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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  June 14, 2024 9:30am-10:01am AST

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the the the bible for alpha. so this best buy thing for the capital of saddam's. no style for states. human rights violations being reported just how important is this region and the year long, complex and what role are outside of play. this is inside story, the hello there and welcome to the program. i'm nor kyle. fighting is intensifying into
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john's west and the full region upon military rapids support forces are advancing on the city of all fashion certainly is ami, last stronghold in the area. the long conflict across the country has to space millions of people and left many more. on the brink of starvation, the wind storage counselors seeking to address the crisis at the request of the u. k. but so full actions by the instructional community have proved ineffective. so is the conflict into john reaching a critical point. again, anything be done to protect civilians course in the crossfire. we'll get to our guests and just a moment for this report from phantom, one of the student needs army and power military rapid support forces have been fighting for more than a year. but now the conflict may be approaching a pivotal moment as far as the fighters closing on the city of al faster. the north western region is the last stronghold of the sudanese army and are for of the
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dividing, intensifies. the civilian population is quoted in the middle more than 10000000 people with a force from their homes across through don hunter, living in desperate conditions. like how does the high up most of our lives have become difficult? now, as you can see, we don't have anything, not even dinner for our kids. and we believe we flooded from till we loved we had to leave at night. we couldn't leave during the day. because we were scared of strikes and heavy weapons, the food is also running out. more than 18000000 student needs are going hungry, and aid isn't getting through to those in need. unitarian workers' war and the conditions will get even worse unless something changes soon. we need an end to the conflict. at a minimum, we need a ceasefire. we need to be able to scale operations, and for that we need the humanitarian access. we need long term political intervention that will allow the peace to hold. prosecutors and the international
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criminal court are investigating possible of your crimes and our for they believe widespread atrocities are taking place. the evidence my office is collected to date seems to show credible, repeated expanding continuous allegations of attacks against the civilian population. in particular, attacks direct to the gains comes for internally displaced persons as the costs that goes on, more civilians are being put at risk. but so far, the international community has a little success in securing humanitarian access. will bring the pricing to an end . been smaller than al jazeera for inside story. the. let's bring in all guests now and inquire are dia mohammad. i don't my name said sidney is political commentator and on the list and the b. matilda who advocate advocacy,
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advisor for the weekend refugee council. and then come paula, hello. i'll carry a student who's pro democracy and african feminist activist. i'm regional director of the c huh. network of i will welcome to all of you. hello. let's start with you because finished and they gave us a pretty good idea of the terrible situation that the people of to don a facing, especially at the moment in all fashion. 50. what more can you tell us about what's happening, the other cities under attack at the moment there is 5 think of control affections and there is a very strong push. 5 from be joining forces and she's on foster. useful are predicated inside this to be the most of the attacks are happening on civilian facilities, particularly to billions homes, by clinics, who are working on and shy shares, their homes has been completed destroyed. you know, we used to have, uh, uh,
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a small items. the trustees center in apple shop. um, it's completely that exist at the moment, completely wiped you know, from professional virus that is a lot of casual days. there is people who are getting killed from them, be on the part of the, of sitting here by boat, which has been fully occupied by dogs. jasper foss, we know that most of the hospital sambal functioning at the moment. so it's, it's a very dire situation at this point in time to matilda. we're talking about upwards of 800000 people trapped in this oven area as this light thing range is, i mean that the scenes that hello it's describing. buildings demolish hospitable is not working. was that hearing reports of food, a not being able to reach anyone?
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this is an absolute crisis and yet it's not making the headlines. why not? it's a massive nightmare. it has to be, you know, under headlines. it's all the, it's been ongoing by t d fighting people dying everyday. not every day until like since the restaurants, it's been like this for 14 months. the capital has been excluded the entire region of dollars, the 3rd to the ground. people have been seeing and mess next to that is the largest displacement crisis in the well and is about to be the largest home crisis in the world. and right now, like just before, i say we're like one of the largest each of so done and completely destroyed as, as a, as a was just describing like the, i don't know, like, i cannot understand how neglected this crisis is compared to the treasury. that is ongoing, and i don't think the international community has really paid attention in the business that's 13 months and still now still gathering together to to some of the
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sites and to, to raises at the highest level. it's all there. can you show any lights on this? i mean, the world's largest displacement crisis. the world was tongue a crisis. this is what the un is saying is there's a forgotten crisis. what the people simply not know what's going on to. it's a combination of several factors. i think it's a big ignored war. it suits the purposes to certain political entities that no one discusses, no one's topics, no one knows about. the war ensued on. and that's the same time, i think there's also here in spite, as simple as in this is another war in africa. they've always had trouble conflicts to those histories riddled with conflicts. and so it's, it's like the brush stuff as another carpet is a trouble country. but i would like to add one say, you know, the number of people killed instead um is more than 16000 b u and keeps talking about this number. and it's disingenuous because in
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engineering, i know last year of more than $15000.00 were mastercard. and then to gain not uh, the actually the correct, the correct figures are close to a 150000 people killed. and that's not even officially, but it's approximate within the past 14 months and politically so down has been sidelined. yes. so there are a number of conflicts happening in the world, but the spill over from the sit down more is tremendous. it affects the whole region. it could easily affect the whole continental of africa and nothing is being done in the shuttle diplomacy that so many countries are known for is seriously lacking when it comes to sit on the let me just jump in there and pick up on one point that you may just, just before you made many of the excellent points that i hope we'll get to later in the discussion, you said the suits political ends to certain political entities. can you elaborate on that and tell us who as well the armies have backers,
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the u. e. has been confirmed that feedback the are assessed and the army is being supported by the age of shingles. going to a certain extent and to a right now you're wrong. and they're trying to, you know, sign a deal with russia. so i mean when it comes to the u. e is also chat, does involve the wagner group has a role to play. and so these entities are in the way the public masters of this part of this war. you know, i'm not enough pressure has been applied on both of them on both the backers of both the military armies to ensure that the cease fire is actually hold, hold the safe passage ways for aid is made safe categories for his civilian evacuation. nothing. the only time civil evacuation was actually a cold was when foreign nationals were allowed to me. me. other than that, there's never been a state profit to make facilities civilians. 10000000 people, the space is not a small number. it is a significant. it's give me
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a quarter of facilities population, a quarter how the different handle is that let me just bring holler in. at this point, i want to get, have thoughts on these outside agencies, countries that are fueling the role of the u. a. yvonne that sort of, they are being accused. what did they stand to gain from being involved in this conflict? so that's a good question that we have been asking 2025 civilian service activities. who has been up there being on the bar and stuff already out of what's happening in our country. so, and that's a medium size, but chance, what are they are today? you know, our don't use much destructions and violations that's happening every day in the bluff box. that's taking place, it's to that. i'm a, you know, i just would like to take a step back and speak a little bit about the collection of this to down questions that has happened since
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2013 since the falling of pressure to do. but how, you know, for the international community on the transition and government beds, i'm the military indeed substitute on they have no defense tediously, the volatility and the risk of the country was confronted with. well, especially here, the conflict in depth for never ends. and it's never stopped by to say, i'm the, you know, there are allies, melisha, they have been continuously active. you know, i filed it to be a local population, send the conditions across the board. i need many parts of the 5. so there is a lot of issues that was allowed to be sad to pay it, you know, and i think, you know, that transition issue that has been looked at, but he lives on right now as we update his head, the price for benedictions,
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you know, and for the fact that the situation so gun has not been taken seriously, and we are navigating this crisis. we were all to be left alone. and as certainly a said, you know, the issue for fiction, it's not an issue that centralized positions. one decadence crisis is too bad. it's about protections because to william thought the primary cause i went on the floor in this, in this conflict and you know, yes, it's a conflict between 2 for the insurance, but it happens inside. so give me, ask for cities inside to be boxed, you know, i'm and, and this is what we have been doing. so the level of trust stuff is, you know, on casual dis, just extremely high. but hi, mathilda, accusations of atrocities have been leveled both sides. ers,
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that they don't seem to take kelly, bruce hill, when it comes to dealing with the local population. this infiniti and population is being connected to mass because it's being connected to sexual violence, salvation. why is this the rest of the method of war 5? and i don't think i could understand the psychology of the iris as well, sir, but it's to the right, like the war and the thoughts people and people's body young women's body on people's phone schools as you know, hospitals and the characters degree of this for us that every single day, international human need to know as the lights and the violates it just last week in a to 0, which used to be the bread basket. the so the a 100 villages. and perhaps more than a 100 villages, sorry, with children. the mess must mess it could really just in one day, people in high use of high level of width and just like that. um and you know,
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again like what is what has happened in a site? sure, it's terry thing and it's really a cool. what has happened twice and this year where you have an entire patient has been decent, mediated english, the horse, and not very far away from the slasher because of the music. and those, you know, those, this is i have to flee to child because it was just impossible to, to continue to be in was the hoard and being attacked for, for who then words which is nice. any type of felicia dahlia at the us invoices through dawn has worn. the old fashion could full imminently to the reassess. if it does so, it has been taken over the whole of the full region. what do you think it's going to do with that? what is, how much is time for the, for an organization of the people of that for he has presidents. he has history. this is what the are a substitute for really known this agenda we did 20 years ago. you know,
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they had to come to genocide and they're committing genocide right now. there's a lot of, there's lots of pay here. there's cultural, this politics is just power play. all of it is in bold and, and fashion isn't fresh, it falls. then the are a simple and the way end up. oh, controlling 60 percent of the guy i'm in the show will be in control of 60 percent of sudan slot and they've shown in the past 12 months alone. just how much over dental side go massacring entity they are and they continue to do that in plain sight. and no sanctions have been placed on them. no punishment has been mentioned out of them. i would just like to go back to a point as to what to the other countries or other nations have to gain from being involved into. it's a form of neil colonialism. you're talking about resources to that and has rich
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agricultural land has minerals has gold, has access to the red sea. so you're talking about geo politics. you're talking about a, a form of new power play in the region. and those countries, you know, expanding their territorial interest be on their own borders. and if that means moving into new territories and africa, they know it. so got a new scramble to it for africa. only this time it's done by new players and the political field, as opposed to the traditional colonial powers. so this is what's up today and people, you know, the international community will only wake up when it's 2 days when it's far, far too big for every, for anything to be done. and by then i hate, i hate to say, but what will be left of suzanne? i don't think anyone knows. wait, doesn't bode well. hello. then let us cadence that's bringing to holler at that point to because the have been peace efforts, multiple piece efforts. in fact,
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by the international community, but at every step they have failed and they have been for gossen. why is it so difficult for the international community to come together to stop this war? the, i think the more direct you so piece engagements, all of the attempts for all of these efforts around suzanne has points to simply be emphasized because focusing on, you know, a smaller sherry form, you know, and, and that has been the case of many, many sites and that's the main be sort of the fact that we keep going on side comes to biology because they have not be a significant investment. you know, either by the bridge i would, i would like smoke distance or lot of the things i brought to the community general, but i would like to speak about. so now i'm 40 to 78. so to there is
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a serious issue of lack of flex from the bus mistakes and he proceeds on issues of power and control without any clear elements. so political projects i know from the past experiences of the other issue. that's corny simply need. think 2 of the disagreements is the lack of accountability me as a significant and the date that keeps popping up. those f has been so in both the ad and so in order to come to commit such a trust set fees for over 20 years. and so when they are no she, when they launch the war, you talked to, i mean did the yeah. and the to be exactly what they have done in that for, you know, in terms of destructions or poor communities of infrastructure of transferring
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hooked up the communities for book the farming is displayed on the same ballpark. um, except the size mass you dispositions um saw box and sexual wow. and stuff has happened before over the past 20 years. nothing to this discount but did happen before. and they thought the way of going to the bottom. it has been the lower the price to the needs to be honest, if has been rewarded by the international community. you know, i'm looking at houses, then usually they don't buy, you know, engaging with god as espend thinking that they want to utilize them as proxy card says, you know, to say the buyer will says i'm and i'm at the same side, you know, at the bottom by the 34 so i can talk in interest on things that they almost broke . see any bar. okay. yeah. okay. all right. yeah, yeah, donna, i just want to ask if you, you agree with that, the, the,
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one of the key issues here is that all the actors in to john feel believe probably rightly that they kind of act with impunity. and i mean, you mentioned before the beginning, but it is extraordinary, or that we don't even know how many people have been killed and that some itself is extraordinary. that we do not have a clear number. it ranges from 15002850000. no one is watching this. there are no cameras the, there is no john lists. they cannot for them to unity company, buchanan, they are, and they have that me, they, i mean, if you just look at our recent history from the post revolution, the massacre of the citizens. no one was ever held accountable, the genocide of death for no and was held accountable. if you, if you do not have justice and if you don't have accountability, then this is what you will end up with. a war between 2 power hungry general. and doesn't matter who gets caught in the middle, which is always the civilians. and in the political system is that it's just
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not too interested in what's happening and they will only get people to be brought to the impacts them directly. the open twin more displaced people try to cross into european countries or try to find, you know, a sun safety somewhere else. well obviously there's a lot of people matilda ready to have escaped and probably will be trying to escape into chad. is that route still open to people depending on where they are. um, a lot of the people right now are in a slasher. i trust you. uh, i have a colleague who just left outside. sure, not sleek. it was just very treasurer's during the last 4 day and he had to cross through a desert. they had to cross through different check. fine. so in 3 you find me, you know, tier into the detail as the tax to perhaps kill you. you don't,
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is came out of fashion easy, the actually actually described it as it opened prison. so the people that we are seeing and chattering the one that says that there are also people who are writing in china because no, because they've seen the finest because they've seen hunger. that's something i want you to assist you with earlier. said that as to don, i have does not have resources including agriculture resources and that was indeed one of the big baskets of, of the confidence. right now you have a nice ac and people or highly secure can bags. and we have probably more than a 1000000 people where the risk of send me is not, you know, ratings, i mean. and when i say, man, you can use that to make, seem like turning the corner. what do you see is that people are 18 views, 1881 the other day. the key. we have women who have to engage in controls, action with sex and whether to to, to for truth heard of the, the, to,
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to sell their roof. they need a new shelter, stuff made of nothing and that's to share their. so there was thing with the to, to get something 3. so like, the situation is terrible and people are not seeing, you know, the battle and the bombing and the indiscriminate finance and, and the rating deals to being hunger. hello. uh, there was a paris during the conference just recently that managed to raise $2000000000.00 us dollars in sledge is not actual money. but pledge is there is money to be given to agencies to get food in. but why, what are the adults that goes to guessing the food from the agencies, into adult for region and into the, into the people who actually need us. right now. you know, the whole country is going to a very unique yes war. so every part of the country, even the so called for the quote, you know, preventative districts, it's under the,
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from charlotte staff. you know, all the states that are to be stuff artist is, is in for the, for the truck already. they are, is, do you know of my about 3rd of this. so this is what you know. so i have that issue protection, which is why i'm said that's to dance prices, you know, is a protection prices. and i think it's one of the biggest protection crises that happened in our pickup. so the level protection store, a large extent, you know, he said hey, they're the access to it. be awesome. they're not of interest. start sharp to process it. you know, um uh there is a lot of people can i see that it is for a lot of a dense that's happening a far too down side. but all she from the side, you know, i'm the fact that, you know,
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be uh when the ships off to the new stability, it is not a priority to any of the actors locked out. she's done at the moment, i'm and that's to be one of the big challenges. so the bring you in at this point because i saw that you had caught a reaction when i mentioned the power as donor conference. what did you think of that? i mean, like you said, they've touch, but nothing has been given. i think the age funds for suzanne stanza, 2200000000 and only 12 percent has been coverage. and yet in january the you just signed off on the 50000000000 a package to ukraine. so that leads to point 1000000 troops to point 2000000000. you have a 5000000 people die and problem hunger. you have people in refugee comes where a lot of agencies have, have to start operating because they do not have you know, they're required the medical medicine or food supplies. and it's just funny. i
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mean, the old flags, but nothing has come through. and i know like they say you can walk the walk, but can you talk the talk and until the money gets down to the agencies. oh, did i do? i do agree that both sides are hidden during the delivery of age and they're also hindering, in terms of, you know, giving permits to agencies in a your cause. and visa is and they talk to them and there's a lot of, you know, oh, the other factors involved. but agencies have a way they can, they know how to deal with both sides to ensure that they get through to the people who need it. okay, so under the money to do that, i just want to get one last thought from you. what happens if nothing is done? the instruction of access. i've never seen that in the carrier. it's one of the most difficult country to work in as a humanitarian. because work is as domestically lot agencies from reaching people and i can tell you what's happening right now is that the reason why people are
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surviving is because we have the tutor suit and use. we're on the ground on the front line, risking their lives to, to say the peers. just yesterday a community workers were children that foster these avalanches. they're not, they're not wearing any to any. and you, you know, little go, they just doing it, you know, out of themselves and their friends, soup kitchen and shelters. and they helping the steps. facebook, kids for children to me, door and for the fun. and these ones are so being intact. so it's not only about, uh, you know, during the day she said to you there also stuff thing and that we have run out of time was by strong and vital discussion there many things to all of you for joining us here today. the mohammed a doing my name, battelle view, and holla, okay, all right, and thank you to, for watching, you can see the program again any time by visiting a website that solves, is there
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a dot com, the discussion to go to a facebook page that's facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story is also during the conversation on the x r heinz' at h a inside story from me laura kyle and the whole team him. by the unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide, and however it is bringing attention to that. this is not a rock that looks like rock but looks like it's hell on heard voices. we lost everything. we're not to see the slides connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in the region, governments and other companies are still in indigenous land. the streams on our just the are a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we
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can as long as you say we're correspondence. that's what we strive to do. so we look at the worlds to please me, stories of what kind of response can we expect from china if tech talk is in the back of the markets in economies and smooth businesses, how time cube was wide, economic problems be addressed. certainly be fixed to understand how it affects d. 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually fully. why is that counting the cost? oh no. just the euro. in las vegas employees thousands. a huge proportion of them. latino workers in the service industry had taught by carpet the economy, furious about illegal immigration. trump meets the votes and is pushing called for the. the republican party matches and aligns with our culture and our values, our core. it's the core of us. if we went nevada, we went the whole thing. donald trump isn't
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a strong position haven default or right now he has a 5 point lee, the head of joe quite a lot can happen between now and november. but the political winds of change may be heading to nevada, at least if donald trump gets his way. the the hello, i'm marianne demise the welcome to the news our life from dawn. coming out for the next 60 minutes is rails minute tree, once again, targets residential buildings in around gauze. the city at least 20 palestinians. it kills. wow. escalating violence along the lebanon, israel board and around. hang out. the more accurate raises fee is of a whitening conflicts. g 7 lead us turn their attention to migration.


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