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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 15, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the colleges here with the . ready ready sedans, army says it's repelled a major result in north tough for, i mean international please for the fight him to stop the little. i'm darn jordan, this is all just here. a nice from dough. so coming up warnings and extreme hunger in southern garza, while israel from bob's rasa and blocks the entry of life saving a process becomes the 1st head of the roman catholic church to attend the g 7 and bringing a warning. so will lead us on serial run. the process here is
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a 2nd time in the south africa's presidents, but only by making concessions to his biggest drive. the so don's armies coming of age of victory in the bottles of function in the north for region. it says it's repelled. a major was sold launched by the power military rapids support forces. i'm killed. one of the senior come on this human rights group. say they fear ethnic cleansing should they are as i've come to the city, i'm going to to a 1000000 people. i'll just say it was even more going to pull us not from undermine, but many of taking up arms to join the fight. i was, oh, this military camp in under man is where young man from dance west and are for region come to receive training the volunteer to fight alongside to dance army and it's were against the parent military rapids. the board forces or r s f. what's the item was displaced from his city of indiana in south dar for he
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says the horrors committed by the recess is with meet him joining this camp. last name, i'm going to do the displacement, the looting of civilians, the rape of i'm with sisters and mothers is what made me join discount the are assessed to kobinie. allah is thing that became too dangerous. so i came here but joined discount to attend to the full and find the are assess the work between the army and the our staff which starts at last here in the capital, spread quickly to dar for which has long been a conflict zone. violence there between the former government and rebel forces in 2003 killed more than 300000 people and displaced 2000000 people, the u and describe it as ethnic cleansing by government forces and their allies. for many of those here, the current conflict is a continuation of the work that spotted in dar 4 and 2003 b r. a stuff has it's all regents and the general lead melisha,
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which the government used to fly troubles and which was accused of committing crimes against civilians. now the parent military is accused of committing similar crimes against civilians around the country. with more specifically in the dar 4 region, the u. m says between 10215000 have been killed in west star for alone when ethnic muscle lead with targeted by the recess and allied groups in this conflict, one, several mass groups have been reported in the state in north star for the last remaining army strong holes in the region. the recess has launch completed attacks that has led to the display summit of more than 130000 people. in the past month, dozens of villages have been burned to the ground, mostly of estimates of ours. some of those who have ended up in the camp, our former soldiers and former are assessed officers one 4th of the same and shedding somebody to friday. i reported to the army on the 1st day of the conflicts
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against the recess because it rebelled against the government. so they stood against the army and against the country. from day one, they killed civilians and force them to leave their homes. the camp is run by this commander, a member of what's known as the border guards once the patient and our for they were once allied with the rest of their now fighting. their former allies were junky the another. dunedin, who goes from dog for whose come have gone through injustice as a full fi, stating, doleful on. so you because of the are a set except for our fashion that the other states have been looted. people have been killed enrolled. that's what those policies are. most and raised and try blessing the recess control most of the western region for those here. therefore maybe 2 or 3, but the safe, i think they are a step here in the capital. makes them feel one step closer to home. he but more than all just the euro undermine. low cost on the i bill shawn,
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fee is the regional advise on i forgot about the non profit organization, freedom house and he says increasing lawlessness because of the conflict is worsening. sedans. humanitarian crisis is very important to know that the conflict in so don is now run into a hor, established nest situation. meaning that the whole entire that for the region which is a police 90 percent, it was exception. blog flush of state is confronted by us by the auditor. most of those people surviving in the odyssey of control it area has no means of survival. people are, you know, living in a bunny, dia, humanitarian situation. a flash itself is being besieged now since the water stopped for a months, the foot is started running out and it is very difficult to be able to imagine how i didn't policy for them. well including that is individual illusion of that
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you're going to give it to concert. good. have any impact on changing a very dangerous project stories because that's a conflict is taking place and taking in that form with regard to the money data and um, access people plan, oxidative people walk in and flashing and give walk on to these people to try to sleep people can just die. my, you know, not the food hunger, but also very much is part of the, you know, i'm not very spread out melisha not as if about the point that is to make. i also thought to get some of those for the. so the situation is very difficult, even people one and 5 sure. even if they are willing to run out. now there is no way or the roadside of gloss in front of them. the well food program says itself relations and gaza are being severely affected by
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israel's attacks and southern and central air is their affairs of extreme hunger and southern gauze. i similar to once been experienced in the north, the u. an agency, it says there's been an improvement in the north supplies entering through the western ritz crossing. but food prices remain high and palestinians are struggling to cover the costs. and the vegetables are available in the market, but they are also a very high prices for me, a window, i have no income and i cannot feed my children on a 14 year old boy is the latest victim of the severe food and medicine shortage must off i had jobs, you were sheltering with his family, among the many des space palestinians and southern gauze of 37 children have died there from mel nutrition and the hydration of to israel. located the strip. i'll just say it was honey. my mood is outside the hospital. lemme stuff his body was taken in central golf. this is a body of 14 year old ones on the high job hill, just side of mountain nutrition. here as a lot of the hospitals,
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most of and his families are displayed family from northern garza, were pushed you into this displacement by this really military, the initial week of the war on gaza. most of i have suffered from now the nutrition and more recently made the ation and now being taken for his final arrest of us, one of the 28th other children who died of this enforced. the hydration and in our vision imposed vide, is really military, by the ongoing restrictions and a blockade on the border. and the restrictions on van 3 of necessary medical supplies and basic necessities to keep people alive and to help them survive these difficult conditions. what you see right now is the, is most of us mother and his father who are quite traumatized or what have been crying father and mothers over the bodies of their
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children. unable to do anything to save them and to help them survive these difficult conditions. this is most of the father writing in the car. they're taking his body to his final read to the cemetery when it's bringing dr. say ahmed, he's an emergency medicine physician who spend 3 weeks volunteering at the out in the hospital and found units in john range once us live from washington dc. i'm doctor, i'm into you right now. now. so hospital in southern gaza, back in january, tell us briefly, what did you see on the ground in terms of a level of starvation and the hydration just how bad was the situation back then? yeah, i mean we had already anticipated that there would be levels of mount nutrition that were on the rise. this is coming from a world food program assessment that was done back in november. that had suggested
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that both in the north and in the south, there was going to be a rise in mel nutrition and then more adequate a needed to enter when we were there in january we saw just how difficult it was for a trucks to get into the gaza strip and to get to vulnerable populations. and so this is something that many and g o, as many health professionals have been warning about, you can not just continue to allow the crisis of humanitarian, a delivery of food entry into the area. you cannot just allow that sort of a obstacle in place and not expect that they're going to be consequences on the population. and so we would see it we saw in the portable populations, we would see the initial trend. we saw it in the project and life ending women, so it's something that's expected. yeah. as i say, don't to say, i mean, despite the warning, some of the un in various groups, the situation has become a lot worse since you were there. what do not describe the current situation as acute, simon, and what does that actually mean? yeah, i mean, essentially what you're talking about when you're referring to famine like conditions like the un has, is that they're going to be up for
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a portion of the population that's going to die because of the lack of food. specifically, what you see is that you see people who are malnourished, who are dealing with dehydration. if they have a common cold or if they get some sort of stomach virus, but they will die as a result of this because of the conditions on the ground. people starving to that, that's what we're talking about here. and we're talking about a significant number of the population. i mean, they're very specific criteria to call it famine. and that's the criteria that's been met. you're talking about population there that's being suffocated and starved to death. and you see that in real time, you're seeing actual people die as a result of that. and we hear so much about dozens of palestinian children dying of hunger and starvation. so who, while the group's most at risk, i'm vulnerable from this acute lack of food and watering, gaza. and yeah, that's, this is essentially the people that you look out for so that you can make sure that you can prevent this sort of thing. any child that's under the age of to any child
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that's dependent on being nurse pregnant and a breast feeding women elderly patients, and anybody that has any sort of chronic medical conditions, high blood pressure, diabetes, children, it's asked my children with cystic fibrosis. any condition, anything that you'd be taking medicine for? ease on your phone or we'll talk relations are nice people that you look out for and it's very, it's something very concerned in for most 8 groups because the solution is very clear. it's very simple, get aide and get food and get water in. and that's, that's not happening right now. okay, just the final thoughts you, dr. ahmed. i mean, given israel's constant bombardment, and this complete blockade of district that's resulted in a horrendous, lots of live right across the strip, then you'll see the situation improving any time soon. i mean, is it your sense of only a ceasefire? now can stop more people stopping to this. yeah, i do know, i believe that's the consensus. it is the fact that we need a ceasefire now, and there seems to be a lack of political will to get the cease fire in place john hopkins as well as the
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london school hygiene just released the report best that if there's an expansion of military operations and there isn't a ceasefire that thousands of people will unnecessarily die. and so that's what we're, that's the sticks that we're talking about here in a cost that has already killed more than $35000.00 people. it needs to be a ceasefire. should have happened yesterday, but there needs to be the political will, can place the pressure. it has to be a place to achieve that doctor say um, and many funds to be a thoughts on your analysis. thanks very much indeed for talking to us here without your 0. thank you. thank you rather. now is there any forces have destroyed all of the water wells in northern gaza? the lack of water is for the worsening then the funding like conditions right across the strip. 98 percent of children don't have access to clean drinking water or some of the inch of a ripples on the floor for his life. then it's denial. it's such a slow day. the school in giovanni and if you do come serves as a shelter for just base people. and water tank is like this. unlimited holding.
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garza has been decimated and is really a tax restarted or infrastructure needed to sustain life. and very little late is allowed to reach the region the most. um, what you see is a living proof that the vitreous suffering not only from the shortage of taking water, but also the accumulating waste. instead, sewage above all our homes were destroyed, but the okay patient, we have suffering from all friends for me to turn to find leveled homes is not just the luck of food. our children starving to death. in many places. this is how children have been drinking from puddles medic said they may survive the thirst for monday and so in disease do you ins, agency for children units have called since this non me deprivation as mount nutrition could give thousands of children within weeks of stuff you have to use, riley is destroyed no idea. hey mr. walter wells to we cannot feed our children and
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now we can not find a drop of clean water. this is not nice. even animals have it back to life compared to us. we are butchered, if not by these ready bombardments by starvation and lack of water. well, i can say is it gold is all shield. here's our rock. we are standing a ground with patients and fortitude. let fortitude is much harder for children, many of whom have lost parents. most of the displaced have to walk long distances to get some water. some kind of thing is that result into drinking sea working as people close to the shore have been using and created brackish water for months. the carts serve as water supply lines. in addition to wells, is really strikes and incursions destroyed this out of nation units. and its troops a blocking fuel. in systematic attacks on 8 convoys, even drinking water is prevented from reaching people. during the last 8 months, soldiers incentives have posted numerous videos of them destroying what the v. a
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trickled in, including water bottles. the latest you into, for, to the accused. israel of extermination. the government's policy to collectively denied food and water to gaza. was announced in october when the defense minister declared that it would be no electricity, no foods on no few in mind and deadly. and that policy is still backed by international leaders and supporters. cutting off time cutting of water. so cool. i think the israel golf half bought right and children will be forced to pinch theaters like this. the impunity to impose of famine is supported israel's right to defend itself. somebody jobby out of there, meanwhile, and is really free during the attack. i mean to say about refugee camp is quoting for more protest demanding the remaining captives in gallons. a be released in a video message of the cause of off this radius of joint protests and tennessee on top of that. so i'm under,
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it goes low and i'm over again. these are at home. but the last of the cost of just i still there in gaza. i saw a lot of fridays on saturday and it gave me a lot of hub. i ask you to come and support families and hostages to get cut off at the for him. and this saturday thing here. an 8 people have been injured by israeli gunfire, and the occupied westbank is ready for it is carried out to raid the mari come, and that would be the seriously wounding for people since october 7th, more than 5200 pound us demands across the on by the west, bank of an engine buys riley force, is more than 545 for shop right here. and i'll just say when they come back, preparing for the journey to amounts. our refund, millions of worship as our and make up for the annual hospital, gonna expire on the
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of the the seasonal right. and is now giving reliably one or 200 1000000 pieces of rain a day. guess what? that means. it means flooding, but it's to be expected. this is what you get at this time of the year. and that line extends eventually into something you probably won't get there during saturday, briefly every now to get and get big chest in the north in china. and you could see some pretty vaughn and stuff, i think in south korea, that line did produce a tornado. as it went through this part of china, the top of it was 52 invasion, much more human didn't hong kong. now it's $31.00. and if you like, sundays are almost to repeat from the point of view the writing potential and is yet more showing itself a bit further north as well. so the south, it should be dry. but that has been funding recently in sort of raising. and there been some pretty big chas into modern java, which you shouldn't expect to see. but the seasonal right is that is heaviest in
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cambodia and something to be of them some loss. it's also cost fairly heavy. but among students bursting in india and it's done that's particularly badly in westbank goal and 16, whether it's funding in the area, there's also some funding in my roster. and the monthly increased about here. so everywhere to the north about it is hold still warnings. i read what is the cause of the heat? wife goes temperatures from palestine to pakistan from syria to indonesia. ok, foundation was delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting communities in areas affected bible families, 12, etc, and diesel stuff. your coupon a is an lifeline for someone in a donate. now with confidence give your to bonnie,
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today without kind of foundation the the the welcome back to watching out. just a quick reminder about top stories here, this out juvenile and sold as saddam's. amik says it's repelled, a major was sold in the north, the full range of the ministry says it also killed a senior officer. come on that and then operation in the city of our fashion, warnings and extreme hunger and southern gauze. humans, well, food program says its operations are being affected by the latest fighting and southern i'm central, as well as now any one working hospital in north garza. but the reopening of the in the nation. the hospitals been limited because of israel blockade and medical aid
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and fuel image in cuba as well. this is the indonesian hospital in northern garza, its just reopened off during 10 says ready bombardment and occupation of its grains . a no, it's the only functioning hospital in the area for nearly 650000 palestinians. the hospital resumed operation on the 1st of june following the withdrawal of these really army from jamalia. the area's main hospital el cheapo was totally destroyed, but he is really army. and with the sharp shortage of medical supplies, let alone the medical staff. we're doing our best to serve our people. but the worst is the severe fuel shortage. since we restored our service in june, we have not received a single liter of fuel. we cannot operate the ice used or operation rooms. the solar panels are covering only for hours of daily operations,
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which is not sufficient to present goals. the report, the menu operations cannot be performed without adequate medical supplies, equipment and personnel. some patients don't get the treatment they need. others are forced to have procedures. they wouldn't have otherwise. i mean 7 years old. he was hit in an asteroid in northern garza. and his randy drove and find a number of messages on us and a school show to my father was killed and i was injured. i was taken to hospital for treatment, but my leg was 7. i hope i can have an artificial limb to be able to walk and play again before his injury means mother says he was very active, hoping you run the heis and with his brothers and sisters. since he's become withdrawal and she says his leg could have been saved. if they called the medical cat, they needed in time power medics were not able to reach the school building. and as a result, my husband bled to death. and to me is like, was lost. he remained in
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a coma for days and almost lost his life. his brother, as it has mental plates, fixed in his homes. his radio strikes accounting and injuring palestinians. and garza, with more than 2 thirds of hospitals, like a service and with the blockade of 8, including medical supplies and few, the destruction of the health care system is causing even more people to suffer and even lose their lives image and came out 0 a g 7 leaders meeting in italy say the you in refugee agency, the palestinians must be allowed to work on him to didn't garza that goal for all parties to facilitate rapid and unimpeded passage. a few minutes here and relief. i'll just say it was during the whole reports from the g 7 summit in binary southern excellence. let me read you the relevant passage in the summits conclusions as it relates to a goss of the g 7. that says is united in supporting the comprehensive deal that's been put forward that would lead to an immediate cease fire in gaza. the release of
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all hostages and a credible pathway towards peace that leads to a 2 state solution. then a line on 8. we also called for a significant and sustained increase in humanitarian assistance and further into the document. a line about the u. n's releasing works. agency, we agree, it is critical that we're and other, you and organizations and agencies that distribution networks be fully able to deliver a to those who need the most fulfilling the mandate effectively. now remember that the owner is the largest 8 agency operating and gaza. it has done so many years, it's operations a little, but suspended off the israel accused isn't having staff members that were involved in the october the 7th attacks that most most of its funding from individual un members. much of that has now review, resumed its activities, still severely intended. impeded on complaining just 24 hours ago that these radio thirty's frequently prevented from delivering aid and other aid organizations come
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could be shared with you. based on x from unit assess global spokesman. james elder, this was my wednesday in gauze, and he wrote this week a 30 now admission to god 40 kilometres. a towel was held at a check point, despite the approvals, our truck containing medicines and nutrition for 10000 children was turned back. so the g 7, e needs communicate, standing full square behind the need to resume at scale a deliveries in cost of what a special guest joined leaders on the 2nd day of the g. 7 summit in southern the estimate of problems is made on historic appearance as the 1st head of the roman catholic church to attend the event on diplomatic editor james bass as more from bars. this is the 1st time of pope has attended a g 7 meeting. today. i am still alive with pope francis. his 1st words to his host is always prime minister, georgia maloney as he left the helicopter,
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looking frail but in good spirits. the 87 year old pontiff made the rounds of world leaders. he's used to to hear things beyond the human realm. but he was us to speak here notes about spiritual matters, but on all to official intelligence. and then then we could condemn humanity to a hopeless future if we took away people's ability to make decisions about themselves and their lives. so i can deming them to depend on the choices of machines. it's his birthday. happy birthday it was jim and john sl oh, laugh schultz is 66 both day time for a song but the leaders have no other reason to celebrate at this. somebody's all of them, but maloney who's the policy did well. europe in elections a few days ago, have the political problems at home. as they discuss the language of the summit, spinal communicate that was even an angry spat between maloney and the french
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president emanuel macro. he objected when she succeeded in keeping the wood abortion out of the document. she then accused him of the unseemly use of the summit for campaigning in frances pulls coming election. when he arrived at the full dinner, the tension between the 2 was palpable. as the g 7 leaders, 6 of them beleaguered at home face a range of global challenges including the ongoing was in ukraine because there are many around the world who believe the way that they dealt with those conflicts. shows double standards and tape pop chrissy. this is the 50th anniversary summit of the g 7, but it's certainly not how high point james pays out to 0 already initially, sir. and then of course, a has been re elected as south africa's president for a 2nd time. he relied on support from the opposition to democratic alliance to secure the top job off to the amc last as majority and last month's elections. for me, the me that has moved from typed up the honorable chief justice of south africa,
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of the days of uncertainty. and just as parliament sat for the 1st time off to may's elections of confirmation came of a deal for a government of unity between the african national congress. you have no objection to democratic alliance, any cost of freedom parties and the compromises made with him. with the a and c taking to speak of parliament position and the deputy paving the way for the smooth re election of fluid on my post as president is the historic meaning of the vote. and this moment that we find ourselves in that is truly significant. is that a number of parties that had opposed each other but that represent the majority of south african voters have decided to work together to deliver this resolved of the agreement comes on to the amc last is parliamentary majority
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and its biggest dropping support since it took power for 2 years ago, the multi party deal allows the amc to have control of provinces like the commercial capital halting for the democratic alliance. it's no longer the off position, but the 2nd biggest voice within a new government this arrangement and shows that the voices of voters will now be hood in one of the rooms where decisions are made about the future of our country. thanks to be 3500000 people have voted for us with some policies like data nomics freedom fighters are opposed to the partnership. they say that the only protects white to minority interest while marginalizing the plus. it's expected president from a poor, so we'll make a number of concessions when a points in cabinet ministers, giving some of those posts to the political policies in the new partnership that
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trade off for the support of what was the agencies largest opponent. many hope won't come at a high cost. in the past, it is often opposed amc policies related to economic labor for a health key and foreign policy decisions on workers rights to south africa, stones, and supporting palestine. while it's not really an issue of legal enforcing they agree, but the agreement is the as part of the pro states to both trust between what the privacy is now going to be coalition. but with it will work or not. we have the totes, you know, while the government of national unity led silva for k, 1994 off the part 8. when racial segregation was abolished and people had great confidence in a in c, this latest multi policy governance is the consequence of a lack of trust and deliberation policies performance because of a request to meet them. and i'll just say right, cape town, millions that most of them are some all over the world on visiting.


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