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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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more categories, 4 and 5. hurricane. so maybe even categories we've ever experienced before. we're about to get a brand new climate. the people of guys enjoy another night to these really strikes and heavy selling across the street. the low i'm for the back people, you're watching all g 0 life from to how old so ahead is what else? prime minister dissolves the wood cabinetry created in the wake of the resignation of many gaps on the right track. china is highest ranking official to visit australia in 7 years, says relations are improving. following
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a bit of trade disputes, and all dried out people in the villages of on by see the water we wanted to meet the needs of india's largest 6. the . we begin in gaza ways really forces of launched another series of attacks over nights. heavy artillery fire and air souls have been reported from the north to the south. intensive strikes struck rafa where is ready, time, sole source, child, a market, many palestinians for some that homes remain in the southern part of the gaza strip . let's get the latest with, i'll just here is honey. my mode was in doubt by in central guys a force. tell us about what's been happening in these last few hours, honey. in the yes father. well, let's just start with what's going on in the central area within the past half an
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hour, just because of the central areas getting clouded with surveillance. the drawings that these, this type product or is always associated with the, with the progress and technology though and convenience. but the for dogs ends and for the display of population there, synonymous with the destruction in and, and the, the sudden killing of civilian not, not this is, this is an indication way through time would be to drones. and that the continue with the buzzing of drones in the sky. that's a very bad indication for people here to integrate the quite intimidating environment for everyone here. the fear that we don't know what, what's going to happen on when these drones are going to do this. try cuz we don't know where they are going to slide to the fear it continues to stay. but it's really been a target for the past 24 hours. a big targeting, super on the areas across the got to the front from the city of the city and it's densely populated neighborhoods in the southern eastern part. that's
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the thing where they is really military. since they're the hours of this morning, the pushing high ground forces inside the neighborhood, destroying remaining residential buildings and public facilities in the area and pushing people already traumatized this place up in moving into the neighborhood from one street to another, from one home to another, into further enforcement place been the eastern part of the central in the area of the not a theater for a lens. the star dealer, you since the early hours of this morning, there are killers, keep targeting residential homes of based and part of both of them as the and a great rest of you. cameron, the southern eastern part of the city are really causing panic of man and feeding into a deep sense of permanent displacement as people have been trying to get back to their homes after the is really major. as 3 minutes are major operations in these print a part of the central area. but as of yesterday's,
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either an evening and 3 people weren't killed, that includes the mother and her child. they were passing by a residential home that was targeted by an air strike. they were passing to see relatives on the 1st day of rate. on this 2nd day of age, the 3 people were killed in a shift with one district that's at the northern western part of gauze. and city, meanwhile, is very military continued with its i grunted, operations and drop off the city. not only were seeing the major destruction of systematic demolition of residential homes in the eastern part, the central on the western part of the city, but also a completely getting right drop a heck crossing out of service. not only the shock for the past 40 days, but it's a property that be severely damaged and destroyed. as of earlier hours to day, the departure hall of this thing has been completely destroyed. an incentive rated something that indicates the crossing might not be used for travelers is the only
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exit at that point for jobs into the outside world. now we're not going to be operating on any time soon. honey, thank you very much for that desktop just here is honey. my mood reporting deadline from daryl blah in central, gaza and other developments. israel's foreign minister has disbanded the 6 member war cabinet t form dr. the october 7th attacks the move by bending the next. now has been widely anticipated, he says he will continue to consult a limited group on what he called sensitive issues. announcement comes just over a week after benny guns quit the wall cabinets. let's speak to ben a smith about this is joining us from amman and jordan because he's really government has banned ultra 0. so this move, as we said, was widely expected, especially after benny guns quite to the will cabinet. the yes, it was folded. the cabinet was settled in the days after october. the 7th, essentially is a way of trying to show national unity to bring in opposition. and these benny guns
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and guy the guy, the eyes and called the i think a former chief of stuff joined in fight. one of guns sees the reasons why he said he was waiting to join this little cabinet was it would stop the fall right from having any influence on the prosecution of the will when outcomes and the eyes and colts of withdrawal. and it leaves a don't the leaves netanyahu and the defense minister essentially. so it is dissolved, it is dissolved, it's always, rarely media is reporting because it my bank of a but lots of small trace those far administers, keeping that in yahoo in power. they have been agitating to join baseball competent, so rob has let them into the cabinet that he's dissolved it. and the reporting is that he'll use sort of it a kitchen cabinet to speak to some smaller advisors on what decision is this to take regarding the continued prosecution of the war in 1000. yeah, and also later this sunday were expecting the us special advisor is hawkins to
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travel to israel for tops to prevent and all that war between hezbollah and 11 on, and israel, what message are we expecting him to carry a so i must hochstein is a present jo bivens, a specialist visor on the middle east on the region. he's arriving the white house, says to avoid further escalation along the blue line between israel and 11 on mass . be official for the ease of trying to avoid an escalation that yeah, yeah, rise because of a real increase in exchanges of fire across the board. it's been quiet and the last 48 hours. but before about the been a step of an exchange of fi on an israel, it's a very live political issue. because since october there's been some 60000 people, 28 towns and villages evacuated from a long that. these riley's who live that want to go home. the government wants them
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to go home. they want to be that ideally before the sides of the school year on september, the 1st. and israel says it's ready to negotiate something as has paula. but as bullet says, it's only gonna sit down until when there is a sci fi and gaza. and as we've seen the momentum for that has really dissipated over the last few days. and he's really military spokesman has said in the last 24 hours. but it has the ball as increasing aggression is bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation oriented. thank you very much. i sanchez here is brenda smith reporting their line from amman, jordan, the other? well, he is australia as prime minister on to the albany. he says he's government is working to stabilize relations with china following several years of to come at extension. his comments came after a meeting with the chinese premier and camera that both sides described as candid
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lead chung is the highest level chinese official to visit australia in 7 years. china is australia's largest trading partner, but camera has restricted chinese investment due to security concerns. b j retaliated with a band on australian coal and other products. well, most of them, such will change yet. there is a very broad scope for cooperation between now 2 sides. and the potential for cooperation is extremely c r g. as comprehensive, strategic partners of china and australia must build a solid foundation of trust, sort of tightened the bundle of prosperity to back home and development. well moving forward, hand in hand and realize irrespective dreams through close cooperation. but she approaches, of course, being patient calibrated and deliberate. i've said repeatedly, we will cooperate where we can disagree, where we mass spinning guides in the national interest. and that is in the interest, solve a strategy and in the interest of john as well as in the interest solve regional
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stability, the rate commencement of ab regular annual latest meetings has restored the high level dialogue, which is central to destabilize ation. and we discussed today, next year's meeting, which will of course, be held in china this morning arise the full range of destroyers interest during the meeting. as i do in all my formal international engagements, dialogue is how we manage differences. it's how we also share opportunity. so cock has more now from australia is capital camera. this is premier these 3rd day on these visits a to a strategy he's held the same with talks with the apartments to anthony of lazy and camera on monday. the 2 have noticed that the exchange views on regional security and astronomy with notions that it's trying to provide a regional balance. but no one come from dominates, and that is in particular in reference to the in the pacific. premier lee has described the talks on monday and camera as candid and fruitful. and boys have
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noticed that the relationship between the 2 countries is on demand and that softer astronomy and china have we're in a diplomatic freeze for at least a decade under the form of government. the. so i'm pretty issues were discussed that includes the likes of china's actions in the south trying to see where the study was noted. it's just taste for its actions. and human rights was another key issue that was going to be raised and mentioned the needs of the exchange between the 2 countries. estrada is diplomatically pushing for the release of the striding rod. a dr. yang who faces a suspended distance in china. now we did have a fair number of small confrontations outside. he had a problem in house, where the pro and anti chinese groups clashed. we had a number of groups against primula visits, and i representative of pro democracy groups and hong kong studies tibetan community. and various human rights groups rules, i see it, but i rule australia says it won't be silence on various issues. the pre and the appointment is to note that the in press conference that they are both making
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progress. but the tensions still do exist and challenges remain, but the relationship is on demand. but human rights remain a source of tension between the 2 countries, advice groups or accusing badging, or violating people's right to religious freedom. that's optic. china removed arabic features for my grandmas gets renovated in the province of you, non human rights watched as the chinese government is trying to stop the practice of his love. raging denies those games, katrina, you reports on the ground mosque and show the end was once an impressive symbol of islamic culture ad influence in china, southern united province. but last year, work began to transform it today. it's dorm has been removed, replaced by a traditional head chinese pagoda study. so it's just one of more than 2000 most to be renovated or destroyed. in recent years. part of government campaigned to bring multiple places of worship and the chinese influence and character. what it
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represents really isn't a tackle public expressions of being as long as all the people being most low. and in that sense, it is about harmonizing the way that they look. it's about insuring the misconduct of stumped out presidents eaten pain 1st to mention to the plan, to quote synthesized as well in 2015. it became part of the so called strike called campaign to stamp out what the government considered extremism within the week of muslim communities and sion, john prevents experts say the intention was to bring as well on to tell you to state control and more in line with the communist parties vision of being a chinese muslim. you've got this narrative that's emerges from the tax. the basic, the says that, well, theoretically the risk of chinese and of waiting to be muslim. but boston recently is with basic the contact with the outside world that has been a deviation away from the natural correct cools off as long becoming chinese and a lot is on the communities outside of sen. john,
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have not been subject to the same treatment as the week goes, but deadlocks have not been exempted. and some have protested last may. then this of the claim was a minority faced of the police officer, the 1st renovation of them or not tell you, you done the doing with the most because now been removed and come in as parties slogans can be read at the entrance. the signifies ation campaign doesn't just to go well. this is neil jeff was in neighborhood in bay james west for plenty of hello restaurants. here with the arabic scripts that once a dog shop front has been replaced by chinese characters. china as foreign ministry has defended the campaign saying, respecting and protecting freedom of religious belief has been a basic policy of the chinese government. it ensures the normal religious needs and safety of believe it's united. shoddy and mosque was the last major mosque to retain its arabic style features. the sole ring, minarets are no longer there, and
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a chinese flag now stands tall front and center. katrina, you alda, 0 paging for at least 8 people have been killed in dozens injured after a freight train collided with a passenger train in india as westbank all states the as one of the world's most extensive railway assistance. but much of its infrastructure is now summer heat wave is causing water shortages in parts of india. what water is available is being pumped from rest of wise in rural areas to cities that address say their wells are running dry, image and kemper has wells are running, drawing india a screeching heat way with temperatures over $45.00 degrees celsius is sweeping across the country. for these women, the volume depends and collecting boucher by hand every day. one is that we face lots of problems because of shortages. the water level in the wall has full and we
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spent a lot of time along with that. and con, do any of the what the soaring temperatures have led to drive. but a lack of infrastructure is making the problem was this village a simple major risk of walls and guns when the well runs dry. people here have to rely on government trucks like these to refill it with untreated water, from a nearby river and water from this area. it's being pumped elsewhere. he has, i don't remember a metro region this month. people names only begin tribal areas. and it's not only that the type of people is not only not getting benefits. what is the type of people who suffered when these dams have been in terms of sub emergency, in terms of infecting dumps of depression, from forest and new to that association. despite the please of the paper in the villages, the water course is set to get worse. i'm talking to decide die, run into whatever water we have. all goes to move by. our situation remains as it
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was, and we don't get well to drink. the government is only concerned about rich people . they don't think about, the poor government run policy center says water shortages increase as grand water is depleted, unsustainable rates that says, the demand for water in a nation of 1400000000 people. is there any increasing image and came back out to 0? still a head on alger 0. i will explain why a function of tori subtraction in brazil's atlantic 4 spaces an uncertain future. the pod came in to be is israel at north dakota piece? i think that to move in the f one, his government with these 5 digit, you say getting russell, they thought provoking. nonsense. the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's how i could use the facing realities you're running. mean,
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what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we do it or something we can uptake the effective use of the present as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era the colleges here with the . ringback the, the,
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or the welcome back, a recap of our top stories on al jazeera. is there any forces of launch another series of attacks and gaza getting targets from the north to the south? the solvency of rafa came under intense shelley including a market in the city center. israel's foreign minister has dissolves of wood cabinet. tea formed after the october 7th. the tax move was widely expected. after many gaps, quit the group dressed over a week ago. from his finish now says he may, for my now tentative one for what he called limited consultations on sensitive issues and australia as prime minister onto the albany says his government is working to stabilize relations with china. following several years of diplomatic
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tension, he met the chinese for me and the chung in camera. the need to assign the agreements covering trade climate change, and the economy need is from dozens of countries say ukraine's territorial integrity should be the basis of any deal to end russia's 2 year war. but moscow is unlikely to agree and wasn't invited to the peace summit in switzerland. ukraine surprised that he does hail the event as a 1st steps towards space to provide as a jane space report and birkenstock in switzerland. so they came to this mountain, this was the result to talk about the idea of peace in ukraine. but with the russian oath, even invited the re i'm, it was limited to the parameters of a possible deal. 80 countries signed the final communicate, but the team attendees didn't. despite that, there are plans for another summit, possibly with russia in attendance. i am calling to them that together. we will insure the resolve the drawers and the 2nd,
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the assignments should unite our joint work on the details of this. we are, it's a war, and we don't have time for, for a long war. ukraine's closest allies hoping this event along with a $50000000000.00 loan from the g 7 and fresh military support from nato. could perhaps be a turning point of support. and this piece summit here brings real peace closer. the goal is to just come behind, so and lost in peace. this would finally bring an end to the oppression and suffering of the ukrainian people. how much clothes do you think you ought to bring the war to an end? i cannot tell you when the war will and it's not in my hands, but i know that we are making some major steps towards restoring just in the last piece of the central key words just and last thing. we don't piece at any expense. yes, 80 countries have signed up to the communicate today,
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but it was comparing that to the beginning of the war in march 2022. when there was a vote in the un general assembly, a 143 nations voted to condemn russia as a snapshot of global opinion. it's pretty telling james bayes out to 0 broken stock, switzerland, the ukraine's says it's green exports have returned to levels, re quoted before the war with russia. but farm is a warning. the conflict is hampering production, john home and re for some keys. for the 1st time, ukraine's green exports it back to the levels before the full scale invasion says the country exact thing. agricultural, minnesota, that east 4 months have increased the account and exist up to 7. your cell phones and walls will not work. that's important, not just for this country, but for others who depend on their a mess are invited in 2020 to locate, stop ships transports in gray. but you went broke
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a deal briefly allowed them out. but it ended in july 2023. much of the countries grain was stuck once more. according to the agricultural minister, things changed late last year when you cried and secured the bike from shipping re, from the countries. odessa pool down through the black sea is a possibility to use postables. alexi is that is all festal full media to the actions around me. that the people have been able to make some lexi safe for the ships to move. you can you see drawings a missile strikes to push back the more powerful russian navy officials say the countries also have been developing other words to get great now. so that's like truck to the new river. we see really all as a green sector in ukraine is a trying to add up to, to new logistics, particularly by using the danube. so definitively, as it was a country,
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and the i would say, particularly is a grant sector in inside the region is very, very adapt achieved to a new situation and try on ways to find its way to, to explore their challenges ahead. ukraine's carly exports in the growing that it stood up when it couldn't get it out for one spot. school and other factors are gonna start taking. that's whole like the fact that about 5th is the countries agriculture. land is even under russian control, will cover it in mines and that isn't helping production. a lack of finance and insurance for the country's problem is, is also an issue. this year the acting agricultural minister police production will actually decline by 5 to 7 percent. but at least as it stands, the great produced will be able to make it out the country john home. and i would just say to keep wildfire is that burning in the us state of california. a strong winds are finding flames to drive bush and mountains. north of los angeles. steep
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terrain is making it difficult for firefighters to reach some areas. people are preparing to evacuate their helps. the world's largest tropical wetlands are facing a crisis. more than $700.00 fires have broken out this month alone and brazil's continental region. that's the highest total in june since 1998. and it's damaging the country's eco tourism industry, monica, and i q every for some re additional real estate. a high to the lush green mountains of brazil, the planted green forest searching for the world's last remaining golden mind. cameron monkeys appreciate this, and they're coming of the small copper colored monkeys were once on the brink of extinction, with only $200.00 left. now, golden lion cameron, families are growing and have become stars among the tours in their native state. a
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free addition narrow to success, is the result of the efforts to re forest the region and build a bridge over a main highway for safe passage. but throughout trying to convince that the forest can, can have more economic value that's in and eco tourism is one of the activities that to be sharing with the local community that farmers say eco tourism. a booming industry in brazil is worth billions of dollars for this year. it has taken the hit with a drought some the amazon and fires in the bunker. now the world's largest tropical wetlands. this family from the united states has just been there. i was here almost 10 years ago with a group, and at that time it was very wet. it was like, oh, it was like what our world and it was beautiful and i fell in love with it. so almost 10 years later, i wanted to bring my grandchildren back,
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it was very changed, much, much dryer. all the re edition narrow is almost 2000 kilometers from the point that now local eco tourism has spelt the fires impact mazda point on our, the punch in the environs. it was a quarter, isn't capital much more than rio de janeiro. but with the types of council, due to the files we can see of the inbox. there are an estimated $4800.00 golden lion cameron's now surviving and these protected force. but experts say that while live here and we have shown narrow an all over brazil is facing serious threats and not only from loggers poachers, and farmers, but also from congress. they just respond to say, hi, she says politicians are pushing for bills to ease environmental regulations and promote commercial exploitation of protected lands. while the golden lion cameron population is rebounding, their future and the planets remains in certain, monica,
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an active biologist, sierra atlantic greenforest, brazil. and that is in use for now on. ouch is 0. so rama will have and use our for you right after top charges, sierra stay with the the to this a remarkably big sentence. told was in areas where you wouldn't really expect because tom's here and i'm thinking of the something positive and an easier job for, for example, they're not getting the full cross reaching to contract through born year. it's more obvious to see them have the central philippines and they've been sidney showing themselves the most popular. but the real wet weather and the human really should be of indo china. it's been really hard to attempt to the rep not dropping below associate, not in a good path of time. and after human 33 by day,
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by calling them. because also showing that shower was a bit more frequent and you might expect there every day really, particularly on thursday that jumps out. so change the season and change the constant down to australia where the wind up from the science has shown itself is trustworthy things in victoria. where are we going into into this? okay, by day the sun, these are up to the low teams on the western side of the continent pass enjoy about 90 degrees is much brighter than most of westminster area, the right and not far from canada and is slowly fading away. the picture come wednesday is a showers working their way in towards adelaide. another told each week in new zealand. what would you expect rain? it'd be right. this time brought in by se for you. so robert co feeding day and christ church and often with the unique perspective, one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however,
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it is bringing attention to advise that this is not a rough. it looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices, we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on our 0, it's the find us like a condition as global warming intensifies marketing places here and project is done on not just a national consent, but the reason why they could cricket every best of the climate change is across central asia computing justification, agriculture of prices and the decline of the entire region due to water shortages. the government of physics dawn has launched the dash and be able to process an initiative and attacking these patients issues. it's hosted,
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i tie live with international conference as possibly with international k for action and water for sustainable development. however, detection.


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