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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 16, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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to explore the funds as well as clause program programs that open your eyes to tennessee. if you are on alex's here, the 10 is very soldiers are killed in guns are in 24 hours. the armies biggest, lots of lots and one day since january. but as rose benjamin netanyahu remains defiant and says he will not hold the con carry johnson. this is out of here a lot from so, so coming out for my arrange, an official convicted of war crimes is freed in a prison exchange deal with suites plus the thousands of protest across
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products against comprise of the far right ahead of upcoming snacks connections. the muslim pilgrim's perform the task major ritual, such as incentive rate's the as well as prime minister insists the war in gaza will continue the spot. the minute trans west single day lost in gaza since january 8 soldiers were killed when the vehicle was hit by an explosion. in rafa. a mass says it's fights is carved out the attack in an ambush to all the is very soldiers were killed and fighting in the northern gauze. fit. israel has shut down. now it is here. so probations, so i'm the so who, who reports now from i'm on and nathan joint it's the biggest single day
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last for these really are me since january the military confirming the 8 is really soldiers from the combat engineering unit were killed in dropbox when their armored vehicle exploded, reaction from across the political aisle poured in with prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying despite the heavy losses, the finding must continue us people issue. don't let anyone distract you from the simple and clear fact. despite the staggering cost, we must stick to the goals of the war, destroying the military and structure of how much we turning on our hostages. making sure that garza we no longer pose attached to israel and returning all residents safely to their homes. both in the north and south and initial army pro, into the incident showed the combat engineering vehicle was attacked after a night of fierce fighting in guns of southern mo city. but the military is now
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investigating the possibility that the vehicle was hit by an empty tank missile is really army spokesperson. daniel, how gar. e says there have been achievement, but that israel is still facing challenges. it's other sigma smoking, along with a significant achievement. we have to honestly say that we will not be able to return everyone home in this way. we will continue to act in all ways in order to create the conditions for the return home of all the objectives as quickly as possible by. 0 and all of this comes image demonstrations across israel, calling for deal to bring back the remaining captives for netanyahu to resign and for elections to be held immediately on saturday, the spokesperson for the hostage and missing families forum said that israel can't win against chemist in dogs. though, meanwhile, thousands of testers in tel aviv had been calling on the government to accept
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a ceasefire deal to bring back the remaining is really captive when nearly 9 months into the war. that deal is still nowhere in sight to send. who is just, you know, i'm a 100 reminds that these running government has banned algae or from operating in israel and extended that decision. that's why i'm the is reporting from neighboring job is where the forces have been done, demolished thousands of homes. and rafa in the southern gaza strip. it follows the attack that killed 8 is very soldiers and an explosion in the town. also tom area, hundreds of thousands of displaced people. a sheltering that is not that far from my wasi. a tiny strip of barren land between your back, but in the mediterranean sea, it's was previously designated by his rail as a safe design for palestinians. and who dre has more now, from the law in central garza. and we know that the air strikes have been
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intensified in the same exact way a place where the incident we know that a 8 soldiers have been killed in this incident and we still don't know how this incident takes place. so the next upcoming hours are going to reveal a lot, but the area that was targeted is done. it's in the western parts of and that area has hundreds of thousands of comedies that were displayed in the area. and also i need to clarify that the system is not very far away from the area where there are lots of people sitting there. now we need to know that there have been no ambulances, no has a care where it is a military. that is, we're able to reach that area because the is there any forces, right? targeting, anyone who keeps. but we know that there has been a lot of massive air stripes and
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a lot of exposure and targeting our residential vending. most people in the frozen units reported that they were hearing big stages and they were seeing the black smoke in the side. let's go live now to essential gallagher and speak to elders who is hunting, not move in the out the law. so funding is ready as strikes have been intensified. what's the latest you can tell us on the ground, the good morning i need move on to all the colleagues and these really military continue to towns across the central area. and the southern part of these trends nearly in the city in retaliation, do what appeared to be the biggest loss for this really military as how mosque. but he had some military fighting groups on the ground, the ambush, the arm of the vehicle, then leading to the 8 soldiers. that is really military. the stages are they in
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retaliation? so that does really military aggressively attack a major parts of the western area of rough, my city, including the saw, the neighborhood, the japanese garden and telephone fonts area where there are hundreds of of families are trapped in that area. destroying the majority of the residential homes . in the public facilities and around that vicinity of an honor was school, that's an evacuation center where people were kind of getting literally at a very state. it's a state of panic and quite a fearful all these indiscriminate attack spike uh, these really military in the central area, nearly the eastern part of related to the weight as of midnight and the early hours of this morning. as if it's clearly here at the constant non stop by hillary shilling of the areas in which is really military stated. these were, i didn't buy the infrastructure used by palestinians 5 and he grew up at the
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eastern part of gaza, of the gaza strip eastern of the city without giving further information of the nature of these attacks. sort of that, that these are based on, in for an old, a precise intelligence informed of what these attacks 50. it keeps pushing people into further internal placement for hundreds of more of displays. families whose sense so like security and safety is in the shadow or that they need a level of radio, whether you're or in the northern part of this freight pin, which not all the right now people are struggling to deal with the, the, the kind of predictable fall in bonds in the deliberate attacks on their phones, whether in the eastern part of, of gauze and city or further did the northern part of district, but also the spread of enforce the hydration and as far vision 50, we're talking about on the 1st day of aid where literally we're, we're,
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we're looking at hundreds of 1000 of palestinian displays families and many of them are in the morning and on this particular day, many of the many of the traditions such as the buying a new like simple things like buying a new clothes or making the trees are out of out of reach for most people. and in addition to a major extradition for muslims here, which is offering d o t or that, i mean it's sacrifice of an animal is made impossible by the soaring the prices and by the ongoing blockhead on the, the crossings. one important element that is causing quite of a tragedy to people here is the, the prevention of all of the 3000 people who were supposed to go in for form has, are unable to do this because of the ongoing, a blockade on the crossing drug crossing is the only exit point for dolphins
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through the outside world, and it has been almost 40 days. we're looking at complete exposure of this particular exam when people are unable to exist and perform. and it has a, this a, this here. so this, so you get this a mixed feelings. people were hopeful, hopeful for a potential seeds fire other than the fact for you heard this morning. and it's really a statement about a tactical pause of the by thing and dropped off a to allow a more human history and it tracks into the southern part of the store. but it from past experience tactical pauses are nothing shorter of the is stop of the setting of blood, which means it's a break of from killing people until further notice that that's causing news, your panic. i'm concerned because it's almost unpredictable. what is going to happen? and what levels the aggression is going to be putting my mood thanks very much indeed for that top dates. is that a forces of the car without raids across multiple cities and ok,
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pause westbank in calculate a unit storm to a residential area and arrested at least for palestinians late on saturday night will have also been taken into is very custody and ramada and bethlehem. in jordan, hundreds of people rather than now, these very embassy in the capital a month. the group is denouncing the ongoing war on gaza. demonstrates is quoting for the opening of the rafa crossing and the cancellation of the tool. daniel is really piece of dreams. not in protest, as, according for the governments, it cuts trade relations with israel demonstrates is rather than the capital dumpling on saturday. edging a boy called is very products and is one of the 3 european countries that for me, recognize, had a student state last month. as also a rally in the netherlands, protests is showing so that there are $200.00 students. simmons traces marched on
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the streets of the council. i'm to them for cease 5 due to end, the boring task was living around the world or celebrating ego out of that, when it goes a festivities on new to do with many facing the think of funding of families that haven't been torn apart. but i suppose gathering in the ruins of destroyed monks, that whole track has already assumed reports from the and central guns. the palestinians mocking today the arrival of either a talk holiday and no responding to the isabel yet tax. now, without phrasing, a public areas where they are surrounded by destruction, double station became here today to pray under the same time to congratulate each other for the i really felt of faith. and basically, all the to also bring a sense of hope that they are still clinging to their homeland. and generally, typically,
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palestinians used to celebrate this 20 day by meeting the families under the same time in order to shut law. it means that can be no longer affordable as more of the hope of going to this population in the spring confound. and the situation is extremely tragic right now as those palestinians are trying to do the best in life of the is very ongoing aggression to bring happiness for this young children as lots of children today will wake up and celebrate it a time without any parents, as this is came to load it with burdens for palestinians who are flowing through a sense of happiness on the faces of the children. i'm a new kind of let soften that tax. and despite all the tragedies, palestinians had been experiencing since october, the 7th power cup, as in algebra. jared by palestine, millions of muslims from around the world have converse on mecca, and saudi arabia for the hearts of pilgrimage. while these are pictures from mecca
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with crowds of worship as a 2nd, the cover in the ground, musk is arms, is slight. sunday marks the 1st day of eat. i've had celebrated by muslims. across the day. on saturday pilgrims a gather than the sacred valley of our fact to mount the holiest day of the hodge pilgrimage. i was just here as a hash and whole body reports from mount. and this is mount of mercy, revealed hill overlooking the plains of all the fat pilgrims gathered he at night. others joined clay to do. this is why muslims believes the profit will. how much gave he's buying a sub and the place has become one of his loves, sacred sites that come from all over the well, some spend to use saving money so they could make this trip once in a lifetime to any discrepancies tenant. i am 51 years old and the minutes i am
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spending sheer amount are of thought equal my entire life. i just want gone to for gives me a lot of fat is the focal point of hatch. a day spent with reflection and prayers. i see the gwen's wearing simple white cloth gold from spend the day of tools. despite the high temperatures, risk of heat, stroke, and exhaustion, they will spend the entire day under the sweltering sun. but they see it as a sacrifice with making for the sake of we was in the off to live. moslems can sit the fat rehearsal for the day of judgment. wednesday, i believe they were on several of the actions in life. and you're, it feels like i belong to elsewhere that i'm being listed to having for days billed to ends with before i move, which was through those of the filters which symbolically stand for the devil and then separate the fees, the sacrifice. it's
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a festival that's with members. abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son to show his devotion to god and can he didn't. i'm now thinking about the new last, but i will live off to hodge a need to get closer to god. and bear in mind that my life is short in this world. pilgrims with then return to my done on a fine and walk around the cab 7 times, and then mock the end of hutch. they hope to be done how wiser, more humble and more compassionate. this is a day of atonement and this explains the strong emotions that you see on the faces of the pilgrim muslims believe that those who genuinely regret past sins and mistakes have a great that tends to be forgiven when the sunsets so that they can move on and start the new shop to in their lives. cost you about the bottle, i'll just you were bound to of mercy. out of that,
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most of the come off to the break conservation if it's in pocket strong. looking to save the blind reproductions of the industry, the in depth analysis of the day is headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now i don't think so. and that it could even help trunk in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selected justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage goals, ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story on out. just sierra got the difference during the progression
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outages, the selection that the best news from across on that with the, the power defines out loud. we live here, we make the rules, not the people empower, investigate, expose this and question the youth and abuse of power around that. go on out just there. the there without just there. i mind to about top stores. 10 is ready. soldiers have
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been to drink fighting on saturday is the deadliest day for it is very forces in jobs since john h died and roughly 2 others were killed in a separate team. for the new millions of lesbians from around the world have conversed on mac hunt sounds you are right here to the fox pilgrimage. crowds of worship as upsetting, the kind of grand most is i'm totally as like sunday, march the 1st day. eat out how to celebrate my movements across the to produced 52 people have died in saddam's capital in the past week off to arriving at health census convulsing and with fevers for health care work. cuz i to facilitate control by the power minute to rapid support forces. so they receive more than 250 patients over 10 days with some of the symptoms medical stuff believe the illnesses of being caused by people drinking contamination, water, sweden, and around, and have exchanged prisoners including their,
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with the 7 rainy and national convict, to the war crimes still kobus freed, how they doing that had been sentenced to life in jail, in connection with the mass execution of the rain and the physical prisoners in 1988 in exchange around with east to swedish nationals. due to a former u diplomat. had been charged with spine for israel. i saw set out reports now from tyrone off the 5 years in a city. this prison is now back in iran, in 2019 how many movie was arrested. why it was distributed as a tourist. in 2022 stocum district court centers noted to life in prison after being convict, as for his role in the 1988 mess, as a cushion of political prisoners in your on international rights groups estimate that the trials at the end of year on the rock war results in the exit cushion of up to $5000.00 people. moody was the deputy prosecutor at that time. 9. the, i mean to hon. i'm with my family now. i deeply tank old. it was a tough,
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uncomplicated case, and a search has made many efforts in a letter i wrote to my family. i told them about my situation and that my case was very tough. i told them that's on the good could free me, as it was complicated, soon after notary's arrest you wrong depends to be the citizen. and you have 10 union employee, you hon. float of this up there on airport. why he was about to leave the country for a lot of this was charged with spying for his ro and corruption on earth, a crime. the cat is the death penalty in iran. you don't know the rest of the city that you're running into a national side as he think 2023 was is it was charged with quote, committed crimes in the country. city to say is this accusation is by granting officials or wrongful grounds is on the lawn has imprisoned them both as phones and a cynical negotiation game to good. the uranium citizen, i mean, noting or released by sweet, how wife, passion between you run has to be them through the ga state or form on the gun.
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it's mitigation f. s. often nearly a year or tops. both parties agreed on a prisoner's well, the prisoner swap between the run and west them companies is not the $1.00 to $23.00. your own cities, 5, the american citizens limited to receive $6000000.00 of his own money that had been for them and do as really is but you're running individuals, you've had to change your says the means of a citizen is it'd be $3040.00 random diplomacy but what's the most visuals audit cruising to run for the rest and as citizens as a bargaining chip in negotiations recently set it up to 0, tara leaders and the government officials from 92 countries have gathered for ukraine. peace summit in switzerland. events comes off to russian, president vladimir putin suggested he was open to a peace talks, but only if a case agrees to withdraw its troops from 4 ukrainian regions and renounces joining nato. the group will discuss posits was the last in peace. on the rough show wasn't
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invited to the summit, the process of being held across france against the far right policies, the head of elections at the end of the month. the demonstrations against the national radi come off of the policy one that more than 30 percent of the vote in european parliament elections a week ago. especially buckler reports from pars thousands of people failed. congress has plus the hybrid leak at the start of the demonstration against the fall of rights and frauds for the font like it's necessary to defend freedom. we must defend that. so that's, i mean, as soon as i come from the migrant family, sometimes the behavior unless you get make you feel it is no longer friends. leading the protest fox has left wing alliance that includes the socialist screens and communists. the entertain the idea that these people will seize power in a country like france, because we will never entertain the idea that racism, discrimination on the basis of skin color on the basis of religion can exist in the
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7th most powerful economy and the world in france whole sunday marine depends on team a great national rarely policy. one more than 30 percent of the foods in from says you election. so i headed to the french president, sent to write policies and embarrassing results for emmanuel michael that prompted him to unexpectedly dissolve. call them and simply have protesting mainly against the ball rolling for the loss of our go with the french presence, a manual my call. not only with his policies but demonstrate election is putting in danger. protest espn depends for right policy, for with the balance says, and i'm really angry with a manual, not chrome for calling this election just 3 weeks before the olympics with all the security and diplomatic concerns and with the far right riding, so high. it's utterly irresponsible. my process is the dissatisfaction of faces. he wants to give people
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a choice. his opponents say he's gambling this democracy and the future assaults such a popular ultra sarah paris. in the us, at least 10 people, including children, have been shot in the state of michigan. police say they were attacked as a city run. once upon the detroit, the gunman reported the $530.00 shots and the notice his weapon several times dined, riverdale things once thrived and h, as in this, with all the way up straight into the foothills of the human lives. for the numbers have dwindled over the is due to human activity along the water course. conservationist. so now stuffing up efforts to help save the endangered species. i'll just say it was kind of hard to propose a round of applause. another girlfriend, save in another successful rescue, but it's a constant struggle to save these mammals. it's rented in sin and the dividend
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decision, no flag due to a lack of rain. here the fisherman's voice cling. i lead to the road in bank of the river. and filled the blind doesn't come up to breed before diving through it. shallow dip on this stretch of the river and roaring over the thank judy under the watchful eyes of the stuff of the water. why life fun order w w. if we join a team to find out more one, phone and abundance in the river in the us there now on the list of endangered species. mark efforts by wy, like fun and conservation organizations, are trying their best to save them from extinction. we travel with them in a board and they check fishermen's net to ensure that no dog friends are caught up and unable to go. so 1st to breed on monday to get the job. our job is to save and rescue this unique species of blind dolphins from the fisherman's nets,
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which are spread all over in this river. w. w. f has created so much awareness among the low cost that they immediately inform us if these dolphins come across any crisis and we respond and rescue the index girlfriend once providers for all the way upstream through the 4th period of the humor, lead by done now can find only 200 kilometers, stretch of the lower end guys in the silver dolphin is an endangered species and we have only 2000 of them left in flux on. they have various factors that are going to be working towards decline. the top one is that we have been dodges and infrastructure which are diverting water from the indus for education purposes. and then dolphins accidentally swim into it addition canals and they get stranded. the conservation efforts is improving effective, but the future of big mamma is still hanging in a precarious balance where the dispute she has against of why it's from sucking gum
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. i like that. i just need a rory bucket star and the weather is next photos by inside story. the the, some of the sudden stones, the re can be pretty impressive. they more likely in places like target than they are anywhere else. and we've just had them that this just european turkey, west of the both bus for us produced have approximate size a big models. it will show you in a 2nd. there you go. and the oldest damage to ca, sir? well, the look particularly vicious, the sense of like tell you are actively rather damaging and they're running along the north coast. great,
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because he is looking cooler. i know relate the temperatures here. we expect to see 40 plus from the time to us, there may be a potential at the moment, and that's what we've got with nothing much else going on. one or 2 shelves do develop in the mind, the mountains sometimes and the surface society. then all the big thing, and i would, you saw the ones that the i just showed you it took is, might reappear. it has by john possibly evening by cool. but i think probably not in the immediate future just catching this. and what i'm saying is delilah, but won't see when isn't as strong as it was. so it just goes up the coast of africa, bringing a few shafts with of and nothing much there's not much in land or the easily the see up in highlands are generating many sure has some in the congo, admittedly south of this, a bit of rain in central mozambique, i'm show breeze here. otherwise a dry picture with temperatures more or less at the average the airs from i'll just say around on the go and eat tonight out is there is only
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mobile app. is that the, this is where we, the effect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at your think. is it the, in your opinion, plans to impose harsh view terrace on chinese electric vehicles facing says it's p with protection. isn't the vision to in the, the you about the plan and on to him and, and how the comic is highly exposed to the chinese market. so what is behind the dispute and couldn't listen? this is inside story, the
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hello welcome to the program. i'm told mccrae china has raised a head of the rest of the world and producing electric vehicles known as.


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