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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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come now just with the of the 19 palestinians i killed in safety injured. and these really strike on 3 homes and guys are switching the play. you're watching. i'll just hear a lie from bill. hi, i'm funny. back people also coming out we meet the sudanese who have taken up arms against the power military rapids support forces while fighting and down for intense. suffice the g 7 summit. rob,
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stopping easily with most of the lead, is now heading to switzerland for a peace conference on ukraine, but russia won't be that plus bion passion, hardball. i. now it's a lot of the most important day and has the last day of atonement and reflection. news is really bombings, have killed at least 19 palestinians in egypt. 50 people in northern guys, a city 3 residential buildings were targeted in the ashi, j a and out to for neighborhoods. a father is mourning the loss of his son killed in the shelley. his body was recovered in the debris, the mazda, both my son, and that's only 12 years old, was killed by these very muscles. he was unsuspectingly sleeping in his and people like him are the targets of the is ready occupation forces. on this harley day, my young boy joins 15000 other children murdered by the israelis. my other son was
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injured and is receiving treatment. yet we are holding our ground steadfast on our homeland. you know, let's get an update on the situation in guys an hour and speak. taja 0 is honey. my models in darrow, by law in central guy. honey, i see a bit of movement behind you that i likes the hospital. tell us about what's been happening in these last few hours and the impact of these latest strikes the is what's going on here. the last, the hospital is the, the, the lead, a struggle, the people here look of residential display families in the central area where we are at that position right now. we're seeing more people in the targeted areas are really being removed from these targeted areas. either they are still alive in those areas where the critically injured or those who were killed and buried under the rubble. so ambulance, the dispatch of those areas, particularly on the verizon that has the, the eastern part of the central area. but also more recently from the ongoing
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shooting and from is really gunboat other keep shooting out people right at the, the, the coastal growth of the central part of the gaza strip here at the hospital atria . it's basically quite a chance twice the big old times, right? now we're big screen shortage of medical supplies and data. those are the medical the stop to intervene and do save lives over night attacks. freeze the pressure on hospital in the golf and rebuild the remaining to my operational hospital. the baptist hospital work, a part of that enough time on a 3 residential home and these are neighborhoods of the of golf. the city is leaving 19 people killed with more people are close to 50 of the critically injured and with that number of injuries, the hospital is unable to interview sufficient. be on safe and save life. and with the ongoing lockheed on an injury of many gold supplies,
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reasons are getting these quite difficult in, in each hour. there's also this one at one more site and still are going on right now is due today. and of course, as far as a seen on the high vision mounted, retracing is it the reading among children, particularly the vulnerable among those of health complications? those who need immediate intervention and basic, and certain kinds of basic necessities of supply or diet right now because of, of extreme. now the nutrition by the enforce the hydrogen, and as far vision impose bite is really military and ever since we've really military started to use the star vision as a weapon of war. uh, the situation that'd be quite difficult for palestinian children across the guster . that's important. to note out at 42 units, if we have 3000 children who suffer for now, the nutrition across the gaza strip on a thank you for the update. that's all just here is honey. my mod live there in down the in central guys of us military says it will temporarily relocate the
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humanitarian p, a build off the coast of guys and move it back to us starting this route. the move is meant as a precaution to prevents damaged by predicted high seas. the project costs $320000000.00 and was partly destroyed last month. shortly after his construction. a small amount of aid has been arriving to the p as in may, but data organizations say it wouldn't be needed if it's rather open the line crossings to let talk soon to die. so, to all these really forces have destroyed all the water. well as the northern gaza, the lack of water is making the if i'm in conditions across the strip worse most children and adults that don't have access to clean drinking water. as osama bin job aid reports for his life and its denial is searching slow day. the school in giovanni and if you do come serves as a shelter for just base people in water tank is like this and limit holding
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gaza has been decimated and is really a tax which targeted or infrastructure needed to sustain life. and very little late is allowed to reach the region. the sun. what you see is a living proof that the vitreous suffering, not only from the shortage of taking water, but also the accumulating waste inside it. sewage. above all, our homes are destroyed, but they will keep patient. we are suffering from all friends. for me to turn to find leveled homes is not just the luck of food. our children are starving to death . in many places, this is how children have been drinking from puddles group. medic said, they may survive the thirst for monday and so we can disease the humans agency for children goodness have called the since this non me deprivation as mount nutrition cookie of thousands of childrens and weeks. while a bus stop having a huge riley is destroyed. no idea, hey mr. walter wells to we cannot feed our children and now we can not find
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a drop of clean volta. this is not nice. even animals have it back to life compared to us. we are butchered, if not by these ready bombardments by starvation and lack of water. well, i can say is it gold as a shield? he is a rock. we are standing a ground with patients and fortitude left for today is much harder for children, many of whom have lost parents. most of the displaced have to walk long distances to get some water. some kind of thing is that result into drinking seawater. as people close to the shore have been using and created brackish water for months. the carts service water supply lines, in addition to wells, is really strikes and incursions destroyed this out of nation units. and its troops are blocking fuel. in systematic attacks on a convoys, even drinking water is prevented from reaching people during the last 8 months, soldiers and set those have posted numerous videos of them destroying what the d. a trickled in, including water bottles. the latest you and report to the accused. israel of
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extermination. the government's policy to collectively denied food and water to gaza. was announced in october when the defense minister declared that it would be no electricity. no food was on no fuel and mine and deadly. and that policy still backed by international leaders and supporters cutting off time cutting of water. so cool. i think the israel does have that right. and children may be forced to pinch their thirst like this the impunity to impose, the timing is supported israel's right to defend itself. some of the javi james selda is a spokesman for unicef. he's in del, blah. he says he's really showing has left many policy and families without protection from the heat. so this is going on for $250.00 days. now the tools at sweltering age, people say to me, all people must be used to that. yes, they are used to the thousands of years today in their family, home, in their home,
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with air conditioning in the home and ceiling fans not intense, crammed together, and a breakfast spice with 40 degree hate on sand. this is what people out there being denied. i they believe that i'd protection say things and i didn't need dignity. it's a very complicated process to get in because of the, the restrictions. uh, uh, put it put on top of eyes, but we do it. we know the paperwork. we know that the hoops to jump through, but it is very difficult to get it in. for example, in my few minutes here and agents go in half as many trucks of i probably as in april half as many when we have this critical nutrition situation. why was that the case? that was the case because in may of course we had the rasa offensive the limited quote unquote limited defensive in russell. that meant that led to the displacement of a 1000000 people. so less site is coming in, but it's not just getting it in, it's when we did it in its value show,
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we can get it across the javascript without i'd work has been to more i'd work is they've been killed in this war. but any war, any role since the advent of the united nations? it's extraordinary. it is an incredibly difficult place to work, but the palestinians and foreigners are very brave on the front lines once you did it in. if we look fairly as to wednesday, a few days ago, there was a mission of you to say if we were taking a truck full of nutritional and medical supplies for 10000 children, nutritional and medical supplies 410000 children, we had all the approvals. we were going to dogs, the city from dairy butler in the front of the uh uh it's basically a fortune shalom. its a round trip. it took 13 hours and we spent each of those around check points. audrey around paperwork, was it a truck? was it event, all sorts of he said, he said, the reality is, this truck was been denied at says, so those $10000.00 children did not get that. i now unicef, we'll go back again. but it's not as easy as just returning next day because of how
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dangerous it is a place to upright. remember, and use realize the occupying power has the legal responsibility to, to facilitate that i, we must have a day goals with homeboys. right? you know, simple. so does, does sanitation, we do watch or we do protection, we need to be everywhere. so that was denied. there's been more cross border violence between these really ami and has well not in southern lebanon, at least one person was killed. and when he's really drawn, he had a motorcycle near the town of been travail on saturday morning, the going fuse of escalating violence on the border. that could trigger a larger regional conflicts. it's a turning to sedan now, where fighting is escalating in several areas, including the southeast. the armies battling the power, military rapids support forces. and the latest incident resident said ours, the fighters were killed in all carry. when government forces fought them off in an
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attack, they said they also sees it and destroyed to combat vehicles and motorcycles. strands armies also claiming an important victory in the battle for our fleischer in the north star full region. it says it stopped a major, a sold launch by the time military and killed one of his senior commanders, rice groups are worried about ethnic cleansing. if the ice f fighters capture the city of nearly 2000000 people, i'll just say receive a morgan re, for some undermine. when many have taken up arms on the side of the army. oh, this military camp in under man is where young man from sedans, west and are for region come to receive training. they volunteer to fight alongside to dance army and it's were against the parent military rapids support forces or r s f. what's the was displaced from his city of indiana in south dar for he says the horrors committed by the recess is would meet him. join this camp. last name,
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i'm going to do the displacement, the looting of civilians, the rape of our sisters. mothers is what made me join discount. the recess took a vanilla and things that became too dangerous. so i came here by joint discount to attend to the full and find the are assess the work between the army and the, our staff, which starts at last here in the capital, spread quickly to dar for which has long been a conflict on violence there between the former government and rebel forces in 2003 killed more than 300000 people and displaced 2000000 people o d u, and described it as estimate cleansing by government forces and their allies. for many of those here, the current conflict is a continuation of the work that spotted in dar 4 in 2003. the ira stuff has it's all regents and they tend to read militia, which the government used to fly troubles and which was accused of committing crimes against civilians. now the parent military is accused of committing similar
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crimes against civilians around the country. with more specifically in the dar 4 region, the u. m says between 10215000 have been killed in west star for a loan. when ethnic muscle lead with targeted by the recess and allied groups in this conflict. once the mass graves had been reported in the state in north star for the last remaining army strong holes in the region, the recess has launched repeated attacks that has led to the displacement of more than 130000 people. in the past month, dozens of villages have been burned to the ground, mostly of estimates of ours. some of those who ended up in the camp, our former soldiers and former are assess office. there is one for the same and she hadn't somebody to friday. i reported to the army on the 1st day of the conflicts against the recess because it rebelled against the government. so they stood against the army and against the country. from day one, they killed civilians and force them to leave their homes. to the camp is run by
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this commander, a member of what's known as the border guards once stationed into our for they were once allied with the rest of their now fighting. their former allies were yankee, the uh nothing. do any did who goes from doc for who's come have gone through and just, just as a full fi stating, doleful on. so you because of the already set except for i will fax you. the other states have been looted. people have been killed enrolled. that's what those policies are most and read and try blessed. the recess control, most of the west end region for those here are for maybe 2 or 3, but the safe, i think they are a step here in the capital. makes them feel one step closer to home. he but morgan all just the euro undermine. g 7 need is a wrapping up their annual summit being held this year in southern, easily they've been discussing the wars and guys and ukraine as well as tensions with china. yvonne's nuclear program migration and artificial intelligence live to
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john hall, who is in a sub initially for us more than this. so what are the key takeaways jonah from this g 7? it's because technically, it's not over the host, georgia. melanie, the time prime minister, has yet to give her the final press conference, but with the early departure of joe biden, the us president on friday night to attend the campaign rally in the states over the weekend. well, that was pretty much it for the 50th anniversary of this g 7, gathering the world's 7 most industrialized nations, but not teach most populous nor even it's rich. houston increasing, we seen a struggling for relevance for legitimacy in the world of shifting power centers and multiple allegiances. think the jeep 20. think the bricks grouping now expanded by 4 nations to become bricks. plus the g 7 really, increasingly needs to make its market. these meetings, they did so on ukraine, a big agreement to provide a 50000000000 dollar loan to keep serviced by the interest on frozen russian assets
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also security guarantee stretching well into the next decade. it really didn't on gauze or apart from some pretty standard language, as opposed to gifts towards the sci fi and cooling for the resumption at scale of the flows of aids. it was stop power from the pope pier talking about artificial intelligence, but really building that these was 7 leads as many of whom are on the brink of their own political disasters at home. and really not a vintage g 7. i don't think, jonah, the diplomatic spot lies not moves from it's nice to switzerland, which is hosting the ukraine peace conference. what can we expect from that? as yeah, well many of those leaders and a good deal more move on to switch the 100 expected to more than a 100. in fact, i expected at that ukraine peace conference, a pretty unusual peace conference given only one side is attending russia. now to invite it probably wouldn't have come even if it had been given. the focus is going
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to be on presidency. lensky is 10 point plan for a piece that, of course, didn't stop. president putin announcing his formula for peace talks, the head of the summit, setting the bach impossibly high, talking about ukraine, having to abandon the 4 regions that russia has antics and give up its hopes of joining nato. that of course, is a complete known stuff is so beyond this piece summit really building on what the g 7 achieve a big show of international support for you create in the signal to president putin . the support to is not, is there. so the long term, it's not entirely clear what else they can achieve. jonah, thank you very much. just sondra 0 is doing home, reporting their life from 73. and still i had on the program a serial wrong post as secure as a 2nd term. because president, but only after making concessions to these biggest rivals, $10000000.00 is converge on mount power fraud for the whole, the estate of the hash, pilfer news,
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the have you cheryl's in internet easier shouldn't really be arrived this time of the year. but they happen to sort of way see, and they still are just the rest of java. but in the full cross we'll move on a bit. and i think the folks is going to be for the north, central know the see much of the trust plants and that i use here. so for example, singapore would have them in the full cost in for like $3.00 days a sunday monday, choose executive, all set pretty steady daily event or as jump satisfied with the change of season. the change of confident it has been told recently because he has come up from the sides for victoria and new south wales. but now the sunny side, even the low teens probably feels override in western australia. clouds looking picture 21 in paris. very clear, the picture to the light to shows concentrates again, can obviously, cuz these have you stuff here. the circulation,
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which is going to bring chas up the coast to the south wells. and march might catch sidney is obviously the task, but i'm heading towards these even that usually means that you're going because normally breeze with rain, that tends to enhance the rain as to the high mountains in the south. now. so snow is going to cover the mountains. reading is going to be at low grad, initiated in christ church in delay. it's not gonna be room this time. it's just got to be brought right the the house on monday, the right and transfers. no to no fall and then crosses the mountains the the
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. ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back, a reminder about some stories on how to 0. at least 19 people have been killed and more than 50 injured in is really bombings in gaza. city 3 residential buildings where hating officer j at hand out 2 neighborhoods. sedans, army says, is something major assault in the most awful region. the military says it also killed a senior commander of the pound, military rapids,
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or forces in operation in the city of al slash. and the annual g. 7 summit is wrapping up in its leaving wars in ukraine and gaza attentions with the china and artificial intelligence dominated the 3 day agenda, and many of the delegates will not travel to switzerland for a peace conference on ukraine in south africa, serial run. my poster has been reelected, i surprise it in for a 2nd time. he relied on support from the opposition democratic lines to secure the top job after the n. c lost its majority in last month's elections for me to meet every for some cape tom. as the honorable chief justice of south africa after days of uncertainty and just as parliament sat for the 1st time off the amazing elections of confirmation came of a deal for a government of unity between the african national congress. you have no objection to democratic alliance and in court of freedom parties. and the compromises made with him. with the a and c,
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taking the speak of parliament position and the deputy paving the way for the smooth re election of fluid on my post as president is the historic meaning of the vote. and this moment that we find ourselves in that is truly significant. that a number of parties that had to oppose each other but that represent the majority of south african voters have decided to work together to deliver this resolved. the agreement comes on to the amc last it's parliamentary majority and it's biggest dropping support since it to power 50 years ago. the multi party deal allows the amc to have control of provinces like the commercial capital halting for the democratic alliance. it's no longer the off position, but the 2nd biggest voice within a new government this arrangement and shows that the voices of voters will now be
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heard in one of the rooms where decisions are made about the future of our country . the thanks to the 3500000 people have voted for us with some policies like the economic freedom fighters are opposed to the partnership. they say the da only protects white to minority interest while marginalizing the plus. it's expected president from a poor, so we'll make a number of concessions when a points in cabinet ministers, giving some of those posts to the political parties in the new partnership that trade off for the support of what was the agencies largest opponent. many hope won't come at a high cost. in the past, it is often opposed amc policies related to economic labor, health, key and foreign policy decisions. i'm workers' rights to south africa, stones and supporting palestine. while it's not really an issue of legal enforcing
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they agree with the agreement is the as part of the pro space to both trust between what the privacy is now ready to be published. but really it will work or not. you know, while the government of national unity lead silva for k 1994 off the part 8. when racial segregation was abolished. and people had great confidence in a and see this later. multi party governance is the consequence of a lack of trust and deliberation policies performance because of a request to meet them. a, i'll just say right, cape town, a china is for me. and lee chung has arrived in australia as part of a touring that repairing relations. he landed in added light on at the side of a full day visit talks are also expected to focus on the dispute in the south china sea and brought a regional security ties between china and australia of worse. and in the last 2 years on growing trade restrictions and corporate 19 policies and most names from around the world that converging on the sacred valley of our fashion,
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the mecca in saudi arabia for the holy is they are the annual highest pilgrimage, the gathering on the mountain of mercy for what's considered to be the highlight of the spiritual journey. a correspondent hash him, i have barbara is covering the hash for us to see if he has more from loans alfonze just outside. next. the mountain that you see behind me is the balance of know, see why muslims really profitable? how much delivered his finals and pilgrims came over here at night. we decided to spend the day here for a reasons. i believe this is what does this take? what size it is land and the would like to spend the entire day in a tone, man, priors and supplication. they believe that this is an extremely important day for them. and that if i'm lucky enough, by the end of the day when the sun sets that create a wake, forgive the sins, now it's a very hard day. i have to say. and the thought is,
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have been using me spray or is across the entire plains of auto fat and be happy and asking people to use umbrella. the biggest concern is hate stroke. what is next? well the pilgrims. they're going to stay here until the sunsets and then they would move to the plane of that was that they thought to gather the pebbles which are going to use for the symbolic stoning of the devil. tomato is a piece of sacrifice. also that there was continue the symbolic stoning of the devil, and the journey is going to be over. you will see an element of the journey which is basically about the ritual to perpetuate what they consider to be sacred. traditions of prophets, well, how much and abraham, but at the same time, it's a journey about the need to find a rates, a sense of purpose in life. and this is exactly what they hope to achieve today. pushing my bottle,
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i was just the bounce out of batch if it was forcing use now and house germany have made the best possible start of the in the opening match of foot both european championship. they thrashed scotland 51 in munich. this comments were not held for having a play, a sent off. that is the biggest opening game when in history of the arrows of this you see the last is um, is very important for us. um, now it's very important to have the confidence to, to go on like this. we have the, we had a very good dynamic. we had very good intensity and we played, in my opinion, very, very good game. and hopefully we go on like that and scroll a lot of go ahead site today. i'll just here is dominic kane has more from munich, con, trusting emotions on the faces of the friends streaming out of the stadium here in unix pots. what was that about the team that won the game,
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the flag and blazing across the outside was of the state in germany, and in fact, take with 51 for the friends. as i say, jubilation. it was really create so amazing what the create results. it was totally worth it, not so much tribulation for the sculptors finds a chase spinning result for the same. they have to hope that that is some salvation, perhaps in the games, against the other teams in the groups. but at least some scottish friends were trying to focus on whatever positive that was from this game. i was tangible. but what do we care? let's go let's, we just do it again. it's okay. it's okay. do you know what the sears being click on this as being great and your next germany can now look forward to its games against hungry and then switzerland, knowing that a victory. and one of them is very likely to be enough to qualify through to the next stage,
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but off to result like this. maybe they may well want to win free from scotland. they know they must get some positive results in the remaining 2 games and hope against hope. perhaps that that might be enough. dominic cane al jazeera munich relations between north and south korea. all right. that was for several years. so has resumed propaganda messages across the board. up young young has been sending balloons filled with rubbish. the other weight, right mcbride reports on how propaganda has been used over the years. the visitors to the d. m. z museum learned the story of this heavily armed uncontested frontier from its founding at the end of the korean war. through the decades of angry exchanges, driven by propaganda campaigns by both sides as effects of including the production and distribution of leaflets by the 1000000000. we know that we showcased the process of how the d


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