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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 16, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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press on just to tell them what's happening in their communities in p a and unbiased and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the hello. this is in use our own alger 0. i'm funny, back to people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel intensifies its operations in central and southern gaza after its military suffers its deadly. is they in 6 months? a show of support for ukraine? well, leaders attend an international peace conference to push for an end to the war, but russia is not invited. thousands of people in malawi, a force from their homes by flooding. they blame the government or what date is 5,
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as a man made promptly and mostly ins around the world celebrate, eat outside the close to 2000000 of setting the day by performing the hash pilgrimage in the its 7, gmc 10 am. and guys are where these really military has stepped up. is the soul on the strip and what appears to be retaliation to the death of 10 of its soldiers on saturday. 8 of them were killed when the vehicle was hit by an explosion in a rough ha says its fight is co dot the attacking in ambush to other is really soldiers died in fighting in the northern part of the gaza strip. israel's foreign minister benjamin this now insist the war will continue despite quote, the heavy and unsettling price. israel has shut down on tuesday or is operation. so i'm the son who it reports from amman in neighboring jordan. it's the
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biggest single day last for these really are me since january the military confirming the 8 is really soldiers from the combat engineering unit were killed in dropbox when their armored vehicle exploded. reaction from across the political aisle port in with prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying, despite the heavy losses, the finding must continue the issue. don't let anyone distract you from the simple and clear fact. despite the staggering cost, we must stick to the goals of the war, destroying the military and structure of how much we turning on or hostages. making sure that garza, we no longer pose attached to israel and returning our residents safely to their homes. both in the north and south and initial only pro into the incident showed the combat engineering vehicle was attacked after a night of fierce fighting in guns. a southern mo,
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city for the military is now investigating the possibility that the vehicle was hit by an empty tank missile is really army spokesperson. daniel, how gar, he says there have been achievement, but that israel is still facing challenges. it's other sigma smoking along with a significant achievement. we have to honestly say that we will not be able to return everyone home in this way. we will continue to act in old ways in order to create the conditions for the return home of all the duct these as quickly as possible by and all of this comes image demonstrations across israel, calling for deal to bring back the remaining captives. for nathan, yahoo to resign and for elections to be held immediately on saturday, the spokes person for the hostage and missing families for on the said that israel can't win against chemist in gaza. meanwhile,
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thousands of protesters in tel aviv had been calling on the government to accept a ceasefire deal to bring back the remaining is really captive when nearly 9 months into the war. that deal is still nowhere in sight. the son who was just the, you know, i'm the wireless, get an update on the situation in guys or this morning and speak to i'll just here is honey. my motors in dial by law in central guys a force. so honey heavy. shelly on rafa and con eunice in 7 guys or this morning. i understand it seems these really so retaliated against the death of their soul. just tell us about what's been happening. well, you know, father did really monitor has been retaliating for the past week months. it doesn't need any excuse to scale up. the tax has been happening from day one of the genocide of work for us, the gaza strip, even at the time of where there was supposed to be, sees fire talks and negotiations going on or international, or reading
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a resolution decision to stop this madness going on this really monetary, on the contrary, i scaled up the talks across the gaza strip. what we're seeing here is part of that along the strategy that they really monitor is being following, which is turning the gaza strip into quite uninhabitable of place that ongoing artillery showing of the eastern area part of a longer strategy of creating a buffer zone that is really eating up 60 percent of these for an area that's from the northern part of the street from the city a bit. highland all the way through the philadelphia court or in the southern parts of the strip. that's roughly a city, as well as the 2 major roads established at the central part of the guster that the 3 and the juncture desktop rates. both the center of the southern part from the northern part of this trip up the is really military. were there, there it is experiencing last,
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last is on the on or not is going to continue with its genocide the last on the ground. that's a to prove that they are the ongoing systematic, demolishing goes residential homes in the city of $1242.00 and look, arisen as an eye witness. entire residential block have been completely raised from, from the areas on the, on and the ongoing get talk, deliberate, the costs of, from the western part, the silvan, to show more of the account, the ongoing displacement of peoples, that is happening since the beginning of, of the war and honey today of course mocks, eat out, ida, and typically people, you know, muslims who celebrate aid will celebrate this holiday by meeting their families and, and sharing lodge meals. how people in guys are spending the seed well, it does. he does a quite different then we're not talking about the 1st these uh,
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occasionally based let me calendar. this is the 2nd they either really tell us, you know, been in for the 1st the, the, the 3rd that right after ramadan. but did the we're talking about hundreds of 1000 of displays, palestinians, families with many of them are in morning again. many of the traditions that were part of their ease uh, activities are, are right now out of reach for most of them there. the rituals of, of offering the sacrifice sylvia is, is impossible, is made impossible because of destroying the price. is that because of don, going to block it on the borders. also, people who were assigned for has this time to perform vogue origin backups were deprived of from performing this ritual because of the blockade on the crossing day . the only 6 points due to the outside world that struck by across the many people are in the morning, particularly the children who are either separated from their parents or the needs they've been made for friends by the fact that this really monetary killed their
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entire sam is this a sad z? and i just set a reminder that the worst still happening is that the, the tri cities and the, the, the sad reality is the created by this ongoing work is still exist on the ground and people are going to live. it's an impact for generations to come. honey, thank you very much for your reporting. that sounds there is honey mama would live there in dire bloss central gossip is not bringing ven estimates who is in amman, jordan for us, because these really government has bind. i'll just sierra, from reporting from inside israel. that's why we are in a mantell, is uh, uh, bringing it about the reaction and the phone, not from, from the desk of these, these really soldiers in guys on saturday. the naturally chinese riley soldiers killed in gauze on such date and this vehicle explosion in a rafa and 2 in a tank explosion in the north. now remember, particularly as the north of gauze, of that israel is military,
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says it cleared of how much fights is bought. they've been forced to go back up that because how much is reappearing? and that is because there isn't a, is riley come and find the how to deal with a sort of a power vacuum. that because the age really, government hasn't come up with an i plan of how to manage gaza as the fighting ones . the fighting. and there's actually a lot of criticism appearing and he's really a media from. busy the general retired military official saying that the reason the soldiers dying now is because the government hasn't really caught a plan is how to continue. it's been. busy in gaza, he's really made which is also now is what it calls that tactical pause in southern gaza bodies from the kind of asylum crossing to the north. this is sort of essentially in the daylight hours they say to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid. a groups have been warning for months about how about the humanitarian situation is $8000.00 children have been treated for acute
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malnutrition, according to the world health organization. and it's also been saying that with lawlessness inside gaza, active conflict, it is being close to impossible to deliver the amount of 8 and the levels of aid that people need. only spanish. thank you very much for that. that sounds there's been estimates for a 14 deadline from amman, jordan, because again, these really a government has balances here from reporting from inside israel. thank you. and israel sunday has been declared a day of rage with demons rages demanding early elections and a deal to free captives being housing garza. the the active is disruptive traffic on the freeway, connecting jerusalem with tell of eve on saturday. they also brought the streets around tel aviv, and this comes a day after protesters violating tennessee to mount pressure on the government to
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see, to deal with my boss. is there any police arrested at least 12 people, including a use paper photographer, as i'll speak to her son very about all these latest developments. he is a professor of instructional phase at content university and he's joining us from amman. jordan, thank you so much for being with us. how son? so you have teddy's really soldiers killed in the deadliest incident in months. more protest calling on these are the government to negotiate a ceasefire deal. and yet, next me, i was, says the war will go on what, what is the end game here as well, there is no, i'm game. i mean, there is nothing clear on the part of it is really government to some to, because of the too many disagreements between the political. i strong all these really and, and there's a government and also the, the ministry. and it seems that these are in the is booked down in this war with no, it's a good strategy. and then the people are filled up with that. that's why. and how
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is the site that thousands of people are taken to the street corner for even not ending the war, but also for uh, for the next and the i'll just sit down at a quoted for on, in the elections. and as the only way for it is really society to set the and the consignment defrances within the society. and these differences are caused by the continuation of a war without the without the political offering. this is what a point that the attorney has criticized that of the agent by his way to because to why the american, the international community and everyone around the world is talking about, you know, what is the indian, what are you going to do? we will keep bombing bumping from bank and you can when minnesota speaking. so what do you want? this is the major points. and today they've announced what they're calling a tactical pause in military operations in some areas of, of 7 guys, or they say to allow humanitarian named in. but we know what does this mean effectively, is this as
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a result of the pressure that they've been receiving from the international tv to a lot more agents? what, what do you think of the thinking is here? and i think, you know, it comes 1st from the failure, the minutes, affiliated and rough. i mean they occupied half of it. i'm still at the philistines are still resisting and killing more and more as racial does. so this is one thing and this puts a lot of pressure on some of these ways. one kind of, uh, uh, a break from this war. and but also from the international special because the number of trucks getting into guys are actually list and this and there are some before. so with united nations name and getting ready for that. so this point uh to these 2, um i would say factors. one is internal, i mean divide those fees, but the other one is international. yeah. as we heard from my correspondence, i mean today's eat, of course, and palestinians. this is for, for palestinians. this is the 2nd deed that they are celebrating during, during
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a war. you know what happens next in this conference? what stage are we heading at now with you know, the piece plan still under consideration that we've seen and no movement on that end. what do you expect the next day, the next few weeks to look like? well, it, it depends on the development on divided wrong. that also depends on how much pressure the americans are willing to put these writers. and because they really government is in defiance, they are not interested in, in them in peace talk. the interest is going to choose and especially the right wing and the government to you. i'm talking about fear as much as they are talking about the continuation of all the and that's easy talking about the tools and i chose to them is that the feet for is right. and so this is a definition of victory is really impossible to, to realize as so i'm not going to go on in this moment because government is not saying anything about the truth or even 5 minutes agreement we, it's from lincoln, that isn't the, is on board but we never had something vegas and also the gap between the 2. but
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the 2 sides have mass as well. it's still wide. so there are a lot of things to be done uh, negotiations and compromises here and there to find 2 and differences and iron out all the differentiates and, and this is a process. so we can expect this to happen in like a week or 2. but again, here, you know, this range would be weaker on the negotiating table. if the ministry operation continued the way it is right now is, is broken down into your account when it's really and, and this probably would weaken it. but at the same time, it's in bold and have mass and, and this is probably the problem for these labels. how sound very good to get your insight as always, thank you very much for joining us. how son, bryan professor, international relations at katara university as well. in jordan, hundreds of people have rallied me of these really embassy in amman. they denounce caesar as war on guys, and called for the prophet crossing to be opened and the jordanian. is there any
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peace agreement to be cancelled? there was also a ronnie in the netherlands with protests showing sally's advocacy with palestinians demonstrate as much in the capital. am saddam's calling for a sci fi deal to end the war in got the now and try to well use and leaders and government officials from 92 countries have gathered for a ukraine peace summit in switzerland. event comes out to russian. president vladimir fulton suggested he was open to peace to ox, but only if keith agreed to withdraw its troops from 4 ukrainian regions and renounce his joining nato. the group will discuss passwords that lasting peace. although russia wasn't invited to the summit. even if they are not here today and if your assignment, if they have succeeded in bringing back to the. busy of the idea that joint efforts
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can stop the war and establish just this. these idea will definitely work because the world has power as springing out of commodity, get it to a james space who is in switzerland covering a best conference for a. so james, what can we expect when one of the main sides of main site in the conflict is not that it certainly notes piece talk. so peace negotiations. it's not even a piece summit. in fact, the title of the, the closing the title. it's called the summit own piece in ukraine. so it's a discussion about the all idea a piece in ukraine, but i think it's still a successful presidency. lensky to get so many countries to, to an up here, including countries of the somewhat neutral with regard to this conflict of body, walton says to create the parameters for a peace deal. and he is very clear that those promises should involve international
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law. and the un shot to now those things say that russia shouldn't have taken any of ukrainian territory. we're going to guess, i think at the end of this a final declaration. and i think some areas that they'll be able to sign onto all of the countries that taken off of set to taking part in this include the new, clear aspects of age as well as remembering that when, when present poochie and, and the last couple of days said he was prepared for peace and ukraine if a certain conditions will match. one of those conditions was taking the problems as operational, which of course is the power station design for each at nuclear power station. but the whole world is being so concerned about the battle of for that power station. i think in hawaii to terms of the war, this is a boost for you create a diplomatic boost because for many of you cranes allies, this really is a ukraine solidarity meeting, taking the temperature of the world and showing that many countries in the world
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still wants to talk to print the presence of lensky, and want to see an end to this crisis, and it comes at the same time is as well as diplomatically economically. we just had the g 7 meeting in italy where we've had an extra boost, $50000000000.00 for the g 7 for the reconstruction of ukraine and quite important developments when there's been stalemate. coal russian gains on the battlefield in the last year. some important military developments. nato allies now saying that you can, ukraine can use the weapons to go off the russia, across the border, a deal with hungry. that means the congress not going to block nato's future moves . hungry is going to sit on the sidelines as a call about not to be involved and ukraine policy, but it's not gonna stop the rest of the nato allies up pushing more support to. ready see crane, and that's why i think washington dc will be important in the next couple of weeks, because that is the big nato summit, which will look at new fresh support for ukraine,
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which course i think has felt like it's been abandoned by the, by the world and even by its allies, over the last year or so, particularly a whole period when the us funding dried up, i think, was a real effort by the bite and administration and its allies to revitalize ukraine and ukraine's efforts. low cost, if you boost ukraine's asset, their argument is then present. so let's keep what eventually you have profit negotiations with russia here has a much stronger hand. james, thank you very much. that's james space. i to come out against a live day in birkenstocks, switzerland. early we spoke to david phillips as a professor of security studies at georgetown university. he says it's a significant move to see well leaders exploring options for peace in the frame. a message is clear, the international community is a line in support of june for them. we recognize that is, is a process of not a bad. it's going to take some time before there's momentum coming out of this
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geneva conference before the international community can online interviews. but it's much better to be taught to be explore piece arrangements and to simply be solid on it. so this is a positive event. now we have to figure out what happens next and how to consolidate progress. you find recently receive a large security assistance package from united states. other countries are also lining up to the dynamic exchange, you know, from point a couple of weeks ago where the brain was isolated and like any so forth . we now have the u. s. other countries lining up to but you're saying, and that's creating a certain dynamic that is moving the clock testing piece, moving forward. ultimately, it's gonna require a negotiated solution in
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a rush that hasn't been a party that is negotiating in good faith. the us is trying to create a piece dynamic that would strengthen your brains position. but right now we're still have more. there's a time for august, i think there's a time for conflict resolution. and so don, at least 32 people has been killed in the capital in the past week, after arriving at health centers have died that i should say have to hire, arriving at health center, suffering convulsions and fever's health care work. is that a facility controlled by the pound, military rapids support forces say they have taken in more than 250 patients over 10 days with similar symptoms. medical staff believe the illnesses are being caused by people drinking contaminated water. water has in gold. hundreds of homes are bond the shows of africa's 3rd largest lake. the flooding of lake malawi has to
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space thousands of people and forest lake side results in other businesses to close . heavy rains in recent months have contributed to water levels in the lake reaching the highest in decades. and as mountain wave reports from lake while i, we president is say the government isn't doing enough to address the problem. we have to take a boat to reach permanent is in this house. she says she had to move out months ago, along with it will have neighbors that will to levels and leg malawi, the sheer ava. it's so outlets of being that the highest in decades following torrential rains in northern malawi, a neighboring townsend. yeah, it proved too much for the watch when she left here. the model, the government says, all the homes here break in 1960 the little that's a big building structures in natural floodplains. it's rarely enforced. they allowed us to view this house. they gave us the plans for the houses. so if
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they knew that this place is north, south west, well, why did they give us a go ahead so that we should be doing here? local counselor, wedding to mind. glenn g says the flooding is a man made crisis and the government's to blame. many residents agree with him. they say this is the problem about raj downstream and issue a river that regulates the voltage flow out of like malawi. 5 years ago it was raised to keep more water in the lake. there's always electricity and water depend on it. so to farm is down stream in malawi, a neighboring mozambique where the power raj and also prevents flooding. if we say, let's open all of the 14 gets 100 percent, what it means these will be listening for media and delete as of what a minute, which is which would be a disaster. so we want to balance up to say, even the way we are open, we don't just open, we have the strategist, wellington,
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and the residents of the swans homes done by it. they protested last month's demanding more voltage released. they say the government should compensates and we like, taped them, if it wants to move to level to stay higher. the level of like malawi as being fluctuate things significantly for as long as it's being recorded. heavy rains can cause floods to put communities on the water. drought is devastating for agricultural production downstream and also costs off mill always, electricity supply, which depends on hydro power. scientists say climate change is increasing the risk of both. it's just over a 100 years ago. it sells, so like i said, this, you a bus stop slowing until 20 years to recover. scientists say climate change has roughly doubled the probability of that happening again. flooded homes ever failed since the last time the lake was this high in 1980 the residents we spoke to who
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pulling off to nobody's populations tripled since then and the case for regional climate impact mitigation is somewhat lost on people who now take boats where they used to walk malcolm web al jazeera like malawi, stay ahead on this vouchers there and use our the thousands of people across from state to the streets will tell you what their messages ahead of snap elections passed. democracy in danger, judges in federal, one against the law say say, undermine civil liberties. the mid summer thunder storms often produced damaging hail. this was an example of the
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central assembly from a day or 2 ago admitted late. looked much like summer looks very much like the middle of winter and it said it gives the impression of snowball them have. but it was a hail storm, and that same and masters, and i moved east woods and taking it stones with an in fact it's redeveloped over the black sea. and this mass here is slow moving from this terms of a similar nature of co knowles and turkey. and i'm going to run the way out through your trade and northwoods, in contrast, taking away the sliver of nice warm sunshine which goes back dental spring. this is not a tool like summer. it's cooler for the most part is often windy and sometimes what is affecting currently fronts the low countries gemini, scandinavia, and then it throws itself east within to the mountains of the outs and probably developed fixed on storms and places like i'll start this process will continue for the next, how many days will that speculate or go to a 5 day full cost, at least for london? the average here is tons to so we're not far off. the average temperature is generally a dry looking picture. no us disappointing is. it has been recently,
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or the house as parts of europe is usually, so we're like endless here in spain. and here we go. deep below the average for 3 days, but the sunny side for most of the time, as it is in mr. north africa, apart from the big charles in the west of israel's war on god becoming a forever war across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down? why, despite the insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza, the quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the colleges went
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on counting the cost you are plays, catch up with the us in china and what's being called a competitive does crisis good india is private as the push through economic performance with a refuse to parliamentary majority. and how the, how should pilgrimage is boosting saudi's economy. counting the cost on i'll just say around the play you're watching l g 0 live from. don't a reminder about top stories. the is really military has recorded its worst single day lost in january. 10. soldiers were killed in separate incidents and move in and 7 guys to died in fighting in the north and how mazda is slight is killed,
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18 in ambush, and leaders and government officials from 92 countries have gathered for a ukraine peace summit in switzerland the discussing passed towards a lasting peace, although russia wasn't invited. the one on the war on guys i'm 15000 children has been killed during israel's call states. that's nearly half of all palestinians have died since october. many more children have been badly injured and suffering from trauma because of what they've left. so only a small number has been able to leave the strip for treatment address areas for me, a new and met an 8 year old who was evacuated to do in the bleak landscape of war. newer was one of the few palestinian children able to leave northern garza in march. she ended up here a hospital in carter sharp contrast to what she left behind. doctors and psychiatry have faced a difficult task of trying to help these children
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a just normal life. and experience that has changed this like high in years as much as the child. i wasn't sure if i'm going to be resilient enough and supportive and strong enough, but i was astonished by them and then from them, how big they are. how's belong? how does union have been so a lot of so things they lost, as i said, to me, this homes in both of them about is still strong. and even when he will talk to them tonight to increase and sometimes, you know, giving you land problems in new or came with her grandmother, her soul caregiver, having bachelor, leukemia, and malnutrition, she now contends with severe burns from the conflict. her grandmother, she now calls mamma, is by her side, every step of the way, tennessee 3, when i switched from special, she was that come all at one hospital for 14 days in gaza. the doctor told us she
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would die in the morning or in the night. it was hopeless when you taught child it was like touching wood. but thank god we were able to evacuate. huh. her weight has since increased since being care. and she now has the treatment she needs recovery for these palestinian children is about seeing a different world one without the fear of fall and sleepless night. while newer is fortunate to be able to recover and say facilities like this. many still remain in gaza. and as these children have lived through war every day for the last few months, perhaps the biggest off stickle to recovery is the war that lives in their minds. life after war looks different for each child. but what they all have in common is the desire. and hope to live phoning when algebra doha, muslims around the world. a celebrating, eat out. ida. but in guys of facilities are muted with many close to family and
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family members. separated worship as a gathering and the voice of destroyed mosques to hold prayers. dari cup was owned by for some down by law in central casa, the palestinians mocking today the arrival of either a tough holiday and no responding to the isabel, yet tax now without raising the public areas where they are surrounded by destruction and double station became here today to pray under the same time to congratulate each other for that i really believe and basically old to also bring a sense of hope that they are still clinging to their homeland. and generally, typically, palestinians used to celebrate this 20 day by meetings assemblies of the same time in order to shut law a means that can be no longer affordable as more of the help of guns as population in the brain confounding the situation is extremely tragic, right?
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now, as those palestinians are trying to do the best in life of the is very ongoing aggression to bring happiness for those young children as lots of children today will wake up and celebrate ease of ha, without any parent says, this is came loaded with burdens for palestinians who are flowing to through a sense of happiness on the faces of the children and the new calling developed tough in the text. and despite all of the tragedies, palestinians had been experiencing since october, the 7th terrace, of as in algebra. jerry, by palestine, or millions of most things from around the world have converged on mecca insides of a b, a for the hash pilgrimage. crowds of worship as setting the combat in the ground. moss is rams. holy is sites. let's go live to out to 0 is hashim. i have barbara who's joining us from mina, which is just outside of make a southeast of mecca,
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the pilgrims, us celebrating e today on the final days of the pilgrimage to make a the funny today is the day of celebration because pilgrims us celebrating the festival of sex with flies, remembering prophet at bonham's willingness to sacrifice his son is trying to show god his devotion. muslims are pep to that to, to a, to that same tradition. today they are remembering abraham and is biased and the celebrating the based of sacrifices. let me give you an idea about what is happening exactly behind. be these all the planes of all that. and you will see a see of pilgrims walking down this bill going this to bridge, and then they will move to the, to 3 massive tented area to my left. and that's the pillows which
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symbolically stand for the devil. devil mazda, believe that abraham and each mile, when that all the way to america, to build the car about the devil revealed himself and then he was trying to tell them not to do that act. and ever since muslim, come on symbolically. this is what they do, they have to gather pebbles and they through the pebbles of the colors. the reason why they are doing this, not just necessarily to remember the past, but the same time to understand the human beings. they with how to remember that some patients are strong and they would have to show some strength when it comes to dealing with the temptations. and then they would continue with the symbolic a stone and go to the devil to model on the day after. and then they would go bad. finally to back up on a final walk around the car, about the journey it's going to be over. yeah. and, and talk to us about the conditions they're performing this high this year. how
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shipments is extremely hot. a body of color has many times is a past this time because they, it comes in summer time is very healthy. and this is really one of the biggest challenges facing they all thought a taste. and at the same time, the pilgrims yesterday when i was of the balance of mercy, i've seen many people to the ops because of a heat stroke and particularly evolution. however, i have to say the authorities are deploying thousands of medic across the religious sites yesterday. mount auto body and today we're in other pretty much concerned because if i'm to give you an idea about just what happens when it comes to the exhaustion, particularly because of the physical activity of funny look. these people, the walk down to the bridge that you can say bought a way behind me. they would have to walk a long distance circled around the bridge to be able to go to the pillows us then
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symbolically pull the devil. come back to the same circle and then leave the side. why is it being fashioned this way? what's in for reason? the need for smooth traffic? you cannot afford to have people stop here the whole time during the simplex tony of the devil. this comes along with some few challenges, particularly the hate. you would see many people with the umbrella as here. the authorities have been telling me how to use it, that they also spraying a missed so all of the, the site itself trying to mitigate the impact of the heat. but this is something they will have continue, continue. they have to deal with because i have to tell you it's 10 past 10 am local time here in may not fall from that get really hot. i think it should be nearing uh 40 of 40 to 43 degrees celsius. yeah. and the by mid day is going to be even above. we have to remind all of us that this is the parts of the world where
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temperature's in uh, in, in summer time can go beyond 50 degrees celsius. which way to create knows of problems, health issues, particularly for the bigger as well so far the thought of days i think things have been under control. they i sent a long okay. 800 uh i do full cases yesterday to the local clinic, but they say that they control the situations of law. thank you so much passion for your reporting that. so i'll just here is how should i have our live there in mina, outside of make that i've been use now in protests. have been how the costs friends against far right parties ahead of us, not the election at the end of june. the demonstrations against the national ronnie come after the party one more than 30 percent of the vote in european parliamentary elections a week ago. alger 0 is natasha butler, a for some paris. thousands of people failed paris has passed the last night. the bleak at the start of the demonstration against the fall of rights and from the front, like it's necessary to defend freedom, we must defend it. so that's,
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i mean it's as soon as i come from the migrant family, sometimes the behavior unless you get make you feel it is no longer friends. leading the protest fox has left wing alliance that includes the socialist screens and call me this the entertain, the idea that these people will seize power in a country like france, because it would never entertain the idea that racism, discrimination on the basis of skin color on the basis of religion can exist in the 7th most powerful economy and the world in front. on sunday, maureen depends on team a great national rarely policy. one more than 30 percent of the foods in from says you election. so i headed to the french president, sent to write policies and embarrassing results for a manual, michael, that prompted him to unexpectedly dissolve parliament simply had protesting maybe against the ball, rolling, for the loss of ours to go with the french present. emanuel michael, not only with his policies present straight election,
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is putting in danger. protests disappear, independence. fluoride policy with the balance says, i'm really angry with a manual, not chrome for calling this election just 3 weeks before the olympics. with all the security and diplomatic concerns. and with the far right riding, so high, it's utterly irresponsible. my process is the dissatisfaction of faces. he wants to give people a choice. his opponents say he's gambling with democracy and the future of thoughts . it's actually about the ultra sarah congress as well as now speak to we go the whole show on bob. this is an associate professor of policy except the university of nursing. him and his joining us from a friend school 10 of us friends. thank you so much for being with us. so a huge turn out of left wing people and trade unions against the specter of the national radi party coming to power. does president my crown benefit at all from
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this? it seems that many people are still very angry with him for calling this not be election. it's not clear. no, as you right. you said it's the main, the last we both to trade unions. that's been who organized the 1st place and then there's new last thing aligns in new popular from stuff being driving this. and i think the if we think about and my cool i my home, my actually profit from this stuff within the last thing, the new life in your life. there's already being some tensions. first please, that they haven't really been able to designate their, their leader who's going to lead the lines for center left voters such as the socially sort of greens, isn't where i need or like mental phones on. i mean, i'll find that appear there on your screen just a few moments ago who's, who's a kind of a laptop is leader. they would be very hesitant about that. they don't want to see him leading, they want to know their figure to lead words be the case that he worked at least on like flushed by some of the sensor light filters back into the microphone. come,
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if you remember is actions in 2017 and then his re election were recently he didn't manage to bring center the such arrives voters together. he's kind of lost the center of the photos because during your election i it looks my did very well. they came of very close actually to watch the, the majority party, the manual. i'm a cost party that so he's lost those voters, but this alliance kind of brings and as far as government to it, those soldiers might go back to. and what about the traditional right wing party? they need to be, can they? they also seem to be imploding their leader. and i think 0 to you had said he would basically uh, i live with the far right. does mccall benefit from that? of the mind? yes. this is the greatest thing. what is it you who says he wants a 1000 lines, but then the majority of the party of these, the elective parties said they didn't. and they've tried to get some visitors
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there's, there's a strong kind of the, there's a bit of a scandal going on at the moment. it's not here leaving. he's going to be able to take over these. yes, indeed, those depend on new den get select is some of those deputies might say, okay, we, we want to then how the lines with and manual and i called this is a radius. something as you know, the manual. my cause part of didn't happen. majority when you have the relative majority right within the parliament. so some of the, it was still able to get through a lot of legislation and some of the less the street was gone through with the help of it could be can some of also the socialist, some people that suggested that perhaps instead of dissolving part of that type of form an agreement with that if you'd be to catch off the majority, would it be another way to this is not my, you know, like why, why we do is going, why did you do it? i mean, they had a lot of anger and astonishment at his decision to call these not be elections when he didn't have to. why did he do it? you didn't have to. i think there was a concern that's after. after the summer,
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when parliament comes back, there was going to be a number of motions of no confidence against the government, which they could potentially lose. so one of the reasons why some of costs are trying to get ahead of the us and try to say, okay, let's, let's go into, i mean, do, and then in many ways my client has 3 choices. you can just ignore other work very well so far as the scenes, and he's decided to go to, to, for, to confront the far right student to kind of try to have this moment again. obviously we know that new york apartments from the french elections are different indeed are from possible representation projects to rise. so that can create different dynamic if it the 2nd round. if it's let me out and you know, let me ask you briefly because we're running out of time, i mean governing parties in funds have made this gamble in the past. it's not the 1st time that they've made this back. it's been the case for 20 years now. do you feel that it's different this time around that the french really want the fall right to be in power? and unfortunately, yes,
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i think there are more people who are willing to give the far right a chance then they're asking in the past. i think that's just the reality of the situation with george and bar the lines and you faced. so i think mine with that as being quite as jews to say what can we help this new young face is very professional. looks good. thank you. a lot of times people are just so set up. they're willing to give the far right a chance. so that, that's fair and i was aware of this, he's trying to play to, to extremes off one another who are now arguing against each other. mind, levin was just on the news this morning. say her main enemy is no longer my car and she will not call for his resignation should come on. i see now the national body. when under george, he may not any now is the left wing alliance, which is saying is use will kind of work alliance and pro is on the lines. so the key budget is what my form was hoping for. because i wasn't expecting the last u. i a so in the way that it has, might have to do so,
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even though there's tensions now within the lines. and so, okay. yes, i think for them actually the french are, are ready for, for uh, something on us now. a government interesting times in french politics. no doubt. thank you so much for talking to us. you go do it, go the whole show. associate professor of policies at the university of mounting and thank you for joining us. thank you. not to, for rule way, congress has voted on a series of controversial long critics say, will eliminate important judicial bodies and reduce the independence of electro authorities rights groups wanting the country's democracy is in danger. mariana sanchez, reports in the capital. lima of the people's congress has moved forward, unconstitutional amendments would give the government of both houses to console just issue and electro bodies. members of congress are being accused of trying to shield their political organizations from prosecution. nearly 50 percent of legislators or their parties are under criminal investigation. critics, they,
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some of the newly proposed laws undermine judicial and electro independence funding, the non governmental organizations or affect freedom of expression. the list includes an amnesty law that seeks to reverse convictions for members of military and police who committed crimes against humanity before july of 2002 contradicting international law nearly 70000 peruvians died during the armed conflict with the shining pass group between 198-2000 the truth and reconciliation commission says almost 40 percent of the crimes were committed by government forces. supporters of this most a calling the killings. crimes against humanity is an exaggeration lease owing money value. so to the they were not crimes against humanity. the workspace is that were punished, we have to be fear and understand that the military tried to solve a problem. we can't blame them to qualified him as crimes against humanity,
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as exaggerated formation approved on the 1st round of funding will affect nearly 600 human rights cases. yet undergo trials gave more discuss, has been the end of the, for example, the case of hundreds of 14 and 15 year olds raped systematic the by the military. that's the case would be shows by this. impunity, little, many victims have been waiting for more than 30 years. for justice. critics say legislators stopped short on their final vote of the i'm the, you know, due to international pressure. but the movers will allow dozens of human rights violators to walk free is widely expect to, to be approved next month. analysts say other laws we can institutions, and the rule of law is the one that isn't stuck on with this. congress has passed laws that favor legal mining, deforestation, and promote informality. we're living a kind of dictatorship with extremist in parliament, taking advantage of a weak government precedent,
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the level of the who's under investigation for rights abuses and commented on the issue. and legislators say opinion contrary to the rulings interferes with bid was national interest. but in this i'm just i just see that lima pizza pelligrini has been sworn in this president of slovakia during this time. only have with type security, his close on ly populous prime, minister rumbled seats. so was shot several times in. in his fascination attempt, a month ago, pelligrini was backed by fits. so in a vote dominated by the war and ukraine and political support for rush. the sale i had on algae 0 pop conservationist inside the sign, are working to save lines, rate of adult and in the industry that the team in the gaza strip as is continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media,
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and it needs to be question, sustains coverage. that actively humanize as is ratings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing. that's the latest news as it breaks. the situation is the prince here in the hospital, a desperate attempt to save lives with a few resources left with detailed coverage. it's been more. 7 than a and a half hours of civil defense themes trying to put off the fire from the house at the story palestinian farm was this have a beat to be the p could with hope for old garza's best place assemblies the the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome backing up operations are on the way along the beach is a single for sentosa islands after an oil spill. it happened after address ronko station reversed. so on friday, the oil slick sprayed from the shipment terminal until the tours hotspot. port authority say it's now being contained now blind, wave adult seems once rived in asia's industry about all the way upstream to the foothills of the himalayan mountains. but their numbers have dwindled over the years because of human activity and development along the water course conservation is a now stepping up efforts to help saving dangerous species. i'll just say it was come
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on, hide. it has to story around of abroad. another girlfriend, save in another successful rescue, but it's a constant struggle to save these mammals. it's rented in sin and the dividend decision, no flag due to a lack of rain. here the fisherman's boss, cling idly dirty eroding bank of the river and filled the blind doesn't come up to breed before diving through it. shallow dip on this stretch of the river and roaring over the essentially under the watchful eyes of the stuff of the water . why life fun order w w s. we join a team to find out more, once found an abundance in the river in the us. there now on the list of endangered species marked efforts by wy, like fund and conservation organizations, are trying their best to save them from extinction. we travel with them in
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a board and they check fishermen's net to ensure that nor does things are caught up and unable to surface debris on monday to get the job. our job is to save and rescue this unique species of blind dolphins from the fisherman's nets, which are spread all over in this river. w. w. f has created so much awareness among the low cost that they immediately inform us if these dolphins come across any crisis and we respond and rescue the index girlfriend once providers for all the way upstream through the 4th period of the humor lead. but now can find only 200 kilometers, stretch of the lower end guys in the silver dolphin is an endangered species and we have only 2000 of them left in bucks on. they have various factors that are contributing to its decline. the top one is that we have been dodges and infrastructure which are diverting water from the windows for integration purposes
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. and then dolphins accidentally swim into it. edition canals and they get stranded their conservation efforts, approving effective. but the future of big mamma is still hanging a precarious balance, where the distribution is going to of why. it's from certain gum. i like that. i just need a rory bucket. darn away us policy spam pest, sol for record $4300000.00. it was part of a collection that went on the auction block in new york address areas. christian slow me was that the it's the rarest of the rare. this one sent us postage stamp from 18. 68 known as a z grill. what have just to an existence, and this is the 1st time one has been on the market in 25 years. the billionaire investor and stamp collector bill gross decided to put it and his entire collection up for sale, $100000.00 for full atlas,
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or those who study and collect stamps. the auction was a once in a lifetime event. they'll gross choose something that's very, very few collectors can aspire to, which is a complete collection of our most rare and valuable us stamps. it is white and exclusive crowd here, wealthy collectors and their representatives about 60 bitters in the room. but we're not allowed to show their faces and even more calling in and online. but the people i've been speaking with tell me that their love of sansa actually started when they were just children. some worry, the hobby is dying out with the younger generation. i make stamp albums for my grandkids, and i'm hoping that some day when they get older, that they will also see the value and the interest in it. but nothing moves in stamp collecting. there is no electronics in it, so it's different. difficult to get young kids involved better. charles shreeve who
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served as bill gross, is still a telic advisor, says you don't have to be a millionaire to enjoy collecting stamps. so that sort of thing to, to serves on the board of directors for the smithsonian national postal museum, which gets a half 1000000 visitors a year and a 1000000 more online. you can collect a 1000000 different ways you can collect famous people and stamped it and like flowers on stamps. there's a 1000000 themes you can do. most people do it. uh young people that i know just do it as a way of kind of creating order out of chaos. and then people who progress want to learn more about history, geography, the famous people. it's a, it's a great learning to look out the grill sold to an anonymous buyer for $4366000.00 a record amount for a single us postage stamp. and the combined with the rest of the collection, the auction was the highest grossing single session and for laterally history.
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christian salumi al jazeera, new york, and ross up this news hour on ouch is era, do stay with us? i'll be back in just a few minutes with more updates, top story. thank you for watching. the he says he went to more towards here yet to provide a. are you looking back? are, you know, i'm not file but not in the eyes of his government. my life has to be the cause. can you just mean like i just said, these are these villages. in the 2nd part of the series, we follow a british age work or as he prepares to contest his citizenship revocation. the last year i received the tenants increase, so you're only as good as your possible state. listen sir. yeah. and i'll just 0. what does a i really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society do we want? it creates all of this technology roommates. do we still have power of choice?
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a g i 's beach actually autonomy and operating in doing this is the apple kind of technician who is it already too late? so if corporations, there's more power and light in the bill in an entire country, the future is going to be good for the eyes would be nice if to before she needs as well. human coming soon on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the . ringback the award winning program from international. so make yes, we just seen so many people traveling with children long and difficult to explore
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and abundance of wealth, cloth programming every time we do an interview well met with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from well on alex is here. the israel intensifies is operations in central and southern, gaza after it's military softwares. it's w stay in 6 months. the, you're watching l g 0 live from to how would need for the back. people also coming up a show of support for ukraine. well,


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