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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 16, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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to from asia pacific one o, one here on out to 0. the israel has been actually confirms 8th of its soldiers had been killed in southern concepts, its biggest and lots of lots and one day since john is ro escalate system tax in the south and central guns at east 38 palestinians have been killed, strikes targeting presidential the carry johnston, this is i want to say a lot from so i will start coming out a former, a rainy, an official convicted of war crimes is freed in
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a prison exchange deal with suites plus the thousands protests across france against device on the far right head of the upcoming stuff elections, the 10 these very soldiers were killed in roster on saturday when the vehicle was hit. mont explosion, the ministries west single day of loss. since january for minister benjamin netanyahu says, this rose warren cause will continue, despite what he calls, the staggering cost of the war. mass says it's fights is carried out. the attack in a complex ambush is well, has shot down. i'll just, here's opperation. so the cell hoot reports now from i'm on in they've been told it's the biggest single day last for these really are me since january the military
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confirming the 8 is really soldiers from the combat engineering unit were killed in dropbox when their armored vehicle exploded. reaction from across the political aisle port in with prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying, despite the heavy losses, the finding must continue the issue. don't let anyone distract you from the simple and clear fact. despite the staggering cost, we must stick to the goals of the war, destroying the military and structure of how much we turning on our hostages. making sure that gauze we no longer pose a trach to israel, and returning all residents safely to their homes. both in the north and south and initial army pro into the incident showed the combat engineering vehicle was attacked after a night of fierce fighting in guns of southernmost city with the military is now
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investigating the possibility that the vehicle was hit by an empty tank missile is really army spokesperson, daniel, how gar, he says there has been achievements, but that israel is still facing challenges. it's other sigma smoking along with the significant achievement. we have to honestly say that we will not be able to return everyone home in this way. we will continue to act in all ways in order to create the conditions for the return home of all the objectives as quickly as possible. and all of this comes mid g, t u demonstrations across israel, calling for deal to bring back the remaining captives for nits in yahoo to resign and for elections to be held immediately on saturday, the spokesperson for the hostage in missing families form said that israel can't win against chemist in dogs though. meanwhile, sounds dozens of protesters in televi had been calling on the government to accept
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the ceasefire. deal to bring back the remaining is really captive when nearly 9 months into the war. that deal is still nowhere in sight to send. who is just the, you know, i'm the under reminds of these really a government has banned elders here from operating in israel and extended that decision. that's why i'm that joined us from naples and joy is where the forces have been targeting residential areas in gauze with strikes and on the 20 buildings have been blowing up in the southern city of ruffled at least 9 palestinians were killed in those attacks and buildings still standing all being level is rarely soldiers used a bulldozer to destroy a home in the town. also town area, their rafa. hundreds of thousands of palestinians have fled the tax in the city. and further, it has worn out from the law in central garza and we know that the air strikes have
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been intensified in the same exact way a place where the incident as we know that at least a 108 soldiers have been killed in this incident. and we still don't know how this incident takes place. so the next upcoming hours are going to reveal a lot, but the area that was targeted is some fun. it's in the western parts of. and that area has hundreds of thousands of movies that work this name in the area. and also i need to clarify that the system is not very far away from the area in odessa where there are lots of people there. now we need to know that there have been no ambulances, no has a care where it is a military. that is, we're able to reach that area because the is there any forces, right? targeting anyone who keeps sports. but we know that there has been a lot of massive air strikes and a lot of massive exposure and a targeting
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a residential building. most people in frozen units reported that they were hearing big stages and they were seeing the black smoke in the side in central goza is really buttons of kills at least 29 palestinians, an injured dozens more in s strikes targeting, kansas city, 3 residential buildings were a hit, and i'll shoot you a, an hour or 2 neighborhoods the mazda, both my son and us only 12 years old, was killed by these very muscles. he was unsuspectingly sleeping. innocent people like him are the targets of the is ready occupation forces on this harley day, my young boy joins 15000 other children murdered by the israelis. my other son was injured and is receiving treatment. yet we all holding all ground stayed focused on our homeland. gideon levy is a columnist at heart suddenly all throughout the punishment of gauze. he says the
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war doesn't happen and that's the goal of total victory is unachievable. it is not the unprecedented, but they do say very many for the bigger even though let's remember stem that they so jane the brooks, does it working today, but it is the brand that they sell just is a big, big price for the society, especially when it gets installed a total number in the adult and as most of the to reach day of the day, almost every day we hear about losses. so, oh, for soldiers and more and more deeper it is when i ask what or, and i'm feeling when this is in this, before we might become an endless law. or if it's a ration wage, as strong as is where the army use the, the home us forces can or as you and some of the tash and ends,
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and then the rest and the ation each, each know where any decent lives there. we never be a tree of this or they come was told to evict story that 5 meters. busy lift and the i was speaking about and the we, we know the fee to year it would go on its own and don't do is right and come us. but maybe isn't. we realize that it leads to nowhere and it must stop in any process. the us ministry says and so will temporarily relocate the amount of terran it builds off the coast of gaza is being moved about to us stored in israel as a precaution to prevent damaged by predicted high seas projects. it costs a $320000000.00 and was partly destroyed in may shortly after its construction. the small amount of aid has been arriving through the since last month, but 8 groups, se wouldn't be needed if israel open land crossings to that trucks into gossen.
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well, james elza is the spokesman for unicef, which is operating from the law in central garza. he says, israel is continuing to make it harder to get 8 into the strip. it's a very complicated process to get in because of the, the restrictions uh uh, put put on top of eyes, but we do it. we know the paperwork. we know. uh the the hoops to jump through, but it is very difficult to get it in. for example, in my humanitarian agents go to in half as many trucks of i valley as in april half as many when we have this critical nutrition situation. why was that the case? that was the case because in may of course we had the rasa offensive the limited quote unquote and limited offensive in russell. that meant that led to the displacement of a 1000000 people. so less site is coming in, but it's not just getting it in, it's when we did it in its value show, we can get it across the jobs. the strip without i'd work has been to more i'd work . is it been killed in this war?
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but any war any will, since the advent of the united nations, it's extraordinary. it is an incredibly difficult place to work, but the palestinians and foreigners are very brave on the front lines once you get it in. if we look folly as to wait and say a few days ago, there was a mission of you to say if we were taking a truck full of nutritional and medical supplies for 10000 children, nutritional and medical supplies 410000 children, we had all the approvals, we were going to die. the city from dairy butler in the front of the uh uh, it's basically a 40 kilometer round trip. it took 13 hours and we spent each of those around check points. audrey around paperwork, was it a truck? was it a van? all sorts of, he said, he said the reality is, this truck was been denied access. so those 10000 children did not get that. i now unicef, we'll go back again. but it's not as easy as just returning next day. because of how dangerous it is a place to upright. remember, and use realize the occupying power has the legal responsibility to facilitate that
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i, we must have a day goals with one voice, right unit, simple. so does the set of tires, can we do watch or we do protection, we need to be everywhere. so that was denied. this is where the forces of car without res, across multiple cities in the occupied westbank in the cafeteria unit, still under residential area. and the rest of the, at least 4 pottage students lights on saturday night more have also been taken into is very custody. and ramada and bethlehem has been. busy across the board of audits between the is very minute train has begun, southern 11 and at least one person was killed. one is very drone hit a motorcycle and the town of bench available on saturday morning. they're growing fits of audits could check a larger regional conflict the sweden and iran have exchange prisoners,
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including the release of rain and national convict to the war crimes stop. com has a free that i'm ignoring who had been sentenced to life in connection with the mess . execution of rain in physical prisoners in 1988 and exchange around released to swedish nationals, including a former you diplomat as well. so don't, has more from tyrone the of the 5 years in a city this prison is now back in iran, in 2019 how many movie was arrested, why it was distributed as a tourist. in 2022 stocum district court centers noted to life in prison after being convict, as for his role in the 1988 mess as a cushion of political prisoners in iran. international rights groups estimate that the trials at the end of year on the rock war results in the exit cushion of up to $5000.00 people. moody was the deputy prosecutor at that time. 9. the, i mean to hon. i'm with my family now. i deeply tank old. it was a tough,
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uncomplicated case, and a search has made many efforts in a letter i wrote to my family. i told them about my situation, and that's my case was very tough. i told them that on the good could free me, as it was complicated, soon after nobody's arrest your own defense to be the citizen. and you would attend union employee, you hon. flawed of this up there on airport. why he was about to leave the country for a lot of this was charged with spying for his ro and corruption on earth, a crime. the cat is the death penalty in iran. you don't know the rest of the city that you run into a national side as he think 2023 was just it was charged with quote, committed crimes in the country. city to say is these are cause issues by granting officials or wrongful ground is on the lawn has imprisoned them both as phones and a cynical negotiation game to good. the uranium citizen, i mean noting or released by sweet, how wife, passion between you run has to be them through the ga state or form on the gun.
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it's mitigation fx. often nearly a year or tops. both parties agreed on a prisoner as well. the prisoner swap between the run and west them companies is not the $1.00 to $23.00. your own series, 5, the american citizens limited to receive $6000000.00 of his own money that had been for them and do as really is but you run any individuals. you've had to change your offices. the needs of a citizen is a, the 3040 random diploma. but what's the most visuals audit cruising to run for the rest and as citizens as a bargaining chip in negotiations versus instead of that, i'll just tear off. protest is across fronts of most against the far right part is the head of elections at the end of the month demonstrates has turned down 10 percent of the cities against the national radi off of the policy. one more than 30 percent of developed a european parliament elections. it's also buckley reports now from paris to thousands of people sales terraces plus the last i do blip at the start of the
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demonstration against the fall of rights and from the font like it's necessary to defend freedom. we must defend that. so that, that minutes, as soon as i come from the migrant family, sometimes the behavior looks you get make you feel it is no longer friends. leading the protest fox has left wing alliance that includes the socialist screens and communists. the entertain the idea that these people will seize power in a country like france, because it would never entertain the idea that racism, discrimination on the basis of skin color on the basis of religion can exist and the 7th most powerful economy in the world. in france, whole sunday marine depends on team of great national rarely policy one modem, searching to send to the food and from says you election fall ahead to the french president sent to royd policy and embarrassing results for emmanuel, michael prompted him to unexpectedly dissolve all limits people had protesting
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maybe against the ball, rolling, for the loss of ours to go with the french prison emanuel michael, not only with his policies for 7th grade, the connection is putting in danger, protest disappear, independence for right policy, for when the balance says i'm, i'm really angry with a manual, not chrome for calling this election just 3 weeks before the olympics, with all the security and diplomatic concerns, and with the far right riding, so high. it's utterly irresponsible. my process is the dissatisfaction of faces. he wants to give people a choice. his opponents say he's gambling with democracy and the future of thoughts . it's actually about the ultra sarah congress. still a head on the program, democracy in danger, cruise, judges, one against new laws. they say undermine civil liberties. the time to read us posted stem from 1868 sold at auction on record breaking amounts.
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the sum of a sudden this tones, the read can be pretty impressive. the more likely in places like target than they are anywhere else. and we've just had them back this she's european took us to the both bus for us, produced have approximate size a big models. he will show you in a 2nd. there you go and did all this damage to ca, sir? well, the look particularly vicious, the sense of like tell you are actively rather damaging and they're running along the north coast graves disease looking cooler. i know we relate the temperatures here. we expect to see faulty plas from the time to us. there may be a potential at the moment, and that's what we've got with nothing much else going on. one of the shaft do develop in the mind, the mountains sometimes and the surface society. then all the big thing,
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and i would, you saw the ones that the i just showed you took it might reappear, it has by john and possibly evening by cool. but i think probably not from the immediate future. just catching the engine about, i'm serious. allow that monsoon when isn't as strong as it was, so it just goes up the coast of africa. bring you a few shouts we live and nothing much there's not much in land or the easily the scope and highlands on generating melisha has some in the congo. admittedly south of this, a bit of rain in central mozambique. i'm show breeze here. otherwise, a dry picture with temperatures more or less at the average the is the rails war machine is decimating entire households invested in the words of those who survived and with the help of the palestinian journalists felt lights tells the housing story of 3 families and investigates us complicity the world's
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most brutal boar and decades. the night to vote, and by doing this was part one on us just the the the watching out. just a reminder of the headlines time. the is very soldiers have been killed during fighting on saturday. is the deadliest attack on is there any forces in gaza since january 8 started? roughly 2 others were killed, separated north of the street in response is very forces have targeted residential areas with strikes and i'll just kind of, we across the street at least 3800 students,
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have been killed sweden and around have exchanged prisoners in a deal that seen entering and national convicted of all kinds of at least say ron has also experienced 2 swedish nationals, including a former e diplomats accused of spying. peruse. congress has been voting on a series of controversial knows which critic sable eliminates key, judicial thought is reduce the independence of his actual thoughts, his rights groups. so warden not for his democracy is in danger. arianna sanchez reports from the capital lima, the, the, the lose congress has moved forward on constitutional amendments that would give the government of both houses to control just issue and electro bodies. members of congress are being accused of trying to shield their political organizations from prosecution. nearly 50 percent of legislators or their parties are under criminal
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investigation. critics, they, some of the newly proposed laws undermine judicial and the electoral independence funding, the non governmental organizations are affect freedom of expression. the list includes an amnesty law that seeks to reverse convictions for members of military and police who committed crimes against humanity. before july of 2002 contradicting international law, nearly 70000 peruvians died during the armed conflict with the shining pass group between 198-2000 the truth and reconciliation commission says almost 40 percent of the crimes were committed by government forces. supporters of this most a calling the killings, crimes against humanity is an exaggeration lease owing money value. so to the there were no crimes against humanity. the workspace is that were punished. we have to be fear and understand that the military tried to solve a problem. we can't blame them to qualified him as crimes against humanity, as exaggerated formation approved in the 1st round of folding will affect nearly
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600 human rights cases. yet to undergo trials gave more discuss, has been the end of the, for example, the case of hundreds of 14 and 15 year olds raped systematic the by the military. that's the case would be shows by this. impunity, little many victims have been waiting for more than 30 years for justice. critics say legislators has stopped short on the final vote of the i'm this, you know, due to international pressure. but then that will allow dozens of human rights violators to walk free is widely expect it's to be approved next month. analysts say other laws we can institutions, and the rule of law is the one that isn't stuck on with this congress unsurpassed laws that favor legal mining, deforestation, and promote informality. we're living a kind of dictatorship with extremist in parliament, taking advantage of a weak government precedent, the level of what the,
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who's under investigation for rights abuses and commented on the issue. and legislators say opinion contrary to the rulings interferes with bid was national interest. but in this, i'm just, i just see that lima for testers in brazil are opposing a bill that would make it harder for women to get an abortion. and sort of how the thousands matched against the proposal hosted would equate the termination to present c on the $22.00 weeks with homicide. the bill with all sort fine cases of rank is in the government. officials from 92 countries have gathered from ukraine at peace summit in switzerland becomes a day off. the russian president vladimir putin suggested he was open to peace talks. but only if keith agrees to withdraw its troops from fort ukrainian regions and renounce is joining nato. the group of discuss pause towards the last and peace . russia wasn't invited to the summit even if they are not here today. and if your
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signed we have succeeded in bringing back to the. busy the idea that joint efforts can still work and establish just this, this idea will definitely work because the world has power of different off. again, it's a james base has more now from the sun and the in the switzer. so i think it's important to be clear what this is notes, and i've covered many peace negotiations. that's not what this is. this is a summit about the idea of a piece in the ukraine rule, but of course, russia is not here. russia was not invited. and also the big power in the world, china is not here either in china was invited to this i'm, it is also was telling you that major leaders from india and brazil. they were both at the g 7 summit. just a matter of hours ago. i was them a self, it's just a one hour and 40 minute flight from that to here. they decided not to come. they
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have sent representative. so i think the idea of this from the allies of ukraine is to look at the parameters per for a piece still making it clear they would say that it has to be on the international law and compliant with the un charter. and they also, i think about doing a big push to try and help presidency lensky. you have to see this in combination with what happened at the g. $750000000000.00 for ukraine, for reconstruction, for ukraine. also, nato defense ministers were meeting in the last couple of days in brussels. the head of a big nato summit taking place in a couple of weeks time out in washington, dc. the idea to boost you crate militarily a more a defense sport and crane the new permission from nato allies. the ukraine could strike back using the weapons against russia young. busy i think is the bolts to the position of pregnant united states, and if his position is boasted,
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then perhaps if you get down the line, the opportunity for peace negotiations, you'll be in a much stronger position. james pays out to 0. san in switzerland as feature green a has been sworn in as a precedent of slip. i kept doing assignment with heightened security measures in his speech like vehicles for national unity is close out of the populace to prime minister over the seats. that was shot several times in an assassination attempt a month ago. his victory cemented fits, his grip on power by giving him on his own eyes control of major strategic posts. china is it premier, the june has arrived in australia. it was part of a tool and repairing relations. talks during the 4 day visit, are expected to focus on trade disputes in a south china sea and broad original security. during his trip, the chinese premier also visited a pair of penders that one knows to other they'd see more than 15 years ago. for an
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e and one way or expected to return to china. it'll seem to replaced by new, you know, surgeon, the global coca process has left chocolate, testing australia and the unprecedented pressure. many businesses across the country are struggling to stay afloat. climate change deforestation on disease. so affecting crops in west africa, 1970 percent of cause produced, prostate have almost tripled in the past year. a princess of wales has been getting most of the attention of celebrations for king charles as best day with the annual trip nicola parade. she's lost the scene publicly in december. that's one of which was that the parade and of the people was the 1st glimpse of the princess of wales the public has had since she revealed her accounts the diagnosis 3 months ago. writing in a carriage with the 3 young children, she joined the royal family of the trooping the color parade. the british king's
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official birthday. just the day before the princess released the health update saying in a statement she was making good progress, but had good days and bad was that were more personal than usual from the british oils, but will be received by those out to see have despite the rain it's, it's great say right in about in the country, i'm sure it's still i say we would do lots to say the crowd as well. really great. that she may be assets come out today and she was on the balcony as well with the children. yeah, it was really lovely. see, i wish a very well and all the best, but yeah, it was the largest the on the kids today. so they're all fine to gather had to catch a view of the princess of wales. seeing her looking so relaxed will be huge. the reassuring and the princess himself said that she hopes to undertake most public engagements over the summer palace 8th wounds that this should not be seen as a full return to public duties. catherine is still receiving treatment
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that she and the king who has also been diagnosed with cancer. this year. news has not been seen by the public spring. we're seeing quite a lot of people quite concerned or even even angry that they haven't been able to say is a king or the princess of. well, so today and in a sense, is there really kind of a nice return to normalcy? you might say in that people really do want to connect with the visual aspect of, of monarchy in britain and what it represents in terms of tradition continuity stability, especially right now in the middle of a political election and lots of division and debates. and stupidity is what the world wanted to project as they gathered on the balcony of buckingham palace with the sky's clearing for the same as slight paused the princess of wales would have known to the eyes of not just the u. k, but the world would have been focusing on the land of athena,
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which out to 0 london a rare us posted stump of souls for record $4300000.00. is this possible collection that went under the how much an auction in new york city was, christine salumi was there it's the rarest of the rare. this one sent us postage stamp from 18. 68 known as a z grill. what have just to in existence, and this is the 1st time one has been on the market in 25 years. the billionaire investor and stem collector, bill gross decided to put it and his entire collection up for sale, $100000.00 for full atlas, or those who study and collect stamps. the auction was a once in a lifetime event. they'll gross achieve something that's very, very few collectors can aspire to, which is a complete collection of our most rare and valuable of us stamps. it is white and exclusive crowd here, wealthy collectors and their representatives about 6.


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