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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 16, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the. ringback the the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this has been use our live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes. may just some of the world leaders backs ukraine's territorial integrity and calls for dialogues when the war with russia. a son, but he didn't gaza palestinians say there is little this out of right a month for festival, on the consequences. riley bombardment protest is in israel block roads as they
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begin a week of disruption to the mom. the government holds on the elections and we are full from brazil's kinds all region where the world's largest tropical wetlands are on the threats to solve its worst fires on record and on peace of statements with the latest sports news, the native and survive of skate, and the euro 2024. that's coming back from a go down to one. the is now $1500.00 g m t. i may just summit to discuss peace and ukraine has ended with leaders from thousands of countries committing to its territorial integrity and are also calling for dialogue to end the war mold and 90 countries gathered in switzerland to find ways to end the conflict with russia. now they all signed the
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final declaration, but india, saudi arabia, south africa, and the u. a. e. office it out. the ukrainian president was optimistic though, saying they disagree to create special groups that will continue working off to the gathering. i'm calling to do that together. we will ensure the resolved the drawers and the 2nd, the assignments should unite our joint work on the details of this, where it's a war, and we don't have time for, for a long war. moving to this man's extreme fast preparations will take mazda, not yours. but of course, russia was not invited president vladimir foods and hasn't ruled out negotiations with the crane. but he says he needs guarantees. he wants k of to agree to withdraw its troops from the 4 ukrainian regions. i'm the bands and it's paid to join nato.
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la diplomatic out. it's a james base, joins us now from bug installed in switzerland. james, did you crime get what it wants it out of this gathering? i think probably indeed it invites it a large number of countries. $93.00 came and 80 of those signed up to the final communicate, which is a show of support for your trade. and they believe that it's the beginning of a process coming up with some sort of formal ukraine already had a piece formula that perhaps can lead to another summit where perhaps russia can be invited, i think is also the was looking at this is a snapshot of global opinion on ukraine. if you look at the figures a se 93 countries came here 80. this is my list of who, who, who signed out for the community k h. e, signed up for the communique? well, remember of course, that there are a 193 members of the united nations and certainly cost you mind back to the
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beginning of the war and ukraine that was invited to the un general assembly few days off to that will stop at march 2022 and the $143.00 countries then condemned russia compared with the 80 today that sign miscommunicating, i think about the wording of the 2 very by different i think is a snapshot of where the will stands is quite telling it it is. and do the delegates then give them what you said? very believe they've established a pathway to piece, to go through what least special action plan group supposed to do going forward. well, they're supposed to prepare for another summit. this prepared another summit where the brochure comes along, but i think there's another part of this. and that's what the nato allies and ukraine's close to support is want. because this is the diplomatic piece. but there's also the economic piece of g $750000000000.00 to ukraine, and then as the middle of the street pace, nato,
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somebody coming up in washington dc. already, there's more weaponry going to ukraine. there's the permission to use nature weaponry too far into russia to, to follow a russian follow russian attacks that come across the border into crate. i'm is it deals with hungry, hungry. been tossing a lot of nice. his actions now hungry has a deal where it can agree to disagree as a call about it doesn't have to support nato action in your crime, but it's not going to block. and the thing that nato does, why does miller treat more like actions of figuring to, to a piece will make to allies will tell you probably don't publicly, what do you speak to them privately? it strengthens precedence and that's his hand. it gives him a stronger hand when eventually they know this is probably almost certainly going to happen. he does have to sit down with the russians. all right, thanks so much jane space there. and that i felt off is a full my deputy foreign minister of russia. he says, the real test will be what kind of work happens off to this summit. the 1st of all,
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governments to finalize the results of this rate is called 1st understand. so what are thinks which might be using this as a good shape. and so what is completely unacceptable, and the problem is that uh, that is quite strong. was he in moscow that a for friday is what is proposed? who will be rejected? there is no other ways then in the intensifies of war. uh but uh, this is why the guys was way out. and uh, unfortunately, unfortunately, it was a ground full uh, coburn. understanding is better than that. although it's a very good position of your grade. that was the original remarks from russia, which were expressed by president posted on friday on acceptable for great. that's why it's even more important to find the way to establish some kinds of dialogue
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and to discuss way. oh, because you little wait off isn't possible. we should search for solutions, maybe for very difficult solutions for both sides of this process is very much of need. and i hope that uh suisse conference will make it to maybe a little bit of all the me on my la on is a major in the ukrainian. um falls is a full administer of infrastructure in 2016 to 2019 joins us now. good to have you with us so. so 1st of all, do you believe that this gathering in switzerland will lead to another summit that includes russia a hi good afternoon sir. thank you for calling me and definitely i would wish as normal people to stop civil, but we do understand that roster is upsize beside the close of all of these to you
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. okay. okay. and the with china and it will not be easy. walk. you consider how many people might think approach. it's absolutely significant. instead of this i'm, it took place and it's useful then. but as all parties concerned, we understand this is the only the beginning of the story and the future of 2 crane and civilized florida. football is now besides the me, if you send me your brain writing roster still tries to i think i with editor. okay . but my question is you haven't already onto do you think that this gathering has rate is really going to lead to another summit, which includes russia, it given the positions which are becoming clear on both sides at least from ukrainian side and from the side of many concerts, who participated in this conference. it was 1st, it's clearly like those uh,
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ideas and community care will be submitted to adoption side and the lights on this page. right. so will be environment fox added to my knowledge. uh, coming from the uh, nor was hispanic statement, but me still working on the equals assignment. she is ready to talk as well, but do the terms which both sides are talking about represent a 0 sum game at this point. so that if, if need the side is able to vanquish the other, does it mean the ultimate, the, that sort of terms that we've heard from both that in it, food 2, in the last few days as well as the positions we're hearing in switzerland. they going to have to change if they can be a deal. i agree with you. and actually it's also my point of view is that it's sort of difficult to think about some compromise or pass through piece
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because positions are totally different right now, but it's also. busy for your brain and to stand strong for i wouldn't, independence and freedom. nobody will stop us from our country. and it's also for the world. uh uh and concrete. i was a little besides, is it possible in 21st century divide the conference? i think conference and control of countries by force we've seen some key developing countries that attended this summit. countries like india, mexico, south africa, even brazil, which was that as an observer. they didn't sign that final communicate what this, of course was china, which didn't attend to, to what does that tell us about how successful this gathering was in bringing of the country's closer to ukraine's position other than of course the west and nations which are part of a key bedrock of support for ukraine,
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and that's true sort of the inside of the community care. but also as a participation in the conference, all these assignments and it's already huge, step forward. is that why many talks about saudi arabia is a why as it is there are and made it very clear statement in favor of to pray, not big. and frankly saying, i think because that's a china right, right now he's looking for new kissinger to all for this country, a new role in the world. but i'm not ready to say with this try won't be successful. bottom, definitely china place more and more important role in this for an easy and auth, uh, vague all the kremlin piece already was a bo and very good. so right now we stop to china to decide why is this
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a more east call we're not going for us. all right, thank you so much for your thoughts on that as you're on the palestinians in gauze or a mocking the stomach festival of a the ha, during the violence and destruction of daily is riley attacks, families become separated and the so the a call report, some members have no hope of reaching each other. in the 365 square kilometers of land that makes up as a distance is usually no obstacle for families gathering for eat. but invading is ready, forces have divided the separating relatives from the comfort of their loved ones for homage,
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our fast can't reach his wife and children in northern guys from his makeshift tent in darrow butler with a devil. in general, i spent every age with my family. i haven't seen the mistaken successes agents during this time that we see each other's families and friends as was divided us and separated us on the vehicle. like if i went to the motion and it was the that and then when i went to tell the whole will that this was on guns a must stuff immediately give families a chance to be were united. i know for a beer alley, there are no more eats for her children to look forward to with their father. he was killed and then is really attack on their home. sick alone. we were
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rescued from under the rubble and immediately after that my husband lost his life. i got injured together with my 2 sons and my little daughter had her face burned to my children, ask a lot about their father. they missed him the most during the holy month of ramadan . and are you this? are you as well? they missed their fathers so much. oh. surrounded by the rooms, if they're homeless about palestinians gather and darrow balance, despite the danger to mark e delta in times of peace, families and guys that are used to marketing to face, to sacrifice with the traditional slaughter of an animal that's shared with those less fortunate. the palestinians here have little food left to survive on death alone to give it a instead of being handled in. and we used to enjoy the now house with our relatives and snorted livestock for each sacrifice. we will all happiness, eat the ca is quite dock as we lost everything in. everything turned into revel. we
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have nothing left for us in this life. a dispute uh is not the 1st religious festival palestinians here have been forced to observe doing unimaginable loss and hardship, but all of them. and guys that are hoping it's the last for the a car which is 0 and hold that a is that the locks the hospital and data and biolife in central gaza joins us now live from that. so a bleak e didn't go. so any sign of people getting any kind of break in the bombing that's going on the, especially given those are the statements from these right. the ministry that, about a pause of the semi that is really forced to just start getting a house in the rage, refugee camp, where at least 6 palestinians have been killed. among them is 3 children that may paint the picture right now for you
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n alexa hospital. this is the 1st crowd where those killed have been from 3 different families. among them is received a 13 year old girl, another girl who is unrecognized. i'm also a little baby girl in the other crowd. these families on the 1st the over you the other than celebrating the see they're giving their last good spies for their beloved ones. palestinians an eye witnesses in the air? yes. said that the baby girl was killed as she was walking in the streets. we know that to be there. you then all the children are looking for anything to play with other children. there are also a group of mothers who are looking for their children. they're saying that they're missing and they came to the hospital because they believed that serve children are one of the casualties. we hear palestinian fathers crying,
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a mother screaming on her to a child that was killed at towing in the courtyard of the hospital. there are still serious injuries inside the hospital and there are more palestinians still trapped under the rubble of the house where the civil defense scenes are trying to rescue them a very side day for the palestinians in gauze. and not only because they have been displaced, separated from their beloved ones, their beloved ones are still missing or trapped under the rubble. but also because they're still being killed as this air strikes that targeted residential homes continue. this is semantic violence has been going on for 8 months now, and that is the needs are not only being targeted in the central area, but their husband also intensive saw your citing in the in dropbox and according to the ambulances. there are policy news that are injured and killed and
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they could not reach them where the ambulances have been targeted by the is there any forces? it's okay us right now in a locks a hospital. people are crying, grief and sorrow is telling me it's a very sad day. even this is not the 1st stage, palestinians are spending under air strikes and being killed. this is the 2nd day, and they already spend trammel done, and they even sit that in this war. thank you so much bye. as the head of mazda is political bureau, smiled, henry says the group is ready to accept an agreement. the guarantees a permanent seas fine. he says it also wants a full withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza reconstruction and an exchange deal. the capital. how much showed great seriousness, inflexibility in order to reach an agreement that was spared the blood of our fellow city and people in stop this really aggression box. it was reflected in our
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acceptance of what was mentioned by president joe biden. and his speech as well as our welcome to the security council resolution that was issued few days ago. we gave our response to the mediators to a joint delegation between us and our brothers. in this lennox, you had movement in cut back. our response is consistent with the principles put forward by president biden speech with the security council resolution regarding the 3 stages of the deal and the terms of the ceasefire plays ready. government has banned out this era from reporting that so this although now joins us from the jordanian cap, so on mind. so any reaction that and this, well to the comments we're hearing from us members, the whole there's always reaction from is really officials when leaders and how must speak out. but to all of those comments are usually anonymous
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a to is really media on some of those comments that have been relate anonymously of course have been saying, but how mass is the reason there hasn't been a ceasefire. that the deal that divided administration has laid out was in fact rejected by him as these really saw it as a negative response. so we've been seeing a lot of pointing the finger a lot of back and forth between these really is and how much each side planes the other for why there hasn't been a ceasefire agreement and be anonymous. has really officials ended their statements . who is really media by saying that her mouse was in fact the one who violated the previous ceasefire agreement, back in november, where again come us accuses these really is a violating that deal. but let's remember that both sides have really top sticking points that we've been talking about for months, how mass wants to see a total. and so the war a withdrawal of israeli troops were, these really is have said that until all of the goals of the war are cheap,
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that's simply not going to happen. and if, how much does in fact want to see until the war they're going to have to go back to the buying and the administration's 3 phase plan and really agree to it the way israel wants it. but until now, we are still nowhere closer to a deal. and having to protest crew began to campaign all week long disruptions, how disruptive was the beginning today? well, today we saw major highways throughout israel that have been blocked in what protest organizers are calling a week of disruption. this means that there will be sporadic protest every single day throughout multiple parts of the country. and this is something we have seen from these really public before, not to us throughout the war, but in fact, previously before the war, when they were protesting against the government, there are expected to be protest throughout the week, outside of the is really parliament and would organize those are saying is quote,
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give the mandate back to the people calling on the elections to be held immediately for new leadership. we've been seeing thousands of is really is taking to the streets and tell a view and in other parts of israel on a weekly basis. but now they're saying, but simply too much time has gone by the war is entering it's 10 months and it is too much time for the captive to still be held in gaza. so these really public is trying to send a message, but they are looking for new leadership immediately. by so much of this on ho time to remind me is there any government band? i'll just hear from a pricing as well, and extended that decision, which is why have the joined us from neighboring jordan a hi use. this londo is professor of physical science and international relations at coffee university. he joins us from constantine in algeria. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, i mean, what does,
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how much this statement suggest to you about when the seas 5 talks are at this stage as well? think about what thomas logs is to do to date. uh, it's weird on these locations, august main thing, but it leaves the point to view the bumpers. he's fine, was they wanted to let you use the state of the objectives at the beginning of the war, namely, destruction all come off, i'm making so that it saves the bucks from the how much on the house being the tides on each demand? i'm going to say, you know, there will be no orders expires. what we want is a complete excuse, fireball, i dislike the homepage. we don't want to get by the forces from does that cause
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we really didn't? there's a whole area. it seems to me that the, the bus that we've seen in so many cities in the western world about marketing bought the big, strongly, the competency, do the states just to name these to functional allies officially, i think the new possibly swing in more towards almost to so we need to talk these, you know, for the goal, not as part of the time as a state, because we did the visuals within the inside, especially the wall, a copy that would be something that is ignition. all the things seem just about the house is in the constitution side of most important people is the is wanting to be able to defeat the boss on the,
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on the ground going to be. so we the look on the scene. last is yes, the in stock buildings, there's indians that as you want me to just show you some few seconds, she do a lot of options, you know, was reported from his mother. he bought the ones because of the job you the be show. we don't have side all the story to the point to see what is the us position though, how is that evolving? well, last we had from secretary of state and to the blinking was saying that how mazda is response contains things they can work on and things like. com, what is the position now? i don't think it's very difficult to watch. the us as a positive should always the beginning of the us being very few form 2
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is one of them way to on the issue, going to be the median for the final check, the consoling us all. but given the elections given to us, we did a couple of months from the 3 months from now on the beach. when we see the please do us, we should be trying to realize that this situation is really, really showing is acceptable. so i says, the miles, it's easy to but they can work all the medication. doesn't want to upset the storm, good jewish and it'll be in the us at the top. so it's not lies in it like so. i think it's taking me the go button open was hoping to see some of the bigger picture. but as far as the united states is concerned,
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and you said today, we had some conflicting signals on a pause these right imagery saying earlier that it would begin pools is, is ready. politicians being reported to have criticized that. what does that tell us about the cohesiveness of thinking and decision making within is radio pharmacies right now as well. the so we need to get provisions. we didn't the been for the last. the few was also a bit of people is what i'm want a ceasefire company, just us use fire, but if there is a fuse, probably isn't at the moment. i think the sigma view found all that means. but the furniture in the divisions, even 5 to 4, to tops the audio talk
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a want to continue the dishwater people don't. some of the age of texas, most importantly came, this was in my mind to my model, the whole scene start. so this was going on for the last 8 months also i don't know g, a b age of charity was not be so the business lead reset the paper to say to a very high all the hostages hopefully will to do the go see it should. so the war, as most of these people see you little bit of search to say about the uh box. the only way for the world is phone never fusions of the fee to you. but if i use this one, those from costs at the university. thank you. so much. thank you. so how do i,
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how does air of an emotional day? so millions of most things as a set of right, even though i've taught at the end of the hodge in small it's a straight to do that. old rivals, a big favor license for kids coming up later in the show the the that was bit right and santiago yesterday, but i think the pictures are drawing one now because obviously elsewhere, the focus is most likely here. these are thunderstorms, this is persistent, right. and quite often with sundry, i've seen it very close to for the legs, right. this is the area that was studies. what about months ago? i don't think we'll see the same again, but i'm sure you don't really want to see the skies of that line extends out through the middle of paragraphs i sent you in drops. it's time to write down.
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having just had to record will nights and pretty high day time times uses back down to where it should be. lot extends to bolivia, butler pass, i think, will stay dry. seasonal, right, is 5th, a knowles is probably actually comes and it really is more or less. it's going to be costa rica, nicaragua, guatemala. this is very what we seen funding here. we're ready to be repeated. it extends into mexico, set me up into the time that it breaks up. so where western cube are and, and florida could have seemed to pretty nasty weather and florida data recently. that's no longer a threat, sundays for customers and about it so. so the picture in the us in congress is called a contrast, actually big size and misty in the northern plains and the midwest because temperatures here are above normal in contrast to what is effectively rather when she, where there's a winter storm warning i for the rockies here the, this is the 1st and i saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves
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along the surface disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. we look at the world's top place in the stores. what kind of response can we expect from china? if tech talk is in the global markets in economies and smooth businesses, how time cube is wide, economic problems be addressed to strongly be fixed to understand how it affects d. 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually fully. why is that? counting the cost on o g, a 0 the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back. you're watching out to 0, a time to recount headlines. a summit to discuss pace and new crime is ended with the latest from dozens of countries committing. so it's territorial integrity. they're also calling for dialogue when russia was not the advisors, some countries did not back a final check and the ration is right. the strikes are intensifying and southern gaza police to palestinians being killed in the us. tell us in the fall, neighborhood 2 ambulances were attacks as medics voted, covering the bodies organizes of protests in his file against this government have
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announced the week of disruption group hold free and online, says this wellesley, this has failed to protect its citizens, that demanding elections to be held before the end of us, we have from us as a times of october, the sub muslims around the world, the mocking the 1st day of the a the of how or feast of sacrifice on sunday. they traditionally sacrifice the sheets and give the meat to people in need. the faithful focus on placing god before themselves. fully abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son and submission to the old mikey. it's an emotional day to the pilgrims, the mecca, approaching the end of the head, like emulating example, that costing pebbles at 3 pillars. an axe, a believe abraham performed symbolizing readiness to check. and patience. extreme hate has been
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a challenge to me and people have taken pump. a correspondent hash him a bottle of joins us from mina. that's just southeast of mecca. and hashem, you and i have covered the hedge before. and it's often a very emotional time when the has begins to wind down, take us through the scenes. and now it says it is a key moment in the lives of the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims hooking birds here on the plains of mina. today they started raising the face of sacrifice, the continuing the symphonic stoning of the devil, which they will repeat tomorrow and the day off. so before going back to back up with a final to waffle. walk around the guy about 7 times to mock the end of that journey, a journey they hope, which will teach them all humidity, the search for the deepest sense of purpose in life and to spots afresh, and you have to jump to in their lives. this explains the strong emotions that you see time and again,
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everywhere you go in the different sized religious sites where the rituals are taking place. you've been, we've been talking to people and basically what they say that it took them yes years to make some saving to come here for this trip. and they say they hope they will remember it for as long as it takes and they will share these experience with their loved ones and hope that somebody's going to be a better day. one of the key striking features of the experience itself, sammy ended, and you've been through this many times in the past, is a sense of unity among muslims. and also the sense that whether you are full or prince, it doesn't matter. everyone is equal here, something they hope could be replicated everywhere. but as long as it takes hash him, how much of a challenge has heat and logistics been this? yeah, given the upgrades that have been going on the as far as these have been carrying out of the
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a big chow does it have to say extremely difficult, particularly if you prefer to be doing the most of the activities outdoors. you really have to be in good shape to be able to perform the cube rituals. of has just to things, it's a perspective all of us. i mean, for those who decide to do the simplex tone and go the devil. you might see them walking down the this bridge. they would have to walk around and go to the battery as covered by the big tense. the which stands full, which cover the pillars, which symbolic is do it and symbolically stand for that. for, for the devil, this is something they would have to do today to more of the day off to and those with chronic health issues that are fundable. there's also the risk of heat stroke and exhaustion. yes. today, me and send me it and we'll have the outcome or amount when we will come bring the highlights of how's of the amount of bus you would see people collapsing because
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they chose to stay for long hours. supplicating and praying. solid. do authorities make this clear from day one that this is going to be an exception of the house in the sense that it's taking place in summer time when he had some time exceeds 45 degrees celsius. swimming it difficult, particularly during the day i've seen medics deployed everywhere. particular headed, been out yesterday in out of that hundreds of the clinics in, in midland, everywhere to provide aid to those who are needed. but as you know, sign me, it takes you for people to be chosen to come to perform, pallets in particularly the most populous countries in the muslim world, some people will have to wait 40 is to be able to be gotten to that role. i to comment before has when they come here, the 85 years old, the 70, and many of them have health issues and is way it becomes extremely,
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extremely difficult. and especially when you decide to move to long distances and to stay outdoors. i mean, you talk to somebody funds, you say, why do you have to do with the whole time? oh, jewels that they would tell you, we are with the k, think an old tradition, and we want it to be authentic as authentic as possible. we want to feel the difficulty and the risk to that come along with this journey because we're looking forward to get that rewards in the off to life. you know, sometimes those who are reading pull physical condition or with health issues, sometimes they collapse. but typically because of the sweltering heat, now that is which it wasn't with continue for the upcoming days. and they of thought it to say that they are deploying more and more medical teams everywhere, but particularly to most of the day often. and when people come back to mecca for the final rituals before they pack up and then go back home. all right,
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thanks so much cash. i'm on the bottom of that of knowledge and team has sentences naturally approves a controversial economic reform bill this week that despite widespread protests against the legislation that tended to violent confrontations with police, at least 13 people were arrested. the stories of a report from water cyrus, the violence is that the concerns about how the new government handle social unrest . they had been waiting for the news of their relatives for 2 days and have come to this quote in front of site is to find out where they are. you know, to accomplish husband, time on his daughter on granddaughter were detained last wednesday, doing violence. that happened. why congress debated precedents. have you had any legs, economic reform bill a landmark documents with more than 200 proposals. the family says they were standing in front of us to pick
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a local food on the street. the 3 of them were taken by police. we tried to pick up our things when the chaos started. my husband and my daughter started walking with their hands in the air so they wouldn't get shot. the police threw him on the ground, my daughter in granddaughter trying to help them, but they were all the team. at least 34 people were detained during the protest of the confrontation, but foiled and was some of them were involved in violence. had many others were not those arrested face accusations of insurrection and terrorism. the government says wednesdays protest i part of a plan to get heavy enemy lay out of office. that wasn't the neil, what happened is a could as far as it's understood in the 21st century, they want to weaken the government. so it lose a strain. the what the senate has no narrow lead, approve the bill since taking office mean a housing post, a new security protocol on the streets. people are not allowed to block the roads. these has increased tension with political organizations. we want to protest
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against the government. probably had to be lazy, implementing the harshest, scary to plant that has left wing rules and other movements on the street has already shown 0 tolerance with this group. and that's why 21, right? so organizations are extremely concerned about how this government and those defense need mean yes. has been fighting for human rights on her life. she's a lawyer, challenge the military during the dictatorship in the 19 seventy's and eighty's. her mother will not allow me to compare protests with the crew to have a prosecutor investigating it to have so many innocent people arrested, shows us that our democracy is at risk. for me. this way we invite your notice family and 14 others were released on saturday because of lack of evidence. those involved in violence that's remaining present. but the rest shows some of the challenges have you had any faces as he pushes for ready clinical nomic with
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180. so we'll just see that one of site is protest is in brazil or opposing a bill that would make it harder for women to get an abortion and self palo thousands. march the gains, the proposal if pos that would make any termination of pregnancy off the $22.00 weeks equal to homicide. it would also apply in cases of rate the world's largest tropical wetlands, facing a crisis old and $700.00 fives. have broken out this month, the load for sales press on our region. that's the highest number recorded since 1998. that is also is reported to be driven by the new a weather phenomena, global warming, deforestation. it's also damaging the country's eco tourism industry. monica on a key ever falls from brazil's atlantic rainforest heights to the lush green mountains of brazil,
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the planted green forest searching for the world's last remaining golden mind. cameron monkeys pushing this in the coming. the small, copper colored monkeys were once on the brink of extinction. with only $200.00 left . now, golden lion cameron, families are growing and have become stars among the tours in their native state. a free addition narrow. the success is the result of the efforts to reforest the region and build a bridge over a main highway for safe passage. but throughout trying to convince that the forest can, can have more economic value. that's an eco tourism is one of the activities that we are sharing with the local community that farmers say eco tourism. a booming
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industry in pursuit is worth billions of dollars for this year. it has taken a hit with a drought some the amazon and fires, and the point that now the world's largest tropical wetlands, this family from the united states, has just been there. i was here almost 10 years ago with a group. and at that time it was very wet, it was like, oh, it was like what her world and it was beautiful and i fell in love with it. so almost 10 years later, i wanted to bring my grandchildren back. it was very changed, shed much, much dryer, although rio de janeiro is almost 2000 kilometers from the point. the amount local eco tourism has spelt the fires impact mazda pump on our, the punch in the, in boroughs. it was a quarter isn't capital much more than rio de janeiro, but with the types of council due to the files we can see of the inbox. there are an estimated $4800.00 golden lion cameron's now surviving and these
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protected force. but experts say that while live here and we have shown narrow and all over brazil is facing serious threats and not only from loggers poachers, and farmers, but also from congress respond will say hi. she says politicians are pushing for bills to ease environmental regulations and promote commercial exploitation of protected lands. walbert golden lion cameron population is rebounding. their future and the planets remains in certain, monica, an active biologist, sierra atlantic greenforest, brazil. i said i had an al jazeera, we take a look at something new on the horizon, some bucks, stones blind river dolphins, once for these to be extinct the end in spalding and fans of sound the voice in gemini time. so the 3 lines to finally rule like
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this from 0 time in 24, coming up. the surround you seen has leukemia and needs edge and treatments approved as well as will and locate ongoing. so is this something that you're seeing is also suffering from malnutrition, august the hospital endeavored by he's not alone calling since again the frank assignments, as long as christian among palestinians continue to spreads. so as far as the due to the lack of all kinds of basic human and terrier and medical supplies, according to the you on more than 20 children, have tony devonte attrition in the north alone and 31 percent of acute lima norris . israel's war on god, so be coming in forever across the united states. why are the student protests for
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palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the the the arts, paul science paid us. he had to get us old cow top on the foot. see indeed the case semi. so the man and survived the scanner in the opening match with the european championship in germany that you won this tournament in 1988 saw behind any against poland. adam books, uh the name of school, but cody got both equally around the house. all right,
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goes to getting the winter lights on, the 2 men see winning a 21 second maximum. this is a stretch that one takes place on monday. would england begin the campaign later on sunday against serbia goes south gate side with run is up, but the last year is using it to the on penalties they reco gold score. harry kind will become the 1st player. it's a kept in the team at 4 major tournaments. every tournament, hoses different expectations. i think, you know, we've got the right to be a guess. cost is one of the favorites, but we look at ourselves in, you know, and individually and as a team. and i've gotten into this tournament, we know impossible because we've done it all. it seems well and we've made you know, the country proud and we've, i've cooked tournament the only way we're here to win it a gym and police have tyson security around that england. so it'd be a match which happens in galsen cushion. stomach cane has been covering the tournament for us. he joins us now live from the fans zone in the munich,
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dominic officials and jimmy of designated the match a high risk event. what does that mean? given that maybe i may have thought that football hooliganism was behind us. we've already seen some scuffles. yeah. yes. already some scuffles are forfeiting justin to find it seems i'm not to say the german police balls the sort of thing that they've been trying to secure this. again, bear in mind that the federal interior and century police of german federal police are facing the largest operation in the history in securing the european championship in so far as the higher risk. the site is what that means is only lower out the whole thing. so be sold in this space. no alcoholic tool can be drunk inside. this is the files in the stadium. the parents
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organization just trying to reset the liquidation of virus inside. they didn't have to be have a suggestion that around to the stadium was a mix. so that suggest english and serbian friends very well with each other as they learn to mingled inside the stadium or higher risk means in viruses. now the thing to say is that the police officer who is in charge of your shirt said that he's a leader, that vast majority is somebody from the 2 countries may well be and get some suggestions from serbia that explains why they're making this, getting a higher risk event. and so the match itself, england, all the favorites, they're also in a much hyped team. but all they really capable of going all the way of these years
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. i have to say that from me there's much of that comes from not necessarily is it the case for the industry? so i spoke to one leading german football gentleman yesterday and said to me, english to go very far on the 10 they rise to the occasion when it gets to a final which is not being held anything that was the suggestion from german currently that will be those in england, in the u. k. and say the play as like phil for the time, specifically harry jane, who we heard just a few minutes ago. this is their opportunity to shine hiring thing place, but mine minutes. this fits extension in this city. he wants the silver where he never one is playing as a play. if it's something hot for london hasn't one of the scene you like in the say you have a time when yeah, this. yeah,
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that is the essential question and we will find things. and so that for the set was it was tossing and testing to have in, in a few hours time. we will find out in the w. kane, thank you. as always, for your time a, it's a, these head coach that you on the spotlights. he says he's single to comfortable in a opening match when against albania. the title holders made of shocking stones from the slowly move into the bile damien, by running 23 seconds in. that's the forces goes to ask you these minutes. if he had seen things around the 2 goals or make a move barella with a super head start, for me it's box is to be holding on. so to one way they will face a makes to be probation. 3, no, they don't own coming in the 1st off from i bought them out to somebody on the release and then a call the whole but a 16 year old. let me, i'm all lou. so the line likes, i think i've called the whole scope as it can be done to stay with us history that
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results of putting spain type of groups be on goal difference. so that what does that mean? so you're like, well the mean keeps breaking rickland. but i think the most important thing is he keeps growing and maturing more and more every day and in a positive seems to become a really great football last year as time passes. but just like i said, not to get carried away with the result, not going to see what we did was when one match the same applies to the mean. as dr . young plath, empty one, defending champions, england have qualified for the super 8 stage of crickets, t 20 will gap, and they possibly handle strategies with and the policies aged out scotland, who were in direct competition with england for the qualifications. scotts, scotts, we've, it's a winning some advance for the stadium ready late to beat the by 5. we could swear to go through is creepy. when is with in finishing sick and by solution, but it will take a 3 short lead into the final round of gold to us open the american who is looking to win this tournament for 2nd time shots. 3 in the past, 67 to take to you,
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stand by him, a lyft to made 6 movies time the right code for the most and a single round of the us open. that's fine. is matthew humble is in the chasing packets. i mean to become the 1st frenchman in $100.00 in 17 years to win a major ease of full rent upon alongside patrick template mcelroy, with an irishman east chase. and he stepped major title. but in addition to the edmonton oilers, all fighting back in the initial stanley cup, final canadian technician i to and performed the concert the full game full against the florida time. please. and perhaps that fired edmonton because they filled with a resounding 81 victory seal. it is $45.00 on may for 16 shots expense expenses goals, and this i gave a web space before the 2nd period for the mac, david office. for the 1st all of the finals, i was able to send in to the civic se. depends,
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is that still just one little way from may 1st stand meetup cycle guard? i'll be here again later in a few hours time with most supposed to be savvy. thanks so much. fee to a blind river. dolphins once thrived in ages in this river all the way up streams to the foothills of the himalayas. the numbers of dwindled over the is due to human activity along the was close and boxed on conservationists. now stepping off efforts to help save the endangered species. i'll just say arrows come out of high the reports. a round of applause. another dolphin save in another successful rescue. but it's a constant struggle to save these mamma's. it's rented in sin and the dividend decision go flat due to a lack of rain. here, the fisherman's boss cling. i lead to the road in bank of the river and filled the
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blind. golfing. that's come up to breed before diving to it. shallow dip on this stretch of the river and roaring over the essentially under the watchful eyes of the stuff of the water. why life fun order w w. s. we join a team to find out more one, phone and abundance and the river in the us. there now on the list of endangered species mark efforts by wy, like fund and conservation organizations, are trying their best to save them from extinction. we travel with them in a board and they check fishermen's net to ensure that nor does things are caught up and unable to go. so if it's to be monitoring the job, our job is to save and rescue this unique species of blind dolphins from the fisherman's nets, which are spread all over in this river. w. w. f has created so much awareness among the low cost that they immediately inform us if these dolphins come across
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any crisis and we respond and risk at the end as girlfriend, once providers to all the way upstream to the, for tears of the him. a lead by done now can find only 200 kilometers stretch of the lower end days in the silver dolphin is an endangered species and we have only 2000 just then left in flux on. they have various factors that are going to be watching to its decline. the top one is that we have been dodges and infrastructure, which are diverting water from the enders for integration purposes. and then dolphins accidentally swim into a negation canals and they get stranded their conservation efforts and improving affective but the future of big mamma is still hanging a precarious balance where the dispute is against of why it's fall from sucking the model either i just need uh, wrote a book as don as well as i had said. so this news out back in just
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a couple of minutes with another student show can keep up to date with all the news . if you head over to our website, 0 got com. the news shuffled tied to the t, y that does the pipes nationwide, but ty cardboard, or do you get in the you do do that, but i do, josh, and i get bought it. i land stay. they show up on the block. i'm 20 there
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for mission. would you find me? n e y gosh, who to go to avalon? same day. i'm not going to cost good. you have my because the low quality carfax, the guy, i ever just need a note, but i like, i should agree. i was a flash that was actually shot, but i'll try to put another that'll be the shop guys hiding costs. good. i going to go shop those had been gas calling. the mazda was running, my god, the protected poplar, the us, clear to our modern ones. we want to cause is to of them those who to levels quote to banes. he says he went to more towards here yet to provide a. are you looking back? are, you know, i'm not far but not in the eyes of his government to my life as being us. can you just me like i just said these are,
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these are those in the 2nd part of the series. we follow a british age work or as he prepares to contest to citizenship revocation. last year i received that 703. so you're only as good as possible. take listen sir. yeah . and i'll just 0. the, somebody to of world leaders, facts, ukraine's territorial integrity calls for dialogue to end the war with russia. but developing powers don't sign onto the declaration. i'm sammy's a dan. this is i'll just say are a live from dall. so coming up learn a


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