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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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musical innovative, brian, you know, meets renowned economies hardoon china, taught to, for most of the funniest economies in the world. i don't have any competition. judy, i'd be on split data analysis era. the these really strikes in gaza city can at least 20 palestinians and major dies in small the low. i'm for the back to boy, you're watching out you 0 live from to ha. also ahead of we meet the sudanese, you've taken up arms against the power military rapids support forces while fighting intensifies in golf for 12 lead is
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a gathering for the summit on ukraine to pressure russia to end the 2 year war. but the bottom at fulton is not invited and celebrating king charles preferred spread, stay, but all eyes on kate milton. she makes her 1st public appearance and said, cancer, diagnosis and treatment. the thank you for joining us. is really bombings of killed at least 20 palestinians. and aged thousands of us in the northern part of the gaza strip and gaza city. more precisely, the army also blew up buildings in southern gaza. is there any? bulldozers has been continuing to demolish palestinian homes, west of rough, hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been for it's just lea,
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a tax in the city. let's get the latest and speak to. i'll just hear as honey. my hold was in dial, but i central guys are for is how do you, 1st of all, what more can you tell us about these, these really demolition operations around dropbox? yes. well, what we are witnessing happening and rough estimate is that nothing for to down on our arctic picture all genocide taking place inside the city. like raising golf old assigns and major elements of the city, including the residential buildings, the public facilities, as well as the infrastructure of a city that once was a home for the 250000 people. and as of displacement, it was the home for one monday and 1500000 display policy is right now is being raised by the ongoing is really a systematic demolition of these residential home depot at the western side of the cities on the sofa neighborhood on a ship where you can,
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these are 2 densely populated areas that the vicinity of the japanese garden as the vicinity of the full bon area. we're looking at the system at a destination and demolition of residential homes. and this is a part of what these really military has been doing for the past 8 months since day one of this genocide, those war homes that are being deliberately attack them, destroyed completely from the northern parts all the way through to the something that we see fitting into these really narrative of not only establishing a buffer zone along basin border, but also turning the entire golf. it's just, it's a pile of rubble and making it quite uninhabitable. because right now what we're seeing is happening it from the northern part of the state, but from the city of the title, the, the destruction that happens in, in devalue our capital. recently i got the city of han units and now rob, hi,
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the suggest that there's really military is shattering and deepening. any sense of safety for people in any sense of been going back to their home, turning life into quite difficult will eventually, as is really military suggested, many times where they're at the military loved them or the political level to create very, very difficult conditions on the ground that eventually will push people out of the gaza strip. meanwhile, is really monitor. it continues to pound across the northern parts and all the city would more with more public facilities and more residential homes being targeted overnight. a thought 19 people reported skills and more than 50 of the critically injured pole in a very, a low low capacity functioning hospital in gaza. honey, thank you very much for the update that sounds ears, honey. my mode reporting deadline from the law in central dasa. now the u. s. military says it will temporarily relocate the humanitarian period. it built off
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the coast of gaza and move it back to us starting this route. the move is meant as a peacock precaution to prevent damaged by predicted high seas. the project cost $320000000.00 and was partly destroyed last month, shortly after ice construction. a small amount of aid has been arriving through the p, as in may by data. organizations say it wouldn't be needed if it's around open the line crossing select trucks into gaza. james elder is a spokesman for unicef. he's in dial by. he says he's really showing has left many policy and families without protection from the heat. and this is going on for $250.00 days now of tools at sweltering age. people say to me, all people must be used to that. yes, they are used to the thousands and used to the 8 in the family home in the home with the air conditioning in the home. a ceiling fans not intense, crammed together, and oppressed with spice, with 40 degree hate on sand. this is what people out there being denied. i there being that odd protection slipping to know, i didn't need dignity. it's
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a very complicated process to get in because of the, the restrictions uh uh, put put on top of eyes. but we do it. we know the paperwork, we know that the hoops to jump through, but it is very difficult to get it in. for example, in my humanitarian agents go to in half as many trucks of i valley as in april half as many when we have this critical nutrition situation. why was that the case? that was the case because in my goals, we had the rasa offensive the limited quote unquote, remember to defensive in russell. that meant that led to the displacement of a 1000000 people. so less site is coming in, but it's not just getting it in. it's when we did it in its value so we can get it across with all the strip without i'd work has been to more i'd work. is it been killed in this war than any war, any war since the advent of the united nations? it's extraordinary. it is an incredibly difficult place to work, but tell us citizens and foreigners are very brave on the front lines once you get
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it in. if we look probably as to wednesday, a few days ago, there was a mission of you to say if we would say the i truck full of nutritional and medical supplies for 10000 children, nutritional and medical supplies, the 10000 children, we had all the approvals we were going to die the city from dairy butler in front of you. yeah. it's basically a 40 kilometer round trip. it took 13 hours and we spent each of those around check points. audrey around paperwork, was it a truck? was it a van? all sorts of he said, he said, the reality is, this truck was been denied, i says, so those 10000 children did not get that. i now unicef, we'll go back again. but it's not as easy as just returning next day because of how dangerous it is a place to upright. remember, and use realize the occupying power has the legal responsibility to, to facilitate that i, we must have a day goals, which one voice, right unit, simple. so does the set of tires, can we do water? we do protection, we need to be everywhere. so that was denied. there's been more cross border
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violence between these really military and has the law in 711 on at least one person was killed when and he's really drawn hate and motorcycle need. a ton of french about on saturday morning. they're going fee is the escalating violence on the floor could trigger alondra regional coffee the turning to saddam now way of fighting is escalating in several areas, including the southeast. the all me is binding the power military rapids support forces. and the latest incidents rather than said, are, as the fighters were killed in all k r u. when government forces fought them off in an attack, they said they also sees and destroyed to combat vehicles. and motorcycles, sedans, armies also claiming unimportant victory in the battle for alpha. sure. in the north star for region, it says it stopped a major, a sold launch, buy them back,
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power military and kids. one of his senior commanders, right school. so worried about ethnic cleansing, if b r a. so if i just capture the city of nearly 2000000 people, even morgan ray for some under mine, when many have taken up arms on the side of the army. so, oh, this military camp, an under man, is where young men from sedans, west and are for region come to receive training. they volunteer to fight alongside to dance army and it's were against the parent military rapids support forces or r s f. what's the was displaced from his city of indiana in south dar for he says the horrors committed by the are a staff is would meet him, join this camp. last name, i'm going to do the displacement, the looting of civilians, the rape of our sisters, mothers is what made me join discount. the recess took a vanilla and things that became too dangerous. so i came here but joined discount to attend to the full and find the are
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a say the work between the army and the rest, which starts at last here in the capital, spread quickly to dar for which has long been a conflict on violence there between the former government and rebel forces in 2003 killed more than 300000 people and displaced 2000000 people, the u and described it as ethnic cleansing by government forces and their allies. for many of those here, the current conflict is a continuation of the work that spotted in dar 4 in 2003. the, our stuff has its origins and they tend to read militia, which the government used to fly troubles. and which was accused of committing crimes against civilians. now, the parent military is accused of committing similar crimes against civilians around the country. with more specifically in the dar 4 region, the u. m says between 10215000 have been killed in west star for a loan. when ethnic muscle lead with targeted by the recess and allied groups in
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this conflict with several mass graves have been reported in the state in north star for the last remaining army strong holes in the region. the recess has launched, completed attacks that has led to the display cement of more than 130000 people. in the past month, dozens of villages have been burned to the ground, mostly of estimates of ours. some of those who ended up in the camp are firm of soldiers and former recess office. there is one for the same and shedding committee to report it to the army on the 1st day of the conflicts against the recess because it rebelled against the government. they stood against the army and against the country from day one that killed civilians and force them to leave their homes. the camp is run by this commander, a member of what's known as the border guards once patient and are for. they were once allied with the rest of their now fighting. their former allies were junky the
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another. do any, did who goes from dog 4 who's come have gone through injustice as a full fi stating, doleful on. so you, because of the already set except for our fashion that the other states have been looted, people have been killed enrolled. that's what those policies are most and raised and try blessing the recess control most of the western region for those here. therefore, maybe 2 or 3, but the safe, i think they are a step here in the capital. makes them feel one step closer to home. hey, bill morgan, all just the euro undermine a g 7 lead is a wrapping up. their annual summit being held this year and 7 need to me. they've been discussing the wars in gaza and ukraine as well as tensions with china yvonne's nuclear program, migration, and artificial intelligence. let's get the latest with john hall, who's joins us from the side of needs to be join us. so what are the key takeaways and from this g 7 summit initially?
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well, i think it's been a pretty tricky summit really. for the g 7, when you consider that with the exception of their italian host, 5 minutes to georgia, milady 6 of the 7 leaders present here all struggling politically at home. almost suddenly, the next time the g 7 meets. it will not be composed of precisely the same faces as we've seen here add to that that he needs 50 this year. the g 7 increasingly c as struggling for the ga to must see for relevance among shifting power centers in the world and multiple different allegiances. if you think of the g 20, if you think of the bricks grouping recently expanded to become bricks. plus the g 7 really needed to come up with some signature achievements to maintain its relevance when it did so on ukraine. the big announcement on you credit and a 50000000000 dollar loan, facilitated serviced by the interest raised on frozen russian assets that were also security guarantee signed with president zalinski stretching deep into the next
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decade. it really didn't do so on gaza. that was a pretty standard language and the final communicate supporting efforts towards this 3 phase $65.00 plan and cooling for the on ended access for a to guys the other issues. the cost came up. there was a high point with the arrival of the pope to if you're not on a visual intelligence, a stop to that. but beyond that, probably not considered a vintage d 7 summit. yeah. and diplomatic spotlights now move side. i don't, i from italy, just switzerland. many of the leaders are now heading to switzerland for the ukraine. peace conference. what can we expect from that? yes, most of those leaders on their way to switzerland, georgia, maloney, when she's tied up loose ends here, will be on her way. joe biden, of course, went home early for a campaign appearance. he's represented by vice president commer harris a and a 100 leaders. we are told to expect at that peace conference in switzerland, an audit to evaluate something really
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a peace conference given that on the one side to the conflict is actually the russia would be that it wasn't even invited, almost certainly wouldn't have gone even had it been since the substance adults will be around presidents and then skis, 10 point plan china, also not the rush is chief becca. president putin has taken the opportunity and the run up to this conference to set his stool that for what it will take to reach peace negotiations. he expects you crying to abandon all hope of return to full annex territories plus crimea, also to give up hope of joining nato that is an absolute non stop to. so it's really hard to see beyond a show of international solidarity unity and support. so you kind precisely what these, some of these going to achieve to, and i thank you very much. that sounds a 00 and a whole reporting that live from southern a sleep. and still ahead on the program serial. run my posts as secure as a 2nd term of south africa as president, but only after making concessions. so his biggest rivals plus i am how ship of
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bottom line mount. i'm on the most important day and has the long day of atonement and reflection the the us is changing. why aren't we? we have 7 dial cells from the living world. i. the re uncovers theme difficult obstacles to meaningful climate action. everything is totally unexplored support can still be done. we need to imagine and create a new reality. one that is based on a transformation of the way we make sense of the world and our place. oh hale, the planet, coming soon on out to 0. the,
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there's a deliver it mission of the house to mean humanity in western and it needs to be question. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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they're watching ology 0 live from doha. reminder about top stories is, are the forces are continuing the campaign of destruction in southern gaza, deformed residential areas in a rock fund. is there any forces and also use photos as to demolish a number of buildings in areas to the west of rock sedans. army says it stopped a major assault in the most awful region, and military says it also killed a senior commander of the military rapids support forces in an operation in the city of alpha. now the u. k is celebrating king charles birthday with the annual trooping the color of military parade. the princess of wales, kate milton, is attending the event. it's her 1st public appearance and says, closing accounts to diagnosis earlier this year that she was last seen publicly in december use of our illness, came shortly after king charles announce he had cancer and speak to melana. this elaine of a chose life for us, said by him palace in london. so kate has made an appearance,
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talk to us about the celebrations and what we've seen so far me in the sun into a horrible dime can wet day here in london. but that has not sorry for the tide. the crowds who have come to see the princess of wales. it has passed official public engagement. the c a and the 1st time we have seen has since she revealed cancer diagnosis back in march. now, princes a wells road for us in a call, then in a carriage which has 3 children. she lives relaxed to these outwardly wells. and she observed some of the trooping of the color, the king size shape re from the buckingham palace balcony with her children. she is due to be joined by her husband, the prince of wales, as well as the king and other royals for that i pony buckingham palace balcony may have been to apply, paused, hold it with the weather that was having a diamond, very intense rain. amazed to be seen whether flight calls will be possible, but suddenly you've seen
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a very reassuring sides of those. and how the so worried about the princess? well, seeing her out and about in a public engagement, she released a health update and the photo last night. we just put a personal statement by her saying that she had few days and 5 days that she was wanting to live with on site duty listening to her body and taking the time to him to have the kind of was that we used to hearing from british oil to a typically, a lot more reserves. now she also said that she was doing some work from home and she has to undertake a few more public engagement over the summer. but the policies are really key. the stress that have present to today should not be sees as a full return to public duties because as she said, it has statements. she's not out of the woods. yes, the king is set to be delighted that she was able to attend today. he of course,
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has had his own challenges being diagnosed with cancer as well, and also on to guarantee massage therapy. and i think for him and also for everyone else who's a story on the principles of wealth has really struck a chord with ordinary british public. even those people who don't have much for the real timely just simply because she's a mother of 3 very young children, need the food to diagnose by tons. so suddenly by seeing her out and about it will be send a message of reassurance through the why the british populates that she's at least out with the looking quite well and relaxed. thank you very much for atlanta for that. and the scene innovation i, far as the in london serial run up also has been re elected as south africa's president for a 2nd term. he relied on support from the opposition democratic lines to secure the top job after the n. c lawsuits. majority. last month's elections, i made a military force in cape town. the honorable chief justice of south africa,
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of 2 days of uncertainty. and just as parliament sent for the 1st time off to may's elections of confirmation came of a deal for a government of unity between the african national congress. you have no objection to democratic alliance and in court of freedom parties prove the compromises made with him. with the a and c taking to speak of parliament position and the deputy paving the way for the smooth re election of fluid on the post as president is the historic meaning of the vote. and this moment that we find ourselves in that is truly significant. is that a number of parties that had to oppose each other but that's represent the majority of south african voters have decided to work together to deliver this resolved. the agreement comes on to the amc last it's parliamentary majority
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and its biggest dropping support since it took power 50 years ago. the multi party deal allows the amc to have control of provinces like the commercial capital halting for the democratic alliance. it's no longer the opposition, but the 2nd biggest voice within a new government this arrangement and shows that the voices of voters will now be heard in one of the rooms where decisions are made about the future of our country . the thanks to the 3500000 people who voted for us with some policy is like the economic freedom fighters are opposed to the partnership. they say the da only protects white to minority interest while marginalizing the plus. it's expected president from of course i will make a number of concessions when a points in cabinet ministers, giving some of those posts to the political policies in the new partnership that trade off for the support of what was the agencies largest opponent. many hope
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won't come at a high cost. in the past, it is often opposed amc policies related to economic labor, healthy and foreign policy decisions from worker's rights to silver stones and supporting palestine. while it's not really an issue of legal enforcing they agree, but the agreement is the as part of the pro space to both trust between what the privacy is now going to be covered, least in part where they will work or not. because we have the totes, you know, while the government of national unity lead silva for k 1994 off the part 8. when racial segregation was abolished and people had great confidence in a n. c. this latest multi party governance is the consequence of a lack of trust. and the liberation policies perform advertised by requests to meet them. and i'll just say right, cape town. china is premier leave chang has arrived in australia as part of the touring that repairing relations. landing has lied at the start of
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a full day visit. talks are also expected to focus on the dispute in the south china sea and brought a regional security ties between china and australia have worse. and in the last 2 years on growing trade restrictions and colby 19 policies, it was always in japan, a warning of the risk of land slides in the southern island of oak, in our best have to heavy down force, hit the region at the side of the rainy season roads and several cities have been flooded and more heavy. rain is expected. the most names from around the world are converging on the sacred valley of our 5 be a mecca in saudi arabia. the holy is say of the annual hash pilgrimage, the gathering on the amount of mercy for what's considered to be the highlights of the spiritual journey. correspondent tasha my body is covering the hash for associated has more from mount our fi just outside of make up the mountain that you see behind me is the balance of no. see why muslims belief
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profitable how much delivered his finals and pilgrims came over here at nights. we decided to spend the day here for a reasons. i believe this is one of the sake of its life and his love. and the would like to spend the entire day in a tone mans priors and supplication. they believe that this is an extremely important day for them. and that if i'm lucky enough, by the end of the day when the sun sets that it creates a wake, forgive the sins. now it's a very hard day. i have to say and they all thought these have been using me spray or is across the entire plains of off that and they have been asking people to use umbrella. the biggest concern is hate stroke. what is next? well, the pilgrims, they're going to stay here until the sunsets and then they would move to the plane of that was that they had to gather the pebbles,
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which are going to use for the symbolic stoning of the devil. tomato is the feast of sacrifice. also that there was continued the symbolic stoning of the devil, and the journey is going to be over. you will see an element of the journey which is basically about which you were to put the $28.00, what they consider to be sacred. traditions of prophets. well, how much and abraham, but at the same time, it's a journey about the need to find a greatest sense of purpose in life. this is exactly what they hope to achieve today. pushing my bottle, i was just the bounce out of that. it was supposed to use our in house. germany have made the best possible start in the opening match of footballs. european championship. they thrashed scotland 51 in munich. the scots were not helped by having a pleasant off. it's a biggest opening game when in the history of the year i was a 14 penguins found in poor condition. in argentina have been released back into
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the wives. they were nursed back to health at the marine wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center. they were dehydrated, mon notion name a quin found on the origin time coasts in recent months. and that's the news for now. and i'll just hear that say from the for the back to go inside story is next. do stay with us next watching the or the very seasonal rains cold started, you know, can now this thing here is it went through and that's part of the seasonal system which is causing, getting more and run more widespread funding in southern china is the full cost of sunday, which also develop some showers, the north of the angry woman studies and all that and all the active whether that brought hailstones even a brief to and i, there's nose in charge of this thing off to the east of flight of i'll stop now the
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picture doesn't change much on sunday. these are still the seasonal rides, the just golf orange, and it is split between one and 200. going to be his override. all hail. so he's going to cost study it, tails off into northern parts of thailand. really, they trust the mountains into india. in fact, the monsoon trophies power, toll free it, and it lies more or less here at the moment. so to the sides, to be told what you'd expect to be humid, i'd often wait and that is the case. this is the seasonal monthly range to the northwood. it's still hot and dry until the amount of seeing this. now that happened warnings, red warnings because of the heat wave conditions all the way down to the north indian play and extending into the old impact is done as well. that you can see there's some relief from the heat where the card is there with a multitude has, but otherwise not. as i mentioned, it's also hot with aren't relief. in fact is done. the, the, the us is always of interest,
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the people around the world. this has been going on for a number of hours. you got the surprise, but i can see the report 34, that's an active perspective to try to explain to global audience why it's important because impacts their lives at the height of the storm. water was so high by hey, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good the bringing the news to the world from here. accommodations to south africa. the 1st column in 3 section is held off to an election which changed the political landscape b i n c in close to shaft power for the 1st time. i will be alliance with former opponents. what was lies a has this is inside storage. the


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