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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the mold and untold stories from asia and the pacific. on the these riley metric concerns. 8 soldiers have been killed and fighting, and garza subbing city of an offer that comes as these riley strikes target residential areas in central and southern gaza. kidding. at least 38 palestinians, the i'm sammy's a, then this is i'll just say are live from dell hall. so coming up,
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protest is across from march against the fall, right to head of upcoming elections. well, i have the latest from paris and president, but all of them is and ski joins world leaders in switzerland for a peace summits on ukraine. but russia isn't invited the we start with a developing story from southern gaza. these right imagery, confirming 8 soldiers have been killed and says fine, taking that off. and then the last hour we've heard is right. the forces of launch an operation in the vicinity from us is mitre wing awesome brigades release video, which appears to show its fights is targeting is ready. the sol, just these ready ami says the 8 soldiers were killed when the bloss hit. the convoy early on start today. this marks the worst incident for these right the in
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garza since january. i'll have the latest on sizing and gaza shortly from hen cold of a who's in debt in a box, but 1st that's getting these right. the reaction and head over to have the sol how now she's in the jordanian capital on mine because these right, the government has banned down to 0 from reporting this. so i'm the 1st of all what details that emerging from his radio officials about what happened and this attack? well we do now have confirmation from these rarely army that 8 soldiers were killed in an apparent explosion in guns of southern most city of alpha. for hearing that it happened in a convoy of engineering vehicles. it was the 5th or 6th, the vehicle in the convoy, still unknown. how exactly it happened. the armies saying that there was no gun fire in the vicinity, leading them to believe that it was some sort of explosive device. now how exactly that took place is what the army is looking to investigate. was it an explosive,
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underneath the vehicle that detonated as it was moving forward? or was it something that was placed on the side of the vehicle by a mass fight? or perhaps this is still something these really are me is looking to find out. now we have heard from some is really officials, the foreign minister, israel tops who has said that this is a price. israel has to pay for fighting this war. the opposition leader get here, lupita echoing that sense of been it's something we've heard from israel's defense minister. you'll have good laws throughout the war. whenever there are is really soldiers who have been announced. the saying that there is a high price to pay to fight this more, and that's directly referring to these really soldiers who are being killed and israel's ground invasion into the gaza strip. and that number now stands a 307. and i'm the how about the pressure from families of captives and soldiers?
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how's that building on the government of the well, you have several different areas of protests. in fact, some of them taking place tonight in northern israel. you have people who live along those, the towns and settlements saying that these really government is not doing what they can to come back. the issue of cross border fire which has been low. so that's one issue. then you have a separate issue of families that is really captive to say that these really, governments should not miss the opportunity to enter into a deal, but that should happen immediately in order to save lives. and you also have people protesting against these really governments saying that nathan, y'all who should be removed from office, there should be elections held immediately. nothing y'all who has been under a lot of pressure by these really public by members of his own government. former members of the government who have in fact stepped down calling for snap elections
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immediately because they want to see different governance in the country in order to end the war and bring back the remaining is really captive still held in gaza. right hand this on hold. the thanks so much and have the cost reporting from a mine and jordan, because israel has find this, i'll just hear from reporting back. scope the hand holder the now she joins us from data by law in central garza so reports. they haven't gone to talk about intensify this way, the shedding on the area where we understand these eighty's right. these soldiers were killed. well, can you tell us about that as well? now we understand why is there and has been incense deciding there a raids and targets in a so some areas pushing the where the incident took place as a sun area is where hundreds of thousands of policy news displays were located.
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months ago and they were evacuated in the past couple of weeks. so there has been air land in c, a tax on that area. and palestinians in con, units have been report to the telling that the exclusions are massive, that they hear them from a community. another thing we also have to mention is like since the mornings is there, any forces have been targeting residential homes or is essential buildings. and all of these raids have been making it very hard for pilots and used to go back sort of and to live in brooklyn. but so far as the, uh is there any rates continue in a roughly, especially in the western parts of europe, where the incident took place. and also the next couple of hours. we'll review more about the incidents where we had unconfirmed airports since the afternoon that this incident took place spot by the palestinian fighters. but it's 6 hours for the is
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where the army to confirm those reports sent me. all right, thanks so much. and the whole the now is there any bombings of killed at least 28th palestinians, and engine dozens of all those in gaza. city. sorry, the bombings that led to a number of explosions in buildings. 3 residential areas with target. these in the i showed you, i and the, to 5 neighborhoods to the mazda, both my son, and that's only 12 years old, was killed by these very muscles. he was unsuspectingly sleeping in this. and people like him are the targets of the is ready occupation forces. on this harley day, my young boy joins 15000 other children noted by the east relatives. my other son was injured and is receiving treatment. yet we are holding our ground steadfast on our homeland. the us submitted free size,
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it will temporarily relocate the humanitarian parent built off the coast of gaza and move it to i spelled in. israel. move is meant as a precaution, defend damaged by predicted high seas. the project cost $320000000.00 was partially destroyed last month, shortly off the construction a small amount of a dispute arriving through the past since may. but i, the organization say wouldn't be needed if this rel, opened the line crossing so that trucks into gaza. james elder is the spokesman for unicef currently operating from the debt. and by in central garza, he says this around is make a 100 and how does it get into the strip it's, it's a very complicated process to get in because of the, the restrictions uh uh, put put on top of eyes. but we do it. we know the paperwork, we know that the hoops to jump through, but it is very difficult to get it in. for example, in my humanitarian agents, guardian,
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half as many trucks of i valley as in april half as many when we have this critical nutrition situation. why was that the case? that was the case because in my goals, we had the rough uh, offensive the limited quote unquote and limited offensive, and russel that meant that led to the displacement of a 1000000 people. so let's say it is coming in, but it's not just getting it in. it's when we did it in, it's right, the show we can get it across the jobs. the strip without i work has been to more i'd work. is it been killed in this war? then any war any will since he had been to the united nations. it's extraordinary. it is an incredibly difficult place to work, but the palestinians and foreigners are very brave on the front lines once you did it in. if we look fairly yes to wednesday, a few days ago, there was a mission of units. if we were taking a truck full of nutritional and medical supplies with 10000 children, nutritional and medical supplies 410000 children, we had all the approvals, we were going to die. the city from dairy butler in the front of the uh, it's basically a fortune shalom. its
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a round trip. it took 13 hours and we spent each of those around chick points. audrey around paperwork, was it a truck? was it a van? all sorts of he said, he said the reality is, this truck was been denied access. so those 10000 children did not get that. i now unicef, we'll go back again. but it's not as easy as just returning next day. because of how dangerous it is a place to upright, remember, and use realize the occupying power has the legal responsibility to facilitate that i, we must have a day goals with one voice, right unit, simple. so does the set of tires, can we do water? we do the protection, we need to be everywhere. so that was denied. the pro test is across from so much in your gains, fall right policies ahead of elections at the end of the month. demonstrations is turned out in paris and all the cities against the national right. off to the far right policy,
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one more than 30 percent of the votes. european parliament free elections, french vote as will heads the poles again in 2 weeks to elect members of the lower house of parliament. early pulse suggests the national values doing well. latasha buffalos that at the protest. fortunately say some 75000 people, the 2nd portion is twice as infantile power as you have the noises phase of numbers . so you said 250000. definitely less than a lot of people who have come out to protest against the fall, right. what they are worried about is the far right policy offering the plan, the national immigration policy, who's told the default and they're not coming. not the election will be held in a few weeks time. they say, if a change strong sale worries, it will destroy what they say fundamental franchises, things like human rights and democracy. a person of michael has office not selection often so well he says
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he is hoping that people will come out to him to fall by many ah say there's lots of friends present on the estimate. how many people will actually go out? and i'll just say rough house, a suite 9, the ron have conducted a prison, the swamps that includes the release of a new radian national, convicted of all crimes. still calm has freed. how many noti? he was sentenced to life in prison for his involvement in the max execution of uranium political prisoners in 1988. in exchange, ron, as a release to swedish nationals, including egypt, matthew, johan flood that us, that are on had accused him of spying for israel. the swedish prime minister accused the wrong of using swedish nationals as poems, is on all things stuffed on board. the iran has imprisoned both the swedish
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nationals to use as ponds in a cynical negotiation game. to get you, ronnie, and citizen, how many norie released by sweden and having a hostile sample of them. the government has been placed in front of a dilemma either entered complex negotiations with the wrong to free, guiltless swedes and saved them from probable death in an iranian prison. while accepting any ronnie and convicted of a serious crime will be released or out of principle, refused to negotiate with a country like iran, and therefore allow guiltless sweets to waste away in, in iran, in prison. it's been a dilemma. but for us, it's an obvious decision pull really says more from stone. calm about the reaction to this as to what swamp in sweden. oh, okay. what about through a radian living in sweet knowledge, miss doggie, who was a key witness in new orleans trial and he was in prison in iran,
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in the eighty's and the likes to buy of the executions in 2019 the most doggy was contacted by the acquaintance of norie, someone who was married to an acquaintance of norion, they lord norry to sweeten with the promise of a free luxury trip. and when norie landed on the um, on the 9th of november 2019, that's all on apple. it was immediately arrested by swedish police and subsequently went through as a trial incentives. and they've had to do a balancing act, many different interests involved in this. firstly, the families of the 2 prisoners who are there on the way back to sweden. and obviously i'm putting pressure on the government to bring them this way and secondly, the human rights law and say what is considered. busy a real to, to get new or a convicted in sweden, the, the lawyer call in. so even if i powerful, particularly human rights lawyers and they would,
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they would have ones that know ready to remain in prison in sweden. thirdly, there is a very large writing in the esper suite and many people who say that they suffer persecution and they're on an escape escape about by coming to sweden. they were not too long for it. um, you know, early to be returned to cairo that they would also be putting pressure on the government side. it's been a balancing act for this week or so sort of the spoke to me about how many nobody's arrival into her on and is only of a rest in sweden rags diffusions in 1998. yeah, it's been walner welcomed by d runyan officials and he has lucy's 1st statement. she has stall, concise is extremely happy. this case was quite complicated and it was a plot against him. but it says that thanks to the ranking officials a force and god. now he's, he's freed and he's back in his company and with his family. so how many than we,
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um was a, a deputy per se, could there or the city of cut out during the secret trials of the year? $88.00 of the iran iraq, more than that, that's as a result of the secret trials. roughly around 5000 people have been exit crowded. so when how many new the back done? who was 27 years old. what. how many movies in 2019 and travel to see them as a tourist who was arrested, seems to be then as you put on trial by d at that the good that the swedish court and then he has be sentenced to the life based on his goal in these mass executions and that has initiated all of the reaction from iraq still ahead on now just era the u. k. is princess of wales makes that 1st public appearance since being diagnosed with cancer.
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the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump, now i don't think so and that it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selective justice or a weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage goals ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story. on al jazeera, the, the
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. ringback the israel's war on god becoming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down? why, despite insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza? the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the . the bill watching out just to time to recap on headlines. these righty. ministry has confirmed 8 sold as have been killed in fears fighting and off this monks the worst incidents of these righty. all mean garza since january is riley strikes,
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have been targeting residential areas with arrow tax and off to the re across the area. buildings have been blown off. some city of all of these 9 palestinians were killed. gideon levy is a columnist todd, at sand all for all of the punishments of gaza. he says, the world doesn't have an end as the goal of total victory is on the chief level a. it's not the unprecedented, but it does have very many formats bigger, even though let's remember stem that day. so j. b, bruce does it when it came today, but it is the brand that they sell just is a big every price boys are in society, especially when it gets installed a total number in the adult. and as most of the reach day of the day, almost every day we hear about the most sense. so, oh, for soldiers and more and more deeper it is. when i ask what or,
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and i'm feeling when this is in this, before we might become an endless lot of or if it's a ration, wage is strong as is where the army use the, the home us forces can or as you and some of tash and ends and then the rest of the ation each, each know where any decent lives there. we never be a tree of this or i think i was told to evict story the pride me just. busy let them know i'm speaking about the we, we know the fee to year it would go on and on and on. and there is right and come us with maybe isn't. we realize that it leads to nowhere and the much stopping enterprise leaders and government officials from $92.00 countries, a gathered for ukraine, peace summits in switzerland. the ukrainian and swiss presidents officially opened
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the event which is being held as a result. and the, the sun comes a day off, the russian president vladimir food scene suggested he was open to pay stokes. but only if k of agreed to withdraw his troops from full ukrainian regions and renounced joining vice. her group will discuss pos, tools lost in peace, although russia wasn't invited to the summit even if they are not here today. and it's or sign it if they have succeeded in bringing back to the. busy world, the idea that joint efforts can still work and establish just this, this idea will definitely work because the world has power. faith is on my of is the executive director of you raise your democracy initiative. he says, without russia and china present, the summit is limited and what it can actually achieve as the russians are trying to upstage this event together with china and china is blessing and we, yes,
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is trying to propose the alternative to the sort of platform this. however, that just started today and will proceed due to tomorrow. i mean, it is showing signs of us dress, so it's not clear the gathering will come up with the statement that will be supported, but unanimously. but at the same time, you print and take credit for actually reading on board some major players of the sole cold in global. so uh, even though sound backed out, no one should have be under any illusions that this summit will provide any sort of solutions or lead to any decisions. we'll have to see what a child that can come up with. but for now, the size, uh, as far away from each other as they pull that they've been throughout this compet liquidity, is hoping probably quite easily that the brain will run out of steam anytime soon. yes, it's a difficult, lopsided 5. thank you. what questions are also getting,
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you know, sort of speak dehydrated, you know, if you don't, why they are getting, you know, their troops are getting depleted. they are still not able to see a significant chunk in the northeast, despite calling themselves the world's 2nd largest army. so yes, the summit up, i think it will be peaceful negotiations. your brain will also have to make a, a significant compromise. possibly. i don't believe that returning to the 1991 borders at this point is a feasible auctions. china is premier lee chang is arrived in australia as part of a tour and repairing relations. we landed in adelaide that the style of a full day visit. folks are also expected to focus on the dispute in the south china sea and broader regional security ties between china and australia have worse, and in the last 2 years, growing trade restrictions and koby 19 policies. the united kingdom has been
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celebrating king charles's both stay with the annual trooping the color ministry parade. but it's the princess of wales who has received most attention. it was catherine's 1st public appearance since disclosing her cancer diagnosis. she was last seen publicly in december the, the end of as an individual was at the parade in london. with this was a significant movement the 1st time we have seen the princess of wealth since she reveal tech towns to diagnose is not on the 1st public engagement she has undertaken. this year she looked relaxed as she rode with us. 3 young children fasten to call them in a carriage. she took part in that i. connie buckingham palace balcony ma'am. and looking over the 5 halls together with the king and the prince of wales. and on friday night to reduce a health update where she spoke about having good days and fridays and taking the time to here listening to her body. c as the perhaps we're not used to hearing from
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the registry oil, they tend to be a lot more because of the not the princess says that she hopes to undertake me public engagements over the summer. but how is a war that this would not be seen as a full return to public duties? because as she said, who has statements, she's not out of the woods yet. we love the city to reach out to 0 london lessons from around the world of converge on the safe valley of auto fought near mccarron savvy arabia. for the climax of the annual hedge pilgrimage. question about how about our reports a this is mount of mercy. revealed hill overlooking the plains of our fat pilgrims gathered he at night of us joined late to do this is when muslims believe the profitable how much gave he's buying a sub and the place has become one of his loans, sacred sites that come from all over the well,
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some spent is saving money so they could make this trip. once in a lifetime, johnny was to come see, you said that i am 51 years old and the minutes i am spending sheer amount are of thought equal my entire life. i just want gone to forgive me. out of 5 is the focal point of hatch. a day spent with reflection and prayers. a see a big wins wearing simple white cloth. gold from spend the day out tools. despite the high temperatures, risk of heat, stroke, and exhaustion, they will spend the entire day under the sweltering sun. but they see it as a sacrifice with making for the sake of we was in the off to live. muslims can sit the fat rehearsal for the day of judgment. wednesday, i believe they were on several of the options in life. and you're, it feels like i belong to elsewhere that i'm being listed to having for days the doings with before i move,
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which was through those of the pin is which symbolically stand for the devil, and then separate the fees, the sacrifice. it's a festival that's remembers abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son to show his devotion to god. and he did it. and i'm now thinking about the new loss that i will live off to hodge. i need to get closer to god. and bear in mind that my life is short in this world. pilgrims with then return to look for a fine and walk around the gap at 7 times. and then mock the end of hutch. they hope to return home wise, a more humble and more compassionate. this is a day of atonement, and this explains the strong emotions that you see on the faces of the pilgrims. muslims believe that those who genuinely regret bought sins and mistakes, have a great to tends to be forgiven when the sunsets so that they can move on and start
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the new, substituting their lives. cost you about the bottle, i'll just be your mount of mercy. out of that, all, that's it for the show whether resolved next then inside story examines. if the use plan to impose terrace on chinese, my electric vehicles could lead to a wide has tried for stay with us. the now most of the middle east and event until phase horton drive and i went but coming out of the black season, significant hailstones have been noted. this is old damage from a hetero sham. this is the rest of the buffer us both for it. so you repeat in turkey at the hail book he's about to show you actually the size of a house that's a big marbles ready. and that did this amount of damage that the stones are running
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eastwards along the gulf coast. everybody else is just enjoying fine. weather is not quite as long as it was in cyprus, the breezes still quite notable coming onto the coast here. but implanted rapids it gets hotter again. also i was, it was just trying about 36 in their mind, but still 48 and back that wanted to share. i was in the mountains around but not really much beyond. it is still halting, one or 2 of the staff took them at a stand for example, but not reco breaking the so i likewise inside of your rape. your attention to the middle fault is not stretches through to the low forces around the gulf states. so fairly he may, but let's be of course, morning at night and the edge of the policy is catching. so all of as yet, it's just cloudy, nubile not the breezes increasing. the detail doesn't change much, except you'll see a 50 coming up on the back down forecast tropic alaska much quite a picture, even very few shares not in south today.
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the european union plans to impose harshly terrace on chinese electric vehicles facing says it's p with protection. isn't the vision to in the you about the plan and on to him and, and all the com, i guess, honey, exposed to the chinese market. so what is behind the dispute and couldn't listen? this is inside story,
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the hello welcome to the program. i'm telling me cry. china has rise to head over the


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