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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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or whatever has been done before can be done even as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear. the a 14 year old boy dies from now nutrition and gaza. most the thought had jobs, the was among the display seeking shelter in the south. the hello, i my, on the why is the, this is alger 0 live from del, how also coming off on the program. and escalation of violence along the lebanon is around order raising fears of a widening conflict in the region. the coalition deal in south africa between the
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african national congress and the democratic alliance, and a new parliament just one in a day ahead of the major international summit on ukraine. russia's present readiness. susan says he is open to the souls under certain conditions, the hello and welcome to the program. we begin with israel's war on gaza, which is created issue monetary and it does all stuff. that's as a result of acute malnutrition are increasing especially among children. a 14 year old boy is become the latest victim of the severe food medicine shortages was if i had jersey was sheltering with his family, among the many despised palestinians in southern gaza, who was struggling to meet the basic needs his name was most of his
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jersey he was 14 years old, he suffered brain atrophy and single failure. there's no power supply for his treatment. so we'd run out of medications. as there is honey, my load is outside the hospital why most of his body was taken in darrell by law. this is a body of 14 year old works of high jobs. he'll just died of mountain nutrition here at the lots. the hospital, most of and his families are displayed. family from northern garza, were pushed you into this displacement by this really military. the initial week of the war on gaza. most of i have suffered from melanie attrition and more recently me see ation a now being taken serious final rest of us, one of the 28th other children who died of this in 4th. the hydration and in our vision impose vide, is really military, by the ongoing restrictions and a blockade on the border. and the restrictions on the entry of necessary medical
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supplies and basic necessities to keep people alive and to help them survive these difficult conditions. what you see right now is the, is most of us mother and his father who are quite traumatized or what have been crying father and mothers over the bodies of their the children are unable to do anything to save them and to help them survive these difficult conditions this is most of the father writing in the car. they are taking his body to his final read to the cemetery. well, is there any forces that struck and now the home and central gaza king that is one palestinian and injuring many others the dead and the wounds that have been taken
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to the bylaws of fox, the hospital. one of the strips, few functioning medical facilities struggling to provide cat to the injured, a shortage of fuel and power supplies means sauce have to treat patients in the dock. the areas around locks. i've also been the target of his res, shutting and misaligned attacks. and recent days i just there is and i wonder, is that the alex hospital endowed by line central kaiser and she joins us now live . first of all, tell us about these latest strikes and cars are in the casualties from nice medium. the latest air strike was in just the western parts of dropbox and upset with the neighborhood 2 or 3 policy news right killed. there was also another house targets ended by a very close to the hospital where we are right now. and then these 2 policy means were killed and for others, right? critically injured among them arches been talking to the parents of those children . they said they were playing in the courtyard when the air strikes to face. there
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were also 2 fishermen tubes earlier today as they were fishing in the sea that is renewed. what worship targeted them and also targeted their boats. they were transferred kid in a box, a hospital from uh, the milwaukee of con eunice. there was also a target in a saw that refugee camp one of them a populated spence, the populate suggested you can see in the clouds of 3 or 43 palestinian women were killed. also there has been a couple of targets in the se, dot and today's it's still ongoing. their strengths are gone. despite the ceasefire, no boot sees into our since taking place from north to the south medium. and of course, the alexa hospital has been a very desperate situation for a while with generates is breaking down most enough supplies and medicines. what's happening there at the moment, how they treating patients?
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many of the situation up to the hospital is dire. i'm in the last incident that took place in o off it, besides the ox. the hospital about asians family was targeted and a couple of people were injured among them. children and they all came to the emergency department and it was dark because of the hospital is trying to rush and they're trying to leave up as much fuel as possible and give the fuel to at the very important departments just like the i to you and that gives me the alas to speak to departments and also the incubators. so they had to give a 1st a and emergency treatment to those injured on slash lights. it was dark. and this is the only way the hospital could organize their fuel because they're only works on ones in the rates. are the main generator turned off, there has been no fuel and it's the fuel source which they have been receiving
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a fuel every day. and then, and that's why they told us that they need at least $4000.00 features per day. and there is no guarantee that they're going to receive a fuel every single day and not only fuel shortage, but also medical supplies. and people are dying due to the lack of medical treatment just like most of us as the who died due to the lots of vitamins mom nutrition and the special food he needs met him. thank you so much and i'll quarter reporting to some down by law and all the developments and as rainy as striking southern lebanon has killed these 2 women off to a building near the home is targeted in the town of janetta. it's about 20 kilometers north of the border. several people also injured and not attacked. just arizona holder has this report now from you, not to in southern lebanon, as we are in a nasa that is a town in southern lebanon where an overnight is ready,
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strike, destroyed that building behind me. a 2 story building. as you can see, the smoke is still rising, but the is really army is saying that this was a command center belonging to hezbollah, but has the sources have told us that no one was in that building and nobody or no member of the group was killed but as a result of that strike, civilians were killed and injured in that building close by 2 women killed and there are other critical injuries children. also, among the inter, this seems to be as well as response to has the bylaws, the attacks in northern israel over the past 2 days has been has been using arm drones, dozens of rockets targeting military positions in northern israel simultaneously in response to the killing of a senior commander on tuesday night, so this exchange of fire, this flare up is causing concern. but in the bigger picture,
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it is still within the unreturned rules of engagement. now, while you know the, that the, the few kilometers along the border is a close military area and we've had strikes deeper inside the country like this one, the situation, the reality and the rest of lebanon is different. the pace and intensity of the confrontations between israel and hezbollah is growing. so is top of the wider war. the villages along both sides of the border de, populated and attacked in the past 8 months. a times the strikes reach further inside. we are here. this is the point. everything is okay here. a lot of water getting on everything is fine. 20 kilometers north of the border is 11 east city of tire. many here have got used to the not so distant sound of explosions and fight.
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they're just freaking the sound barrier. yeah, we can see everything we can see when the bomb being on the court on the, on the board of the let's see, i don't know what the trade. well, north, like them has below, has a strong presence and support in southern lebanon. were many back the army groups decision to open up a front to help garza but the fractured political and 6th period. landscape becomes apparent as we travel deeper inside left and on in the capital b root. it's a different reality. here, there are little signs of war and life carries on is normal for many. i know what's happening, but i see like it's in other countries since it doesn't affect the 1st year baby with abraham sees it differently and tries to explain the disconnect i um from there i do believe that all 11 i was going through a war i think there's
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a huge divide in this country, and the biggest issue is that a lot of people don't think themselves as part of the level of they think it's the whole thing in itself. it's summer time. i think people come they, they try to forget from most of the things that are happening then the war of attrition is still relatively contained, with an escalation could worse than 5 years of political and economic crises that have all but destroyed the states. living on is gearing up for the summer season when ex pats are expected to return in large numbers was much needed hard currency, but as well as warning, it could be a hot summer. if hezbollah does not retreat from the boarder regence. on the surface there appears to be in difference, but there is concern on what comes next center for their elders. either beta the, the south africa's governing african national congress and the democratic alliance. pos
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you've reached a deal to form a unity government deal includes all the smaller policies as well comes often members of parliament was sworn in a will elect the countries presidents in the coming hours. the governing amc lost its outright majority and was forced into coalition talks with all the policies in order to form this governments of national unity and meet them in a joins us live now from cape town. tell us more about the different policies that are going to make up this coalition government the well, the most prominent member, aside from the agencies, you mentioned that the democratic alliance, which brought about 21 percent of the votes following major election. but a nother party being called to freedom party has about 17 seats in parliament. and i'm on a civil also said that because there's been a significant amount of criticism around this for 10, this partnership with use,
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the da and the african national congress. bringing in a party like the i a p. makes this partnership most palatable for a lot of people, but it would also greatly benefit the amc in terms of some of the influence and the, the partnerships and the governance of provinces in south africa. specifically because you know, natal providence, which is an important one full the amc, especially given that it's as a ports one of the busiest in africa. and this is also a province we, the newly formed. i'm going to receive a part to you m k, which is led by the name of president jacob luma, but 45 percent of the vote. so this alliance nationally is likely to, to go down to the provinces like cause you to tell within the amc along with the i b and other small it walk you through join them, could encounter the m k and, and, and then remove that sort of threats from that kind of party which the amc has been
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concerned about. but ultimately this partnership between the amc, the i a p and the d. a is likely to bring great disability and also support for the re election of president fuller. i'm a poor so as president in the 7th administration, is this quite a dining point for the country in a way of to decades of a n. c dominance to now make this transition to coalition politics? will the agencies enjoy it? it's positioned, it's very dominant position for 3 decades now, as you say, and very much also because it was the liberation party for so that frequency volt freedom. often i'm following a par tate and uh and so many so that for kansas vision, older generation have remained loyal to the party and thankful to that part to pull that liberation role. but there are a number of issues since then,
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including the difficulties the party itself is experiencing specifically corruption scandals and allegation aside from that, south africa struggles with a constant electricity supply. there's a very high unemployment rate, rampant come a commonality. and so the parties have to deal with those and other braden lots of issues that minnesota africans are unhappy with and save you as the and she hasn't dealt with adequately. and so perhaps this kind of partnership speaks to the boats and the options. that's all the africans are looking at in terms of how they want these issues remedies. thank you very much. i mean a minute reporting to this on this story from cape town us, or were you but have news now from sit on a scene. civilians have been killed in the southeast and pop the country. women and children are among the dead in out of time by the rapid support forces in shape of some money. thousands of people have been killed in the country and also millions
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displaced in a brutal rule that interrupted between the army and the permanent treat recess. actual still spring you on the program. the head of the roman catholic church makes a rad parents of the g 7 summit meeting message he has fleet is that fine, rough mcbride, and goes on county, south korea close to the crossing point on the dmc. the one stuff with hope of back to relations with the note for when the propaganda loudspeakers of land, the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump? now, i don't think so and that it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank
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assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment. no one can build boxes for the inside story on algebra. the. the challenges here with the . ringback the, the,
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i'll come back with, i'll just hear a lie from the main stories. now. the number of children died from starvation is rising and gaza is ro, is blocking the entry of a life saving food and medical supplies. meanwhile, and is really striking, southern lebanon has killed at least 2 women targets in a residential building in the town of general to at least 20 people, including children, were injured in the attack on south africa's african national congress of the democratic a, lives pause. you've reached a deal for full men, unity governments. it comes as the new parliament just wanted to make his expect. you to elect the president in the coming hours now and all the stories of following
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washer and present by dint of pollution. his promise. peace talks with ukraine and says he sees a complete end to the war, but only on condition that he's pulls out its troops from the is that please? yes. how? so i'm done yet. and the highest regions, patient also wants you crying to give off its plans to join nato leadership. a lot of is joining us now from the russian capital must go tell us more about these remarks from the russian president. a lot different variation was speaking as a mold and a now and before and ministry here. in most cases, it happened just days before the peace conference on ukraine in switzerland, where russia, as you know, hasn't been invited, but according to police, in, without russia's participation in the conference. without an on his dialogue, as he said, it is impossible to reach you at supplement in ukraine. and he also has said that russia is ready for dialogue. it took him quite
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a while to explain once again versus position on this conflict and his vision of how it all began the role of the western it. what is important though, is that according to a person brush, it does not need a temporary suspension of fine ukraine, but a complete resolution of the conflict patient has said that for a cease fire, as you mentioned as well, you created must withdrawal troops from the eastern and southern regions of don't ask lou guys because of our osha and harrison and refuse to join nato. and he also named a number of other demands who stated that a russians go? is it neutral? and in euclid of free ukraine, it's deem it a trice ation. and d not certification. and he also added that russia also demanded ensuring the rights of the russian speaking people in ukraine and accepting new territorial realises, hey, has said quote i,
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that's the new territories forever with russia. and they say she cannot be discussed and quote, and in addition, patients plan involved lifting a western sanctions against russia. the russian president has also said that accepting these conditions would not mean a freeze, but, and then to the conflict with ukraine and russia will see spot and stop negotiations. thank you very much. from us. go eat issue preventive reporting to us us. meanwhile, g 7 leaders have been holding a 2nd day of meetings in a today with migration of high on the agenda. and then in a row of parents of political events, the pope has now arrived. it becomes a 1st head of the catholic church to attend to g 7 meeting. it will speak about the risks and rewards of all sufficient intelligence. as across the joe in the hall, now it is in the premier region in italy for more on this. so a 1st of all, joanna, tell us about the focus of today's discussions of the
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welcome to getting reports all the time filtering out of those top the monkey 7 leaders of that joint statements that they've made off to particular discussions. obama to meetings and so on. things that will make their way eventually to the final communicate conclusions documents to be released at the end of this summit. so it's covering subjects like warnings to external actors, not to fuel the war in sudan warnings to be wrought enough to expand its nuclear enrichment at uranium enrichment program. concerns about china's activities in the south china seas of industrial over capacity and china is threatening to some markets and economies. the scope is incredibly broad. battery is the pointed purpose of this g 7 summit. one particular focus of the morning though another subject of interest migration, particularly of interest to the italian hosts, they brought to jump to the agenda as a tops this morning about trying to tackle up people smuggling trafficking at trying to get into it. additional investment due to countries in the global south
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to try and do these journeys where they begin dangerous journeys to bring people they often to your very well from here to a today. and with that, the mind, the g 7 not particularly respected in the global south anymore, seen as something of an act, and then that produces, they've opened the doors wide on friday to a host of other countries. circles out. i'll reach countries invited by it's really specifically to talk about migration the likes of india, argentina presented also in africa. i'll give you kenya mauritania, and to see john as a pope is also that upfront. this has just arrived. that's quite unusual. it's extremely unusual. francis will become the 1st pontiff to take part in and address the 7 leaders as a g 7 summit when he speaks to them a bit later on. and the focus of those discussions will be on artificial intelligence. the pipe advancing a fairly well in stones. now vatican a vision for a human centered,
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more ethical approach to the development of a i that's about to be just trying to assign tech companies and other countries on to. so that's what he'll be bringing to the table. he'll be holding by that's with a number of leaders and speaking publicly, i think it's worth listening closely to what he has to say publicly because the pipe may well stray away from the a i agenda he's been, i'm afraid in the past to make controversial comments on things like the war and guys that he's cooled repeatedly for an immediate cease father. and indeed, earlier this year, you may recall on you try and extremely controversial comments say that you find to be willing to waive the white flag essentially that negotiate into the world was better than an i'm ending war. thank you very much, john. a $114.00 on the g 7 meeting for us. thank you. jonah. now relations between north and south korea or the west for several years across the demilitarized zone
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that separates them. the south ascent propaganda messages through louse because on the north is retaliated by sending of balloons filled with rubbish. on the pride travel to go some county at the into korean border. to find out more about how propaganda has been used over the years. the visitors to the d. m. z museum learned the story of this heavily armed uncontested frontier from its founding the end of the korean war. through the decades of angry exchanges, driven by propaganda campaigns by both sides as leaf bits of including the production and distribution of leaflets. by the 1000000000, we know that we showcased the process of how the dmc was formed that resulted from this division and the current military stand off between the north and south. the museum also has on display the type of speaker systems that the 2 sides have
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resumed using at the nearby observatory, south korea and visitors compere into the know, the recent resumption of loud speak of propaganda indicates the height and tensions between the 2 careers. but this eastern end of the d, m. z with its coastal road linking north and south, was offered the hope of back to relations even until a few short years ago. this crossing was used for the unions of families separated in the will and for a short lived joints tourism project. villages like this one benefited from the cross border exchanges, but that prosperity has faded as relations have listened. today on the left there were about 10 restaurants back then, but now there's only one of the villages economy is struggling. and so the effect is from the north now working as artists in the south display, some of the work. oh some child was a propaganda painter. for the military producing the kind of fervently packed for
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y'all, take paintings used to rally support for the north korean regime then. and now the north korean ok search is a powerful tool for the mental enslavement of the people. it's used as a way to uphold the regime. the back of the d. m. z web propaganda has raised tensions once more. both sides awake the next development in that full relationship . rob mcbride go to 0, go some county south korea a loan last cuz one approval from test, the shell is for pay package totaling up to $56000000000.00 in cash and stock options. packages initially blocked by a judge the rule, but must influence test the board of directors to avoid him. the money they shall. this vote does not necessarily mean law school receives the pay package, but it could help test as appeal against the judge's ruling. that's all for me for now, cause as more and everything we covered on our website,
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algebra. com. they'll find plenty of comment and analysis of course, and on the top. so it will be the latest details around the whole concept. but to, to say what is inside stories coming up next with a focus on see down the is now the seasonal rains are shaking the sales cut. obviously the southern china. but this, it was inactive. that line of thunderstorms, which actually gave a significant tornado, appear in the northeast of john, just just to bite visible on that video. now does it have to be repeated, but is this line here that they're going off? sure. so it gives a few shares of substance, the rain, the seasonal right, is still there. i'm not long, it's not just catching the file size of home. she's a whole lot, but of course slowly move north over the next few weeks. but currently we're
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looking at flooding from that in southern china, and some things are showing itself north of the young. see, it's been very hard to envision. we dined about 35. now, we would never 40 about 3 or 4 days ago following the line back and you following basically the seasonal range and the come round through. so came wristband, go back through central china is funding in westbank golden northern part of it, at least because a 171000000 be just in this nice in this area is rather too much in 24 hours before cassie's more of the same. so the funding is lot to be top top. the monsoon truck just ripped by reach, good giraffe that runs across this line. so everything to the south is shumate. an open way. everything to the north is still hold to hold the red warnings because of the amount of heat. now, in the northern plains of india, the, the pair this journey is taken by countless refugees fleeing danger. to many meet
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service. perhaps worse than death is the survivor. the syrian refugees seeking officers searches for disappeared assist. my may so a witness documentary on adjust the bible for alpha, show this fish fight thing for the capital of saddam's. no stop. both states acumen, violations being reported just how important is this region and the year long complex what rolls are outside of the plane. this is inside story, the hello.


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