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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 15, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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all imagine my zone, it causes the suit to levels quote domains, the 19 children more than 50 inches, as is rarely false as palm and now the 3 homes in kansas city, the don kevin johnson. this is al, just aaron, not from the whole set coming. you ends agency for children describes gauze as was across this as a sense list. manmade zip probation. don's army says it has repelled the major assaults in north stuff. foot. i mean international please for the fighting to stall on millions, converge on mount alpha. earliest day. the,
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at least 19, the people have been killed and more than 50, injured and is very bombings in garza city. the tax happened in, i'll shoot you a here and out to the neighborhoods. 3 residential buildings were targeted. residents scramble to find survivors in the destruction. setting has also been reported west of the southern city of rafa, as it's very times advanced in the area. but it's, it's essential garza and speak to i'll just say it was honey mountain mood. now, who's in the law? so honey, what more can you tell us about these latest strikes on the yes, well, so far we're looking at a very difficult situation that remains to be very dire on all levels. not only we're seeing more people are murdered and killed inside a residential home because of the ongoing bombing. but the fact that there is an in
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force as far facing as the height ration of threatening the lifetimes within the life of many people in the northern part of the risk as well as in the central, in the area. and the southern part of the gauze and strip over night attacks targeted free residential homes in the neighborhood. we were told by eye witness 2 of these residential homes were occupied by display spans of from different parts of the neighborhood that the eastern part of ga, the city. due to the intensive, the bombing, these families kept moving it from one place to another until the ended up in these do residential homes, only to be targeted and killed inside these rid, this is a residential home for 10 people been told already from under the rubble current medic, civil defense, the grid to sit there still more people expecting 5 more is still under the rubble of including its children and women who are not being able to groups of the 3 the from under a drop of this. even the uh,
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the risk involved in continuing the rescue mission by paramedics and civil defense the crew. meanwhile, these really military continues to find areas of the western part of the city, the douglas whole font at the vicinity of death in moratti's field hospital land directly as far getting the, the out discouraged evacuation sense that that's an honor with schools at least one area near the japanese garden, the western part of the city cause any great deal of panic and learned as jewish people right now. unable to leave these areas, they are quite copper surveillance of rooms at the entire area. and what's the do these chase people and they keep shooting at them the situations of the central area continued to be aggravated. not only were looking at uh, the uh, the costs that they use of intense bombing campaign and just need for you if
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someone gives you a tax on the site right. refugee camp and the extent of is really they are very good talk on the saw. you right refuge account that lift at least 280 people deals with more people are coming to their ones right now is the number of casualties keeping keeps increasing in each passing day. honey, thanks very much indeed for that top tanks. the well food program says this operations in gaza being severely affected by israel's attacks in the southern and central there. is there a 5th of extreme hunger in the southern parts of the strip? similar to the north, you, an agency says some limited supplies have reached northern gauze after the western areas crossing the food prices remain high. and palestinians are struggling to cover the costs. and the festivals are available in the market, but they are all sold at very high prices. for me, a widow, i have no income and i cannot feed my children is where the forces have destroyed
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nearly all the water wells in northern gauze for lack of water was making. and this time in conditions across the strip was as palestinian struggled to access clean drinking water, as well as injected reports on the floor for his life. and its denial is such a slow day. the school in giovanni or if you do come serves as a shelter for just bass. people and water tank is like this. unlimited holding cause it has been decimated, it needs really attacks which targeted or infrastructure needed to sustain life and very late is allowed to reach the region the most. um, what you see is the living proof of the vitreous suffering. not only from the shortage of taking water, but also the accumulating waste. instead, sewage above all, our homes are destroyed but they don't keep patients. we are suffering from all
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friends enough for me to turn to find leveled. homes is not just the luck of food or children starving to death. in many places, this is how children have been drinking from puddles medic said. they may survive the thirst for monday and so in disease do you ins, agency for children, goodness, have called. since this man made the provision as mount nutrition could give thousands of children within weeks while a bus stop having to use riley is destroyed. no idea. hey, mr. walter wells to we cannot feed our children and now we can not find a drop of clean volta. this is not nice. even animals have a better life compared to us. we are butchered, if not by the use ready bombardment by starvation and lack of water. well, i can say is it gold as a shield? he is a rock. we are standing a ground with patients and fortitude left for today is much harder for children. many of whom have lost parents. most of the displaced have to walk long distances to get some water. some kind of thing is that result into drinking sea working as
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people close to the shore have been using and created brackish water for months. the carts, surface water supply lines, in addition to wells, is really strikes and incursions destroyed this out of nation units and its troops blocking fuel. in systematic attacks on 8 convoys, even drinking water is prevented from reaching people. during the last 8 months, soldiers incentives have posted numerous videos of them destroying what the v. a trickled in, including water bottles. the latest you under for to the accused. israel of extermination. the government's policy to collectively denied food and water to gaza. was announced in october, when the defense minister declared there will be no electricity, no foods on no fuel and mine, and deadly. and that policy is still backed by international leaders and supporters . cutting off time cutting of water. so cool. i think the israel does have that
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right and children will be forced to pinch theaters like this. the impunity to impose of famine is supported israel's right to defend itself. some of them jobby other there. the u. s. military says this will temporarily relocate the humanitarian. it constructed off the coast of gaza and move it back to ash adult in israel, and move is meant as a precaution to prevent damage by predicted, high sees the projects cost, hundreds of millions of dollars was possibly destroyed last month, shortly after its construction. a small amount of aid has been arriving its through the past since may but aid organizations say wouldn't be needed. it is well open the land crossings to that trucks into garza. but these really minute trees once again, conducting a series of raids across the occupied westbank. it is
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very forces of storm. the town of covered the west of janine city. when the truth vehicles was deployed into the town and conducted patrols before storming homes, at least 2 palestinians had been injured. and i'll let john soon refugee camp in the city of ramada. upon a strong red crescent society says one of them was shot in the head and is a critical condition. an area at least 8 palestinians were injured, vice very gun fighting the rate on out in murray. captain elder a since october, the 7th. more than 5200 policy opinions in the occupied westbank of an inch advise many forces. i'm more than 54237 leaders meeting in it to the side of the un refugee agency for the palestinians must be allowed to work on handed in garza. they have quotes for all parties to facilitate to route through the end. i mean peter,
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the passage of the mountains haven relief, especially for women and children. from the holly reports from the g 7 summit in bari and southern it today. a. let me read you the relevant passage in the summits conclusions as it relates to gaza. the g 7 that says is united in supporting the comprehensive deal that's been put forward that would lead to an immediate cease fire in gaza. the release of all hostages and a credible pathway towards peace. that leads to a 2 state solution. then a line on 8, we full circle for a significant and sustained increase in humanitarian assistance and further into the document. a line about the u. n's releasing works agency, we agree, it is critical. that owner and other, you and organizations and agencies that distribution networks be fully able to deliver a to those who need the most fulfilling the mandate effectively. now remember that the owner is the largest age agency operating in gaza. it has done so many years
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and so for patients, a little but suspended of to israel accused isn't having staff members that were involved in the october the 7th attacks that most most of its funding from individual un members. much of that has now reviewed resume. but it's activities still severely intended impeded on complaining just 24 hours ago that these radio thirty's frequently prevented from delivering aid. another aid organizations come could be shared with you based on x from unit assess global spokesman james elder. this was my wednesday in gauze, and he wrote this week a 30 now admission to got 40 kilometers. a towel was held as a check point, despite the approvals, our truck containing medicines and nutrition for 10000 children was turned back. so the g 7 phoenix communicate standing full square behind the need to resume at scale a deliveries in cost. the,
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to the ends on the is that planning an important victory and in the bathroom for all fashion of the full regions. it says it has repelled a major was sold and the ones by the power of military rapids support forces and killed one of its senior come onto the human rights group. say they fear ethnic cleansing should they are assessed, kept to the city of nearly 2000000 people, even more than reports from on demand, when many have taken up arms to join the font. so, oh, this military camp in under man is where young man from so dance west and are for region come to receive training. they volunteer to fight alongside to dance army and it's were against the parent military rapids support forces or r s f. what's the was displaced from his city of indiana in south dar for he says the horrors committed by the are assessed is with meet him during this camp. last
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name, i'm going to do the displacement, the looting of civilians, the rape of our sisters, mothers is what made me join discount the r assist took over neil and thing that became too dangerous. so i came here but joined discount to attend to the full and find the are assess the work between the army and the rest that started last year in the capital spread quickly to dar for which has long been a conflict on violence there between the former government and rebel forces in 2003 killed more than 300000 people and displaced 2000000 people, the u and describe it as ethnic cleansing by government forces and their allies. for many of those here, the currents conflict is a continuation of the work that spotted in dar 4 in 2003. the ira stuff has it's all regents in the general lead melisha, which the government used to fly troubles and which was accused of committing crimes against civilians. now the parent military is accused of committing similar
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crimes against civilians around the country. with more specifically in the dar 4 region, the u. m says between 10215000 have been killed in west star for a loan. when a slick muscle lead with targeted by the recess and allied groups in this conflict, once the mass graves had been reported in the state in north star for the last remaining army strong holes in the region, the recess has launched, completed attacks that has led to the display cement of more than 130000 people. in the past month, dozens of villages have been burned to the ground, mostly of estimates of ours. some of those who ended up in the camp, our former soldiers and former r assess officers, one for the same and shedding committee to heidi reported to the army on the 1st day of the conflicts against the recess because it rebelled against the government . they stood against the army and against the country. from day one,
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they killed civilians and force them to leave their homes. the camp is run by this comment or a member of what's known as the border guards once patient and are for. they were once allied with the rest of their now fighting. their former allies were yankee, the another. do any did clue those from dog for who's come have gone through injustice both by stating doleful on. so you, because of the recess except for i will fax you. the other states have been bluetooth. people have been killed enrolled. that's what those policies are most and read and tried. listen. the are assess controls, most of the west end region for those here are for maybe 2 or 3, but they say fighting, they are a step here in the capital makes them feel one step closer to home. he but morgan all just the euro undermine. so the head on out throw around the pose as the kills a 2nd time. because presidents any often making concessions to his biggest rivals.
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thus the journey to mount our fat knife with millions of wash attached to the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump, now i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for each inside story on al jazeera, i think a journalist is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks
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facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there is mode that unites us then divide the fucking back her mind about top stores this at least 19 people have been killed and
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more than 50 inches is fairly bombings and causes 63 residential buildings where hits in our system. neighborhoods to don's ami says it has repelled. major assaults, move stuff to reach the minutes, research tools. so you know, the senior are a self compound operation. see to, oh gosh, what statements from across the world are converging on this? so you could study if i find that the saudi arabian city of make up for the whole is that your annual hodge to commit to the gathering on the mountain of mercy for what's considered to be the highlights of the pilgrimage? corresponding discussion, a whole viras covering the hodge for us this yes, you joins us from mount or thought just outside mecca. so it shouldn't tell us what's happening today. a terry, i'm standing right close to the amount of bows. yeah, i'm gonna give you
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a chance to have a look at this balance. it's one of the related religious sites in islam. and this is why the muslims believes profitable, how to deliver his why know, some and, and doing on a fat muslims converge here on a huge numbers for a long day of atonement try us and refresh reflection on the back to the highlights of how to use the most important day for the grants, beverly, this is going to give them an opportunity to genuinely express regret over the past sayings and mistakes. and they hope that today, by the end of the day when the sunsets they would be forgiven and that they would move on and stopped in your shop to in their lives. this is mary holt. i have to say really hot here. they are for these hot been asking people to take precautionary measures. as you can see, there's a deployment to, but security forces across all these areas to ensure on very smooth traffic
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throughout the day of bottom, that jude expecting more than 2000000 people to converge here throughout the day. and by the evening, they would move towards the most deadly path on how should the tool cause through then what happens next week county basically has these as to which you will journey. there is an admin to rituals which pilgrims would have to perform such as walking around the guy back, coming over here, spending the whole time, day in a tone and try those reflections. supplications. and then they would go to him was deli, i'm back to me. where do we perform the same products stoning over the devil? which basically is that that sounds by the penguins to say that they are willing to spend stronger in the face of temptations. tomato is the fees of sacrifice
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and novel, extremely important day for the pilgrims. and in 2 days from now, they would continue the symbolic stone and go to the devil has would be, oh, but why carry is this true? so for the pilgrims, there is a sense pervading, i'm a more close that what they doing today. everybody's wearing the same clothes that i'm wearing they sense for some sort of a dress we heard so far. we all going to phase in the off to life where they believe that was sent to. busy that creator and several that deeds mistakes and sense of hope. but if you do well here today, perhaps the chances are great to to be forgiven in the future. gary caution, thanks very much indeed. so around the post has been re elected the south africa's preston for a 2nd time to live on support from the opposition democratic lines to secure the
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top job. off the amc lost its majority and last month's elections for wait. a minute reports now from cape town, the honorable chief justice of south africa, of the days of uncertainty. and just as parliament sat for the 1st time off the maze elections of confirmation came of a deal for governments of unity between the african national congress. you have no objection to democratic alliance, ending caught a freedom party's proof. and the compromises made with him. with the a and c, taking to speak of parliament position and the deputy paving the way for the smooth re election of fluid on my post as president. it is the historic meaning of the vote. and this moment that we find ourselves in that is truly significant. is that a number of parties that had to oppose each other?
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but that represented the majority of south african voters have decided to work together to deliver this resolved. the agreement comes off to the amc last it's parliamentary majority and it's biggest dropping support since it took power 50 years ago. the multi party deal allows the amc to have control of provinces like the commercial capital halting for the democratic alliance. it's no longer the off position, but the 2nd biggest voice within a new government this arrangement and shows that the voices of voters will now be heard in all of the rooms when decisions are made about the future of our country. to thanks to the 3500000 people who voted for us with some policies like the economic freedom fighters are opposed to the partnership. they say the da only protects white to minority interest while marginalizing the plus. it's expected president from up or so we'll make a number of concessions when
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a points in cabinet ministers, giving some of those posts to the political parties in the new partnership that trade off for the support of what was the agencies largest opponent. many hope won't come at a high cost. in the past, it is often opposed amc policies related to economic labor, health, key and foreign policy decisions from workers rights to south africa, stones and supporting palestine. while it's not really an issue of legal enforcing they agree, but the agreement is the as part of the pro states to both trust between what a privacy is now, right? because whether it will work or not, we can visit totes, you know, while the government of national unity, little the, for k. 1994 off the part 8. when racial segregation was abolished. and people had great confidence in a in c, this latest multi party governance is the consequence of a lack of trust in the liberation parties perform advised by requests to meet them
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. a, i'll just say right cape town authorities in japan, a warning of the risk of land slides in the southern. the end of okinawa, a soft, a heavy dime. pause. as a rainy season begins in the region. roads and several cities have been flooded and mutual interest. st. all heavy rain is expected. a special guest joined later as on the 2nd day of the g 7 summit and its southern definitely foot frances, made on historic appearance as the 1st head of the roman catholic church to attend the event automatic edits. that same space has moved out from by this is the 1st time a pope has attended a g 7 meeting. for the reasons why i'm still alive. what pope francis, his 1st words to his host is at least prime minister, georgia maloney as he left the helicopter, looking frail, but in good spirits. the 87 year old pontiff made the rounds of world leaders. he's used to, to hear things beyond the human realm. but he was us to speak here,
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notes about spiritual matters, but on all to official intelligence. and then then we could condemn humanity to a hopeless future if we took away people's ability to make decisions about themselves and their lives. so i can deming them to depend on the choices of machines. it's his birthday. happy birthday. it was chillman john sl oh, laugh schultz is 66 both day time for a song but the leaders had no other reason to celebrate that this homage. all of them, but maloney whose policy did well europe in elections a few days ago, have the political problems at home. as they discuss the language of the summit, spinal communicate that was even an angry spat between maloney and the french president emanuel macro. he objected when she succeeded in keeping the wood abortion out of the document. she then accused him of the unseemly use of the
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summit for campaigning in frances pulls coming election. when he arrived at the full dinner, the tension between the 2 was palpable. the g 7 leaders, 6 of them beleaguered at home face a range of global challenges including the ongoing was in ukraine and gauze. and there are many around the world who believe the way that they dealt with those conflicts. shows double standards and tape pop chrissy. this is the 50th anniversary summit of the g 7, but it's certainly not how high point james pays out to 0. already initially. now, 14 penguins found in poor condition argentina had been released back into the world . they want us to back to health at the marine wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center. it would be hydrated, mountain wrist and anemic been found on the origin tied coast. in recent you can find more websites out to 0 dot com. the weather is next and inside stored
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knows what noise. i hit the south africa, the country gets a new unity government to stay with the of the that's not quite as hot as it was inside the ruby and cyprus, oregon duck. yeah, but it's still, of course a whole time the are in temperatures are going to be in the forty's, particularly on the western side of saudi arabia or medina and mecca there. how much is being taken to cool? yeah, just by spring water, all over the crowds. how would you expect this at this time of year and he's on a height which cools you down or if you're lucky, if you shout. so they've been vicious around bako and just around the northern part of turkey is kind of breeze. that shall be right off the rest of the south coast of amount. but as yet it's still bright or even sunny. nothing else has happened.
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you're catching the edge of the southwest monsoon, which is a little weak draft, is safe, you fall right down the coast of africa. was a quite a strong wind up through times in the air and, and some of the no longer the case that are the warnings are, the waves are no longer big and there's nothing happening in the sky and few shouts and the captain hardens. significant rain. yes, in orange area, but for example, in kid, golly. data you might expect to share a print not yet. and then we just have average june days 2627 degrees and sunny in the often a bit of rain useful. right. i hope in the middle of no's on be nothing from either gasket. otherwise, the sun shines through every southern african country. the, the us is changing. why aren't we? we have civil cells from the living world. ali re uncovered seemed visible enough to collect the meaningful climate tax and everything is totally unexplored support
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can still be done. we need to imagine and create a new reality. one that is based on a transformation of the way we make sense and our place. oh, hail the planet coming soon on, which is 0. the accommodations to south africa. the 1st parliament 3 section is held off to an election which change the political landscape b i n. c's be close to shaft power for the 1st time. i will be alliance with the former opponents. what was lies ahead this is inside stores the .


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