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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 15, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the government challenges with the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this is the news hour live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes. these right imagery confirms 8 soldiers have been killed and fighting and gone to the southern city of it, off, off, protest as a back on the streets of kind of a demonic se is fine. and the deal to release the remaining is rated captains in gaza. that comes,
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this is reality strikes target residential areas in central and southern gauze. kenning, at least 38th, thomas vivian protests is across from march against the rise of the fall. rise, head of upcoming elections will have the latest and power headline piece of statements with the latest news. spain make you an impressive starts of a european championship campaign. maybe some woke up sidney. find the pro, ration 3 groups in bid, but the let's take you now to is ray, the ami spokes person, daniel, how gaiety a cynical home can hold on. you. that means pollution in one of those military fairly close to to, to a new explosive club or maybe a file that was
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a model on the military, the place where 8 soldiers were killed, follow when this tragic events. i'm sure we on it, cause several options on the list and specialists from the minister of defense. we'll try to investigate in order to get some more information on what happened. we have conveyed this tragic in the news to the families, and we are also, after informing all the families we will be able to publish the names of the other killed soldiers tonight. we know that the, our location many names are being published without it is permitted, as on or before it is published by this folks, person of the ministry of defense. please do not publish the names of the killed soldiers until an official press release is being published. please respect the
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feelings of the families who lost their members and we needs to respect the soldiers and re me to always support the families. so you to the homeless a quick look then that they will cut the bottle of the asked me if one of the idea of the soldiers and the minister of defense. i work in a north 3rd to the fema, this arm, or the because fighters and the soldiers of the movements over the phone in order to prevent a mazda from a target tank. israel and its civilians. again, as it happened on october 7th, the field today we received another reminders again that reminded us of the high price that we are paying because of this whole hor office. and that we have heroes and soldiers who are ready to sacrifice their lives in order to defend israel, which is our home and our land, the land of the jews, andrews and muslims and christians, all the citizens. they are defending all the citizens of israel. and because the shock
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a shows of our thoughts are with the families during those difficult moments from itself alone, shopping all bites. i know we have also conducted the operation of our non for profit and gum i a man. and we were able also to bring back 4 types of specs. we will not forget to be a 120 captives who are still not back home. and we need to be honest here, and i'm sure we will not be able to bring them back home, all of them. and this is not really upset with us tonight right now, but we will continue to create the appropriate and the arrived conditions. so circumstances in order to bring them back home, going to talk about this one on here. i would like to talk to the people of the north. i'll get another basketball, the northern borders we are conducting a military operation. and our main focus of the main challenge is to be able to ship what is to be able to let the,
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the distance of the north to go back to their places. we have a kilt assignment. i've done that from one of the main leaders of husband law who letters several operations during the past 2 years, service authorizations against israel. we vol. you. he was responsible for launching several most files on israel, which is a concrete script for peace. the people in north carolina. so this is a, as a form, very precise operation that also reflects our willingness and commitment to create a, a safe environment that would allow the people of the north to go back to their homes in michigan. the dice would be and wish you a reminder of the high price we are paying full. this will the woods, the dining, and i've got a minute 3 spokes bus and commenting on the death of confirmed as of 8 is right. the soldiers in garza today spoke with you now these, right,
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a government has banned out this error from reporting data. so i'm the some host is joining us now from the jo damian capital. and what details are emerging from is ready officials about of what happened in this is i can how those is right. the cell just died. the we're hearing from a wide variety of is really officials. let's begin at the top with the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu, who said that this is a heavy price to pay, but it should not divert away from the fact that israel still has to achieve all of his goals in this war. and i'll remind you that nearly 9 months into this, the deadly war in gaza. these really army has not achieved any of those goals. they have not released all of the remaining is really captive. they have not insured the guns and no longer poses a threat to israel, and they have not dismantled, have massive military and political capabilities. we also heard from his roles
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opposition liter get your repeat was sensually emphasized, the same thought that this is a heavy price to pay and that this is a war that is going to experience losses. similarly, a statement from israel's foreign minister, israel cats who echoed that same sentiment. these really army is saying that they are looking into what exactly happened. but an initial pro show is that a engineering a vehicle in a convoy of cds as they're called it was around the 5th or 6th. the vehicle in the convoy was targeted and exploded. but they're not quite sure exactly how it happened. if there was an explosive device that was underneath it, or if it was something that was placed on the side of the vehicle by perhaps a him, a spider. these really aren't. he says they are looking into the matter. but still, no details confirmed by these really military, other than 8, is really soldiers were killed in that attack. it seems now $307.00 is really
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soldiers have been killed since the army launch its round operation inside of casa . i'm the how about the pressure from families of captives and sold this house that building on the government of what we're hearing from a wide variety of people at this hour, the hostage and missing families forum events group spokesperson has said, quote, but israel cannot win in guns against time us and we also heard from one is really captive who in fact was released by these really army in what they called the rescue mission. that to nearly 300 palestinians in new site or it's and it's refugee camp, calling on the is really government to enter into with deal. this is a captive who was released just last week saying that these really governments should do everything in his power to enter a deal to bring back the remaining 120 captives nothing. yahoo! under,
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in men's pressure as these demonstrations continue to grow in both size and scale, the demands from protesters are becoming much more severe. calling for new elections, calling for nathan young now just to resign, but to be over throw and saying that he has not lived in the country in the right direction. his more efforts have failed and there should be new leadership to take over. so a lot on the mind of nathan young, who as he's even under pressure from his own government. all right, thanks so much. i'm the sounds co signed reminder, these ready government has banned. i'll just hear from operating israel and extended that decision. and that's why i'm the joined us from neighboring jordan. so let's take this now to a hidden called the res joins us live from data by in central dogs and hems. we have reports of most strikes in the last few hours on the area where these ready, so this report interesting kills. what are you hearing about that?
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well we know that the air strikes have been intensified in the same exact place where the incident took place, as we know that these 8 and 8 soldiers have been killed in this incident. and we still don't know how this incident takes place. so the next upcoming hours are going to reveal a lot, but the area that was targeted is some fun. it's in the western parts of grandma, and that area has hundreds of thousands of movies that were displayed in the area. and also i need to clarify that some system is not very far away from the area in where there are a lot of people time sitting there. now we need to know that there have been no ambulances, no, have a care where it says a military. that is, we're able to reach that area. because the is there any forces we're targeting, anyone who keeps sports. but we know that there has been
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a lot of massive air strikes and lots of massive exposure and a targeting um, a residential building. most people, frozen units reported that they were here in big stages. and they were seeing the black smoke in the side of the thank so much and hold the line to an idea is a minute for yeah, unless there's covered molden. so it'd be 5 years of conflict in the middle east. he joins us now live from paris, good to have you with us. how significant a loss is this for israel? thank you for having me. this is highly significant because of the type of the operation and the selection of the target that indicates how the resistance is operating and is very highly skated. we're talking about an attack against an identity onto mine, but there's
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a carrier at the memory that was between the 5th on the 6th. and it comes to light, which means that there is a selection of the target to stop the coming boy. and perhaps at that, the front of the rear a to indicate also that most probably because it's, it's an on the mind that the effect was made by improvise explosive device. that is why not remote control to avoid being interference old at all these indications that that is the, is really that they all fighting with the people who are selecting to be objective . they kind of 40, they are a cool, determined, enjoying community of experience scheduled for the engineer. and they all doing the task most probably be selected from the day of the saturday when there are manifestation industry asked that the jewish about where people can join the protest against it, then you know, so it's drawing indicating,
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oh so because this is not the 1st that, that we've seen another similar to at that on the 27th of october 2023. that is or is not learning from previous experiences. why the resistance is indeed, learning from these experiences in fighting. these really is in the last 9 months, it also shows that the tie, as i said, jump a label on one. also does it say about the ability of these really minute, 3 off to 8 months of fighting to way down the capabilities of palestinian factions. what it shows, 1st of all, that they are fighting people who own the ground. they understand very well how they are moving. they understand that the enemy is a freight, even with all the file for and destructive the se, and it didn't re,
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uh follow that is supporting the advance of the troops. and it's also showing that the producing is all increasing via tax. so they are really not afraid. in fact, we need to pay attention to what these read is all saying when these readers all saying they are a they have entered 40 percent. the pro 5 is false from controlling rough off the army is very tired, is doesn't have the guy to continue a war. doesn't have a political objective. the objective said body political leadership unreachable. and they don't know what they are doing about from taking fire and increasing their casualties. so for them to evacuate in to long hours, all the bodies, they all had with side of seeing the resistors taking hold of the bodies to increase the number of prisoners that they have and captives. and then really brings down the is really government that shows
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a lot of confidence in these really ami operate. think again that but as the i resist the, the reason being, let me also ask you, what do operations like this tell us about the ability of palestinian factions to re, um the vin reports since at least january of this year. about repub, this thing is, riley, i'm your nation. how significant a source of weaponry is that for posting infections? what do we know about their ability to read them from other sources as well? there are 2 points here that says they are collecting all the non exploded devices that are launch by these rebates in the are hundreds because of the quantity of these 80 bombardment by hand, by activity and by c. and there are many devices that unexploded. we've seen holiday,
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but his team is all using the specific devices into booby traps and also to bring these really into traps inside homes and objective it that day a truck these really to and in tunnels. secondly, the way be for this tenure resistance is operating is not in a hurry, so it is not consuming on its power in one back to it because they understand this process and that's for very long. and this is why we see how they are not economizing with the weapons and munitions, but they using the weis measure and the right number of munitions when they need. but we have also sol, how they austin, manufacturing a rockets during the week. ready and they are, they have to study materials domestically, improvise to create the socket. and this is why they spend bumping the gas,
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the envelope showing extreme resilience encourage. all right, thank you so much for your analysis, elijah like the as a military unless it is right. the forces have been targeting residential areas where the strikes send on to the re across garza buildings have been blown off in the southern city of it. off, at least 9 palestinians were killed in those attacks of buildings that was still standing, were also being leveled by the cell, just used a bulldozer to destroy a home and they tell us the font area near it. off. hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been forced to flee. a tax in the city and gaza city is ready bombings, killed at least, $29.00 palestinians. when the dozens of all those 3 residential buildings with tongues is in the extra dry, uh, end of the 5 neighborhoods mazda both my son and that's only 12 years old,
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was killed by these very missiles. he was unsuspectingly sleeping. innocent people like him are the targets of the is ready occupation forces on this harley day, my young boy joins 15000 other children murdered by the israelis. my other son was injured and is receiving treatment. yet we all holding all ground, stayed focused on our homeland of us, mid threes as it'll temporarily relocate the humanitarian peer built off the coast of gaza and move it to i still didn't israel. the move is meant as a precaution to prevent damage by predicting by predicted high sees the project costs $320000000.00 because partly destroyed last month, shortly after its construction. small amount of items been arriving through the peer since may the data organization se wouldn't be needed. this is relo from the line crossings to let trucks into casa james l. the is the spokesman
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for you and assess, currently operating from data by law in central garza, he says it's rarely is making it harder and harder to get into the strip. it's a very complicated process to get in because of the, the restrictions uh uh, put it put on top of eyes, but we do it. we know the paperwork. we know uh the hoops to jump through, but it is very difficult to get it in. for example, in my few minutes here in agents guardian hoff as many trucks of i valley as in april half as many when we have this critical nutrition situation. why was that the case? that was the case because in may of course, we had the rough offensive, the limited quote unquote and limited offensive and rough. all that meant that led to the displacement of a 1000000 people. so the left side is coming in, but it's not just getting it in. it's when we did it in its value show, we can get it across the javascript without i'd work has been to more i'd work. is it been killed in this war? been any war, any role since the advent of the united nations?
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it's extraordinary. it is an incredibly difficult place to work, but the palestinians and foreigners are very brave on the front lines once you did it in. if we look fairly as to wednesday, a few days ago there was a mission of unit staff. we were taking a truck full of nutritional and medical supplies for 10000 children, nutritional and medical supplies, the 10000 children. we had all the approvals, we were going to die as a city from gary butler in the front of here. it's basically a fortune shalom. it's a round trip. it took 13 hours and we spent each of those around check points. audrey around paperwork, was it a truck? was it event? all sorts of he said, he said the reality is, this truck was been denied access. so those 10000 children did not get that. and now, you know, simple, go back again. but it's not as easy as just returning next day because of how dangerous it is a place to upright. remember and use realize the occupying power has the legal responsibility to, to facilitate that i, we must have a day goals with one voice. right?
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you know, simple. so does the set of tires can we do watch it? we do protection, we need to be everywhere. so that was denied as right. a forces have destroyed nearly all the will to wells and northern goss. i'm making a hunger crisis was the you and one this week, half of gauze this population are expected to face death and starvation by mid july sub in july. it has more water. his life and its denial is such a slow day the, the school in july, the refugee come, serves as a shelter for just base people. and water tank goes like this and limits holding cause. it has been decimated and it's really a tax which targeted or infrastructure needed to sustain life and ready, laid is allowed to reach the region. the most. um, what you see is a living proof of the vitreous suffering, not only from the shortage of taking water, but also the accumulating waste. instead,
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sewage above all our homes were destroyed. but the occupation, we are suffering from all friends for me to attempt to find leveled homes is not just the luck of food. our children are starving to death. in many places, this is how children have been drinking from puddles metix aid. they may survive the thirst for monday, and so we can disease or do you ins, agency for children, goodness, i've called the since this man, me deprivation as mount nutrition could give thousands of children within weeks. well, i better stop having to use riley's destroyed no idea. hey mr. walter wells to we cannot feed our children and now we can not find a drop of clean water. this is not nice. even animals have a better life compared to us. we a butchered. if not by the use ready bombardment by salvation and lack of water. well, i can say is it gold as a shield? he is a rock. we are standing a ground with patients and fortitude. but fortitude is much harder for children,
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many of whom have lost parents. most of the displaced have to walk long distances to get some water. some kind of thing you have resorting to drinking seawater as people close to the shore have been using and created brackish water for months. carts service water supply lines, in addition to wells, is really strikes and incursions destroyed this out of nation units. and its troops are blocking fuel. in systematic attacks on a convoys, even drinking water is prevented from reaching people. during the last 8 months, soldiers incentives have posted numerous videos of them destroying what the v. a trickled in, including water bottles. the latest you and report to the accused. israel of extermination. the government's policy to collectively denied food and water to gaza. was announced and told the men, the defense minister declared there will be no electricity, no foods on no few and mine and daily. and that policy is still backed by
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international leaders and supporters cutting off time cutting of water. so cool. i think the israel does have that right. and children may be forced to pinch theaters like this. the impunity to impose of famine is supported israel's right to defend itself. somebody jobby out of their one. palestinian has been killed and others into a during and this ray the ray didn't bait for they can occupied westbank. 16 year old, so upon her thoughts, but been named as the youth killed. israel carried out many rides across the altar . 5 was fine since find the injuring multiple people. the protest is across from so much the gains fall right, policies ahead of elections at the end of this month demonstrates is to in dallas,
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in paris and all the cities against the national riley off to the fall right? policy one more than 30 percent of the votes and european parliament for elections, french those as well. head to the polls again in 2 weeks where like members below a house of parliament or the pulse suggests the national rallies doing well this. the tasha boss lies that at the protests in paris, fortunately say some 75000 people. the 2nd portion is twice as infantile powers. you recognize the size of numbers. so you said 250000 left to the left hand side is a lot of people who have come out to protest against the fall, right. what they are worried about is the far right policy and the national immigration policy, who's told the default and an upcoming election will be held in a few weeks time. they say, if a change phone sales destroyed what they say, things like human rights and democracy, personal microsoft office, not to mention,
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officer, albany, you. all i did so well. he says he is hoping that people will come out against the far right is perhaps the french president for estimate on the estimating how many people will actually go out and he talks about, well, i'll just say rough house. i said i had allowed this era president the automated savanski, joins world leaders in switzerland for a peace summits on ukraine. russia isn't invited to you. case princess of wales makes her 1st public appearance since being diagnosed with cancer out of school. teen india, send the funds have smiling in samson gray day in florida. the light is coming up like during the show,
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the not most of the me least will event and to face hot and drive and i haven't. but coming out of the black season, significant hailstones have been noted. this is old damage from a hetero sham. this is the rest of the buffer us both for it. so europe in turkey, the hail boat, he's about to show you actually the size of a house that's a big marbles ready. and this amount of damage that these stones are running eastwards along the north coast. everybody else is just enjoying fine. weather is not quite as long as it was in cyprus, the breezes still quite notable coming onto the coast here. but in landed rapids of guest author again, also as it was just trying about 36 in their mind, but still 48 in baghdad. once the shelves and dimensions around, but not really much beyond, it is still halting, one or 2 of the staff took them at a stand, for example,
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but not reco breaking the so i likewise inside of your a be attention to the middle fault is not stretches through to low forces around the gulf, states still fairly humid, but there's to be of course, morning and night on the edge of the policy and it's catching. so all of as yet, it's just clarity newbold not the breezes increasing. the detail doesn't change much, except you'll see a 50 coming up on the back that forecast tropic alaska much quite a picture, even very few shares not in south to die, to help protect palestinian families from starvation. our goal is the stuff i provided are the 700000 helped meals, sofa supporting 1700000 palestinians that no age is needed to night. use a kind of osaka to provide a live saving food. every mail to native is matched,
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doubling the meals and your rewards. help us fight funding from palestine to pakistan from syria to being donasia. ok, foundation is delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting communities in areas affected bible families, culverts and diesel stuff. your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in the donate. now with confidence give your to bonnie, today without kind of foundation the the
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still watching out just reminded now of all the top stories. these right the minute 3 is confirmed. 8 soldiers have been killed and fist fighting and off this month, the worst incidents of these are the army in kansas since january is there any forces have been targeting residential areas with strikes and i'll send a re, buildings have been blown off in the southern city of rough or at least 9 palestinians were killed in those attacks the last spring. and how much as most of a professor has media studies at the delta institute for graduate studies, he joins us by skype from minneapolis in the united states. good to have you with us. so in the last few hours, who had those reports confirmed of is riley mood fried casualties. and in the last hour we had, daniel, how got a, the military folks 1st and saying, well, they won't forget about the $120.00 captives said, let's be honest, we're not going to be able to bring them all back home. how significant all the
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statements and developments well, i think it depends on how, how we look at it. on the one hand, you know, i don't know that israel was terribly concerned about the hostages from the start. there were some indications early on that day that they uh that that wasn't the top priority. i happened to think based on my own analysis of, of things that is real office said and also their actions. and guys are that their primary objective has been to basically a level guys and make it fun and habitable. and i think the soft fits in with their plan, their, their so called greater israel plan. and i think the goal from the start has been to the populate the gaza strip to, to force a mass uh population transfer. this is why the is rarely leaders we're asking in the fall why the junctions won't take them in the gardens. so that is why the jordanians won't take them in the way they took syrians and for instance, so um, you know,
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i don't think that i think is real. would like to get the hostages back. certainly, but i don't think it's a, it's a, it's a, it's really high on their priority list. i think they want to destroy him off, but i also think they want to make draws all unbelievable. and i think they still have hope that um, the egypt or jordan or both will open their borders and that there will be a mass exodus of thousands as well. the leveling of valves, and certainly creating a humanitarian crisis. we spoke earlier with you'd assess spokesman james elder and he spoke to us about how these really measures make it much more complicated for 8 agencies to bring it in. and this is quite an important statement because it prompts the question of to what extent is this route responding to the i c, j ruling on march the 28th, which ordered israel to fully cooperate with you and,
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and allow on handed provision of aid was he'll read of that, a israel is not cooperating, and that's, that's by design. i think we have to go back and look at the larger context and kind of zoom out a little bit. we all remember what you'll have to log on to the defense minister said back on october 7th, that there would be a complete siege on gaza and that they weren't going to allow food and fuel and water into the gaza strip. some is really, leaders were actually even more explicit about the is rarely objective. so you're taking kiara island, for instance, who's a top advisor to, to colanda. and he said that the military has to take very aggressive measures. those were his words to prevent aid from getting to the gaza strip. and he even spoke about preventing aid organizations from doing from doing their work. and he talked about the need for creating what he called a, a terrible humanitarian crisis. and that's also
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a direct quote from him and they believe that is really, is that creating this kind of are crisis creating what island later called a civilian collapse. he brought in pop ad in november where he talked about the civilian class. they think that this is going to help further their military objectives. and so i think it's important, obviously to draw attention to what's happening on the ground in terms of just as a starving population. but it's also important to call to mind that this is by design notices, unintentional policy. despite what you know, us officials might, might imply the scenes of the fighting and destruction and gaza contrasts with statements. we've heard in the past 24 hours from west and lead is about their approach to another conflict that of ukraine, that's listening to what they had to say. so it's not for ukraine. it to redraw
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forces from ukraine in territory. it's for russia to withdraw all day forces from occupied ukrainian law putting has occupied illegally, occupied server, ukrainian territory. and he is not in any position to dictate to ukraine what they must do to, to bring about a page. so when he listened the message very clear from west and lead is about the coal problem in the case of ukraine is occupation. the must be an end to the occupation and that they all coupon is not in a position to dictate the end of the tons for the end of a conflict. very different approach when it comes to the palace, the occupied palestinian territories including gaza. very different approach with western countries for decades have been in the occupied rather than the occupied as in ukraine. so yeah, i mean the, the side by side comparison is,
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is almost surreal. to take in these statements are certainly interesting these recent statements. but there's a long list of statements and policy objectives that have made the progress the clear for, for quite some time. it's uh, it's interesting uh, the american comedian and satirist a john stewart, who co hosts the daily show, a very famous show in the united states. did a bit about this about a month and a half ago where he looked at some of this kind of side by side comparison. and you know, people got a laugh out of it. but it's obviously no laughing matter because you have people in, in gaza paying the ultimate uh, the ultimate price. but um, you know, as astonishing is as the, the juxtaposition is we shouldn't necessarily be very surprised by it. a edward herman and noam chomsky wrote a book we're back in 1988 called manufacturing consent. and in that book they talked about where the victims and where the victims. so the,
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where the victims are those that are created by a hostile states, states which are hostile to the united states like russia, right? so the ukrainians are where the are, where the victims and where the victims are caused by states that are allied with united states for are created by the united states itself and is real as an ally of the us. so the palestinians, the gardens are and where the victim, so read in that larger context. i don't think we should be necessarily surprised by this kind of hypocrisy. thank you so much. i mean, the mostly the leaders in government officials from $92.00 countries, a gathering for a ukraine peace summit and switzerland, ukrainian and swiss presidents officially opened the event was held as a result near the sun comes a day off. the russian president vladimir fruits in suggested he was open to pay stokes,
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but only if k of agreed to withdraw its troops from full ukrainian regions and renounced joining nato grateful discuss pots, stools lost in peace. although russia wasn't invited to the summit. even if they are not here today, and if your simon we have succeeded in bringing back to the. busy of the idea that joint efforts can still work and establish the just this, this idea will definitely work because the world has power off more of this that speak now to all diplomatic edited james phase. he joins us from switzerland, close to where that summit is being held. so 1st of all, james, was this assignment. was this a pay summit, or is this an event to show support for the ukrainian negotiating position? this is what you mean by piece summit. so, i mean, it's certainly not peace told so peace negotiations. i've come with plenty of those
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in the past and for that you need to have the policies in the room. and clearly russia is not here. all the t international players are not he and notably china, which decided not to come here that are all the key lead is, i mean there are lots of leaders here, but there are other key leaders who decided not to come here in the last few hours the brazilian president and the indian prime minister. what both of the g 7 summit in southern the to the i was that to it's one hour and 40 minutes flight from there to here. but they decided not to bank that jenny, they've sent representatives. instead, i think you're right from the point to view of ukraine's closest allies. the idea of this event is to show solidarity with ukraine and try and look at the possible parameters for peace, but they're making it very clear. those parameters must be subject to international law and the un charter. and of course, they've been saying for 2 and a half years of that, that's exactly what russia broke, and russia must
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a pool. all these forces out of all of the ukraine. so i think i'm certainly we've got people talking about peace again and i think it's significant that we've had brought them. it puts it in the recent hours talking about peace. although the 2nd, the, any way that he will agree to peace with ukraine is by taking even more of ukraine's territory. but it is significant that he's saying this of the. 1 when the g 7 was meeting, and just before this meeting started here, i think from the point of view of ukraine, it's our lives. this is also part of a big push that's going on. a diplomatic push, you know, seeing here in switzerland, but also using the could only push aid from the g $750000000000.00 going to ukraine, and the military pushed, we're already in the last couple of days, had nato defense ministers meeting in brussels, talking about new weaponry, new ad defense systems. for a you claims a deals being done with hungry, which is the one, nato ally, the blocking goals. and they says actions now, and they are hungry. has
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a call about where they don't have to support what nato is doing on ukraine. but they're not going to block the rest of the nato allies. so i think a big bushed by the, that those supporters of ukraine to try and change the dynamics on the ground. and because they think that if they strength and ukraine, that makes you created a strong good position, if we actually come down eventually to face to face piece talks. all right, thanks so much james face. well, david phillips is a professor of security studies at georgetown university. he was earlier a senior adviser at the us state department, joining us now from new york. good. have you with us? first of all, what message do you think it has sense for the us president not to attend the switzerland gathering for the vice president was there and the message is clear.
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the international community is online and supported you for we recognize that is, is a process. i'm not a bad, it's going to take some time before there's more medicine coming out of this geneva conference before international community can online interviews. but it's much better to be talking into the explorer piece arrangements and to simply be solid on it. so this is a positive advantage. now we have to figure out what happens next and how to consolidate progress. has that been, has this event significantly contributed to the strengthening of key of position given especially the law says you kind of forces the suffering on the battlefield? so yes, it has, uh, you find recently receive a large security assistance package from united states. other countries are also lining up to the dynamic exchange, you know, from
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a point a couple of weeks ago. where are you printing with isolated and lacking support? we now have the us and other countries lining up to back. you're saying and that's creating a certain dynamic that is moving the clock testing piece. moving forward. you say it's moving the prospect's of piece, making forward. but is it, do you think the sort of support that we've heard committed in the last 20 for 48 hours, the g 7 pledging billions, few kinds of anything. it's going to turn around the souls of, of advances which russia has to be making on the baffle field, or is this going to come down to piece talks in the end? and ultimately it's gonna require to go shaded solution. you know, rather it hasn't been a party that is negotiating in good faith. the u. s. is trying to create
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a piece dynamic that would strengthen trans position. right now. we're still have more and there's a time for tom. so i think there's a time for conflict resolution and until russia recognizes ukraine in sovereignty and it's legitimate aspiration to join data, that's very little progress of real progress are. so we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. the good news is that the world is paying attention to you printing into barnes, and it's lining up to support new printing and positive ways. all right, thank you so much feel thoughts and analysis on that. david phillips from georgetown university. the kingdom has been celebrating can charles bus stay with the annual proofing the column of the tree parade? but it's the princess of wales who received most attention. it was catherine's 1st
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public appearance since disclosing cancer diagnosis. she was last seen publicly in december. and i know that's the end of which was that the freight and on the people was the 1st glimpse of the princess of wales the public has had since she revealed accounts the diagnosis 3 months ago, writing in a carriage with the 3 young children she joined the royal family of the trooping the color parade, the british king's official birthday. just the day before the princess released the health update saying in a statement she was making good progress, but had good days and bad was that were more personal than usual from the british oils, but will be received by those out to see have despite the rain this is great say right in about in the country, i'm sure it's still i say we would do lots to say the crowd was this was really great that she may be assets come out today and she was on the balcony as well with the children. yeah. it was really lovely. see, i wish a very well on all the best. but yeah,
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it was largest beyond the kids today. so they're all assigned to gather head to catch a view of the princess of wales. seeing her looking so relaxed will be huge. the reassuring and the princess a sal said that she hopes to undertake most public engagements over the summer palace 8th wounds that this should not be seen as a full return to public duties. catherine is still receiving treatment, but she and the king who has also been diagnosed with cancer. this year. news has not been seen by the public spring. we're seeing quite a lot of people quite concerned or even even angry that they haven't been able to see either the king or the princess of well. so today in the sense, is there really kind of so nice returning to normal. so you might say in that, people really do want to connect with the visual aspect of, of monarchy in britain and what it represents in terms of tradition continuity stability, especially right now in the middle of
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a political election and lots of division and debates and stupidity is what the voyles wanted to project as they gathered on the balcony of buckingham palace with the sky's clearing for the same as slight paused the princess of wales would have known to the eyes of not just the u. k, but the world would have been focusing on ha university in which out a 0 london suite. and then the ron have conduct through the prison, the swap that includes the release of and the rain, the a national convicted of war crimes. still calm has freed how may noti, who was sentenced to life in prison for his involvement, and the mass execution of a rainy and political prisoners in 1988 in exchange, iran is released to swedish nationals, including you. diplomats johan flooded us to hold on had accused him of spying for, as well. the swedish prime minister accused the wrong of using swedish nationals as
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poems, features on the single full sense. how's the island of being closed off to an oil spill? spill happened off through a netherlands flank dredges struck a stationary singapore in vessel on friday. the oil slick fence spread from the shipping terminal to the tourist hotspot. for the far as a site, this bill is now contained. i'm going to head on out this era. vince for the reigning champion, safely and getting ready to kick off the type of defense faith. it will be here with a life is 0. 2020 for the he says he went to more towards here, yet to provide a are you looking back? are, you know, i'm not file but not in the eyes of his government to my life has been us. can you just mean like i said, these are,
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these are those in the 2nd part of the series. we follow a british age work or as he prepares to contest his citizenship revocation, mesh analysis. so you're only as good as possible state list in syria. and i'll just 0 every muslims on it for him. sacrifice for a law by giving people any we emulates his devotion, aging the most vulnerable in the on, in 2023. your donations, but over 600000 people. providing 2130000 meals help us reach, move families, especially in gaza with 1100000 faced funding to night. you could bonnie, with human appeal the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the right small sizes that find out what's going on. the walls will tell you, sir, thank you very much. staying, i've made an impressive start to the european championship campaign in germany. they beat the world cup, semi finalists probation in the in the spaniards, putting the mesh, 3 mil with go. so my bottom, what outta luis and then you call the how spain or the pc when the to them for the 1st time since 2012 and full time a rule mixed up the full spain they take on writing champions. it's of the and that we're getting paid to them shortly when they face albania, head coach that you on the spotlights. he took charge of the team last september, following the punch over both of mancini and says, it's important. they don't slip up and they 1st match down to the semi on, on
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a personal level. it's usually excitable. but as we always take part, it becomes increasingly and emotion. tv, which is not necessarily talks and what's your and it's happy in fixtures, fantastic emotions to be in a wonderful place on it and play a wonderful game of football. as you've said to and i find it is a dangerous match. it is a potential but not a skin that's i agree with that when we're up against football. is that all very familiar with syria. we're that have quality each. they've showed what they can do in the italian domestic leak. and it will be a tough match. switzerland have got a campaign, also a winning stores the swiss to reach the cost of finals in 2021. feet hungry in color, goes from quad, will do a me, so i'll be sure. and brill and bow helping. then seal a 31. when the results means they said live alone, points with group a need is a germany problem. in dog ski with most proteins i per against the netherlands. on sunday, the boss learn to strike it, picked up an injury and
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a friendly against a key. it ahead of you wrote 2020 full potent then the nibbling sewing group, the long side fronts and austria, they faced each other on monday. and then begin the campaign on sunday against it'd be much as expected from round, the dread stall, jude bidding him. if he can, then they'll also go one better than they run is up finish in 2021 and their opponents. so very away of the threats he possesses is impressive how he play. ready in the what he show in the, in the realm of dre jersey, he's very younger, but he's so powerful in the. yeah, we have to be very careful. we have to close the space, do not give them too much of free time to control the ball and to, to penetrate in the, in the, in the, in the space in front of you over to the sea 20 creek. it will calculate india were denied the chance of rounding of the group stage before winds from full. a few
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sophie's and some of the graphs was as good as it got for the fans, but to end up being florida to see in the play canada, the match had to be a band indeed with our field without a bowl being bold. indeed had already book based both in the c page stage. of course disappointing, i think a full fandom. yes. but even for, for the team. we were really looking forward to play a game and we were expecting better conditions, bedding conditions in order regarding new zealand. so as a theme, i think it was important for us to, to get a game. but again, something that we, we can control south africa had already booked a sports in the sci fi, but they weren't about to make the whole get a famous victory before heading home. the pool needed to run from the law school to win a teenager group, some job was run out. so same thing a single. and so that i figured held onto with a threat, a crushing blow for the poles play as we seemed to be heading for the 1st when in 12 against an i c c full member country. the 3rd round of the us
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open has tito 5 and i lead it look big. oberg will only begin. he's round in the next hour or so. but tiger woods is one man who will not be an action of the missing the cuts. the 15 time major champion finished 7 the pump. it's also possible he's paid, he's lost us open with needed, especially exemptions take faulty. this is 2 of them and i thought i played well enough to be up there in contention that just didn't work out. as far as my last open championship or us open championship. i don't know what, what that is and may or may not be as the dallas mavericks needed to win game full escape the n b a finals alive and they did so emphatically. you can judge by the way, for them ads with 29 points as they flash the boston celtics, 12284, korea having contributed 21 points of status ensure the best of 7 series will continue to unchanged, was congratulated by foam around the good captain said you are remo soft to the game, but the celtics also in the driving seat and one when from a record
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a teams and be a championship. and we'll leave it there for now. i'll be here again with another sports updated bit later. sammy, thank you so much data. now, most things from around the world have converge, some of the sites valley of out of fox news america inside the radius of the climax of the annual hunch, pilgrimage. how should i, how about our reports from mounts out of thoughts and this is mount of mercy, revealed hill overlooking the plains. of all the fat pilgrims gathered he at night of us joined late to do. this is why muslims believes the profitable, how much gave he's buying a sub and the place has become one of his loves, sacred sites that come from all over the well, some spend to use saving money so they could make this trip a once in a lifetime johnny, what do you send it back to the gate?
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i am 51 years old and the minutes i am spending sheer amount are of thought equal my entire life. i just want gone to forgive me. out of fat is the focal point of hatch. a day spent with reflection and prayers. i see a big wins wearing simple white cloth pulled from spend the day all tools. despite the high temperatures, risk of heat, stroke, and exhaustion, they will spend the entire day under the sweltering sun. but they see it as a sacrifice with making for the sake of we was in the off to line. muslims can sit the fat rehearsal for the day of judgment. wednesday, i believe they were on several of the actions in life. and you're, it feels like i belong to elsewhere that i'm being listed to having for days billed to ends with before i move, which was through those of the filters which symbolically stand for the devil. and
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then set a break, the fees, the sacrifice. it's a festival that's with members. abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son to show his devotion to god. it is i'm now thinking about the new loss that i will live off to hodge. a need to get closer to god. and bear in mind that my life is short in this world. pilgrims with then return to my done what a fine walk around the gap at 7 times. and then mock the end of hutch. they hope to be done, how wise a more humble and more compassionate. this is a day of atonement. and this explains the strong emotions that you see on the faces of the pilgrims. muslims believe that those who genuinely regret past sins and mistakes have a great that tends to be forgiven when the sunsets so that they can move on on something you'd shop to in their lives. cost you about the bottle,
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i'll just you were bound to of mercy, out of that. provide safe for the show funds for back in the moment with another full bullet and that's coming up. so stay with us here. announces here the is the rails, one machine is decimating entire households invested in the words of those who survived and with the help of the palestinian journalists felt lights tells the housing story of 3 families and investigates us complicity the world's most brutal boar and decades. the night to bolt, and by doing this was part one on us just every muslims on it for him. sacrifice for a law by giving people any we emulates his devotion,
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aging the most vulnerable in the, on in 2023. your nation's fed over 600000 people, providing 2130000 meals help us reach, move families, especially in gaza, with 1100000 faced common tonight you could do any with human appeal, the before the war. $8000.00 patients cross the alpha and beta noun crossings every month to receive treatment abroad. that number has dwindled to lisbeth. $5000.00 evacuated and 7 months of conflict. pushing through the panes 11 year old doreen by a pin finally walk again. dream couldn't move her legs after an air strike killed 60 members of her family in gaza. chest good, good. i thought i'd have to stay for more than a year in the wheelchair. i was asking my aunt if i'd be paralyzed forever. this facility was filled with a 22 world cup. now it's been turned into
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a place worth 500 patients receive treatment, education and psychological support. what the doctor, even when i had to sit p. m, and between the moment i got injured and now i've had around 61 surgeries, it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. or the he's really military confirms age of its soldiers have been killed in fighting and gaza southern city of process the . i'm jessica washington. this is all just the red line from doha. also coming out, protest as a back on the streets of tel aviv demanding a ceasefire and
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a deal to release the remaining is really captives held in gaza. is there any strikes target residential areas in central and southern gaza,


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