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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 17, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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for the seller, i bet you didn't have the latest back ukraine's territorial integrity and pulled for tools to end the war with russia. but some developing nations done signed the declaration. the other one baron jordan, this is all just or a life. and also coming up, separated by will we speak to families and calls them as a mock the who the festival ephito tucked away from their loved ones. and proved links 12 kind of claims responsibility for an attack that killed more than a 100 soldiers in the king of the chinese premier. it
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receives a state the welcome. in australia, attentions remain behind the need of some dozens of countries say ukraine's territorial integrity. it should be the basis of any deals and rushes to your war, but most goes on blanche to agree and wasn't invited to the peace summit in switzerland, ukraine's president tale. the 1st steps towards base diplomatic colors that james base reports from book and stuff as they came to this mountain. this was the result to talk about the idea of peace in ukraine, but with the russian or even invited the reading. it was limited to the parameters of a possible deal. 80 countries signed the final communicate, but the team attendees didn't. despite that, there are plans for another summit, possibly with russia in attendance. i am calling to them that together,
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we will insure the resolve the drawers and the 2nd, the assignments should unite our joint work on the details of this. we are, it's a war, and we don't have time for, for a long war. ukraine's closest allies hoping this event along with a $50000000000.00 loan from the g 7 and fresh military support from nato. could perhaps be a turning point of support. and this piece summit here brings real peace closer. the goal is to just come behind so and lost in peace. this would finally bring an end to the oppression and suffering of the ukrainian people. how much clothes do you think you ought to bring the war to an end? i can not tell you when the war will and it's not in my hands, but i know that we are making some major steps towards restoring just in the last and peace be central key words just and last thing. we don't piece at any expense.
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yes, 80 countries have signed up to the communicate today, but it was comparing that to the beginning of the war in march 2022. when there was a vote in the un general assembly, a 143 nations voted to condemn russia as a snapshot of global opinion. it's pretty telling james bayes out you 0 broken stock, switzerland, well 1000000. the hiring is a senior fellow at the atlantic. consuls, your agents and to and she says russia and ukraine are looking to gain more support from countries around the world. the point of this peace process in switzerland was not actually peace. the whole point was to remind the world that the war is ongoing . since the war broke out in israel last october, ukraine has not gotten very much international media attention. and this was an opportunity to remind the world that this is a hot war and it's actually getting worse from time to time. and it was also an opportunity to show a lot of your put in the many of the countries in the global south that you've
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taken for granted as his allies are, are no longer necessarily just allies that you create has game in the global south as well. the fact that south africa is there is significant, south africa's position has changed considerably since the war began at the outskirts of the war. more than 800 days ago. i would characterize south africa's position is very friendly to moscow. now, $800.00 days later, that's changed over a year ago. we saw south africa put its own peace plan together and its position is changed considerably. i would, i would call him closer to neutral now because of the issue of grain and the kidnapping versus kidnapping. a few crating and children, so i think it's significant to south africa. was there? yes, china was not there with moscow pressure china not to be there. there are a bunch of countries in a go there that with that attended as well. so i, i think the global south is up for grabs, and i think both moscow and kids are negotiating and putting pressure on,
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on players that we may not expect or so russia as president environment puts in, hasn't ruled out in negotiations with ukraine, but says he needs guarantees, he wants keith to withdraw its troops and full ukrainian regions, and abandoned its bid to join nato, where we challenge reports. as well of lead is gathered in switzerland for ukraine's p summit. there was one obvious country missing the country that with its 2022 invasion, started europe's deadliest conflict since world war 2, the russia. it wasn't invited and they didn't want to come anyway. so the president vladimir putin used the summit and he wasn't that to issue his updated times for peace. and christ gateway sca ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the nets and the hands of people's republics. the hass on and separate the regions here. these are the full regions of ukraine that
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russia has normally annexed, but not actually fully occupied or controlled. hooton's demons have shifted since the invasion nitty 2 and a half years ago with hopes of taking care of long gone and the front lines. now last, the static of these best little talk, any more of regime change or ukraine's demilitarization really good nato. our membership is still a russian. no, not great. capital gifts can use that area that i'm still got to look to complete as a soon as cab to class, that it is ready for such a decision and begins the actual withdrawal of truth. some of these regions, as well as officially notifies that they find in plans to join nato in order to cease fire and begin negotiations will immediately follow from outside temperature . ukraine and its allies always say russia could end the war at any time by returning to its internationally recognized port. is that so i'm likely for now. so 2 is key of agreeing to pollutants demands. that is quite strong. was here in
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moscow that a for of fridays with this proposal we rejected as there is no other way them in the intensify the wall. uh, but uh, this is quite the just way out. both sides may be talking about peace, but they both have very different divisions of his will reach out and how to 0. the palestinians and guns had been mocking. there's not many cody festival ephito and despite the hardships of war, daily attacks, spies, ready forces of separated families and destroyed livelihoods. i just, there was intel quarterly has moved in the 365 square kilometers a found god. the distance is usually no obstacle for families gathering for a huge but invading is really forces have divided as of separating
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relatives from the comforts of loved ones have met the other thoughts can't reach his wife and children and not drink on. so from his make shift and in daily, but they never put in denver and i spent every age with my family now. i hadn't seen them safe in success as aids during this time that we sent you, others, families and friends. this was divided us and separated us all the vehicle. a good. how do i get 5 on the the most and it was the that and the know i want to tell the whole will that does go on guns, a must stuff immediately. give families a chance to be were united. i know who do i have yet? i need there are no more aids for her children to look forward to with their father
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. he was in an is really a talk on their home loan. we were rescued from under the rubble and immediately after that my husband lost his life. go ahead and i got injured together with my 2 sons and my little daughter had her face burned. my children ask a lot about their father. they messed him to most during the holy month of ramadan . and are you this? are you as well? they missed their father so much. i. oh, surrounded by the rooms of the homes house to use god or indeed been a god there. despite the danger to my occasional tom in times of peace families, in garza, i used to marking the feast of sacrifice with the traditional slaughter of an animal that's true with those less fortunate. because to news here have little food
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left to survive on let alone 2 gift is a instead of being handled and then we use to enjoy the now house with our relatives and slaughtered livestock for each sacrifice, we will all happy eat. this is quite dark as we lost everything that was on everything turned into rebel. we have nothing left for us in this life. let's, let's say the other is not the 1st to religious festival policy means have been forced to observe during unimaginable loss and hardships. but all of them in cause our whole thing is the last and the liberty as is the it updated but of gauze upon this time. the number of palestinians killed in his riley strike on albert res refugee camp. in central gauze. it has risen to 9. as strikes talking to the house, getting at least 6 children, a tax of intensifiers across the ground district on saturday and sunday. it's really ministry says an initial investigation into the depths of 8 of its soldiers in gauze that on saturday reveals they were killed in
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a bind and to tank messiah. they say it was launch from short range. there's really ami was seen recovering a troop carrier that was saved in the attack. asked as the soldiers were killed in an ambush. obviously it was time to send him. it has moved on israel's report into the attack. these many governments bandages there was operations, the associates approaching from neighbouring jolts. the initial investigation done by these really army after yesterday's investigation, found that the combat engineering vehicle was in fact hit by an anti tank missile. these really army is saying that usually these kinds of vehicles are equipped with the sort of defense system, but not when it's at such a short range. they're saying the vehicle most likely exploded because of how close the impact was. and that all is really soldiers inside of the vehicle were killed. now the army is also saying that their findings are reporting one. how mass spider, along with an r p g sound dead near where the combat engineering
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a vehicle was taken from mazda, saying that this was an ambush. and it is worth noting that these really army had initially said that perhaps it was some sort of explosive that was placed in the ground. but just about an hour later, they said that they were looking into the fact if it was some sort of antique tank of missile that was fired from a short range. and these really military saying that those are their findings at this stage. but they are still looking for more information as to why the defense system on the c, e. v didn't work, even though it was such a close range undermined to these really governments banned out as they are from operating inside israel and extended that decision. and that's why honda was reporting that from neighboring jordan organizes of protests and israel against the government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu have announced a week of disruption. the group called free and all land says israel's leaders are failed to protect it. citizens that demanding elections for the anniversary of how
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much of the time on october. so we'll keep it though, is and is really political unless he says is really, is a deeply divided on the government's pursuit of the wolf. there are people who believe that so, you know, can we need the feed, come us, and they clear uh, the total victory. and that, as well as to continue until how much would it surrender for at least until we get ahold of us. and while in depth, the leaders or from us. but i think the other part of the as well, the people that don't see an end to this uh go and uh they don't see even a tunnel let alone like because they're still until today
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is very government is not talking about what they really want to see the day after they will. so call the feed come us the no no group link to al qaeda has claimed responsibility for getting more than a 100 soldiers in booking a fast. so early this week, the tank was in muncie, near the border with miss. yeah, the gunman still in the army base, the group says it's fighters of seeds, controlled events along with vehicles, weapons, and ammunition. it's one of the deputy of attacks against the army administered governments and became a facet of michigan. and molly struggled to contain violence and this the head of region, that's where i'm groups often operate in a boss stretch of does it where it's been hard to govern. but the placing is from the conrad, i didn't know foundation and he says the conflict is growing largely because of the
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rising number of civilian this. the government sources of finding more. i mean, they started offensive, but the they don't rely much unprofessional. so just, you know, they recruited 50000 safety solve for them to yes, many of which got only a short period of training. so that kind of. ready narrow booth to, you know, make some losses and it's, it's not very efficient. and unfortunately, we have almost every day, you know, an incident, alexis, maybe not tons of numbers of people killed. but certainly in terms of incidence right now. yeah, probably 5060 percent of the tar joey, which is effectively outside the government control all need a copy to it if i got to go on to sex and sit people do that. so i kind of secure and the government is trying hard to define weapons say made a military top issue. this is rochelle. yeah. they're, they're not very successful. also in the army of tax, you know, human rights to. ready ported out of, you know,
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civilian victims. they're just kind of puting this, you know, in search and see, you know, people are getting. ready candidates. ready and yet is so it's almost stops again, commodity and a nice yeah. have similar problems, but the countries i'm much bigger so it's awesome. and malia media in the middle of the day as a waste and settlements, you know, father, smartest offices, 3 countries, very densely populated. so the, the conflict is always boy group. and whenever the army attracts or do you get this attack? so you have a lot of the civic and you know, that being reported killed and many more, you know, you know, saving and big time stuff makes it so broken and also so difficult to fight because you called to avoid settlements. stethoscope right here. and i'll just here, right, when we come back, a government cross down on protest as in argentina is raising fears of its ability to handle social unrest, plumps pine mountain web in a neighborhood on the show like monopoly. people who live to say that facing is
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disaster. which is not the seasonal rise in china and in japan and not doing well. they tend to wave around and pulse, but that's what the satellite shows their hong kong was pretty much in it. but the heavy rains a little bit further inland and that orange street would suggest 100000000 pages in a day, and some places fall in quite quickly. so that gives you funding that seasonally correct. or south of the i see that it goes across to was you car coke? you're shoot, eventually even 100 shoot. congress even then could see anything up to a 100000000 pieces of rain on monday, at 10, starting at dice on tuesday when the sun returns. and the fine looking went through that rain becomes with the lights on its way through or on shoot. that might be some flash hunting, but i don't think he's going to be a big problem. still going to be writing seasonally correct in southern china,
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so that it shouldn't be that many showers, but there are a few and some offers private and single paul called them for also like the 2nd big thumbs don't. this is the case in borneo. that's a monsoon draw from news for the north. everything science of more or less, i'm at the about now is wet and she meant to send me a resting dance. it's a very heavy shelves around your westbank go up to the north east as well. the 2nd, but it costs if you're not underneath those conditions, you're just suffering the heat. the north indian plane is still several degrees hotter than average. you would suggest, and it'll take a while before that coast time. the from palestine to pakistan from syria to being donasia outcast foundation, is delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting communities in areas
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affected bible families. conversely, into se your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in the donate. now with confidence give your coupon each day without kind of foundation the the the welcome back. you're watching out just a quick reminder about top stories here. this our summit to discuss peace and ukraine has ended related some dozens of countries committing to its territory, the integrity. i'm calling for dialogue to end the war with russia, washington find it in some countries did not find a final declaration. the number of constant ends killed in these writings. franklin
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algebra is refugee compton. central godson has risen to night and strikes talking to the house, getting at least 6 children the auction tina senate has approved a huge bill this week. this become a key part of president how many, how many days plans to opa whole the ailing economy. the bill was a reduced version of the president's original proposals, but it's triggered nationwide protest and as theresa by reports and when, as our, as the volunteers raising concerns about how the new government handle social unrest. they have been waiting for news of their relatives for 2 days and have come to this quoting would've site is to find out where they are. you know, to accomplish husband, time on his daughter on granddaughter were detained last wednesday, doing violence. that happened, why congress, the baited presidents have you had any legs, economic reform bill, a landmark documents with more than $200.00 proposals. the family says they were sending him but not as a to pick a local food on the street. the 3 of them were taken by police we tried to
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pick up our things when the chaos started. my husband and my daughter started walking with their hands in the air so they wouldn't get shot. the police threw him on the ground, daughter and granddaughter trying to help them, but they were all the team at least 34 people were detained during the protest of the confrontation, but foiled. and was some of them were involved in violence, had many others were not those arrested faith accusations of insurrection and to have arisen the government says wednesdays protest, i part of a plan to get heavy enemy lay out of office. that wouldn't been neal, what happened is it could as far as it's understood in the 21st century, they want to weaken the government. so it loses straightened, the what i, what i shall go. the senate has no narrow lead. approve the bill since taking office really has him post a new security protocol on the streets. people are not allowed to block the roads.
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these has increased tension with political organizations. we want to protest against the government. probably going to be late as implementing the harshest berry to plan that has left when groups and other movements on the street or so has already shown 0 tolerance with this group. and that's why 21 rights organizations are extremely concerned about how this government has those to send me mean yes. has been fighting for human rights on her life. she's a lawyer challenged the military during the dictatorship in the 19 seventy's and eighty's, her mother will not allow me to compare protests with the crew to have a prosecutor investigating it to have so many innocent people arrested, shows us that our democracy is at risk for me this way. we are right. your notice family and 14 others were released on saturday because of lack of evidence. those involved in violence that's remaining present. but the rest shows some of the
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challenges have you had any faces as he pushes for radical liquid nomic with 180. so we'll just see to a point of site is a, well, ellen said bills is a political economist based and when those are, as he says, mean days radical fiscal reforms are unlikely to solve origin tina's long running problems. his plans are very ambitious, as he himself has stated, this is the most ambitious, all sturdy program that the world has ever seen. not only argentina, but the world so far in his 6 months in office. the sturdy measures he has already implemented have results to general strikes and many very massive protests. this protest last week was only one in a succession of protest. so one can expect that this will probably continue into the future, especially if this law is approved. now the law is a, is
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a major role that has many soft chapters to it. one is the fiscal package, which has to do with a more profound austerity, met, started program. so what we have seen so far of increased unemployment, very reduced economic activity, increased poverty, hunger, a frozen re, or wages, etc. one can only expect will continue the problem with inflation and poverty, etc. and argentina is not the fiscal deficit problem is a lot broader than that, but it has to do basically with argentina's historic recurrence shortage and foreign exchange. and none of this is going to solve that. a ton of premier receive the ceremonial welcome metal strain is parliament on monday, part of a visit and the following diplomatic relations between the countries. these young
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is the highest ranking chinese official to go to australia and 7 years. feel whole adults with a prime minister anthony alban, easy focusing on trade and green tensions with many of its neighbors. in the pacific. china is australia's largest trading partner, but in recent years, chinese and investment in australia has been blocked because of security concerns. with sarah clark joins us live now from australia is capital camera cetera. so yesterday we saw some kind of the diplomacy inaction. that was what more can we expect on the agenda? we didn't see panel diplomacy at the ad light z way. premier lee inspected those 2 pandas, other on line from china on monday where i am now. as you mentioned, the national capital, we have premier li, his arrived at cameron palmer house. he's currently with empowerment house. and on the agenda between the, the, the premium is talks with albany easy, they'll be relationships, amending their relationships. primula is already said that the relationship is on demand. it's recovery after quite a to much was decades under the previous government,
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but moved looking. it's amazing of tried restrictions. we've already seen some restrictions listed in the lead up to this visit, but put the appointment as to as any openings. it will be pushing full of all the restrictions on the likes of lobster roof loves has to be removed as well. as some red mates, other issues that will be discussed today. a regional security strategies already indicated that it's on happy with china's movements in the south. china say it's already noted that it's also unhappy with the military drills being undertaken by the peoples of russian army around taiwan. so human rights will also be addressed. there's definitely a different medic pushed from australia to a china to release the strategy. martha dr. yang. uh that will be on the agenda today, sir. what sort of reception has that been sofa full, the chinese premier as well as mentioned, premier laser already said that the relationship is back on demand, but you can say behind me, we've got a large group of pro chinese contingents that so my left hand side on the other side, we've got a very buckle and he tried a group, so it consists of
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a number of different communities, including the starting to bit and community. there's a number of human rights groups that are also there. there's also a probably democracy, grateful as opposing grades to democracy in hong kong. but as i mentioned, this trip is significant on the grounds that both countries want to resurrect this relationship. and we also think that relationship mended as a result of this significant visits. all right, just there are a cloud life as the in camera cetera. thank you. not water hasn't gold, hundreds of homes around the shows of africa's 3rd largest, like the flooding of lake malawi as displaced thousands of people enforced lakeside results and other businesses to close. and as long as they are, as malcolm lab reports from like malawi residents, have the government isn't doing enough to address the problem. we have to take a boat to reach pamela zimri's house. she says she had to move out months ago, along with all the neighbors, the water levels in lake milwaukee, the charade river. it's so outlets of being that the highest in decades following
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torrential rains in northern malawi, a neighboring townsend. yeah. it proved too much for the watch when she left here. the model, the government says, all the homes here break in 1960 the little that's a big building structures. natural floodplains. it's rarely enforced. they allowed us to view this house. they gave us the plans for the houses. so if they knew that this place is north, south west, well, why did they give us a go ahead so that we should be doing here? local counselor, wedding to mind. glenn g says the flooding is a man made crisis and the government's to blame. many residents agree with him. they say this is the problem about raj downstream and issue a river that regulates the voltage flow out of like malawi. 5 years ago it was raised to keep more water in the lake. there's always electricity and water depend
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on it. so to farm is down stream in malawi, a neighboring mozambique where the power raj and also prevents funding. if we say let's open or the 14 gets 100 percent, what it means is will be listening for media and delete as of what it minutes, which is, which would be a disaster. so we want to balance up to say, even the way we are open, we don't just open, we have the strategist, wellington, and the residents of the swans homes done by it. they protested last month demanding more voltage released. they say the government should compensates and v like, take them if it wants to move to level to stay higher. the level of like malawi as being fluctuate things significantly for as long as it's being recorded. heavy rains can cause floods to put communities on the water. drought is devastating for agricultural production downstream and also cuts off mill always that like tricity
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supply, which depends on hydro power. so into say, climate change is increasing the risk of both just over a 100 years ago. it fell so lies that issue, a bus stop slowing until 20 years to recover scientists, a climate change has roughly doubled the probability of that happening again. the flooded homes ever failed since the last time the lake was this high in 1980 the residents we spoke to were pulling off the been always populations tripled since then and the case for regional climate impact mitigation is somewhat lost on people who now take boats where they used to walk malcolm web al jazeera, like malawi. now while fi is a binding in the us state of california and the 1st major as far as blaze of the year, strong winds have been pushing planes through dr. bush in the mountains, north of los angeles, steep terrains making it difficult for fund.


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