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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 14, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the challenges with the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm the bulk of this is the news, a lot of from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. but escalation of violence along the 11 on israel border, raises feasible. why didn't conflicts in the region? the number of children dying from a huge amount nutrition in guys was rising while as well books. the entry of life
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saving 8 a day ahead of a major international summit on ukraine. russia's president says he's hosting to peaceful for good, strict conditions and south africa's presidents. there were a lot of opposed to keep his job after coalition deal with smaller policies in sports. so counting down to foot pools european championships the tournament kicks off in a matter of hours with heis germany against scotland in the item in game and getting the thanks for joining us. we started in 11 on where the situation on the border with israel is becoming increasingly tends us off the hezbollah account as its largest rocketed tanks against ministry targets in northern israel and responses where the forces have been striking what they say a has bullet positions in southern 11 on the areas hit by is ready as strikes include, residential buildings, 2 women were killed when
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a building next to the home was targeted in the lebanese town of gen asa that's about 20 kilometers north of the border. several others were injured in that attack . they know who has more now, problems you not to install the level. we are in a nasa that is a town in southern lebanon where an overnight is ready, strike, destroyed that building behind me. a 2 story building, as you can see, the smoke is still rising. the is really army is saying that this was a command center belonging to has the law, but has the sources have told us that no one was in that building and nobody or no member of the group was killed. but as a result of that strike, civilians were killed and injured in that building close by 2 women killed and there are other critical injuries children. also, among the inter, this seems to be as well as response to has the bylaws, the attacks in northern israel over the past 2 days has been has been using arm
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drones, dozens of rockets targeting military positions in northern israel simultaneously in response to the killing of a senior commander on tuesday night, so this exchange of fire, this flare up is causing concern. but in the bigger picture, it is still within the unreturned rules of engagement. now, while you know the, that the, the few kilometers along the border is a close military area and we've had strikes deeper inside the country like this one, the situation, the reality and the rest of lebanon is different. the pace and intensity of the confrontations between israel and has beloved is growing . so is talk of a lighter war. the villages along both sides of the border de, populated and attacked in the past 8 months
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a times. the strikes reach further inside. we are here. this is the point. everything is okay here. a lot of water getting on everything is fine. 20 kilometers north of the border is 11 east city of tire. many here have got used to the not so distant sound of explosions and fight. they're just freaking the sound barrier. yeah, yeah. we can see everything we can see when the bomb being on the court on the, on the board of the, let's see, i don't know, it's great. but i don't like them. has the law, has a strong presence and support in southern lebanon. were many back the army groups decision to open up a front to help garza but the fractured political and 6th period. landscape becomes apparent as we travel deeper inside left and on in the capital. they route. it's a different reality. here there are little signs of war and life carries on as normal from any i know what's happening,
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but i see like it's in and other countries since it doesn't affect the 1st year baby was. abraham sees it differently and tries to explain the disconnect. i um, from there i do believe that all 11 i was going through a war. i think there's a huge divide in this country. the biggest issue is that a lot of people don't think themselves as part of loving or they think it's a whole thing. and it's of the summer time i think people come they, they try to forget from most of the things that are happening them, the war of attrition is still relatively contained with an escalation could worse than 5 years of political and economic crises that have all but destroyed the states living on is gearing up for the summer season when ex pats are expected to return in large numbers was much needed hard currency, but as well as warning, it could be a of summer. if hezbollah does not retreat from the boarder regence on the surface, there appears to be in difference. but there is concern on what comes next center for their elders. either beta i'm joined by you'll see belen, who's
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a full ma. is there a cabinet minister who took part in negotiations that led to the oslo accords? you joins us live from tennessee. vi will welcome to you. so as you probably heard from our correspondent and 11 on that, the feeling is at least in beirut, that this is a somewhat contained conflict in the south of the country, but always sleep walking towards something more full blown between isabel and has bla as well. i hope very much that this will be the case. it doesn't test to be. we understand that day is by that it is a doing something which is not exactly a seating good. the notes of the people flipping on and the government go for the money. i think that the, there is a get it between his balance, the interests and the civilian interests are flipping on. and if we can,
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a well can older to fulton and to, to, to the say exchange of fire and a health to day that day. the reason i'm marry can a french initiative a to find a solution for the car in the situation. and i think that this is the what the bulk of the site saying need more, more than anything else they do. i have a gain a will between us and them. it may happen, i hope very much that it will not happen. there is no need for that, and it is all the way civilians on both sides, which i'll be coming refugees, which i'll clean the retail one day. you know, every side is of cause blaming the other side and there is no and tweet. there is, of course, their respective of what may or may not happen whether or not this may spiral, not very much the need for a new security arrangement between israel and has paula, how might that work behind the scenes as somebody who's heavily involved in
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previous negotiations in the past swears the u. n. was that lucian, 170, a one a. what was the very reason that the a one and that ended the 2nd living on the world, but eventually a was not respected, a body by his. but now the question is whether we can a renewal, the at fort stewart, something which we resent very, very much. and that there is also another point that they live in on these is they're saying that the difference is that about today ball though, between the 2 states. and i think that that is the current government, though for these ran this is these ready to, to talk about the rolled up to so even though it's a solution for the ball, the, there is no need for it was, i mean, oh, to continue. why should we psych 11 on a lot of places. why should they fight us off load basis?
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so you're suggesting that there are very much lessons to be drawn from history formats and 199211 on more a yeah, i mean they, they will only live. i don't need my view. a was totally, i needed. i was one of those always did whatever we called the older to a show that there is way withdrawals from the south lebanon. and that happened on may the 24th 2000 k. i think that it was a very important the decision. i don't think that we should get back to, to 11 on we don't need that level needs. don't need dental schools. and that day we can live in peace the between the door, the 2 countries. hey, how you remember that? well, use that, especially when i was a very young man, when people just asked who should be,
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who would be the 1st arab countries making piece of it is well, it was almost all the that it would be never known. and then the good for the never happened. of course, the, the worst case scenario, at least for israel is, but if indeed this does escalate, it could be potentially fighting to conflicts on 2 fronts. what would that mean for israel? the 1st before i, i hope very much that the wall you guys will end soon. a now i think that we exhausted the day that day we weekend a hum us a we did not the catch all need say read this a, you know, you never had have the exactly what you're going to have to a to do. but the after 8 months and, and the so many people who were killed in the say, well enough is enough. so i, i hope that there wouldn't be no a to a front,
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they will, and then there will be no front, no, no front at all. because they, they will week, the week live and he's, he's very up if you shouldn't because what happened is that the crazy a duck on the subject of easily handle on the of the nines a was followed by any is riley at that's on guys out from us and they live and on said yes, because we identify weekday homeless, we read at that k is where and to and, and bombard easily a, but there is no, they can speak now between a easily and zip. i don't know even though these when and, and, and that is by law. so you, i believe that the there is really, i mean, if we will now begin it will, it will and we have 2 fronts. oh, wonderful. and i believe that is totally, totally, totally,
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and you will see about it and it's been a pleasure to have you on. i was just, there are many thanks. thank you. thank you for having the deaths as a result of acute mt nutrition or increasing especially among children. a 14 year old boy has become the latest victim of the severe shortages and goes on the stuff as a jersey was sheltering with his family. among the many displaced palestinians in southern gauze and is his name was most of his jersey. he was 14 years old. he suffered brain atrophy and single failure. there's no power supply for his treatment. so we'd run out of medications. obviously rezani my mood is outside the hospital when the stuff is body was taken in central guns and this is a body of 14 year old ones on the high job hill just died of mountain nutrition. here the locks, the hospital, most of and his families are displayed family from northern garza, were pushed you into this displacement by this really military,
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the initial week of the war on gaza. most of i have suffered from malnutrition and more recently made the ation and now being taken through his final arrest of us one of the 28th other children who died of this enforced. the hydration and in our vision imposed vide, is really military, by the ongoing restrictions and a blockade on the border. and the restrictions on the entry of unnecessary medical supplies and basic necessities to keep people alive and to help them survive these difficult conditions. but you see right now is the, is most of us mother and his father who are quite traumatized or what have been crying father and mothers over the bodies of their
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children unable to do anything to save them and to help them survive these difficult conditions. this is most of the father writing in the car. they're taking his body to his final read to the cemetery. but also in central gaza is target resume who's a lot for us and they're all by the entire cash. human rights groups have be repeatedly accusing israel of using starvation as a weapon of war. this, of course, others ready to get tax continue. what more can you tell us? just generally the i q say you shouldn't, that has been presented to by the human rights groups systems from the fact that is read has been surprising. all kinds of basic supplies from entering garza now off to their beginning of miniature, in kitchens of both. roughly the valley over 50 comes across a couple of weeks where they have been dining. all sorts of essential aid supplies
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to get to the people who have been truck without having problem access to to, to will to add even to medical supplies in the hospice. we'll discuss all valley functional that like to be is very up scaling military attacks christmas trip. now, what we do know is that within the past 24 hours, at least to see full palestinians have the report of killed and at least $71.00 others being voided across this trip. as the main focus of old village operations. right now, he's on the roof districts now. these right now means advancing and trusting the men at 3 troops on the ground due to the western portion of the city that is so close and updates into a loss the area of the control philadelphia could result. they are trying to impose a full minute treat and security control over the 64 was the quite columbus, his of the city of gauze and is doing a bit rough. i've district now as part of what we have been hearing from residents is that there is still ongoing intensification, but also all of these valley a to the re and even helicopters on the which trim portion of the city destroyed
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complete residential neighborhoods. and the, i've been saying that the scale of destruction is beyond imagination as well, has tend run into a graveyard until a part of the brussel. similarly, what happened and it's in con, eunice, the know that positive comments about swimmingly is that as well. and so determined to continue it submitted trip ration onto a cheating, it's political and met it. 3 goals were presented in this month. and how much is guaranteed that dollars that will be no more imposing any sign of a threat, but that's absolutely happens. see that has been done by these, by the army, by using different sorts of a military and stevens due to the pressure on the ground alongside that they've been using this outpatient in order to exec amounts move pressure on civilians who have been completely experiencing different colors all to check and even humanitarian conditions as well. so it covers
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a lot for us in darrow by that. thank you. okay, let's speak to dr. wholesome booth. sophia, now who's the head of come out loud one hospital and they joined us on the phone. now in northern garza, thank you very much for joining us. so firstly, can i ask you what the conditions are currently like? a come out how to have hospital in northern guys on the move in highly well, as a matter of fact, the cutting condition is really the. it is dangerous beyond any base or some sort of uh we be uh, ran out of medical supplies and also the withdrawal. one of the is rated to a patient forest from the vicinity of command loud when hospital has come on the mast save destruction and tow tentative estates and was own what is that for them? in addition to that, there is
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a sol. willfully destroyed the means in today to is creating the come out when hospital so it's all spill in any way able to function in any way able to provide any support and help to people that need and the, such for some of the live code i can say is that the hospital is running at the minimum live in one so the, the 2 of the sod solitudes of the medical supplies as well as the total absence of feeling. we are not able to fully function. however, we're to do some functions like that. but did that, did that takes all again takes and e, and it's one of them as well as a result of all this, many children died as a result of for a new test. and we documented many cases where these 10 didn't were suffering. acute malnutrition,
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they were put to maximum k a unit and we administered a number of 1st aids or put a since however, we are running with of options simply because these cases they acquire a certain medication from a certain baby minutes it and certain new additions as you know, the entire part of guys us today because the state of the seeds from all directions . so you're suggesting that these conditions that these children are face of mount nutrition are pretty simple conditions that could if you have the right level of support and supplies be reversed. it was the last thing i did in the day. that's absolutely correct. if we have the minimum amount of maybe cut supplies, we could have save lives. we could have people address the
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smell nutrition cases. however, due to the lack of necessities, these malnutrition cases develop until further complications. many of these children either die or some sort of uh, chronic diseases. you know that these really occupation forces have laid side seeds to the entire guys this trip. namely, the most part. we're reading on the exam and we are left with nothing but some quantities of white flowers. we do not have any live stock or any needs any the protein. and as you know, these conditions that require treatment. in addition to certain nutritionist like fat protein got abide rates, et cetera. however, we are left with nothing, no medical supplies, no food items,
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nothing but flowers. and that's why we are running out of options to abu as sophia, is it possible to say in a best case scenario, how long potentially these young children have, if they are not able to receive the support the aid that they need? a local not here. so also have you to, to, this is a very dire experience the situation, 2 months ago and the north boss of guys the same. we lost more than 26 filled in due to mad nutrition. as you know, children are very delicate, their conditions that require immediate medical intervention and the longer they remain in this condition, the day. and so the mode today they are faced with we are in a dire need for immediate response. immediately. it made the delivery of medical
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supplies and food items that are the most they're part of guys. the strip is totally b. c. we at be in for an immediate delivery of medical supplies, or forms of food and nutrition from fat to proteins to be mailed to other food items. and if we do not receive any assistance of the coming days, the number of fatalities on mind until the end would no doubt rise right up to some of us of the head of come out loud one hospital. many thanks for sharing your very frank assessments of conditions that thanks your time. the russian president vladimir putin says he's open to peace talks with ukraine, but only on the condition that key if pulls out its troops form for this reason, separate asia post all done. yes,
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couple of hands feet and also wants to crane to give up its plans to join nato. just comments come a day before a major international summit on ukraine is to be held in switzerland for the russian leader is not invited to bloom. i will emphasize the main essence of, i'll suppose all is not in any temporary truce or cease fire as is, for example, the way the waste. once it is to restore losses, we on the key for gene and prepare it for a new offensive food. i repeat, i'm not talking about freezing the conflict, but if not, it's final resolution to kind of show us just the security studies program, director of the ukrainian foreign policy and security stink tank ukrainian prism she's in odessa and joins as life. thank you for your time. so it's been at least a year and a half since either. so i presented a piece plan, russia now saying to ukraine, drop emissions of joining nato withdrawal from these full contested regions kindly held by russia. this is the best offer you're going to get from us. rejected a wealth,
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things could be bad for ukrainian forces. it's difficult to tell whether this is a police officer or threats and that is definitely the request for the surrounds are i tell his name is france because we are living with the same uh, a request for the last 2 and a half years. so nothing can you folks are if you will listen to this page one semester, of course you know the last that each one of the calls yours. that is absolutely this thing. i ok part of your territories. i'm teaching them and your family to rise, your most are seniors over in policy and he may be, i will withdrawal. and that is really important because we the older c squires that we have for the previous 10 years to all the calls, like even in the, of all those agreements that we had been trying to trying to, to run the full fledge where just products. it's now being a real uh steve car. so typically you provide fuel for probably 20 percent of the territories coffee. it is what you'll provide only so 2 years ago. and you're saying i wants peace, but i'm keeping all of these. we believe that's definitely just the invitation for
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the wrench, and we need to understand why it is coming, cried snow because we just signed the new security agreements with the united states. we just started to receive additional military support from a lot of countries around the globe. we now have even argentina joining them, sign group, and even in japan signing the security agreements uh with ukraine. so that is the worst possible moment for russia in terms of diplomatic efforts. and in terms of the military support, the few great. he understands that the next month was can change the face of the battlefield. he told me he would be a proposal to say that you are a cynical about this proposal, i think would probably be an understatement then. i mean there's very little sense of peace and reconciliation coming up from the wording from the crime they bought. however, the fund does seem to suggest to wilkes could be on the table. would you make of that? i mean, we've been on the tulsa, our since the 1st week of these full fledged invasion. if you remember the freedom of 2022, we had the several rounds. in dillard, we sent several rawls. if can go,
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where were those points that a best time? fortune proposed default change was the demolish wrinkle, the ukrainian nation code. it was nothing about a piece so that was like, you know, they will, girl who answered your calls and said like, i will destroy ever since here. and maybe i will get out. but you will need to give me ever think what you have here. this anything but the p. c. i'm definitely be especially when you have most a full click where 2 sides of the whole. well, the open the aggression. that's why if you ever the way it's old, those proposals and all those positions of the russians and racial things, those get some wilcox, nothing's changed. these news papers are absolutely the same as they've been 2 and a half years ago. from these talks and negotiations, it is the process, it is not the final though. so we need to come to the negotiations with understanding why we are there. if we are, there are judge because mr. porter needs to demonstrate to the so called global styles before the peace conference in, uh, switzerland, that he is not in a dresser,
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but he's ready to dispute. that's definitely to go to good waiting for the negotiations. all right, so an announcement time to send the right signal to process potential allies. how know shortlist from the thing time to credit in prison. many thanks for your time. thank you. i still, for the 1st time since the end of a pol, tied south africa's founding african national congress will share power with the democratic alliance policy in a unity government. the deal signed on friday comes as members of parliament was swollen and they were now like the country's president, which is almost certain to be sooner. i'm opposed to the da said it would support his re election. westgate if somebody did miller now who is live for us in cape town? so for me to the democratic alliance will get the position of deputy speak of the national assembly. well, can you tell us about the amc these new coalition partners? well certainly since that was announced that they would be this formation of
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a government of national unity. as you pointed out, they didn't indicate what happens next and what, which positions go to which party. and one of the key things with regards to this agreement is that the democratic alliances city would support a president's coming from the largest party in that multi party agreement, which in this case would be silver. i'm opposed to all the amc and so then we continue seeing him as president and then having the stability that the african national congress has said that it's off to the democratic alliance. how the press briefing not too long ago when it said that much of this agreement around these, this national government of national unity is in line with its own constitution and its own issues that it wants to prioritize. including dealing with crime, dealing with a high level of unemployment as well as addressing
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a high levels of poverty and also corruption. no corruption is an issue that has play the african national congress for years and many would say contributed to its full in support. so looking at to the and she wants to appoint as the speaker of parliament. it is somebody new and who has a much clean a record compared to the false speaker who is now charged with corruption and is in quotes because of those charges. so we already see perhaps great to a consultation and agreement between these 2 parties of often being an odds, but appear to be, to some extent on the same page in terms of the way ford and the da is also indicated that they would next deal with policy issues and the appointment of cabinet ministers, which will shortly involve the d. a. with these 2 parties, we must keep in mind also, as i said, have been an odds. and so critic still question whether these 2 parties will come
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together on issues like tex ation labels as well as bored to issues with a many of criticize the democratic alliance of protecting and the lead twice constituency in south africa. yeah, a lot. so to be in and out for this fledging new coalition for me to many thanks for that for me to middle loving type time. it's time for whether his rob, with this tunnel and scored showing a florida florida. i remember the heat waves on during heat in the southwest of the us across the border and the state of sonora, north west of mexico. 52 degrees was recorded just about yesterday. that's the highest i have a records in the state and for june, the highest in the whole of mexico. but we have been focusing recently on the heat more on the right and not so much in mexico. but if you've heard this line that goes out through your time and basically it's been in florida, i didn't central and southern florida in particular was pretty wide spread. flooding is sometimes deep as investments. i've been damaging wins as well as the
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flooding. but currently it is widespread studies, usually example for mice and the reason being $270.00. i've been basing the last 2 days in miami itself. guess how that compares with a month? yeah, it's about the same. so going to months with the right in 2 days, probably surprise it was widespread study that the largest value on piece as you can see the next day as i will probably see it drift away from miami. so your summer come, i might be tried. you wouldn't be quite as with the regular head dime to what was your content on western cuba or head up. the other line is off show, but interesting me that circulation, you see, it was what caused the wind damage in florida. first indication of tropical dest evans this season, the still ahead on this, i'll just say, when use that on the boat makes a rev repair instead of political events. find out why that happened. roman catholic church is speaking of the g 7 summit initially plus fine, rob mcbride and goes on county, south korea close to the crossing points on the d. n. z. the once off with the hope
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of back to relations with the know for web, the propaganda allowed speaker, so blair in portugal will arrive in germany ahead of the euro. 2024 that will hear from captain christy on the went out on his record breaking 6th appearance, attitudes the on counting the costs fewer a plays catch up with the us in china and what's being called a competitive does crisis can india is private as a pushed through economic performance with a refuse to parliamentary majority of how the, how should pilgrimage, is boosting saudis. a call counting the cost on al jazeera hod. huge. i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking nonsense. the e,
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you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important factor here. the story on talk to how does era i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a like, and it's my job to shed light on how and why the the, the, you're watching. i would just say, right, here's a reminder of on the top. so is this how the number of children dying off from starvation is rising in god's? i'm a 14 year old palestinian boy and gaza has become the latest victim of my own nutrition
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. and it's rarely striking self 11 on his coat, at least 2 women at target to the residential building of the town of john not so that's where the politicians and ministry officials have been increasing the rhetoric of the oregon slab and off the has bullet intensifies. it some times south africa's african national congress and the democratic alliance, positive reach to deal to form a unity. government now elected the president who was only substance abuse to remedy. well that's got more on that story. developing news in south africa with are you sure. k g. she is a political analyst and joins as from johannesburg. thank you for your time. so how bites this coalition between the amc and one of the largest opposition opposition parties, the a working practice given that they appeared to come politically from slightly different places as well. yes, good afternoon, need. firstly, it's north dakota lieschen, it's more a government of national unity that will include not only b and c, and the b a,
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but probably the ss and some of the smaller parties as well. you're right. the amc and the d r i d logically almost damage certainly opposed in fact in the last 2 administrations. but the has shopped on just about every piece of legislation that the amc is introduced into parliament. of course the amc was still able to pass most of them despite the dns objections, but that alone would give you an idea of how opposed to the 2 parties are. so the n c has opted not to go into a coalition with either the a o d, e f, f, or indeed even a consortium of minority parties, the small parties. but what they've up to, to do instead is to form a government of national unity. as was the 1st democratic government in south africa during 1994. so what a g n u essentially means it's dispensed from
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a co addition in that it brings more than one smaller party into government. but in addition to that, there's going to be some horse trading over the positions, particularly cabinet positions, ministerial positions in the new government and v d a and e f. f will of course, have very different ideas of which cheap portfolios they would like to assume. but with a, b and c would be able to relinquish those up to holding power for so long is one of the key questions, of course, the other party that was a big surprise in this election. firstly, the unprecedented lots of support for the and c, a lots of support was predicted, but the degree to which that last happened was that increase the dented and, and indeed surprising even to most pundits. but the other big surprise was the very large games me buy a new kid on the block. the m k party, a former president,
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jacob, zoom a he up states cap to renown. and the m. k has opted in not to go into a coalition or even a government of national unity. in fact, their board causing the 1st sitting apartment because the they said the only way they would have worked with the ac was for president. so rem, oppose a 2 step down, and that of course has not happened. so there was a fight to being a small party. they're really trying to punch about their weight. i can't just start just to reiterate, sophia. and so you propose a government of national unity extending invitations. i understandable 17 parliamentary policies to all of course agreed to join. so i mean, you've already hinted yet to some extent. i mean, how for middle and opposition will these opposition voices be? and i'm thinking precisely of the m k potty effects present jacobs, even on the likes of the economic freedom fighters. uh huh. the economic freedom fighters and you need even m k a are more ideologically aligned with the and c one
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could say b i b r maverick off shift, so be a and c. so i did logically that follow lined with the african national congress than the democratic alliance, which many people in south africa, current e. c as being still aligned to quite a twice liberal and liberal capitalist, economics and, and policies. so there is a problem with a coalition to be a problem with a coalition would be a democratic alliance for sure, and possibly even for the economic freedom fighters of judas millennium, a primarily because the n c would see a further erosion of support. i as you come the next elections, which would be the municipal elections in a few years time. so that being very cautious right now the and see, and they're saying, well, let's go into a government of national unity. if we can't form the kind of coalition, we would ideally, i'd like to form, but of course they going to give up more in
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a government of national unity as i came to that, some key ministerial portfolios and control of setting key sect as opposed to economy and the domestic policy, oh, sounds like a just like the powers you said is likely to be on the cards for the near future that i assure cagey. great to hear your thoughts. thank you. thank you very much. need take care bye. a snow poke from scissors, making a start to parents as the 1st head of the roman catholic church to attend a g 7 summit. the purpose, speaking about the risks and rewards of artificial intelligence. on the 2nd day of the meeting in southern italy, g 7 leaders have been addressing russia's war ukraine, as well as the tensions for china and iran, new club programs, this coast of china, how, who's in the southern imperial region of italy and china, a broad array of topics that with the g 7, are we any closer to a joint statement from the good the, for the final joint communicate will come across at the end of the summit,
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save the question is when the stats beams to be formally, it's not today but president joe biden leaves early on friday, used to in the united states for a campaign rally, and there was infected with much business left, uncompleted off the us presence is left so we may get a final communicate later this evening. lots of bits and pieces that will be in, it's a big trickling out of those talks all day. and as you say, a broad range of subjects. everything from warnings by do some leaders that they will act immediately if there was any evidence of a rom, expanding its uranium enrichment program, concern about china's activities in the south china sea. it about its industrial, a capacity threatening the economies and markets of the g 7 and a pledge by the 7 latest to back towards the foster transition away from fossil fuels. we know that they will also be working on the big subjects that have 0 on the 1st day on ukraine. the 2 big ticket items that 50000000000 dollar loan to you
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kind as well as security guarantees stretching into the next decade. the message and the communicate will be to fly them. it puts in that he cannot simply out, wait, i've lost you crate and it's west and back as and they will be language on garza backing efforts towards a cease fire. that 3 phase cease fire endorsed early this week by the web security council and expressions of great concern by g 7 leaders about the escalation of violence across the blue line between all of these rel themselves and leveling on and about that ongoing, an escalating balance in rafa and jonah, of course, pipe francis, who thoughts a, you'd have such a keen interest in artificial intelligence of the well he's, he's backing a plan or fronting as more appropriate to a plan put forward by the vatican. which that tried to co op tech companies in countries to sign up to the drives for. ready a human centered, unethical approach to the development of artificial intelligence. so yes,
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by prophecies is here he is speaking to the leaders as we speak at putting forward that finance. uh, finance of us, the expanded group of leaders, he's addressing and he made his way very slowly around that enormous table to 1000 people outside of the degree to in a wheelchair by hand. they of course, also got the today invited little by the italian presidency to discuss the other big issue of the day migration and the efforts to try and tackle people smuggling and to get to the root causes of migration by channeling investment into the global . so i joined a many thanks for that gen a whole life of g 7 now and stuff and it to me relations between north and south korea or that was for several years across the team in a tri zone that separation and the south of san propaganda messages through loud speakers, and then know if is retaliated by sending blooms, filled with rubbish, or mcbride travel to go song county the into korean border to find out more about
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how propaganda is being used over the years. the visitors to the d. m. z museum learned the story of this heavily armed uncontested frontier from its founding at the end of the korean war. through the decades of angry exchanges, driven by propaganda campaigns by both sides as leaf bits of including the production and distribution of leaflets. by the 1000000000, we know that we showcased the process of how the dmc was formed that resulted from this division and the current military standoff between the north and south. the museum also has on display the type of speaker systems that the 2 sides have resumed using at the nearby observatory, south korea and visitors compare into the new recent resumption of loud speak of propaganda indicates the height and tensions between the 2 careers. but this eastern end of the d, m. z with its coastal road linking north and south,
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was offered the hope of back to relations even until a few short years ago. this crossing was used for the unions of families separated in the will and for a short lived joints tourism project. villages like this one benefited from the cross border exchanges, but that prosperity has faded as relations have listened. today on the left there were about 10 restaurants backs in, but now there's only one of the villages. economy is struggling in sol. defect is from the north now working as artists in the south display, some of the work. oh, some child was a propaganda painter for the military, producing the kind of fervently packed for y'all. take paintings, used to rally support for the north korean regime, then and now uh to north korea. an art search is a powerful tool for the mental in slave ment. of the people, it's used as a way to uphold the regime. back on the d. m. z web propaganda has raised tensions
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once more. both sides a wait, the next development in that full relationship. rob mcbride out to 0 goes on county, south korea. the still ahead on out just we may be honest as honestly you have one of the most revered jobs in the muslim world. the on someone who came in munich, where pretty soon 5 thousands of funds will be fitting this stadium watched germany
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play scotland at the salt of hero 2024. the top of photo is gemma. thank you. nice footballs. european championship kicks off
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in a matter of hours with house gemini taking on scotland and the opening game. thousands of found subpoena arriving in the country full of the tournaments. dominant came reports from munich. this is munich, smiley, and plots transformed briefly into a meeting place with scott spans, as they contemplate the national teams coming clash with germany. so many of them simply being at this game likes the tournament itself, is a 1st as i was keeping, hopefully, i guess, 3 tournaments and enroll jeremy of last opening game. let's keep that going for tournament and it'll, spelling one was a game. scrolling one was a goal. we don't know right now on surprisingly the gym in the sense here. i don't see it that way. the hope is that players can rise to the occasion. government is not really the full favorite. yeah. so i think we will win to 0. that's a good starts in the competition. and then we go on that sense of
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a team the prospect as it progresses through competition since traditionally being a german strengths. but since the world cup trans, in brazil, 10 years ago, successive national sides have struggled. one and the least told me this team is different. i would say they've got a group, it is okay, that is the works, especially with the tournament format, where you have to advance even if you are in 3rd place. advancing is actually an absolute must for that part the gym and play is taking nothing for granted them on the qualitative. if you look at the teams quality and what is possible with all players, what we've shown again recently that was definitely really positive, was to see in metro's that there's room for improvement. a tournament is the best place to show how you can perform well over a whole mess as they go through that last training sessions. the scotts team is focused on getting everything and every one as ready as possible. if we go there and play to the best of what ability,
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and i'm pretty confident that we can beautiful scores seem to come out of a group stage. but realistically, to do that, they're going to need a positive result here against germany. something they haven't managed for more than 20 is pretty soon. this area will be fitting up with friends of both sides, drawing to the opening match of a tournament that will play out over the next 4 weeks. going to came houses, era munich. it's become a bit of a tradition to have animal predictions ahead of the tournament and this one but as well. so the germans, b, b, b, innocence, who lives in or is oven. central gemini is full costing victory for the haste and the item in game. she kicked to boat into a gold box with the country's flag. we will find that lay. so whether this oracle edison was indeed correct excitement is building around the country. portugal squad has arrived at that base ahead of that. if we match with the check for public on tuesday, they also have tamikia and georgia increased f captain, the christiane, even out it was you guys to get his record breaking 6 your i started
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a slip to the wall. those are cords of marks. i enjoy football, but records are a consequence. you know, they're not a goal for me. i'm happy that it's my 6 year i. it's about enjoying it as much as possible, playing well and making sure the teams with the sale is the same. price is a color for me, there's always a tingling in the stomach, especially the day before the game or even on the day of the game. so that's not a lot, that's part of it. i'm glad i see that when i want it's best to give up and retire . i still feel very motivated. it's a different competition, and we all pay them. so it's the netherlands, get back on pain on the why. on sunday, when they face poland. and finally back i spent, and mom's getting ready for the festivities. the street in the hague is one of several across the country to get a full orange facelift. 64 kilometers of orange funds and has been strung up at houses, has been closeted with orange top. the national seem known as or on you is looking to add to the. all right, so i sent it 136 years ago. i've got
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a set of crickets is a 3 to the super 8 stage of the t 20 wildcats. they be popular and it gives me by 7 which hits in trinidad for run outs didn't. how pmg were dismissed if a 95 i've got a static stroke time with 29 goals to say that they need groups and that results also. and this is the, the types of progressing else of the great states. i believe it's very, very tenants and when we play a base created, we can take on anyone we've seen that. i feel that we still haven't played our base game still things we need to work on and we'll be working on those over the next few days. to give ourselves the best chance to be the the major teams a how does england face to the chances of making the last 8 by smashing oman by 8 wickets i do rashida took 4 were hits but just 11 runs joe for auction in lockwood . so can know the 3 each as a model out. so just 47. how does that know?
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is that a school in the t 24 months if the game 20 best a so england time with a $101.00 holes of the spirit is that 1st victoria tournaments, they'll play nivia in the final brief game on some the find the best way to just 2 points from that last game against simpler mondays, with von se beats, the netherlands for 25 runs increasing that still have an outside chance of looking at spots when they face shrink. the 2nd round of golf u. s. hyphen is underway at pine hust in north carolina, rory mcelroy. chevy is not least thoughts. he's made 2 babies. flip flops off the face. another form of your saving champion mountain time has picked up 2 bodies, but he has since dropped a shot. so he is now full of police. and the nice bunkers i hear from this is peach . i jump into the shirts. i that set him up for a buddy atlas, the se. in the n h l, the florida pumps has and now one window from the fastest on the top title as also
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the pounds is held onto in game 3 against the as mentioned, oil is today 3 nothing up in the 7 game series at, at sound the bulk of assessment, goal and school to another, help sort of a fill one up. the mounts that have come back storing twice in the said periods, but so just short leasing for 3 game full is on saturday in s missile the jobs on fitness. so we're, we're, we're not really thinking about that. um we, our whole mindset right now is recovering and, and getting prepared for the next game and smooth. i don't think anyone can really look, look ahead. it's a, it's so we got a lot of work to do, so that's, that's our focus right now. the, the only thing to do is continuing it. so any 3 different agencies, territories arise. and when we find these united us, does he tell you which will soften competition?
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the rebate will culminate in the lighting of the corporate in power train the icing ceremonies of the games in nature that is always full of finality. so we'll have another update myself. devin, many things so that the palace times 1st olympian this died because of the lack of adequate health care in gaza. magid boom. all right. who was a distance runner when the car, the 5 for palestine of the 1996 games of atlanta. he'd been suffering from kidney failure and his family had trying to evacuate him through the roof of crossing before was closed. by his way, the forces muslims around the world of gearing up for 8 all other. it's usually a time of celebration and feasting, but for the palestinians in the gaza strip, who were struggling to find enough food to stay alive. they say the holiday is now filled with grief instead of facilities as well. i'm not the one that you're saying . there is nothing at all that may reflect, eat, celebrations, or even it's joy. we had expected the will would last for a number of days or weeks, not months. we already post the whole month of ramadan,
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and we were not able to celebrate the occasion. now this is around the corner and we have nothing not left up to sacrifice or money to buy new clothes or people of the muslim nation celebrate the occasion of a sacrifice and indulgence. but we cannot afford any. we have nothing but killed him in destruction. we see nothing but women and children being slaughtered by these release. each comes with grief and agony, which are 8. the millions of muslims will visit mecca for hodge. the focal point of the annual pilgrimage is the comma, a stone structure up at the center of the great most of mecca. i smell about. i went to visit the artist who design and creates the drake the covers the holy sites . the cop uh is the stone building of the center of the great mosque of mecca. and here of this workshop in the west of the city is perhaps one of the most with
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the jobs in the bustling weld austin's. we've the black fabric that covers the cop uh, the cubicle structure which muslims consider as the house of god. it's a daily rush to finish the task on time. island. well, how much is his gold and silver threads in the inscriptions that are displayed of a different band, those of the dre? the we are trained for a year on this technique. and then once approved by a committee of experts, we move to the next phase, which is embroidery and calligraphy. it has to be top notch. there's no room for area. yeah. every yeah, the fabric cover also known as the case where is we moved and the kava is, would write in a new cloth in a ceremony, attended by clerics and dignity or is the band is carried out for muslims all over the weld. the white is one of the most take with fedex, and it's not in the process of making it is that of kids and time consuming for the
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office and autism. and it seems to gather the passes that designs into can live with me. this isn't just about creating a piece of on what's rather an on a and great privilege, the case what he's made of fuel silk embroidery with verses from the garage. i'm a proud person. i feel like i'm blessed. i make designs that are displayed in the most sacred place on earth, and i can't describe my feelings to you. so ben, a look at bonnie has been we've been look as well for nearly half a century. he says times have changed, and machines are now taking over the manual work. i'm a lot. well i the how about it? at the beginning, all the work was on my hands. now machines do many tasks such as weaving somebody in the fabric dying the threads, and with great precision, with all but even with more than technology, the most meticulous work is still done by hand, by artisans who wish to see an old islamic tradition continue for generations to
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come hush them, i'll just be right back. i cannot send for me any bulk of this news. uh, don't forget our website, how to 0. don't com more on one of our top stories. i'll be back in a moment with much more the days these things, which the what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future societies we want? it creates all of this technology roommates. do we still have power of choice? age guides, which are truly a tournament, and operating in doing this is the apple kind of technician, oh, is it already too late? so if corporations has more power, might in the building an entire country, the future is going to be good for the i would be nice if to before she needs as well. human coming soon on al jazeera. this is the 1st one i saw that we see in real time it's the victims themselves long before there's
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a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. in some neighborhoods across lebanon, syrians are being forced out the government estimates. they're up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one and every 4 people. they are managing the crisis. one day, the internal security ex, again spotlight is and then i don't do anything for years. human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country. they include deportations often without judicial review. and the latest crack them security forces are closing shops,
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the legally owned by syrians, nearly 70 percent, according to the united nations don't have the proper docum. it's the government into boskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. the an escalation of violence along 11 on israel border raises fees of a widening conflicts in the region. the funny bulk of this is all just their life and the full. so coming up the day ahead of a major international, some it's on ukraine. russia's president says he's open to peace talk spots with districts conditions south africa's presence around the plaza. i was sense of keep
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his job off to


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