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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 15, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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pick up next time is why don't we do nothing? thank you, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy say that this is the news. our live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes is ready strikes target residential areas in central and south and gaza. kidding. at least $38.00 palestinians protest is across from small to gaines to the far right hand of upcoming elections. have the latest from paris drawn sweden exchange. prison isn't a deal, maybe
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a to biome on for my writing and the official convicted of war crimes is among those release. and the president of them is that lensky joins will meet us in switzerland for a peace summits on ukraine. russia isn't invited to on peace of statements with the latest spots, the switzerland to get the euro 2020 full campaign or to a winning stalls in cologne. they beat hungry 31 in the 2nd batch of group a. the, it's $1500.00 g m team. we're beginning golf, so where is right, a strikes of in targeting residential areas with apple and all tillery right across the strip buildings have been blown off in the southern city over off at least 9 palestinians were killed in those attacks. buildings that are still standing are also being level this ready pull. those is in action destroying
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a home and the tell us will pon area and they are off. hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been forced to flee a tax in the city. well in gaza. city is ready, bombings, killed at least 29, palestinian said in to thousands of all those 3 residential buildings were targeted in the i showed you i and that the 5 neighborhoods, the mazda, both my son and us, only 12 years old, was killed by these very missiles, he was unsuspectingly sleeping, and this and people like him or the targets of the is ready occupation forces on this harley day, my young boy joins 15000 other children noted by the east relatives. my other son was injured and is receiving treatment. yet we are holding our ground steadfast on our homeland. go ahead and hold the the now joins us live from data by the in central garza. and as often is the case small strikes mean more bodies in take us
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through the college. well restaurant right now is a bottles, we have the not only bottles, food it has been witnessing air land and sea air strikes since the morning where the is brand new forces have been targeting residential, homeschooled mosques, and we just saw video emerging online from dropbox. so showing products in the house is also being burned at publishing use it who evacuated from real fast, do not have anything to go back to where people are, are homeless and they're internally displaced, not only in the fall and that people are getting targeted, but also permit except the workers are not able to reach the areas we're talking about areas in the heart of like a neighborhood. so the neighborhood and these places are packed with people. we know that according to iraqis, 100000 palestinians are still in jeff or according to in your west. however,
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german does have been trying to reach the area. but any vehicle to jump doctors? paramedics are journalist has been at it directly targeted by the is there any forces and it's only not only there has been also are tele reselling in the eastern parts and eunice at pushing people to get more internally displaced at forcing them to get it into the middle area where the middle area is parked is overland and there is no space for other more people semi hand. it's almost age. but is there any age, spirit for people facing that? what the i c j referred to as opposable genocide. can you repeat that sound? me sorry, i didn't hear you. yes. is there any age spirit less that in gaza for
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a population facing what the i c j referred to as opposable genocide. saw me. it's very sad in gaza. i just not assign many that told me that they're not flip side of the grade thing i this year. not only because there were because half of their family is under, the robots dropped under the robe and missing. and half of the other side, many was killed by that is where the forces people lost their beloved ones, lost their homes, lost their memories at people are supposed to be preparing for ease of the buying new clothes, buying suites at making a suites at home. but now everyone is intense and very it is not your situation. most of the people are centering in on a human conditions of people lost everything they have, they are, are moving from a place to another. being in turn is displays multiple times. people are very depressed, they're frustrated. they're also shock stuff. this is the 2nd day they're going to
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spend under this war. palestinians are says with sadness and despair. so i mean let's bring you some breaking news coming in to us here. now just here we're getting, we're the 8 is ray, the soldiers have been killed in that off off. of course we know that is ready, operations all on going that. let's go back to him. the whole 3 and you can hear me. what are you hearing about reports of a it says ray, the soldiers having being killed was we knew earlier today the air 8 policy didn't it is really soldiers are ambushed by the palestinian fighters earlier today in the head. that area has been intensively being bombed since the morning palestinians are saying that since those 8th is right, the soldiers were killed. there has been endless air strikes. all you hear is
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explosions. and all you see is small uprising from alpha at that the palestinian fighters have been trying their best to, to defend themselves as they claim. but also the is there any forces have been intensifying their lives at sea and air? at a talks on the fluff, but also this is not the 1st incident where a to is where the soldiers were killed in the past couple of weeks. there was another group of is really soldiers. i'm a boost in a 570 ok. all right. all right, can we have hub as well from some of the palestinian factions? can you talk us through what they're saying about their operations? what kind of sydney infections are,
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are stating that they will continue to defend their labs. they're going to also defend and every time the to all the mass securities, submitting committed against the palestinians. they're saying that the is really forces have been forcing policy and uses it displays they destroyed all aspects of, of, of life in, in, in gaza at infrastructure has been completed, destroyed at houses, hospital schools. and there has been targets of civilians across the guys, districts. so part of sidney infections that claim announced that they would continue to fight and retaliate against all of the crimes committed against palestinians by the is really salters. all right, when he with that thanks so much him to hold the not the submitted for. he says it will temporarily relocate the humanitarian peer, built off the coast of garza and move it to our stalled in israel. the move is meant as
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a precaution to prevent damage by predicting high seas. the project costs $320000000.00 . them was partly destroyed last month, shortly after its construction, a small amount of items being arriving through the peer. since may they the organization say it wouldn't be needed if israel open the line crossings and let trucks into gone, sir. james elder is the spokesman for unicef currently operating from data by the hand. central garza, he says it spells making it harder and harder to get aiden to the strip a it's a very complicated process to get in because of the, the restrictions. uh uh, put put on top of eyes, but we do it. we know the paperwork, we know uh the hoops to jump through, but it is very difficult to get it in. for example, in my humanitarian agents go to in half as many trucks of i probably as in april half as many when we have this critical nutrition situation. why was that the case? that was the case because in my goals,
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we had the rasa offensive the limited quote unquote and limited offensive in russell. that meant that led to the displacement of a 1000000 people. so less site is coming in, but it's not just getting it in. it's when we did it in, it's right, the show we can get it across the javascript without i'd work has been to more i'd work. is it been killed in this war? been any war, any war since the advent of the united nations? it's extraordinary. it is an incredibly difficult place to work, but palestinians and foreigners are very brave on the front lines once you did it in. if we look finally, yes, to wednesday a few days ago. there was a mission of units. if we were taking a truck full of nutritional and medical supplies for 10000 children, nutritional and medical supplies 410000 children, we had all the approvals, we were going to die of the city from dairy butler in front of you. yeah. it's basically a 40 kilometer round trip. it took 13 hours and we spent each of those around chick points. audrey around paperwork, was it a truck? was it a van?
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all sorts of he said, he said the reality is, this truck was been denied access. so those 10000 children did not get that. i now unicef, we'll go back again. but it's not as easy as just returning next day because of how dangerous it is a place to upright. remember and use realize the occupying power has the legal responsibility to, to facilitate that i, we must have a day goals, which one voice, right unit, simple. so does the set of tires, can we do water? we do protection, we need to be everywhere. so that was denied. all right, so let's just recap the breaking news that has been coming in to us here in algebra . and the reports indicate that 8 is ray, the soldiers have been killed in that off. we have been hearing today claims from palestinian militant groups, talking about operations, which they have launched against israeli forces in that offer. and we do know of
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course that as well has launched intensify the tax on that city in the south of gaza. the reports once again took about 8. these are the soldiers killed in action. that's go now to have the some haute and i should mention these ready government has band elder sarah from port reporting in israel. so i'm the joins us from the jordanian capsule. a mine, so i'm the 1st of all, what do we hearing from any is really sources about these news reports of israeli soldiers haven't been killed today in that awful of the will. there hasn't been any, is really reaction just yet. and that could be because it is still shut bought that is saturday, the day of rest. and these really, governments typically does not release any sort of statements while this period is still ongoing. but we are hearing reports from palestinian fighter groups who say that they targeted an a p c,
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an armored personnel carrier of these really military with several weapons causing it to go up into the flames and ultimately explode. which is how those 8 soldiers were killed. now let's talk about some of these really militaries operations into the apply. this is a ground invasion that has been condemned by much of the international community. and while these really are me, says it's not on a full scale just yet. they have taken over key positions in southern gaza like the, the border crossing we're no palestinian is now allowed to leave the strip. additionally, what we do know is that the army has said that they are looking to get rid of the remaining him a poly, and they say there are 4 of them and drop off, but they haven't exactly given a definition for what that is, how many fighters that looks like, but since these really army, it has invaded up, we've seen relentless bombardments,
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hundreds if not thousands of civilian casualties on the ground. and still no word from these really army on the law says that they are experiencing enough. i have this time. how is all of this impacting public opinion, especially on the day we're expecting, protest as together to put pressure on these ready to cabinet as well. and the latest is really pulling will show you that the majority of the population prefers benny gans over benjamin. that's in yahoo for the premiership been against you'll recall the head of the national unity party, one of the main opposition parties in israel. he was a member of nathaniel who is war cabinet joining this emergency government but has since step down saying that nothing yahoo is not leading the country in the right direction. not leading the war effort in the right direction. either there's a lot of pressure on benjamin netanyahu, a ton of pressure on the government to bring back the remaining captives and
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ultimately end the war because they feel too much time has gone by these really government has not prioritized the return of is really captive and then on the other hand, you have is really army reserve, is some of them not wanting to go back to report to these really army, the army and government alike are looking for ways to continuously boost up army recruitment. but this is something that the public is seemingly not wanting. and we've seen that in demonstrations across the country, specifically in tel aviv every single week trying to put pressure on the is really government to do things differently. all right, thanks so much. i'm the sun. so that the mount protest is across from some odd junior games fall right policies ahead of
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elections at the end of this month. demonstrations of ton doubts in paris and now the cities against the national riley officer, the far right policy, one more than 30 percent of the boats in the u. elections. franchises will head to the polls again in 2 weeks to elect members of the law. house of parliament. of the pulse suggests the national riley is doing well. a dr. bonds that joins us now live from paris. so natasha, as it looked like a ton that will reach the hoss milleon. but as long as he said they were preparing for the same, actually the official, if it is for $75000.00 people in power for the same price as the union $350000.00 left less. i have to say we paid him 80 percent power, so if we use and it's certainly one of the feel very passionately about face,
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they come out to demonstrate this again. all right, well, maureen, well, in this week you and actions on sunday winning moving, searching for the fridge, present as far as the training fall behind on some 15 percent wonderful person in my car. just not to mention that was to see, to become expected. what is happening now? is so many people here, this process, how are you worried this not connection to the open the door to the far right gain colleen from getting the majority in the bottom of the government? having called his thoughts, all right, 5 minutes. he didn't want to see that happen. many people here, i've been talking to you next week, and lines of politicians has been created in the wake of your pay for the small collection. they are going to the left to do well the same. you have been to the far right, come there where the power to say say they do, it will have so many places. fundamentally,
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for trying things out. i will leave it there. let's find natasha box up. let's keep it going out with and i'll see it are going if she's a professor of sociology and anthropology at the university power site. she was at the protest. leah joins us by skype from paris. good. have you with us. so what does today's pro test tell us about the coalition that's forming against the far right to? um, actually i think the, the demonstration would have taken place anyway. because it was a surge and under reaction to the decision of having new elections, of the lower courts. but to what is quite striking and what was really obvious during the, the whole demonstration that i told him is the fact that it's a huge demonstration. and the use is asking for the,
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for the left to be able to overcome this very dangerous situation. of the looming victory of the far right. there's not the fascist. i mean, the major moto that people used over and over is against ashes, not just the far right, the passions men, especially from young people. we've had the, some of the protest is speaking about the daily challenges of racism that they face islam of phobia. most the women talking about insults they have to face on a daily basis because of the way they dress. what, what does all of this tell us about the fee is that they see as the coming from the doc on the ballet of the french white wing? well this is something that they had been experiencing for the past 20 years to muslim women in france and. and the racialized minorities know that what they were
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talking about when they are on the street asking for their left to make sure that the far right told the fascist will not be put in power. and what was also striking during the demonstration is that a lot of people were chanting in favor of gaza of palestine, and at the same time against races natasha's whole. this was chanting together at the same time by women, mostly more than the french people. and especially from the printer use as a multicultural reality of friends today. how significant do you see the rise of the fall line from the right wing and fronts? i mean, is the country ready to think on the verge of having its 1st fall arrived government since world war 2? yes, obviously this is a um, agree to ginger than ever. um. there has been kind of essential elections for
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the past 20 years. 3 times the far right was on the 2nd round, but this is the 1st time that due to these elections where they rose to 30 percent of the votes in trends, they are likely to overcome any other parts of you. so this is where it is. so important to the as to deny what the president tried to do in order to make him appear as the one can really overcome the danger of the far right. and i think this is why the news and a lot of people were on the street today is to say that they don't want this to happen. and they have very good reasons for this not to happen, not just in, in the qualities, but also races. and the way the search of um on the rates replacement audiology is, uh,
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is overcoming today in french. all right, we'll leave it there. thank you so much. and i see the goodness. thank you. sweet and. and the ron have conducted a prison, the swap that includes the release of in the rain and national convicted of war crimes, stuck home has freed, how many naughty he was sentenced to life in prison for his involvements in the max execution of the writing and political prisoners in 1988, but an exchange around is released to swedish nationals, including a u diplomat. johan slot at the us. that on had accused him of spying for israel. the swedish prime minister accused the wrong of holding the men to use them as quote poems in a cynical negotiation game. we have full rece installed comb, with 2 swedish nationals expected to land soon. the 1st, let's go over to the civil side about into hong where that former uranium official convicted of all crimes has actually landed. so 1st of all,
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how is this going down in the wrong as well. now he has been welcomed by the randian officials and he has lucy's 1st statements. yes, full concise is extremely happy. his case was quite complicated and it was a plot against him. but it says that thanks to the uranium officials, a force and god. now he's, he's freed and he's back in his company and with his family. so how many than we was a deputy prostate could there of the city of cut out during the secret trials of the year, 88 of the iran iraq rule. and that that's as a result of the secret trials, roughly around 5000 people have been exit. so when how many new the back then he was 27 years old. what i mean normally in 2019 and travel to see them as a tourist who was arrested in the city, then that has been put on trial by
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d at that the good that the swedish court. and then he has to be sentenced to the life based on his goal in these mass exit cushions. and that has been, she did all of the reaction from iraq or so take a so we know about how many naughty as well, how many, many back then she was 27 years old. then she was the prosecutor of the city of car edge. while the secret trials across iran, what's going on that secret trials were, were conducted by the order of to stop and leave their back then who may need the leader of the revolution and piles of people. how being charged to have been the, have been executed based on the charge that they have been in 3, isn't against the country, meeting the crimes against the country risk in the sovereignty of the country and so on. so seems that this has been a quite disputed issue in the run,
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not only how many new lead, even the late president, the brian embrace, also was a cruise off being one of the judges at that 3 boons that so on. so it is quite as an international issue that is coming again and again in front of your running iran is facing his legacy. and of course, the iran is, has so far, never truly know there's that the trials were conducted and to the 1000s of people would exit crude. alright, let's think of sol solved. joining us live from to her on the let's go with the sweden's capital stock. com. we've got pull, re standing, my live covering the story from that. and so 1st of all post, they explained to us how did newly go from taurus to prison, to a swell. some it all came about through a radian living in sweden, in ours as doggy. it was
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a key witness in lowering his trial and he was in prison in iran, in the eighty's, and the alleged to by of the executions 29 said the best dog and was contacted by acquaintance of laurie. someone who was married to an acquaintance of norion, they lord norry, to sweeten with the promise of a free luxury trip. and when we landed on the um, on the 9th of november 2019, that's all on apple. it was immediately arrested by swedish police and subsequently went through as a trial. i'm trying to think. all right, i'm pull the government spoke about having to make difficult decisions. take us through what it was talking about. yeah somebody that they've had to do a balancing on many different interests involved in this firstly the families of it's
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a. busy and those who are there on the way back to sweden and obviously i'm putting pressure on the government to bring them just wait. and secondly, the human rights law and say, what is considered it a real to, to get no worries convicted in sweden, the the lawyer call in so even if a powerful particularly human rights flores and they would have, they would have wanted norie to remain in prison in sweden, thirdly, there is a very large writing in the us for a sweet and many people who say that they suffer persecution in around an escape escape out by coming to sweden. they were not too long for it. um, you know, re to be returned to cairo that they would also be putting pressure on the government side. it's been a balancing act for this week. i will leave with that. thanks so much pull, reese, so still i had on al jazeera back on the balcony. the u. k. is princess of wales take center stage and at 1st public appearance since being diagnosed with
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cancer. also ahead high and how sion honda bottle i now it's a lot of the most important day and has the long day of atonement and reflection time has tiger woods plate is fine or usaa in here from the 15 time major champion on this future the it's almost stopped raining in central to and as you can see, the client is bit more dispersed and the former shows. and that's what's been left behind. you see from santiago, mountains covered in snow is actually a huge amount of rain, santiago itself. but not as all moved on is a light looking picture. this is more substantial though a line of reading or thunderstorms is come out to view to go out into the se result
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and go through power g y. that will help, i think, to drop the temperature this into a city one is quite high of the line, extends up through peru at a cost meets the seasonal right in columbia where flooding is again a possibility as being a 2nd to unit home. juris recently. not so much in the season. all right, but this line here that cost of living in florida also helped to it helps the shelves. it home juris. we'll do the same in the time of mexico. i'm down in guatemala. that being the full cost of stuff today, florida, you'll notice is in a gap now. so the floods on the dry word to be top top in the us, the picture looks like a big child's ability in the plate and states, again, these are obviously some of the subjects see the lightning strikes. so for the mid west, big charles, i think i'm not sure that will be too dangerous, but hale seems quite likely that he's in the south. west is still around phoenix. is it 44 degrees? not a record, but of course the assistant high temperatures. the
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. ready ready ready and the resting place of the dead, an 11 year old kings tunes for the living to place in a country that celebrates the deceased. ready can he earned enough to both support is with a mother realizes, dreams name. i believe he has a lot of boy, a witness documentary on a just a you know award winning program from international. so make yes, we just seen so many people traveling with children long and difficult to explore and abundance of wealth, cloth programming. every time we do an interview, web net with soldiers voices from different quote, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view from
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well, on algae. was there the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out, is there a time to recap on headlines now? protest is across from a marching against fall arrived policies ahead of elections at the end of the month of the polling shows the national right. a policy doing well last through it one moment. so the percent of the both you like is there any forces have been targeting residential areas with the strikes and all to the re across garza buildings have been floating off the southern city of austin. at least 9 palestinians was killed
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in those attacks from another 29000 cities. these right imagery is val confirm. 8 of its soldiers have been killed in fist fighting in the office. marks the deadliest incidents of these right, the army in garza since january. that spring and the last 3 days, professor of media studies at the the institute for graduate studies joins us by skype from minneapolis and the united states. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, what you make, what this announcement and confirmation buys, are the authorities that they lost 8 soldiers in an operation in that offer. what does this tell us about the fighting and well, it tells us that is real, are certainly, uh, not uh, you know, having a picnic uh, as it were in, in gaza. um they have uh, killed obviously a lot of civilians, a lot of women and children that as much talk that has been well documented. but militarily, it's a, it's
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a different story. the fighting for is the palestinian resistance fighters have put on quite a quite a flight. there was an interesting report, samuel, a couple of weeks ago in political which relied primarily on us intelligence officials. and those officials said that about 70 percent of the, from us fighting force remains intact. i think what's even worse from, you know, israel's perspective is that that report said that a mazda has been able to recruit thousands of new members. so there's no sort of manpower issue or from us. and we also know from the new york times, i'll just 0 other sources that from us and other palestinian fighting units have been able to re purpose and unexploded is rarely bonds. so they now have an increase in, in munitions as well. so um that's, i think those are some of the reasons why in addition to the fact that the tunnel
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network remains intact for, for the most part, those are some of the reasons why israel is having a difficult time in the cause of this. now we've been speaking with you and assess folks, been james elder who's been telling us about just how complicated it's become to get aid in regards to because of his rating measures. and this is quite an important statement because it prompts the question of whether there's any sign that is ralph is confined with the i, c, j routing on march the 28th that cold for israel to cooperate fully with the un. no cost to you. and the staff is part of you and, and it cold for as well to allow him to provision of a once your reading was the a compliance with that routing this. yeah. you know, i think israel tells us what it,
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what it's going to do and what it's doing. but for some reason the international community doesn't want to believe that israel is intentionally starving. uh guys, and this is this as well? no, they came out after october 7th, and it's not just, it's not just that the defense minister announced us by total siege and said there would be no, no food, no water, no fuel, but many security officials double down and provided even more clarity. so you have your island, for instance, it was a top adviser to kalonde saying in october and then in november that israel was going to take aggressive measures to prevent humanitarian aid. he also said that that is where it was trying to create a civilian collapse. right, he said that they were trying to create a humanitarian crisis. these are all direct quotes from your island and people can look them up. and there are numerous other statements. so we know there's not a question. we know that israel is trying to prevent aid and they've been quite
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successful, and that's why people are starving. we also have to remember that prior to october 7th, israel was keeping the guidelines on his starvation diet. that's the phrase that experts used. it was a star vision diet. they were preventing for a long periods of time. things like chocolate from getting into the gaza strip. and it's one of the reasons why drives or suffering from what humanitarian organizations called extreme food and security. that's all prior to october, 7th, and obviously things are many, many times worse now, not to us in the last 24 hours, of course, evincing intensified strikes and we're seeing reports of children dying of dehydration and malnutrition. what does this tell us about? what kind of of each of these people are going to experience tomorrow?
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yeah, i mean what the conditions are absolutely a risk that it's, it's still unbelievable that that this has been allowed to proceed pretty much unabated for 8 months while the world just kind of watches and obviously so i, i don't think it college students are going to be able to celebrate under these conditions. i don't know how people can celebrate a given the constant fear of, of bombs and then not having any, not having anything to do you all have been running stories all day about the palestinians drinking water from polluted. uh, you know, polluted sites drinking a sewage water. um, you know, drinking salt water. so it's just, it's difficult to imagine how there can be much of a celebration under those circumstances. you mentioned the world is watching the world's been hearing the last 24 hours statements coming out of west and officials about another conflict in ukraine,
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and that's fronting some questions. and power allows about how assignments, listening to what some of the western leaders have been saying on your crime. it's not for ukraine to withdrawal forces from ukraine in territory. it's for russia to withdraw all day forces from occupied ukrainian law putting has occupied, illegally, occupied sovereign ukrainian territory. and he is not in any position to dictate to ukraine what they must do to, to bring about a page. so i hope you heard that sound like that, but we're hearing a very different message on gauze on the compared to ukraine, where the messages, occupation is the coal problem, occupation must end and occupies, don't get to set the terms of the end of
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a conflict. whereas in the palestinian is really struggle, very different stones from the same west and lead as a western country. they've been sending weapons to the occupy for decades in the case of palestine. what is the new kind of course they send the weapons to those under occupation. yeah, i mean, the juxtaposition is, is really starting. i'm actually happy. i'm happy to see that you guys are, are doing some reports on this because it's incredible. but, you know, all of this is happening at about the same time, obviously the ukraine to the attack on ukraine was a couple of here's a couple of years ago, but took the comparisons. but, you know, with the hypocrisy that the heck there, the comparison show is really quite astonishing. but it's also not, we shouldn't be terribly surprised because these are western powers. there's
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a long literature on where the victims and unworthy victims. so, you know, it all depends on if someone, someone is a us ally or, or us entity. and in this particular case, the ukraine is a us ally. and so the, the ukrainians are you are um, were the victims to use that phrase from the scholarly literature which noam chomsky and others have written about. um, but the palestinians are unworthy, unworthy because it is real as an ally of the united states and other western powers and so that her pa garcia has been on full display. and it's really, as i said, just a breathtaking to to take in. all right, thank you so much feel thoughts on that and how many of the mostly lead isn't government officials from 92 countries are gathered for the ukraine. pay summits in switzerland. the ukranian and swift presidents officially opened the event just being held as a result in the of the sun comes a day off,
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the russian president vladimir putin suggested he was open to peace talks, but only if key of agreed to withdraw its troops from 4 ukrainian regions and renounced joining nato. the group will discuss pos towards last in peace. russia wasn't invited to the summit even if they are not here today. and if your simon and may have succeeded in bringing back to the. busy of the idea that joint efforts can stop the war and establish the just this, this idea will definitely work because the world has power. all right piece is on my of is the executive director of you raise your democracy initiative. you joins us now live from k of good to have you with us. so 1st of all, looking at what happened in switzerland did k of get the international backing for its position on the conflict. given that the us president didn't attend china,
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some a shaun the summit i would, that would uh, i think is there they said decided tides meaning uh, you know, the score is kind of even, you know, the russians are trying to upstage these have been together with china and china is blessing and we, yes, and so i'm trying to propose the alternative to the sort of platform this wherever that just started today. and we'll bring in a procedure tomorrow. i mean, it is showing signs of stress, so it's not clear the yeah, the ring will come up with the statement that will be supported, but unanimously. but at the same time, you print and take credit for actually bringing on board some major players of the so called a global south. uh, even though sound backed out, no one should have be under any illusions that this summit will provide in your sort of solutions or lead to any decisions. we'll have to see what
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a child that can come up with. but for now, the side is uh, as far away from each other as they pull that they've been throughout this conflict on that point to the science far away from each other. what we've seen the last, what the, the 24 hours, also g 7 nations pledging billions for ukraine. will that, what kind of impact will that have diplomatically, will it involved in k of, to stick to its terms? a uh yes, on the one hand, on the other hand, it obviously also enrages the russians by leaving them inputs into actually press any days. uh, violation of international law. i mean, this is just proceeds, i sort of alone on the future proceeds from the interest accrued to these frozen assets. so it was actually in a pop up position. it can really contest that. on the other hand, it gives you great in the much needed the lifeline. the economy is not. i mean it's a war time economy. we've software the you know,
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the significant damage to our infrastructure and obviously the electrical grid. so this is a boat also to we know by the, by the, by the outline is that you re, is okay and continues to be important. even despite the, it'd be sensible within the european parliament that brought, you know, which song right. spring blair's that would be more amenable to compete with dory demands by invited by putting a painter though at the end of the day will be increased west in a really enable ukraine to force russian troops out of its territory. turn around it's losses. it's recent military losses or do you think this conflict is ultimately going to have to be resolved through tools or i think it will have to be resolved at all. so i mean it's already entered into an attrition phase. and you create a has some ways to go like to put in is hoping probably quite easily that the brain will run out of steam anytime soon. yes. it's a different lopsided 5. what restaurants are also given, you know,
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so to speak. dehydrate did indeed, over here they are getting, you know, their troops started getting depleted. they are still not able to see a significant chunks in the northeast, despite calling themselves the world's 2nd largest army. so more and more, i think a stand off, more continuation of, of the same. and once again we live to uh, to october. in the rainy season. it will be another kind of, uh, you know, ceasefire by nature. you know, both sides will have really run out of steam. so yes, so to sum it up, i think it will be peaceful negotiations. you brand will also have to make the a significant a compromise. possibly. i don't believe that returning to the 1991 borders at this point is a feasible option. all right, thanks so much. he says on my united kingdom has been
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celebrating king charles is both stay with the annual trooping, the column in a tree parade. but it's the princess of wales who's gone the most attention. it was catherine middleton's 1st public appearance since disclosing her she was last seen publicly in december. news of her illness came shortly after king charles announced he too had cancer. then of a sudden which was at the parade in london as well. this was a significant movement. the 1st time we have seen the princess of wealth since she reveal tech comes to diagnose is not on the 1st public engagement. she has undertaken this year. she left relaxed as she rode with us 3 young children fasten to call them in a carriage. she took part in that i. connie buckingham palace balcony ma'am. and looking over the side paws together with the king and the prince of wales. and on friday night to reduce a house update where she spoke about having good days and fridays,
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and taking the time to here listening to her body was that perhaps we're not used to hearing from the registry oil. they tend to be a lot more because of the not the princess says that she hopes to undertake me public engagements over the summer. but how is a moon that this would not be seen as a full return to public duties? because as she said in her statement, she's not out of the woods yet. the letter was to me to reach out to 0 london. richard fitz williams is a royal commentator who watched proceedings from buckingham palace. he says a behind the pageantry, it's been a difficult few years for business roles to talking about the total to buy at the store. because the downside of being the world's most type in the firewall family is in fact of everything that's happening is designed to speculate as amo, or fortunately there's no question that for example, the sussex is the deep risk for the family. how are you and megan, i will tell you,
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but uh, mattress and palm received the cypress damaging that were issues linked to accusations of calls about the acute because you all quit for run for and subsequently with the dallas to death. and queen elizabeth, just, you know, obviously king charles or something or what to holler at your thoughts from and as an opportunity in his life as was hoping to put all his energies into his job. and he is being restrained for obvious reasons with cancer and the fact that having to just go have a major domino surgeries that catherine was diagnosed with cancer and is taking preventative chemotherapy. i mean this, the obviously was a serious slow, it will still ahead on al jazeera been spoiled the reigning champions. it's really a getting ready to kick off the title defense piece will be here with the latest from euro twenty's for the,
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for the hard huge, i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities. you're running mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up, present as not that important factor here. the story on talk to how does era in depth analysis of the days headlines? does this mean that a slide south of donald trump, now i don't think so and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selected. justice or weapon is ation of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment,
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no one can build boxes for the inside story. on al jazeera news . the, all right, let's catch up with all the schools news with k to now savvy. thank you very much. we already had one window on the 2nd day of foot full that you're a 2020 full switzerland. the campaign of to winning stops the 1st to reach the quarter finals in 2021 beat hungry in cologne. golds from quad. we'll do a new show. i'll be sure, and broo, and bolo, helping them, seal a 31 when the results means basic level on points with group a leaders into the germans need to pay
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on coal different. so it's a beating stuff in 51 on friday, sorry, inputs jamal. and let's see all a and the call i have it's penalty you put them 3 middle up in the 1st off scope and head. brian pushes, same to for giving away that spot kick before nicholas fall through the end. and re chan sealed the wind. scorpions go wasn't a gold school by antonio, who to go. it's a big booster, germany who lost the last 3 opening games that made you to this. if you see the last is um, is very important for us. and now it's very important to have the confidence to, to go on like this. we have the, we had a very good dynamic. we had very good intensity and we played, in my opinion, very, very good game. and hopefully we go on like that and scroll a lot of go ahead site today. group b take so shortly. one of the favorites, spain or an action of games. 2022 will come semi finalists, croatia. the game is in, but then it's
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a rematch of last who is nations the final which spain one on penalties. so defending champions easily begin dates with them and later when they faced albania aid coach the cheese on a split, he took charge of the team last september, following the punch overbooked mancini and says it's important. they don't slip off in the 1st match. don't go to the semi or on a personal level, it's usually excitable, but as we always take part, it becomes increasingly and emotion domain, which is not necessarily talk same what's your, it's happy in fixtures, fantastic emotions to be in a wonderful place and play a wonderful game of football, as you've said to an extent, it is a dangerous match. it is a potential but not a skin that's i agree with that when we're up against football is that all very familiar with syria. we're that have quality. they've shown what they can do in the italian domestic leak, and it will be a tough match. rubber living dog ski will most proteins open up against the netherlands on sunday. boston learn a strike, a picked up an injury and
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a frame the against a key, a head of your a 2020 full code and and then evelyn's all in group be along side from central street who faced each other on monday and england to begin the campaign on sunday, garrett's southgate steam would run is up at the last you are using to it's the on penalties in the final, at wembley stadium, this time around the bay or one of the favorites and begin the campaign for a 1st major trophy. since 1966 by playing serbia, the dallas mavericks needed to win game for to keep the n b a finals alive then they did so emphatically. due to dante slid the way for them ads with 29 points. as a thresh, the boston celtics, 120 to 84 car removing contribute to 21 points. as dallas ensure the best of 7 series will continue its own. sage was congratulated by foam around madrid, cats and sergio ramos off to the game. but the celtics are still in the driving seat there one way in from a rick will the 18th and be
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a championship. it took long enough, you know, for all of us to get to the party together into play for each of the way we did tonight. but it's definitely a possibility that we can replicate it. so i have another opportunity to extend the season. that's all we can ask for. so we handle our business tonight. but the job is, is still an uphill battle. and we understand that the 3rd round of the us open has also been i lead a little big old, but adult sweden. well, let me begin, he's around later. so i would say is one man who will not be in action of to missing the cuts. the 15 time major champion, finished se the poll. it's also possible he has said he's lost us open. i thought i played well enough to be up there in contention. it just didn't work out. as far as my last open championship or us opened championship. i don't know what, what that is. it may or may not be or that's what we're supposed to use for the time being. i'll be here again in a few hours time with another update. sammy,
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thank you so much, pita most and this from around the world have converged on the sacred valley of our fonts near mecca, inside the vehicle. one of the most special days of the annual has pilgrimage. they've been gathering on the mountain of mercy, false considered to be the highlights of this virtual journey. hush him. i have bought a report from mounts out of thoughts. and this is mount of mercy. revealed hill overlooking the plains of all the fat pilgrims gathered. he at night others joined late to do. this is why muslims believes the profitable, how much gave he's buying a sub and the place has become one of his loans, sacred sites that come from all over the well, some spend to use saving money so they could make this trip. once in a lifetime,
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johnny, what do you send it back to the gate? i am 51 years old and the minutes i am spending sheer amount are of thought equal my entire life. i just want gone to forgive me. out of fat is the focal point of hatch. a day spent with reflection and prayers. i see the gwen's wearing simple white cloth pulled from spend the day all tools. despite the high temperatures, risk of heat, stroke, and exhaustion, they will spend the entire day under the sweltering sun. but they see it as a sacrifice with making for the sake of we was in the off to live. moslems can sit the fat rehearsal for the day of judgment. wednesday, i believe they were on several of the actions in life. and you're, it feels like i belong to elsewhere that i'm being listed to having put days billed to ends with before mode which was through those of the filters which symbolically
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stand for the devil. and then set a break, the fees, the sacrifice. it's a festival that's with members. abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son to show his devotion to god and can he didn't. i'm now thinking about the new loss that i will live off to hodge. a need to get closer to god. and bear in mind that my life is short in this world. pilgrims with then return to but what a fine walk around the gap at 7 times. and then mock the end of hutch. they hope to be done how wiser, more humble and more compassionate. this is a day of atonement, and this explains the strong emotions that you see on the faces of the pilgrims. muslims believe that those who genuinely regret past sins and mistakes have a great that tends to be forgiven when the sunsets so that they can move on on
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something you'd shop to in their lives. cost you about the bottle, i'll just you were bound to mercy. out of that by and save from may for this news out, i'll be back in the mountains with another full show. so to stay with us here analysis here the after years of strain use political battles. columbus. congress spans bullfighting nationwide. it brings to an end, the centuries old tradition brought by spanish colonizers, this victory, reevaluate culture. we inherited a culture of violence of torture that does not deserve to be called culture. the law proposes fanning all bull fighting within 3 years to give time to the industry to adapt and transform bull rings like this one into cultural centers. this old tradition which use to thrill the masters in famous intellectuals the like has
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reached its final thrust. pod came in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that to move in the f one is government with this, this part that you say getting russell, a thought provoking nonsense that you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the fact that he was signing a present as not that important factor. he had the story on told to how to say here is the rails war machine is decimating entire households invested in the words of those who survived and with the help of the palestinian journalists felt lights tells the housing story of 3 families and investigates us complicity the world's most brutal boar and decades the night to bolt and by doing this
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was part one on us just the knowledge is here with the . ready to these riley minutes, it confirms 8 soldiers have been killed in fighting and garza's sub and so feel for off off the i'm so i may say them this is i'll just say we're alive from dell hall. so coming up,


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