficient right now in terms of any of the medical services that it provides and, and give to do to patients in rough i city these very, the military's continues to push the button to a shovel or a refugee camp, where it is stated in a, in one of the statement is made that this, this, or where is the,
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the heart of the heart of palestinian finding rooms. and it's pushing more deeper on the ground in order to eliminate them. but we, we have the confirmed reports of more of the residential buildings of being systematically demolished by this very monetary to the point where the vast majority of this area being completely cleared of any of the buildings, the infrastructure and public facilities. not only bonds that continue to kill people here. there are other factors that continue to create more tragedies on the ground, including the spread of famine in the northern, gaza, and hearing in, in, in, in the southern part of the sense where they are of the strip, the constant displacement, the fear of unpredictable bonds. also making life quite difficult for people in the for us. the honey thank you. you're not to nations report has condemned is very forces for kidding and injuring, published, and in children un secretary general says he's a polls by the dramatic increase on unprecedented scale of violations against
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children in palestine. and israel antonia guitars described them as brutal acts of terror. you and has verified more than 5 and a half 1000 violations by is very forces last yeah. to you and also found that i'm as soon as i met g, has committed 137 foundations against children. the report notes at least 43 is very children were killed. junior, october 7th attacks of forcibly displaced families in the city of the law. of dealing with constant grief, many of the children that have been left often by is very a tax or correspondents hunting monthly reports, not from central casa of the war. and gaza has forever changed the lives of more than 2300000 palestinians. among them are tens of thousands of children affected by
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conflict. they have endured and speak of the last forced into a life that has become unrecognizable. reports show more than 15000 miners had been killed in the war, and estimated 17000 have lost parents or are separated from them. cases have become so common. hospitals have coined a new acronym, w a, c, n s f, which is stands for, wanted a child, no surviving families. these 2 children are orphans. they now live in attend cared for by a woman and her 12 year old son, i saw who we are dealing with his own set of losses. his father and 2 older brothers were killed in his regular years. try the traumatized. my father was killed one of the home, 2 weeks later, at the home with my brother in law was show, his wife was killed, the little baby fell from the 2nd floor. many of these children live in constant fear. fear of more is really a talk,
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a moving more family members don't reinforce of late display as yet. again, just crisis has also an impact on their mental health. many of these, the children did not know where their parents are. some were detained by these really military, while being forcibly pushed out from northern garza 9 year old mira hasn't heard from her father in days. it's made out because as we fled to the south and ran for our lives, we were living in fear on our way here, we saw the dead bodies all over the road. we walked long distance has bare foot and that is really said the area was safe, but it's not true. wherever we go, there are $101.00 out of every 6. the children is acutely malnourished. living and devastating conditions with limited water and food. is there a new normal going to school is now a distant member or a luxury that is no longer accessible. have i'm own, i mean, that each celebrations are approaching. we have no way a man's to celebrate the will,
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has deprived his from school toys and every joy in life. the burden of war is heavy . but palestinians, the children here say they have no other option but to carry the end and the out hunting. my mother, i was just the uta from central gaza palestine. president joe biden is blaming her mass for deadlock and implementing the us led proposal to end the war on gaza. he made the comments that the g 7 summit and it's really where the need is endorsed. the proposal biden says only some of the changes from us wants to make to the dealer workable. he says, israel has agreed to the proposal for the bottom line is that we've made a degree of i've laid out an approach that has been endorsed by the un security council by the g 7 by these rallies. and the biggest hang up so far is a moss refusing to sign on,
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even though they have some. is it something similar? whether or not it comes to fruition remains to be c. we're going to continue to push. i don't have a final answer for you. 3 palestinians have been killed, buys very forces in a raid net. janine and the occupies westbank, is ready ministry stones, the town of colored tim, where they destroyed the house. the operation also targeted the city of janine and lost it for around 13 hours is ready as strikes in southern lebanon is killed, at least 2 women officer residential building was talking to 8 in the town of to now to the doctor is about to 20 kilometers is north of the border. several people are also injured in the attack. the top target at the residential building in the town and now it's a several people were injured in the strike. the area on thursday. his but uh it says it's $550.00 rockets into northern israel, occupied golden heights as well. the says the attacks where in response to the
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killing of one of the senior combined is, becomes a day off. the has been off on a biologist around $200.00 rockets into israel. was ready politicians and military officials are increasing their rhetoric of war against 11 in this but all intensifies its attacks. and does say no hold or not reports the shadow of wars exposing lebanon's divisions out the pace and intensity of the confrontations between israel and hezbollah is growing. so is top of the wider war villages along both sides of the border. the populated and attacked in the past 8 months. a times the strikes reach further inside. we are here. this is the point. everything is okay here. a lot of water getting on everything is fine. 20 kilometers north of the border is 11 east city of
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tire. many here have got used to the not so distant sound of explosions and fight. they're just freaking the sound barrier. yeah, we can see everything we can see when the bomb being on the court on the, on the board of the 300. all right. well, not like them has the law has a strong presence and support in southern lebanon. were many back the army groups decision to open up a front to help garza but the fractured political and 6th period landscape becomes apparent as we travel deeper inside left and on in the capital b root. it's a different reality here. there are little signs of war and life carries on his normal from any i know what's happening, but i see like it's in and other countries since it doesn't affect the 1st name, the baby was abraham sees it differently and tries to explain the disconnect. i um, from there i do believe that all 11 i was going through
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a war. i think there's a huge divide in this country. the biggest issue is that a lot of people don't think themselves as part of loving or they think it's a whole thing. and it's of the summer time i think people come they, they try to forget from most of the things that are happening them, the war of attrition is still relatively contained with an escalation could worse than 5 years of political and economic crises that have all but this towards the states living on is gearing up for the summer season when ex pats are expected to return in large numbers was much needed hard currency, but as well as warning, it could be a hot summer. if hezbollah does not retreat from the boarder regence on the surface, there appears to be in difference, but there is concern on what comes next center for their elders. either they us assigned a 10 year security agreement with ukraine at the g 7 summit and h a. the groups leaders also agreed to give keys a $50000000000.00. nothing for minutes, reconstruction and humanitarian use. china,
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how reports from barnes in the southern italy was in gauze. and you, craig, move prominent and discussions among the 7 leaders install the need to the opiate with different prospects for progress on ukraine, president followed the music. lensky was off with a gesture of the g. 7 long term support, a 10 year bilateral security deal signed with the united states to add to some of the deals with other g 7 members together intended as a step towards eventual nato membership, is this transfer ukraine's credible defense and deterrence capabilities for the long term a lasting piece for ukraine must be underwritten by ukraine's own ability to defend itself now and just deter future aggression any time in the future. united states going to help ensure that ukraine can do both sanctions were expanded on entities. still helping to keep rushes economy afloat. and to do was reach to allow the
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interest on frozen russian assets to be used as collateral for a 50000000000 dollar loan to ukraine, put me in to treat reconstruction and humanitarian use. today is a truly historic day us and we have signed the strongest agreement between ukraine and the us since our independence and the easiest and agreements on security and does on the protection of human life . because it is tricky, a territory, the new crime and for the d 7 within the sometimes divided in the support for israel and the palestinians and facing allegations from outside the popular seat and double standards. as a result, a section of the summit struck conclusions, reiterates the g 7, support for what it described as us efforts towards a sci fi. it's also expected to contain language confirming. the g settings
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commitment to a 2 state solution and it urges israel to refrain from it, expands the defensive in rough or in the science of the gaza strip school. it's a big moment for tally and prime minister, georgia maloney costs becoming the acceptable face of found like politics on the international stage and intent on forging new influence for each of the in europe. it may such, okay, well yeah, well that is the message we want to convey. it's a jew 7 under the testing presidency that wants to strength and it's dialogue with the nations of the global self. this d 7 lack some of the amiable informality of previous gatherings. and no, just because of the gloomy state of the world and a had an easy smile, but all her fellow leaders faced battles for their political futures at home. the next g 7 lineup could look quite different to this one. jo, nicole elders 0 binary in southern it today. so it's a come off to the break that hey dave, and then if you don't, must moves a step closer as,
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as the shareholders back $54000000000.00 package. the comic because the kinds we meet the offices and so you have one of the most with it jobs and it was the what the, the, the us is changing. why aren't we? we have civil cells from the living world. i, the re, uncovered seemed difficult to convert the meaningful kline attacks and everything is totally unexplored support can still be done. we need to imagine and create a new reality. one that is based on a transformation of the way we make sense of the world and out place. oh hey, over planet, coming soon on out to 0. in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now, i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that
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don't like trump are looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage both ukraine's a pro 10 moscow's approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story. on al jazeera, a towel, just the fucking back reminds of all main headlines now. up to 20 palestinians have been
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killed in a series of loose very s strikes in the round kansas city. several women and children are among the tags and is ready as try can southern lebanon. this kills at least 2 women, the tax tongues. it's a residential thing of incentive to announce at least 20 people the g 7 the this have agreed to provide a $50000000000.00 g crane summit and it's looking to have that be paid using the interest generated from frozen russian assets to nation security council has passed a resolution demanding an immediate end to fighting and the student needs a city of alpha ships. thousands have now fled the largest city and the golf for region is finding intensifies which in the army and power ministry forces is the last city in the region that is still controlled by the government in south africa
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as new parliament will be sworn in in the coming, i was one of the intense talks to form a unity government to the african national congress. the parliaments would also formerly choose its presence from the reports from cape town. just hours ahead of the 1st sitting of parliament following major elections so that africans remain uncertain about what the new government will look like. president silver, i'm a pauses said he's african national congress party will form a government of national unity while the a and c one, the election getting 40 percent of the vote. it lost its paula mentioned majority quote, invites products from a post as invited all parties to joined the government and the will, based on the agreement that we need to lift. but it's proving more difficult than expected to the national listing. cost of freedom party
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says it's willing to join a partnership along with this interest, democratic alliance. all the amc says it's met with those parties and others. it says it's noted, willing to disclose details. that doesn't mean we, i don't know what. it doesn't mean that this is, this is a, this is a, a government that's going to be a kind of make it, that the reality of the out of the whole kind of volatility of the uncertainty that we in. but another opposition party regarded by some is radical lift, has rejected working with the da, we reject this government with able to think it deserves for as long as it points in white supremacist. it points him up for gun that a don't. it was in colonialism. my name is in or not be part of the new coordinator cost me of the economic freedom fighters parties is the dia represents white capitalist interest. oh, it says divergent views of land reform and economic involvement loose. it's sold
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africa back, come to the da says it was, it protects all that because democracy and prevent what it calls a doomsday coalition. for now, significant policy, an ideological differences and strange relations appeared to be blocking the way forward. meanwhile, former president jacob zoom as new party, i'm going to receive it known as m k. wanted the constitutional quote to block the 1st sitting opponent. while the party won almost 15 percent of the vote, it says the election was riggs and he's refusing to accept the results. but its challenge was dismissed during friday sitting of the national assembly members will vote for the president's pizza. and did we to speak a fundamental while the process is likely to give people a better idea of what the new governments will look like. a lot still hangs in the somebody them a lot. i'll just say rotate down. now you know, most cars want approval from it, says the shareholders for pay package totaling up to $56000000000.00. the package
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has already been blocked by the judge who, who the most influenced as board of directors toward him. the money will bring those reports fits the shareholders voted by a wide margin to approve you on most pay package. i just want to start off by saying, put them, i love you guys as well as kids threatened to leave tesla and take with him some advanced technologies. he's been working on. if he lost many business and let's say the vote was no surprise because shareholders realize tesla without musk would be worth far less than with him. prior to the vote, several large institutional investors urged a vote against the package saying the money should be going to shareholders. excessive doesn't begin to describe this ridiculous pay package. you know, we've seen c e o is getting ridiculous pay packages that are in the tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars. we're talking about billions of dollars here.
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there are 2 reasons to pay somebody at that level of responsibility. one is to reward them for past performance. the other is to provide an incentive for future performance. this pay package has no relation to either of those goals. just slow is struggling as the sales have slowed. tesla share price has dropped about 60 percent from its peak in 2021. at the same time, critics a mux attention has wavered as he manages multiple other companies including ex, formerly known as twitter and space x. tesla has laid off nearly 4000 workers. this year, in an effort to cut costs, most behavior has at times been erratic and some se unseemly this week. former workers that space ex suit the billionaire saying he fostered a toxic workplace right with sexual harassment and discrimination. but must rush
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detractors aside. i gotta be somewhat pathologically optimistic, but i do live in the end across the board, top executive pay packages. a big publicly traded companies have sort and recent decades from mostly less than a $1000000.00 in the 1980s, to averaging tens of millions of dollars today. rob reynolds, l g 0. millions of most name is visiting mecca for the annual hodge pilgrimage. the focal point to all that really just yeah. and it is a call about a stone structure at the center of the great most cars make up awesome a whole by went to visit the office to design and create the drape that covers the whole the site. the cop uh is the stone building of the center of the great mosque of mecca. the un here of this workshop in the west of the city is perhaps one of the most with the jobs in the muslim weld autism is. we've the black fabric that covers the cop uh,
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the cubicle structure which muslims consider as the house of god. it's a daily rush to finish the task on time. island. well, how much is his gold and silver threads in the inscriptions that displayed of a different panels of the dre? the we are trained for a year on this technique and then once approved by a committee of experts, we move to the next phase, which is embroidery and calligraphy. it has to be top notch. there is no room for area. yeah. every yeah, the fabric cover also known as the case where is we moved and the kava is would rate in a new cloth in et cetera. many attended by clerics and dignity, or is the band is carried out for muslims all over the world. is what is one of the most take with fedex? and it's not, i'm in the process of making it is that it gets and time consuming for the office and autism and stitching together the passes that designs into can live with me.
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this isn't just about creating a piece of on the, on, on a and great privilege, the case what is made of fuel silk, embroidery with verses from the koran. i'm a proud person. i feel like i'm blessed. i make designs that are displayed in the most sacred place on earth, and i can't describe my feelings to you. so ben a la bonnie has been weaving look as well for nearly half a century. he says times have changed, and machines are now taken over the manual work. well, i the how about it? at the beginning, all the work was done by hands. now machines do many tasks such as weaving somebody in the fabric dying, the threats, and with great precision, with all but even with more than technology, the most meticulous work is still done by hand, by artisans who wish to see an old islamic tradition continue for generations to
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come hush him, i'll just see your mecca. the weather is next and inside story we'll discuss the fist fighting, taking place in the capital of saddam's north, most states and its significance in the conflict state with a sense banks which the the hello, the weather is looking for 2 quads across the middle east over the next couple of days and by quite i also have to sunshine, so i was going to be see only hop. we went into the full seas for most of us. wanted to shout. was that just into way around? pushing up towards the caspian sea. we're going to see some of the conditions as we go one through sites is a little further north. fact that getting well up into the full to some of the conditions that 24 q 8 and leave. and i have a tool that is the side of the mediterranean penny seats in place here as well,
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like a say, a kick it up into the mid forties for friday. what's the process? syria, who's i pretty humbling. goss, i be getting up to $33.00 degrees, which is pretty close enough one or 2 showers up towards the black sea becoming a little more extensive as we go on through sas bay. but otherwise, it's really about the hot, dry conditions which will desist hot and dry to into eastern parts of the administrative, suburban to the northeast of egypt. kind of a 46 degrees celsius. plenty of sounds a rumbling of way across the west african out of seasonal rates doing quite nicely that southwest one se, pushing the big down pools and across a good part of west africa. it's also some wet weather to into east africa, chiefly towards mesa and bay. but for much of the southern half of africa is dry. the,
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a tobacco for alpha. so this phase flight thing for the capital of saddam's, no stop. both states, human rights violations being reported just how important is this region and the get along complex. what role are outside of the plane? this is inside story, the hello there and welcome to the program. i'm nora. kyle fighting is intensifying
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into john's west and the full region upon military rapids support forces are advancing on the city of all fashion.


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