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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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miles of drinks that i'll pick up next time is. why don't we do nothing? thank you. the . the clouds hold on when you're watching the. i'll just say the news on life. i'm a headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. rushes vladimir putin via trades that he's open to told so the ukraine. but he's not invited to a major piece of this in switzerland is rarely intensifies as operations and central and southern galls, rough its military stuff as its deadly estates in 6 months long shipping in the ruins palestinians in gauze,
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i say that is little to celebrate, says they trying to, amongst the beginning of the, the holiday march and nearly 2000000 pilgrims, the same will estimate of it truly apologize. most things around the world celebrates he'd like to have a nice with his full size. the netherlands get that you're a 2020 full campaign underway. dutch funds to and how back orange for the right thing, match against titans on have the latest from that game. this out. the welcome to the news leaders and officials from $92.00 countries of the to you fight instead of total integrity must be the basis for any peace agreements. they've been holding a ukraine. p summit in switzerland. russia wasn't invited to the event. russian president vladimir putin said earlier on sunday that he's not ruling out talks with
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ukraine. fuck says guarantees will need a need to ensure the credit cut ability of any negotiations. paysimple keys to agree to withdraw its troops from full ukrainian regions and abandoned its but to join nato. ukrainian allies have rejected putin's terms of peace. us national security advisor drake sullivan, co patient's proposal unreasonable with no responsible nation can say that is a reasonable basis for peace. it defies the un charter. it defies basic morality. it defies basic common sense. by contrast, the vision of peace that was put forward here today from so many different countries, rooted in principles, all of us signed up to rudy. the principles, all of us would like to live in a world that are ruled by those principles because they make us all safe. this is the right vision as we go forward. your credit and presence of them is landscapes, as the path to peace will be challenging at home that we can achieve resolved
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as soon as possible. and it is exactly these and other similar brag those steps to restore security and peace that will prove to everyone in the world that the un charter can be restored to fee effectiveness. because there was diplomatic editor james base proposed from back in stoke, in switzerland. this is spelled as a summit own piece in ukraine, not the ukraine piece summit. and that's because there's no talks. there's nothing to go see ation here. that's because russia is not to you, but i think some will be more optimistic about the prospect. so what happens off to this, by the fact that russia has been responding to what's going on here? russia saying it doesn't rule out the idea of negotiations, but it says it needs guarantees about those negotiations and the credibility that particular you're talking about, the role of presidency. lensky is original to run out. i may say is not legitimate
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president, but i think some of those sites, even though they're costing doubts on something, is important to us that the fact that we've been talking at this time is a positive move. certainly ukraine sees over the developments recently, militarily, diplomatically and economically with the money going from the g 7 as positive. and this is the reaction i got earlier on from the credit in foreign minister. i think we are in a good track. i think that's all on old tracks. we are moving forward. and the fact that the summit brought together so many countries from south america, from africa, from asia. and we see that those who are not here of the see what is happening. they see that this is, this is the momentum and piece formula and the ukraine is building piece around principal. so if you and chart it really brings us, brings us forward. so i can not tell you when the world will,
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and it's not in my hands, but i know that we're making some major steps towards their storing just in the last thing piece visa to key words. just and last thing. we don't appease at any expense in terms of the military base that ukraine has had recently. you've got the support of the g 7, but most importantly, nato defense ministers have said that they are going to fight, provide more support for you. crime. you've got a big nato summit coming up in a couple of weeks in washington, dc. a now you no longer have the objection of hungry to any efforts. the nato makes towards ukraine. hungry has a carve out. it doesn't have to take pause, but it's also a great not to block. and the thing, the rest of the lawns decides to do. james pays out to 0 book and stuck in switzerland. also any further off is a former deputy foreign minister of russia and chime and not the fund for political research and consulting in russian joins. it's not for most good mr. federal if could help you with this on the program. thanks for your time. in your opinion, it isn't russia angry, disappointed, or something else,
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not being invited to this meeting in switzerland. ok, the problem is that even quite a long time before this meeting, there was a fight to the teacher that was cool. not to participate. i was, uh, that is understanding who graham is that. so we live, we just propose my brain is something that looks capital for russia and there is no reason to do until comment to explain russia's position. but anyway, rush, i wish to take into consideration the results of this conference. and of course disco principal improvements on the sort of the paid to developers already paid as much as not happy with the parameters that west the nations in ukraine off putting forward. is it any surprise then they are not happy about last cuz demands which are about ukraine withdrawing from russian captured areas and
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ukraine, not joining nato. they have a point to that night. oh, yes, of course. so it's a very clear position with all the grade that the original, the monks from russia, which were expressed by president, posted on friday on acceptable for the great. that's why it's even more important to find the way to establish some kinds of dialogue. and to this cost way, oh, because you're a little wait, all these impossible. we should search for solutions. maybe it's all very difficult . solutions for both sides of this process is very much in need. and i hope that the suisse conference will make it to maybe at least will be okay with a social solution to find this, such a solution, as you say, is something that both sides i'm looking for. yet that does seem to be an impass
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both between present pates and, and present jalencia as to the way forward. so even after this conference is being held in switzerland, i'm most coast, very strong position positives. how does most good move forward from, hey, i mean, is it a small fighting now, or are you looking for what you personally, all the credit and looking for of the avenue city schools. a substance all graham and should honor lies the results of the sweet. it's called 1st to understand what the thinks which might be using to show the shape since. and so what this company jaz acceptable appropriately is that uh, that is quite strong, was here in moscow that a for fridays with this proposal we rejected. there is no other way them in the intensify the walk. but this is quite the just way out. my and i'm for to can function great. right?
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was it ground floor covering understanding is better in that was out. where do you think those grounds, the common understanding? uh, because it seems that both sides have the full and red lines about what they will and will not negotiate. where do you think the breakthrough could come in? tons of the geography of what's going on on the ground right now in the contested areas. i know it shows the question of what's going on. so the grow, the question is to try to understand what kind of real bearing these pressure needs and what kind of real guarantees you create. and this should be a starting point, a very clear identification of aaron these and from this to discuss what sir. once it's possible and what is not possible, but here's a kind of to page. i would have to just jump in that because while both sides want guarantees and statements,
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both sides on top should be talking to each other around the table knife you weren't talk to each other around the table. how do the sides meet? are we looking at us the policy? are we looking like a possibly a neutral un individuals or not? a member state of the united nations, both sides couldn't trust or at least talk to a while. china abstained from joining this conference. my mind goes in that direction, the china might be of a possible come to it, the both western countries in the us and russia to i couldn't agree with you because i'm trying to in this situation. i want to have frequent, they cannot accept a rush. this position, i love appraisals. i'm just saying the same time i try like yellow stone gauge brush. so a china could be a blast for uh, for product compet spotlights. understand best uh,
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any negotiations. any conflicts in the future should not be on the level of quarters or landscape. it should be on the walking bladder. oh, maybe behind the close uh close off the fault because uh the formulas which is marked the phones they're very, very, very good because it's much better to keep them secret to keep them also for public view processing period of time. so maybe we should keep an eye on those close goals in the near future for that we have to leave it before you get to get your insight down to a federal sta, former deputy foreign minister of russia. thanks for your time, sir. thanks on the peace side. the ministry has stepped up as a tax and the southern gaza strip. the opponent, retaliation comes
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a day after it suffered as long as loss of life in a single day. since january, at least 2 palestinians were killed in strength and rough as apollo, also bon neighborhood. 2 i'm dealing since were attacked as paramedics were recovering the bodies on saturday. h is really sold just what killed in the same area to others were killed and fighting in the news of. both allows lavonne in western rough us still has hundreds of palestinians. families displaced by the war . the neighborhood has been especially hauled him in. his rouse latest wave of strides, which destroyed many homes and public facilities, pushing people into a state of panic. no soul, far away from a mossy, tiny strip of barren land between rafa unlimited training and see it was previously designated by as well as a safe side for palestinians. the same category is that the i like solves between data by line central. gaza joins us now. live, good. see you had a great deal of fighting, getting all across the gaza strip on sunday. just bring us up to speed on what we know is the latest. well,
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let's start with 0. floflead request is those fields right now. there has been intensive our tenant re sending smoke, smoke spa and a lot of very strikes start using residential homes and the area where the incident took place yesterday. suddenly photon us to move out where that is, where the forces are stationed and let me make it clear that send this whole ton is in the western parts of the fall. and it's very close to last season and zone where this was an evacuation zone. this significant st, but that is written for this. according to the medical teams, they stated that they tried to go and to pick up the bodies of the policy and use injured and killed and dropped off. but they were unable because that is where the forces targeted them and i'm an ambulance vehicle. was that a severely damaged?
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there was also an art tyler re selig in the eastern parts of the 10 units and said in bella. and there has been a target on how to send use in a since i yeah. neighborhood in, but god, the cities tend to leave with that with an update. thanks so much in country for us . the in the by is there any government is considering extending an emergency little the delays, the age military reserve is, can retire from the service. so as a committee is discussing, making conscription mandatory for ultra orthodox religious students under the proposal, the bill would extend the exemption by 6 months and that would mean enlisted. so just of until left $41.00 instead of 4 take stuff offices, the age would be $46.00 and specialists, including doctors, an add crew members would have to continue serving until left 50 instead of $49.00 . and run a boat, which is a political commentator, an editor of local coal, a hebrew language, news site, and joins us now from tennessee. mister russell,
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thanks for joining us on the product. and can we just begin with this extension of the conscription low in terms of those that have to serve it another yeah, added to that possibility. which means those that have to says, you might say, wouldn't be given that gets out of jail cause they will have to serve it. yes, uh there is, uh, something we need for long as about these are the on the receiving defense faces. uh and the is, um, usually the, uh the, because these are the, are these sort of quite a heavy doses. seems like it was uh, uh, because uh you said 5 people really boss and 2 cross. uh, uh, no. so yes,
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uh these are the concerns or just the law or something is indeed how much does this play into? you might say the public psyche that if you have such a loss is within the, is rarely military. and then you have the government saying, but more people are required and they will have to serve longer. does this actually create more tension between administrators, lawmakers on the public? yes the you said the, i think the factory got all the information on the on to to those funds to barnes on friday. the 17 eh, and the, and the, uh, these are the fuse to service they to get us to,
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to uh, to the schools of the young people to say the, uh uh, so uh, so does that to me i'm talking about normally is about the uh, 2nd abuse to the for the right. the people who go to, to the we, we just policies that go to the, our rece. the visa is extremely uh, hold on is the offices of the people that say closer to the uh, quotes lady says that it is fair shipping to charity. but i or mr. up the boat,
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just if you just hold it up for a 2nd because i just want to allow you to listen to a song along with our international audience from the hamas suite, a 100 smells, and the, and the groups responds to the sci fi proposal being consistent with that, so the principles of jo biden's plan, let's just listening to what he got to say of the capital. how much showed great seriousness inflexibility in order to reach an agreement that was spared the blood of our palestinian people in stop this really aggression box. it was reflected in our acceptance of what was mentioned by president joe biden. and his speech as well as our welcome to the security council resolution that was issued few days ago. we gave our response to the mediators to a joint delegation between us and our brothers, india slamming you, had movement, and cut back. our response is consistent with the principles put forward by president biden speech with the security council resolution regarding the 3 stages
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of the deal and the terms of the ceasefire. well, mr. rub a pull that is yet another you might say problem to the discourse within israel is that we have this ongoing statement from how i'm not saying that we agree to the ceasefire deal as proposed by the us. but you have your own prime minister and members of the as riley cabinet saying, no, we haven't signed up to this. this crate, small confusion again within these riley population. how is that playing out? to the insurance. there is, uh, sometimes it's mostly uh, by the why may i say we have access to the bindings lonesome? oh yeah. let's see fire sex and she's trying to get the boss. so very i'm
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clear where the secretary said about the same. but you know, i think he's the co work since the post is quite clear that the, the small to 61 level it's set to fire the the he's such as he. yeah. so we can stop the tools and say, is that because you know the piece, right? i mean, i think there's no confusion here. i think it probably is solves a lot of these are bodies. i cannot say, you know, in the percentage, but these are the boxes on the wall. i was want to do want to the wall, not some or reasons i have to say,
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but for some reason, because they don't see a lot of a factor. so the q and the last, the yesterday 10. so this way to do, uh, that's almost 9 months after the, well, it's nice to see the work station. yes. of a seat use. so the position to this position of the us suicide is varies. a task for sci fi on the, i don't know the say, you know, the base to see the bigger so now here us to have. so we decided to 6 by today is
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the 2nd factor is a bad us so far. if it was as the us to say is a, has and choose c 5 c major does not want to see. so indeed is it is a very flexible um, situation right now, i suppose we'll just have to keep an eye on what is said and look through it with a very fine like the fine glass as time progresses for the david mary and brought the boat. thanks so much for joining us from tel aviv thing. is there any forces cover that will raise under us throughout the occupied westbank and coke here? they stormed a residential area, interested at least full palestinians lights on saturday nights and is very full of withdrawal. and from the father come south to to boss in northern occupied westbank. have to put me up to a resting at least 3 palestinians. the operation began with his raving special unit
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stormy and rob was services building inside become the father of a 7 year old boy. he says, is where the forces of detain to sun during a raid near to my life. he says, soldiers have been keeping behind cuz he, him harsh mohammed and a military vehicle for more than an hour is ready for us. have carried out the daily raids on the west bank since obtained the making mold. the 9000 arrests a policy. these things are mocking the most of them holiday of you, they'll have to join the violence and destruction of daily is rarely a tax. families are being separated and some have no hope of reaching their relatives. that's what i did call reports, and the 365 square kilometers of land that makes up as a distance is usually no obstacle for families gatherings for each. but invading is there any forces have divided the separating relatives from the comforts of their loved ones for him at our fast can't reach his wife and children in northern guys
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from his makeshift tent and darrow, by the denver that i spent every age with my family i haven't seen the sick and successes agents during this time that we see each other's families and friends as was divided us and separated us all the vehicle the i guess hyper and the the most and it was the that and then when i went to tell the whole will that this was on guns and must stuff immediately give families a chance to be were united. i know for a beer alley, there are no more eats for her children to look forward to with their father. he was killed and then it's really attack on their home. 6 consecutive alone. we were
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rescued from under the rubble and immediately after that my husband lost his life. i got injured together with my 2 sons and my little daughter had her face burned to my children, ask a lot about their father. they missed him the most during the holy month of ramadan . and are you this are you as well? they missed their father so much i to oh, what surrounded by the rooms if they're homeless, palestinians gather and darrow, by that despite the danger to mark e delta in times of peace, families and guides are used to marking the feast of sacrifice with the traditional slaughter of an animal that's shared with those less fortunate. but palestinians here have little food left to survive on that alone to get is a instead of being handled and then we used to enjoy eating now house with our relatives and spotted livestock for each sacrifice. we will all happiness, eat the ca is quite dock. as we lost everything in,
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everything turned into rubble. we have nothing left for us in this life of this p to alaska is not the 1st religious festival palestinians here have been forced to observe, doing unimaginable loss and hardship, but all of them. and guys that are hoping it's the last for the a car, which is 0, as well as we just mention sunday marks the 1st day of the a day of celebrations of pilgrims unless things around the world. now these are the pictures from mecca when the crowds of worshippers, the cycling, the combat in the ground most is lands. julio site in mina, hospital, good story, pebbles at 3 will, symbolizing the stoning of the devil limits shall represents people's desire to follow gold and resist the temptation about 2000000 people taking part in the hodge pilgrimage this year. and following them is all correspondent, 100 miles. well, who joins us now from minute just to the southeast of america. what's being happening today? ready? full days,
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pilgrims while you are hush him to the events here. so have the space of sacrifice, which is a day of celebration for the pilgrims. it marks the beginning of the end of the journey of has but also the symbolic stoning of the devil, which takes place here in the plains of bene. and this explains why pilgrims will have to spend 3 days because in 3 days they will continue to do exactly the same ritual, which is basically will hand down these bridges and then move it around the time that you see that on the tense, which cover the pillar in bonuses then for the devil, and each time the pedigrees we'd have to throw 7 pebbles on each fill out it's, it's a, it's a quite an physical activity and it's one of the, the highlights of has then of so this is over. they will have to go to a backup or
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a find a walk around the car about 7 times which marks the end of that journey. that how should the saudis take health and safety very seriously? they've had the issues is starkly with pilgrim's full. the hodge pilgrimage itself, the sheets is a huge issue as well. and so what sort of precautions do the saudis take? they seem to improve the accidents and emergency response year in year out. and i'll tell you why. hate is a huge problem. so hey, 1st of all, this has in particular takes time, takes place in blah, blah, blah and, and in summer time when they add 10 pets can sometimes go beyond 50 degrees celsius. now, you know, in has, you can still take the train drive to come to the areas where we'd like to stay and also seek assistance when it comes to performing that give it to us. but some
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people say that we have to have something more of an authentic experience and they prefer to walk. this is a problem when we won't look at long distance is just to give you an idea of how delicate, when it is, particularly under the sweltering sun. you'll see this bridge, which is very empty. now, for the simple reason, it's because of the heat. early in the morning, hundreds of thousands of people walking from this bridge will can't get around. going to the boss if tons of that you see the why, the symbolic. so with that, with the pin is that stands for the devil, all walk around, we're talking about at least 5 kilometers. they have to walk and then go back to the tents. and this is where the apologies have been. concerns think that 1st of all, everyone has to have an umbrella number to the vin shoals. they have no bias, clinics and medical teams deployed across the fights where the rituals are taking place. we just have to remind all of us, but when it comes to hubs, we're not just talking about a particular place,
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because we have to go to mca pharmaca, they would have to go to the bone to evolve about the amount of mercy, then they have to go to the most deadly fat from that he'd probably have to will drive or take trade all the way to a minute. and in minute, that was didn't. how to walk to this area. back to that tense for 3 days. and 8 stroke and exhaustion is a big problem yesterday. so the health authorities said that they will $561.00 cases of exhaustion and heat stroke. now they're still continuing best a message to the people take extra precautions. don't go outside, don't venture outdoor. you can still do most of your rituals uh, in the attempted areas may not is pulled, attempted city for a reason. this is why 2500000 of people converge both these days. and they all live in tens bodies only when it comes to this loan. and what can i, you can see which isn't meant that the other thing that you have to do lots of it physically exercises upon us has just been done when they, when it becomes more of
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a concern for the household sort of days. and for the, for the good old. so we have to remind all of you is pilgrims, goals, people sick, young and the most valuable are the ones a lot of huge risk, but particularly spend longer all is outdoors. of course, it's a journey of a lifetime. so many that do attend and will now remember forever. of course, we'll continue to monitor the event and solve the hodge pilgrimage with you over the next few days. thanks very much. well, it's time for the webinar. his rob with news full hodge pilgrims in this home spell, a spin particularly halting the northeast of africa. this spring kind of the summer . egypt has been a focus, but the same has been true in libby. in fact, tripoli, sort of 41 degrees, but it's down near the value of the kings where it's really hard at the moment. 23 days ago we saw by 48 degrees as near the june record, we currently ran about the 47 mark. this may be about as high as it gets the next
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few days because we see it a drop down to about 44. by tuesday it's still pretty easy to be out in the afternoon. i'd love to because of convective cards because it gets held that he is also the other side of the red sea, particularly inside of your a be a west in size, mecca medina, 49 release on the high side. i'm given that people are gathering here. have eaten all of that for the hush, you'd expect cooling to be necessary. so these are missing polls that does the cool guy say down who you did rather more directly if you like. but next to seen as hottest spell. i think monday will be like the highest temperature that we're down to about 43 years average. now the heat scholar, right, it's gone further east eastern side of side, yet through q 8 and back diarrhea. high focus or no 50 very much on the high side. otherwise things aren't as you might expect from high forty's, but not necessarily extreme as well. still head, hey, all the news. i'm malcolm web in
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a neighborhood on the shores of lake malawi. people who lived here say that facing it's exhaust, which is non main. funds for laurie mcelroy remains and contention 1st, 1st major, toggling the decades for wrap up the best of action from the us open. it spoke to the by the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump? now i don't think so and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selected justice or weapon is ation of adjuster system. frank assessments that this stage both ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story. on al jazeera, a pod, his aim interviews is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you
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have on his government with these says 5 digit. you say getting russell, a thought provoking odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza? no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running? mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential. could we go to some we can uptake the effective use of the present as not that important factor? hear the story on talk to how does era the talk about kill watching office? there was new saw with me. so rahman in doha remind to of, on told stories will lead is attending a. somebody told me, ukraine, of a sudden the ukraine's territorial integrity must be the basis for any piece of
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work. but some countries did not, by the final declaration. russians, most of the invited to the meeting in switzerland, that size of let them into 10. a said he's willing to end the conflict, but only under certain conditions is where the strikes are intensifying and southern gaza at least 2 palestinians have been killed. enough is also found neighborhood to they've ambulances were attacked as paramedics were recovering, the bodies not $15000.00 children have been killed during israel's war and gone. so that's nearly half of old palestinians have died since october. many more children have been badly injured than the suffering from troll, but because of what they've lived through, only a small number. i've been able to leave the strip for treatment, some getting in nice and that's an 8 year old who was evacuated to cancel in in the bleak landscape of war, newer was one of the few palestinian children able to leave northern garza in march
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. she ended up here a hospital in sharp contrast to what she left behind. doctors and psychiatrists have faced a difficult task of trying to help these children a just normal life and experience that has changed the psychiatrists as much as the child. i wasn't sure if i'm going to be resilient enough and supportive on strong enough, but i was astonished by them and then from them, how big they are. how's belong? how does union they have these a lot of sufferings. they last, as i said, for me this holmes, in both of the above is still strong. and even when you've talked to them tonight to encourage them sometimes, you know, given you learn problems in new or came with her grandmother, her soul caregiver, having bachelor, leukemia, and malnutrition, she now contends with severe burns from the conflict. her grandmother,
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she now calls mamma, is by her side every step of the way tennessee. 31 are supposed to have from. she was at come all at one hospital for 14 days, and garza, the doctor told us she will die in the morning or in the night. it was hopeless when you taught child it was like touching what. but thank god we were able to evacuate. huh. her weight has since increased since being care and she now has the treatment she needs recovery for these palestinian children is about seeing a different world. one without the fear of fall and sleepless night. while nor is fortunate to be able to recover and say facilities like this, many still remain in gaza. and as these children have lived through war every day for the last few months, perhaps the biggest obstacle to recovery is the war that lives in their minds. a life after war looks different for each child,
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but what they all have in common is the desire and hope to live. phoning when algebra doha. at least $32.00 people have died in so dollars capital in the past week. so arriving at health center, suffering convulsions. and steve is how it's going to work. is that a facility controlled by the power military rep and support? forced to say they've taken in more than 250 patients over 10 days with similar symptoms. medical staff believe this is all being caused by people drinking contaminated water. the wedding says 18000000 people in saddam and extremely hungry with nearly a full 1000000 children severely malnourished. and most of the fighting between stones on me on the all recess has been waiting for more than the police in the northern job. and so to have him back of shots and injured a man armed with an axe, an explosive device. the incident happened before. i
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met kicked off in the city in the year 2020 for football, told him, and the police say they opened fire with them and refused to put down the acts. they say the incident doesn't seem to be related to the game. the prison guards held hostage of the detention center and rushes, the southern region of roll stall, so being released on homed security forces stalled. the facility after the guards was seized by 5 men being held. the local media size of the lease to the captives were killed during an exchange of gunfire. the suspects are reportedly linked to iceland demanded a call and free passage. in the us at least 10 people, including children that being shots in the state of michigan. please say there were times that it was a park near detroit, the government report to the 530 shots and we loaded his weapons several times. a protest as in brazil or opposing a bill that would make it harder for women to get an abortion. stop out a thousands marks the gains. the proposal is passed it with a quite determination of pregnancy. after 22 weeks with homicide. the bill will
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also apply in cases of right to the corporations are endway along the beaches of single poles and toes island following an oil spill that happened after a dredge. i struck a station we've that's loan friday. we will also expect from the shipping terminal to the tourist halt. spot photo authorities say it's now being in pay water as in gold. hundreds of homes around the shoals of africa's the largest lake. the flooding of lake malawi has displaced thousands of people in salt lake side results on to the businesses to close. heavy rains in recent months have contributed to water levels like reaching that highest and decades, and was welcomed with proposed from lake malawi, president, say the government isn't doing enough to address the problem. we have to take a boat to reach pamela zimm. this house. she says she had to move out months ago, along with all the neighbors,
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the will to levels and leg milwaukee on the sheer ava. it's so outlets of being that the highest in decades following torrential rains in northern malawi, a neighboring townsend. yeah. it proved too much for the watch when she left here. the government says, all the homes here break in 1960 the little that's a big building structures in natural floodplains. it's rarely enforced. they allowed us to view this house. they gave us the plans for the houses. so if they knew that this place is north, south west, well, why did they give us a go ahead so that we should be doing here? local counselor, wedding to mind. glenn g says the flooding is a man made crisis and the government's to blame. many residents agree with him. they say this is the problem about raj downstream and issue a river that regulates the voltage flow out of like malawi. 5 years ago it was
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raised to keep more water in the lake. there's always electricity and water depend on it. so to farm it down stream in malawi, a neighboring mozambique where the power raj and also prevents flooding. if we say, let's open all of the 14 gets 100 percent. what it means is will be listening for media and delete as of what a minute, which is, which would be a disaster. so we want to balance up to say, even the way we are open, we don't just open, we have the strategist, wellington, and the residents of the swans homes done by it. they protested last month demanding more voltage released. they say the government should compensates and v like, take them if it wants to move to level to stay higher. the level of like malawi as being fluctuate things significantly for as long as it's being recorded. heavy rains can cause floods to put communities on the water. drought is devastating for
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agricultural production downstream and also cuts off mill always attic tricity supply, which depends on hydro power. so into say, climate change is increasing the risk of both just over a 100 years ago. it fell so lies that issue. a bus stop slowing until 20 years to recover scientists, a climate change has roughly doubled the probability of that happening again. the flooded homes ever failed since the last time the lake was this high in 1980 the residents we spoke to who pulling off to nobody's populations tripled since then and the case for regional climate impact mitigation is somewhat lost on people who now take boats where they used to walk malcolm web al jazeera, like malawi, it's now searching global copay prices as i have left. the chocolate is in australia struggling to stay in business products is a very tripled in the past year. full thing,
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small funds to close all to limit the size of the stuff expense, say the rise to not being driven by climate change, deforestation, and quote, disease in west africa molden 70 percent of cocoa is produced still ahead here on out. is there something new on the horizon full pockets on the line to river dolphins once believed to be extinct and australia clicks his book. this fault of the last day of the t 20. well, tough and help rivals england to do the same that so i'm coming up with jim in school the . what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society do we want to create it? all of this technology roommates? do we still have power of choice, age guides, which are truly a tournament, and operating in doing this is the apple kind of technician who is it already too
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late? so if corporations has more power, might in the bill and entire country, the future is going to be good for the eyes would be nice if to put functions as well by human coming soon on elders era. interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so in the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the the
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sun is full now. his deadline, the tournaments well and truly stopped. it has made gemini, it really has the hell it is the hostile between the netherlands and paid, and we'll actually have pricing off time a couple of seconds away from all 5. it was that the ones who started the strong or if it, say the titans to release against the run a play out of books. and i remember from 16 minutes in bucks and then and sit back and see livable forward coating get paid. so it is one 0 and for most tough time in england, begin that campaign and later on sunday, against sub yeah. kind of southgate side were run his off for the last 2 or is leaving to it's late on penalties. reco go square a hurricane will become the 1st play as a captain, the team at full major tournaments. every tory montages different expectations, i think, you know, we've got the right to be a guess. cost is one of the favorites, but we look at ourselves in, you know, and individually and as
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a team. and i've gotten into this total and we know you know, an impossible, immense, we've done. it all seems well and we've made, you know, the country proud and we have controlled lens. the only way we're here to win it. a german plays have twice and security around that to england savvy, and much later. so many kinds been covering the told him it and for us he joins us now live from the funds in munich. dominic officials in germany have designated to that. and so that'd be a match, a higher risk event. and just explain what extra measures that putting in place to rent in the gym and police perspective greens, sites and leasing measures inside the battery in the stadium itself. or in low a strength specifically, they won't be allowed to drink alcohol at sol, inside the stadium, defends himself. slight problem exists in the mines. the patients
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often full the side creation of the inside the stadium to be removed the points and make all these within the mix of areas around to the finance. and that's still being fine would be mixing in together the official on the police inside of getting to have one to take some lead chief police officer who's in charge of this program already set to media evidence. there is a higher risk this event because interesting as well. they're all the categories. and i say this is a security recently game recently because it keeps on trust class with a mixing yes, thousands of people here mostly posed. busy he said something to be mixing together that drinking alcohol with each other and celebrating each go for more. but yeah, it's much more relaxed is on breaks, the la police,
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visible solution that will be installed on the truck and goes into 600 kilometers away from that site that you're going to start the game passes by without incident now, we had a delay in these are about some incident that took place in hamburg near the funds i in shortly before kickoff, between the pilot, the netherlands. good. what can you tell us about that? mister lucas. busy hateful bonuses. shipments of the century devised the man made correct to the police and a group of people. when the police then try to prevent it from to get installed.
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they used to breakfast braves a small after the desired effect, shots with bottles of owning the man was wounded in his low limbs. legs was then stupid piece, not described as being in a life threatening situation, which was placed on work making a few moments to away from where that shows the police are taking the situation very seriously. they say they have hundreds of police officers who are in handbook specifically sort of policing. busy mccain that lies from munich site. so the ethics to is that he's had coach at leech
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on his behalf. he says his team was who comfortable in that right. sending that to in a row bane. yeah. the title hold has made a shocking start from the, from in deceptive mildly news. i met him by raleigh to school to 23 seconds in the fall. just go school that of yours. but for the 16th, when it's, it's, when you turn things around with 2 goals of that right, and you can leave it right out with this thing straight from the edge of the box. it's late holding on for a to one victory. they will face the same next to beach probation through email. that goes well coming in the 1st health some algorithm assets have been released and that he call the house that's it was 16 year old and the meet in the mountains. so the limelight stuffing up, call the house, go as he became the youngest play in men's human rights history. that results to the same type of group be on go difference. defending champions, england have qualified for the c freights agent, crickets, t 20. well tough. and they probably have all straight as a thank the of these, edged out scotland, who are in direct competition with england full of the qualifications for the scott
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street. it's a win to advance, but i'm afraid they're running late to be in by fine, which is. well, sir, it is through as creepy. when is with english finishing systems? earlier in the day england beating the media by 41 runs of rain, effective matching on the 20 best. so and how we book upon the england, the victory prize and the sound. but it will take a 3 foot lead into the final round of golf. us open it back and he's looking to win this tournament for 2nd time shots. a 3 on the past. 67 to take charge to somebody to face on the lift. so may 6th bodies, time directly to the most in a single round of us sites and act financed. talk to people is in the chasing pack . he's aiming to become the 1st frenchman in a 117 years to win a major. he's at 4 and depart alongside patrick count life, and this man will be like, right. no, an irishman is chasing his fist, may decide. so i'm fast. so the edmonton oilers off slicing back in the night,
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tablet stanley cup final canadian cigna shall have to and performed a concert to the full game for getting so far. the pounds is perhaps that 5 f edmondson, because a photo of a resigned and $81.00 victory bill is the score 5 goals. on the 1st 16 shots, which lots of bounces go 10 to so i gave the roof, keeping polls early in the 2nd period. quite a bit, david will say score to assess the final as, as mentioned, it showed the 7 game series will continue. the problem is i still it just one. when from that fast stanley top tied to the mary has been named in great britain's attendance squad for the power system takes. my res ranking is to life and to qualify automatically, but he was gone to the place or the international tennis federation choose to being a former grandson champion and a let me pick gold medalist. sorry one golden, the singles that love the 2012 and we have 201-6237 year old is expected to retire in the coming months. so the parish games could likely be his final tournament
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spots. 2021 us open champion, loretta calling. you has turned down the chance to place a great person like murray. she was also for the spots by the itf, provided connie has decided not to participate to the games. 21 year old, his walk in her way back to full fitness after surgery on her wrist and ankle, last africa's foster's minus the non 0. and you all that has to do at his place of the game. you said it was all leading time is 9.79 and 100 meters. the canyon national trials on saturday. that's a soft assignment with the distance is $22618.00. you wrote the manual one you'll need from this office, 800 meters and 12 is 2023. well, so let me just pull the funds, the power as the time of one minute and 41.70 seconds, multiple world and the live champion, the face get be gone. no say bucks, hot spots. the vice, the 5000, i'm 1500 meter events in the french capital. just a quick update from your a 2024. it is one of the off time between poland and the netherlands pizza. we'll
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have another update coming for you later. so thanks very much show up line for the dolphins on storage and ages in this river in buck installed all the way up stream to the foothills of the himalayas. but the numbers of dwindled over the as due to human activity along the water coals. conservationist announced nothing of efforts to help save the endangered species. i'll just say ever as come, i'll hide the report from southern pockets. stone a round of applause. another dolphin save in another successful rescue. but it's a constant struggle to save these mamma's. it's rented in sin and the dividend decision, no flag due to a lack of rain. here the fisherman's voice cling. i lead to the road in bank of the river and filled the blind doesn't come up to read before diving to it. chad no dips, the district of david and rory offered the thank judy under the watchful eyes of
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the stuff of the world wildlife fund or the w. w. s. we join a game to find out more one phone and abundance in the river. in the us. there now on the list of endangered species marked efforts by wy, life fund, and conservation organizations are trying their best to save them from extinction. we travel with them in a board and they check fishermen's net to ensure that no dog friends are caught up and unable to go. so if it's to be monitoring the job, our job is to save and rescue this unique species of blind dolphins from the fisherman's nets, which are spread all over in this river. w. w. f has created so much awareness among the low cost that they immediately inform us if these dolphins come across any crisis and we respond and rescue the index girlfriend once providers for all the way upstream to the, for tears of the him,
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a lead by done now can find only 200 kilometers, stretch of the lower end days in the silver dolphin is an endangered species and we have only 2000 of them left in flux on. they have various factors that are going to be, we're going to it stick line. uh, the top one is that we have been dodges and infrastructure which are diverting water from the enders for integration purposes. and then dolphins accidentally swim into it. edition canals and they get stranded their conservation efforts and improving effective but the future of big mamma is still hanging a precarious balance where the dispute is going to of why it's fall from sucking gum. i like that. i just need a wrote, a book is done so you can follow that. so in order to accompany kate rolanda 0 by lucky on 12 website at the out of the dot com, it's updated throughout the day. that isn't use us of the most. i'll be back with
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more news on the other side of the right, but it's a little from all of the news team here with on you sent it in the box. i see your time, jacob, the these officers solutions that gives us no for a future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on the. don't think that has a number, think about it as a person, yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those stages we want. we want the education reward because the women and my country, they're not sweet to come out to us. we are not and neither ology, we are human beings, and this has to be trees and the coins. we are walking in their footsteps. our ancestors whatever has been done before,
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can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to a meeting of minds. busy the properties wise of even for the climate catastrophe. where do you put the resulting anger? well, i'm hoping we can use that as the fuel to change society for the better musical innovative brian, you know, between now and economist hardoon tang taught to for most of the funniest economies in the world. i don't have a new competition to do a b on script data analysis era. in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide selves to donald trump now i don't think so and that it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selective justice or
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a weapon as ation of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage both ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story. on al jazeera, the, the, what lead is attending a sub its own ukraine coals that keeps tow toilet integrity to be part of any p steel to end the war with russia. the thoughts of a robin you want to know just a line headquarters here in the also coming up is well intensified separations in central and southern gaza. congress military suffers its deadly is day and 6 months time malcom web and a neighborhood on the shores of lake.


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