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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 14, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the, the . ringback the israel's ministry once again targets residential buildings in an around gauze. the city at least 20 palestinians killed the hello. this is out as they are life from tow. coming up on the program, the number of children dying from acute malnutrition, in gauze it is on the rise, as well as road blocks, the entry of life saving age,
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escalating violence along the 11 in israel board, and a rom hang on for more rhetoric raises fears of a widening conflicts in south africa passed to swear in a new parliaments and pick a new president after intense coalition talks to form a government, the beginning goes up. these variety minute tree is carried out number of as strikes and raids across the gaza strip. the number of palestinian civilians getting killed . the engine continues to grow overnight ourselves targeted a family at the blue res refugee camp. at least one palestinian was killed and 10 people were injured. many others were taken to the allowed a hospital in the se, rod for medical help, but they're also dest. you to acute mount nutrition and gaza, that is old. so increasing,
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and is especially affecting children. a 14 year old palestinian team has become the latest victim of the severe food and medicine shortages. most of i had jersey and his family, or among the many palestinians in southern gauze that has been displaced when now struggling to meet the basic needs. honey, my load is at the alex hospital in darrow bala. what supplies to treat children suffering from malnutrition of foss, running out the use of a star vision vide, is really missouri, as a weapon of war, has proven to be deadly for children across the gaza strip. of the $35.00 people who died of mountain nutrition and for the hydra is far facing the $28.00 of them, happens to be children, and with the ongoing is regular blockade on deland, the crossings and prevention and restrictions on the entry of basic food supplies necessity and medical supplies, the risk is extended to include those with health complications including pregnant
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women, those of breast feeding, annually worn babies are suffering of this ongoing. now nutrition, this is honey, my moist promotions era. i left the hospital in the central area of garza house and a what are you joins us live now from down by the in central, gaza. and the end tell us more about what you have witnessed in terms of malnutrition, salvation and finding. among palestinians in gauze are especially the vulnerable of the well we lost another child today, and this is the 2nd child we lose in the same exact week. first, it was not an 8 year old girl and today it's most of the a 10 year old boy that had has complications and due to my nutrition at they passed away. and we also have a doctor with us today docs and how much
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a he orthopedic surgeon from doctor hospital. and he's going to tell us more about those cases. thanks for joining a doctor. um, can you tell us, please? what are the children in the gaza strip? going through and the mom nutrition cases. what could you tell us about those cases please? when we talking about the medical condition cases yet and not so it has to be done or in the notice of god's always because we're talking about the effects of the war in that goes uh, scripts as the all the people here especially and should then be what we would talk about this, we should talk about the closure of the crossing, going off a head board, the, the, the list of the supplement and list lots of the suspension meant for these steeds kids. and did they, did they did it. they did, they didn't dig their phone over there to make and they have food, special food for them. this is
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a fit for the children and the supplement of their uh, general health and the complicated as many nutrition patients that then they did dr. the opposite hospital is only on ones and the rates are there has been no medical supplies. how are you coping with the other doctors and the medical facility to continue treating all of these palestinians? yes, no. the deluxe ultimate, that is, uh, working in, uh, when do you need it on that secondary data, or does that mean or of the managing it? richard is the bins. and the it's of, of said was no, that one, you know, that the ones in that age or is the didn't work or floor on the, all of those. because sometimes the, we shut down the, some of the documents and boe out on another departments. something like a it always to use and the patients rooms and then you need to, i see you,
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we work on the electricity on it, a continuous and shut down the, you know, departments and the some of the, especially in the rooms in those to be done a like a management. ready who owns the we shut down the electricity on it and you know, development in those we that we shut down because the gene that i thought they didn't work on all those within it's the butler is listed in the mentioned that it's one of those. but that the, i mean, he can supply it is the maybe in the next week we see it will still a list of all me because of lies or of the industry me in for of the mambo or here is the out of the doctor's is exhausted. already 9 months of working continuous working the night working all of that stuff and i'm talking in the adult sounds to
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me that but i am, it's of a gene that our kids in the only the only to be that of the, of the excellence within is covered about 1000000 people here in the me that area because of that was to be, does that mean an area and they're not talking now just deluxe. so it's because of the placement of people from north and from the south of goza is still here in the immediate area, the accounts, but that is covered all of them pay out and get the treatment to them. but it's me, they've got some light on the clothes out of the house with that is if it's very badly young in the a supplies and supplement of the thank you doctor. thank you so much. this is what a little bit of what the allots the hospital is going through. and those doctors have been working tirelessly for more than 9 months working and trying to has those policy needs with as low as much as possible with very minimum resources. thank you
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. so much from job i la and garza and a who do we are forcing to us. meanwhile, the united nations report has condemned his writing forces by killing and injuring palestinian children. un secretary general says he's a pull of by young presidents and scalar violations against children in palestine, and israel antonia terrace describes them as brutal acts of terror. the one verified more than 5 and a half 1000 violations by is ready forced. as last year, the united nations is also found that a mouse and his law made job committed a $137.00 violations against children report notes. at least $43.00 children in israel were killed during the october 7th attacks. gabriel, alexander has more on that report from you and headquarters in new york. there's a lot to unpack in this report. it's over a 100 pages long. but virginia camp the secretary general's special representative for children in arms. conflict has come under some criticism for not speaking out
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more forcefully as violations are happening against children, especially in gaza. i asked her about this. how can your office enhanced its responsiveness to gray violations against children in real time rather than just gathering data in the after the fact, if i know that there is a spike, there's an i'm conflict where i have reason to believe children understood it. i will go probably to remind or part is to conflict over their obligations under the 6th grade violations in a way i'm saying we're watching. so i can remind them so many times that we're watching. this is what i can do. i would love to have a bed responsive make on these my, my disposal. but without
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a specific resolution of the security council that allowing me to do that, i would being faxed to undermining the money, done reporting mechanisms. and it says luggage report only counts of violations specifically and independently verified by the united nations and due to access restraints, particularly in gaza. the full report in the information does not represent the full scale of the violations against children. gabriel is on the out, is here at the united nations in new york with all the developments with the following and is riley as try can solve and 11 and as killed at least 2 women after a building at home was targeted in the town of janelle to about 20 kilometers north of the folder. several people also injured in the attack earlier on 1st day has ball is that it $550.00 rockets into northern israel and the occupied go on hides 11 and base groups as the tax. but in response to the killing of one of it, seen the columbus that comes a daft has ball or 5 more than 200 rockets in to israel st holder has
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this report now from june, not to in southern lebanon. we are in a nasa that is a town in southern lebanon where an overnight is ready, strike, destroyed that building behind me. a 2 story building. as you can see, the smoke is still rising. the is really army is saying that this was a command center belonging to has the law. but hezbollah sources have told us that no one was in that building and nobody or no member of the group was killed. but as a result of that strikes, civilians were killed and injured in that building close by. 2 women killed and there are other critical injuries children also among the injured. this seems to be as well as response to has by laws the attacks in northern israel over the past 2 days has been, has been using arm drones, dozens of rockets targeting military positions in northern israel,
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simultaneously in response to the killing of a senior commander on tuesday night, so this exchange of fire, this flare up is causing concern. but in the bigger picture, it is still within the unwritten rules of engagement. now, while you know the, the, the few kilometers along the border is a close military area and we've had strikes deeper inside the country like this one . the situation. the reality in the rest of lebanon is different out. the pace and intensity of the confrontations between israel and hezbollah is growing. so is top of the wider war villages along both sides of the border, de, populated, and attacked in the past 8 months. a times the strikes reach further insight. we are here. this is the point. everything is okay here. a lot of water getting on
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everything is fine. 20 kilometers north of the border is 11 east city of tire. many here have got used to the not so distant sound of explosions and fight. they're just freaking the sound barrier. yeah, yeah. we can see everything we can see when the bomb being on the court on the, on the board of the 300. all right? well, not like them has the law has a strong presence and support in southern lebanon. were many back the army groups decision to open up a front to help garza but the fractured political and 6th period landscape becomes apparent as we travel deeper inside left and on in the capital. they route. it's a different reality. here. there are little signs of war and life carries on as normal. for many i know what's happening, but i see like it's in and other countries since it doesn't affect the 1st year
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baby was. abraham sees it differently and tries to explain the disconnect. i um, from there i do believe that all 11 i was going through a war. i think there's a huge divide in this country. the biggest issue is that a lot of people don't think themselves as part of loving or they think it's a whole thing in itself. it's summer time. i think people come they, they try to forget from most of the things that are happening them, the war of attrition is still relatively contained, with an escalation could worse than 5 years of political and economic crises that have all but this going to the states live in on is gearing up for the summer season when ex pats are expected to return in large numbers was much needed hard currency, but as well as warning, it could be a hot summer. if hezbollah does not retreat from the boarder regence. on the surface there appears to be in difference, but there is concern on what comes next center there. i was just the, the date of the
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south africa is new. parliament will be sworn in the coming hours of to intend storks, to form a unity government with the african national congress upon them. it will also formerly choose its president. for me, the minute reports on this now from cape town, a just hours ahead of the 1st sitting of parliament following major elections so that africans remain uncertain about what the new governments will look like. president silver, i'm a pauses said he's african national congress party will form a government of national unity while the a and c one, the election getting 40 percent of the vote. it lost its parliamentary majority, will invites products from a post as invited all parties to join the government. and then we'll break on the agreement that we need to lift.
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but it's proving more difficult than expected to the national listing cause of freedom party says it's willing to join a partnership along with this interest, democratic alliance. all the amc says it's met with those parties and others. it says it's noted, willing to disclose details. that doesn't mean we, i don't know what it doesn't mean that this is, this is us. the book, this is a, a government that's going to be a kind of make. is that the result of the out of the whole kind of volatility of the uncertainty that we in. but another opposition party regarded by some is radical lift, has rejected working with the da. we reject this government with able to think it deserves for as long as it points in white supremacist. it points in, i've done that a don't. it was in colonialism. my name is in or not be part of the new quarterly out of cost me the economic freedom fighters parties is the da represents white's
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capitalist interest. oh, it says divergent views of land reform and economic involvement will sit so that if i go back i've come to the da says it wants to protect so that because democracy and prevent what is called a doomsday coalition. for now, significant policy, an ideological differences and strained relations appeared to be blocking the way forward. meanwhile, former president jacob zoom as new party. i'm content with caesar at known as m k. one to the constitutional pull to block the 1st sitting opponent. while the party won almost 15 percent of the vote, it says the election was rigged and he's refusing to accept the results. but its challenge was dismissed during friday sitting up, the national assembly members will vote for the president's pizza and deputies speakerphone to minutes. while the process is likely to give people a better idea of what the new government will look like, a lot still hangs in the somebody them a lot. i'll just say we're
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a cape town. and i'll speak to nita. she is in cape town. of course. how stable a government to people expecting this to be a well, just so stable that government will be is, is uncertain because there's just so much uncertainty around the to go station so far as we got the b a and c is saying that he doesn't want to divulge exactly the arrangement that is in place, so continues to be negotiated, but it is very important that the government be stable, especially for south africa's economy that has been struggling. we've seen that in decent days. the markets up to some extent reacted to possible partnerships depending on some of the reports that have come out indicating who the african national congress is talking to. it appears as if the most prominent told so what could be in the offing is a partnership with the democratic alliance and being costs of freedom party,
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which economists, which the markets have been reacting quite favorably to. because of that reason specifically, it would indicate for the markets the most stable government. now that's what the african national congress has said, is that they want to work in the interest of 12 africa, into a continuity, and also stability most viceti. what we are expecting in parliament in dispos sitting today is the election of the president, the speaker, and the deputy speaker. now it's of course likely that's what we're my for so will be re elected as president from within the parliament. his current p amongst the 1st group of people that are about to be sworn in as members of parliament, but who exactly the speaker and the deputy will be, may indicate to south africans what the arrangement is. so for those to sort of been happening behind closed doors. thank you very much from kate down to meet him in the reporting on the story was that i had for you on the program g 70 does turn
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their attention to migration and trade on the 2nd day of the summit and easily only meet the officers and so you have one of the most rosy jones in the same wild the a week, the look of the world still place in the stores. what kind of response can we expect from china? if tech talk is in the global markets and economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide, economic problems be addressed, trying to be fixed to understand how it affects the 9 south asia is growing for employment levels that actually fully why is that? counting the cost. oh no, jew sierra in the competitive world of chest, a new generation of kings and queens is taken over to achieve something big for
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myself and the country is very special. 11 east goes inside the high 6 world of indian chest. and we see young prodigies who are meeting their mark on the international stage. india's chest cottage is $10.00 to 0. on from done interrupting discussions from a london broadcast center on alger 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the, i'll come back and look at 9 stories now. up to 20 pallets, things have been killed in a series of his re as strikes in around garza city. several women and children are
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among the dead and elsewhere, and is rainy as striking, southern lebanon as killed at least 2 women vex the attack dog. is it a residential building? the town of janetta east 20 people were injured on its day 2 of the g 7 summits in a to lead as a set to discuss migration that's one of the big issues in the head of the roman catholic church. put francis, we'll address the gathering on the positive and negative aspects of artificial intelligence. on thursday, the us and japan signed a separate security agreements with ukraine. old g 70 does agreed to provide keys a $50000000000.00 loan for minute tre, reconstruction and humanitarian use. as well as for on gaza was also on the discussion with you as president joe biden, accusing him, us of delaying the peace process. jonah, how has this report now from the southern italian city of bari, and the pretty a region i was in garza and you, craig, with prominent and discussions among the 7 leaders install the new to the opiate
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with different prospects for progress on ukraine. president followed him, is that lensky was off with a gesture of the g 7 long term support. a 10 year bilateral security deals signed with the united states to add to some of the deals with other g 7 members together intended as a step towards eventual nato membership. this is trying to ukraine's credible defense in deterrence capabilities for the long term. a lasting peace for ukraine must be underwritten by ukraine's own ability to defend itself now. and just to turn future aggression any time in the future. united states going to help ensure that ukraine can do both sanctions were expanded on entities, still helping to keep rushes. economy afloat. and the deal was reached to allow the interest on frozen russian assets to be used as collateral for a $50000000000.00 loan to ukraine, put me to treat reconstruction and humanitarian use. today is
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a truly historic j. it may have signed the strongest agreement between ukraine and the us since our independence. and this is an agreement on security and does on the protection of human life. because it is tricky, a territory, the new crime and for the d 7 within the sometimes divided in the support for israel and the palestinians and facing allegations from outside poker, c, and double standards. as a result, a section of the summit struck conclusions, reiterates the g 7, support for what it described as us efforts towards a sci fi. it's also expected to contain language confirming. the g settings commitment to a 2 state solution and it urges israel to refrain from it, expands the defensive in ralph or in the science of the gaza strip school. it's a big moment for thailand. prime minister,
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georgia maloney costs becoming the acceptable face of foreigners like politics on the international stage and the intent on forging new influence for each of the in europe. in massage. okay, well yeah, well that is the message we want to convey. it's a jew 7 under the teddy and presidency that wants to strength and it's dialogue with the nations of the global self. this d 7 lack some of the amiable informality of previous gatherings. and no, just because of the gloomy state of the world and a has an easy smile, but all have fellow leaders face battles for the political futures at home. the next g 7 lineup could look quite different to this one. jo, nicole elders 0 binary in southern it. today. i'm joined now by diplomatic edison, james spaces and the premier region of southern x ray and following these g 7 developments. and so the pope pope fonts, this is going to be joining g 70. does that the gathering on the 2nd day? yes, he's top of the building in some ways. here today is
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a open up the g 7 to all the leaders around the world. the pope is used to dealing with things beyond the human realm, but it's not spiritual matches is going to be talking about here is actually going to be joining the conversation on artificial intelligence. there are a number of leaders, in fact the record number of leaders from other countries that have been invited here. right now there's a session going on about migration. let me read you the list of other countries leaders of the here, jordan, india, argentina, algeria, brazil, can you and motor atanya, tennessee a to kia and the u. a. e. now this is a, i think an effort by the out, the chair, the president of this is a g 7. the prime minister below need to show that the g 7 is still relevant. their allegations, obviously with the brain versus garza of hypocrisy and double standards. and many of these g 7 need is looking pretty weak at home on,
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on this occasion as they gather here. now we've already had, i think the main discussions in terms of the leaders all of the talking about it on ukraine with of us important developments and on the middle east and gaza. but as ever, in the g 7 cs, they have the formal meetings with everyone around the table, but a lot of the business gets done on the sidelines. so cool, bilateral lead is one meeting with another. so we need to watch very closely, some of those meetings will be taking place later on today, and that could well be more development. so i think on, for example, garza already, or you heard say in the talking about the situation of the, in northern israel, a sort and some southern lebanon and the growing tension that, that somebody with g 7 leaders of already set that deeply concerned about. okay, thank you very much. james bass reporting from the g 7 meeting a civilian meyer and it has been severely injured officer who's the attack on a congo ship in the gulf of age. and us ministry helicopter lifted the injured crew
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member for treatment. the who sees everyone to repeat, to drug and missile strikes on ships in the red sea since november. i say the attacks are a campaign of solidarity with the palestinians. now torrential rain is triggered flash. lots across several pots of spain, including in the south eastern, says you have must be a rescue. teams carried out no preparation to save a drive that trapped inside his vehicle. 55 to say they've responded to move in 200 incidents so far. i want to take you to kenya where a police officer has been shelton injured is charleston and you to judge inside a court before being killed in a shootout with offices happened in the market. are a little quotes in nairobi office who was angry that the magistrate rejected his wife fail requests, his wife admitted obtaining more than $20000.00 through fraud. now getting reports that reports the 18 civilians have been killed and se sued
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on women and children are among the dead and not attacked by the rapids support forces and shave. some money has been escalating violence in the country between the r a stuff in the army. since the latest conflict erupted just of a year ago, a supreme court, which is unanimously rule to keep access to an abortion pill. rejecting a bid put forward by a coalition of anti abortion groups. me for the 1st one is used for 2 thirds of all abortions in america and will now stay on the market top course over time, the federal right to abortion 2 years ago. and since then, more than 20 states of restricted the procedure, patients have been able to receive this bill by mail and also in pharmacies it on us cuz one approval from tesla shall the, is for a pay package, totaling up to $56000000000.00 in cash and stock options package. it may have been blocked by a judge who rules that must influence test as board of directors to avoid having
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the money they shall. this vote does not necessarily mean that mosque is going to receive the pay package, but it isn't listed as a visiting mecca for the annual hodge pilgrimage. focal point of that religious johnny is the called the a starting structure at the center of the great mosque and mca shamal bar went to visit the artists who design and create the drapes that covers the holy site. the cop uh is the stone building of the center of the great mosque of mecca. and here of this workshop in the west of the city is perhaps one of the most bid jobs in the bustling weld austin's. we've the black fabric that covers the cop uh, the cubicle structure which muslims consider as the house of god. it's a daily rush to finish the task on time. i love well how much uses gold and silver threads in the inscriptions that are displayed of the different panels of the dre


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