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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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just deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request the sizing, intensifies incidents, a door down for said the report on the young man who being trained to find the army to basil the rapids support forces the disk of washington. this is elena 0. live from to ha, also coming up for an exhibit stream hunger in southern garza, or israel bombards from fox and prolong cnd tree of life saving age. the us imposes sanctions on and his railing group for tracking aid con,
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voice bound for casa and south africa's president, civil civil around the plaza is set to keep his job off his and see policy science . a coalition deal with its biggest rival, the we begin in so done with the human conflicts has been escalating in recent weeks. fighting has intensified between the army and power, military rapids support forces in officer. that's the military's law stronghold in the wisdom the for the region. the all me says it's cute. a senior recess come on to, but unless it has been besieged by the are assessed for more than a month. doctors without borders says the only functioning hospital is in danger of being closed, and once the entire city is not safe for civilians. on thursday,
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the un security council passed a resolution demanding the recess. holt, if cj it's cooling full on handed, humanitarian access to the city of flesh, it is a crucial ralph for 8 efforts in the region which is already on the brink of semen . and meanwhile, in shake. also money in south south eastern, so done at least 20 people have been killed in the latest are, are assess attack, women and children are among the dead. even move and begins are coverage from on dorman, when many have taken up arms to join the fights. so, oh, this military camp in under man is where young man from sedans, west and are for region come to receive training. they volunteer to fight alongside to dance army and it's were against the parent military rapids support forces or r s f. what's the was displaced from his city of indiana in south dar for he says the horrors committed by the are a staff is would meet him,
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join this camp. last name, i'm going to do the displacement, the looting of civilians, the rape of our sisters and mothers is what made me join discount. the recess took a vanilla and things that became too dangerous. so i came here but joined discount to attend to the full and find the are a say the work between the army and the rest, which starts at last here in the capital, spread quickly to dar for which has long been a conflict on violence there between the former government and rebel forces in 2003 killed more than 300000 people and displaced 2000000 people, the u and described it as ethnic cleansing by government forces and their allies. for many of those here, the current conflict is a continuation of the work that spotted in dar 4 in 2003, b r. a stuff has its origins and they tend to read militia, which the government used to fly troubles and which was accused of committing crimes against civilians. now,
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the parent military is accused of committing similar crimes against civilians around the country. with more specifically in the dar 4 region, the u. m says between 10215000 have been killed in west star for a loan. when ethnic muscle lead with targeted by the recess and allied groups in this conflict. several mass graves have been reported in the state in north star for the last remaining army strong holes in the region. the iris that has launched completed attacks that has led to the display cement of more than 130000 people. in the past month. dozens of villages have been burned to the ground, mostly of estimates of ours. some of those who ended up in the camp are firm of soldiers and former recess office. there is one for the same and shedding committee reported to the army on the 1st day of the conflicts against the recess because it rebelled against the government. they stood against the army and against the
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country from day one that killed civilians and force them to leave their homes. the camp is run by this comment or a member of what's known as the border guards once patient and are for. they were once allied with the rest of their now fighting. their former allies were yankee, the another. do we need it? who goes from dog for who's come have gone through the injustice both by stating doleful on. so you, because of the already set except for i will fax you. the other states have been bluetooth. people have been killed enrolled. that's what those policies are most and read and try blessed. the are assess controls. most of the western region for those here are for maybe 2 or 3, but they say fighting, they are a step here in the capital. makes them feel one step closer to home. he but morgan all just the euro undermine. solomon baldo is the director of the sit down transparency and policy track, a think tank. he says the finding in of pressure has led to an unprecedented wave
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of displacement from the region to you. if i should have the solution is 1500000 half of them displace from india convolution industrial, particularly the 2000 speed to come in. um the insurance company to steal 90 big guns in the 1st year. i knew it was of this place, probably be some time to refresh it and the vision of the year during the storm is underway. advise you run and really to play it on a sunk to any of those present peace and quiet lashed, of course. and the love seat she is striking, there are 6, has the 5 do the sees yet on the 1st year from who they feel they have their own sources from other places to make you know a fancy however they don't want to take responsibility for lots of the median
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most is to get on there for the in the sink. the 1st people leave by shielding around the end of the eventually areas and i get it comes on people i believe. ready by the side of the gums, but they're still, you know, they are still getting the found those people in the city and any from the offense, the, from the side for the mean massive the money should begin. gross is also a wave of, of this is going to dimensions and displacement of people from a fashion of the which are now to the will on gone to the world. food program says it's operations of being severely affected by israel's attacks on the southern and central areas of the strip. there are no fee is southern guns. i could see the same extreme hunger that was previously recorded in the north. the un agency says the north has seen an
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improvement and assistance with supplies entering through the west in arrears, crossing. but food prices remain high, palestinians are struggling to cover the costs, which i will sort of as the festivals are available in the market, but they are all sold at very high prices. for me, a window, i have no income and i cannot feed my children. tonic assume is in debt, alabama and he sent us this update, a rate significant portion of the population now facing is facing 3 to get this to 6. and of course, the district vending, particularly in the central areas, because that due to the is really prevention of age flow into the script. and that's really contributing what the international student of justice has is will to do, which is to guarantee and ensure the delivery of basic human cherry and needs and aids into the population. because as the trip on the green reality day by day is
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getting much was suspicious, especially that we have been holding a seat. rawlings and monique, just in case, especially among the children, were, according to the world health organization chief, has said that at least 8000 the company of children has been diagnosed with acute moment attrition. and that's absolutely the grim reality. now, day by day. what we noticed as a very limited numbers of the humanitarian h hopes of getting it from and is really point in other parts of dollars that that's only a load that the humanitarian, a troops with a flour, but that's cannot be really effective to match the needs of dozens of the same time, there's on getting close to due to the of the boat is due to the fluids and setting up ration in a rough like district which had been a big blow for all kinds of humanitarian relief operations. by human and chariot organizations. which have been describing as well been using as tough patient as a method to pull fox, generally palestinians here are often only for
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a ceasefire that would be up to move solution for all kinds of facilities and even 4 digits. your rates in human attorney and conditions as the entire trip right now facing and experiencing insecurity. with the reopening of the indonesian hospital, there is no one working hospital in northern gaza, but the hospital has limited functionality. gigi israel's blockade, or medical aid and fuel image and kimble reports. this is the indonesian hospital in northern garza. its just reopened, often and tense is ready bombardment and occupation of it scribes a. no, it's the only functioning hospital in the area for nearly 650000 palestinians. the hospital resumed operation on the 1st of june, following the withdrawal of these really army from jamalia. the areas,
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main hospital, all she felt was totally destroyed, but he is really arms. and with the sharp shortage of medical supplies, let alone the medical staff. we're doing our best to serve our people. but the worst is the severe fuel shortage. since we restored our service in june, we have not received a single liter of fuel. we cannot operate the ice use or operation rooms. the solar panels are covering only for hours of daily operations, which is not sufficient to present goals. the report of many operations cannot be performed without adequate medical supplies, equipment and personnel. some patients don't get the treatment they need. others are forced to have procedures. they wouldn't have otherwise. i mean 7 years old. he was hit in an asteroid in northern garza. and his randy drove and find a number of messages on us and a school show to my father was killed and i was injured. i was taken to hospital
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for treatment, but my leg was 7. i hope i can have an artificial limb to be able to walk and play again before his injury means mother says he was very active, hoping you run the heis and with his brothers and sisters. since he's become withdrawal and she says his leg could have been saved. if they called the medical cat, they needed in time power medics were not able to reach the school building. and as a result, my husband bled to death. and to me is like, was lost. he remained in a coma for days and almost lost his life. his brother, as it has mental plates, fixed in his homes. his radio strikes accounting and injuring palestinians. and garza, with more than 2 thirds of hospitals, like a service and with the blockade to aid including medical supplies and fuse. the destruction of the health care system is causing even more people to suffer and even lose their lives. image and kinda out 0 to bite in administration is imposing
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sanctions on an is really group for attacking humanitarian aid, con, voice bound for gaza. the sanctions targets of 9. a group with ties to these rarely, i mean for service and is really simplest in the occupied westbank like kind of has this update from washington dc. well, certainly associates another special ed group being sanctioned by the us administration as of 9 or group or the 9. that's the title taken from the papers that are served on his really military service when they called upset even in its title. there is a link to the is really military. now the state departments, but suppose and matthew miller has issued the statement saying, 4 months individuals from sup, 9 have repeatedly sold to source the delivery of humanitarian 8 to gaza, including by blockading roads. sometimes violently, along the route from jordan to gaza, including in the west bank. they have also damaged a trucks and dumped life, saving you monetary an aide onto the road. now what is not mentioned in this
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statement is that on several occasions wins up 9 carried out these attacks on a convoys the police and the military did nothing to stop them. on a number of occasions it was the reported that they were standing by now another plaintive concern to the bite and administration is the fact that step 9 has links to n g o. switching to hyperlinks to the very highest echelons of the israeli government . in particular, the minute stuff, national security, it's a mob been to be now he has instructed police and army not to provide protection for a convoys. so this is something that's a deep concern. united states, it's not mentioning it in any of its statements. however, the fact that you have a senior member, the israeli government, apparently aiding and abetting a group that is now being served sanctions is obviously of deep concern to relations between the us and israel. the still ahead on out
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a 0 g 7 lead is missing and easily say the un agency for palestinian refugees must be allowed to work on handed in garza and preparing for the journey to mount out of 5 millions of worship. as in nixa for the annual hodge cocoa, the the northwest you, if in fact much of west and you, if you're looking football like spring, then what is almost mid summer. as you can say, this low me shouldn't be that, but that means west and when the weather, which spreads all the way from the pretty shelves down through farms to the owls lane, back up through denmark to norway and sweden with significant right. these temp sounds as low as they were, but they were in the teens. they should be in the 20s. but we've had the extreme
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heat recently from the balkans down towards greece. that's 10 foot and a half of the wind direction has changed. and they've just come down to more, that's where they should be slow moving shares, particularly in ukraine, will affect the township much unless you into nice some. but the general trend is for things to walk there after crude so. so for example, the 3 day full across the key goes from $17.00 to $27.00, which is average as the thunder storms or showers around it 1st, and then disappear. jumping science, know factors being very hot, 60 libya recently, but the on show breezy is also tools exam, and it should do eventually for egypt. it's still a long way west because that when comes out the rest and so her. but tempering that the seasonal share of the make a long will progress a long way. know if the guinea guinea, bizarre suff molly and out through nigeria, even into southern chat of the help protect palestinian families from starvation. our goal is the stuff i provided
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a. the 700000 helped meals sofa supporting 1700000 palestinians, but no age is needed to not use a cut also to, to provide a life saving food every mailed in a to is matched, doubling the meals and your rewards. help us fight finding the the, this is a reminder, although top stories, the seller, the suit in these armies says it's killed. a senior come onto of the power military rapids support forces during intense fighting in the city of all frustrated induct
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for the un security council post a resolution demanding the recess ended siege on the arrogance twenties of extreme hunger in southern guns, as humans well suited program. says it's operation of being impacted 5 and they just fighting in southern and central goes up to by an administration is imposing sanctions on these random group for attacking humanitarian aid comp convoys found for casa, the group 79 has ties with these rarely army reserves. and is rarely senseless. in the occupied westbank g 7 leaders are meeting initially. they say the un refugee agency for palestinians must be allowed to work on handed in gonzo. they called for all parties to facilitate rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief. during the whole sentence of this update from the g 7 summit in full, you easily, or let me read you the relevant passage in the summits conclusions as it relates to
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a goss of the g 7. that says is united in supporting the comprehensive deal that's been put forward that would lead to an immediate cease fire in gaza. the release of all hostages and a credible pathway towards peace. that leads to a 2 state solution. then a line on 8. we full circle for a significant and sustained increase in humanitarian assistance and further into the document. a line about the u. n's releasing works agency, we agree, it is critical that we're and other, you and organizations and agencies that distribution networks be fully able to deliver a to those who need it most fulfilling the mandate effectively. now remember, the owner is the largest 8 agency operating and gaza. it has done so many years itself ration so, but suspended of to israel accused is of having staff members that were involved in the october the 7th attacks that most most of its funding from individual un
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members. much of that has now reviewed resume, but its activities still severely intended impeded on complaining just 24 hours ago that these radio thirty's frequently prevented from delivering aid and other aid organizations come could be shared with you. based on x from unit assess global spokesman. james elder, this was my wednesday in gauze, and he wrote this week a 30 now admission to go 40 kilometers. a towel was held at a check point, despite the approvals, our truck containing medicines and nutrition for 10000 children was turned back. so the g 7, e needs communicate, standing full square behind the need to resume at scale, a deliveries engaged on the 2nd day of the g 7. some of these leaders have been addressing a range of issues including russia's war and ukraine, as well as the tension with china and a bronze nuclear program. upfront is also made a historic appearance as the 1st head of the roman catholic church to attend the g
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7 summit. a diplomatic editor james brings, has moved from the summit. this is the 1st time a pope has attended a g 7 meeting to go to. i am still alive with pope francis. his 1st words to his host is at least prime minister, georgia maloney as he left the helicopter, looking frail in good spirits. the 87 year old pontiff made the rounds of world leaders is used to to hear things beyond the human realm. but he was off to speak. he knows about spiritual matters, but on all its official intelligence. and then then we could condemn humanity to a hopeless future if we took away people's ability to make decisions about themselves and their lives. so i condemn them to depend on the choices of machines . is whether it was german chung sl oh, laugh schultz is 66 both day time for a song but the leaders had no other reason to
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celebrate that this. somebody's only done but maloney whose party did well europe in elections a few days ago. have the political problems at home as they discuss the language of the summit, spinal communicate that was even an angry spat between maloney and the french president, the manual macro. he objected when she succeeded in keeping the wood abortion out of the document. she then accused him of the unseemly use of the summit for campaigning and frances bolts coming election. when he arrived at the full dinner, the tension between the 2 was palpable. the g 7 leaders, 6 of them beleaguered at home face a range of global challenges including the ongoing was in ukraine and gauze. and there were many around the world who believed the way that they dealt with those conflicts. shows double standards and tape pop chrissy. this is the 50th anniversary summit of the g 7,
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but it's certainly not how high point james pays out to 0 already initially. we turn now to south africa. we have, for the 1st time since the end of a pond to the governing african national congress. will she have power with the democratic alliance party? any unity government, or what you're looking at now, a live pictures from cape town with south africa's newly elected problem. it is holding it's 1st session meeting for the 1st time since last month's election will 0 when the pose that has just been nominated for the presidency is expected to receive a 2nd time as president. i'm opposed as potty remind to the and see last it's majority in last month's election. well let's bring in for me to midland. now live from cape town. good to see you for me to. so around the pose it has been nominated . how, what do we make of this norman nation? well, the nomination comes from a disagreement between the african national congress and the democratic alliance.
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you mentioned that that the amc had lost its parliamentary majority. and so this agreement was necessitated by that to ensure that from a poor, so would be nominated and elected for a 2nd time. and so based on what we've seen so far in that the agreement has both in a while i'm entry speaker from the amc and a different you from the democratic alliance. this nomination and the election of remo pause is almost a formality because no, the amc has the numbers based on that partnership with the da as well as the cost of freedom party, another party that's participating in this government of national unity. the. the amc has been the very challenging position because of the losses it's had following that election. and that it got just about 40 percent of the vote and, and wouldn't have a problem in the majority. but that agreement now allows for this moment ation and
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election of from a poor. so we expect voting to start any time for now. and then the speaker will likely announce that he has been elected president me to it certainly sounds like a dynamic situation. what happens next as well, what people will be good to see is just ho, fall disagreement between the d. n a. and she goes, in terms of the concessions, the aids you might have to make with regards to the cabinet positions that will be announced in a few days time. and that's often remo poor, so he's sworn in as president for he's sick and tom and many one to which key positions will go to the democratic alliance as well as the v i s p. and potentially how that might affect policy. and again, some of the concessions the amc has to make given that these are 2 parties that i haven't always seen i to, i, in fact,
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the democratic alliance historically has opposed almost all the agencies amendments to laws are laws or changes the policies that they've wanted to put in place and they do have difficulties in terms of very important policies regarding labor, taxation, immigration and portals and even issues like foreign policy, which include sold africa's thoughts on palestine. for example, where the amc is supportive of the palestinian cause. the d a has been fairly ambiguous, just one of many examples of these 2 parties now having to reach consensus and potentially fall and will consultation between the 2 of them to have a stable government. right? that's for me to me, lab reporting the from taped down for me to thank you. well, i sure could. she is a political analyst in johannesburg and she says the democratic alliance will now be 2nd key cabinet positions in government. but it's not clear if the amc is
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willing to give them a, a to b and c and the d r i d logically almost diametrically opposed. in fact, in the last 2 administrations, the d a has shut down just about every piece of legislation that the amc is introduced into parliament. of course the amc was still able to post most of them despite the da's objections, but that alone would give you an idea of how opposed to the 2 parties are. so the amc has opted not to go into a coalition with either the a o d, e f f, or indeed even a consortium of minority parties of small parties. but what they've opted to do instead is to form a government of national unity. as was the 1st democratic government in south africa during 1994. so what a g n u essentially means it's different from a coalition in that it brings more than one smaller party into government.
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but in addition to that, there's going to be some horse trading over. she positions, particularly cabinet positions, many stereo positions in the new government and v d a and e f. f will of course have very different ideas of which key portfolios they would like to assume. but with van fee would be able to relinquish those up to holding power for so long is $1.00 of the key questions the most, cuz one approval from tesla shareholders to a pay package, totaling up to 56 $1000000000.00 in cash and stock options. the package had earlier been blocked by a judge who rules that must influence tesla's board of directors toward him. the money reynolds reports fits the shareholders voted by a wide margin to approve you on most paid package. i just want to start off by saying, put them,
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i love you guys as well as kids threatened to leave tesla intake with him. some advanced technologies, he's been working on. if he lost many business and let's say the vote was no surprise because shareholders realize tesla without musk would be worth far less than with him. prior to the vote, several large institutional investors urged a vote against the package saying the money should be going to shareholders. excessive doesn't begin to describe this ridiculous pay package. you know, we've seen c e o is getting ridiculous pay packages that are in the tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars. we're talking about billions of dollars here. there are 2 reasons to pay somebody at that level of responsibility. one is to reward them for past performance. the other is to provide an incentive for future performance. this pay package has no relation to either of those goals. just slow is struggling as the sales have slowed. tesla share price has dropped about 60
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percent from its peak in 2021. at the same time, critics a mux attention has wavered as he manages multiple other companies including ex, formerly known as twitter and space x. tesla has laid off nearly 4000 workers. this year in an effort to cut costs most cuz behavior has at times been erratic and some say unseemly. this week. former workers that space ex suit the billionaire saying he fostered a toxic workplace right with sexual harassment and discrimination. but must rush detractors aside. i gotta be somewhat pathologically optimistic, but i do live in the end across the board, top executive pay packages. a big publicly traded companies have sort and recent decades for mostly less than a $1000000.00 in the 1980s to averaging tens of 1000000.


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