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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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in it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the israel intensifies its operations in central and southern gaza laughter. it's military, sometimes. it's deadly. is they in 6 months? so i'm fairly back to boy, you're watching colleges 0 line from jo. huh. also coming up, we report from switzerland where well leaders are attending a stomach to find a piece brand on ukraine, but roches, not invited the sure lake minority
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people who lived here say that facing it is aust, uh, which is non may and muslims of on the well celebrate the data ada, close to 2000000 as having the holiday by performing the hash pilgrimage in next. the, these are the military has tip top. it's sold on the gaza strip and what appears to be a retaliation against the death of 10 of his soldiers on saturday, 8, we killed when the vehicle was bombed in rafa. how my says it's fine just carried out. the attack in an ambush to other is ready. soldiers died in fighting in the north from industries permits or benjamin. it's now says the war will continue despite what he called, the heavy and unsettling price. is there a shutdown? all just there is operation. so have this on who would reports not from amman in neighboring georgia. the it's the biggest single day last for these really army,
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since january, the military confirming the 8 is really soldiers from the combat engineering unit were killed in dropbox when their armored vehicle exploded. reaction from across the political aisle port in with prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying, despite the heavy losses, the finding must continue the issue. don't let anyone distract you from the simple and clear fact. despite the staggering cost, we must stick to the goals of the war, destroying the military and structure of how much we turning on or hostages. making sure that garza, we no longer pose attached to israel and returning our residents safely to their homes. both in the north and south and initial army pro, into the incident showed the combat engineering vehicle was attacked after a night of fierce fighting in guns. a southern mo, city for the military is now investigating the possibility that the vehicle was hit
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by an empty tank missile is really army spokesperson. daniel, how gar, he says there have been achievements, but that israel is still facing challenges. it's other sigma smoking along with a significant achievement. we have to honestly say that we will not be able to return everyone home in this way. we will continue to act in old ways in order to create the conditions for the return home of all the duct these as quickly as possible by and all of this comes image demonstrations across israel. calling for deal to bring back the remaining captives for nits in yahoo to resign and for elections to be held immediately on saturday, the spokes person for the hostage in missing families for on the said that israel can't win against chemist in gaza. meanwhile, all thousands of protesters in tel aviv had been calling on the government to
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accept a ceasefire deal to bring back the remaining is really captive when nearly 9 months into the war. that deal is still nowhere in sight. i'm the son who was just, you know, i'm a missile bringing out is there is bernard smith was also in amman, jordan, so ben is what's been the reaction in his route to the death of the soldiers. and what's the fall out from the full 11 soldiers killed in the last 2020 uh, 48 hours. those 8 in that incident in rafa 2 and a tank explosion. and then also cause another soldier died from his ruins from a previous incident. all across receiving blanket coverage in israel and from thing again, soul searching questions about the execution of the war and gauze of a particularly from those are things that israel government doesn't have an exit strategy. we've had retired generals are tied, military offices,
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old pitching in saying that the reason for the soldiers dying is because there isn't a political strategy for the day after and gone so, particularly in the know whether it is rarely military set that got rid of how much because as opposed to a vacuum that is known as takeover, and how much fun just have been returning and the manager has been forced to go back to, to deal with that. well, i'm a retired generals published to an all pad. israel said he's at the war and god was moving his most dangerous stage, which is the stage of a rose and that the tyrant's loss of initiative, loss of control over the situation. earlier today, bernard b is rarely said they would be tactical pause, is a military activity in parts of 7 guys to allow aid. and what is going on with that is, has that happened as well. this was painted as and that if i, these rarely, military as a way of allowing more aid in the gaza,
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has been constant complaints and nothing like the amount of an ace is necessary is getting in. but yeah, then we heard that the defense minister kalonde, the prime minister, netanyahu had not heard about it. and the military was supposed to sort of correct itself a bit. the car doors that but it's a very warm road that goes from come up asylum to north of rough. uh, but in fact the fighting continues in rafa. so don't play what difference they sort of day time pause along this particular road will make, but even just bought from to this predictable firestone particular on the far right . with the far administrative keys netanyahu empower, say, you know, that said a lot of those small fridge and saying that a bit goes to how i that goes into cause it goes to how much that helps them control how much it contradicts the goals of the war. and it's my bank of a saying something similar, but then we have 70 percent of his re lease. not agreeing with the idea of sending aids to gauze, recording to the latest polls,
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both spanish. thank you very much for that. that sound is here, has been estimates free, floating their life from amman, jordan, because he's really government again as find out. just hear from reporting from within israel. let's get an update on the situation in guys an hour and speak to honey. my mode was in dial, the lie in central guys, i honey. tell us about what's been happening in these last few hours has been heavy selling in a rock from yes . well, for the past, the few hours, the not all the, the central area and the northern part of this tribune involving a few more of the killing box right now that we're seeing rock city. not only there are a few pine forces on the ground that is really military continue with the seller selling in the ears, right. but the disturbing news that we receive confirmed we have 2 people killed in, tell us to find a neighborhood that's the western parts of rebecca city that already sustaining great deal of damage to its public facilities. a residential building,
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putting sold facilities in the area, but the fact that the ambulance were dispatched to remove the bodies of the were killed by these really military were shut out by the quad copiers invites time shell to the point where there needs to be an intervention of from another health organization that sent another ambulance, the whole evacuated the paramedics team inside the ambulance and also to remove the 2 bodies. and this is the kind of an intimidation to kind of dress that paramedics soul, defensive members volunteers on the. 5 on our basic and daily basis the, the 0 percent safety of anyone and that's why we safely, you can say that is not all the dog has been deliberately and reminds us good target. but it keeps evolving into more of the killing box, stuck on a separate talk that really medicaid continues to deliberately on unit repeat. the next the copies are preventing people from doing
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body into their, into their home. then deepening defense of the permanent displacement for the majority of them. honey, i see people behind you, the children in celebration. what looks like a celebration behind you today, of course, is a dial out of the 1st day of eat, which is a significant date in the muslim calendar. how is that being locked in guys? amidst the war part of that bird via mobile volunteers that and then people are from the community here trying to make a children here live and make them happy as the tragedies continued on folded very, particularly for the most vulnerable group. children who are either separated from their families or the past on for the lost family members that are being old friends or they made their friends by be ongoing is really meant to be as the vast
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majority of these children, they have their families live, at least one of their parents, skilled in this, in this war. and this is part of ongoing effort, sincerely hours of this morning trying to just to change the, the tragic, the mood of everyone here make them smart either by giving them aided threes or uh, some vague cash in their house. and just deal didn't celebrate this bit over old isn't it doesn't feel like you need to day is still in hundreds of 1000 of displays, families across the gospel. many of them are in morning. many of them are unable to do this simple over traditions of factors and custom the did in the past few years . that for example, like buying a new clothes or baking good edith trees, they just made impossible buy the the store. and the price is also the ritual religious rituals either the offering to sacrifice gold or for, for me to hide it. most of the people are being deprived of doing these things.
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that's why it doesn't feel like the the 1st when a level is i didn't feel discouraged a very few days to be honest with us where a displaced family here with part of our family members are still in northern garza, were unable to reach them even to check on c high or happy it is just things are, are not the same right and evolved into something else. the past 2 months have been quite difficult to change the general mood for everyone. it doesn't indeed feel like you need for the people of guys. i many of them including your family, have been celebrate, have been separated to honey. thank you so much for your re forcing. thank you for joining us from daniel by in central gaza. so not a head of her mouse has political bureau. a smile on the side of the group is ready to accept an agreement that guarantees a permanent ceasefire fully as rarely withdraw from gaza. reconstruction and a prisoner exchange deal the cattle, how much showed great seriousness,
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inflexibility in order to reach an agreement that was spared the blood of our palestinian people in stop this really aggression box. it was reflected in our acceptance of what was mentioned by president joe biden. and his speech as well as our welcome to the security council resolution that was issued few days ago. we gave our response to the mediators to a joint delegation between us and our brothers, india slamming you, had movement, and cut back. our response is consistent with the principles put forward by president biden speech with the security council resolution regarding the 3 stages of the deal and the terms of the ceasefire. when i let me now and try the world news and leaders and government officials from $92.00 countries of gather insights of and for a piece i made on ukraine, the event comes off to russian. president vladimir putin suggested that he was open to p stops, but he said keith would have to agree to withdraw its truth from 4 ukrainian
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regions and abandon it's made to join nato. the group will discuss ways of achieving a lasting piece. russia has not been invited. let's go straight to our diplomatic as agend spaces in birkenstock assessment where that conference is being held. so what can we expect from this gathering when the main stakeholder is not present as well? yeah, so i mean i means it's nothing like what you would normally think of peace towards so peace negotiations. this is because somebody told me piece and you trying to look at the parameters of peace ukrainians. i think want international support. they want an international position that can help them as a negotiating position when eventually russia is invite to to some sort of piece, some, it's a pressure. what attends and i think that's where some important developments have happened today. the comments coming, we have comments for presentation in a couple of days ago, but coming from moscow in the last couple of hours to be to pest golf. the spokesman for the kremlin, saying that pricing is not really out tools, but he wants guarantees needed to insure the credibility of any negotiations. um,
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our understanding is those guarantees are about the role the presence of lensky because russia considered a legitimate president because his term of office was supposed to end in may. i think ukraine on the whole is pleased with not just what's going on to keep the plum magic. but some of the other developments, of course, ukraine has seen stale might to this war and some advances by russia over the last year. but they've had a minute treat and the kind of make boost in recent days. and i put all those delicate drive up developments to get the reaction to it, to them, to the ukrainian foreign minister to meet your label. and have this gathering here . you can only please, you know, have the 50000000000 coming from the g 7. then you have, militarily, you'll know, using nature weapons destroyed into russia. you have to call about a loan, good. going to store nato's efforts. how much closer
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to or to in the also forgot the dimensions of dishonest shining as one of the good good. the recent developments and, and i think we're in a good track. i think that the old on old tracks we are moving forward. and the fact that this summit brought together so many countries from south america, from africa, from asia. and we see that those who are not here, they see what is happening. they see that this is, this is the momentum and piece formula. and ukraine is building piece around principal. so if you and chart it really brings us, brings us forward. so i can not tell you when the war will and it's not in my hands . but i know that we're making some major steps towards restoring just and lasting peace to be sent to key words just and last thing. we don't use it any expense
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to meet with labor, the foreign minister of ukraine. now this event here is drawing to a close fully the final communicate we're expecting may be in the next half an hour or so because the final press conference would coming up at the top of the next hour. and then we're going to have here from presidents and then ski himself earlier on the us a couple of hours. the vice president is already left here, but the head of delegation now the national security advisor jake sullivan. he said he was expecting a stronger response from the international community. gather to you. james space in birkenstocks, switzerland. thank you very much. not prison guards have hostage at a detention center in russia. southern region of host thom has been released on harmed security for system. the facility out of the gauze was seized by 5 men being held in the prison local media space. at least 2 of the captors were killed during an exchange of fire. the suspects are reportedly linked to ice, so and demanded
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a car and free passage. still, i had on the program, there is something new on the horizons of body science lines where the adult things once believe to be exceed the unique phone that processed by a palestinian nowadays using a symbol of national identity to create a postage in passport stamps. but as for some nice, clear to be able to come flying anyway, sending a message of resistance about the arab israeli conflict kind of progress. we've come to palestine, palestine sundance, the stamp of defiance on out the
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. ringback the taxes, which in this janet is an in depth coverage. this is probably your policy and demonstration number 15, little on the out to 0 is teams on the ground. when you get closer to the closet, the story, the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the recap of our top stories on how to sierra these really military has recorded is why single day last since january in gas are 10 soldiers were killed in separate incidents in northern and southern, gaza to died in fighting in the north and how mazda is it spies escaped 18 in ambush, and leaders and government officials from 92 countries have gathered for ukraine. peace summit in switzerland. they're discussing past worth and lasting peace. but russia wasn't invited. millions of muslims from around the world have converged on mecca inside. you re bid for the hodge pilgrimage. as these are the latest success from mecca, where clouds of worship as are asserting the cobb i in the ground most is lambs wholly assigned. sunday, march. the 1st day of each of the religious holiday includes a ritual with pilgrim's. so pebbles that 3 walls symbolizing the stoning up the
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devil. but extreme heat has been an issue as hash in my body reports, not from me, not just outside of me. it's not just about to rituals on the ritual transformation. it's also about face deal of physical activity as people instead of taking buses all the train here they say, we want to replicate whatever jaime, to buy and unprofitable. how much did, which is we want to will, and when they will spend most of the time out tools, and this was more loads of strains on the segments, the ticket, a, the elderly, just to give you an idea, for example, for them to be able to come for the symbolic stone and go to the devil. they have to walk down the bridges that you can say to my left, walk around the entire area that the 10s that you see to my left of the pillows. that's then symbolically pull the deadlines. they have to do it. now the
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authorities have been asking people to use umbrella because how does this time happens in summer time? sundays? it's been, it's been really very hard and they've asking people to take extra precautions for as long as it takes until this is over exhaustion and heat stroke. the biggest concern full, they go forward these but also for the big rooms and we talk about the big ones you're talking about sometimes those of the time people of 758 years old, people are sick. but for students there's, it's worth taking all the rest to perform the rituals that has now water has in gold, hundreds of homes around the shows of africa's 3rd largest lake. the flooding of lake milan we have to space thousands of people and forest lake side resorts and other businesses to close. heavy rains in recent months have pushed wanted levels in the late to the highest in decades. and as malcolm web reports from lake malawi,
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rather than say, the government isn't doing enough to address the problem, we have to take a boat to reach pamela zimmer, this house she says she had to move out months ago, along with the neighbors. the water levels and leg malawi, the sheer ava, it's so outlets of being that the highest in decades following torrential rains in northern malawi, a neighboring townsend. yeah, it proved too much for the watch when she left here. the government says, all the homes here break in 1960 the little that's a big building structures in natural floodplains. it's rarely enforced. they allowed us to view this house. they gave us the plans for the houses. so if they knew that this price is more so for us to grow, why did they give us a go ahead so that we should be doing here? local counselor, wedding to mind. glenn g says the flooding is
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a man made crisis and the governments to blame many residents agree with him. they say this is the problem about raj downstream and issue a river that regulates the water flow out of like malawi. 5 years ago it was raised to keep more water in the lake. there's always electricity and water depend on it. so to farm it down stream in malawi and they, during most, i'm big with the power raj and also prevent flooding. if we say, let's open all of the 14 gets 100 percent, what it means is will be listening for media and delete as of what it minutes, which is, which would be a disaster. so we want to bounce up to say, even the way we are open, we don't just open, we have the strategist, wellington, and the residents of the swans homes done by it. they protested. last month's demanding move was released. they say the government should compensates and v like, take them if it wants to move to level to stay higher. the level of like malawi as
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being fluctuate things significantly for as long as it's being recorded. heavy rains can cause floods to put communities on the water drought, devastating for agricultural production downstream and also cuts off malawi is that like tricity supply? which depends on hydro power. so into say, climate change is increasing the risk of both just over a 100 years ago. it fell so lies that issue, a bus stop slowing until 20 years to recover scientists, a climate change has roughly doubled the probability of that happening again. the flooded homes ever failed since the last time the lake was this high in 1980 the residents we spoke to who pulling off the long these populations tripled since then and the case for regional climate impact mitigation is somewhat lost on people who
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now take boats where they used to walk malcolm web al jazeera like malawi, clean up operations are on the way along the beach is a single force in tulsa island following an oil spill. that happened after a drudgery struck a stationary vessel on friday. the oil slip spread from the shipping terminal to the tories hotspot, for the 40 se is now being can. tate are now blind of rave adult fins. one strive donasia is in this river all the way upstream to the foothills of the himalayas. but the numbers have dwindled over the years due to human activity along the water course in protest on conservation is a now stepping up efforts to help save the endangered species out of the areas come all high to report some glory impacts a round of applause. another girlfriend, save in another successful rescue, but it's a constant struggle to save these mammals. it's rented in sin and the dividend if
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it didn't go flag due to a lack of rain. here the fisherman's boss, cling idly dirty eroding bank of the river and filled the blind doesn't come up to breed before diving through it. shallow dip on this stretch of the river and drawing offered the thank judy under the watchful eyes of the stuff of the water. why life fun order w w. s. we join a team to find out more, once found an abundance in the river in the us. there now on the list of endangered species. mark efforts by wy, like fund, and conservation organizations, are trying their best to save them from extinction. we travel with them in a board and they check fishermen's net to ensure that no dog friends are caught up and unable to go. so if it's to be monitoring the job, our job is to save and rescue this unique species of blind dolphins from the fisherman's nets,
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which are spread all over in this river. w. w. f has created so much awareness among the low cost that they immediately inform us if these dolphins come across any crisis and we respond and rescue the index girlfriend once providers to all the way upstream to the for tears of the humor lead by done now can find only 200 kilometers, stretch of the lower end days in the silver dolphin is an endangered species and we have only 2000 just then left in flux on. they have various factors that are going to be watching to its decline. the top one is that we have been dodges and infrastructure which are diverting water from the enders for integration purposes. and then dolphins accidentally swim into it addition canals and they get stranded there. the conservation efforts is approving effective, but the future of these members still hanging
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a precarious balance where the dispute is against of why it's fall from sucking gum . i like that. i just need a rory bucket done. and that is a news for now on. i'll just hear that so, so from the paid for me for the back, he was always more on our website that on to see or dot com. so rahman will be with you right after inside story analogies here. a state of the was funding in southern china, the seasonal range is certainly taken. how would they be navigating to get big josh, the know for the main sources here? an impulsive writing that goes probably into a q shoes, coke or something like that will likely give some type of what were the kinds of streaming. for example, in full cast on monday could see a 100000000 pages that flight decor, some clothing, and then it drives that rapidly morning range on tuesday,
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then it goes away. and wednesday looks fine. great. it'll wind. so it's just a pulse of reading going through to hit it to soccer, middle of all the show, and then took care of it. we found the strength by that time i didn't expect flooding to be seen in turkey, dolefully yankee, generally speaking is fine. no, by dr. mrs. lee and beijing, back out to you at 37 degrees west registered and secured him by spending gold and marriage. since every year, at least you will see big showers, developing on what does the fact the monsoon trough still sitting there. now that same line can be extended across to goods or not anyway, so if you're in the mountain, seeing an answer daily, it's human, quite often it's very wet and has been saying for a long time where yet, but mostly it hasn't best used to go up the halt, pre months, the heat was temperature is very high. 4546 degrees. of course, the heat wave voiding side. in the no of
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the european union plans to impose harsh view terrace on chinese electric vehicles facing says a few of protectionism. division 2 in the, the you about the plan and on to him and, and of the comic is highly exposed to the chinese market. so what is behind the dispute and couldn't listen. this is inside story, the


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