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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 16, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] news the the comes to hold robin, you're watching now does it renews on life? my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes is rarely intensifies this operations in central and southern dogs that mattress military itself has its deadly estate. in 6 months, long with shipping in the ruins, kind of study using guns i said as little to celebrate as they tried to month the
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beginning of the eve of how the holiday all so beautiful, if in switzerland drywall leaders are attending a summit to find the peace plan on ukraine, but rushes and milton volumes is also fine. malcolm web in a neighborhood on the shores of lake people who live to say that facing it is oscar, which is not in may have driven us with the sports holes as easily get that yours title defense on the way with the victory. as they come from behind these how they met the welcome to the news. these really military has stepped up. it's assaults on the goals of stripe and what appears to be a retaliation against the depths of 10 of its soldiers on saturday. 8 were killed when the vehicle was bombed and rough from all sides. its functions carried out the attack in an ambush to all that is right. the soldiers dying and fighting in the
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knolls. now the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the will will continue despite what he called the heavy and unsettling price. israel has shut donald was, there was operations in the country. so home, the city reports now from i'm on in they bring jones. so it's the biggest single day last for these really are me since january the military confirming the 8 is really soldiers from the combat engineering unit were killed in dropbox when their armored vehicle exploded. reaction from across the political aisle poured in with prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying, despite the heavy losses, the finding must continue the issue. don't let anyone distract you from the simple and clear fact. despite the staggering cost, we must stick to the goals of the war, destroying the military and structure of how much we turning on our hostages. making sure that gauze will no longer pose a trach to israel,
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and returning all residents safely to their homes. both in the north and south and initial army pro into the incident showed the combat engineering vehicle was attacked after a night of fierce fighting in guns of southernmost city with the military is now investigating the possibility that the vehicle was hit by an empty tank missile is really army spokesperson, daniel, how gar, he says there has been achievements, but that israel is still facing challenges. it's other sigma smoking along with the significant achievement. we have to honestly say that we will not be able to return everyone home in this way. we will continue to act in all ways in order to create the conditions for the return home of all the objectives as quickly as possible. and all of this comes image demonstrations across israel.
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calling for deal to bring back the remaining captives for nits in yahoo to resign and for elections to be held immediately on saturday, the spokesperson for the hostage in missing families form said that israel can't win again. come us in dogs. meanwhile, thousands of protesters in televi had been calling on the government to accept his ceasefire. deal to bring back the remaining is really captive with nearly 9 months into the war. that deal is still nowhere in sight. hum descent, who is just the, you know, i'm a let's go so i would say better smith, who's in nevada in jordan, these really good them to school so spend, i'll just say around this. that's why we're reporting from the jordanian capital high. but it's, i mean, the reaction and full out from this is riley debts, i'm sure, has got widespread coverage in israel blanket coverage. and he's rarely meter of the depths as well. so there's the been 11 and
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the last 48 hours age and not incident in reference to an attack explosion in the north and another sort of died from died of wounds from a previous incident. now it's printed a lot of speculation. again, a lot of common tre, particularly, and is riley media from retired generals are tied soldiers thing. the reason most soldiers dying is because there isn't a plan. what happens in gaza after the war, particularly in the north of gaza. why these really minutes? he said he didn't go rid of how much, how much is reappearing to that? how much fight is a re, a bearing that because as a political vacuum is no one moving it in charge bodies forcing these rarely military to go back up that they say i didn't gauge i, bodies leading in these that so that a lot of the protest as well, you'll see people demanding an agreement, some sort of sci fi deal, some sort of stopping the fighting so they can get captives out. and we, they can stop losing is really soldiers and not fights. so how did these readings have been talking about tactical polls is in military activity in parts of the gaza strip?
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how is that sort of statements impacting in relation to the events of the last 20 full, 36 hours as well? this was a this morning on these rarely mandatory announce the tactical pool is one of the very specific routes that goes on. the catalog of selim crossing towards the side of the south of gauze that. busy miss roads to the european hospital just to the north of rafa. now apparently the defense minister, the prime minister didn't know about this and that, and you all have particularly said it was unacceptable. it falls to clarification, fall and military saying, fighting still continues in a rough uh, but best road it seems to daylight hours. i say it will be no targeting this road to let somehow let more humanitarian 8 through how much will get through. it's very unclear, but even just this kind of any pause problem to the predictable firestone from the fall rights of finance minister belies all small troops saying that any aid that goes into guys, it goes to how much helps them to control gaza in contradiction of the goals of the
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war on the uh, the uh, the small bank of a national security minister saying web decided the technical truce when soldiers of folding is an evil full. now while those 2 ministers are on the fall rights of thirty's, riley government, they keep that in. yeah, i wouldn't power some of the views, not necessarily at all with a lot of these really population at the moment. thing there is told his police not to stop is really jewish activists but talking a calm voice heading the gaza at about 70 percent of these rallies in recent pollings around 2 thirds. don't believe aid should be going to allow us to needs and goals to help, but thanks very much for that update. we'll keep in touch with the throughout the day. let's cross over to central gauze and speak to alger. there is honey my mood in there out by now we're speaking to honey on the phone because honey has been and said that or is that relentless? heavy shelling from the is riley's in the area where you all just bring us up to
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speed on what's going on right now. yes. island despite it's the 1st day of the that it's supposed to be somehow apply for people been in during this genocide or whatever the pop it month is reading, but it continues to cause more tragedy to more people reported killed intellus sold, finding the result of the heavier it's already showing what's really trash. so what happened is paramedic arrived today or to remove the bodies of the 2 people who were killed and they were shot out by the quest after they were targeted by tank. shows that the, the, the ambulance vehicles to see any great damage to the point were not able to remove the bodies and then settled it at the board arriving from the policy requesting society and then be on the vehicle otherwise unhealthy, then move the to but this is the kind of intimidation and because breast care medics and civil defense because on the grants are experiencing on this basis by these very monitor, it is almost no safe place at all. and it also has, you know,
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for the past, for the day there's been a major that on and there's really monetary a severely damaged the vast majority of the, of the city and this toy, large version bars, the areas of residential homes and infrastructure and public facilities they are the philadelphia chord, or these are an area of the city according to eye witnesses and local residents in the northern power of is completely res, knowing the culture lab left no residential building that the eastern part similar to the, the not in tanya want to be as northern part of that is getting into one conclusion, butler increasingly becoming uninhabitable due to the tv bonding campaign on the i, there are still confined forces on the ground. me. meanwhile, others really monetary almost non stop our dealership. think of the eastern part of her newness city, just be bidding the been going back for those who were displaced in the past month
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from august on the other areas of eastern part of honey and just making it very difficult everything that is going on and they the type of part of that and is ready to strategy and not building a buffer zone. and that is a really shrinking the size of the guys and of course, uh, honey, you know, we, we know the communication lines uh, rather correctly at the moment. but briefly, we know the, they'll have the holidays and significant dates, and the most of them calendar, celebrations across the world. i'm wondering, is anybody celebrating where you are of the lucky that all. and the more of the clock is people about this, but the, the war be getting more emotion of recalling all the pop, the parts of stock. this is a different thing because the used to observe in the past few years compared to this year and all the tragedies involved with it. the vast majority of people, i've lost some one of family members, the loved ones or their home got destroyed,
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already been largely displayed to, from one place to another. the sense of, of be the celebration, the, the get together with the family, the, the preparing of, of meals in food. the, of the prepared, the preparation of a to 3 bed does not exist to be. and that's what makes the, the tragedy even worse. right now. because that's also see it into a be a permanent displacement on the oldest as if you've been involved with this over time. i'm the 1000 of display families and many of them are in morning. many of the traditions are to be held served either because people are not in the right, the state of mind to do this them because of everything going on. also, many of the rituals including be offering the sacrifice those via or performing highs. there are 3000 people who are deprived of from this religious right of going to my god because of the ongoing closure of the borders and the, uh, the control of that is really monetary. the fact that it's controlled by crossing don't legally point out of, of,
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out of gaza for just that. the stipulations remain the quite difficult. i don't particularly do say it, see if they build words for, for the vast majority of the people kind of move that source in their about a thank you to this to entice them. but all right, he is a professor of international affairs of the kind of how universe detroit is not from the jordanian capital of mine. good talking, but this is probably on the program. i mean, what was the way the soldiers killed a ceasefire? still not signed up to you by the israelis. apparently the will will continue says the is really p. and what one does, where the end of this conflict will be and where it's going to come from it is that truly clear about the, the, the in game with no good complex because all we hear from this right is that, then we're going to continue. so they are really not even into the american pressure when it comes to the truth when it's come to the road map for having a permanent sci fi on. gotcha. so this is ready to government to understand very well that, you know, once the war comes to an end, at the end, probably the government would be held accountable in his writing and particularly
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the prime minister. so they're trying to be this kind of, i will say, and evicted a conclusion by is a bit for joining the war. and by creating all of these projects that the workers continue, the pressure on the is rarely prime minister continues from the public. because as we see, day and day out, i mean he who seems public certainly seem to want to cease fire under tons of all the is ready to captives yet nothing. we all who says that he has the same objectives, but the public didn't seem to agree with him. we see that in the numbers on the streets. i mean, you've alluded to the fact that you know, he will be publicly accountable eventually. somewhere along the line. what, when this conflict ends, but how much pressure is he really feeling? do you think from these republic right now? and i think there's a lot of pressure on this really mounting these days. i just, yesterday, one of the previous previously held captive sent the message to the people saying that they need to join forces in order to bring down because government, cuz there's ways of federal. there's government,
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they fed up with all of these promises of total victory and every day save time, as i say, that is on the verge of achieving the victory only to that the other way around that the noise rent is broken down and this war and there's no, and there's, you know, the, a good like that at the end of the economy is probably the headlights of another trend incoming stream. so what confrontation and what is the end of the getting killed and they'll get cause of the war. i'm actually in the offing till the end of breaking the hostages is not really possible. and also in destroying and this nothing how much is not an object to that to be achieved easily. as a how many people have seen and they need to come, how many house are they need to demolish? so i think not only these rated the company also the, the, the whole world is struggling with this for what it should be and, and so if trying to say is like in defiance. but i think, you know, this was on the ad, munitions to his opponents internally to bring him down. so let's talk. it's actually that about the pressure because of these 5 de la cruz by the un security
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council not implemented on the ground. the us administration saying israel is on bold and senior ministers and as i was saying, they didn't degree with the ceasefire. there is this element within israel of the left hand doesn't know what the right hands doing, but also internationally. you know, you might look at israel as well and that it's international part. this is another, again, the left hand doesn't know what the right time does doing it's old. very confusing and disproportionate. yeah. what do you say that, you know? and then the international committee is always saying the right words, but the problem with the implementation, what is the mechanism of translating this message and i stipulated by biting into an action. uh, you know, when, when mr. breaking say that there's always in board and we showed that smart, jewish kind of big part of saying that they then agree and they want to continue to continue with the war. and they define victory as the continuation of the war. because to us is a defeat for his rent. when senior a cabinet member in nothing,
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you government is saying this all the time. it means that there is no is a partner who is reading really to have negotiation. so until this moment is no officials, right? any decision to say yes to the, to the proposal and adding to this is the fact that there's a lot of differences between how much i'm done as well. so to iron out the differentiated you, you need to go, she ations, you need all the boxes to come to the table. and, and this is not possible simply because nothing. yeah. whole nathaniel has a number one objective is to keep, has to be government intact. and he understand that the moment he moves on really on, on the piece box, or they choose talk. so you know, those people might keep their word and withdraw if is government and, and this is the nightmare without them yell or see what happens that they and keep in touch with you throughout the day. full come in, test number. all right, thanks so much for joining us from. i'm on of the 1515
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probably 15000 children have been killed during israel's will and gaza in the hall of old palace and music. died since october. many more children have been badly injured and suffering from treatment because of what they've lived through. expanding a small number had been able to leave the strip for treatment from the new mountain h. ahold who is evacuated to cattle in the bleak landscape of war. newer was one of the few palestinian children able to leave northern garza in march. she ended up here a hospital in carter sharp contrast to what she left behind. doctors and psychiatrists have faced a difficult task of trying to help these children adjust to normal life. and experience that has changed the psychiatrists as much as the child. i wasn't sure if i'm going to be resilient enough and supportive and strong enough. but i was
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astonished by them and then from them, how big they are, how strong, how does union have been? so a lot of stuff, i think they lost, as i said, to me this homes in both of their bodies which are still strong. and even when you book those insights and cookies and sometimes, you know, given you live problems in new or came with her grandmother, her soul caregiver, having bachelor, leukemia, and malnutrition, she now contends with severe burns from the conflict. her grandmother, she now calls mamma, is by her side, every step of the way tennessee 31 are supposed to have from. she was at come all at one hospital for 14 days and gone to the doctor told us she will die in the morning or in the night. it was hopeless when you taught child, it was like touching wood, but sunk gold. we were able to evacuate. huh. her weight has since increased since being care and she now has the treatment she needs the recovery for these palestinian children is about seeing
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a different world one without the fear of fall and sleepless night while nor is fortunate to be able to recover and say facilities like this, many still remain in gaza. and as these children have lived through war every day for the last few months, perhaps the biggest obstacle to recovery is the war that lives in their minds. life after war looks different for each child. but what they all have in common is the desire and hope to live phoning when algebra doha. solita is on government officials from 92 countries have gathered in switzerland for peace on its own ukraine. the event comes off, the russian president vladimir putin suggested he was open to peace tools, but he said that teeth would have to agree to withdrawn its troops from full
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ukrainian regions and abandon it spent to join nato. now the group will discuss ways of achieving a lasting piece. russia has not been invited even if they are not here today. and if your simon, if they have succeeded in bringing back to the. busy the idea that joint efforts can stop the war and establish just this. this idea will definitely work because the world has power. a diplomatic editor james base joins us now. phone back in stock in switzerland, hon james. i mean, this is a peace conference in name, but not with all of the main stakeholders present. no in the notable one is if you have a war and you're trying to end the war, you need to to filter and policies to be presence. and russia is not here, but notably, we had comments from president clinton a couple of days ago that you just talked about. we've had comments from
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presentation in the last hour or so from through the cabinet spokesman dmitri pest golf, saying the present patient is not ruling out tools, but guarantees will be needed to ensure the credibility of any negotiations. now we don't know what that means without no guarantees he's talking about i'm, we do know when he, when he made his last statement that he was talking about taking more of you training territory before he agreed to piece. but i think the fact that he's engaging and talking about peace, peace talks on the day when this gathering is taking place, the timing of it. i think that's significant. when we got to these talks, they're all efforts now strong, come up with the final a communique to sum up, which all pretty varying views from the countries that of arrived here. obviously we know what ukraine and its closest allies, i think, but there are some differences among others. a little earlier, the austrian shots not call me hama, he told us, report as gab here,
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but he wasn't sure, but a unanimous declaration could come out of this, of this event. having said that to the ukrainians, they see this as a pretty positive moment diplomatically all of these countries joining you crate, engaging with the discussions about the parameters for a peace deal. and of course the following. the lead of a person's lensky and he's peaceful that are in this comes at the same time, is that he can only boost for ukraine. the g 7, giving $50000000000.00 and was a got to military nato. now, meeting the now allowing ukraine to attack russia across the board with its weapons . an opt out deal with regard to hungry should be brought king a more action by nato that's now been agreed in, in recent days. hungry will opt out of this, but not stop may say doing anything else. so it is, i think, a little bit more positive. but it was when i caught up a short time ago with the crating for i'm going to meet you calais,
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but he sounded more optimistic. i think that's all on old tracks. we are moving forward. and the fact that the summit brought together so many countries from south america, from africa, from asia. and we see that those who are not here, they see what is happening. they see that this is, this is the momentum and piece formula and the ukraine is building piece around principal. so if you and chart it really brings us, brings us forward. so i cannot tell you when the world will and it's not in my hands, but i know that we're making some major steps towards their storing just in the last thing piece visa to key words. just and last thing. we don't peas at any expense, something major steps being made better according to the training for administer, speaking to me a little earlier. and certainly,
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some of the other delegation is believe that this could be a positive movement from that point to view one of those across the united states, couple of harris, the vice president, was here. she's already left back to washington. so the head of delegation now for the end of the talk to jake sullivan, the national security advisor of the united states. he said that we're all, he expected a strong outcome here. same space that for us in the construction. then thank you, james to the prison gods, held whole state johns, a detention center in russia's southern region of all stuff have been released on homed security falls is still the facility after the goals will seize by 5 man being held in the facility local media. it says at least 2 of the cap just what killed during an exchange of gunfire. the suspects all reported link to iso on demand to the car, and to free passage. at least $32.00 people have died in see dollars capital in the past week of to arrive and get health center, suffering convolution, convulsions and fevers. house coworkers are the facility controlled by the power
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military rep and support forces say they've taken in more than 250 patients over 10 days with similar symptoms. medical staff believe able to say is all being caused by people drinking contaminated was a few and says 18000000 people. incidence of inc stream hung up with nearly 14000000 children acutely malnourished. fighting between the sit on on forces in power mix it up and support forces has been basically mostly. yeah. now most hasn't got hundreds of homes around the shoals of africa's the largest lake, the flooding of lake malawi homes, the space. thousands of people enforced lakeside results and other businesses to close. heavy rains in recent months have contributed to water levels in the lake reaching the highest in decades. as malcolm lab proposed from lake milan, we resident say, the government isn't doing enough to address the problem. we have to take a boat to reach permanent zimri's house. she says she had to move out months ago,
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along with all the neighbors, the will to levels and leg malawi, i'm the sheer ava, it's so outlets of being that the highest in decades following torrential rains in northern malawi, a neighboring townsend. yeah. it proved too much for the watch when she left here. the model, the government says, all the homes here break in 1960 the little that's a big building structures in natural floodplains. it's rarely enforced. they allowed us to view this house. they gave us the plans for the houses. so if they knew that this price is more so for us to grow, why did they give us a go ahead so that we should be doing here. local counselor, wedding to mind. glenn g says the flooding is a man made crisis and the government's to blame. many residents agree with him. they say this is the problem about raj downstream and issue
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a river that regulates the voltage flow out of like malawi. 5 years ago it was raised to keep more water in the lake. there's always electricity and water depend on it. so to farm is down stream in malawi, a neighboring mozambique where the power raj and also prevents flooding. if we say, let's open all of the 14 gets 100 percent. what it means is will be listening for media and elite as of what it minutes, which is, which would be a disaster. so we want to balance up to say, even the way we are open, we don't just open, we have the strategist, wellington, and the residents of the swans homes done by it. they protested last month's demanding more voltage released. they say the government should compensate and v like kate, them, if it wants the voltage level to stay higher. the level of like malawi is being fluctuate things significantly for as long as it's being recorded. heavy rains can
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cause floods that communities on the water. drought is devastating for agricultural production downstream and also cuts off mill always, electricity supply, which depends on hydro power. scientists say climate change is increasing the risk of both. it's just over a 100 years ago. it sells. so like i said, this, you a bus stop slowing until 20 years to recover. scientists say climate change has roughly doubled the probability of that happening again. flooded homes ever failed since the last time the lake was this high in 1980 the residents we spoke to were pulling off the been always populations tripled since then and the case for regional climate. the impact mitigation is somewhat lost on people who now take boats where they used to walk. malcolm web al jazeera like malawi, still head hail in the i'll just ever news of the
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thousands of people of his phones take to the streets will tell you. well, that message ahead of us the election is mom and 82000000 children just before the last major ritual. todd shows most things around the world and celebrate e, so hot and it's full of what we mcroy amazing contention. so his 1st major title in a decade, best of action from the us open after the break, the to hello, you judge. do you think this looks like the signs of good the, the summer? because i have to say, i don't center of low pressure of just of each this golf and everything running around it. taking try to rain all the way down through france and the central part of your and even where the lack of it you're going to go to fin,
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sliver of will see it, which extends down into the metal traded in spain and portugal. bit more reliably. but after size bitten have been a bit disappointing, known as cold as it was. i'm retentions are in the high teams. low twenty's now, but often the day is good to be glad you went for funds that day looked like being sunday showers to the east and big ones to be wandering out from the black sea up through ukraine. there's been studying recently in moscow and so that they have your, i think, would continue over the next day or so an example of what we have got in paris. you have got rain likely for the next 5 days on and off at some time with temperatures well about where they should be, but probably doesn't feel very summary, does it? here's the picture for monday, then just a spread of the cloud and registering to germany. maybe some few thunderstorms off in the fall as big as they were initially the bolts. nice the slit in say hey, i slipped into here is still hoffman, egypt. but the good news for africa is these big showers. a long window into the say,
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how the the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to the, i'll just have a nice, a reminder of all the told the story is the, is there any military is recorded? it's was singled a law since january. a funeral is being held for one of the 10 soldiers killed. 2 died in financing, and then also the concepts as a mouse says it's killed. those fights has 8 of them in an ambush and rough in the cells. now these way the government is considering extending an emergency low but
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delays the age military reserve is, can retire from the service. now that such a committee is discussing, making conscription mandatory for ultra orthodox villages. students under the proposal, a bill would extend the exemption by 6 months that would mean enlisted soldiers of until the $41.00, instead of 40 for offices. the age would be $46.00, and specialists, including doctors and ad crew members, would have to continue serving until the 50, instead of $49.00. the larger might be, is a military analyst who's covered more than 35 years of conflict in the middle east and joins us now live from power as good to have you with us on the program. the issue of conscription seems to highlight more now the problems these really military are having and sort of filling that void when it comes to boots on the ground in golf. so right now thank you for having me. actually the extension of the service period slow reserve is it's
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a decision driven primary by the ongoing conflicting guys, i end up with the insurance, right from lebanon. and the is really the army needs more experience, soldiers and officers to sustain. so this kind of operation effectiveness even have the, the survey experience, soldiers and offices are confronted with a new way of, of, and will say that they have no being used to, and the decision of the senior or resistant to fight back. so we have seen significant casualties among these 3 days, and this is why the experience best so then is always preferable. and this highest price company is going but the environment. yeah, i mean, the extension of the sort of conscription low means that those that have to serve have to serve another yeah. i did on to that and then those, those that was supposed to so they seem to have
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a gets out of jail called and i'm going to be serving this is going to cause friction. a monk c is really disposed in public, isn't it that some have to serve and some don't. and indeed the yeah, you go down the label, party lead the said. everybody should contribute to the ministry service and they should not be people are exempt from the service like the hi, rudy, or to the health adults. this is putting a lot of pressure on the is really society because this shed button is really not true. there are a part of the society that the wrong 50 percent that can get away with it. so it is not only creating a political tension, it's creating also in it, within these really society. a friction with people need to serve. they leave their
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job. there is a pressure on their family, they as these already, 10000 soldiers and offices were off for medical and psychological attention because of this role. so this social, a break is in lodging today because of these decisions of calls from a service are just thoughts all day. it is, well they all reserve, it's not, you just touched upon it. they do have a life beyond the military and there is a personal and professional cost to this. so those is really easy. feel that they've done that time in the military and don't really want to go back in again. absolutely, 42 percent of those enrolled in the all me today. professional at reserve is don't want to join the army again and they want to leave because of the performance of these really all me. because they are confronted with a new strong, non state act at the time and not to lose. and also because they have their own life, they have their businesses, they have their family,
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need to look after the age of cost of life. everything is more expensive and they all in the all me well and there are others who can live a better and more comfort life. and they feed the consequences of this war that is far from being a problem and not. so he's not only affecting them on the very long time, but also it's affecting them on the medium and short term. i mean, you've been studying this and following this a great deal of time. how do you think, sort of the pen dream to the right to angle the orthodox elements of society is going to impact on the conduct states and on the logic, political makeup of what we see is the israeli government right now in the run by of the or try out the said it's very clearly if you ask us to enroll in the army, we would leave is red. which means that they own orthodontist or land that they have taken by force. secondly, within the can, i said there is
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a strong movement of the far right. i'm the old try. although the all growing, they all the one who make more have more children. they have between $6.00 to $12.00, children, each family they all, the one who contribute to the continued t off is right with all of these days, right? when for the part in particular, one day is the lack of security that the police tenure resistance has imposed in the center and the to the. this is why inside the next it and the government to look off the data needs and to make sure that they are not enrolled in the all me. this is the priority of the prime minister today is really good to get your insights. thank you very much. for joining us, elijah and magneer, the from powers thinking that your listings are on the world all celebrate the does have the thing gone. so festival to use as we've mentioned, all mutates with many close to simon and family members. separated worship as a gathering and the rooms have destroyed most to hold press time
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a couple of seem to pull aside from dana, the butler in central cancer. the palestinians mocking today the lines of either a tough holiday and no responding to the isabel yet tax. now without raising public areas where they are surrounded by destruction, double station became here today to pray under the same time to congratulate each other for the i really believe and basically older to also bring a sense of hope that they are still clinging to their homeland and generally, typically, palestinians used to celebrate this 20 day by meeting the families of the same time in order to shut law. it means that can be no longer affordable as more of the help of guns with the population in the brain confound. and the situation is extremely tragic right now as do is costing and trying to do the best in life of the is very
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ongoing aggression to bring happiness for those young children as lots of children today will wake up and celebrate it a time without any parent says this is came loaded with burdens for palestinians who are flowing through a sense of happiness on the faces of the children and the new kind of let tough in the text. and despite over the tragedies, palestinians had been experiencing since october, the 7th terrace, up as in algebra. jared by palestine believes and listened. some around the world have conversed on mecca inside of you, right, beautiful, the hodge pilgrimage. now these are pictures from mecca when the crowds of worship, as all sucking the cobble in the ground, while scarce loans, who list site told, correspondent hush amount to join us. not for a minute, which is just south east of mecca. hi the how she is about to you. what's happening today for the pilgrims that all present the,
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the the plane would be spending would be spending 3 days to continue the rituals. the 2 things are happening today based of sector with wise muslims. when men bring a tradition of profit ever have on the side and the symbolic stoning of the devil, why the symbolic stone and go to the devil? because moslems believe that, deborah, how many should buy it on their way to build a combat in mecca walks through this process that you can see to my left and then the sites and revealed himself. and he said, no, you shouldn't be building that car, but you should disobeyed your god, andre abraham. and each by his thoughts it slowly pebbles out the devil. and the reasons why the reason why pilgrim to do it today is just to showcase the fact that this is going to be
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a constant battle to resist you own temptations and the whispers of the devil throughout your journey. because has, by the end of the day, is a journey about transformation to estimation of yourself. just thought the pressure back to life in the future. there's been a crowd earlier in the day. and as you can see, the numbers are less and less for the same reason. it's almost 40 minutes past 1 o'clock, local time heading, mackenzie, it's the tempo chaise. very high end. this is one of the biggest concerns for the pilgrims and for the help of holidays inside the ravia. the yeah, of course is going to bring in the climate to itself on the he said it seems yeah. rainier, route. the heat is always an issue full. the saudi will follow or tease, and to try and make sure the whole location and the batteries and then use all states everybody that attends. i mean, what have you noticed this year? indeed so hey,
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because has just not just about to rituals on the ritual transformation, it's also about face deal of physical activity and people with uh, instead of taking busses all the train here they say we want to replicate whatever i me to buy and unprofitable how about did, which is we want to will. and when they will spend most of the time how tools and this was more loads of strains on the segments, the ticket a, the elderly, just to give you an idea, for example, for them to be able to come for the symbolic stone and go to the devil, they have to walk down the bridges that you can say to my left, walk around the entire area that the tons that you see to my left of the pillows, that's then symbolically pull the devil and they have to do it. now the volunteers have been asking people to use umbrella because i how is this time happens in summer time, sundays, it's been, it's been really very hard and the asking people to take extra precautions. but as long as it takes until this is over exhaustion and heat stroke,
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the biggest concern full, they go forward these but also for the big grams and we talk about fig went to talking about sometimes most of the time. people of 758 years old, people are sick, twisted and says it's worth taking all the rest to perform the ritual as a task force in a training session to the purchase of it and all the costs follows the gates follow right. policies i had to raise the election at the end of june. the demonstrations against the national riley come after the policy on more than 30 percent of the vote in european parliamentary elections. a week ago, the touch of butler has moved from the french capital. thousands of people failed. congress has passed the last i bleak at the start of the demonstration against the fall rights. and from the point like it's necessary to defend freedom. we must defend that. so that's, i mean it's as soon as i come from the migrant family,
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sometimes the behavior and looks you get, make you feel it is no longer friends. leading the protest fox has left wing alliance that includes the socialist screens and communists. the entertain the idea that these people will seize power in a country like france, because it would never entertain the idea that racism, discrimination on the basis of skin color on the basis of religion can exist and the 7th most powerful economy in the world. in france on sunday, marine depends on team of grades, national rally, policy one, modem, searching to send to the food and from says you election. so i headed to the french president, sent to write policies and embarrassing results for emmanuel michael. that prompted him to unexpectedly dissolve solomon's secret ahead, protesting maybe against the ball, rolling for the loss of ours to go with the french present. emanuel michael, not only with his policies for 7 straight patients, the collection is putting in danger. protests disappear,
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independence. fluoride policy with the balance says, well, i'm really angry with the manual, not chrome for calling this election just 3 weeks before the olympics. with all the security and diplomatic concerns, and with the far right riding, so high, it's utterly irresponsible. my process is the dissatisfaction of faces. he wants to give people a choice. his opponents say he's gambling with democracy and the future of thoughts . especially butler ultra sarah, congress, the good the soul is and the supervisor of politics at the university of north. again, he says, divisions within rival parties who play in present michael's favor. we think it by my cool, i'm michael. my actually profit from this is that we didn't last when the new last thing and lines there's already being some tensions. firstly is that they haven't really been able to just designate their,
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their leader who's going to lead the lions for center last voters such as the socialists or degrees. if it were indeed, or like mental phones only mental salters are kind of left populous leader. they would be very hesitant about them. they don't want to see him leading. they want to know their figure to lead. basically words be the case, but he works at least on like post fights, some other sense or less voters back into the microphone. com. if you remember is actions in 2017 and then his re election were recently, he didn't money to bring center that it's not to ride voters together. he's kind of lost the center of the photos because a straight to your collection of science groups. mine did very well, they came a very close actually to watch the, the majority party, the menu on the coast party that so he's lost those voters. but if this alliance kind of brings, and then as far as kind of intuit those soldiers might go back to him. well, still head here on out, is there something new on the horizon? so upon casals blind, ruth adults, things once believed to be extinct. uninstalled
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a 16 year old break, so that code helps things victory in the i think matched with the us the how the city of the workers is road used to bring much needed cash to the occupied to us bank. they were estimated the 22 percent of the workforce before the war. now that israel has found their entry, they barely make up to point the percent according to a recent survey by the international labor organization. another office to can facing the economy is israel's decision to withhold tax revenue that belongs to the palestinian authority. know many stores here have closed down and people say every day this will continues. it adds another burden on counting the cost to your
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a plays catch up with the us in china and what's being called a competitive does crisis can india is private as but pushed through economic performance with the refused to parliamentary majority. and how the, how should pilgrimage is boosting saudi's economy counting the cost bought out as a around the, [000:00:00;00] the what type of the problem is of a very exciting. thank you. so while the, or is, is indeed very exciting. it's at least had page at each on it spell se says this team was too comfortable in that opening match. when i roll day near the european championships, the side to hold has made a shocking, starts with a throw in, was intercepted albanians, and that in my roaming school,
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23 seconds in. that's the fall, cisco sort out of yours. that's why the 60 minute it's the turn things around with 2 goals of that, right. and you can either read out with a see of strikes and the edge of the vault. if me, then holding on, right. see one victory they will face say next to beat probation. 3. now that goes in coming in the 1st hall from oliver, i'm alexa february's, and that is how the house was 16 relative meaning now who stole the limelight certificate, called the house gold as he became the youngest, put in many years history that result fittings fame, tougher fruit beat on folder for you know, there's, i mean see that back in the mean keeps breaking records. but i think the most important thing is he keeps growing and maturing more and more every day and in a positive seems to become a really great football. last year as time pauses, but just like i said, not to get carried away with the result. well we did was when one match the same applies to the mean as such a young plath 91. in going to begin that campaign later on sunday, against savvy
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a carol southgate side to run his off for the last year, right? is losing to it's the on penalties they're ready to go. score a hurricane will become the 1st play as a captain, the team at full major tournaments of every tory montages different expectations or things. you know, we've got the right to be uh, i guess clauses one of the favorites. but we look at ourselves in, you know, in, in, individually and as a team, and i got into this tournament, we know, you know, and impossible to me as we've done. it all seems well and we've made, you know, the country proud and we've, i've cooked tournament the only way we're here to win it. also in group see denmark's presidents and makes his return to the competition. 3 is off to suffering economy a rest on the pitch during a group stage, match the midfield that needed live saving treatment, also collapsing against defendant at the tournament in 2021. that mock faces lavine . eliza, and that's is erickson's focus. man. somebody early 9 for me personally, playing more than one game is an improvement. but it's been a goal since the beginning to come back to this level. and 3 is
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a lot of things have happened. i don't think about it on a daily basis. it's not something i over think i'm just looking forward to playing football, you know? yeah. but sundays action kicks off with poland against the netherlands. the polls will be without the injured stoffel with a robot level skiing handbook. while the sure looking to in the 1st year if you and championship type. so in 36 years, the defending job, he has england have qualified for the super 8 stage of crickets, t 20 world costs, and they probably have australia to thank because these ad stout's got into a, in direct competition with england full the qualification spots, the scott needed to win it to advance with australia and radi lights to beat them by 5 will kits. australia k through as creepy with is with england finishing 2nd earlier in the day england beats. and then maybe a by $41.00 runs at a range. is that too much and on so you go to the best so and how we broke upon it, england to victory price and to shop. they will take
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a 3 short lead into the final round of goals us safe and the americans. he's looking to win this tournament for 2nd time. it shows us 3 underpass, 67 to take charge to somebody who plays on the live tool, made 6 buddies trying the record for the most and a single round of us safe. and at this time high schools, actually powell is in a chasing pac. he's aiming to become the 1st frenchman in a 117 years. it's a when a major use it for an depaul alongside patrick hunt life. and this man re mcelroy the northern irishman is chasing his fist major title. and 1st in a decade made a lot of great posts today. i tell you that i'm pleased with how i struck it for the most part i. i got to work on that just a little bit, but i feel pretty, pretty confident of the ti, 2 shots, and same quote. i've said all week you know, trying to get boring golf in the middle agree never moves. so i'm going to try and hit a lot of the greens. give myself some, some good looks and some holes and to put a lot. it's great and i,
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i love the task that define her says, present thing and um, you gotta, you gotta focus and concentrate on every single shot out there. and you know, it's, it's what a us open should be like i'm, you know, it's and it's obviously great to be in the mix. the edmonton oilers are fighting back to the n h. l. stanley cup final canadian cigna shanaiah tori and performed a concert before game for getting some sort of houses and stuff quite off edmundson because they pulled off a residing 81 victory. the oldest score, 5 goals on the assess the 16 shots which lots of houses go tend to suck. april seeping full early in the 2nd period. quite a bit, save. it also supported us all of the final as admin fee to insure to $7.00 game series will continue to pump this. i still just one when i'm that fast assemblies outside of africa's of foss, dismantled so i have now and, and you all as sent out a warning to his sprint rivals. he qualified for the powers, it impacts. he says,
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a world leading time is $9.00 and the $100.00 pieces. the kenyan national trials on saturday sauces time, a with a distance since 202218. you wrote a manual one young e round. the faust is 800 meters in 12 years 2023. well silver metal is qualifying for power, so the time is one minute. 41.70 seconds, and multiple world and the impact jump in the face. it can be gone, no separate passports. so by see 501500 meter events in defense capital the totes really continues to through the french overseas territories on saturday at 12 feet hardly in the fall. leap for heading to monson. x very nice. and the torch heads back to me on fonts. on choose day what it will be, get it studies the powers with a trip on the water free dive. alice motorized has been practicing before she carries the flame encased in a special torch under the waves and on the mediterranean coast. it will then continue on dry land, around the country, before lights on the cauldron, in the capsule. and if the game, so the end of july, that is all you'll split for now i will have more accessor. thanks very much.
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trevor. no blind for the dolphins, wolves thrive today just in this river all way up stream to the foothills of the himalayas. but the numbers of dwindled over the yes to the human activity. a low voltage holes conservation is now stepping up efforts to help save the endangered species. i'll just say it was come out of high to reports from focused on a round of applause. another girlfriend save in another successful rescue. but it's a constant struggle to save these mammals. it's rented in sin and the dividend decision go flat due to a lack of rain. here, the fisherman's boss cling. i lead to the road in bank of the river and filled the blind golfing. that's come up to breed before diving to it. shallow dip to this stretch of the river and drawing offered the thank judy under the watchful eyes of the stuff of the water. why life fun order. w w. s. we join
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a team to find out more, once found an abundance in the river in the us. there now on the list of endangered species. mark efforts by wy, life fund, and conservation organizations are trying their best to save them from extinction. we travel with them in a board and they check fishermen's net to ensure that nor does things are caught up and unable to go. so if it's to be monitoring the job, our job is to save and rescue this unique species of blind dolphins from the fisherman's nets, which are spread all over in this river. w. w. f has created so much awareness among the low cost that they immediately inform us if these dolphins come across any crisis and we respond and rescue the interests girlfriend once providers to all
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the way upstream to the for tears of the him. a lead by done now can find only 200 kilometers stretch of the lower end days in the silver dolphin is an endangered species and we have only 2002 of them left in flux on. they have various factors that are contributing to its decline. the top one is that we have been dodges and infrastructure which are diverting water from the enders for integration purposes. and then dolphins accidentally swim into it addition canals and they get stranded there. the conservation efforts approving effective, but the future of deed ma'am, is still hanging a precarious balance, where the distribution is against of why it's from sucking gum. i like that. i just need a rory bucket. darn no searching global copay, price. it says left, a bitter taste which, okay, t, as in australia, prices of 90 tripled in the past year of hosting small businesses to close old limits and numbers of work as experts say, the rise of being driven by climate change, deforestation,
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and the crop disease in west africa, but more than 70 percent of cocoa is purchased. do you follow that story on a website that i'll just have adult comments updated throughout the day? 40 bucks you probably will have more news on the other side of the pricing to learn from me and also news on the team here in denver. thanks for your time. the before the war, 8000 patients cross that alpha and beta in crossings every month to receive treatment abroad. that number has dwindled to lisbeth. $5000.00 evacuated and 7 months of conflict. pushing through the pain 11 year old doreen by a can finally walk again. dream couldn't move her legs after an air strike killed 60 members of her family and gaza chest. good, good. i thought i'd have to stay for more than
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a year in the wheelchair. i was asking my aunt if i'd be paralyzed forever. this facility was filled with a 22 world cup. now it's been turned into a place worth 500 patients receive treatment, education and psychological support. what the doctor, even when i had to sit teen, i'm in between the moment i got injured and now i've had around 61 surgeries. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war. zone in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump now i don't think so and that it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selected justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se i thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment,
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no one can build boxes for the inside story on al jazeera. this is the 1st and i saw that we see the real time it's the victims themselves along the surface disconnects between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered of the israel intensifies its operations in central and southern gaza, laughter. it's military, sometimes. it's deadly. is they in 6 months? so i'm fairly back to boy,
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you're watching colleges 0 line from jo. huh. also coming up, we report from switzerland where well leaders are attending a stomach to find


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