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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 17, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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the face time in the night, you couple any with human appeal, the, [000:00:00;00] the site visit, the news on life since i was coming up in the next 16 minutes. well, lead is back. ukraine's territorial integrity and coal for donald to in the world with russia. some developing nations don't sign onto the declaration separated by. we speak to families in golf as they moxie islam. it call a festival of speed on just away from the norms group link to ok. the change responsible the see from the time the killed over 114 of fast for soldiers
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any of this week and in origin. tina, the governor's crack down on purchase is raising fees over to fitness. each handles social on the into the program is 20 th m t need is from thousands of countries say ukraine's territorial integrity should be the basis of any deals and rushes to year war. the most goes on likely to agree and was invited to the pay summit in switzerland. crane's president of the 1st steps towards peace on deck from us to get us to a james base now reports. so they came to this mountain, this was the result to talk about the idea of peace in ukraine. but with the russian oath, even invited 3 me. it was limited to the parameters of a possible deal. 80 countries signed the final communicate,
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but the team attendees didn't. despite that, there are plans for another summit, possibly with russia in attendance. i am calling to them that together. we will insure the resolve, the doors, and the 2nd p. assignments should unite our joined work on the details of this. we are, it's a war, and we don't have time for, for a long war. ukraine's closest allies are hoping this event along with a $50000000000.00 loan from the g 7 and fresh military support from nato. could perhaps be a turning point of support. and this piece summit here brings real peace closer. the goal is to just come behind. so and last in peace. this would finally bring an end to the oppression and suffering of the ukrainian people. how much clothes do you think you ought to bring the war to an end? i can not tell you when the war will and it's not in my hands,
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but i know that we're making some major steps towards restoring just in the last and peace be sense of key words just and last thing. we don't piece at any expense . yes, 80 countries have signed up to the communicate today, but it was comparing that to the beginning of the war in march 2022. when there was a vote in the un general assembly, a 143 nations voted to condemn russia as a snapshot of global opinion. it's pretty telling james bayes out to 0 broken stock, switzerland, hello to man. melia is a major and then you creating an armed forces and form administer of infrastructure from 2016 to 2019. he says, any next steps will have to involve russia over that would be easy, or at least from ukrainian sites and from the side of many countries who participated in this conference, it was most of it. it's clearly like those uh,
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ideas and community care will be submitted to rush and site and it's the later stage for us. so will be invited for books and to my knowledge coming from the nervous historic statement of mr. working on the evils assignment, she is ready to talk as well. it's sort of difficult to find. busy out some compromise. oh yeah, pass through piece because positions are probably different right now but it's also . busy for your brain and to spend strong core, i wouldn't, independence and freedom. nobody will stop us from affecting our country. and it's also for the world uh uh, and countries i was able to, besides as possible in 21st century divide conference. i think conference and i'm to countries by force in russia as president vladimir pierson has a ruled out negotiations with ukraine,
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but says he needs guarantees and wellness keep to withdraw its troops from full ukrainian regions. i'm abandoned, it's been to join nato for a challenge. reports as well of lead is gathered in switzerland for ukraine's p summit. there was one obvious country missing the country that with its 2022 invasion started europe. that'd be as conflict since world war 2, the russia. it wasn't invited and they didn't want to come anyway. so the president vladimir putin use the summit and he wasn't that to issue his updated times for peace in christ k risk. ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the nets and the hands of people's republics. the hass on and separate c regions. these are the full regions of ukraine that russia has normally annexed,
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but not actually fully occupied or controlled. hooton's demons have shifted since the invasion nitty 2 and a half years ago with hopes of taken care of long gone. and the front lines now lost the stats. it could just as little talk any more of regime change or ukraine's the militarization really good nato membership is still a russian. no, not great capital gifts can use that. them still got to look the commercial as soon as kept the class that it is ready for such a decision. begins the actual withdrawal of truth. some of these regions, as well as officially notifies that they abandon plans to join nato in order to cease fire and begin negotiations will immediately follow from outside and the check ukraine and its allies always say russia could end the war at any time by returning to its internationally recognized port is that so i'm likely for now. so to is key of agreeing to pollutants demands that is quite strong. was here in more school that
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a for friday is with this proposal. we rejected as there is no other way them in the intensify the walk. but this is why the guy just way out. both sides may be talking about peace, but they both have very different visions of it. will reach happens. how does 0 the, how does the news in goals i have been mocking the holy festival of speed all of the, despite the hardship before the daily attack, spies rarely forces of separation of families and destroyed livelihoods in cordaris . in the 365 square kilometers a found god, the distance is usually no obstacle for families gathering for a huge but invading is really forces have divided as of separating
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relatives from the conference of loved ones have met the other thoughts can't reach his wife and children and not drink on so from his make shift and indeed, but they never put in denver and i spent every age with my family now. i hadn't seen them for safe and success is 8. it's during this time that we sent you other families and friends. this was divided us and separated us all the vehicle. a good. how do i get hyper and do the motion? and it was the that and then when i went to tell the whole will that this was on guns and must stuff immediately give families a chance to be were united. i don't know if any, there are no more aids for her children to look forward to with their father. he will scale in an is really
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a talk on their home loan. we were rescued from under the rubble and immediately after that my husband lost his life. go ahead and i got injured together with my 2 sons and my little daughter had her face burned. my children ask a lot about their father. they missed him the most. during the holy month of ramadan, and are you this? are you as well? they missed their father so much. i to oh, what surrounded by the rooms of the homes. how does to use god? there are indeed been a god there. despite the danger to my occasional tell in times of peace families in garza, i used to marking the feast of sacrifice with the traditional slaughter of an animal thus shared with those less fortunate. because to muse here, have the 2 foot left to survive on let alone 2 gift is
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a instead of being handled in and we used to enjoy the now house with our relatives and spotted livestock. for each sacrifice, we will all happy eat. this is quite dark as we lost everything that was on everything turned into rubble. we have nothing left for us in this life. let's, let's say the other is not the 1st to religious festival policy means have been forced to observe during unimaginable loss and hardships. but all of them in cause our whole thing is the last and the committee as is the it updated, but i got the policy time number of palestinians killed and then is riley strike on alvarez refugee camp and central gauze that has risen to 9 phones talking to the house killing at least 6 children attacks of intensified across the gaza strip. on saturday and sunday, these rainy ministry says a preliminary investigation into the depths of
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a stiff and soldiers and gauze on saturday reveals they were killed on the tank missile. my site was launched from short range. is there any army was seen withdrawing a troop carrier that was boned on saturday in the attack most as the soldiers were killed in an ambush. to salute has moved on israel's report into the attack. and just reminded is really government has bombed out as a result, probations that which is why she's reporting from neighboring jordan. the initial investigation done by these really army after yesterday's investigation found that the combat engineering vehicle was in fact hit by an anti tank missile. these really armies saying that usually these kinds of vehicles are equipped with a sort of defense system, but not when it's at such a short range. they're saying the vehicle most likely exploded because of how close the impact was and that all the is really soldiers inside of the vehicle weren't
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killed. now the army is also saying that their findings are reporting one have mass spider along with an r p g found dead near where the combat engineering a vehicle was taken from him as the saying that this was an ambush. and it is worth noting that these really army had initially said that perhaps it was some sort of explosive that was placed in the ground. but just about an hour later, they said that they were looking into the fact if it was some sort of antique tank of missile that was fired from a short range. and these really military saying that those are their findings at this stage. but they are still looking for more information as to why that defense system. on the c, e. v didn't work, even though it was such a close range. and a reminder, again, these right the government has found out, is there a from a pricing in israel and extended that decision, which is why honda joined us from neighboring jordan. now the head of a mazda is political beer is, melania says,
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the group is ready to accept an agreement. a guarantees a permanent ceasefire, says it will say once a full withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza reconstruction and in exchange do of the cattle. how much showed great seriousness, inflexibility in order to reach an agreement that was spared the blood of our fellow city of people and stop this really aggression box. it was reflected in our acceptance of what was mentioned by president joe biden. and his speech as well as our welcome to the security council resolution that was issued few days ago. we gave our response to the mediators to a joint delegation between us and our brothers, india slamming you, had movement in cut back. our response is consistent with the principles put forward by president biden speech with the security council resolution regarding the 3 stages of the deal and the terms of the ceasefire. what you said, boy,
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on dallas professor and political science and international relations at guitar university. he told my colleagues, somebody's a down that is small, honey, is the mountains of similar to those proposed by the us? i think about what is my the is the when invited to copy the lies on the situation. all the domestic get. i mean, is it over the last couple of months or so we have seen so many demonstrations in so many cities around the world about the um, in dominican conferences, box weighs about people picking up these 80 united states. uh secondly that uh there is in the election was in the us uh very uh, showing the drove by the is the, uh, uh give me the, uh, on the,
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to the most importantly, the mobility divisions in the, in the, in the boxes off the bottom. i'm not really, but the way it comes up to these are, there was no age objectives to be, but it is not uh with the wheelchair rebate warranty to start the beautiful. this was not a cheap the is my in the is advisors. i'm trying to get some advice on this event spot, making sure the, the boss or the seton is as a possible. i've been is one most of the chance. oh, i mean, yeah, i'm us getting with the wall and then the back to may 1st. the 1st joe biden said the words, it's time for this will to and the very next day,
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june. first. nothing. yeah. how said that would be no permanent ceasefire. and garza, i mean, how close all these really is really to what the us has announced. what the situation, the chain change over the last couple of weeks or so. the image of the states husband of been is don't know about the game and it's called a few bull. oh, here's what to organize as a protest in israel against the government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu have announced a week of disruption. the great cold, free in online says, as well as late as have failed and protected citizens that demanding elections beheld the full the anniversary of a most attacks on october, the 7th, to keep old as an is riley political analyst, he says,
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is right. so deeply divided on the government's approach over the people who believe that the you can really defeated come us and the cloud, the total victory ended as well as to continue until a mass where to start render. ready at least until we get ahold of us and while in depth the leaders or from us. but i think the other part of the as well, oh the people that i don't see an end to this. uh huh. busy oh and uh they don't see even a tunnel let alone life because it still until today is very government is not talking about what they really want to see the day
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after they will. so call the feed come us they we know what they don't want. they, they don't want to see the what a senior officer already there. they don't want to get out. those guys are permanently, they want to be, you know, uh like, uh, half of these rarities one to even uh make sure that uh the, the seniors will be in garza, will be on the road bike as well as well as they are in the west bank but uh, at the same time they want to, they, they don't want to pay the price, the a, in a kind of a russian roulette. they, they don't watch as zeros. you know, they watch these readings and they see the few knows of these very soldiers. and the they're asking, so who's next? maybe it's my saw. busy my neighbor or are these 15000 children have been killed
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during israel's war on garza, and many more have been badly injured and have trauma. only a small number have less the strip for treatment. from the new been met, an 8 year old who was evacuated to cut off in the bleak landscape of war. newer was one of the few palestinian children able to leave northern garza in march. she ended up here a hospital in carter sharp contrast to what she left behind. doctors and psychiatry have faced a difficult task of trying to help these children a just normal life and experience that has changed this like high in years. as much as the child. i wasn't sure if i'm going to be resilient enough and supportive and strong enough, but i was astonished by them and then from them, how big they are, how strong, how dizzy, and they have been. so a lot of stuff, things they lost, as i said to me,
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this homes in both of them about is still strong. and even when you talk to them, try to increase and sometimes you know, even you learn from them new or came with her grandmother, her soul caregiver, having bachelor, leukemia, and malnutrition, she now contends with severe burns from the conflict. her grandmother, she now calls mamma, is by her side, every step of the way, tennessee 3, when are supposed to be a from. she was that come all at one hospital for 14 days in gaza. the doctor told us she would die in the morning or in the night. it was hopeless when you taught child it was like touching wood. but thank god we were able to evacuate. huh. her weight has since increased since being care. and she now has the treatment she needs the recovery for these palestinian children is about seeing a different world one without the fear of fall and sleepless nights while nor is
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fortunate to be able to recover and say facilities like this. many still remain in gaza, and as these children have lived through war every day for the last few months, perhaps the biggest obstacle to recovery is the war that lives in their minds. life after war looks different for each child. but what they all have in common is a desire and hope to live phoning when algebra doha homes . very blink to all call you to has claimed responsibility for kenny moving a 100 soldiers in volcano fast. so earlier this week the attack was in mozilla near the buddha with news. yeah. the government stormed and the army base,
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the group says it's vices have seize control of it along with vehicles, weapons and munition. so one of the deadliest attacks for the army, the ministry governments in burkina, faso, new jersey, and molly struggle to contain vaughn and indeed, so how region, any of my colleagues, sammy's a down spoke to of lessing, had, if these a hail program at the conrad as an a foundation, he says many soldiers don't have sufficient training for the gross press of arms groups in this, the house, the government's loss of finding more. i mean, they started offensive, but they don't rely much unprofessional. so just, you know, they recruited 50 to 1060 solve for them to yes, many of which go to all of your short period of training. so they're kind of. ready narrow but of to, you know, making the process and it's, it's not very efficient. unfortunately, we have almost every day, you know, one incident, alexis,
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maybe not tons of numbers of people killed. but certainly in terms of incidents, how far could this go? how much of a threat all the way to the government's survival? i mean right. know yes, probably 5060 percent of the target or even just effective for the. ready side government control of all the to copy ton of i got going to 2nd city to do that. so i kind of secure and the government is trying out the they're finding weapons. they made a pretty terry pump the ship. this is rochelle. yeah. they're, they're not very successful also when the army attacks the no human rights boots. ready ported out of, you know, civilian victims. they're just kind of fueling this, you know, in search and seeing, you know, people get angry at candidate drawings. yeah. it is. so it's, all of us talks again, west and pals like from was and for years now. rusher is promising to increase military assistance. you think they can still voice. i'm not really sure. mean
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differentiated in the outside peak more than 5000. so just you are ready, not really enough or, you know, or, you know, foster face, you know, but just not often, you know, especially populated, difficult to control it and, you know, and maybe this re hundreds russians long enough also they're, they're bringing, you know, equipment, weapons but training so just but i don't think they will be more successful. ready in french there's anybody, no military solution, at some point in some political talks going on, just killing and killing violently. just peace. what does this mean? and so the millions of people displaced and on the verge of starvation. yeah. yeah . maybe to, to ww people are displaced and it's difficult to get the attention of a she wanted to tell her in organizations and united nations 1st, i mean there's so many as a crisis garzo frame. ready saddam and so the country is a bitch be below the radio,
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an awesome access associates. ready since you have maybe 5060 percent out of government control. ready with, i mean, 8 groups tried to reach effected area is helicopters from the capital it, but it's also not very an efficient way to come to really assessments because people need so, and that also with the lack of media coverage makes it really one of the most effective for many tiring crisis center bucks more than 10000 people have protesting in the front of the city of leon against the fall rights movement ahead of elections. at the end of this month. the demonstrations come off to the national riley policy, one of a 30 percent of the voters in european parliament selections. french versions will head to the polls again in 2 weeks to elect members of the lower house of parliament. mary poles suggests the national riley policy is doing well. now ahead from his 1st game of the european championship football,
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captive canadian and buffet has called on young people to vote and warned against extremes. he also defended teammate marcus to ram, who calls on the count who called on the country to fight every day to stop the far right national ronnie for winning the. let's go on the, on the engine. if i some keep this all the details. i think we are a generation that can make a difference. today. we clearly see that extreme us throughout the door of power. we have the opportunity to choose the future of our country. that's why we're all young people to go out and vote for me to truly realize the importance of the situation. and so, but not to use a racial justice activist and co founder of the the colonial liberation frontier explains the political power. supporters and phones is the main thing, the national row for him to do is to see the except hello and miles to fresh people and to,
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let's say people and dos. what are we going to love this because i work for other reasons to get a very well known people. these people call them out on the racism under is watching over pay for work, or is it an older and ready to start this? well, i think that it kinda distances into our presentational team represent that means that there are a lot of black players the players and then play in defense initially and, and the raises the national right golf. but this is the 2nd point, and i think we've got to go back in 2010. and when at the resignation warranty. and
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maybe it gives us this was get in south africa and maybe even the strike. well, the, the use of the, the same and we're a prayer and that's for song worry. yeah. like, let's say for example assignments, we use it later on the officer in arches and he was thinking to escape goes for this, this fail you out there. so i to everything and all right, just to say that the bottom right is orange for is always for us to escape the are often well, like people have frequent people. so and yeah, and the mission team for that. and also because there are many players who are mostly known heidi's, say facility that they right and they fact, and this is also
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a problem for versus i use all the charts a slow hand on al jazeera wave, a pole from brazil's palm to now region where the world's largest tropical wetlands on the stress of the summer, as west fires on right, plus fine mountain web in a neighborhood on the shores of lake milan. people who lived here so that facing is off on may the i'm sure it's getting cold by night and by day now in, in the capital in camera. and also a good part of victoria. new south wales by day is any back low t, somebody's pop a little bit driven up the coast of new south wales, including and sidney warmer in post. proper rain, running through kind of
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a lot in line. a will spread down through rest australia to the bytes, generate some shots, and eventually we'll reach a positive se started. maybe you can outline the suns that by this time, so they bit better and probably steals a lot better in sydney and using the rain significant on monday. no file is still there and i'd like to form was a cold breeze into christ church during tuesday. the sun, the storms that we saw recently in sort of way, so you probably no longer going to be arriving. they've moved a bit further east towards west, papua and north. my local job looks dry and have decided the seasonal rates should be physical, but it has to be showing yourself to be still around. but this is where your body's wrecked finding the compo the something via and i'm more especially in the north of me and by and thailand. and of course in china. and that's significant, right? which will pulse its way through towards southern japan on monday. and then the capital type here during choose the a 100 and the basic 1st maybe 50 bye, take care. so when, when the, for
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a while the, this is the 1st one i saw that we see in real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for the p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on red crescent. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth,
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and increases systems costs on ridgecrest. a in the the watching out is there a mind to phone top stores the south and all kind of funny asia don't pass claimed responsibility for the killing of more than a 100 soldiers and burkina faso earlier this week. one of the deadliest attacks of countries on me has suffered the 7 palestinians have been killed and is riley as tried on the alvarez refuge account in the central gauze, a strip, almost office of the house belonging to the l,
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cuz he families at least 4 children were killed in this trying a summit to discuss space and ukraine has ended with neatness from thousands of countries commissioning to its territorial integrity. according for donald and to russia, that it was an invoice that on some countries did not fax. a final decoration nuclear arms or pushes flags, an increase in the number of operational weapons and the readiness for use in conflicts out is there as defense, as the alex got top of us has more on the findings of the still co international piece research institute. and this is report on nuclear arms highlight several disturbing trends. the good news is the global number of nuclear weapons. it's deadly folding to $12121.00 warheads most of which are in storage. nearly 90 percent of those weapons are owned by russia and the united states as
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a steadily dismantle the old and obsolete weapons left over from the cold war. the bad news is that there is still over $3900.00 operational nuclear weapons deployed around the world. we've moved in half of these on permanent toilet. china is nuclear also has grew by 20 percent. the last year, a low for the 1st time now keeps a force of nuclear missiles ready to launch a moment's notice. india and pakistan and north korea are pursuing advanced programs and developing the use of missiles on, with multiple warheads significantly increasing the destructive pop. while israel doesn't acknowledge, having nuclear weapons is believed to be more than i think is pre tony production plant out of the reactor and demona. several countries are focusing on developing smaller, tactical nuclear weapons, with north korea now owning around 50. russia recently brand extensive tactical nuclear weapons exercises close to the border with ukraine, while it was the druids rectification of the comprehensive test ban treaty. in
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november. the super report highlights that in 2024, a growing number of countries and now increasing the reliance on nuclear weapons as a deterrent. hodgens to the senate says, approved a huge bill this week, that's become a key, positive present hobby, and malays plans to over all the countries ailing economy. the bill was a reduced version of the president's original proposals, but it's triggering a wave of nationwide protests. and as theresa by reports from one is there is the von and says, raised concerns about how the new government handled social unrest. they had been waiting for the news of their relatives with 2 days and have come to this, quoting what a site is to find out where they are. you know, to accomplish husband, time on his daughter on granddaughter were detained last wednesday, doing violence that happened. why congress debated precedents have you had any legs, economic reform bill?
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a landmark document with more than 200 proposals that somebody says they were standing in front of us to pick a local food on the street. the 3 of them were taken by police. we tried to pick up our things when the chaos started. my husband and my daughter started walking with their hands in the air so they wouldn't get shot. the police threw him on the ground, my daughter in granddaughter trying to help them, but they were all the team at least 34 people were detained during the protest on the confrontation, but foiled and was some of them were involved in violence, had many others were not those arrested face accusations of insurrection and terrorism. the government says wednesdays protest, i part of a plan to get heavy enemy lay out of office. that wasn't the neal. what happened is it, could you, as far as it's understood in the 21st century, they want to weaken the government. so it lose a strain the what i, what i shall go, the senate has no narrow lead,
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approve the bill. since taking office mean a housing post, a new security protocol on the streets. people are not allowed to be off the roads . these has increased tension with political organizations who want to protest against the government. have you had any laser implementing the harshest berry to plan that has left when groups and other movements on the street has already shown 0 tolerance with this group? and that's why human rights organizations are extremely concerned about how this government and those defense need mean yes. has been fighting for human rights on her life. she's a lawyer challenged the military during the dictatorship in the 19 seventy's and eighty's. when that allow me to compare protests with the crew to have a prosecutor investigating it and to have so many innocent people arrested, shows us that our democracy is at risk. for me. this way we invite your notice family and 14 others were released on saturday because of lack of evidence. those
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involved in violence that's remaining present. but the rest shows some of the challenges have you had any faces as he pushes for radical liquid nomic with 180. so i just eat and what of site is a spinoza, michael shifter, he's a junk professor of lesson american studies in georgetown university, joins is now for washington, dc. thank you for your time. does the approval of this economic reform bell, the spell of questions about malays ability to enact his vicious economic plans? a well, certainly a strong vote of confidence. the big question about president malay was whether he was able to negotiate with congress and get through his very radical or 30 measures . and um, he hasn't had problems in the lower house, but there were concerns in the upper house in the senate. it'll be more difficult, the fact that he was able to get it through all be at by just one vote,
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i think sent the signal that he is, he's moving forward and he's able to have some governance. and i mean, negotiate with congress, which was a, a big test for him. it's not going to be easy going full though, is it? i mean, his plans to restore income tax for high end is was defeated, which has congress still has the ability to stop him. well, absolutely. um, it was a, as you mentioned, your robot opening piece um the original proposal rewarded down significantly and he had to give them a number of counts, including the income tax and other measures as well. even some of the privatization there was much more sweeping when it was proposed and when the ultimate result. but this was, you know, he was willing to negotiate. and again, the question is whether he would show any flexibility or pragmatism in terms of getting his measures true. but the congress is,
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is clearly forced to be reckoned with. going forward and malay is going to want to pursue even more radical measures as part of his overall plan. and certainly that could be a lot of resistance and push back from congress a. so how far will this fail go to improve origin tina's economic problems. a well, i already made a remains on co unclear whether this is a big gamble that, that malay has supporting to note that so far he has, despite the, the fact that the country is in a severe recession and the growing unemployment and the, the economy is paralyzed in many sectors. he still has over 50 percent support, according to all paul's. so argentines are willing to give them for the time being of the benefit of the doubt that ultimately, that this is going to work. but i think there is a is a, there's a timeframe on that. this is, is june. but i think it in the next 3 months. so we don't see the economy beginning
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to pick up. my guess would be that you're going to see uh enormous mounting opposition to him and then it's going to be obviously much more, more difficult for the time being is still has broad public support. and we, we, so we had earlier in that, in that piece about the security protocols that have been implemented on the streets, to cub protests and so on. i mean, how concerning others as well? i think, you know, when, when the government says that this was an attempt that grew, as i think somebody in your piece mentioned, that is really, there is no basis for that art indeed. and it has a very strong tradition of protests and people going to the streets to express their displeasure and their opposition to measures. and to conflate, people going to the streets and protesting peacefully with an attempt to cool, i think, is a very troubling sign and reaction on the part of the government. because back
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could only intensify some of the divisions and could lay the groundwork for some violence which of course we want to avoid. a audit team's have a right to protest, and that should they shouldn't be seen as a, as by the government as an attempt to attempt to overthrow the government, but simply to express their displeasure at what a very, very harsh and difficult economic circumstance. cuz i don't see michael shifter, i don't profess a flashing american studies at georgetown university. now, the wells largest tropical wetlands, all facing a crisis. more than $700.00 fires have broken out this month alone in brazil's pung smell region. that's the highest number recorded since 19981. okay, you want to keep reports from brazil's atlantic rainforest,
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a heights to the lush green mountains of brazil's atlantic green forest, searching for the world's last remaining golden mind. tamar in monkey pushing this said they're coming. the small copper colored monkeys were once on the brink of extinction, with only $200.00 left. no golden lion cameron, families are growing and have become stars among the tours in their native state. a free addition narrow the success is the result of the efforts to reforest the region and built a bridge over a main highway for safe passage. but throughout trying to call in advance that the for this can can have more economic value. that's an eco tourism is one of the activities that we are sharing with the local community that farmers say eco tourism. a booming industry and priscilla is worth billions of dollars for this
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year. it has taken a hit with a drought, cindy, amazon and fires, and the pump, the now the world's largest tropical wetlands. this family from the united states has just been there. i was here almost 10 years ago with a group. and at that time it was very wet, it was like, oh, it was like what our world and it was beautiful and i fell in love with it. so almost 10 years later, i wanted to bring my grandchildren back. it was very changed much, much dryer, although rio de janeiro is almost 2000 kilometers from the demo. local eco tourism has felt the fires impact mazda point on, already punched, and barbara was able to equitably some capital. much more of them were you using the euro, but with types cancel due to the files we can see of the inbox. there are an estimated $4800.00 golden lion cameron's now surviving and these protected force. but experts say that while lives here and we have shown narrow and all over
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brazil is facing serious threats and not only from loggers poachers, and farmers, but also from congress respond to say hi, says politicians are pushing for bills to ease environmental regulations and promote commercial exploitation of protected lands. walbert golden lion cameron population is rebounding. their future and the planets remains in certain monetary and active. i'll just sierra atlantic greenforest, brazil. parties just as a result of opposing a bill that would make it harder for women to guessing abortion in south palo thousands marched against the proposal. it passed. it wouldn't make any termination of pregnancy on to 22 weeks because of how the side would also apply in cases of freight in peru, congress has voted on
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a series of controversial laws. critics say will elimination portion, traditional bodies and reduce the independence if electrical authorities, weiss, groups morning and countries democracy is in danger. marianna sanchez report from lima. so the peoples congress has moved forward, unconstitutional amendments and would give the government of both houses to control just issue and electro bodies. members of congress are being accused of trying to shield their political organizations from prosecution. nearly 50 percent of the legislators or their parties are under criminal investigation. critics, they, some of the newly proposed laws undermine judicial and electoral independence. funding of non governmental organizations or effect freedom of expression. the list includes an amnesty law that seeks to reverse convictions for members of military
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and police who committed crimes against humanity before july of 2002 contradicting international law nearly 70000 peruvians died during the armed conflict with the shining pass group between 198-2000 the truth and reconciliation commission says almost 40 percent of the crimes were committed by government forces. supporters of this mozy calling the killings. crimes against humanity is an exaggeration. lease owing money valve useful to the they would know, crimes against humanity. the workspace is that what punished we have to be fear and understand that the military trying to solve a problem, and we comp claim them to qualify them as crimes against humanity as exaggerated from nature approved. on the 1st round of funding, we left click nearly $600.00 human rights cases, yet to undergo trials. but again, we just got to spend the ends of the, for example, the case of hundreds of 14 and 15 year olds raped systematically by the military. that's the case would be shows by this. impunity,
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little many victims have been waiting for more than 30 years. for justice. critics say legislators stopped short on their final vote of the i'm this, the not due to international pressure. but the movers will allow dozens of human rights violators to walk free is widely expected to be approved next month. analysts say other last week and institutions and the rule of law is the one that isn't stuck on with this congress unsurpassed laws that favor legal mining, deforestation, and promote informality. we're leaving a kind of dictatorship with extreme is in parliament taking advantage of a weak government. proceed in the level of the who's under investigation for rights abuses has been commented on the issue. and they just later say, opinion, contrary to the rulings interferes with bid, was national interest in the sun, just adjust the lima. so head on out, is there an emotional day for millions and listens as
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a celebrate feed of the and the end of the for my life is the san degrees fisherman to elected m. p in the madrid assembly fighting racism in thing. giving voice to those he left behind. a michael and tend politician reveals how european over fishing an applicant forces has become a driving force for a regular migration. take your 3 bus, these be a witness documentary on. i'll just say around he says he went toward towards syria to provide a lifetime entail was very interesting, but not in the eyes of his government. this has been home for so many years in the final parts of the series. we followed the story of a british age worker,
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as he flees from it live with his family. have to be interested by a powerful village shop. one of the toughest times when they tortured me. state list in syria on now to 0 of the lessons around the world and mocking the 1st day of the ego out of the feast of sacrifice on sunday. they traditionally sacrifice a cheat sheet and give the meat to the pool. the faithful focus on placing gold before themselves recording abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son in submission to the almighty. summation day to the pilgrims and meet and then mecca.
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they have started the final rituals of the hunch extreme. he's has been a challenge sion, the whole bar a day of celebration for pilgrims and moslems around the world. but here on the plains of mina aide is being overshadowed by the plight of palestinians suffering in is advisable all the gaza strip. economics has seemed to come on us. i don't feel aid because of what's happening to our brothers in casa. we tell them how so with my feelings of part of our a better assistant in goza. i have been doing well and they can celebrate the it's also with healthy and stop the fire. and we all pray for our brother and sister in goodness has is
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underway. when pilgrims was spent 3 days seemed abundantly stoning the devil ritual the presents people's desire to they got and never listen to the whispers of dentition. according to tradition, the devil revealed himself to every 100 and his son smiled. wednesday, well, all the way to mac got to build a cab. angry abraham, it is night through stones of the devil. stony. the devil is now a key which you will in has, has, is a spiritual journey. and also a physical exercise. pilgrims spends a great amount of time outdoors and some that the long distance is as they perform the rituals they raise the heat and the sporting sunshine. while they say it's worth taking a few small. this for the sake of great have we was the to like the plays of mina. i didn't even pay and stuff over it has this has been a doings,
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was spent 3 days celebrating the feast of sacrifice and continue the same baltic stoning of the devil. they will return to america for a final walk along the cop uh and then has we come to an end? touching the 0 mina also has engulfed hundreds of homes around the shores of africa's the largest lake. the flooding of lake milan, we is displaced thousands of people in force results and other businesses to close . as malcolm web reports, rather than say, the government isn't doing enough to address the problem. we have to take a boat to reach communism is house. she says she had to move out months ago, along with all the neighbors, the will to levels and leg milwaukee on the sheer ava. it's so outlets of being that the highest in decades following torrential rains in northern malawi, a neighboring townsend. yeah. it proved too much for the watch when she left here.
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the government says all the homes here break in 1960 the little that's a big building structures in natural floodplains. it's rarely enforced. they allowed us to view this house. they gave us the plans for the houses. so if they knew that this price is north south west. well, why did they give us a go ahead so that we should be doing here? local council, wedding to mind. glenn g says the flooding is a man made crisis and the government's to blame. many residents agree with him. they say this is the problem about raj downstream and issue a river that regulates the water flow out of like malawi. 5 years ago it was raised to keep more water in the lake. there's always electricity and water depend on it. so to farm is down stream in malawi and they doing most, i'm big with the power raj and also prevent flooding. if we say it lists up in all of the 14 gets 100 percent,
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what it means is will be listening for media and delete as of what a minute, which is, which would be a disaster. so we want to balance up to say, even the way we are open, we don't just open, we have the strategist, wellington, and the residents of the swamped homes that buy it. they protested. last month's demanding move was released. they say the government should compensate and we like, taped them, if it wants to move to level to stay higher. the level of like malawi as being fluctuate things significantly for as long as it's being recorded. heavy rains can cause floods to put communities on the water. drought is devastating for agricultural production downstream and also cuts off mill always attic tricity supply, which depends on hydro power. scientists say climate change is increasing the risk of both. it's just over a 100 years ago. it sells, so like i said, this, you
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a bus stop slowing until 20 years to recover. scientists say climate change has roughly doubled the probability of that happening again. the flooded homes abriel build since the last time the lake was this high in 1980. the residents we spoke to who born off to belong, these populations tripled since then and the case for regional climate impact mitigation is somewhat lost on people who now take boats where they used to walk malcolm web al jazeera, like malawi, and the u. s. at least 10 people, including children, have been shots in the state of michigan. please say they were attacked at a sushi run. worship hall. near detroit. the gunman, reportedly 5 fuzzy shots and reloaded his weapons several times rushed in special forces a free to prison gods, held hostage at a detention center in the southern city of roseville. from dawn,
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all 6 to silence were killed in the operation that any bird falls on a window in the cell. i'm took at least 2 prison offices hostage and a gone for him. virus olympics starts on july, the 26th and the torch relay continues through the french overseas territories on south state tor, the caribbean, on and have gone to meet before heading to martinique. a free driver, alice and the daughter has been practicing before she carries the flame encased in a special torch under the waves along the mediterranean coast. when continue on dry land around the country, before lighting the cauldron in the capital, had a feeling picks at the end of next month. the torch heads back to mainland from some choose days and began it's johnny to paris with a check on the water. okay, that's it for me. my name's side down. jordan, we'll join you in just
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a moment. the in depth analysis of the day is headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump? now, i don't think so and that it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selective justice or weapon as ation of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se i thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for each inside story on out just sierra to interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. no question about the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, the links are correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having
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a free and open democratic pro upfront without the israel's war machine is decimating entire households. and as, as the words of those who survived and with the help of the palestinian generalists, folk lines tells the heralding story of 3 families investigates us complicity and the world's most brutal in decades. the night old and biden's war on does talk to on a jersey every do he just muslims on it for him? sacrifice for a lot by giving could bonnie: we emulates his devotion aging the most vulnerable in the on in 2023 youth, a nation's fed over 600000 people, providing 2130000 meals help us reach, move families,
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especially in gaza with 1100000 face spanning tonight, you could bonnie, with human appeal the where lead us back, you cranes, territorial integrity and pulls a dialogue to end the war with russia. but some developing nations don't sign onto the declaration. the hello, i'm darn jordan, this is out. is there a life though? so separated by will always be to families in gaza. is name off these. i'm a cody festival, a veto. i'm away from the 4th group link 12 kind of claims responsibility for an


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