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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the weatherization of the justice system, frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for each inside story on outages era. the what lead is attending a some of its own ukraine coals a keeps tow toilet integrity to be part of any p steel to end the war with russia. the thoughts of robin you want to know just every line headquarters here in the also coming up is well intensified separations in central and southern gaza. congress military suffers its deadly is day and 6 months time malcom web in a neighborhood on the shores of lake milan. people who lived here,
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so that facing it is oscar, which is non, may muslims, around the wells celebrate either had a place to, to 1000000. they're serving the homeless. i but the foaming the hodge pilgrimage in mecca. the welcome to the thing i believe is attending a ukraine. some of the countries territorial integrity, must be the basis to any piece deal. they insist that negotiations need the involvement of all parties. russia wasn't invited to the meeting. it's not to move to 10 has not ruled out talks with ukraine, but says that he needs guarantees that negotiations will be credible, facing won't key to agree to withdraw its troops from full ukrainian regions and abandoned us. but to join nato. ukrainian allies have projected pigeons times to peace. us national security, advisor drake sullivan. coal teachings proposal unreasonable a no responsible nation can say that is
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a reasonable basis for peace. it defies the un charter. it defies basic morality. it defies basic commonsense. by contrast, the vision of peace that was put forward here today from so many different countries, rooted in principles, all of us signed up to rudy. the principles, all of us would like to live in a world that are ruled by those principles because they make us all safe. this is the right vision as we go forward. your credit and present, brought them is lensky said, rusher is not ready to we quote, just pieces of landscape admitted the past. the past, the piece will be challenging at home that we can achieve resolved as soon as possible, and it is exactly these and other similar brag those steps to restore security and peace that will prove to everyone in the world that the un charter can be restored. to fee effectiveness,
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to those diplomatic editor james based reports of buck and stuck in switzerland. so this is billed as a summit on peace in ukraine, north of ukraine, peace summit. and that's because this link talks his name and it goes to ation here . that's because rush is not to you, but i think some will be more optimistic about the prospect. so what happens off to this, by the fact that russia has been responding to what's going on here? russia saying it doesn't rule out the idea of negotiations, but it says it needs guarantees about those negotiations and the credibility that particular we talked about, the role of presidency. lensky is original to run out. i may say is not legitimate president, but i think some of those sites, even though they're costing doubts on something, is important to us that the fact that we've been talking at this time is a positive move. suddenly ukraine sees all the developments recently, militarily, diplomatically and economically with the money going from the g 7 as positive. and
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this is the reaction i got earlier on from the credit in foreign minister. i think we're in a good track. i think that the old on old tracks we are moving forward. and the fact that the summit brought together so many countries from south america, from africa, from asia. and we see that those who are not here of the see what is happening. they see that this is, this is the momentum and piece formula and the ukraine is building piece around principal. so if you and chart it really brings us, brings us forward. so i can not tell you when the world will, and it's not in my hands, but i know that we're making some major steps towards restoring just and lasting peace be central key words just and last thing. we don't piece at any expense in terms of the military base that ukraine has had recently. you've got the support of the g 7, but most importantly, nato defense ministers have said that they are going to 5,
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provide more support for you. crime. you've got a big nato summit coming up in a couple of weeks in washington, dc. a now you no longer have the objection of hungry to any efforts. the nato makes towards ukraine. hungry has a carve out. it doesn't have to take pause, but it's also a great not to block. and the thing the rest of the lawns decides to do. james pays out to 0 broken stock in switzerland. the . now these are in the military has stepped up as a tax and the southern gaza strip. the opponent, retaliation comes a day after and stuff. that is the biggest loss of lights in a single day. since january, at least 2 palestinians were killed in strong and rough as tal also found neighborhood to billing says were attacked as paramedics were recovering the bodies . the on site today. h is really sold as the killed in the same area. 2 others were killed in fighting in the know 10 count or is that the alex hospital in the ballot
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and central gaza and joins us now. great deal of fighting, getting on across the gaza strip on sunday. just bring us up to speed on what we know. well, the latest right now is these ready are me, is blowing up presidential houses and homes in the area in the central gaza moving to the where it's a battlefields right now. it has been intensifying in that area, especially in a palace, looked on area in the western parts of dropbox. where since yesterday's incidents, there has been endless, massive explosions being heard in the area. there were a number of palestinians insured reported, and the ambulances were trying to go and rescue these policy news. but the is ready army at fired on them, where to ambulances were damaged by a lively munition. by the is ready for says,
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according to palestinians in hon. units they have been reporting that there are mass exclusive, explosions happening going on in dressler and their husbands also at fire bombs. try your is the same exact area of the list. sometimes the list to sign is very close to milwaukee area. it was to verify where this is an area that was called as an evacuation at zone by the is really forces and palestinians were displaced in that area. but more than 1000000 palestinians were forced to leave the area and to move up towards the middle area, of course, and the most like well to celebrate the, the, uh, across the globe. i just wondering what the celebrations, if any, a like where you are of the it's very saw today in guys. some of the palestinians started their morning by visiting their beloved ones who
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were killed by the is ready for says they went and visited them in the graveyard. some people did not even have the ability to visit their beloved ones because they're still missing or arrested or sit and trapped under the robot. kind of thing . and children here are very sad. they were not able to buy new clothes. they were not able to buy new shoes. we're seeing children the courtyard up to the hospital, barefoot at very side because this a lot of ha uh, is known for me. and there is a hot meal distribution point in a locks a hospitality where they're distributing rice without any meal, but it's for next it's for palestinian people that of how is connected to me. and unfortunately, palestinians, even in the eyes of needs, are not being able to have one meal of meat. it's a very sad day full of grief, sorrow and despair for palestinian children and the protestant. even people in the
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country forced uh, handled by law. thank you. well, allows him to mention palestinians and goals, rama king the muslim holiday, all the they'll have done to very difficult circumstances. families to be separated and some have no hope of reaching the relatives. as for the call reports and the 365 square kilometers of land that makes up as a distance is usually no obstacle for families gathering for eat. but invading is ready, forces have divided the separating relatives from the comfort of their loved ones. for him at our fast can't reach his wife and children in northern guys from his makeshift tent in darrow balance with a dental example that i spent every age with my family. i haven't seen the mistaken successes agents during this time that we see each other's families and friends as was divided us and separated us all the vehicle.
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like if i went to the motion and it was the that and then when i went to tell the whole will that this was on guns a must stuff immediately give families a chance to be were united. i know for a beer alley, there are no more eats for her children to look forward to with their father. he was killed and then is really attack on their home. sick alone. we were rescued from under the rubble and immediately after that my husband lost his life. i got injured together with my 2 sons and my little daughter had her face burned to my children, ask a lot about their father. they missed him the moment during the holy month of ramadan. and are you this? are you as well?
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they missed their fathers so much. oh. surrounded by the rooms, if they're homeless, palestinians gather and darrow, by that despite the danger to mark e delta in times of peace, families and guys that are used to marketing to face, to sacrifice with the traditional slaughter of an animal that's shared with those less fortunate. the palestinians here have little food left to survive on death alone to get is a instead of being handled the we used to enjoy the now house with our relatives and spotted livestock for each sacrifice. we will all happiness, eat the ca is quite dock as we lost everything in, everything turned into rubble. we have nothing left for us in this life like basically the is not the 1st religious festival palestinians here have been forced to observe, doing unimaginable loss and hardship, but all of them and guys that are hoping it's the last for the
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a car which is 0 eat a lot of is a day of celebration, full pills items. uh these are pictures from mca away crowns of worship. as all 2nd comma in the ground most is from totally of sites. have a mina hodge pilgrim slip habit is a sweet, symbolizing the styling of the ritual represents people's desire to follow the goals and the system. taishan about 2000000 people are taking part in the hodge pilgrimage. c, a o cars, but an actual oliver is in a southeast of mecca with more or the fees of the sacrifice, which is a day of celebration for the pilgrims in march. the beginning of the end of the journey of has but also the symbolic stoning of the devil, which takes place here in the plains of bene. and this explains why pilgrims will have to spend 3 days because in 3 days they will continue to do exactly the same ritual, which is basically will hand down these bridges and then move it around the tents
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that you see the all the tents which cover the pillar in bonuses send for the devil, and each time the pilgrims we'd have to throw 7 pebbles on each pillar it's, it's a, it's a quite an physical activity and it's one of the key highlights of has then after this is over they would have to go to the backup for a final walk around the car about 7 times, which marks the end of that journey. now it was as in gold, hundreds of homes on the shores of anchor, cuz the long, just like the flooding of like malawi, has displaced thousands of people and false lakeside results and other businesses to close. heavy rains in recent months have contributed to bullshit levels of the like reaching the highest and decades who was local, where proposed from lake milan, we resident say, the government isn't big enough to address the problem. we have to take a boat to reach pamela zimri's house. she says she had to move out months ago,
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along with all the neighbors and the water levels and lake mill all we and the charade river. it's so outlets have be not the highest in decades following torrential rains in northern malawi, a neighboring townsend. yeah, it proved too much for the watch when she left here. the model, the government says all the homes here break in 1960 the little that's a big building structures. natural floodplains. it's rarely enforced. they allowed us to view this house. they gave us the plans for the houses. so if they knew that this place is north, south west, well, why did they give us a go ahead so that we should be doing here? local counselor, wedding to mind. glenn g says the flooding is a man made crisis and the government's to blame. many residents agree with him. they say this is the problem about raj downstream and issue
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a river that regulates the voltage flow out of like malawi. 5 years ago it was raised to keep more water in the lake. there's always electricity and water depend on it. so to farm is down stream in malawi, a neighboring mozambique where the power raj and also prevents funding. if we say, let's open all of the 14 gets 100 percent, what it means is will be listening for media and delete as of what it minutes, which is, which would be a disaster. so we want to balance up to say, even the way we are open, we don't just open, we have the strategist, wellington, and the residents of the swamped homes done by it. they protested last month's demanding more water is released. they say the government should compensates and v like, take them if it wants the water level to stay higher. the level of like malawi is being fluctuate things significantly for as long as it's being recorded. heavy rains can cause floods to put communities on the water. drought is devastating for
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agricultural production downstream and also cuts off malawi is that like tricity supply, which depends on hydro power. scientists say climate change is increasing the risk of both just over a 100 years ago. it fell, so lives that issue a bus stop slowing until 20 years to recover scientists, a climate change has roughly doubled the probability of that happening again. the flooded homes ever failed since the last time the lake was this high in 1980 the residents we spoke to who pulling off to belong these populations tripled since then and the case for regional climate. the impact mitigation is somewhat lost on people who now take boats where they used to walk malcolm web al jazeera like malawi, a fall still a head hey on out. is there a we talked watching to me? and so you're looking for their loved ones after they were detained in protest
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against controversial economic reforms in the us posted posted stumps from 18. 68 sounds adults. and for a record of breaking the pod came in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that to move in the f one, his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, they thought provoking. nonsense. the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does era for my life is the same because he's fishermen to elected and key in the madrid assembly fighting
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racism into thing. giving voice to those he left behind a michael is 10. politicians reveals how european over fishing in african waters has become a driving force for a regular migration. take your 3 buses, be a witness documentary on the i'll just say around award winning program from international exploring the funds of the world class program programs that open your eyes to tennessee. if you are on alex's here of the
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guilty owners over the single robins, the reminder of all told stories will lead is attending us some of its on ukraine of asylum that ukraine's territorial integrity must be the basis for any disagreements. but some countries did not fax. the final declaration process or something pointed to the meeting and switzerland for positive about them is putin said that he's willing to end the conflict, but only on the 2nd conditions he's very strong. so intensifying and southern guns are these 2 pallets, cities have been killed and rough estimate of some found neighborhood to on the lenses were attacked as power emetics were recovered. novelties, inquiry, congress has acted on a series of controversial laws. critics, a will eliminate important judicial bodies and reduce the independence of electrical authorities. rights groups are wanting the country's democracy. is that danger? sanchez, upholstered from the capitals. lima of the
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congress has moved forward unconstitutional amendments. that would give the government of both houses. the consulting station and electro bodies. members of congress are being accused of trying to shield their political organizations from prosecution. nearly 50 percent of the legislators or their parties are under criminal investigation. critics, they some of the newly proposed most undermined judicial and electoral independence funding, the non governmental organizations or affect freedom of expression. the list includes an amnesty law that seeks to reverse convictions for members of military and police who committed crimes against humanity before july of 2002 contradicting international law nearly 70000 peruvians died during the armed conflict with the shining pass group between 198-2000 the truth and reconciliation commission says almost 40 percent of the crimes were committed by government forces. supporters of this most se, calling the killings,
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crimes against humanity is an exaggeration list. so many value. so could be a they were no crimes against humanity. the workspace is that were punished, we have to be fair and understand that the military trying to solve a problem and we comp claim them to qualified him as crimes against humanity as exaggerated. mitchell approved on the 1st round of funding. we left like nearly 600 human rights cases, yet to undergo trials where they moved to scott has been the end of the for example, the case of hundreds of 14 and 15 year olds raped systematic the by the military. that's the case would be shows by this. impunity, little many victims have been waiting for more than 30 years. for justice. critics say legislators has stopped short on their final vote of the i'm the, you know, due to international pressure. but the most that will allow dozens of human rights violators to walk free is widely expect it's to be approved next month. analysts say other last week and institutions and the rule of law is the one that isn't
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stuck on with this congress unsurpassed laws that favor legal mining, deforestation, and promote informality. we're living a kind of dictatorship with extreme is in parliament, taking advantage of a weak government. proceed in the level of the who's under investigation for rights abuses, hasn't commented on the issue. and they just later say, opinion, contrary to the rulings interferes with bitterest national interest in this, i'm just, i just see that lima a hunting team to set it, not really a pre controversial economic reforms this week despite widespread protests present heavy. i mean, i say is that the changes are necessary to tackle story inflation and the shrinking economy. recent demonstrations against the legislation turned into violent confrontations with police and the stories about reports now phone point design res . somebody's concerns about how the new government handle social unrest.
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they have been waiting for news of their relatives for 2 days and have come to these quoting would've site is to find out where they are. you know, to accomplish husband, time on his daughter on granddaughter were detained last wednesday, doing violence. that happened. why congress debated precedents have you had any laser economic reform bill? a landmark documents with more than 200 proposals. the family says they were standing in front of us to pick a local food on the street. the 3 of them were taken by police. we tried to pick up our things when the chaos started. my husband and my daughter started walking with their hands in the air so they wouldn't get shot. the police threw him on the ground, my daughter and granddaughter trying to help them, but they were all the team. at least 34 people were detained during the protest of the confrontation, but foiled and was some of them were involved in violence. had many others were not those arrested faith accusations of insurrection and terrorism. the government says
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wednesdays protest i part of a plan to get heavy enemy lay out of office. that wasn't the neil. what happened is it could you as far as it's understood in the 21st century, they want to weaken the government. so it lose a strain the what and what i shall go. the senate has no narrow lead, approve the bill. since taking office mean a housing post, a new security protocol on the streets. people are not allowed to block the roads. these has increased tension with political organizations who want to protest against the government. probably gonna be lazy and lemons, and the harshest ferry to plant that has left wing roofs. and other movements on the street has already shown 0 tolerance with this group. and that's why 21 rights organizations are extremely concerned about how this government and those defense need mean yes. has been fighting for human rights on her life. she's a lawyer, challenge the military during the dictatorship in the 19 seventy's and eighty's. her mother will not allow me to compare protests with the crew to have
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a prosecutor investigating it to have so many innocent people arrested, shows us that our democracy is at risk for me. this way, when we invite your notice family and 14 others were released on saturday because of lack of evidence. those involved in violence that's remaining present. but the rest shows some of the challenges have you had any faces as he pushes for ready clinical nomic with 180. so i just need one point of sight is now read us posted stem pose, sold a record, wait for it, full point $3000000.00. yes. full point $3000000.00. it was part of a collection that was under the honda in new your account as it was, kristen salumi was the the it's the rarest of the rare this one sent us postage stamp from 18. 68 known as a z grill. what have just 2 in existence,
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and this is the 1st time one has been on the market in 25 years. the billionaire investor and stem collector, bill gross decided to put it and his entire collection up for sale, $100000.00 for full atlas, or those who study and collect stamps. the auction was a once in a lifetime event. they'll gross choose something that's very, very few collectors can aspire to, which is a complete collection of our most rare and valuable us stamps. it is quite an exclusive crowd here, wealthy collectors and their representatives about 60 bitters in the room. but we're not allowed to show their faces and even more calling in and online. but the people i've been speaking with tell me that their love of sam to actually started when they were just children. some worry, the hobby is dying out with the younger generation. i make stamp albums for my grandkids, and i'm hoping that sunday when they get older,
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that they will also see the value and the interest in it. but nothing moves and stamp collecting. there is no electronics in it. so it's different. difficult to get young kids involved a better view of the charles tree who served as bill gross is still a telic advisor says you don't have to be a millionaire to enjoy collecting stamps. so that sort of thing to who serves on the board of directors for the smithsonian national postal museum, which gets a half 1000000 visitors a year and a 1000000 more online. you can collect a 1000000 different ways you can collect famous people and stamped it and like flowers on stamps. there's a 1000000 themes you can do. most people do it. uh young people that i know just do it as a way of kind of creating order out of chaos. and then people who progress want to learn more about history, geography, famous people, a. it's a, it's a great learning to us. look, how does the grill sold to an anonymous buyer for $4366000.00,
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a record amount for a single us postage stamp. and the combined with the rest of the collection. the auction was the highest grossing single session and for laterally history. christian salumi al jazeera, new york, amazing concepts, phone. i call it a stories on our website. the challenge is there a dot com is updated throughout the day. somebody said i will have more news and just send the hopping off time next 6 to 12 to sarah to stay with us the the, the last seat of java. it's currently relatively dry as it should be. but unless you look too far west with something to monitor might see big thunderstorms. they've been around in jakarta now they shouldn't be that frequent. they haven't beaten, but they have not gone away. seasonal, raise or fed? the knolls particularly noticeable when it should be the through southern china
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that stretches out maybe that i think it's a bulging it through the science of japan. now this is tipped again to them, but a 100000000 be just be thinking cag. ashima then become a lights and legs, it hits take care which will do during choose day back, wash it still there in china, and has produced funding. i will produce more funding. so if a talk to you then think about 14 databases is a window of wet looking day on tuesday, all gone through for wednesday and thursday that you follow the line back. and that's the moment to insure off drops down through the baseband goal and it's across the middle of interior the night. and so old. this is fairly shumate whether frequently where particularly west and me and my and passive come podium. but the west east is still up in the hills that came west bengal and of course running up through the west and got into good. you're right. and as we've seen for a while now, it's hot where it's not humid, that heat extends into pakistan of the
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in the competitive world of chest. a new generation of kings and queens is taking over 2 or 3 or something big for myself and the country is very special. 11 east goes inside the high 6 world of indian chest, and we see young prodigies who are meeting their mark on the international stage. india's chest cottage is $10.00 to 0. or the final such a condition as global warming intensifies multiple places here. and project is done on not just a national consent, but the reason why they could trigger it with best of climate change is across central asia, increasing justification, agriculture of prices, and the decline of the entire region due to water shortages. the government of projects done has launched the bush and be able to process an initiative and attacking each page and issues. it's hosting
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a high level of international confidence as possibly going into an accident, the case for actions and what your for sustainable development. however, subjects.


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