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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 14, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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or the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the, [000:00:00;00] the color that run install is here today. and this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes fighting intensifies insert on is most doubtful states you and calls on the permanent tray. robinson full force has to end the siege, the regions capital, no fashion, warnings, extreme hunger installed and gaza is around bundle and rasa, and blocks the entry as a life. saving
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a lot for those presidents surrounding oppose the set to keep those jobs off the his and say apologies times a co issue deal with its biggest rise and preparing for the journey to announce our 5 millions of worship is all in mecca for the annual spend on peace of statements with your spouse, excitement builds in germany as we come down to the european championships. the tournament picks up for the metro about how is with the host nation taking on scotland. it'd be opening match in munich, the welcome. we begin this news, our ensued on whether move in a long conflict, husband escalating in recent weeks and months. fighting has intensified between the army and the power military rapids support forces, particularly now sasha, that some of the trees law,
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strong holes in the west and off full region. beyond now says it's killed a senior recess, colanda, but outside it has been besieged by the recess. now for moving a month, doctors without borders says the only functioning hospital in that city is in danger of being closed in one's. the whole place is not safe for civilians. on thursday, the un security council passed a resolution demanding that they are a set hopes, it's cj, it's going on him judging monetary and access to the city of sasha is critical of 8 assets in a region that's on the brink of funding. meanwhile, in the take also money that's in the southeastern suit on, at least 20 people has been killed in the latest r as f attack. the women and children are again among the dead. but i always spoke to joe siegel from the national defense university. he says is all flash of fools to the are assessed. it could lead to even more of an increase in violence against civilians. it's a pleasure history. the last remaining refuge in the dark for region of western
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sudan, where are other internally displaced persons, some 800000 people, actually have congregated to as a means of protection against the aggressor and the region, which is the rapid support for the art ss. and this is a derivative of the old john to read militia of the early 2000 that has been charged with genocide tend to reach. and, and so the real concern here is if the fletcher paul, that we could see not just the humanitarian catastrophe, but really on a, on a controlled level of violence against, on our security in santa ana and a new era of genocide and in the reach of the bank complex going on since april of last year. it's going under the radar of many and international community because
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of other crises play on. and we just don't have great coverage of what's happening . but the reports we do get just show that people really are uh, uh, you know, facing the final stand here and i'll foster that's why this is so significant. the whole turning to the war on gauze and now in the wild freed program says it's operations of being severely affected by israel's attacks and the southern and central areas of the strength. there are no fans at southern gauze. i could see the same extreme hunger that was previously recorded in the north. the wind agency as, as the north has seen an improvement and assistance with some surprise entering through the western air as crossing spots. food prices remain high, and palestinians are struggling to cover the costs. and the vegetables are
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available in the market, but they are all sold at very high prices. for me, a widow, i have no income and i cannot feed my children as well. a 14 year old boy has become the latest victim of the severe food and medicine shortages. lift off the head jaws, eva sheltering with his family. among the many displays palestinians, and southern gaza. out of there is honey law. what is outside the hospital when with stuff his body was taken in central garza, this is a body of 14 year old. most of the hijackers who just died of mountain nutrition here as a walk to the hospital. most of and his families are displayed family from northern garza, were pushed you into this displacement by this really military, the initial week of the war on gaza. most of i have suffered from malnutrition and more recently made the ation and now being taken for his final arrest of us one of the 28th other children who died of this enforced the hydration. and is our
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vacation in suppose vibe is really military by the ongoing restrictions and a blockade on the border. and the restrictions on van 3 of unnecessary medical supplies and basic necessities to keep people alive and to help them survive these difficult conditions. what you see right now is the, is most of us mother and his father who are quite traumatized or what have been crying father and mothers over the bodies of their children. unable to do anything to save them and to help them survive these difficult conditions. this is most of the father writing in the car. they're taking his body to his final read to the
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cemetery. well, let's be try, correspondent tarka boys in his life for us and they're all bought in central. got is that topic? we've been talking about stanlon's moments now the situation now and in the south and central areas is also clearly deteriorating. well, basically, a significant proportion of causes population is facing an aggravating hung and even food insecurity, especially in another part of the goal of this trip. now despite these, when the reports that they have been working on, increasing the capacity of fluids supplies into cars. but there is there any evidence that the dues who are in a very desperate need for have been receiving sufficient amounts on the quantity of food within the past couple of weeks, especially with the beginning of the military intelligence of the roof and develop the a refugee camp, but to now has been been hearing from sources on the ground. there, there are deep in creative rise. there's
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a price in terms of the numbers of mount north cases in the north of distributed the central areas of cars. and one of the ladies has had going today, due to the mon nutrition and generally moments recent cases clear results of the study on getting prevention of age flew into the territory. and that comes despite the u. s. main suppliers and even main edging for as well to increase the capacity . and that's absolutely what is what has been doing is contributing to the international court of justice, calling for increasing at the delivery of food and for 8 supplies to the gaza strip . and to avoid assigned assignment on the ground. so what we have been getting through is a part of it is very systematic administering campaign on the gaza strip as human rights groups have been describing as well to be using tough ation as a, as an as what's in the who as people with the news as we have been quoting them, to have been emphasizing that there are new kinds of vegetables,
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fruits made in the palestinian markets of the notes of the district. know what they are depending on what comes with stuck about to run out just from the mother of pots of dollars as the absolutely are experiencing cost conditions. a life of the is well on presented this kind of a tax on that, sorry, tiny trip nonsense. basically, i liked of this, i'm gonna include the food is the situation is getting much more di as an agency spots on it as well. palestinians, all in a very desperate need for in order to alleviate is aggravating humanitarian crisis . talk. i was am describing the situation for us on the ground that from central garza, thank you. time. oh, the vitamin ministration is imposing sanctions on it is raining group attacking humanitarian aid convoys found for garza and the sanctions target $59.00. it's a group with ties to is really army reservist and jewish settlers. and you all can probably the west bank well that speak to my kind of he's across as far as from washington dc. and i kind of curious how much does this change dynamics between the
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us and as well as a tool. a bo, this is a direct sanctions against and is really group or right we need is really group which does have connections to the very top of these really government in particular, the minnes stuff, national security, it to my been get. who's at linked with non governmental organizations which are very close to sub 9. now, sub 9 means or the 9. this is a reference to the call up papers that are given to is really military reserve is now that indicates a link informal i said may be with is really security. now we do know that the minister of national security and then to be a, has ordered police and ami not to police. a convoy is on their way from jordan through the gaza, on the occasions in which or the 9 attack these con boys,
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police and army did not interfere with the attacks. and so you have a situation here with the, by the end administration has not issued sanctions against a right wing bulletin to settle a group. but that group itself has of links to the very highest echelons of the is really government. so this is a warning shot if you will, from the bided administration. it has been concerned about some of the actions of the right wing ministers within. as i mentioned yahoo government as this now is just another incident where you have some kind of linkage between the senior minister and the group which is now being sanctioned by the state department. like hannah. the very latest for us on that decision from washington d. c. thank you, mike. well, these really government has banned out 0 from reporting from this or 100 us all hope joins mean out from the doing damian capital or not. i'm not given the linkages. we were hearing about that from like how we had any official reaction
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from israel, of the well, there's been no reaction from the is really government a but this group order 9 has released a statement saying that this is quote, a blow to those who are relatives of the kidnapped and that israel has a right to defend itself. now this has been a group that has continuously not only been blocking a, but a salting pell's to me, and drivers of these trucks loading the trucks. and while there's been no official response from the is really government, we have seen in fact, support for this protest movement even though it is by far right. it's 3 missed and a legal is really settlers. previously we've heard a member of israel's ruling. would crude party saying that he would in fact join these demonstrations? it's more been viewed, the country is national security minister, a known ultra nationalist and settler himself has said that he supports the protesters right to demonstrate. but it's quite a contrast from the demonstrations. we see every saturday and telling me where he
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calls those protesters and arc is the, is really, is have previously not reacted very well to any sort of news of american sanctions . or any sort of is really groups individuals that even sectors of these really are me saying that it is immoral and n t, israel bias. but again, the united states trying to show israel that they are not going to tolerate certain actions and behaviors by individuals or groups like extremist is really settlers. speaking of sanctions from the they're all going to be sanctions and taste on a number of other individuals have any of those been implemented? so those sanctions have in fact been implemented their assets had been frozen in the united states. they are not allowed to visit if they did have any assets, rather they would be frozen. we heard from a wide variety of these really officials, the prime minister or the countries finance. but us are bad,
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so it's not rich. these are all members of the far right who slow. a sam divided administration's decision to impose sanctions on his really settlers who committed violent crimes against palestinians who are rendered defenceless across the occupied west bank. well, settlers act with impunity in defense with b is rarely army behind them with no sort of repercussions whatsoever. so those sanctions have been put into place on multiple individuals. there were several other countries in europe like france, for example, who did follow suit. and these really is, again saying that it was an outrages type of measure and that none of these types of moves should have been implemented in the 1st place. i'm the fatherhood that with orders that reaction for us from the georgia and capital and not a reminder that we have been banned from operating in, in israel. and so we are reporting from the to damian capital that, which is where i have to join us from now,
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is really as strike in southern lebanon has kills at least 2 women off to a building near their home was targeted in the town of janasia and that's about 20 kilometers, most of the border. we have just done. several people also injured in that attack. they were caught at, has this report from the scene engine, alta in southern lebanon, as we are in a nasa, that is a town in southern lebanon where an overnight is ready, strike, destroyed that building behind me. a 2 story building. as you can see, the smoke is still rising. the is really army is saying that this was a command center belonging to hezbollah, but hezbollah sources have told us that no one was in that building, and nobody or no member of the group was killed. but as a result of that strikes, civilians were killed and injured in that building close by. 2 women killed and there are other critical injuries children also among the injured. this seems to be
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as well as response to has well as the attacks in northern israel over the past 2 days has been a has been using arm drones, dozens of rockets targeting military positions in northern israel, simultaneously in response to the killing of a senior commander on tuesday night, so this exchange of fire, this flare up is causing concern. but in the bigger picture, it is still within the unwritten rules of engagement. now, while you know the, that the, the few kilometers along the border is a close military area and we've had strikes deeper inside the country like this one, the situation. the reality in the rest of lebanon is different. the pace and intensity of the confrontations between israel and has beloved is growing. so is top of a wider war villages along both sides of the border,
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the populated and attacked in the past 8 months. a times the strikes reach further insight. we are here. this is the point. everything is okay, here we are working on. everything is fine. 20 kilometers north of the border is 11 east city of tire. many here have got to use to the not so distant sound of explosions and fight. they're just breaking the sound barrier. yeah, we can see everything we can see when the bomb being on the court on the, on the border here. but we are not right. but i don't like them. as the law has a strong presence and support in southern lebanon, were many back to the army groups decision to open up a front to help garza but the fractured political and 6th period landscape becomes apparent as we travel deeper inside left and on in the capital they route, it's a different reality. here there are little signs of war and life carries on is
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normal for many. i know what's happening, but i see like it's in and other countries since it doesn't affect the 1st year. baby with abraham sees it differently and tries to explain the disconnect i um, from there i do believe that all 11 i was going through a war. i think there's a huge divide in this country. and the biggest issue is that a lot of people don't think themselves as part of the level of they think it's the whole thing in itself. it's summer time. i think people come they, they try to forget from most of the things that are happening then the war of attrition is still relatively contained, with an escalation could worse than 5 years of political and economic crises that have all but destroyed the states. living on is gearing up for the summer season when ex pats are expected to return in large numbers was much needed hard currency, but as well as warning, it could be a hot summer. if hezbollah does not retreat from the boarder regence. on the
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surface there appears to be in difference, but there is concern on what comes next center for their elders, either beta, it's harder to bring into renzo. com. ah, he is a professor of international history. i'm university of turin and all set of imperial perceptions of palestine, hearing this now from run runs or how concerned are you right now about regional escalation and basically all the science stuff for on his coalition or you were mentioning now uh uh, southern webinar. know the result of our about 60000 uh, is rarely students at the beginning of acquaintance and many others very about creating independently why we know that these are using wide falls through us and it is hope things to be doing. so the risk and of course we know that wide false pros, hey, is there to make these plays like cuts us to pray for other reasons. so livable. and we know that the 2nd a long term of the use of wide phosphor and song causes a level of
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a month formation sense on. so all of these items as are there to remind us that that is felicia is getting closer and closer. lorenzo, any of these regional dynamics that you're talking about now of a line k to impact negotiations given the space of adults pops and view them with a little more urgency. i guess that's i would like to to stress that sir, your present is quite 79, not timely dates. today's you 14 and 2 and 4 time reverse series on june 14th, 2007 a is the moment which come us is the date which come us to a complete control of the sprint and foot that was driving now to off off the air and play and possibly the 2nd anniversary is even more important, fun disc 10, but the number that we're discussing and to present a 76 years ago today on june 14 1948. but these run a government to establish the cabinet committed. it costs to decide the treatment of the policy number for juice, and also their a band on property. so i use this with what they shall, my within is. well,
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these led to difficult at the absent the property low. so to which to me, most students will find a single and was where confiscated to and where given to this is riley custodian. these created the number of new categories to like to print as an option. peace person to, to where, at the time of present on the ground. but we're can see the option for proposal zillow. so in the sense we need to was taken into account one, discuss the present that the, the time on this of 1000 of just image runs. following this publish of the state of reasonable, i went to what up. so by taking post a full assess of policy in its own sun, lance, it is to say that to discuss regional dynamics. so to discuss what is happening in the got those 3. but we need to provide context because either the complex is or was, is a saturday and this should be the case. or it's never and it's a saturday. oh, well, it runs on given the history that you're describing that, that is very, very long history of dispossession. for the palestinians, what might that mean in terms of, in terms of ongoing negotiations about trying to end the current contract?
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obviously, everyone has is very much a guess set in their ways. everyone has, has very, very, a deep background when it comes to, to the way that they're negotiating. what does that mean going forward? i guess let's say that i'm going to send this to i to quote you to, of course, the bottom planet. so in the last few weeks, as you are documenting the control declination, often thought residential areas, particularly in metropolitan gods and other villages. and so you didn't think of this paper being that have gotten more come on. and i remember to buy them fun was maint mentioning that is randy withdrawal from the book waited hopefully that the risk and this was the last but sar crucial. so different nations and the withdrawal from the police and redress. what so because once that the one area sr raises to the grow rates to the ground does not include the name populate areas and so in the sense they are systematic, disrupts from ac is not accidental. so when we speak about the look at both these right and will come us, i both said yes to their own,
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a version of file of deal. and we need to look into the details to understand these, these deals and this kind of approach. so once again saying that you accept just one, some our version of defense is uh, it's a popular name. this conflict is a part of. so what we have seen, for instance, in the bar, i know are in the older plan because it was like that. so it was 97 percent of the west to the policy that was said by the close of the $97.00. that was that he's run the case was disposed to negotiate everything else to most outside $0.20 when discuss about these bills. these buttons are very visible around, so call that professor of international history, the university of touring. thank you so much for joining us on the houses there and use our and sharing your insights to the sounds of the 1st time since the end of a positive elastic is governing african national congress will share power with the
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democratic alliance party and the unity government mondale signed on friday comes as members of parliament west point, and they will now be electing the president, which is almost certain to be so around the part of that officer, the da said that it would also support him for me. the miller has worn out from cape town or such a lee since that was announced that they would be this formation of government, of national unity. it indicates what happens next and what, which positions go to which party. and one of the key things with regards to this agreement is that the democratic alliances city would support a president's coming from the largest party in that multi party agreement, which in this case would be suitable. i'm opposed to on the amc and so then we continue seeing him as president and then having the stability that the african national congress has said that it's off to the democratic alliance. how the press
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briefing not too long ago when it said that much of this agreement around these, this national, this government of national unity is in line with its own constitution and its own issues that it wants to prioritize. including dealing with crime, dealing with a high level of unemployment as well as addressing a high levels of poverty and also corruption. no corruption is an issue that has play the african national congress for years and many would say contributed to its full in support. so looking at to be and she wants to a point as the speaker of parliament, it is somebody new and who has a much clean a record compared to the pos pico, who is no charge with corruption and is in quotes because of those charges. so we are already seeing perhaps great to a consultation and agreement between these 2 parties are often being an odd,
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but appear to be, to some extent on the same page in terms of the way for a fall still ahead of this, out of there in years i'm ready for a peaceful process. president says he's open to ending the conflict spot with strict conditions for roman catholic part of makes. it has started for parents at the g 7 summit and actually find out what he told was latest. and portugal arrive in germany ahead of the 02024. i will be hearing from captain christiano ronaldo on his regular breaking 6th appearance. the the there is still flooding in central jelly because there's been a persistence of rain just about here. and that's just a fairly typical picture,
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that's a major road across the flooding. are the studies quite extensive, just special because they have to comment as well. and it's not over yet, the snow likely because the is still coming in from the pacific and getting being lifted the heights they smell on the, on the, enjoying the on santiago, rain, lower levels. you can see along the sandstone developing with hot meats kuda across the middle of option to answer something. you're glad this is seasonally about right. what is right is the heat that comes from. it's too hot, for example, power required to house in western brazil. as you well know, the continental should not be running. the seasonal rains are here and there enhanced once again in panama property west in columbia, the chunks of non slides because of that are our current height. there is more significant, right in still folding in florida and perhaps the bahamas, the furnace in that range of phase be coming science to cuba, possibly to k miles and back to us across the u. confidence here. that's some parts of mexico are quite hot, fondles west, and that extends across the desert into the south west of the us. but otherwise,
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the weather in the us looks like just developing big sun storms in the central plains states. once again of the on counting the cost of your a plays catch up with the us in china and what's being called a competitive does crisis can india is private as up pushed through economic performance with a refuse to parliamentary majority of how the, how should pilgrimage is boosting saudi's economy counting the cost on al jazeera, even if you look at rich countries, which are now being infected by climate change, almost invariably the most vulnerable people who are suffering now are poor people . in the u. s. for example, it's one of the richest comes in the world, and the 25 percent of the populations live in substandard housing. but it's important to understand that. so that's climate change is an issue that a shot through is any policy in multiple respects. and we see it in class terms, 1st and foremost,
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i guess the most obvious way we know that it's the rich us that are overwhelming and responsible for, for accessing machines. and so there is a very big disparity amongst who was the problem and who suffers a consequence. the welcome back to watching dollars is 0. let's remind you about top stories for sound warnings of extreme hunger in southern garza and food program. it says it's operations are being impacted by the nicest fight thing in southern and central garza. so the africans, african national congress and the democratic alliance policy has reached deal performing units with government failed. i would like the president to his own,
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my son, and to be around the series army, it says it has killed a senior colanda for permanency relative support for says during intense fighting in the city of al sasha. and of course the one security council has passed a resolution demanding that they are assessed and it seems on that area for that spring. instead of on balder, he's the director of the pseudo on transparency and policy track, i think, turnkey trans, you know, from washington dc. so the one i want to start with a situation on the ground, just how many people trapped right now, and i'll fast, i've had estimates of around a 1000000 what's going to happen to them if i should have the pollution that's one point. 5000000 tough on the display is from india convolution daschle, particularly 2000 and see to some of the long, far comes in making sure you get a signed or something of that to where you don't mind. it becomes a new as of this place. probably some find the mission of the year
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during which the water is underway. advise you run the exception, the really to deep quiet on a sun, $24.00 of those the piece and plan for the last. of course i'm not see she's striking there. well that fast by saying has been taking place around all cash or pretty much since april who is actually winning the battle. they were warnings that the our stuff was going to storm the towns a weeks. now have they held back or, or is this perhaps a more complicated baffle or conflict that we're looking at around this particular city of you are right. you know, the 6 has the by do the, sees it on the freshman from do they have their own process from other places to break? you know, a fence huge. however, they don't want to take responsibility for or not. some of the, some of the most is to get, i'm there for you and doing in the sink, the false people to leave by showing around the residential areas. it might be,
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comes on, people not be leaving by the side of guns, but the still, you know, that are still on the side of those people in the cities and any from the offense from outside for me. my see that she will be in boxes and also waves of i'm interested in 2 dimensions and displacement of people from the fashion. a certain one, you're talking about, the civilian, the suffering that's taking place anal, sasha. now, i've been wondering why we haven't seen a brewing scale and responses, especially in del, for and then the ongoing warnings of immune in finding that what is the obstacle, the the both sides should already be hosted on. should the siege of the come to the fact that each station in the country, the government and the robber, they offices are creating on social 5 middle court dakota deals for the past. and i'm going to judy on the webpage. national international has to be
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that way on the blocking access except to 80 is under the so down on process control. on the side of choices, we find the key set them to see do it for 5 should be have 5. ok. do the command cheryl page. google is going to start 5 ships and therefore it also subsidies the question on it as and i was, you know, cost folder who the charity can give you. it is only for specific fall into the thought is still in the end, but it's going to industrial industrial helping you find this particular situation . very much have ongoing dire situation, not only at all fashion, but across stuff for someone baldor that the director visit on transparency and policy track, a think tank. thank you for joining us and sharing your expertise with us here. and i'll just hear now the un security council is amazing to discuss how hate speech
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racism and acts of extremism control conflict. this is a gathering that's mandated by council resolution, which was adopted in june of june. we can speak now to our correspondent gabrielle, as under, he's at un headquarters in new york for us gave this all seems rather timely, given the state of a number of conflict scrambling duty when, when we were just talking about ensued on yeah, that's right. it certainly is very timely and this is a mandated update, if you will, are briefing by the secretary general special advisor on the prevention of genocide . she brief the counsel and while she did not at all really focus on gaza or the occupied posting in territory, she more took a wider view of how hate speech racism, and acts of extremism can fuel conflict around the world. and what the un offices are trying to do to help her tale that she looked at. she mentioned many regions of the world. and lets us into
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a little bit more of what she brief the counsel this morning here in new york. this is alicia 268 to 6 in particular, expresses deep concern instances of discrimination, intolerance and extra missing money. first thing in the form of his speech expresses depo sign is such as a violence filled by his speech recognizes his speech among them back on sunday, nomics as a contribution driving the outbreak escalation and requirements of conflict encourages all relevance to clued us to speak out against his speech and to call them is that impulse to address his speech intolerance and extremism, can contribute to the protection and promotion of human rights. now jerry is ambassador to the united nations who is on the security council right now. actually did speak about gods. and he mentioned in his remarks, among other things in the current context of international relations. tolerance cannot be materialized while we're in front of
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a barbaric aggression being perpetrated by the israeli occupation against innocent civilians, women girls and children in gaza. and they occupied palestinian territories. that was, those were the words from the al jerry and ambassador to the un here at the council . and i should also mentioned that uh, in late october of last year, a u. n committee on the elimination of racial discrimination did a voice concern about the sharp increase in racist hate speech in the human ization directed at palestinians from is rarely officials including the minister of defense . so this is something that the u. n. has been looking at and we will continue to be looking at as this security counsel briefing continues here in new york. okay. for the, for us do and had courses with all the bases. thank you again. the
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russian president, government person says he's open to peace talks with ukraine, but only on the condition that came pulls out. it's transform for this reasons that for reasons 1st on don't yet, and blue have bridge and also want us to kind of give up as plans to join nato. his comments come a day before a major international summit on ukraine is to be held in switzerland, but the russian need is notion invited, which isn't blown by what emphasizes the main essence of lp. pozole is not in any temporary truce or cease fire as is, for example, the way the waste once it is to restore losses. if we on the key for gene and prepare it for a new offensive food. i repeat, i'm not talking about freezing the conflict, but if not, it's final resolution. okay, well, let speak now to russia, isn't correspondents, really a couple of all of us. the drawings us from laska unit. how lot support as persons
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move have in russia as well. uh, we're hearing from various sources that patient was addressing russian diplomats and present disease piece plan. and obviously they, they really applauded to all those statements. it happens, as you mentioned, right before the peace conference on ukraine in switzerland and russia hasn't been in fines, had that thought, according to peace. and without russia's participation in the conference, it would be impossible to reach peace and ukraine. and he has read who rated a russia is ready for dialogue. so according to periods, in the major condition for a c spot, ukraine must withdrawal troops from the east and regions of the don't ask. and the guns and southern regions opens up a role. she and her son and refused to join nato, and he also promised that russia would guarantee the safety of their was during ukrainian forces applause. he stated that russia's goal is a neutral nuclear,
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a free ukraine, as well as it's deemed to tries ation. and the next, if occasion, as well as ensuring the rights of russia speakers in ukraine and also present splines, and holes the lifting of all the western sanctions against russia and quote, accepting uh, as the new territorial realities. so he has said that new territory is taken by russia for reb with russia. and he pacing drew power. those would be un recognition, of course, of, of the saying that russia had equally recognized independence of don't. yes. can you guys can before be stopped on that minute show for ration in 2022. and critics now us collecting that piece. and why was it then possible for those territories to secede from the ukraine, meaning donates can new guns, but they can never secede from russia, according to police hands was midway. russian pro will blow goods, reacts at 2 pages piece proposal, saying that those were impossible conditions for ukraine. the financing would
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continue the road that you crane would never go. so the surrender is a foreclosure and here sewn. and the only military defeats, or the suspension or west some assistance, it could force ukraine to agree, told that initiative a lot of uh, there was a very nice as far as from the russian capital. thank your, your leah. well, let's get the perspective from ukraine inside now and speak to john home, and he's following developments from levine in west, in ukraine. jones is tearing the impossible conditions for ukraine. and so that is the case repeatedly said the key will not give up any apparent charity as far as this offer from britain has been gloomily welcomed the yeah, definitely you live what you were just saying about the russian mil blog is that's pretty useful home for what the crating and government has been saying on this side, what presidents the landscapes i took into media and it's labels that this was an ultimatum that couldn't be trusted. the crating and for
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a ministry just simply call the conditions from president putin observed. and you, cravy and officials have already been linking best to the stall, their own stomach, the you mention the styles here and saying that president putin is putting out these comments now because what he wants to do is on the mind of the crating summit to be held in switzerland, which ukraine is quoting a p summit. all the russia you mention isn't actually invited to it. and that's what president preteen a site is trying to do. what you creighton officials have also been saying is that this is nothing new, these demons, as i put it from russia, have been. 2 around for quite some time, even though they may be not put as concrete in, as indeed so as president fruits and has now done. but one other thing to note isn't, is the in this summit that's coming up in switzerland starting tomorrow, start today at the crime actually isn't bringing a new plan to the table. eva, it's based on a 10 point plan. the presidents, the landscape on bio dental type, or a 2022. i did not plan you crying,
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saying that they can only be paid is when russia has withdrawn all of its force from the territories is occupied in you cried. so i think by president putin and also ukraine in this summit, the 3 positions should be see less as over tools of peace between the 3 sides where the saw some negotiations, a more rallying points for each side to this particular point of view. and trying to draw countries around the town hall, the the, with all the latest ukrainian reaction for us from the beaver. thank you very much . john of russia is war and ukraine has been typing the agenda at the g. 7 leaders have been holding a 2nd day. it's amazing if they, they've been addressing a range of issues including to the war and gaza, as well as touching with china and ron's new k program. will that speak to jonah, how he's been keeping an eye on development for us and polio, and southern italy during the i understand years now seeing the draft j 7 community
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took us through some of the highlights. we've actually got the final somebody's community page now is 36 page documented speed release, arguably a day or the effects of the summit due to end on saturday in effect the diesel. but the problem is that president joe biden is traveling back to the united states this evening friday night for a campaign rally appearance. so the selective business has been concluded, and this is the document. it contains a thought too much detail for us to go to here. the preamble headed working together with others to address the pressing challenges of all the time. and they set me off a good deal of challenges like feeds through over the last 36 hours. also from war to global excites of climate change to artificial intelligence. the types of course we see it presents a keys, be a sort of human centric, unethical approach to the development of artificial intelligence. i'll just take you through the main points. they are more or less, as i said, as we expected them to be on ukraine. the introduction to the document says,
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the $270.00 stands in solidarity to support ukraine's fight for freedom and it's reconstruction for as long as he takes notes, the 2 big achievements of the say, the $50000000.00 loan to ukraine, signed with lessons. and that's the end of 10 years security guarantee, a deal, it talked about stepping up efforts to default the um and the fund via a sanctions rushes ministry industrial complex, sending it to expect an unmistakable signal to present preaching that he constantly simply called out law just as white ukraine and its western allies waiting on gaza as well, the g 7 is united in supporting the comprehensive deal put forward. that would lead to an immediate cease fire in gauze of the release of all hostages and the credible pathway towards peace leading to a 2 state solution. that is the day of the course endorsed day this week at the un security council. the causal set for us significant of sustained increase in
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humanitarian assistance and noticed that the 7 deep concerns about the increase in violence along the blue line between the hours of 7 on and about increasing attacks by israel in rough. uh, and then there are other headline issues, particularly of interest to these having presidency, engagement with african countries to watch sustainable development, gross food security and climate resilience. and of course finally, migration. that was the big topic of interest to deal with him 11 issues by to the whole hosted outreach countries to join discussions from the global. so you know how to deal with migration, tackling the problem at source with investment in the global south and tackling the human tragedy. a human smuggling. that is something the g 7 has committed to a piece of is committed itself to as well. a huge amount contained there are studies 6 pages during the how with the communicate in his hand in vari, estimate. thank you. john los kaz, one approvals on,
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test the shareholders for pay package and totaling up to $56000000000.00 in cash and stock options. now the package was initially brought to by a judge who moved that most influence test, the board of directors to hand him all that money the shareholders. right? so it doesn't necessarily mean that ross, for most will receive that pay package, but it could help testers appeal against the judges. really still ahead here on under the accounts dollars, cricket is which and the law states as the $220.00 wells come at the expense of the big team that's coming up shortly. repeat the business like this to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the basement installation has to be sponsored by interlock stuck. he's real estate consultant the all
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the time to support and he does all the excitement and the build up to the euro. that's exactly right. and the stones in excitement building up in germany as account down to the start of footballs. european championship part of mattress is building and munich with the host nation take on scotland in the opening match that came kicks of in around 3 hours time. i would do it now, but i don't many cane who is in munich ahead of the big ticket between the hosts and scotland. don't like how excited all the germans about hosting these yours the germans and the scottish friends all very excited here. i am. standing outside, what's called the audience serena here in munich, lots of people killing up here that going to be less in, in the course of the next 10 minutes or so. there are people from all across germany, all across count that i spoke to. a couple of friends who come here from fall cook, couple of friends also come from dun dates. i think like scotland scores that pretty poor as i felt one's going to win. but clearly there's
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a sense of expectation from all sorts of different funds. as i've been finding out, this is munich, smiley, and plots, transformed briefly into a meeting place for scott's firms, as they contemplate the national teams coming clash with germany. so many of them simply being at this game, like the tournament itself, is a 1st. as i was gonna keep and hopefully it goes 3 tournaments and enroll jeremy. they have lost the opening game. let's keep going for tournaments and it will spell in one was a game. scrolling one was a goal we got going on right now. on surprisingly, the gym in the sense here, don't see it that way. the hope is that players can rise to the occasion. government is not really the fault, say the roots. yeah. so i think we will win to 0. that's a good starts in the competition. and then we go on that sense of a team. the prospect as it progresses through competition says traditionally being
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a german strengths. but since the world cup trans, in brazil, 10 years ago, successive national sites have struggled. one and the list told me this team is different. i would say they've got a group that is okay, that is the works, especially with the tournament format, where you have to advance even if you are in 3rd place. advancing is actually an absolute must. for that part, the german play is taking nothing for granted them on the quality. if you look at the teams quality and what is possible with all players, what we've shown again recently that is definitely really positive, which to see and mattress that there's room for improvement. a tournament is the best place to show how you can perform well over a whole match as they go through that last training sessions. the scott's team is focused on getting everything and every one as ready as possible. if we go there and play to the best of what ability and i'm pretty confident that we can beautiful scores seem to come out of a group stage. dominic,
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it was mentioned that you have and you have struggled in the last 3 international tournaments. how much pressure all day on the to perform well here in the notes that the weight of expectation is heavy on the shoulders of the german team. they realize that in the last 3 months they've had real difficulty in that 1st opening games losing. they want to get off to a really good spot that hoping that stop players like yes, like austin, else kind of have outs will play a decisive role. but clearly the theories, this ways of expectation seamless one, the world cup full times at seamless one, many european championships. can they do it here at home? well are going to have to start in the course of the next few hours. w kane. thank you very much. we will speak to again a little bit later there in munich. portugal squad has arrived that they base ahead of their opening match against the check for public on tuesday. they also have to
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kia and georgia in group. it kept them christie on. rinaldo is eager to get these wrinkled, breaking, 6 years sausage, sort of to sort of, to all those records of marks. i enjoy football, but records are a consequence. you know, they're not a goal for me. i'm happy that it's my 6 year i. it's about enjoying it as much as possible, playing well and making sure the teams with the sale is the same. price is a color for me. there's always a tingling in the stomach, especially the day before the game or even on the day of the game. so that's not a lot, that's part of it, and i'm glad i've seen it when i want. it's best to give up and retire. i still feel very motivated. it's a different competition. and we're all preparing themselves in. the netherlands gets big campaign started on sunday when they faced poland and friends back home have spent months preparing for the festivities. the streets in the hague is one of several across the country to receive a full orange facelift. 60 full killing me says of orange button thing has been strung up,
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and houses have been closeted with orange top the national theme known as auto m. yeah. is looking to add it to the loan euro type lead 156 years ago to ask any stones creek as it is all through to the super 8 stage of the t. 20 woke up. they beat pop out new guinea by 7 week. it's intended for run out spinning help p n g who were dismissed for 95. i've got a stomach stroll home with 29, bowls to stay. very good. see that results also in the news evenings hopes of progressing out of the group stage. now i believe it to be very, very tenants and when we play all base, craig, it's we can take on anyone we've seen that. i feel that we still haven't played our base game. there's still things we need to work on and we'll be waking up on those over the next few days to give ourselves the best chance to beat the the major teams. the 2nd round of the us open has teed off with overnight cody to patrick hensley,
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looking to build on these lead. the american was top of the board with rowing back really off to the 1st round sack roy has, however, not being able to build on that so far. the northern irishman is one over for the day through 13, although he did manage to save paul with the shots in the image of the florida panthers when one when for my 1st stanley cup titled that's up to the pants is held on to win game 3 against the edmonton oilers to go 3 messing up and the 7 game series. alexander bought a co 1st safe, a go and sold another to help florida go for one of the weight is mounts or to come back school a twice in the 3rd period, but felt sure. using full 3 came full is on saturday in edmonton. the tool, which is continuing its journey through the fringe of the scenes. 2 things arriving on the from the news in the island up to hazy it school host. so thing competition
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to be a will combination. the lighting of cold in, in paris to reopening. certainly all the gains in like to my right. that's what the school things for the time being. i'll be here again later with another update. most of the night, so much for you, sir. some millions of muslims of visiting mecca for the annual hodge pilgrimage. the focal point of a religious journey is the kava a stone structure at the center of the great mosque of macca. awesome, although i went to visit some of the office to design and create the great that companies that hardly signed the cop uh, is the stone building of the center of the great mosque of mecca. the un here of this workshop in the west of the city is perhaps one of the most with the jobs in the buckling weld opticians. we've the black fabric that covers the cop uh, the cubicle structure which muslims consider as the house of god. it's
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a daily rush to finish the task on time island. well, how much is his gold and silver threads in the inscriptions that displayed of the different panels of the dre the cobra. we are trained for a year on this technique and then once approved by a committee of experts, we move to the next phase, which is embroider re ends calligraphy. it has to be top notch. there is no room for area. yeah. every yeah, the fabric cover also known as the case where is we moved and the carpet is wood rate in a new cloth in a ceremony attended by clerics and dignity or is the band is carried out for muslims all over the world is what is one of the most take with fedex, and it's not in the process of making it is that it gets and time consuming for the office and partisans and stitching together. the passes that designs into can leg
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with a. this isn't just about creating a piece of on much rather an on a and great privilege, the case what is made of fuel silk, embroidery with verses from the koran. i'm a proud person. i feel like i'm blessed. i make designs that are displayed in the most sacred place on earth, and i can't describe my feelings to you. so then a look at bonnie has been we've exec as well for nearly half a century. he says times have changed, and machines are now taking over the manual work. well, i the how about it? at the beginning, all the work was done by hands. now machines do many tasks such as weaving somebody in the fabric dying, the threats, and with great precision, with all but even with more than technology, the most meticulous work is still done by hand, by artisans who wish to see an old islamic tradition continue for generations to come hush him, i'll just be right back. a whole lot set for me in itself have for this near south
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is always find more on our website as a 0 dot com. but don't go away. i'll be back in just a minute. it's much more of today's news. the what does a really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society do we want? it creates all of this technology roommates. do we still have power of choice? a g i, 's beach, actually autonomy and operating in doing this is the apple kind of technician who is it already too late? so if corporations has more power, might in the bill in an entire country, the future is going to be good for the eyes would be nice if to before she needs as well. i human coming soon on al jazeera pod had came in to be, is israel and obstacles piece? i think that to move in the f one, his government with these 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the
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e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's how i could use the facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing a present as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does era, this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. a hearing disliked shark populations is declined 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality plays that
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floated reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out to do is teams across the world bring you closer to the house at the store and the pricing intensifies. and it's your dollars roll style full of states. the one calls on the power military rock, the support forces to end stage of the regions capital of fashion, the hello again, i'm gonna stop here today. this is out of here a lot from the also kind of warnings of extreme hunger in southern golf as well as rounds on bonds. rough on blocks, the entry of life saving


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