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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 17, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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slice with driving, so that's the average of joshua looked at the lighting joke finish on a. we also assuring to sweep economic empowerment because women move found fiction. powering african entrepreneur is the, [000:00:00;00] the gloves to hold. rob and you want to me, i'll just have a news our lives will headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes from the news to the south palestinians in gauze are enjoy more is really strikes and heavy shelling. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu dissolves as will a cabinet attached to the resignation of many guns. pressing presents document boots and it's set to visit north korea can juggling coal,
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same and invincible. allied from china is highest ranking official to visit australia and 7. yeah. says relations are improving on kevin asked with the sports as you crane face romania and the you are a 2024 life and that will be live in germany. the latest this our the welcome to the news. uh we'd be getting calls. so whatever is ready for us is all continuing the tax across the strip. have you all tillery find an ad results? sabina bolt is from the know to the south. it tends to, it strikes, hit, rasa was very times also show the market. now, many palestinians who being falls from the homes, remain in the southern parts of the strip. so let's get the very latest from hidden calibrate who's in data about in central gaza. for us, we know that those is really surveillance. drones are in the vicinity hidden, but tell us more about the latest attacks. we believe children are amongst the
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victims. the intensive there is our tenure, we sitting in the area scripts and that we just learned that to project can use, have been killed and dropped off the bus on the 1st day of read yesterday, 6 palestinian children were killed among the thieves a 13 year old and but a had 2 year old, a shot, a baby born a girl. this is a continue with the it acts like is read since the 1st day of the word they have been targeting children on every single day. their husband reports that phase where the forces are blowing up. uh, residential houses in other classes are also branding a residential houses, which makes definitely uninhabitable for policy new. so all of the residents from dropbox do not have anywhere to go to. and this is not only in the hearts also in
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the northern parts of the godless trip palestinians do not have any homes to go to . we're talking about palestinians today celebrating the 2nd day of grades where that grief and sorrow is filling the hearts of palestinian children and women and families. they're not only being separated from their beloved ones, as some of the families are separate, that's in the south. and in the north, but also palestinians are displays that their beloved ones are still either missing, killed or trapped under the robots. and children are also being targeted by that is really important. just to be son. yesterday we sign please enter and they were transferred to the hospital but so far and it's very sad. it's a very funny news media in the library this year, and this is spitting the error and don't go through the course and data about that
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. thank you for that update. and it's a drive it has targeted until they has belong member in southern lebanon, and the latest costs border exchange, lebanese officials saying, is there any drive the types of cars that was passing through the outskirts of the town? i'll have you in the southern tie, a district i'm old and 500 people have been killed in cross boulevard islands since the wind gone. so began your special adviser, amos hochstein, is in his ralph adults to try to prevent the escalation of fighting between has belong in 11. on an israel. this is rose, prime minister has disbanded, they will cabinet t foamed after the october 7th, the tank. so it's a move that was why they expected, and even that's in yahoo says that he may create another group full, limited consultation on sensitive issues. now the announcement comes just over a week after benny guns quit the cabinet. let's go. so i have a 2 bed that smith who's in a mind because he is right. the government has banned. i'll just say era from his
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relevant slide with reporting from the go daddy and capital. hi ben, as well, with a little cabinet dissolved, what happens next? the, well, this volt cabinet was formed as positive emotions of governments in the days after october. the 7th, essentially, to get this idea of national unity is israel launched its full on gods. it was joined by benny guns. this specified is that the condition of joining at the time. this was to stop the fall rights compet administer to keep and then your empower. stop them from having an influence over the prosecution of the war. well, guns got it, got the eyes and caught some of the former chief of the ministry stuff they left resigned from the cabinet last week because they said nothing. yahoo! i'd still not done enough to either achieve a ceasefire or to come up with some sort of plan for what would happen in gaza after the war after the fighting has ended about last night. and, you know,
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exposed to the moms from a small ben, give a palazzo smokers, these 5 minutes has to be the mom, the to be like individual cabinets. and the suggestion, these rarely meters that rob and let them do that is just respond to that. and it was having me haven't the defense minister and a couple of advisors left, any way that yahoo says now he'll probably start taking advice from an individual ministers or trusted advisors on any policy, the link to how to carry on to prosecute the war and costs ok, so you have this some special advice that arriving in israel to try and you might say ease tensions between as well and potentially has the law because he's on his way to live in on to who is a and how's the arrived yet? of the yeah, he's met with the net and yahoo and he's also going to meet with any guns he's met with that in yahoo as positive as what the whitehouse said is an attempt to avoid a further escalation on along the blue line. that's the unofficial border between
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israel and 11 on a there's been a huge uptake in violence of fighting exchanges of fire and rockets across the board. in the last week also has been calm in the last 48 hours. but up until then, there was a fee of a wide, a escalation that was a huge domestic life political issue in israel, a border with 11 on because of some 60000 people evacuated from 28 towns and villages that since october they want to go home the government wants them to be able to go home and they dollars id like to be the by the beginning of the school year on september. the 1st both sides israel and has bullet say they're open to negotiations. as bono says, it's good only goes to negotiate the when there is a c spot in gaza. and as we've seen the momentum to that, as really at the latest attempt, obviously as far as really diminished in the last few days, is really ministry spokesman said in the last 24 hours as the ball is increasing.
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aggression is bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation better thanks very much will follow you especially advise able talk science visiting as well with keen interest. thank you. i'm just to remind you that these by the government has banned. i'll just say we're from a pricing and as well. that's why we're reporting from neighboring jordans. the south and investigation has found that between october and december, last year of the 60 palestinian families suffered the loss of golden 25 or more members in his ready bombings, the agency, the associated press, analyze 10 of the deadliest is rarely strikes between october the 7th and december, the 20 full, they collectively killed more than 500 people. a p says, none of these strikes appeared to target a military objective. no, was the direct warning given to those inside many by central buildings. one family last at least $270.00 members in an attack on the density populated jabante a refugee camp, is ready palms white top, the entire block of buildings to the full team,
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members of the same family. most that lives. according to gauze is health industry, 300 pallets to me and families have lost more than 10 members doubled the number of fact, enjoying the 51 day will in 2014 israel says it takes measures to mitigate against civilian casualties. but the wells top called the international court of justice as considering whether it's rarely committing genocide in gaza. i had a boy f dash is the accountability program director with defense for children in palestine. he's in to look around and joins us from the i'd like to tell you with us on the program. is this report an investigation by associated press, coincidence, or reality with ms files and bones. it's such a small community in a very small area that sort of entire families can be wiped 1000 an instance. and i think as
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a result of the implicit intensity of the been but mentor. but there's been some, yeah, yeah, uh, or special areas and cause this templates has bought them, but some of the design and military or petition against have to put the pressure on civilians. so the can, i can comment that some of this defensive nations come to the same family. it's effect as an organization. we have to commit to many cases where somebody to see somebody where killed in uh what an incident and the other parts of the let me do what killed and another and sit down. so this is because of the and since the intensive compartment without area and or ground that button. but then towards that it's tension. ariel gets a step and then we come across many for municipal where to get the 2 or 3 of the times that do it in the process. they are the back. you wish it in from one place
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to another place and get them to seek for security in another place to this by can i jump in the next? i just want them mr. accessed it. let me just jump in that when you spoke to those families who moved from one location to the other, did they feel they were targeted? were they given any full warning that building over at that location was going to be targeted? and you meant it meant to deal with the incidence. there is no water negative from the side. so uh those, uh, some it is uh, and all of my store orders that documentation indicated that the display as was done to get that without the brand out of my water bank. and uh, what's that, so that can involve many of the doors from it is among them to that. and so, and this is one of the questions that the people that go to us got the primitives will list
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a family member or more without the data see of water or the most. and the other incidence. the inform us that the literacy of what it means, but the things spend was not enough in order to effect you with the list that has been targeted or the net, but uh uh how sort of building was target that without that, that knowledge. so what it is, what it is, it's not the initial to what stands. on the contrary, we believe that the bottom of the military is the strategy is to clamp the life of civilians in order to push to but the pressure on the resistance, the group in order not to sudden done this plan. so let me just put in the that is the one that is a month to be honest. i'm let me just let me just jump in that insight cuz i'll say a lot to and pick. so that full a you saying from the evidence that you've collated in relation to this
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investigation by associated press which are both independent and both very different one outside of the gaza strip. and one from where you are within the occupied territories. how do you expect to, how do you think you'll findings, annual reports and your conclusions can be used to enlighten the why the public. the lead is the politicians, the uh, activists in terms of making them understand what's going on on the ground such in the, in gaza. and i think the bottom, no, it's not the, the level of knowledge or understanding of what's that is going on and goes up. it's uh, related to that as well. but political when in order to, to stay in is it from continuing beach and the science against best and people because of what's going on? because a,
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as in the light in many televisions and the international community is plenty aware about the, just the genocide, that is what i am as committed and get against better students living can cause this plan and find the problem that there is not. but i think of well to, but the, any uh my job is that i have to stop this for the site before we used to say that the international community is up sense spot that we believe that the international community is present and supporting is an idol without an intense or political or method, or military support for why is it a n and this important and is an attempt to continue on suicide against a student. and so the problem related to the law uh, assumptions for people and the international community is watching the uh, the best and that is what it is committed. and what we done may have been to
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pressure is bad. i think we get you all, we certainly get not parts of the the, the, the, the narrative. certainly we have to leave it that we're afraid. so i just, i had a bu, a tie sikes to joining us on telecom. thank you. you welcome. the australian 5 minutes down sale benet's, he says that his government is working to stabilize relations with china. following several years of diplomatic tension, he met the chinese premier encumbrance. the tools that the science described attended the chain is the highest level chinese official to visit australia in 7. yeah. 7 o clock has moved from the capitol camera. in the navy, one welcomed premier lady's visit to the strutting capital. hundreds converged on the moons upon them. in the house, which probably being support is clashing with human rights groups. it is why
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premier lee was given a ceremonial service, a canon salute, and an official got him on. he's the most high profile chinese leading to visit the strategies since 2017. as well as this type, luncheon depaula ministry address, defend faith continued inside. tollman house for the 2 countries looked to find common ground. there's no fixed model for a stipend, large relationship. add your piece to make sure that we manage our relationship so that we can contribute to regional and global pace. and prosperity also on the host's table for discussion with regional security in the in the pacific region. and the further pushed by camber to convince beijing to a band and remaining tried restrictions on exports, such as loves stuff. other barriers on key exports that just called and won had already been removed since the election of a stride his labor prime minister in 2022. china described the tools as candidate
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both laid as agreeing to reopen dialogue, which you put on yes, in less than a year. we've made each other multiple times and we exchange visits to each other's countries. this shows the great importance we attached to the china australia relationship. it also shows that this relationship is on the right track to retentions do still exist, the can, but publicly voicing. it's all positioned to beijing, military confrontation with the striding motion and the south. china sees the question is now where can is driving your and trying to calm down. there is a positive cooperation and manage those tensions without them. once again, cloud and you'll have all the railing and the abilities to talk to each other. so what are the some concrete progress cuz may during the visit, the 2 countries on civil agreements to corporate on tried education, climate change and culture, as well as intellectual property. premier leave visit paved the way for president changing, painted to a stride. yeah. he's already been invited by prime minister anthony alban easy,
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but he had to accept the invitation or set of dice, sur, clock out your 0 camera, a russian presence. let him, if they say, will be in those credit on tuesday for a 2 day visit before heading on to vietnam. putin has limited his overseas travels since the international criminal court issued arrest warrants for him last year. it's understood the piece in the end has no queen counts about conjunction degree day weapons deals during a reciprocal visit last year. tiny, change the pulse we. that's how to stop. how do we do those korean president, tim john, celebrating russia's national day in killing? yeah, we're not russia, he said, wasn't in that simple ally, had a visit to asia by vladimir putin tongue tip. the significance to me is that you know mr. pollutant is traveling around like i is a statesman. he has the allies, he is putting this in the brakes. he's making moves. and those are the thing that he's losing the war. i may have to think again. his 1st visit is to north korea,
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for 2 leaders who don't travel much. president kim and puts in a will acquainted a visit to russia last year by kim john. seems to have cemented an agreement to buy weapons from p on yang. in february ukrainian, prosecutors said russia to play 24 north korean ballistic missiles. well, the most miss their intended targets. 14 people were killed and 70 inches in the attempt. the next step is vietnam. the alum appointed president and the last month will be eager to welcome one, a vietnam closest historical allies assigned the recent political turbulence. this settled down betcha is one of the major power of the world besides the u. s. china and even india. so i think that's why but, and i'm try to keep the very strong, tight and close tie of the relation between the 2 countries. that modem, vietnam has made new alliances. diplomatic relations have flourished with old and
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them is accounted balance to china. us small ships, a welcome to vietnam is walters. i'm pollutants visits may not be well received by vietnam's, new friends. vietnam actually has moved west, closer to the us to the west in some way. so, but not on the rest of the question. so the put in visit the woods. that'd be a bind for, for getting them to, to hold and carry out. this balancing act to be hotter with russia holds one important called china india, a vietnam even sing a pool. a major consume is of russian fossil pills. and that's slightly to me and vladimir putin receivable welcome. on his agent tool, tony chang, elder 0. let's him on with all great line copies of professor of korean studies on a cook menu. invest in join us now from so good to have you with us again on the program just to learn golf. i mean, are you surprised by the announcement of food and visiting north graham show up a fleet as well? have
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a very long shopping list which will begin with military assets. not at all surprised because such a visit because been except to be expected for a long time and to be sort of expected to that. it will prep it. it is. yeah, indeed, there is a great deal of admitted that he kept corporation, largely, seemingly about northgate in every nation being saw sold to russia for the use in ukraine officially. and these a side it meets, is it such deals taking place, bought that uh may very so above evidence to kind of feelings that such deals uh, the happening and probably on the large scale. i mean, we sometimes don't always know the find detail results and negotiations. old ways happens behind play was tools, but we could, it seemed that north korea needs technology. i mean, what can russia, for example, of
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a film yang when it comes to it sort of ballistic missile program is a beautiful site, a lot resignation these view, it probably not because from the russian point to few providing those categories me so to control which it does not make much sense. fewest, if such technology is provided, most goody is likely to use it to develop weapons. if each they've, you're probably stop sitting on the international market. they disliked the driving russia out of this market. is it because scraping before? okay, well rush to rush. this is i, i apologize please carry on. yeah, i just would say in the also pop east, is it the russian hill not like as basically reggie met? would you made absolutely clear justin, a basic goal? i would not like to spoil the relations is so scary. it is a major a meet of no scary to, to basically set cause at
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a russia because ne, is it so scary? it is not providing ukraine vis, validate community 8. and so russia whole set at some point in future, in relation to the solar cells getty, volt impulse is as low as it could be a signal. and essentially the ground button do not expect a great deal of technology immediately. beach acknowledging the drug store to most caddy robins. again, it does both make much sense for russian. this is what most guardians of won't be able to get. okay. i'm skeptical. yes, because one of the other things that as far as russia could also, those could be sort of diplomatic protection content at the sort of un security council. and so now i would like that to yes and is getting it in abundance of truly a rush up that gives of this china, if it's being blocking all these other funds,
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if each won't increase pressure on the sketch here for. well, the robot pretty more than the eat because be impossible to possible. so you have 6 you to come. so any dissolution could be to go of noise, katia, and make sure it is a, is it position of russia and of course chain? and i don't expect it to change in all kinds of the national organizations, groups forms not only in the united nations every way, the russian, the products, if you be providing those scary, it is sort of people are meant to cover. if it gets get your insight beside the interest and see what it said. once that meeting is over in po and young andre line . cool, thanks for joining us from so displeasure write scripts on accusing chinese authorities of violating people's rights to religious freedom and also have to beijing or that the removal of arabic features from the gotten most gets renovated in the province of, you know,
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human rights which says that the chinese government is trying to stop the practice of islam facing denies those claims, katrina, you hospital and the chinese capital on the ground mosque and shoddy and was once an impressive symbol of islamic culture had influence in china, southern united province. but last year work began to transform it today it's dorm has been removed, replaced by a traditional head chinese pagoda study. so it's just one of more than 2000 most to be renovated or destroyed. in recent years, part of government campaigned to bring multiple places of worship and the chinese influence and character, what it represents really isn't a tackled public expression so big as long as all the people being most low. and in that sense, it is about harmonizing the way that they look. it's about ensuring the most can never stop out. presidents eaten pain 1st mentions the plan to quote, synthesized as well in 2015. it became part of the so called strike called campaign
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to stamp out what the government considered extremism within the week of muslim communities in tion. junk, provence. experts say the intention was to bring as well on to tell you to state control and more in line with the communist parties vision of being a chinese muslim. you've got this narrative that's emerges from the tax. the basic, the says that, well, theoretically the risk of chinese and of waiting to be muslim. but boston recently is with basic the contact with the outside world that has been a deviation away from the natural correct cools off as long becoming chinese and a lot is on the communities outside of sen. john, have not been subject to the same treatment as the week goes, but deadlocks have not been exempted. and some have protested last may. then this of the claim was a minority faced of police officer, the fullest renovation of them, or did not tell you and you done the doing with the most because now been removed
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and come in as parties slogans can be read at the entrance. this initialization campaign doesn't just to go well. this is neil jane was in neighborhood in virginia, west for plenty of hello restaurants. here with the arabic scripts that once a dog shop front has been replaced by chinese characters. china as foreign ministry has defended the campaign, saying, respecting and protecting freedom of religious belief has been a basic policy of the chinese government. it ensures the normal religious needs and safety of believe it's united. shoddy and mosque was the last major mosque to retain its arabic style features. the so ring, minarets are no longer there, and a chinese flag now stands tall front and center. katrina, you all to 0 be doing this time for the weather. the, his role with will flooding in southeastern present. there is more flooding and brazilian in se presented more specifically near port the leg ray, which is the same area which had extensive funding
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a few weeks ago. this isn't as bad, and it's not quite the st. mary's, it's a bit further know about to meet this with can be seen is obviously overnight filming, sitting on the ground in once he's on denise a line of fairies stand in front of the stores, but little bit more enhanced this year. but lot extend through pedigree, which is cool to sense young down and show the residence a very pleased it was 33 on sundays. $23.00 direct should be it will hang around that sort of level for the next 2 or 3 days. powered why the countries been suffering the heat rate on enough the last 2 years. so i'm pretty sure this is welcome. more records, the small are the kind of being these to dominique or the mountain iq of broken. that june rack will, despite degree assets, huge change. and in his fund year to dominican republic, we are nearly, it's a new reco. some of the thing you to something i think it is quite as 5 degrees above average. this can only happen because the water around it, there's also changing the woman climate is not much warmer. the caribbean is about 2 degrees, going more than average long to this part of the atlantic, about 3 degrees, wilma,
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long to where you got one more to you have the air that comes off that water. you stop off for the boost. you're going to break your record to well, still ed, hey, on the opposite, when use are a do stand a warning for ukraine? it says great. next pulls that back to prove all levels the fall of a say, the conflict is still humphrey production. plus soul dried out. people in villages around loom by and in the see that will to revise wanted to meet the needs, the largest city, the kinds of dramatic finished to the us open is very mcelroy place is trans victory. so you, what happens in schools do stay with the unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has not been rough and looks like we're off. it looks like it's hell on heard voices. we've been seeing the
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exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on our agency or the latest news as it breaks is really military has been for, says complicating a blockade on the gauze of rep, severely limit exam, 3 of defense told goes with detailed coverage human rights organizations have well come the u. s. decision to place as well on the list of countries that violates children's rights from the hearts of the story. the shortage of water is adding more misery to the lives of tens of thousands of palestinians, the of the,
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[000:00:00;00] the black to watch villages. every news uh with me. so robin, the reminder of all told stories is really falls of motion of a series of attacks in gauze or hitting targets on the knolls to the south. the city of rough came under intentionally treating a markets in the city sense of prussian president vladimir putin is to visit north, create on choose day for a 2 day trip before heading onto vietnam through 10. and his counts bookkeeping jungle in the reed a deal last year for russia to buy west and australian prime minister and say all the nice a says that his government is working to stabilize relations with china and several years of diplomatic tension events, chinese premier and camera adults that both sides described as candidates the fonts is hosting one of the wells largest size is there any phones have been
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banned from participating in the event? the french defense ministry says that's because phones as opposed to the is randy assault on garza's, southern city of rafa natasha buckler is at the event for us and live from powers. hi natasha. i wonder how about the band of is ready. companies is actually being received the way you are. the one is already something that's being spoken about here. but we have maybe one or 2000 participants. you have companies from more than a 100 come countries in the world to are sharing all the weapons. and the latest defense technology was missing, as you say, all is rated companies. now that is because the french government 2 weeks ago decided to find their participation in what is one of the biggest uh well because the um phase here, just outside of paris,
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the french government say it is because they are again israel. so i'm going to operate in rough or as is the french presence emanuel. my cool, and then what we saw last week is another layer being added on to that with a port in faults, new powers that any attendees that are meant to is really fun. so what does the rest of your motives, right, these people working for the ready sense? oh, so not able to attend this on that. let me close to touch it. and that will be a reaction on show from these right least themselves but not attending this. um side yes, from some of those uh, companies who have cool face discriminatory who said the french government, the saying anti semitic one is where the company said that the french government has knowledgeable wrong is route was the victim type of 7 and a has
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a right to self defense and use weapons that his manufacturing self defense most i've heard from the organized actually chart to talk to an organizer for an interview on cameras. i did decline, but a spoke 1st and see what the noise is told us that they are looking to contrast. please hold the impulse because they don't have to bounce it. as i know, this is the place where deals are made. it is a place where people come to see to make this technology and hauled away the items wells. so what we know is that whole room and came about because the marks of this voice campaign is why she filed the complaint. they say to the weapons that could be seen here might be the source of weapons that could be used against palestinian civilians. i thought is why they were not happy, why they fall that case in the 1st place. and that is why we have that full decision which still stands is, is now the, that's what we're saying. power, thanks to the updates. so you quite and says it's great next bolts of a ton to people levels, but farms of owning. but the ongoing role is timeframe production,
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at least 20 percent of farmland tests being covered with mine, so has been occupied by russian forces on homeless has moved from keys for the 1st time, ukraine's great next bullets are back to their levels before the full scale invasion says the country is acting agricultural, minnesota. the east for months have increased as they can exist up to 7. me jump on spend walls language. that's important, not just for this country, but for others who depend on their a mess are invited in 2020 to locate, stop ships, transports in grey. are you in broker deal briefly allowed them out. but it ended in july 2023. much of the countries grain was stuck once more. according to the agricultural minister, things changed late last year when you cried and secured the bike from shipping very from the countries. odessa pool down through the black sea is
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a possibility to use postables. alexi is that is all festal full media to the actions around me. that the people have been able to make some lexi safe for the ships to move. you can you see drawings a missile strikes to push back the more powerful russian navy officials say the countries also have been developing other words to get great now. so that's like truck to the done you river. we see really all as a green sector in ukraine is trying to add up to, to new logistics, particularly by using the danube. so definitively, as it was a country, and the i would say, particularly is a grant sector in inside the region is very, very adapt touchy to a new situation and try on ways to find its way to, to explore their challenges ahead. ukraine's carly exports in the growing that it stood up when it couldn't get it out for one spot. school and other factors are gonna start taking. that's whole like the fact that about 5th of the countries
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agriculture land is even under russian control will cover it in mines. and that isn't helping production. a lack of finance and insurance for the countries problem is, is also an issue. this year, the acting agricultural minister police production will actually decline by 5 to 7 percent. but at least as it stands, the great produced will be able to make it out the country john home. and i would just say to keep next 1000000 has, as i felt about the american think tank farm policy research institute and joins us now from london. besides good talking with this on the program. i mean, the ukrainian grain has seen an easier route times of the country overland these past few months since i was sort of a release because of route 5. see is now up to the question. i mean, what seems to have made it easier is the position of european farm is yes. perfect. thank you for having me and your right to focus on that land route and what actually has been the client and cheese success here is exactly what your
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correspondence was talking about, the shipping over the dan here and then into romania. but there has been some using up of tensions on the polish and solid rock borders, in particular, where there were farmers protest after their elections last year doesn't come down somewhat. there are still occasional issues there and there's still disputes between the european union and some of those governments that impose their own unilateral trade restrictions on your. busy branch, but the real key and am is to get it out to world martin is i would, i would or push back very slightly on that naval shipping. however, while shipping was down very slightly in the last month or 2 ukrainian shipping since last december is almost 10 times what it was under the black sheet. granite is, yeah, you can, i agreement with russia and i want to jump in that are actually because i that's my next question. not see what is the good the black see grain deal was described as a beacon of height. when i spoke to the un secretary general here on this program in july of 2022 received with great talk to me is and he was very optimistic that it would,
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it was the solution to the impasse between ukraine and russia. it didn't last long . russia pulled out within the i would even as recently as november 2023. the un secretary general has been saying that it will be very difficult to revive that deal again. it wouldn't be the great alternative to top both of land and sea roots . what went wrong? well, i'm wrong, was that rest to continue to attack. the reason i make uh, it wasn't happy with some of the ukrainian shipping it a q the shipping of bringing in arms, or is you're going to rain on a turkish flagship, in the black sea, by russian forces. but ultimately, g of despite russia withdrawn from that deal was able to do much on drone technologies to push back the russian navy. really pen the russian black simply not only out of the crime you get a all the way. so it's east along overseas, where we now see the brain managed to carry out some drones strikes as well. so essentially ukraine without a navy boat with small, uh, naval drones has been able to push the entire russian black. see if we've far
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enough away. and then use mind sweepers to keep channels open. they've got shipping coming in and out since the end of the summer. i mean, this was sort of a way for date was a need to try and move the over production of grain at the time 2 years ago. now we have the opposite. what fob is a saying, they con, quite plan to have only just managed to plant and so the winter crops, but have they planted enough? it is then going to cause another problem of not having enough grain as we head into the winter, then that fall into the spring. and i just think global markets have actually adapted quite well. so this is seen a lot of ukraine's traditional customers, also diversified. and of course, russian brain exports continue to be at very high levels, although there were support weather in russia last year. the impact of production there, russia is able to take the crops that steals from your premium land, and then from the items parts of southern and southeastern ukraine. i'd ship that
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on to key allies. so all that byways. so western sanctions and it looks itself extremely controversial, it does continue to bring maps a part of the market. and then again, what's really helpful is that shifting and adjusting of contracts elsewhere and ukraine's production is not that i'm nearly as much as it was feared. certainly in 2022, although yes it is kind of bounce i want to talk about finance is, is also the other issue that a brochure is selling, ukrainian grain on the market at countries in asia and africa. that one cheap grain will have the option will like not to look at 2 different sources. right? yes. you know, russia has been trying a really hard propaganda push with that. we saw the st. petersburg economic for on the bottom are putting, held up last week. this was sort of the big russian narrative, so the countries that were in attendance, but of course, no big deals were read in the us as expand it's secondary sanctions traveling fluid coming into financing there. so i think that that will deter some customers that
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have been on the edge, perhaps not those we have already been committing. and then of course the us in particular has also provided new support for kit. we just have the announcement last week of the new insurance program to provide more insurance. but in ukraine, ongoing efforts are also there to try to support the markets for you print in shipping and. busy the black sea, so these are very live areas of competition. interesting areas to discuss has been good to have you on the program and thanks for your insight. maximillian has the from following policy research institute. thank you very much. i a parliament has passed a comfortable and low on nature at restoration as a meeting of luxemburg, but not happen enough to australia's climate minutes to break rollings, we have had chancellor to beckett's lee in august as the approval gave legislation, the majority it needed to be adopted, i'll straighten chance to call it near honda says her decision was unlawful by the law requires both members to restore
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a 5th of the land and sea to its natural state by 2030. it's triggered to protest by pharmacy. say it's right, that livelihoods at least 8, at least 8 people have died and dozens will have been in good us to a freight train collaborative with a passenger train in india is west bengal states. the india has one of the wells most extensive railway systems, but much of its infrastructure is dated. a some heat wave is causing water shortages in parts of india. what tool is available as being pumped from reservoirs in rural areas to cities? villages say that wells of trying the running dry is imaging kimber, explains wells are running, drawing india a scorching heat waves with temperatures over $45.00 degrees celsius is sweeping across the country. for these women, the volume depends and collecting boucher by hand. every day. one is that we face lots of problems because of shortages. the water level in the wall has full,
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and we spend all time on the condo, any other. what the soaring temperatures have led to drive, but a lack of infrastructure is making the problem was this village a several major rest of the walls and dumbs when the well runs dry. people here have to rely on government trucks like these to refill it with untreated water, from a nearby river and water from this area. it's being pumped elsewhere. he has, i don't remember a metro region this month. people names all begin tribal areas. and it's not only that the type of people is not only not getting benefits. what is the type of people who suffered when these dams, i've been in terms of sub emergency and dumps of infecting dumps of depression from forest and new to the association. despite the please of the paper in the villages, the water course is set to get worse. i'm trying to decide die, run into whatever water we have. all goes to move by. our situation remains as it was, and we don't get well to drink. the government is only concerned about rich people
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. they don't think about, the poor government run policy center says water shortages will increase as grand water is depleted, unsustainable rates that says, the demand for water in a nation of 1400000000 people. is there any increasing energy and came back out to 0 a fall? so i head here. albany is the hopes of making a good test to our prestigious cable cullen re award is sparking low interest in the popular mex condition to propose that whole thing wouldn't get a hold full victory of a sub. yeah,
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the yours will be live in germany. schools section, the book, what type of support a history on that. thank you. so let's start with the very latest from the your eyes by ukraine taking on romania. it is right mania. who lead via goals and there was a good oh, it was from nikolai, essentially it's off the 29 minutes i can send if it goes, it's one of the that's it is a pricing cost. so i'm the internet not too far away from the stadium is still mit came. he's watching the much from the funds in munich donate. what's the reaction being that see that 1st off? where you can see behind may the vast majority of the people here are either rumanian and or ukrainian. the remaining and half exploded. enjoy that goal is you set a real scream or a goal that's at a tournament like this. and every time the remaining team is being close to getting
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a 2nd goal as being jubilation. and then a bit of press, full and nature for these plans for the ukrainian some seems a bit more specific about the way that the game is played out. remember that just to get to the ukranian team is that to go through the sort of whole deal in terms of planning all the time games, how away from home, and that sort of thing for it's a half time. now i need to do the remaining and some friends here, very happy. it's worth making the point that obviously the stadium is where the month, vast majority of the 10s of thousands of defensive photos. these countries, us must also say that earlier on this today, this morning, and when i was in the center of the time, there were many, many thousands of remaining and friends singing that songs and that sort of thing. thronging the cities square as well as cost time while you, while they're told me that, but looking ahead to lace that we have the 2022 world cut run is upfront up against austria. and it could be a potentially tricky game for from that one. yes,
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there are those who say that if the french team doesn't turn up with it's a game, then it could have serious problems, even despite the fact that from twice european championship when it's twice well, when it's regularly getting to the final opposed to the competition. so i just mentioned that if i don't turn up against the austrian team, they've got problems potentially because let's look at australia for a 2nd. this is a theme for the last, certainly one gaming qualifying that was a game belgium, 6 of 19 points out of a possible $24.00 points, which was in the course of the last 7 or 8 months, beats and the german team to so that's the austrians well, they quite as they would say that the confidence and remember these groups dictionaries was support certainly school a group of techs in the zeros it is potentially they screw highlands, benevolence, austria for us. we sold our game, poland against benevolence,
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which could have seen a droll, which was won by a goal from the dutch, late on that to one when and so. yeah. so since tonight is a game, if they 1st start off and post play the aging, and this full channel is see a say from the showed when, but that's not a given is have so you know, it's on that well, let us go and get ready for the 2nd half of the crane romania guy, remember, we will catch up with you again later on. thanks. now you have a game taken place on monday is belgium against the docket, and creepy. that's ukraine on remaining. is great. that much kicks off in frankfort and just drive. it's who i was belgium, i'd be 10 and 15 matches. and looking to put that 1st round exit to the walk up in capsule behind the a couple others who them felt next on so on. guitar is over now. we can change things positively or negatively. it was a disappointment. yes. but it was 2 years ago now, 18 months ago. and then this is a new toner mentor, a new card. she'll know the team is changed quite a lot as well. and, and we are here now to enjoy a good start to this competition. so we shouldn't focus on the positives and
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negatives from the pos and the team is shop and ready to start this tournament. that's all going to be in the manager at golf. southgate price decides resilience as they open that you are as campaigned with the hartford, when i've a sub, you rounded start, jude bedding him headed in the only goal is the game officer, 13 minutes as england dominates it. the 1st half of it and freeze off of the break and could have equalized liaison today and go keep jordan, pick for the caps out, do some so i'll have it to the efforts you write. 2020 run is up holding on for a while. no victory to those talk. a free see i think 1st off shows why we can school goal is against any team and the 2nd off shows why we can keep a clean she against anything. i think um, obviously calmly with the team is a negative theme around what i get, you know, and sometimes, rightly so. but i think in this case you say the positives from the fact that, okay, maybe we got to hold on at times. and so for a little bit, but we kept to clean, she and when you keep pace, you know we have to do is go on goals. so when the game england flight deadlock that there was a special moment for christy there. as soon as he put the things ahead against the
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venus, it was almost a 3 years to the day they collapsed on the pitch. during denmark's opening game that you're a 2020 of to having a claudia arrest. the thing that i go back in it's equalizing in the 77 minutes to grab a one withdrawal this time of the year is my story is very different compared to it's the last time which obviously is a, is a big thing for me personally, but obviously has been a lot less, but a lot of games is the last time since that happened. so that hasn't changed. and so like also that into that before like a i feel confident going into the game and confident in play. and again, meanwhile, the netherlands enjoyed a relaxed training session with family and friends. they also guessing that european championship off to a winning stop. they be pilots to one with calls from k to get quite without deckles. the players got to relax with the families of that base. come in swag.
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they have a huge game coming up next against from that was a dramatic finish to go us safe. and as bryson deshawn by walks away with the tide till after a late round collapse from boy nacory the know that argument went into the final round, trailing to somebody by 3 shots that you have a ton that deficit to to leave the americans by to 5 homes to play but then it will went wrong. the full mcelroy, he missed the spots from inside 3 feet on the 16th to make it consecutive. babies will hop right on the 18th. why? he dropped a not a shot to finish at 5 on the pow wow. that opened the door for the sound that he needed a paul at the last victory. he was in a bit of trouble for them to do what he does. 5 asked the shops of his life. what a recovery that was there, somebody holding the pots, it's a beat via shot as the sofa success. the 2nd us ice inside some setting. enjoy that to me. but that was the night. and michael, where he knew his chance of assess major in 10 years. i've gone, i really wanted this one, then i turned the corner and so i was
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a couple back and said, no, i'm not gonna let that happen. i need to focus on figuring out how to make this. make this happen was a little lucky void in to make it go up up to the code of coming in. and i had an amazing up and down last, i don't know what else to say. it's, uh, it's a dream come through. fine with actually heading into the sea freight stage of crickets t 20 world cup off the clenching the final spots despite being bundled out. so just a 106 find a fully managed to defend its a sorry boeing spell from townsend sounds. keep so him take full for 7 and the full couldn't recover it without just $85.00. find the best putting of the lowest successful defense out amenities when to go. okay. so here's how these 2 break stage shapes up. india, australia, afghanistan, i'm fine with ash makeup. group one with usa england, the west indies, on south africa in great se. the games begin on wednesday with the usa playing south africa and the west indies, facing old vive was england. quick update for me,
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right. that is half time in the game between that remaining a new crate remedial. if i go to bill novice sports update coming for you like different pizza. thanks very much trim to the tech has done to mexico city has recently been awarded a mission install. that's one of the world's most prestigious cullen re owners. is per pound, a small business to instant fame. but in the country with tech has stands line just about every blog. what makes or who makes the best? tucker, most of those julia kiana visited some food spots and mixed case cities to find out why the mexico tacos are everywhere. and if they can't, they can tell you the lots in it. be those that go my lovelady as quintessential to this country sculpture as might yeah, cheese tequila and being yeah. does. there are tens of thousands of taco stands and restaurants across the country. now this popular staple is also the recipient of a michelin star. this tackle stand on an otherwise non descript mexico city street
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was recently awarded the prize which is catapulted to same hours long lines now form every day to get a taste. but for tackle lovers like that might of the end that the new found fame is just a distraction from the main event. the taco itself looks like it doesn't reach out to provide for people who have no idea very briefly describe what is the type of re, okay, that's our goal is at the video with something on it. but i thought a be, yeah, this is very important. uh well, is this mexican chrome products that is super nutritious is the day so for diets, how many types of tacos, did you say there are like, was it kind of stuff that goes there post or that goes it got to meet those it's them was yeah, and then we have very specific that goes by this got the, the oregon tacos, let's say, like drive that goes and bring tackles and something for everyone.
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but the use of food writer and partner at a local ticket. he, i think mexican slough for tacos, runs deeper than the pallet. so definitely, uh, an identical symbol that it says a lot about your culture about your, your plays, yours, your hometown, different culture. so our mexico back on the street model takes us to another one of her favorites. this time in a more formal setting, highlighting the versity of this dish, using tablets or one of the few things that. 9 mexican society enjoys across all social classes. nowadays. it's some new things the beginning of the street food in general. it's obviously included that goes in the 19th century. the leads were like, oh, that's on a jen egan. but for the streets and actually the oldest club products and supplies of food is the boy for the on their development, the countries michelin star or not when it comes to this country signature, food,
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mexicans, and visitors, so like, can't get enough go. yeah, i know i'll just euro mexico city and that's it for me. so hold on and all of this, these all have more of the, on the side on the break. and then to learn from the on the news team here. and so based on the what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity, what sort of future society do we want to create all this technology roommates? do we still have power of choice, age guides, which actually autonomy and operating and doing this as the apple kind of technician. oh, is it already too late? so if corporations has more power, might in the building an entire country, the future is going to be good for the i would be nice if to before humans as well . i human coming soon on out. is there
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a difference to reset the direction which is a selection that the best news from across on that with the before the war, $8000.00 patients cross that alpha and beta in crossings every month to receive treatment abroad. that number has dwindled to lisbeth. $5000.00 evacuated and 7 months of conflict. pushing through the pain 11 year old doreen by a can finally walk again. dream couldn't move her legs after an air strike killed 60 members of her family and gaza chest. good, good. i thought i'd have to stay for more than a year in the wheelchair. i was asking my aunt if i'd be paralyzed forever. this facility was filled with the 22 world cup. now it's been turned into
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a place worth 500 patients receive treatment, education and psychological support. what the doctor, even when i had to sit teen, i met between the moment i got injured and now i've had a round 61 surgeries. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. the from the knolls to the sales palestinians in golf enjoy movies really strikes and heavy shelley, the phillips around you know, just every log headquarters here in dave also coming up prime minister benjamin netanyahu dissolves as rails will cabinets in the wake of the resignation of betty
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guns prussian presents, let's get through to this set to visit knolls, creek and juggling coals. they've an invincible outline. china is highest ranking


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