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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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why had this is tina, how many? between the moment i got injured and now i've had a round 61 surgeries. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. the fighting intensifies in sir john is no stop for states. the one calls on the power military rapids support forces to end its sage of the regions capital of sasha. the color that i'm just ozzy attain this is out of their life from don't have. those are coming. warnings of extreme hung out in southern garza, well as rounds on balls a rasa envelopes the entry of life saving a g 7 need is amazing. is lisa giving you an agency for palestinian refugees
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must be allowed to work on handed in dogs. and so along with those presidents around the part of the set to keep his job after his and say policy signs, accommodation deal with his biggest drive the while we begin ensued on where the move and the year long conflict has been. escalation is a recent weeks fighting has intensified between the army and the power military rapids support forces, particularly in all fashion. that's some of the trees we last stronghold in the west and off for region. the on, you know, says it's called a senior or assess colanda, but also as it has been besieged by the r, assess now for moving a month, doctors without borders, it says the only functioning hospital is in danger of being closed and wants that the entire city is not safe for civilians. on thursday, the one security council pastor was solutions demanding that they are a set. holt,
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it's cj, it's calling on the hendo different monetary and access to the city. i'll flash it is critical if 8, if it's in a region that's on the brink of simon. meanwhile, and shake off some money that's in the southeastern suit on. at least 20 people has been killed and the latest are self attack. the women and children are again, along with that have a moving to getting coverage from on to learn when many have taken up arms to join the fight. it shows you the solution is 1500000, half of them displaced from india convolution industrial, particularly the 2000 speed to come in making sure again i've been dealing with 90 big guns in the past year. i knew waves of displaced by a decent fight. i shouldn't push for the vision of the year. use the water
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is underway. advise you, run the exception and really to play it on a sunk to at each one of those. for the peace and quiet for the last of course, and the love seat she is rising there. save has the by do the sees yet on the fresh you from they feel they have their own forces from other places to make. you know, i see good friends see how we're going to so you don't want to take responsibility for lots of this to me and most is to get on there for you and doing nbc chose people leave by showing you around the dimension areas of mind comes on people not be leaving by the side of the gums with this. do you know that are still in the file. those people in the city and any from the offensive, from the site for the mean, massive bathroom when it should begin, gross is also a wave of, of this event, dimensions and displacement of people from the fashion. it's funny,
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we're just hearing that from a sort of on dollars or he's the director mr. don, transparency and policy track, a think tank. he was saying that the fighting now sasha has led to this unprecedented wave of displacement from the region. let's go back now to our report . i have a morgan's package. her report is from on the line, not in the full that talks about how people have been joining the fights. oh, this military camp in undermanned is where young man from so dance west and are for region come to receive training. they volunteer to fight alongside to dance army and it's were against the parent and a 3 rapid support forces or r s f. what's the was displaced from his city of indiana in south dar for he says the hers committed by the, our staff is with meet him joining this camp. last name, i'm going to do the displacement, the looting of civilians, the rape of our sisters, mothers is what made me join discount the our sister took over in the yellow as
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things that became too dangerous. so i came here but joined discount to attend to the full and find the are a say the work between the army and the rest that which started last year in the capital spread quickly to dar for which has long been a conflict on violence there between the former government and rebel forces in 2003 killed more than 300000 people and displaced 2000000 people, the u and describe it as ethnic cleansing by government forces and their allies. for many of those here, the currents conflict is a continuation of the work that spotted in dar 4 in 2003 b r. a stuff has it's all regents in the general lead melisha, which the government to use to 5 troubles and which was accused of committing crimes against civilians. now the parent military is accused of committing similar crimes against civilians around the country. with more specifically in the dar 4 region, the u. m says between 10215000 have been killed in west star for
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a loan. when a slick muscle lead with targeted by the recess and allied groups in this conflict, once the mass graves have been reported in the state in north star for the last remaining army strong holes in the region, the recess has launched repeated attacks that has led to the displacement of more than 130000 people. in the past month, dozens of villages have been burned to the ground, mostly of estimates of ours. some of those who ended up in the camp, our former soldiers and former are assess office. there is one for the dom instead of the same and she hadn't somebody to friday. i reported to the army on the 1st day of the conflicts against the recess because it rebelled against the government . so they stood against the army and against the country. from day one, they killed civilians and force them to leave their homes. the camp is run by this commander, a member of what's known as the border guards once patient and are for. they were
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once allied with the rest of their now fighting. their former allies were drunk. you the uh, nothing do need it. woo goes from dog. full who's come have gone through the injustice as a full fi stating, doleful on. so you, because of the recess except for i will fax you that the other states have been looted. people have been killed enrolled. that's what those policies are most and read and try blessed. the recess controls most of the west end region for those here are for maybe the safe. i think they are a step here in the capital. makes them feel one step closer to home. he but more than all just the euro undermine. the turning to the war on garza now on the wrong street program says it's operations on being severely affected by israel's attacks. and the southern and central areas of the strip, darnell facet,
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southern gaza can see the same extreme honda that was previously recorded on the roof. the when agency says the move has seen an improvement and assistance with some supplies entering through the western areas. crossing bonds, food prices remain high, and palestinians are struggling to cover the cost of the vegetables are available in the market, but they are all sold at very high prices. for me, a widow, i have no income, and i cannot feed my children. a 13 year old boy has become the latest victim of the severe food and medicine shortages. most often had johnson who was sheltering with his family. among the many of the space palestinians and southern gaza. out of there is hunting, the ford is outside the hospital with his staff. his body was taken in central garza, this is a body of 14 year old. most of the hijackers who just died of mountain nutrition here at the locks. the hospital, most of and his families are displayed family from northern garza,
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were pushed you into this displacement by this really military, the initial week of the war on gaza. most of i have suffered from malnutrition and more recently me see ation. and now being taken through his final arrest of us, one of the 28th other children who died of this in 4th, the hydration. and this is our vision imposed by this really military, by the ongoing restrictions and a blockade on the border. and the restrictions on the entry of unnecessary medical supplies and basic necessities to keep people alive and to help them survive these difficult conditions. what you see right now is the, is most of us mother and his father who are quite traumatized or what have been crying father and mothers over the bodies of their children. unable to do anything to save them and to help them survive
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these difficult conditions. this is most of the father writing in the car. they are taken of his bodies was fine. i was read through the cemetery g 7. anita is amazing if they say that you are in refugee agency for palestinians must be allowed to act on handed in gaza. nicole for all parties to facilitate the rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief. while it speaks to during the holidays, across that summit for us and play on southern actually enjoying a strong statement that from, from data is on the situation and goals. yes, very much that contained in the summit conclusions here. i'll read you the passage as it relates to gaza. the g 7 is united. it says in supporting the comprehensive
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deal. this be put forward that would lead to an immediate cease fire in gaza. the release of all hostages and a credible pathway towards peace leading to a 2 state solution factory is the framework, the 3 stage framework and door setting this week or the security council. we also called for a significant sustained increase in humanitarian assistance. and then further on into the document this passage about through us relief and works agency phone, right? we agree, it is critical that on the other you and for be nice ations distribution networks. a fully able to deliver a to those who need it most fulfilling their mandates effectively not remember or was effectively shut down towards the end of last year, refused by israel, of having staff members who have participated in the october the 7th. so tax it is the largest agency operating cost. we lost all of its funding from individual un members. much of that has been restored, but not teach ability to operate on a p did in ga, certainly 45. so it'd be 24 hours ago. not complaining that these radio authorities
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frequently prevented it from delivering agents. that is something that other agencies in gaza very much come with a be read to you that some of the written by eunice ask global spokesman james elder this week on x. this was my wednesday in gauze that he wrote a 13 emissions ago just 40 kilometers age. i was held to check points, despite approvals for our truck containing medicines in nutrition, for 10000 children, the truck was towed back. so that to an illustration of the context in which agency is working because of the g 7 in its conclusions very firmly supporting the need for a to be scaled up again. and it to be able to flow on mtv or a firing that to what we think is a stuff, a 6 page final communicate from the summit, which was because of a huge amount of ground as things wrap up now in employee and focus through what else isn't yes,
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well the document headed with the words working together and with others to address the pressing challenges about time that these, the mission of the g 7 a gives itself at these meetings. and there are a lot of pressing challenges about time. talk to many, to go through the headlines apart from those kinds of passages across ukraine. a big, big set of decision was made on says they own ukraine and $50000000000.00 loans signed with president lensky who was here, and also a 10 year security guarantee deal with the united states along with other deals signed with other g 7 members. previously, the wording that the g 7 stands in solidarity to support ukraine's fight for freedom and it's reconstruction for as long as he takes a stepping up efforts to determine the fund rush of via sanctions. in order of that, i'm sending an unmistakable message to president preaching that he simply kind of lost ukraine and its allies and then issues of importance to the italian presidency
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that headlines. big artificial intelligence, the pipe was either the cost of finding his vision for a human centric and ethical approach to the development of a i. the g 7 stands firmly behind that dining hall that across all those buttons for us, from the sunlight and the polio. we are now also watching a number of the lead is as they, as they wrap up the proceedings heading into the day tomorrow. thank you very much . jonah cell divide administration is imposing sanctions on his reading groups attacking your monetary aid convoys bound for gaza. the central targets have 9 or 9 and group with ties to as rainy on resolve. this is really such as in the occupied west by mike kind of sent us this update from washington dc. well, certainly associates another special ed group being sanctioned by the us administration as of 9 or group or the 9. that's
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a title taken from the papers that are served on his really military service when they called upset even in its title. the is a link to the is really military. now the state departments, but suppose and matthew miller has issued the statement saying 4 months individuals from south 9 have repeatedly sort of thought the delivery of humanitarian a to gaza, including by blockading roads. sometimes violently, along the route from jordan to gaza, including in the west bank. they have also damaged a trucks and dump live, saving you, monetary, an aide onto the road. now what is not mentioned in this statement is that on several occasions wins up 9 carried out these attacks on a convoys the police and the military did nothing to stop them on a number of occasions. it's what the reported that they were standing by now. another point of concern to the bite and administration is the fact that step 9 has links to n g o switching to happenings,
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to the very highest echelons of the israeli government. in particular, the minute stuff. national security, it's a mob been to be now he has instructed police and army not to provide protection for a convoys. so this is something that's a deep concern. united states, it's not mentioning it in any of its statements. however, the fact that you have a senior member, the is really government, apparently aiding and abetting. a group that is now being served with sanctions is obviously of deep concern to relations between the us and israel. holland as early as strike and southern 11 on has killed at least 2 women of the building near their homeless, targeted in the town of jan. nonsense, about 20 kilometers more for the border. we understand several people so injured in that attack. well still ahead here on elder, they're preparing for the journey to nouns, our thoughts, millions of worship as are neca for the annual hodge calling from
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the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now, i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selected, justice or weapon is ation of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story on al jazeera or on counting the cost to your a plays catch up with the us in china and what's being called a competitive does crisis can india is private as but pushed through economic performance with the refused to follow entry majority. and how the, how should pilgrimage is boosting saudi's economy? counting the cost on al jazeera help protect palestinian families from starvation.
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our goal is the stuff i provided a. the 700000 helped meals sofa supporting 1700000 palestinians that no age is needed to night use a kind of osaka to provide a live saving food. every mail to native is matched, doubling the meals and your rewards. help us fight. finding the, [000:00:00;00] the 12 imagine watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. this certainly is on a says it has killed a senior colanda,
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the permanent true rapids support forces during intense fighting and the city of all fashion. and uh, for the security council is also pasta resolution demanding that they are assessed and seeing chavarria warnings of extreme hunger in southern gaza. the ones were on free program says it's operations have been impacted by the nicest, pointing and southern and central goss g. 70. it is amazing and it's me, it's a video and refugee agency for palestinians must be allowed to work on handed in gaza. think home for all parties to facilitate the rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief. all staying with thought g 7 summit. where on the 2nd day leaders has been addressing a range of issues, including russia's war and ukraine, as well as pensions, with china, around this new paint program, put process to made a historic appearance as the 1st page of the roman catholic church to attend a g 7 summit to rely to get his head. james space has worn out from bari and southern actually, and this is the 1st time a pope has attended
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a g 7 meeting for that reason why i'm still alive. what po francis, his 1st words to his host is at least prime minister, georgia maloney as he left the helicopter, looking frail wood in good spirits. the 87 year old pontiff made the rounds of world leaders. he's used to to hear things beyond the human realm, but he was us to speak here, most about spiritual matters, but on all to official intelligence. and then then we could condemn humanity to a hopeless future if we took away people's ability to make decisions about themselves and their lives. so i condemn them to depend on the choices of machines . it says whether it was german chancellor laugh schultz is 66 both day time for a song, but the leaders had no other reason to celebrate. at this. somebody's only done but maloney whose policy did well. europe in elections a few days ago,
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have the political problems at home. as they discuss the language of the summit, spinal communicate that was even an angry spat between maloney and the french president, a manual macro. he objected when she succeeded in keeping the wood abortion out of the document. she then accused him of the unseemly use of the summit for campaigning in france's forthcoming election. when he arrived at the full dinner, the tension between the 2 was palpable. the g 7 leaders, 6 of them beleaguered at home face a range of global challenges including the ongoing, was in ukraine garza and there are many around the world who believed the way that they dealt with those conflicts. shows double standards and tape pop chrissy. this is the 50th anniversary summit of the g 7, but it's certainly not how high point james pays out to 0 already initially, for the 1st time since the end of apartheid. so life goes governing african
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national congress will share power with the democratic alliance content. and the unity government not deal signed on friday, came as members of parliament were being sworn. and they will now elect the president, which is always something to be so around the pose. and also the da said that it would also support in the media. mila has moved from cape town to such a li, since that was announced, that they would be this formation of a government of national unity indicates what happens next. and what, which positions go to which party. and one of the key things with regards to this agreement is that the democratic alliances city would support a president's coming from the largest party in that multi party agreement, which in this case would be suitable. i'm opposed to on the amc and so then we continue seeing him as president and then having the stability that the african national congress has said that it's off to the democratic alliance. how the press
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briefing not too long ago when it said that much of this agreement around these, this national, this government of national unity is in line with its own constitution and its own issues that it wants to prioritize. including dealing with crime, dealing with a high level of unemployment as well as addressing a high levels of poverty and also corruption. no corruption is an issue that has play the african national congress for years and many would say contributed to its full in support. so looking at to be and she wants to a point as the speaker of parliament, it is somebody new and who has a much clean a record compared to the false pico, who is no charge with corruption and is in quotes because of those charges. so we already see perhaps great to a consultation and agreement between these 2 parties are often being at odds,
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but appear to be, to some extent on the same page in terms of the way for a millions of lessons from all over the wild, visiting mecca to the annual 100 pilgrimage. the focal point of their religious journey is the combat stones structure. you see that as a sense of the great mosque of macca. they are spending the lives of nina. the full planning nouns are fast on saturday. i personally national guard is covering the hutch for us this year and filed this report from not our font. when you stop charged, you have to enter into a state of islam, which is some sort of a spiritual quest for a deep sense of purpose. the live of this explains why, oh man must wear simple white cloth to show that they are willing to embrace change, show humility, break away from the vanity of life, and also show compassion towards the sick. the, for the dispossessed,
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and the elderly. off that is going to be the most important day in housing. this is what you're going to see. a sea of people standing in this area in silence, praying supplicating and asking for forgiveness for muslims out of fancies. some sort of a dress rehearsal for the final day of judgments. why that believe there was done before that create an answer for their own mistakes. and since, but they hope that by the end of the day and a lot of facts that prayers would be unset hush them on. but i 0 out of that relations between north and south korea out there west and several years across the fries there. and that separates them, so has resumed propaganda messages through loud speakers. option. yeah. and has been sending the balloons filled with rubbish. from mcbride travel to goes to own county near the border to find out how propaganda has been used over the years. the visitors to the d. m. z museum learned the story of this heavily armed and
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contested frontier from its founding the end of the korean war. through the decades of angry exchanges, driven by propaganda campaigns by both sides as leaf bits of including the production and distribution of leaflets. by the 1000000000, we know that we showcased the process of how the dmc was formed that resulted from this division and the current military standoff between the north and south. the museum also has on display the type of speaker systems that the 2 sides have resumed using at the nearby observatory, south korea and visitors compare into the notes. the recent resumption of loud speak of propaganda indicates the height and tensions between the 2 careers. but this eastern end of the d, m. z with its coastal road linking north and south, was offered the hope of back to relations even until
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a few short years ago. this crossing was used for the unions of families separated in the will and for a short lived joints tourism project. villages like this one benefited from the cross border exchanges, but that prosperity has faded as relations have listened to a 100 bucks. there were about 10 restaurants back then, but now there's only one of the villages economy is struggling in sol. defect is from the north now working as artists in the south display, some of the work. oh some child was a propaganda painter for the military. producing the kind of fervently packed for y'all, take paintings used to rally support for the north korean regime then. and now the north korean art search is a powerful tool for the mental incitement of the people. it's used as a way to uphold the regime, the back of the d. m. z web propaganda has raised tensions once more. both sides
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awake the next development in that full relationship. rob mcbride down to 0 goes on county, south korea. that's it for main install, said hey, you can always find one out of there. i don't come next inside story. looks at what lies ahead for south africa off the country gets it's fast television government the the, it's not quite as halting greece now. it's not quite as helpful in western turkey. lastly, because the wind direction has changed and the clouds increased, assembled at 25 long north coast. you'll see that fairly strong wind coming out of the black sea surf thing without the stove about 40 nicholas. he had not reco breaking, but 6 above average, about heath close to studies with homes. is that for the typically sears, faulty or above the event?
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not always that fault or closer. it 47 or 48 in the rock. the high ground to be wrong keeps you cool about this sunday is still intense. and then down through savvy. i think the warnings have gone. i guess it's been so hot recently, but we're still talking about low to middle forties and around the gulf states that the low to middle forties and fairly humid catching the coast of a mile is the edge of the southwest monsoon. keeping still, our cooler is getting more humid and little cloudy. that's what a wind up the east coast of africa and i fall fewer shadows anywhere. in tropical africa you just catch what's happening in nigeria. south of all they cities fairly dropped and they've been split of welcome right. and maybe so central mozambie circulation didn't do very much for me is i'd be in the form of rain and elsewhere . as you can see, it's pretty average sunny the dry on the pod. huge. i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece?
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i think that the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities. you're running mean what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up, present as not that important factor here. the story on talk to how does era a calculation for south africa. the 1st column and 3 section is held off to an election which changed the political landscape b i n, c's being forced to share power for the 1st time. how will the alliance with former opponents, what was lies ahead? this is inside stores the


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