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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 15, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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the own government shut off access to social media, the the one, jessica washington. this is the news oliver from dell coming out for the next 60 minutes, juvenile and scientists. as to john's army, says he propelled a major results in north down for an immediate international. please for the fighting to stall puddings of extreme hunger in southern guns that won't israel bump bonds rough uh, and block sand tree of life saving age. south africa's presidents, serial run. the post is set to keep his job of his and see policy science. a coalition deal with its biggest rival and preparing for the journey to mount our
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thoughts, millions of worship as our neck of the annual harsh pilgrimage. and on piece of statements all useful to these hosts. nation jimmy kickoff bureau, 2024 wind style for the 51 the hammering of scotland and the opening match in munich. the let me begin in sit down with a war that's created. one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world shows no signs of relenting. that's despite international please. fighting has intensified between the army and power, military rapids support forces and also should that's the me latrice last a strong hold in wisdom. the for region. these on jubilant soldiers who are taking control of a vehicle. often our a says come on to who was killed during fighting and also shed human rights groups said they see a ethnic cleansing if they are
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a suff. capture the city of nearly 2000000 people or so on thursday, the un security council passed a resolution demanding the are as of hold it siege, it's cold for on hinges. humanitarian access to the city of sasha is crucial for 8 f, as in the region already. on the brink of simon, meanwhile in shakes, amani in the south eastern so done at least 20 people have been killed in the latest recess attack. women and children are among the dead. even move in begins of coverage from under oregon, where many have taken up arms to join the fight. oh, this military camp in undermanned is where young man from dance west and are for region come to receive training. they volunteer to fight alongside to dance army and it's work against the parent military rapids support forces or r s f. what's adam was displaced from his city of indiana and south dar for he says, the horrors committed by the our staff is with meet him joining this camp. last
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name, i'm going to do the displacement, the looting of civilians, the rape of our sisters, mothers is what made me join discount. the r assist took over in the yellow thing that became too dangerous. so i came here but joined discount to attend to the full and find the are a save the work between the army and the rest that started last year in the capital spread quickly to dar for which has long been a conflict zone. violence there between the former government and rebel forces in 2003 killed more than 300000 people and displaced 2000000 people, the u and described it as ethnic cleansing by government forces and their allies. for many of those here, the currents conflict is a continuation of the work that spotted in dar 4 and 2003 b r a sub has. it's all regents in the general lead melisha, which the government used to fly troubles and which was accused of committing
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crimes against civilians. now the parent minutes, he is accused of committing similar crimes against civilians around the country. with more specifically in the dark for region, the un says between 10215000 have been killed in west star for alone when a slick metallic with targeted by the recess and allied groups in this conflict, once several mass graves have been reported in the state in north star for the last remaining army strong holes in the region. the recess has launched, completed attacks that has led to the displacement of more than 130000 people. in the past month, dozens of villages have been burned to the ground, mostly of estimates of ours. some of those who have ended up in the camp, our former soldiers and former are assessed off if there is one for the dom instead of the same. and shifting somebody to friday, i reported to the army on the 1st day of the conflicts against the recess. because it rebelled against the government,
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so they stood against the army and against the country. from day one, they killed civilians and force them to leave their homes. the camp is run by this comment or a member of what's known as the border guards. once the patient and our for, they were once allied with the rest of their now fighting their former allies, which thank you the nothing. do any did clue those from don't for who's come have gone through injustice as a full fi stating, doleful on. so you, because of the recess except for our fashion that the other states have been looted, people have been killed enrolled. that's what those policies are most and read and try blessed. the recess control, most of the western region for those here are for maybe 2 or 3, but the safe, i think they are a step here in the capital. mix them fuel one step closer to home. he but morgan all just the euro undermine the right one to bring in cause sunday unto shawnasee, who is a senior regional advisor on africa at freedom house. that's
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a non profit based in washington dc because i do thank you so much for joining me on the, on to 0 news. our i want to begin with the killing of this are assessed. come on to how significant is that from your perspective? because cindy, a thank you and just to kind of thank you for having me. i'll just say to this one was going to to, to, to, to engage with you. um. yes, definitely this. uh, kind of the same thing as you know, still there, you know, 5 sure. it's a big game point with regard to the conflict and on the floor. and it is. but if it isn't a significant yvonne open with regard to the public on fighting that is being continued for the past one, most of the months, the killing off of the commander i li, i will pool has a long chest so they didn't give in the form of the game for committing atrocities against the civilians, but also implicated to into the recent atrocities in the new war that just started
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last uh up to must you. um uh he's being sanctioned by the united states said department on department of community for the rest of days. i'm just more interested in the process of d as in west for on particularly it wants to in something like that for learning. yeah. goodness, the id piece. i'm just getting also funnel with this with a but a graphic videos and company. and again, on fashion, we can raise or done a lot of protection uh, increase it binds on the attic, says site, which is more likely to take as an ignite mention on data a lot of file allowing solves on what kind of questions is that people could take, or if the conflict is in fashion, probably ended on but it isn't 5 in the coming hours. it's very, very significant time for people who want to survive investing. and what you're
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talking about in a city is 1800000 people, a place of great significance in terms of humanitarian access. what exactly is the security situation in? as i said right now and what are the risks to say it is very high. it is because uh, honest surfaces, uh, in that kind of, uh, the, you know, shifting from a par, uh, it was very indiscriminate. and also thought of getting some of the idp comments on civilian location in a box for you days. uh, 2 days war and advisement actually create a very strong panel for the option within disability. and i'm curious on sort of all of this is around cross to be over, but each month so creates a lot of fear that it can be a standard starting for a new way, a full final sunday. as you may have heard, a report of a human log in talking about one of the wells west humanitarian crises,
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a situation in the region where people don't have enough access to the centrals to food to medicine. we've seen a resolution from the un security council earlier this week, demanding the are assess, hold, it's cj on the area. what more does the international community need to do to help people in this area? it is very, i finally just use a the level of the response of the international community to region where they had flint just 1000 and forces just few years ago. that was a lot of just un mission and they had to protect those people. and you and was that all of this for, for us now, the reaction of the one year and the function is being under receipt for a mass. and you still to, you know, it is currently and it really looks that, you know, was a want to fail to avoid what happens, you know, do not last may last june to happen again in, in, um fashion. and we just homicide,
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you know, our families and the people was there. so those are why it's all those days. but i think, you know, the, you in options of really, really are, you know, coming late and very disappointing. but i whole athletes even like late may be they will take on an option is stronger. and also it's not only that you and i think the union also said, but a strong role into it was i was on the city dental side, but it is very not a death situation. but a silence. i'm not even able to take any action with regard to the protection of those who left without anything to push on with the full. right. because sunday until shasky. thank you so much for joining us on the out of here and use our cuz cindy is the senior regional advisor on africa at freedom house. thank you so much . i. so the
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we turn now to the war on garza, the world food program says it's operations of being severely affected by israel is a tax in the southern and central areas of the strip. there are no fee is southern goals. i could see the same extreme hunger that was previously reported in the north. the u. an agency says an old has seen an improvement of assistance with supplies entering through the western areas. crossing food prices remain high and palestinians are struggling to cover the costs, which i will sort of as the festivals are available in the market, but they are all sold at very high prices. for me, a window, i have no income and i cannot feed my children, to assume is in debt or bella, and he sent us this update. a rate significant version of the connection now facing is facing 3 because of course, district funding, particularly in the same 2 areas because that due to the is really prevention of age flow into the strip. and that's really contributing what the international
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student of justice has is will to do, which is to guarantee and ensure the delivery of basic human, terry and needs and aids into the population of the gaza strip on the green reality . day by day is getting much worse, especially especially that we have been holding a seat, rawlings and malnutrition cases, especially among children pointing to the world health organization chief. he has said that at least 8000 custody of children have been diagnosed with acute small nutrition and that's absolutely the grim reality. now, day by day. what we noticed as a very limited numbers of a humanitarian a to getting you from an is really point. and no big part of dollars that that's only i've noticed the humanitarian, a troops with a flour, but that's cannot be really effective too much of the needs of guys. and the same time there's on getting close to due to the of the boat. is it due to the fluids and also setting up ration and rough district, which had been
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a big blow for all kinds of humanitarian relief operations. quite humanitarian organizations, which have been describing as well, been using as tough patient as a metaphor. fox, generally palestinians here are asking only for a ceasefire that would be the up to move solution for all kinds of even 4 digits, your rating humanitarian conditions as the entire trip right now, facing and experiencing insecurity. with the reopening of the indonesian hospital, there is no one working hospital in northern garza, but it has a limited functionality due to israel's located on medical aid and fuel image and kimber reports. this is the indonesian hospital in northern garza, its just reopened, often and tense is ready bombardment and occupation of it scribes a no, it's the only functioning hospital in the area for nearly 650000 palestinians.
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the hospital resumed operation on the 1st of june, following the withdrawal of these really army from jamalia. the areas main hospital, all she felt was totally destroyed, but he is really arms. and with the sharp shortage of medical supplies, let alone the medical staff. we are doing our best to serve our people, but the worst is the severe field shortage. since we restored our service in june, we have not received a single liter of fuel. we cannot operate the ice use or operation rooms. the solar panels are covering only for hours of daily operations, which is not sufficient to present goals that report the menu operations cannot be performed without adequate medical supplies, equipment and personnel. some patients don't get the treatment they need. others are forced to have procedures. they wouldn't have otherwise. i mean,
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7 years old. he was hit in an asteroid in northern garza. and is there any trojan 5 the number of messages on us in a school show to my father was killed and i was injured. i was taken to hospital for treatment, but my legless habits, i hope i can have an artificial limb to be able to walk and play again before his injury means mother says he was very active helping you run the highs and with his brothers and sisters. since he's become withdrawal and she says his leg could have been saved. if they called the medical cat, they needed in time. paramedics were not able to reach the school building and as a result my husband blood to death and to me is like, was lost. he remained in a coma for days and almost lost his life. his brother, as it has mental plates, fixed and his homes is radio strikes, accounting, and injuring palestinians. and garza, with more than 2 thirds of hospitals, i to service with the blockade to aid including medical supplies and fuse. the
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destruction of the health care system is causing even more people to suffer and even lose their lives image and can the out 027 latest meeting in easily say the un refugee agency for palestinians must be allowed to work on handed in garza. they called for all parties to facilitate rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief during the whole sent this update from the g 7 summit employer easily. so let me read you the relevant passage in the summits conclusions as it relates to a guy. so the g 7 that says is united and supporting the comprehensive deal that's been put forward that would lead to an immediate cease fire in gaza. the release of all hostages and a credible pathway towards peace. that leads to a 2 state solution. then a line on 8, we also cool for a significant that sustained increase in few monitoring says, assistance and further into the document. a line about the u. n's release and works
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agency. we agree, it is critical that we're and other, you and organizations and agencies that distribution networks be fully able to deliver a to those who need the most fulfilling the mandate effectively. now remember that the owner is the largest age agency operating and gaza. it has done so many years and so for patients, a little but suspended of to israel accused isn't having staff members that were involved in the october the 7th attacks that most most of its funding from individual un members. much of that has now review resumed, but its activities still severely intended impeded on complaining just 24 hours ago that these radio thirty's frequently prevented from delivering aid. another aid organizations come could be shared with you based on x from unit assess global spokesman. james elder, this was my wednesday in gauze and he wrote this week a 30 now admission to go 40 kilometers. a towel was held as a check point,
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despite the approvals, our truck containing medicines and nutrition for 10000 children was turned back. so the g 7, e needs communicate, standing full square behind the need to resume at scale, a deliveries in gauze. right, we go now to some breaking news to south africa with just a few moments ago, 0 when the post was re elected for a 2nd time. as president as officer tally of votes from politician is in the new problem in the 1st day of problem. and sitting since last month's election, let's have a, a listen to some of the, those moments from a few minutes ago. or another bill, m. c, that are my parsa. 283 votes. the
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right well for me to mila is with us. now. correspondent in cape town, the media. we've seen those scenes that jubilant. indeed people clapping and a floating around him. what was the mood of the polymer? well i think the amc went into this 1st sitting a formal confident then they might have been in recent days because they had lost the parliamentary majority of 1st for the party in 3 decades. and so they've had to form what they called a government of national unity with the democratic alliance, which was the 2nd largest party following the election. they will visual opposition until now, as well as the cost of freedom party. so again, such and the more confident and i think when we talk about the confidence such and that aroma pull, so would be elected as president for
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a 2nd time. and this would be seen in the last few minutes because between those 3 parties, they would have the numbers to re elect from a poor. so often he was nominated by the amc and, and receive that given that tell position leader julia small amount of the comics freedom fighters came in with just 40 full votes. so really a full gone conclusion and almost all formality, the drum, of course, i would, we would be re elected and submitted what we're looking at, these live pictures now from the apartment. so we're on the pose a re elected, but office to uncertainties that remain. so they are a number on of uncertainties. we did know that following today's proceedings in parliament we a speaker, parliament, a deputy and the president would be nominated and elected. they would be a clear picture about what exactly would happen next. and potentially the sort of
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framework around this agreement between the agency and the democratic alliance. we can see the concessions have been made. agreements have been made around. so to power sharing, if you will, in that, the speaker comes from the a and see the date with you from the democratic alliance. so here, indications going forward that the agency is in a, in agreement, has great a consultation with a d, a. and that's what we're going to see around the appointment of ministers in the cabinets. now what we're not searching about is exactly which positions go to these other parties which will the 1st time the amc is going to have to have great to agreement around these parts. he's coming in and taking these positions and potentially how we to fix policy. and these are policies that i've had very different policies. ideologies often at login heads around the wage full words. and now we're going to have to see great to consensus, an agreement between them. and one of the questions that many analysts,
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or how solid disagreements would be if this is a government that can come together to run south africa effectively. now we do know that for example, markets have responded positively to the democratic ally. and so to me, a company of around the political party that is friendly to the markets, it promotes a big business to a free markets. these are some of the elements that would be favorable for this government. but other issues like border control, immigration taxation, labor relations, this, these might be issues at the 2 parties may have difficult around in terms of advocating a way forward. and we do, we have heard for the democratic alliance that they do expect great to consultation, but they've also said that based on their own constitution, based on the issues they want to tackle that crime and corruption, they are confident that they would c i to i would be african national congress or
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that's our correspondence for me to me. lab reporting that from cape town on that breaking news that 0. 1 of those that has been re elected for a 2nd time for me to thank you. all right, let's bring in now alexis awkward you them who is the managing editor at central africa and he joins us now live from london. so thank you so much for joining us. this is victory for serial. run the pose of but certainly not in the way that he would have wanted it. absolutely. i mean it's coming to a real price. what do you, what i'm going to do is to have it obviously, majority and obviously parliamentary majority. and obviously we're still in the election at the end of last month that i didn't see phone was show to that. and so now he's in a situation where he hasn't monday to vote, but because brings of been clipped. so there are a number of things you know, i remember policy areas and went reported to not to see something compromised. i, we were entering on chart to try to treat because, you know, this is actually going into a government to come into
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a combination that we haven't seen since. well, the data. uh, not sure you're going to to government right at the beginning of this country journey off to the end of apartheid. and alexis, you used to what compromise and correspondence, death and media was talking about this process as great a consultation. is this a way of ensuring greater checks and balances and might this more diverse problem and in fact, be beneficial for south africa's democracy? and i think so, i mean, i really do think it could be beneficial because essentially south africa is why does it the fact to one with hockey station send the recall take some offense use. we've seen an issue with the in see just waiting such and such is around corruption problems with economic growth i'm facing unchecked. so we've got a situation in terms of high unemployment, went by one in 3 people working age in south africa. and they told me that why has to 45 percent of my people are searching for and under that support of and as what
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does that come up to? the cambridge huge issue, particularly of the former president jacobs. thinking about where there was a whole situation involving state capture and just the idea that the leaders of government and stage apprentice would be handed over to private individuals have a sense of crime you so. so the idea that that will be another group in the cells provide the checks and balances so absolutely every stop i don't know public to pass an a good way of looking at it. so also way of looking at it is unfortunately we've seen this and you think there's an issue in publishing copeland's web. i depend on audio to create things. you could see them folding out and you could see it being weak in some way. i mean, as we had to is into free market support but business, whereas the amc, she's a bigger role for the state. people's mindful job. well, national health insurance reforms, web i was offered universal coverage that you guys set the best. those on cost
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declines makes it, but the numbers are not up. there's the black compiler program whereby the n c bluetooth to see the black people getting a bigger spectrum. the economy. ready to help them just flo box, their bugs off to the end for politics. again, the da says, but they believe in the marital proceed and the retirement system with those programs. alexis, you mentioned some of the areas where the amc might need to compromise with the pod . he said in the coalition. what about those that are not in the coalition? what are the reasons they couldn't be included? and could they post challenges for this new government is absolutely solid. i mean, the main cause is for to come back here. what are the ones with the 3rd or 4th biggest party? so that's jacobs. one is a party on the economic freedom fighters. now $32.00 parties, but $22.00 was the truth about 24 percent of the bugs. they all parties that uh huh . left for the 35 policies such as ex preparation of line. they want to re just to
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be done, so that one is taken away from why toners, they want to nationalize minds even nationalize. there was a bank so the really being treated for a number of reasons. first of all, the markets, the status of a they are not seen as part of business because of these policies. and so that's a massive issue, multi, that's cuz lots the economy and most industrialized economy as well as that there are personal differences, not your logical differences. and basically they would not do business with some of the key people in what we now have by some national entity government sort of advocate pots. he said that they were not going to a combination with the amc from a pose that wasn't charged. and then the da said that they would the what were the actual freedom fighters and the effects that they will not work for the event. so they're actually differences in terms of personnel and audiology, alexis and the managing editor,
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august enough for africa. thank you so much for joining us there and thank you for your analysis. millions of muslims from all over the world, a visiting mecca for the annual hodge pilgrimage. the focal point of the religious journey is because that's a stone structure at the center of the great most of nika, this spending the night as nina before climbing not out of front on saturday. so the officials say they're expecting more than one point. 8000000 people this year, a correspondent hash him who bought a is covering the hush for us this year. and he found this report from out of when you stop charged, you have to enter into a state of the home, which is some sort of a spiritual quest for the deepest sense of purpose in live. and this explains why, oh man must wear simple wine cloth to show that they are willing to embrace change, show humility, break away from the vanity of life,
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and also show compassion towards the sick. the for the dispossessed, and the elderly auto thought is going to be the most important day in housing. this is what you're going to see. a sea of people standing in this area in silence, praying supplicating and asking for forgiveness for muslims out of fancies, some sort of a dress rehearsal for the final day of judgment. the way i believe that was done before that create an answer for their own mistakes. and since, but they hope that by the end of the day and a lot of facts that prayers would be unset, hush them on, but i 0 out of that. it's still a head on the 0. the 1st head of the roman catholic church to attend the g 7 po. fonts has came with a warning for world leaders. then support one of crickets, heavy weights and nations as they will come, dreams washed away. details coming up later and to show
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the, the northwest you, if in fact much of west and you're looking for more like spring, then what is almost mid summer. as you say this low me shouldn't be that. but that means west and when the weather, which spreads all the way from the british off down through farms to the house and back up through denmark to norway. and sweden was significant. right? these 10 percent as low as they were. but they were in the teens. and they should be in the twenty's. we've had the extreme heat recently from the balkans down towards greece. that's 10 put now of the wind direction has changed. and they've just come down to more. that's where they should be slow moving shares. typically in ukraine won't affect the township much unless you into nice some, but the general trend is for things to walk there after crude so. so for example, the 3 day full across the key goes from $17.00 to $27.00,
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which is average as the thunder storms or showers around it 1st, and then disappear. jumping science, know factors being very hot, 60 libya recently, but the on show breeze. he is also tools exams and it should do eventually for egypt. it's still a long way west because that when comes out the rest and so her. but tempering that the seasonal share of the make a long will progress along my know if if the guinea guinea, bizarre saw of molly and out through nigeria even into southern chat the every muslims on it for him sacrifice for a law by giving could bonnie, we emulates his devotion, aging, the most vulnerable in the, on in 2023. your nation's fed, over 600000 people. providing 2130000 meals help us reach, move families, especially in gaza. with 1100000 face common tonight,
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you could do any with human appeal the or from palestine to pakistan from syria to being donasia. ok. foundation is delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting communities in areas affected bible family policy and dishonest. your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in the donate. now with confidence give you a coupon. a today without kat foundation, the news the
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this is out to 0 your, at a reminder of how top stories this on the surgeon is on the says it's killed, a senior come on to of the power military rapids support forces during intense fighting and the city of all sasha enough for you and security council passed a resolution demanding the recess. hope it seems. warnings of extreme hunger in southern gaza. the u ends. world food program says it's operations of being impacted for the latest fighting in southern and central garza serial room because it has been re elected as president in south africa securing a 2nd time he had to rely on support from the main office addition democratic alliance. after the amc most the majority in the last month election, the 1st time since the end of a positive in the ninety's and on the 2nd day of the g 7. so miss leaders have been addressing a range of issues including russia's war and ukraine, as well as tensions with china and the rounds of nuclear program. hope francis has
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made an appearance as a 1st head of the roman catholic church to attend the g 7 summit. triple that again to to james bass has moved from berry in southern easily. and this is the 1st time a pope has attended a g 7 meeting. for the reasons why i'm still alive. what pope francis, his 1st words to his host is at least prime minister, georgia maloney as he left the helicopter, looking frail wood in good spirits. the 87 year old pontiff made the rounds of world leaders. he's used to to hear things beyond the human realm, but he was us to speak here notes about spiritual matters, but on an artificial intelligence. and then then we could condemn humanity to a hopeless future if we took away people's ability to make decisions about themselves and their lives. so i condemn them to depend on the choices of machines . is whether it was german,
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chancellor laugh schultz this 66 both day time for a song but the leaders have no other reason to celebrate that this. somebody's all of them, but maloney whose policy did well europe in elections a few days ago, have the political problems at home. as they discuss the language of the summit, spinal communicate that was even an angry spat between maloney and the french president, a manual macro. he objected when she succeeded in keeping the wood abortion out of the document. she then accused him of the unseemly use of the summit for campaigning in frances, both coming election. when he arrived at the full dinner, the tension between the 2 was palpable. the g 7 leaders, 6 of them beleaguered at home face a range of global challenges including the ongoing was in ukraine cause and there are many around the world who believe the way that they've dealt with those conflicts. shows double standards and tape pop chrissy. this is the 50th
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anniversary summit of the g 7, but it's certainly not how high point james pays out to 0 already initially. versus presidents letting new food and says he's open to peace talks with ukraine. the only on the condition that came full size its troops from for if it's the regions separation, her son, jeanette's, and the hans who to and also want to kind of give up its plans to join nato. his comments came a day before a major international summit in yukon. ukraine is usually held in switzerland. the russian leader is not invited which is including the emphasize the main essence of i'll suppose all is not in any temporary truce or cease fire as is, for example, the way the waste once it is to restore losses. if we on the key for gene and prepare it for a new offensive food, i repeat, i'm not talking about freezing the conflict, but if not, it's the final resolution on home and brings us there. ukrainian reaction from
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living for the credit is completely rejected. president putin, of russia's conditions, the peace president below him is the landscape said that it was an ultimatum that couldn't be trusted. the crating foreign ministry simply called the conditions absurd and won't be foreign. ministry is also pointed out, is that this is coming a day before a summit, the cranes organize in switzerland, which is cooling, which is cooling a p summit. well, the rush is not invited and the foreign ministry has said that this is an attempt by president preaching to undermine dot summit to try and prevent in this way, countries from participating. what ukrainian officials of also said is that there's nothing new in president putin's conditions. um, but it has to be said also that in the summit, being organized in switzerland, ukraine hasn't come up with anything new to put on the table. it's still going off of a 10 point piece plan. the president's lent scale failed in 2022 part of the plan is
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that russia with rules, from the regions that it's occupied in ukraine, something that a present doesn't look realistic, especially as russian militarily is on the, from the, at the moment. so in the context of that, for president putin's announcements and conditions. and so you craze a plan, i'm it summit, this please. some of those tell me up think can both be looked at. less is over, choose between the 2 countries of pace. i move rally and coast for other countries to try and get them the high and then as they continue to fight, this will go on home and i'll just say to be ukraine. joining us live from boss in the united kingdom is patrick theory. he's the defense and security analyst at the university of bob and a full month nato analyst. patrick, thank you so much for joining us. so much to unpack here. but let's begin with those comments by the russian president that he is open to peace talks with ukraine,
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a number of conditions. so attached to any potential peach talks a good evening jessica. yes, i think really saying that you, you are ready for immediate cease fire if the your enemy capitulates and hands over more territories. and the russians already have isn't really the grounds for the policies far. and then franklin threatening nuclear weapons again, if that doesn't happen is, is kind of where we are with that. so i don't think, i think from the bottom air pollutants perspective exactly like your correspondence that it's to muddy the waters ahead of switzerland. and i'm out of the meeting there over the weekend, and it's also a badge. essentially, the chances are if, if i start with that most maximum of the things that in any potential negotiation, i can always wield a box from there. but i don't think it's very likely is the finance that it's particularly absurd to to give up more grand design is actually occupied by patrick
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. we are, as you mentioned, looking ahead to that summit in switzerland. many world leaders set to attend that summit. but of course, it's significant tools to discuss who is not attending moscow, of course, not invited china, also choosing to not attend. yeah, china not choosing to attend brazil inside of the array be as well. because essentially this is the 1st round. lensky is being keen to get a bigger attendance as possible. i think about 18 nations will attend of the 10 point piece palm, which he 9 of december 22. he'll start with a low hanging suit. i understand so it will be of a new turner safety around, especially the, the power plants. everyone can agree on that as food security and exports a grain, you know, not completely dependent on that. so can agree on the returning of prisoners and deep ortiz, including children. so i think that the, the easier low hanging fruit will be the focus on trying to build consensus and then see what happens at another meeting. give a review of their points,
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but i do also think that, you know, the idea at this stage that russia and some change politically, or military or the, a big, big change. the idea that rush, it can be removed from all of the occupied territory. and you brain seems maximum us to patrick. we've been covering the g 7 summit at length on now to 0. and of course, those developments that president joe biden announced several new commitments for the us and ukraine. presidents of lensky housing that as a very significant agreement, and then of course, the $50000000000.00 loan that was also agreed upon at that g 7 summit. how do you assess these developments? a yeah, to be honest, the, and the american agreement went further than i was expecting. and i think to see where that people are as well. and there were things that we would've expected, like the agreement in principle of you find joining nato in the long run. and the, the link for tried to support for you. great in the you know, again and along with a 10 year plan, although it's not finding and then that's what you kind of expect. but the fact
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that there was details in there by the us providing squadrons of bonds, jeff fighters, and not just as 16. so that was very significant, give him the, the one year as being so important at the moment and the sole side of the season. we also have the, the patriot missile defense systems, which the us, um, are going to provide a may be diverse, it looks like divert orders from other countries to you bang because that's the pressing need. so i think those things were, were some of the captures of course, jones ministry production may go ahead and keep continuing exchanges of technical intelligence and security expertise were almost a 2, but it was the sixteen's and the patriot systems being in band or which could have a major impact on the course of the war. i think, you know, one of the things is not potentially getting the coverage that it deserves. is that the russian use a guy bombs, which is a very cheap way for their precision of using the ukranian, especially their energy infrastructure. and with, along with that becomes
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a strategic threat to ukraine's be able to actually produce its own weapons. and obviously fire at the economy in it society, so their defense piece is very important at the moment. patrick theory, thank you so much for joining us. as patrick theory, who is the defense and security analyst at the university of thought as the cause in the united states has found the non adjoining chaquita, bronze international, liable for funding a columbia and power military group during the countries civil war. the jury awarded $38000000.00 in compensation to h. relatives of the victims of the armed group. oh, sounds. road. i'm be at the reports from both the past. the rose person. it's one of the world's most recognizable logos security been and now the phonetic giant she came to brands is also the 1st american corporation to be held financially liable for human rights violations. outside the united states is that after 17
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years of legal proceedings, a jew in florida ordered a company to pay $38000000.00 in compensation to a big things of the united self defense portions of columbia, or a u. c. r a military, that squads that should keep that finance for years during the country civil war. this represents a huge, i think, stepped forward for both to the general justice for corporations and victims of corporations that are complicit in serious human rights abuses. but also for the reckoning of the, you know, the, the corporate and the sort of money to support for actors in columbia is armed conflict to keep the had already been fined $25000000.00 in 2007 for making illegal payments to the debt squads and trying to disguise them as business costs. the victims never saw a sense of that. until now,
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i'm near that i'm, we are living in a medium castillo, whose son was killed in the banana growing region. says the decision helps all victims of the paramilitaries and where they stop. i see the money they took my son and i know he will not come back to me. but this decision offer some relief. we feel a bit more 3. this 1st trial representative just one percent of thousands of victims that are part of the brother litigation. and the 2nd trial is expecting to start in a month. court findings showed that the company was paying $0.03 for each box of bananas that was shipped from the country to keep the says that the payments amounted to extortion, and were made under duress, a ticket that says it made the payments to protect the exam until either that victims successfully argued that executives were aware that the resources were being used to kill civilians and suppress unions near their operations in columbia
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. yeah, in my very so not only did they implement those payments, but then other occasions they used the company ships to deliver weapons to. so i'm the gospel into strikes that are really, there is an empty and it's compelling of advisors to keep the nouns that will appeal to a decision that in the meantime, the families of the victims finally got the victory. after nearly 2 decades of fighting for accountability, i listened that i'm 50 and just the good. a the head on the 0. what do you give to one of the world's richest men, multi $1000000000.00 pay right? in school feet usually boss wants his place to focus on the real life cool of judy . peter will be here with that story of the latest, from the euro. 2020, the this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of bung the
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dashboard forward to use the these business uptake the restaurant. net bundle dash move forward to use the
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the court. now jessica, thank you very much. i was making sure that many have hammett scott than 51 in the opening match if you're at 2024 in munich by labor cruise and that 2nd floor. you inverts school, the tournaments opening goal after any 10 minutes, jamal. and we'll see all that and kind of have, it's got in on the act to ensure the germans were out of side for the 3 know off time lead. because full crude and visual image and added to the school line to complete the satisfying style to germany. they play hungry next image to scott, rub 11 job ski will probably be fit to play and pound and 2nd group game against australia. that's according to team coach and we felt probably yes, the boss learn as far like it was present team training alongside his teammates and
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even dusky stuff with a find your components to one. frankly, we know that's a key. on monday, they opened the campaign against benevolence on sunday. it's the head coast which you on a split see, has a back of accusations that he's banned. he's team from playing video games. the full monopoly manage. it was forced to answer questions on the matter. i heard of it's in the beginning of a title defense against albania, on saturday. not it was that the see my i don't allow people to spend all night being up until all hours. so that the next day when they have to train the on 12 arrested, i've got nothing against any sort of game that you saw on the country. we have actually created a games from without to wonderful, modern cutting edge playstation. typically it's not fair and it's not true. the i said we can't play the playstation. i said we can't stay up until 3 or 4 am that something completely different?
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portugal squad has arrived and they base they hit if they were opening match against the czech republic on tuesday. they also have to key and georgia in group have kept some costs you 100. now the reason you get to get these wrinkled, breaking 6th euro started right. we go now to cape town with civil rems. jose is about to address, call him and he has just been re elected for his 2nd time as president. let's take a listen. go. the chief justice lead us all for political parties represented here in our national assembly. but i'm to speak. i wish to congratulate you on the deputy speaker for being elected to your position of leadership to the best, the best of assembly. in this work, i am humbled and on that to you as members of the national assembly
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have so your votes tonight decided to elect me. give me the president of the republic of south africa. thank you very much. it is with pleasure that i accept it were once again be a privilege and a pleasure to serve this great nation and the position of president. i accepted this as a big responsibility and our wish to offend coordinators for your congratulate your messages delivered to you at this for them. your message, this other kid trotty and call for working together. your
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messages constitute what i see as a well off encouragement of good advice, enough wisdom. i will let them speak. i spend some time to read all these wonderful messages that read delivered at this party. and because they are great messages from which i want to draw insights i, i do believe that there is much that i can learn and glean from these messages. so thank you very much for your kind of messages to all of you. better as vague i want to offend members of this august house. we have voted
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for me who through the votes have invested in place to their trust in me. i intend to work with all members and indeed to work together with even those who did not vote for me or did not find their way clear to vote for me. and this is the democratic rights. we are a south africans and that were civil and to work with even those who did not support to meet to nice the significance of the votes that were made and effective during the day and to night for the office better as that is the speaker and the deputies vehicle and myself it's not so much and that it is out of the vote that was delivered
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by this the historic meaning of the vote. and this moment that we find ourselves in that is truly significant. that a number of parties that had opposed each other but that represent the majority of south african voters, have decided that's to work together to deliver. this resolved. has given a new beth a new era to our country, or i do sincerely believe that this is an era of hope. and it's also n either of inc kristovich as diverse political parties. we computed our gainesville each other in the election that we just had.
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the election was highly contested, dressed also to visit its times. when i spoke at the independent electoral commission results announcement ceremony, i said that resolves of the election has made the plane that the people of south africa expect to their leaders to work together to meet the needs they expect to the parties for which they voted for to find a common ground and to overcome their differences, to act and to work together for the good of everyone in our country. the stock reality of that resolved so far past election is that no singular pond to
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represented in this house achieved an hour drive majority to work alone, legislatively and also at the executive level through their phones. our people expect all parties to work together within the framework of our constitution and to work as the political parties to achieve the objectives of the democratic society based on non racialism, not of sexism, space on peace, justice and to ensure stability. and also to tackle the trip for the challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality, and to achieve prosperity humbled and on the those are the was off serve on the go
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as a, as he's re elected as south africa's president for a 2nd time offering in what he called an ear of hope and inclusivity last spring. and now correspondence for me, the miller, who is live in cape town for me, that you've been listening to that address as they were on the post. the address is paul. them is 1st sitting since that election. this is victory for civil ref. impose but perhaps not in the way that he would have wanted given how the election action, the election outcome this and, and surely the african national congress has been very disappointed by the results in that election, but potentially not surprised. they've been moved for a number of years around the left, his response to the corruption scandals that the party has face and also issues
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around service delivery. many, many south africans have been very unhappy and the poles will so indicate to the head of this election that the agency would lose a significant amount of support. and this is where the amc has found itself and is very challenging position. and of course of being pushed into what it calls a government of national unity. the president has spoken. now expressing that he is confident around the future of south africa. and this will work for south africans . but the awesome analyst requests, or just how the nc and the democratic alliance will go about that in terms of the very divergent views that they might have. the very different approach to policy and id, ology and all they will come to give the full the bathroom and of south africans. we still run the force up and the daddy to john dnas and having somebody so me to thank you so much for your analysis. there from cape town, i'm sure we'll be back and speak with you in a moment. but that's it for me, jessica washington. so this is our back with more in a moments including those braking develop.
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the in the live football con. which requires that, what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society do we want? it creates all this technology roommates. do we still have power of choice, age guides, which actually a tournaments and operating and doing the best as the apple kind of technicians. oh, is it already too late? so if corporations has more power, might in the building an entire country, the future is going to be good for the i would be nice if to before humans as well . i human coming soon on elders era is real hor on gossip be coming a forever across the united states. why are the students protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down? why, despite insist on 0 consequences for his real in its war on gaza. the quizzical look
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of us politics, the bottom line, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm just to can washington, this is the news our life from don't. coming up in the next 60 minutes. so it ends on me says it has repels a major ourselves enough north dawn for a mid international please for the fighting to storm warnings of extreme hunger in southern guns. this fall israel from bonds, rough uh,


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