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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 16, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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as all civil defense themes trying to put off the fire from the house at the story palestinian farm was this have a fee to be the p could with hope for old garza's best place assemblies. the israel's ministry confessions eights of its soldiers have been killed and fighting and does a southern city of rough is really intensifies if attacks and southern and central gaza. at least $38.00 palestinians are killed as residential area is atanya to the jordan. this is down to 09, and so coming up around in sweden, exchange business and a deal media to buy a month for my a rainy and official convicted of war crimes is among those really
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the 10000 states, the streets of restaurants, protests against the rise of the far right head of upcoming stuff in the is there any point minister benjamin netanyahu says, fighting and guns that will continue despite what he's called the staggering cost of the war. it comes as the army confirmed, 8 is right. the soldiers were killed and rough when that vehicle was hit by an explosion. how my says it's fights has carried out the complex ambush, which as well as ministry says it's now under investigation. i'll just say i was homeless, living for, for some jordan's capital. i'm on as israel or shut down now to 0 is operations that it's the biggest single day last for these really are me since january, the military confirming the 8 is really soldiers from the combat engineering unit
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were killed in dropbox when their armored vehicle exploded. reaction from across the political aisle poured in with prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying, despite the heavy losses, the finding must continue us people issue. don't let anyone distract you from the simple and clear fact. despite the staggering cost, we must stick to the goals of the war and destroying the military and structure of how much we turning on our hostages. making sure that garza, we no longer posed a tractor to israel and returning all residents safely to their homes. both in the north and south and initial army pro, into the incident showed the combat engineering vehicle was attacked after a night of fierce fighting in guns of southern mo, city for the military is now investigating the possibility that the vehicle was hit by an empty tank missile is really army spokesperson. daniel, how gar,
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he says there have been achievement, but that israel is still facing challenges. it's other say go smoking along with a significant achievement. we have to honestly say that we will not be able to return everyone home in this way. we will continue to act in old ways in order to create the conditions for the return home of all the duct, these as quickly some of the bytes and all of this comes image demonstrations across israel. calling for deal to bring back the remaining captives for netanyahu to resign and for elections to be held immediately on saturday, the spokesperson for the hostage and missing families forum said that israel can't win against chemist in guns. meanwhile, thousands of protesters into olivia had been calling on the government to accept a ceasefire deal to bring back the remaining is really captive when nearly 9 months into the war. that deal is still nowhere in sight to send. who is just the,
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you know, i'm a and a reminder these really government has banned down to 0 from operating in israel and extended that decision. and that's why honda was reporting that from neighboring georgia. meanwhile, his very forces have been targeting residential areas and gaza with strikes and temporary buildings have been flat enough in the southern city. a refund of these 9 olives commands were killed in those attacks and buildings that are still standing up being leveled as riley soldiers used a bulldozer to destroy a home in the tallow souls in the area near rough. a hundreds and thousands of palestinians have set a tax in the city under there was can tell, could or they has blown out from the ballot in central god for knows that the air strikes have been intensified in the same exact way a place where the incident we know that at least a 108 soldiers have been killed in this incident, and we still have this incident taken place. so the next upcoming hours are going
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to reveal a lot of the area that was targeted is some fun. it's in the western parts of grandma, and that area has hundreds of thousands of comedies that were this names in the area. and also i need to clarify that the system is not very far away from the area in where there are lots of people sitting there. now we need to know that there have been no ambulances, no, have a care where it says a military. that is, we're able to reach that area because the is there any forces we're targeting, anyone who keeps that? we know that there has been a lot of massive arrows, traits and lots of masses exposure and targeting our residential buildings. most people have growth and units reported that they were hearing big stages and they were seeing the black smoke in the side. we want to go to the city,
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is ready bombings of to left these 29 palestinians and injured dozens more 3 residential buildings where hits and the i'll show you. and i'll talk about neighborhoods that both my son and us, only 12 years old, was killed by these ready missiles. he was unsuspectingly sleeping. innocent people like him are the targets of the is ready, occupation forces. on this hardly day, my young boy joins 50000 other children mode it by the east readies. my other son was injured and is receiving treatment. yet we all holding our ground state, forced on our homeland will give you unless he is a columnist at the heart of the newspaper and all the punishments of gaza. he says that this war doesn't happen. and as the goal of total victories unachievable a, it's not the unprecedented, but they do the very meaning for that seger. even though let's remember stem that day. so j. b. brooks, does it working today? but it is the brands and 8 soldiers is a big, big price for the society,
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especially when it gets installed a total number in the adult. and as most of the reach day of the day, almost every day we hear about it also. so both for soldiers and more and more deeper it is when i worked for it, i'm dealing with this is in this, this or we, i might become an endless war. the war, if it's a ration, sewage is strong, is, is really all me use the, the home us forces can always do. and some of the tash in it's and then the direction the ation. it needs know where any g same to this there we never be a tree of this or i think i was told to evict story that 5 meters. busy lift and the i was speaking about and the we, we know the see it here. it should go on its own and don't do is right and costs,
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but maybe isn't. we realize that it leads to nowhere and it must stop in any process. but us ministry says it will temporarily relocate. the humanitarian pair built off the coast of gauze that is being moved back to our stores in israel as a precaution to prevent damage by predicted high seas. the project cost $320000000.00 was partly destroyed in may shortly after its construction. a small amount of aid has been arriving to the pair since last month, but a group say it wouldn't be needed if israel open gland crossings to let trucks into gaza. but james, now there is a specimen for usf which is operating from data by law in central god. so he says, is when is making it harder and harder to get a into the strength a. it's a very complicated process to get in because of the, the restrictions uh uh, put it put on top of eyes, but we do it. we know the paperwork. we know uh the, the hoops to jump through. but it is very difficult to get id in. for example,
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in my she monetary and agents guardian half as many trucks of i valley as in april half as many when we have this critical nutrition situation. why was that the case? that was the case because in my goals, we had the roster offensive, the limited quote unquote limited offensive in russell. that meant that led to the displacement of a 1000000 people. so let's say it is coming in, but it's not just getting it in. it's when we did it in, it's right, the show we can get it across the jobs. the strip with that i'd work has been to more i'd work. is it been killed in this war? been any war? any water since the advent of the united nations? it's extraordinary, it is an incredibly difficult place to work, but the palestinians and foreigners are very brave on the front lines once you did it in. if we look valley, yes, to wait and stay a few days ago, there was a mission of units. if we were taking a truck full of nutritional and medical supplies for 10000 children, nutritional and medical supplies 410000 children, we had all the approvals,
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we were going to die. the city from dairy butler in the front of the uh, it's basically a 40 kilometers a round trip. it took 13 hours and we spent each of those around chick points. audrey around paperwork. what was it a truck? was it a van? all sorts of he said, he said the reality is, this truck was been denied access. so those 10000 children did not get that. i now unicef, we'll go back again. but it's not as easy as just returning next day. because of how dangerous it is a place to upright. remember, and use realize the occupying power has the legal responsibility to facilitate that i, we must have a difficult we tone voice, right unit, simple. so does the set of tires, can we do? what can we do protection we need to be everywhere. so that was denied a palace to me. and teenager has been killed and others injured during on his writing. you right and paid for it. can the all the bad westbank, 16 year old salt on top that has been named as a teen was killed as well as carried out. numerous raids across the off by the west
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bank since friday says a more cross mode of violence between these randy ministry and hezbollah in southern lebanon. at least one person was killed. when his ready drone hit a motorcycle near the town, a bench a bay alarm south of the morning. they're going phase. the volumes could trigger a larger regional comes with the suite and then around and exchange prisoners, including the release of rainy and national convicted of war crimes, still comb as fried, how many newly had been sentenced to life in connection with a max execution other reigning political prisoners, back in 1988 and exchange iran released to swedish nationals. and shooting a former. can you give them a little soto has more tear off off the 5 years in a city this prison. he's now back in iran, in 2019. how many moody was arrested, why it was disagreed as a tourist?
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in 2022 stocum district court centers noted to life in prison after being convict. as for his role in the 1988 mess as a cushion of political prisoners in your on international rights groups estimate the trials at the end of year on iraq war results in the execution of up to 5000 people. moody was the deputy prosecutor at that time. 9. the mean to hon. i'm good, my family now. i deeply tank old. it was a tough, uncomplicated case, and all sorts has made many efforts in a letter i wrote to my family. i told them about my situation and that my case was very tough. i told them that only god could free me and that's as it was complicated, soon after nobody's ever asked you around details to be the citizen, then you have 10 union employee, you. hon. flawed of this at the wrong airport. why he was about to leave the country for a lot of this was charged with spying for his ro and corruption on earth, a crime. the cat is the death penalty in you're wrong. you don't know the rest of
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the, in other city the she ran into a national side visits in 2023 as it was charged with cold, committing crimes in the country city to say these accusations by uranium officials or wrongful grounds is on the lawn, has imprisoned them both as phones and a cynical negotiation game to good, the uranium citizen. i mean naughty boy released by sweet ha wife passion between you right as to be them through the ga state of form on the gun. it's mediation f. s. often nearly a year of thoughts, both parties agreed on a prisoner's well. the prisoner swap between the run and west, some companies is not the $1.00 to $23.00, your own cities, 5, the american citizens in return, is receive $6000000.00 of his own money. that had been for them and do as really is but you run in individuals, you've had to change your offices, the needs of your citizens is a be 3040 runyan diploma. but what's the most visuals audit cruising to run for the rest and it citizens as a bargaining chip in negotiations versus instead of that,
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how does 0, tara protest is across from said most against fall right parties added the elections at the end of the month, demonstrators turned out in paris and other cities against the national riley after the party, one more than 30 percent of the vote. and european follow the directions. cash market reports from past thousands of people failed. congress has passed the last night to bleak, at the start of the demonstration against the fall of rights and from the front line, it's necessary to defend freedom. we must defend it. so that's, i mean it's as soon as i come from the migrant family, sometimes the behavior unless you get make you feel it is no longer friends. leading the protest fox has left wing alliance that includes the socialist screens and communists. the entertain the idea that these people will seize power in a country like france, because we will never entertain the idea that racism, discrimination on the basis of skin color on the basis of religion can exist and
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the 7th most powerful economy in the world. what's in front? the whole sunday, maureen depends on team of great national rarely policy. one more than 30 percent of the foods in from says you election. so i headed to the french president center right policies and embarrassing results for emmanuel michael that prompted him to unexpectedly dissolve, call them and see if they have protesting, maybe against the ball rolling, for the loss of our go with the french presence emanuel michael. not only with his policies present straight collection is putting in danger, protest disappear, independence fluoride policy with the balance says, i'm really angry with a manual, not chrome for calling this election just 3 weeks before the olympics, with all the security and diplomatic concerns. and with the far right riding, so high, it's utterly irresponsible. my process is the dissatisfaction of faces. he wants to give people
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a choice. his opponents say he's gambling with democracy and the future of thoughts . it's actually about the ultra sarah congress dropped a short break here, and i'll just say right, when we come back, a passionate debate through hoops on controversial new nose, critics say will undermine traditional and it totally independent. we have more on the re, us post of stem from 1868. which sylvan option on the the latest news as it breaks. the situation is the prince here in the hospital, a desperate attempt to save lives with a few resources left with detailed coverage. its been more. 7 than a and a half hours of civil different themes trying to put off the flyer from the house at the story palestinian farm was this have to be the p could was hope for old
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garza's desk place assemblies, discuss the difference during the correction which is a selection of the best news from across on that with the israel's war on gosh, be coming in forever and across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down? why despite insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war and gaza, the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the
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the welcome back to watching out to the right quick reminder about top stories here. there's a h is one of the soldiers have been killed during fighting and russell on saturday morning. is the deadliest attack on his ready forces and concerts since january and responses ready forces of targeted residential areas with aspects of documentary across the street. at least $38.00 of the names of in sweden under rom, have exchanged prison, isn't a deal that seen entering and national convicted of what crimes released to iran is also free to swedish nationals including former you'd get the money accused by the
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leaders and government officials from 92 countries and gathered for a ukraine peace summit in switzerland, ukrainian and switched the presidents open the event nearly sun. it comes a day after russia's president vladimir putin suggested that he was open to p stokes. but only if can you've agreed to withdraw its troops from 4 ukrainian regions and renounced joining nato. a group of discuss pods towards lasting peace although russia wasn't invited to the summit. even if they are not here today. and if your assignment, if they have succeeded in bringing back to the. busy the idea that joint efforts can still work and establish the just piece these idea will definitely work because the world has power. a diplomatic editor at james bay's as more now from simon in such as i think it's important to be clear what they say is notes and i've covered many piece negotiations. that's not what this is. this is a, some,
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it's about the idea of a piece in the ukraine will, but of course, russia is not here. russia was most invited and also the big pounds in the world. china is not here either in china was invited to this i'm. it is also was telling you the major leaders from india and brazil. they were both at the g 7 summit. just a matter of hours ago. i was there myself. it's just the one hour and 40 minute flight from that to here. they decided not to come. they have sent representative. so i think the idea of this from the allies of ukraine is to look at the parameters per for a piece. still making it clear, they would say that it has to be on the international law and compliant with the un charter. and they also, i think of doing a big push to try and help presidency lensky. you have to see this in combination with what happened at the g. $750000000000.00 for ukraine for reconstruction,
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for ukraine. also, nato defense ministers were meeting in the last couple of days in brussels. the head of a big nato summit taking place in a couple of weeks time. now in washington, dc. the idea to boost you crate militarily a more a defense for crime, the new permission from nato allies. the ukraine could strike back using the weapons against russia. you, i think, is the boats to the position of president united states, and if its position is boasted, then perhaps if you get down the line, the opportunity for peace negotiations, you'll be in a much stronger position. james pays out to 0. san in switzerland. peter pellegrini has been sworn in as the president of slovakia during a ceremony with type security in place. and his speech pelligrini called for national unity is close allied populace. prime minister robert fits a shop several times in an assassination attempt. a month ago. his victory cemented
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fits his grip on power by giving him and his allies control of major government post service. congress has been voting on a series of controversial news, which critics say will fast track it. so for a terry and power, the new legislation would eliminate key traditional buddies and undermine the independence of an act or a little far it is rights groups, one peruse democracy, isn't pearl. marina sanchez reports now from the capital, lima congress has moved forward unconstitutional amendments. that would give the government was how wish to control just issue and electro bodies. members of congress are being accused of trying to shield their political organizations from prosecution. nearly 50 percent of the legislators or their parties are under criminal investigation. critics, they, some of the newly proposed laws undermine judicial and electoral independence.
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funding of non governmental organizations or effect freedom of expression. the list includes an amnesty law that seeks to reverse convictions for members of military and police who committed crimes against humanity. before july of 2002 contradicting international law, nearly 70000 peruvians died during the armed conflict with the shining pass group between 198-2000 the truth and reconciliation commission says almost 40 percent of the crimes were committed by government forces. supporters of this mozy calling the killings, crimes against humanity is an exaggeration lease owing money value. so to the they will know, crimes against humanity. the workspace is that we're punished. we have to be fair and understand that the military trying to solve a problem. and we comp claim them to qualify them as crimes against humanity, as exaggerated formation approved. on the 1st round of funding, we left click nearly $600.00 human rights cases yet to undergo trials. but again,
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we just got to spend the ends of the, for example, the case of hundreds of 14 and 15 year olds raped systematic the by the military. that's the case would be shelves by the some q and a zillow. many victims have been waiting for more than 30 years for justice. critics say legislators has stopped short on their final vote of the i'm the, you know, due to international pressure. but the movers will allow dozens of human rights violators to walk free is widely expected to be approved next month. analysts see other last week and institutions and the rule of law is the one that isn't stuck on with this congress that's passed laws that favor legal mining, deforestation, and promote informality. we're leaving a kind of dictatorship with extreme is in parliament taking advantage of a weak government precedent. the level of what the, who's under investigation for rights abuses has been commented on the issue. and they just later say, opinion, contrary to the rulings interferes with bid was national interest. but in the sun,
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just i just see that lima not protest is in brazil are opposing a bill that would make it a honda for women to get an abortion. and saw paul of thousands marched against the proposal. it passed. it would equate the termination of pregnancy off the $22.00 weeks with homicide. the bill would also apply in cases of right around us postage stamp, a sofa wrinkled $4300000.00. it was bought of a collection that went on the auction block in new york. christian somebody was the the, it's the rarest of the rare this one sent us postage stamp from 1868 known as a z grill. what have just 2 in existence. and this is the 1st time one has been on the market in 25 years. the billionaire investor and stem collector, bill gross decided to put it and his entire collection up for sale, $100000.00 for full atlas, or those who study and collect stamps. the auction was
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a once in a lifetime event, they'll gross achieve something that's very, very few collectors can aspire to, which is a complete collection of our most rare and valuable us stamps. it is quite an exclusive crowd here, wealthy collectors and their representatives about 60 bitters in the room, but we're not allowed to show their faces and even more calling in and online. but the people i've been speaking with tell me that their love of sam to actually started when they were just children. some worry, the hobby is dying out with the younger generation. i make stamp albums for my grandkids. and i'm hoping that some day when they get older, that they will also see the value and the interest in it, but nothing moves and stamp collecting. there is no electronics in it. so it's different. difficult to get young kids involved. a better view of the charles tree who served as bill gross is still a telic advisor says you don't have to be
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a millionaire to enjoy collecting stamps. so that sort of thing to he serves on the board of directors for the smithsonian national postal museum, which gets a half 1000000 visitors a year and a 1000000 more online. you can collect a 1000000 different ways you can collect famous people and stamps. you can collect flowers on stamps. there's a 1000000 themes you can do. most people do it uh young people that i know just do it as a way of kind of creating order out of chaos. and then people who progress want to learn more about history, geography, famous people, a, it's a, it's a great learning tool. look, how does the grill sold to an anonymous buyer for $4366000.00, a record amount for a single us postage stamp. and the combined with the rest of the collection. the auction was the highest grossing single session and for laterally history. kristen salumi al jazeera new york. and that's well, that's it for me dire in jordan for now the weather is max and an inside story.
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when exactly is planning to impose new tires on chinese made electric vehicles. could lead to a wider trade. all right, that's it for me to go away so that you, thanks for watching the are the, the seasonal floods of others in southern china. and they will extend across already have to the small on c panel can our for example, but they're moving slowly. know also that looks fairly dry on sunday in japan to part from showers. the real wet weather is stretching it to was you, tiger stream is and the stress of that during by the potential for flooding. as a result, this is after all the season for floods. and also the i can see it looks fine and dry and warm again. but the 7 invasion side of it all the big charles around where
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they should be probably single pole get so negative lead your cost to should not this too much is to be rather than normal to this much tries to otherwise the in java, which is seasoned be correct. as these days you've got the monthly control more or less through good. you're not going along through here. they're not just west or bank. the dash oldest produces big sense of those funding is resulting westbank goals. that hasn't been new. met her astra north, which of course it is still hot and dry. that have been warnings aren't read warnings for the heat, twice, conditions felt in the northern planet, india barnowski up towards knolls impact his time. that's not going to change any time soon. it will change when the weather reaches you, the clarity and wet weather until then that's down the west and gets, as you can see, cooler here. but i'm from very wicked. the, the, the us is changing. why aren't we?
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we have civil cells from the living world alley re uncovered, seemed difficult to convert the meaningful climate tax and everything is totally unexplored support can still be done. we need to imagine and create a new reality. one that is based on a transformation of the way we make sense of the world and our place. oh, hail the planet. coming soon on out to 0. your opinion plans to impose harshly terrace on chinese electric vehicles facing says it's protection . isn't the vision to in the you about the plan and on to him and, and all the time, i guess highly exposed to the chinese market. so what is behind the dispute and couldn't listen? this is inside story, the .


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