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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 14, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the, the business leg just is free to you believe i guess is a nice guy on one of your just makes model inflates. the fighting intensifies incidents. newest offers state your report on the young men who are being trained by the army to battle the rapids support forces the jessica washington. this is under the red line from dell ha. also coming of warnings of extreme hunger and southern goals of israel bombards of rafa and blocks the entry of life saving h u. s. imposes sanctions on an is rarely group for attacking. a convoy is found
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for kansas and south africa's president 000, around the post is set to keep his job. after this, amc potties science a coalition deal with its biggest rivals. the . we begin in sudan where the human conflict has been escalating in recent weeks. fighting has intensified between the army and power military rapids support forces in alpha should. that's the military's last stronghold in the western delford region. the army says it's killed, a senior recess come on to, but also should, has been besieged by the are assessed for more than a month for doctors without borders says the only functioning hospital is in danger of being close and warrants the entire city is not safe. for civilians on thursday, the un security council passed a resolution demanding the rest at home. it's cj,
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it's cooling for, and he did humanitarian access to the city of sasha. it is a crucial route for a efforts in the region ready on the brink of funding. meanwhile and shake off the money in south eastern so done, at least $20.00 people have been killed in the latest r a says attack women and children are among the dead. even morgan begins so coverage from on goodman when many have taken up arms to join the fight. oh, oh, this military camp in under man is where young man from sedans, west and are for region come to receive training. they've volunteer to fight alongside to dance. army and it's were against the parent and the 3 rapids support forces or r s f. what's the item was displaced from his city of indiana in south dar for. he says the horrors committed by the our staff is with meet him, join this camp. last name, i'm going to do the displacement, the looting of civilians, the rape of our sisters,
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mothers is what made me join discount the our sister took over in the yellow as things that became too dangerous. so i came here but joined discount to attend to the full and find the are a say the work between the army and the rest that which started last year in the capital spread quickly to dar for which has long been a conflict on violence there between the former government and rebel forces in 2003 killed more than 300000 people and displaced 2000000 people, the u and described it as ethnic cleansing by government forces and their allies. for many of those here, the currents conflict is a continuation of the work that spotted in dar 4 in 2003. the rest of has it's all regents and the general lead melisha, which the government used to fly troubles and which was accused of committing crimes against civilians. now the parent military is accused of committing similar crimes against civilians around the country. with more specifically in the dark for
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region, the u. m says between 10215000 have been killed in west star for alone when a slick muscle lead with targeted by the recess and allied groups in this conflict . once the mass graves had been reported in the state in north star for the last remaining army strong holes in the region, the recess has launched, completed attacks that has led to the displacement of more than 130000 people. in the past month, dozens of villages have been burned to the ground, mostly of estimates of ours. some of those who ended up in the camp. our former soldiers and former are assessed officers one for the dom instead of the same and shedding somebody to friday. i reported to the army on the 1st day of the conflicts against the recess because it rebelled against the government. so they stood against the army and against the country. from day one, they killed civilians and force them to leave their homes. as far as the camp is
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run by this commander, a member of what's known as the border guards once patient and are for they were once allied with the rest of their now fighting. their former allies were junky, the nothing do any did who goes from dog 4, who's come have gone through injustice as a full fi stating, doleful on. so you because of the, are a shift except for our fashion that the other states have been looted. people have been killed enrolled, that's what those policies are most and raised and try blessing the recess control most of the west and region for those here. therefore maybe 2 or 3, but the safe, i think they are a step here in the capital. makes them feel one step closer to home. he but more than all just the euro undermine the returning to the vote on cause. and now the world food program says it's operations of being severely affected by israel's attacks in the southern essential areas of
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the strip. there are no fee is southern dogs, i could see the same extreme hunger that was recorded previously in the north. you an agency says the north has seen an improvement and assistance with supplies entering through the western arrest crossing. but food prices remain high, and palestinians are struggling to cover the costs. and the vegetables are available in the market, but they are also very high prices. for me, a window, i have no income and i cannot feed my children. tonic assume is in debt. alba and he sent us this update a re significant version of the connection now facing is facing really because of course, district funding, particularly in the single areas because that due to the is very prevention of age flow into the strip. and that can really contribute. i think what the international
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students of justice has is will give you, which is to guarantee and ensure the delivery of basic human, terry and needs and aids into the population of the gaza strip on the green reality . day by day is getting much worse, especially especially that we have been holding a seat, rawlings and monique, just in case, especially among the children about pointing to the world health organization. cheese has said that at least 8000 custody of children have been diagnosed with acute small nutrition and that's absolutely the grim reality. now, day by day what we noticed that very limited numbers of the humanitarian, a total of getting it from an is really point in other parts of dollars that that's only as low to the humanitarian. a troops with a flour. but that's cannot be really effective too. much of the needs of thousands of the same time there's on getting close to due to the of the boat. is it due to the fluids and setting up ration in a rough like district which had been a big blow for all kinds of humanitarian relief operations. quite humanitarian
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organizations, which have been describing as well, been using as tough haitian as a metaphor. fox, generally palestinians here are asking only for a ceasefire. that would be the up to move solution for all kinds of even 4 digits. your rating humanitarian conditions as the entire trip right now, facing and experiencing in security. with the reopening of the indonesian hospital, there is no one working hospital in northern casa, but it has limited functionality due to israel's blockade. on medical aid and fuel imaging, timber reports. this is the indonesian hospital in northern garza, its just reopened both through intensive variety bombardment and occupation. if it scribes a no, it's the only functioning hospital in the area for nearly 650000 palestinians.
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the hospital resumed operation on the 1st of june, following the withdrawal of these really army from jamalia. the areas main hospital, all she felt was totally destroyed, but he is really army. and with the sharp shortage of medical supplies, let alone the medical staff. we're doing our best to serve our people, but the worst is the severe fuel shortage. since we restored our service in june, we have not received a single liter of fuel. we cannot operate the ice use or operation rooms. the solar panels are covering only 4 hours of daily operations, which is not sufficient to please and goals a report. the menu operations cannot be performed without adequate medical supplies, equipment and personnel. some patients don't get the treatment they need. others are forced to have procedures. they wouldn't have otherwise. i mean, 7 years old. he was hit in an asteroid in northern garza and his randy
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drove and find a number of messages on us and a school show to my father was killed and i was injured. i was taken to hospital for treatment, but my leg was 7. i hope i can have an artificial limb to be able to walk and play again. before his injury means mother says he was very active hoping you run the heis and with his brothers and sisters since he's become withdrawal and she says his leg could have been saved. if they called the medical cat, they needed in time. power medics were not able to reach the school building and as a result, my husband bled to death. and to me is like, was lost. he remained in a coma for days and almost lost his life. his brother, as it has mental plates, fixed in his homes. his radio strikes accounting and injuring palestinians, and garza, with more than 2 thirds of hospitals, like a service and with the blockade of 8, including medical supplies and few. the destruction of the health care system is causing even more people to suffer and even lose their lives image and came out 0.
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the people have been injured by is rarely gunsight and the occupied westbank is there any forces have carried out a raid in muddy camp and leaving for people seriously hush since october 7th, more than 5200 palestinians in the occupied west thing have been injured by is ready forces at more than 540 in kills. the divide and administration is imposing sanctions on an is mainly group for attacking who manage hearing aid con, voice bound for garza. the sanctions targets have 9. a group which ties to is rarely army reserve us and it's really simple is in the occupied westbank like hannah central. so this update from washington dc. well, certainly associates another special ed group being sanctioned by the us administration as of 9 or group or the 9. that's a title taken from the papers that are served on his really military service when
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they called upset even in its title. the is a link to the is really military. now the state department's books purse and matthew miller has issued a statement saying full months individuals from south 9 have repeatedly sort of thought the delivery of humanitarian 8 to gaza, including by blockading roads. sometimes violently, along the route from jordan to gaza, including in the west bank. they have also damaged a trucks and dump live, saving you, monetary, an aide onto the road. now what is not mentioned in this statement is that on several occasions wins up 9 carried out these attacks on a convoys the police and the military did nothing to stop them on a number of occasions. it's what the reported that they were standing by now. another point of concern to the bite and administration is the fact that step 9 has links to n g o switching to happenings, to the very highest echelons of the israeli government. in particular,
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the minute stuff. national security, it's a mob been to be. now he has instructed police and ami not to provide protection for a convoys. so this is something that's a deep concern. united states, it's not mentioning it in any of its statements. however, the fact that you have a senior member, the, is a government, apparently aiding and abetting a group that is now being served sanctions is obviously of deep concern to relations between the us and the as well. and it's rarely strike in southern lebanon has killed at least 2 women after building the other home was targeted. the town of janessa, that's about 20 kilometers, knows of the voter. several people were also injured in the attack. you'll see, villain is a former is rarely cabinet minister and she'll pause and then negotiations that lead to the also records he says has the law and israel need to find a solution and that civilian lines we understand that day is by
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that it is a doing something which is not exactly a thinking, the needs of that people flipping on and the government of them. and i think that the, there is a gap between his balance, the interests and the civilian interest level. and if we can a loyalty in order to put an end to, to, to the say, exchange of fire and a health to day that the, the reason i'm marry can a french initiative a to find a solution for the current situation. and i think that this is the what the, both the sites then need more, more than anything else. they do. i have a, a gain, a wall between us and them. and it may have been, i hope very much that it may not happen. there is no need for that, and it is always civilians on both sides, which are becoming refugees. we shall king the retail one day in every society is
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of cause blaming the other side and there is no end tweak. the un resolution, 17 o a one. eh, what was the very reason that the a one and the ended the 2nd living on a low, but eventually a was not respected, a body by his beloved. now the question is whether we can a renewal the efforts to live something which we resemble it very much. i the still ahead on the 0 d 7 lead is amazing and easily. they say the un agency for palestinian refugees must be allowed to work on handed in costa and preparing for the john h. amount out of 5, millions of worship is our nickel. so the annual harsh pilgrimage, the
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spit cold? recently, i'm cloudy and the satellite picture confirms that over this part of australia and the winds from the south is never going to be warm as feelings and we're all going into the wrong season. so disappointing looking down south a day that breaks of light range from new south wales and i think particularly in sydney running up through the coast as well. however, in west australia is more, maybe cloudy, but it's nothing like as much as it was a shower to maybe in the past. and things brighten up considerably. in new south rose cameras, any 12 city on the 17, but in the sunshine for a change. that circulation and the task and so you would suggest rain in the star find a new zealand there it is with the federal breeze as well. lots of snow. you're lucky for the something else. not much won't think christ church can you about 30 degrees, but then that's correct. recent flooding in sort of way. so you because the big funds of this coast, i'm minus structural damage. no. the reflecting of why we don't think that will be
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repeated. there are big showers in the area, but probably bit to the east we seen shall. they shouldn't be in java in sweetwater, but the seasonal rate is wherever it should be. now showing itself encumbered here again to me in the northern towns and southern china. these are the plum, right, and so they produce $1.00 to $200.00 millimeters per day, varies, reflecting to the, your wills, the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red chris it's
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the the, this is sierra over my telephone top stories, the seller. the suit in these armies says it's killed, a senior come on to of the permanent tree rapids to pull forces during intense fighting in the city of al sasha in the for the un security council passed a resolution demanding the recess ended siege on the area. warnings of extreme hunger in silva and gaza, you ins world food program says it's operations of being impacted by them. link just finding in southern and central garza to bind in administration is imposing sanctions on and is really group for attacking your monetary in a convoy bounce because of the groups of 9 has ties with these really me for
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service. and it's really simplest in the occupied with g. 7 lead is meeting an easily say the you in refugee agency propeller stands must be allowed to work on a handed in gaza. they called for old policies to facilitate rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief, which on the whole sentence of this update from the g 7 summit in full, you easily. let me read you the relevant passage in the summits conclusions as it relates to gaza. the g 7 that says is united in supporting the comprehensive deal that's been put forward that would lead to an immediate cease fire in gauze or the release of all hostages and a credible pathway towards peace. that leads to a 2 state solution. then a line on 8, we also called for a significant and sustained increase in few monetary assistance and further into the document. a line about the ends releasing works agency, we agree,
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it is critical that the end of the you in organizations and agencies that distribution networks be fully able to deliberate to those who need the most fulfilling the mandate effectively. now remember, the owner is the largest agency operating in gaza. it has done so many years. it's operational, but suspended of to israel accused ease of having staff members that were involved in the october the 7th attacks that most most of its funding from individual un members. much of that has now reviewed resume. but it's activities still severely intended impeded on complaining just 24 hours ago that these radio thirty's frequently prevented from delivering aid. another aid organizations come could be shared with you based on x from unit assess global spokesman james elder. this was my wednesday in gauze, and he wrote this week a 13 now admission to got 40 kilometers. a towel was held at a check point,
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despite the approvals, our truck containing medicines and nutrition for 10000 children was turned back. so the g 7, e needs communicate, standing full square behind the need to resume at scale, a deliveries engaged. on the 2nd day of the g 7 summit leaders have been discussing a range of issues including russia's war and ukraine, as well as tension with china and a bronze nuclear program upfront has made an historic appearance as the 1st head of the roman catholic church to attend to g 7 summit. a diplomatic editor james bays was at the summit. this is the 1st time a pope is attended a g 7 meeting. i go to i am still alive with pope francis. his 1st words to his host is at least prime minister, georgia maloney as he left the helicopter, looking frail, put in good spirits. the 87 year old pontiff made the rounds of world leaders is used to to hear things beyond the human realm. but he was asked to speak his notes
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about spiritual matters, but on all to official intelligence. and then we could condemn humanity to a hopeless future if we took away people's ability to make decisions about themselves and their lives. so i condemn them to depend on the choices of machines . it says whether it was german chung sl. oh, laugh schultz is 66 both day time for a song but the leaders had no other reason to celebrate that this somebody, all of them but maloney whose party did well to europe in elections a few days ago have deep political problems at home. as they discuss the language of the summit, spinal communicate that was even an angry spat between maloney and the french president, the manual macro. he objected when she succeeded in keeping the wood abortion out of the document. she then accused him of the unseemly use of the summit for
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campaigning and frances bolts coming election. when he arrived at the full dinner, the tension between the 2 was palpable. the g 7 leaders, 6 of them beleaguered at home face a range of global challenges including the ongoing, was in ukraine garza and there are many around the world who believe the way that they dealt with those conflicts. shows double standards and tape pop chrissy. this is the 50th anniversary summit, the g 7, but it's certainly not how high point james pays out to 0. already initially, in south africa's newly elected parliament is holding it's 1st session. the african national congress lead a civil run, the pose that has been nominated for the presidency, and he cost his own valid just moments ago in the secret ballot, or he's widely expected to receive a 2nd time. the mc last is majority in last month's election. and he has to had to agree to a unity government with the democratic alliance. the amc and d a have
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a combined 246 seats out of 400 in the newly elected national assembly. the miller is in cape town and has this update. the nomination comes from a disagreement between the african national congress and the democratic alliance. the amc had lost its parliamentary majority and so this agreement was necessitated by that to ensure that from a poor so would be nominated and elected for a 2nd time. and so based on what we've seen so far in that the agreement has brought in a while entry speaker from the agency and a deputy from the democratic alliance. this nomination and the election of remo pause is almost a formality because no, the amc has the numbers based on that partnership with the da, as well as the cost of freedom party, another party that's participating in this government of national unity. the,
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the agency has been the very challenging position because of the losses it's had following that election. and they've got just about 40 percent of the vote and, and wouldn't have a problem in a majority. but that agreement now allows for this moment ation and election of from a poor. so we expect voting to start any time for now. and then the speaker will like your notes and he has been elected president, a russian president flooding in person says he's open to p stokes with ukraine, but only on the condition that he pulls out his troops from for if it's region separate, john car song don't ask, and the solution also wants to crane to give up his plans to join nato is comments com a day before. a major international summit on your claim is due to be held in switzerland . the russian leda has not been invited to that summit. nearly a shovel of what has moved from most of a legitimate reason was addressing russian diplomats at foreign ministry presenting
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his peace plan, which was met with a little twins who usually ask them. russia hasn't been invited to the upcoming peace conference on ukraine in switzerland. that's according to peace and without russia's participation in the conference, it would be impossible to reach pace and ukraine has raise your rate at russia is ready for dialogue, according to peace. in the major condition for a cease 5, ukraine must withdrawal troops from the east and regions of internet skin with guns and southern regions of our osha and here. so on, he promised that russia would guarantee the safety of the withdrawing ukrainian forces. plus he stated that hugh crank should refuse to join may. so i think the russians go is a neutral nuclear for ukraine. also presents planning goals, the lifting of all the rest of sanctions against russia and ensuring the right. so russian speakers in ukraine has said that new territories taken by russia, all 4 rab with russia and ukraine must accept new territorial realities. meanwhile,
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the russian frugal below goose, reactive to patients peace proposal, saying that those were impossible conditions for ukraine. and the funny thing would continue the road that you cray would never go for the surrender of the zipper rogia and her son. and only it's military defeats all the suspension of west and a good force you creating to agree told that you'd ask above all of the ultra 0 most skirts do on home to home and brings us the ukrainian reaction from the the to the credit is completely rejected president pearson of russia's conditions for peace president followed him is the landscape said that it was an ultimatum that couldn't be trusted. the crating foreign ministry simply called the conditions absurd and won't be foreign ministry that will start point it out. is it? this is coming a day before a summit, the cranes organize in switzerland, which is cooling, which is cooling a p summit. well, the rush is not invited and the foreign ministry has said that this is an attempt
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by president preaching to undermine dot summit to try and prevent and dissuade countries from participating. and what ukrainian officials of also said is that there is nothing new in present impertinence conditions um, but it has to be said on. so the, in the summit being organized in switzerland, ukraine hasn't come up with anything new to put on the table. it's still going off of a 10 point piece plan. the president's lead scale by within 2022. part of that plan is that russia with rules, from the regions that it's occupied in ukraine, something that present doesn't look realistic, especially as russian militarily is on the front the at the moment. so in the context of that, for president putin's announcements and conditions. and so you cranes a plan, i'm it summit, this please summit, it's totally up. think can both be looked at. less is over, choose between the 2 countries of pace and move rallying codes for other countries
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to try and get them the high. and then as they continue to fight, this will don't home and i'll just say the lives you cry. in the u. k. the princess of wales kate moves and says she's making good progress against cancer. it will make her 1st public appearance on saturday. any photograph of the princess has been released along with the statements in which she says her treatment is still ongoing . the news of her illness stunned in the u. k, especially as it came soon awfully. king charles announced that he had been diagnosed with cancer relations between north and south korea. are at the west in several years across the demilitarized zone that separates them. so has resumed propaganda messages through announce because appeal hearing has been sending over balloons filled with rubbish. but mcbride and travel to goes on county near the buddha, to find out how propaganda has been used over the years. visitors to the d. m. z museum learned the story of this heavily armed uncontested frontier from its
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founding at the end of the korean war. through the decades of angry exchanges, driven by propaganda campaigns by both sides as effects of including the production and distribution of leaflets. by the 1000000000, we know that we showcased the process of how the dmc was formed that resulted from this division and the current military standoff between the north and south. the museum also has on display the type of speaker systems that the 2 sides have resumed using at the nearby observatory, south korea and visitors compare into the notes. the recent resumption of loud speak of propaganda indicates the height and tensions between the 2 careers. but this eastern end of the d, m z with its coastal road linking north and south once offered the hope of back to relations even until a few short years.


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