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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 17, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the lo, i'm sammy's a them, this is the use live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. the us, the time since the escalate tensions on these are 11 and border. fighting with has the law as displaced tens of thousands of people on both sides. and the government protested in west jerusalem call for new elections. l is off the prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu dissolved campus. well, food program gets 8 into so that install for friday. the 3rd time in 2 months is the last on the strong polls in the region remains on the see. the 6 candidates for rounds presidential election or holding that us live in peace of statements with the latest news belgium has suffered. a shock upset to slovakia in 020 to open up. that's heartbreak for ukraine mcvey was the last 3. know i wrote the at least 9 people have been killed in the latest is right. the attack on southern gaza. a group of much into a waiting for commercial trucks. east of off with targeted
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a while and this route prime minister benjamin netanyahu is facing mounting pressure overs handling of the war. thousands of protesters are rallying out. so i paula meant to call for early elections. and the seas 5 deal is fond of a week long protests which began on sunday demonstrates as also blogs, major highways and tele, v was happening. i was off to the prime minister, disbanded the wall cabinets comes more than a week off the bench against quit, the group cracks have been wise and making the cabinet with a come docks of the wall. bother us. special advisor is holding talks with his riley lead is all part of efforts to prevent an escalation of fighting with has been law. most hochstein would also travel to lebanon, both sides of step top of the tax against each other in recent days. is there any government has bind, i'll just hear from reporting that. so how does all, who joins us now from the jo damien capsule. i'm mine. so what's coming out of
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hawks times meetings with these, right, the officials now of the over just getting a read out for me is really defense ministry that you'll have go on to has met with the us official almost ha signed. and there's not really a lot of details as to what israel is going to do next, but rather it says they discussed the situation at israel's northern border at length. you'll recall in the months prior, you'll have the launch. israel's defense minister has said that he does not believe any sort of a diplomatic sort of elements can solve this cross border fire with his bi line. he's even said that he's not afraid to turn to be due to into another, gaza. i'm not, they are willing to fight a full out war with his butler if there is some sort of larger scale attack that is launched into israel. but it's not really clear what kind of full scale attack guidelines and other is really specials. are talking about this is the situation
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that has been escalating and not just the last couple of days, but in fact, months of these really are unable now to keep up with both the northern and southern fronts, both wars that are open currently. so is really officials have said they are ready to fight this war, but how exactly the problem is going to be solved is not yet known, and have the disruption protests of pick top how they look the south. well this is day to of what protest organizers are calling a week of disruption. it began early on monday were protesters were blocking major roads and highways in big cities and now demonstrations outside of these really parliament known as the connective calling for new elections. we also saw families if it's really captive, sit in on one of the parliament committees earlier today and said that they were
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disappointed with the lack of leadership and the absence of decision making in this war. now all of this comes is nothing you all who has disbanded the countries war cabinet. and this was the decision that was anticipated after benny gas and his partners had left the war council. so nothing young will ultimately be the one to decide how the rest of the war is prosecuted with the approval of his security council, of course. but there are still a lot of questions left up in the air like what is going to happen the day after the war is over. that's something that a lot of lawmakers cross these really political aisle or saying this and you all who doesn't have a handle on it. in fact, a member of his own party. the code has said earlier today that perhaps it is time for new elections because quote, this is a government with no achievements. so protesters are saying that this is only day 2 of a week long worth of demonstrations where the final rally will be even saturday until
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of even these protests are getting bigger in size and scale as we see them continue every single week. sammy, thanks so much. i'm the song ho reporting to us back from my mind in jordan, because these are the government has banned down to sierra, from operating in israel last spring. and during the list, all of a mazda and in bay route have been some exchanges today, take us through well, have yes. well this morning. there wasn't room. is there any minute you strike on southern level? there was a drone steak on a car. now it has filled off, i tell them to my how much i was killed in that strike. this is confirmed what has law and he is the 300 and 42nd has the fight that you have died since october the a. now the is really ministry claim that he was a member of the rocket unit, part of the not subdivision of high school over the course as usual, hospitalized hang tight lips, and there's no confirm this, this cummings. today,
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this is one of, at least 8 strikes by these really ministry on the southern level and including in the town. if i to a shop which has been almost reduced to rubble in the strikes. now this follows a week of intense strikes and uptake in the cross for the tit for tat and strikes. my husband are on the is really ministry following me as early as estimation of color that send me a dollar has the come on. now the strikes are continuing on the last 48 hours has been to him tons of strikes of the last week. but as i said, having so many strides from his for a lot to as well because i've been at least 8 or 9 strikes today. the strikes displacing tens of thousands of civilians. what's happening to them all
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of the fight? that's correct. according to the international organization for migration, at least 95000 residents of southern lebanon have been displaced by the fights. and now they have been forced to leave the towns and villages and have know some of the display still within southern lebanon. so my heading or i may have been using schools, a shelter in the city of sue. they have been using abundance hotels, number 2, and i've also been staying with friends and family. now, there is not enough of a government has not enough resources right now to help them and many of the shelters. how's, how i know don't even live in yourself and so by and yours are the international and local. but this, which end of the holiday of age many residents have actually were ton south to the names and villages. they fall into check on their homes. that the longings their
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friends and family, and in many villages, this weekend's president's return to cemeteries on most to prey and simone bodies have been lost in the fighting since of target to many municipalities themselves. coordinated with the liberties on me. so that the president's tribute town home, safely for a few, a window of a few hours to move on. and i, there are 2 sites, so much of a mazda and somebody, or it might a one be shot, a is out just here, a senior political analyst, who joins us by skype from paris. so we know that hawk stein is been meeting the us advise that he's been meeting with his ready officials, what to expect to come out of this initiative if anything at all. and i think this is just meant to call them the scripts and show that americans are in fact involved or continue to be involved in interested and common
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but situation. wrong is red continues to bound garza and found socks. i've been on and so on, so forth. there could be some hints of an attempt at arrangements for the ask the guys in the sense of what would constitute apartment and cease fire on the northern board. there was never known. and how could that be handled? of course, as you know, most of the proposals the best far is just the cause of all i must be deployed at least 6 kilometers to the south border. this is not exactly, it's striking for the time being. the war continues and the united states continues to keep up to appear on says all the assumptions of a peacemaker model on what seems to be these ready policy priority right now when it comes to lab and then simply containing the exchanges or escalating
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them in order to create a new reality on the ground, and that there's a lot of room for guessing because differences ratings have said different things over the past few weeks and months. but clearly it's right and it's not driving. what's next on the board there has been lies in the sense that that is there and it was just like that nothing happens on the north. and it could simply focus on guys on the west bank and each other so, so on, so forth. is there i would like more know nothing more than to simply focus on palestine and just story guys are instead of being preoccupied with the terms of northern border. so the initiative has been thus far within the hands of has been a lot. busy maintains, as you know, and as we've heard, the 1st of the mindset is, will continue to set the, the, the, if you will, if possible for a visitor in the army has just continues to check rushing against causal. and we've
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had the desponding of the war cabinet. will that impact decision making? you know, there's a, there's a problem in his writing, and it's not just nothing, you know, nothing. you know, the godfather of mazda is very depressions that was very unhappy with his 64 majority, or i'll try national just all to find that pixel to run just parties. it was the problem started with the like so many guns, some eisen caught on those people who darling off the west, the donnelly, for washington in london, who consider to be moderate, even though they are probably the most lovely people. it is right. but while the guns is always there and are so bloody the boasting of bonding gossip back to the middle age, it's quite politically stupid. and guns has particular since yet you're going to see more 56 years ago, 7 years ago. the political seat is right. and here's been house. i know we're
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buying that then. yeah. and saying come dying. even when he sort of people almost won an election along with less than others. he turned out to be a junior part that and that then you know, government and that's and yeah, it was stopped during the back. and it's again, it's months ago when the war started with nothing, you know, officially started the war in october, 8th, or 9 guns. john, too early and left too late. he basically gave the cover to nothing else to do as he wanted. and now with the cabinet, what the, what cabinet disbanded now is more likely continue with his government because guns has giving and the is a slash and a center or centrist legitimacy that he needed to continue with the war but could not have realistic pressure after the failure of october southern towards a new election. now, unless a re re peebles on the street, so to leave a general southern elsewhere picks up. i think it's going to be very difficult to
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change them at the now government. and the town is going to stay in charge form some kind of a security in a circle within the government, the security cabinet sort. and you would continue to run up versus the long as you can always go to get your thoughts and analysis model on the shadow. now on the ground in gaza is ready for us is they've killed at least 9 people east of off. they were merchants waiting for commercial trucks. this is the sort of a series of strikes on monday. one is ready. tanks also show the market. many palestinians has been forced from the homes, remain in the southern parts of the strip as wells intensified blockade and gaza is meant fuel is hard to find and when it is available, it's expensive. as a result, people are resulting to basic methods of transport like donkey carts and bicycles.
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product. as soon as in garza before is real loan ships in garza coats and trimmed blank don't keys and horses arrest solely to the goal is a strip. but today, they have become the main method of transport for people moving around and such as food, daily the societies or typically is really been bought. and then in the center of goza, in one of the huge, really busy a streets of dairy, bella, cause a now rarely seen smith. i'm using the car because i have no other alternative. i want to visit my sister in a low say dog. and i had been waiting here for hours to move. we don't have any other means of transportation with little fuse, any available here. another way of troubling is becoming popular. price that kills people from all walks of life, want then and the only demand to send the price. the sole rate for the people have been buying more bikes due to the lack of fuel and the fully involved going
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employees. don't garza palestinians started to repair the old bikes before october, the 7th bicycles were cheap in comparison to price these today, before the war, a bike could cost just about $50.00. but now that's the reason to up to $270.00 a month. for displaced, people like that, the whole money is bicycle is essential, as he strives to get his family members what they need to do. i will tell you i need to go to the bicycle now for me it's priceless. i use my bike to go to the market. i sometimes cross 6 kilometers every day using it. i even use my bike to bring water to my family. my boss has everything for me now. i'm. it will as the force to constantly seek what show to the can under the threat of constant is really attack. hausteen's find themselves forced to use more primitive means of transport to sit bones. palestinians have been doing whatever they can do to cope with the increasing hot shit of their daily life,
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bicycles. um then keep costs have been the last remaining solution for the transportation crisis close by. the crisis here in the gaza strip. start recognizing how do 0 very but i kind of story the, the world food program says it's managed to get a trunks into sedans. don't full reach in front of me this some time in 2 months. the wsp says they carrying food is for the 160000 people. the conflict between sedan saw me on the permit for a rapid support forces has caused a lot of the world's was hunger, crisis view and says a 3rd of sedans, population. that's a team many and people are now solving. fighting, meanwhile, continues and the city of of fascists, the rapids support forces are supposedly advancing. it's the suit and these armies
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last may just strong holes in the full b r. a stuff has been trying to seize control of the city. do you and says it's is ethnic cleansing if the process does capture. sasha mcdonald booth is a former us envoy to sedan and south sudan joins us live from falls church in virginia, and the usa. good to have you with us 1st will all we about to see famine reach historical levels in sedan, but that's certainly the reporting that's coming out from the, from the you and then from other non governmental organizations and entered in these on the ground including the emergency response room groups that have been assisting student needs and their local neighborhoods. so it's a genuine concern of fashion as we talk is on the stage. what will happen if the town falls? well,
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i think of what will happen really depends upon the general imagine and how much control he has over the forces that are actually on the ground there. i think if the rapids support forces or r as f have any intentions that are trying to have a governing roland sedan, they're going to have to show that if they take elf osher is not going to be an ethnic blood bath. and the tribal divisions, there are, are immense and decision these have to learn, to frankly find a way to govern themselves in a way that can, it can address their diversity. so this is really, i think if the are a self does take out flasher, this will be a true test as to whether this is uh they have any, any possibility of ever having a claim to any role in governance. and so then while human rights groups have followed what's been happening in sedans,
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say that that hasn't been the history of our assess movement movements into cities, right? so is it an international intervention now in need? and is anyone in the international community interested in such a deployment i have not seen any indication that there's any desire for international engagement intervention. and as you know of the student needs government at that time led by general behind insisted that unit in the un mission and our for terminate back in in 2020. i think if the you and had been able to stay on the ground, this could have mitigated some of the uh, the atrocities that are we've, we've had reported. i think the critical thing to understand is that the r s f as a creation of a bus year redeem. and this with an armed forces, they use the ginger, we have, which is now, and the,
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our staff has evolved from that. and they use them to put down rebellion into our for. and now those very forces that they used in the past it to do their bidding are now challenging them in their heartland in khartoum and, and then just you to state. and then i'll valley crated by the former machine, but now supported report site. they supported that, owned by some of the us is allies, including our countries, like the u. a. e certainly is ministry officials point to that. and they took of the disappointment with western countries for not cutting off that flow of foreign ums has the west let the government down. how do you read the situation? you know, i don't think the, the west has let the government down. i think we're, we are urging all sides the west has been urging all sides to stop fueling this
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conflict. let's remember that they just sit down on forces are also receiving support from a regional and, and, and other international actors. and the, what the united states has been trying to achieve a working with saudi arabia is to bring the sides to the negotiating table to bring the r s s on the staff together to try to achieve a cease fire. so that really humanitarian access could be allowed, but frankly, the humanitarian access has been exceedingly difficult incident because they are assess, has not had the discipline to avoid including the world food program and other she mandatory and supplies. and to sit in on forces in the government that they run in port sudan has basically seen that. uh, you know, star ration uh is a weapon of war. uh, they used it in the past in the fight against the south sort of news against the spill in uh and uh,
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they recognize that the fuel let you mandatory and assistance in that is going to be used to some extent benefit your enemy. so both sides are making it very, very difficult. and i think it's very important that the west and others focus on looking at the, the, the possibility of a crime of starvation. i think the c, c, the international criminal court is looking into that. another violations potential violations of international humanitarian law. don't both former us invoices to them . thanks so much for joining us. thank you. as the 1st of 5 presidential debates among 6 candidates is taking place and to her on the debates, a part of the campaign, the head of the june 28 selection, forget by the death of president abraham. but you see you and a helicopter crashing may. the 6 candidates were approved to run in the elections
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also being investigated by 12 members. the guardian council is because of a suicide, joins us live from to her on. so how is that debates going on? anyone emerging as a dominant personality in that discussion, it's not really set me so it has been roughly around one and a half hour. that the debate, the 1st debate presidential debate has started and it is mainly focusing on economic issues. so that are the prominent candidates, the medically above site, jelly and mess with position. yeah. so the 1st one mohammed kazi, about the curtains, part of my speaker. he's simply saying that the oil revenues of the company needs to be yours, you know, more efficient ways. and also he's saying that that are, that said, want this families, nurses, teachers, social workers that they're losing on databases because there is any information that's of average in the country and as a fight, as a way to find the information is defending his saying that the the salary use of
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this, this fixed income individuals, so being crews at the same level rate off the information. so side generally the, the, the, the hard line, conservative in these res, she's simply saying that we needs to adopt a resistance, you caught them. and this is the same term that was frequently used by the late president you, but i embrace see as well. so just to summarize what the resistance, the, the resistance economy mean, that means is more of the policy. so you're on is home under the sanctions imposed by the westwood lab by the usa. and you run in movie shows how being author into saying that we need to connect more with eastern world connect with the global sold that are somehow considered friendly with the run and increasing our revenues from these countries that also he's in favor of continuing the policies that have been applied and applied by this late presidency by embracing the term permanent one is due the on the report,
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miscounted that that's running for president messed who possess position can to save the sanctions. are the main problem audit or the disaster for the running economy. we need to open off the country to the world to soften the sanctions. i don't so he said that the mirror once there's no transparency and no rule of law in the economy management. so that's why the transparency of the flow needs to be in place to, into, to appeal, therefore, in west montana said that's one of the way to fight the poverty the then to, to fight the economy, cries here is to add track to, for an in westman and he promises that if he's elected as president, he is going to bring to the restaurant and seemed a little slow to appeal to the for the investment. russell, what about the polls? what do they tell us in terms of who's leading as well according to the pools for now med bucket card about the cut and part of and speaker who is regarded as
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a mode that is conservative. he is closely aligned with the revolution to guard. indeed, he was previously a general interpreter from the gods, and she's now leading the pools by roughly around 552-222-5226 percent. and the 2nd one is uh site jenny. the pools are showing that she is rate is roughly approval. rate is around 22 to 23 percent. so this to the, for the kind of off and side generally they have to go to the conservatives and more or less, they are adopted the same economy policies. the for the policy is domestic policy as well as the late president abraham bracy. however, the 3rd one must be position and all that afford miscounted, that is running for president is suggesting a different way. and according to the pools, she is now roughly around 12 to 13 percent. when he started, it was much lower, but she's now gaining momentum. and of course, many i know the same discount you are seeing that position. you all could be
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a surprise induced raised in 1997. when mohammed talked to me the 1st before i'm as president for his name in the raise. no one was given him a chance, but she has written 3. he has one to raise in 2013 how several i need when he started with his campaign, she's a pro rate was roughly around 3 percent 6, but she wanted to know that it's presidency. now people say that these could be another surprise if you can mobilize the reform is the physician can mobilize, the reform is and united a form is of course, if you can secure, high turn out in the election, she is chance are going to be quite high but for no credit, but he's leaving the polls. all right, thanks so much the suicide of the a still a heading out this era devices manage the hardware on sale in paris savvy. why is valve is bands of the world's largest fat? russian president vladimir foods are in set to visit north korea close to me and
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invincible allies. and a dramatic finish to the us open as glory may. i provide lowes is sounds. victory will show you what happens in school the now mondays, particularly hosting western society. but those temperatures are dropped by 5 is experiencing medina and mecca as the heat, some drift east was. and now we're looking at how the, how to the eastern side of saudi arabia to aid and also iraq bank. that's full cost of $50.00 degrees. now you expect it to be house anyway in the middle east this time of year. but it's just hotter than you might like and half of an average. and then another hot spots just north of the caspian, in catholic style, 10 degrees above average and ask about is about 6 above this whole area is quite tall. just the north is that, that heat interacting with what's coming out of europe. we've got some flooding showers, but shuttles off the big thing is that there are
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a few around and maybe georgia possibly as a by john. but basically speaking is just blazing sunshine. this time the wind direction sometimes changes things and wind strength, but there's not much of that to read on tuesday except rest allow us just catching the edge of the month see seasonally correct. just increases the tired from that and every now and again, you do get enough to pick up the sand. all the dust is don't sandstone tire tree. it's just quite dusty. i see a this, the monsoon plays up the side of east and africa. sometimes it picks up some moisture being some range of them all the not much you. and if you're lucky, a few useful shells might show themselves. it's obviously time or is the, the unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire agent wants of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this is not a rough and looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been
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seeing the exacerbation of the miller tri basement of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0. from palestine to pakistan from syria to be in donasia ok, foundation was delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting communities in areas affected bible family culverts. the diesel stuff, your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in a donate. now with confidence give you a coupon
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a today without kind of foundation on the or come back here watching out just 0. its on so many cap on headlines and his right the drone is killed that has the law member and something up in the latest cross folder exchange. us special advise that amos hochstein is in his ro, towards trying presents and escalation and fighting between has the law and this ralph. thousands of his id protests is raining outside parliament. meanwhile, according to early elections and the seas, 5 deal of a week long protests which began and sunday demonstrates as of also belong to major highways. and some of these fonts is hosting, one of the world's biggest says, but as god loves his band, this variety funds from taking pots. the defense ministry says fonts as opposed to
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as well as a salt on gauze, the southern city of an offer. that's actually popular reports from paris. one of the world's biggest on says your century and bill company r. s. companies for more than a 100 countries exhibiting the latest weapons defense technology. but missing this year is randy companies and boy, the french government 2 weeks ago because it opposes israel as operation in russia last week of french quote, whole say, found any attendees that could be linked to raise the arms firms. the events organizers explained the ruling in this letter. we had by inform you the chorus events had been subject of a court decision, dated june 14, 2024, requiring to prohibits employees, representatives of israeli companies of your century trade show and to prevent the promotion of the activities and any commercial inter mediation.
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the rooms have fig tree for these and people campaign is someone led to the case to quote the. 2 drug remove most of because the sense of residence for over the, in the world and his friends, the major companies, the, i'm afraid none of the executives that we spoke to wanted to discuss the fine i'm be events open. always this declines it to speak to some customer about the issue, bought a squarespace and said that they would appeal to quote, decision 74 is ready. companies will shed you to take part in the fed. some say the french government's decision is discriminatory. they say they with them, so we're central to ensure israel safe to actively say that being used against palestinian civilians is actually about to out to 0. paris campaigning has begun in frances, not problem entry. elections ahead of the 1st round of voting on june. the 30th
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face a life pictures from paris. why the popular front is holding a rally, presidency manual micro on cold for the vote. also the far right national body piece is policy in the european parliament. my calling has described the vote as a referendum on the far right a lot of the u. k. the. busy police reform policies threatening to take away right, being support from the government. conservative policy policy led by nodule for raj, launched its manifesto on monday. and polls show it's not connect with conservatives both so way behind the labor policy is charlie angela explains. and he's one of britain's most recognizable politicians, but he's never won a seat in parliament. he changed britain profoundly by leading the quotes for bricks it. and then almost disappeared from politics is but now nigel for
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roger's reform party has overtaken the conservative in a recent post head of next month. election. on monday reform launched its manifesto and it taught a promise to stop immigration and withdrew britain from the european court of human rights. why didn't says he, people on the streets of britain today, i've come here in the last 2 years alone. never before in history. we've ever seen literally anything like it. we believe that an overall freeze on net migration numbers is what we need for a few years to help us at least try to catch up the rogers return to frontline politics has split support among right of center, right. as further damaging the conservative party, but even among his support as many said, facing for reform will secure a neighbor when in the east london, town of rome said some wary of broken promises, but considering as a, the election wildcard. i don't want people coming out of the boat every off
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a day. i can save a side of it into stuff but haven't stopped nothing. but reform seem to have some of the critical ideas that we'll try might keep best. so some people like that many don't. a divisive fig throughout just being attacked twice during the campaign . and now has a security detail paid for by taxpayers, a millionaire, and storm, a city of london, trade fraud styles himself has a mind if the people off against and out of touch political elite. and he's predicting organ 6000000 people move a so reform for raj acknowledges his reform policy called possibly when the selection and in britain's 1st pos, the post electoral system guessing millions of votes across the country doesn't necessarily translate into winning any of parliament's $656.00, but if for all just to be believed his sites a set note on this selection, that the next charlie on to the out is there
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a so tourist as being found that in greece and the week following a period of unusually hot weather. the 55 year old americans, buddy, was found on the island of mas frankie temperatures sold about 40 degrees celsius saturday. this month, mid stats of the holiday season. at least 9 people have been killed and dozens injured officer, a freight train collided with a passenger train in just westbound gulf states. it is one of the most extensive railway systems in the world. mazda of its infrastructure was outdated, and hundreds of accidents happen every year. same percent, all viewed reports start drilling in west bengal, a tourist spot nestled in the himalayan foothills. the sea of india's latest rail accident. a trained carrying cargo is suspected to have missed a signal and crashed into a passenger train. the force was so severe,
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one car was seen rising into the air. jim rode, the train was going slowly and another train hid from the back and i'll try and turned upside down. the bottom, the thing is i felt i wouldn't survive, but with great difficulty, the rescue was pull this out. i didn't feel we would survive. it felt like a big junk, but thing 2 of the casualties been mondays crash were really personnel. initial reports suggest the collision may have happened when the driver of the freight train mr. signal. the accident is one of hundreds reported annual, outdated signaling equipment is often to play, but i mostly see like the initially the close looks like human error, but we will no more off to the inquiry. but human error is something we have to control as well. the world's most populous country, both one of the world's largest real networks. in recent years, india has spent big money to upgrade itself with modern stations and electronic
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signaling systems to improve safety. but the aftermath of this latest crash, as a reminder, in the us national real system, operating 14000 trains and moving 12000000 passengers every day, continues to have one of the worst safety records in the world. same bus for avi autism, us russian president vladimir and fulton is to visit north career on tuesday for a 2 day trip before heading on to viet nam, posted and has limited his overseas travel since the international criminal court issued arrest warrants for him last yeah, tony chang reports. well, that's all the stuff. how do we do those korean president, tim john, celebrating russia's national day in killing? yeah, we're not russia. he said was an invincible ally. had a visit to asia by vladimir putin tongue tip. the significance to me is that you know mr. pollutant is traveling around like i is a statesman. he has the allies,
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he has partners, he's in the briggs, he's making moves, and those are the thing that he's losing the war. i may have to think again, his 1st visit is to north korea, for 2 leaders who doesn't travel much, president kim and puts in a well acquainted visit to russia last year by kim john, seems to have cemented an agreement to buy weapons from p on yang in february, ukrainian prosecutor said russia deployed 24 north korean ballistic missiles hold on most miss their intended targets. 14 people were killed and 17 inches in the attempt. the next step is vietnam. the alum appointed president in the last month, will be eager to welcome one of vietnam closest historical allies assigned the recent political turbulence. this settled down, betcha, is one of the major power of the world. besides the u. s. china and even india. so
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i think that's why that and i'm try to keep the very strong, tight and close tie of the relation between the 2 countries. but more than vietnam has made new alliances. diplomatic relations have flourished with old and them is accounts of balance to china. us small ships a welcome to vietnamese walters and pollutants visits may not be well received by vietnam's, new friends. vietnam actually has moved west, closer to the us to the west in some ways, but not on the rest of the question. so the put in visit the woods, that'd be a bind for, for getting them to, to hold and carry out. this balancing act to be hotter with russia holds one important called china india, a vietnam, even single pool. a major consume is a russian fossil pills. and that's likely to mean vladimir putin receivable welcome . on his agent tool, tony chang, elder 0 crane says it's grey. next bowls have roots on to level seeing before
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russia invited, but farmers one, the war is humphrey production. at least 20 percent of follow that has been mind or occupied by russian forces. go home and reports from kids. for the 1st time, ukraine's great next bullets are back to the levels before the full scale invasion says the country exacting agricultural minister. east for a month have increased the account and exist up to 7 mutual funds for malls and ours. that's important, not just for this country, but for others who depend on their a mess are invited in 2020 to locate, stop ships, transports in grain. are you in broke? the deal briefly allowed the mail, but it ended in july 2023. much of the countries grain was stuck once more. according to the agricultural minister,
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things changed late last year when you cried and secured the bike from shipping very from the countries. odessa pool down through the black sea is a possibility to use postables. alexi is that is all 1st of all media to the actions around media to people have been able to make some lexi safe for the ships to move your crime. you see drawings a missile strikes to push back the more powerful russian navy officials say. the countries also have been developing other words to get great now. so that's like truck to the new river. we see really also the green sector in ukraine is trying to add up to, to new logistics, particularly by using the danube. so definitively as it was a country, and the i would say, particularly is a grant sector in inside the region is very, very adapted. steve to a new situation and try on ways to find its way to,
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to explore their challenges ahead. ukraine's carly exports in the great that it stood up when it couldn't get it out for once. that's going. other factors are gonna start taking. that's whole like the fact that about 5th of the countries agriculture land is even under russian control will cover it in mines. and that isn't helping production. a lack of finance and insurance for the countries problem is, is also an issue. this year, the acting agricultural minister police production will actually decline by 5 to 7 percent. but at least as it stands, the great produced will be able to make it out the country john home. and i would just say to keep australian prime minister and to the albany says these government is working to stabilize relations with china. following several years of diplomatic tension, he met the chinese premier camera for talks to both sides,
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described as kind of the big jang is the highest level chinese official to visit to australia in 7 years. so o'clock reports from the capsule in the navy. one welcomed premier lady's visit to the strutting capital. hundreds can boots on the moons. a pile of house which probably being support is clashing with human rights groups. it is why premier lee was given a ceremonial service, a cannon salute, and an official got him on he's the most high profile chinese lead it to visit estrada since 2017. as well as his type luncheon depaula memory address, defend faith continued inside. solomon house for the 2 countries looked to find common ground. there's no fixed model for a stipend, large relationship. add your piece to make sure that we manage our relationship so that we can contribute to regional and global pace. and prosperity also on the host's table for discussion with regional security in the in the pacific region.
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and the further pushed by camber to convince beijing to a band and remaining tried restrictions on export, such as lobster, other barriers on key exports that just called and one had already been removed since the election of a stride, his labour prime minister in 2022 china described the tools as candidate both laid as a green reopened dialogue, which you put on yes, in less than a year. we've made each other multiple times and we exchange visits to each other's countries. this shows the great importance we attached to the china australia relationship. it also shows that this relationship is on the right track to retentions do still exist, the can, but publicly voicing. it's all positioned to beijing, military confrontation with the striding motion and the south. china sees the question is now where can is driving your and trying to calm down. there is a positive cooperation and manage those tensions without them. once again, cloud and you'll have all the ram and the ability central to each of them. so we'll
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have some concrete progress cuz may during the visit, the 2 countries on civil agreements to cooperate on tried education, climate change and culture, as well as intellectual property. premier leave visit paved, the way for present, changing, painted to a stride you. he's already been invited by prime minister anthony alban easy, but he had to accept the invitation or set a dice, sur, clock out your 0 camera sort of had an al jazeera, the odds of making a good tack of how interested just calling the award is fucking more interested in the popular mexican dish, and those who prepared didn't spoil the miserable stuff. belgium of the european championship details coming out in a few moments news business like this. this wrote to you while he peg. this is
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a line fly on one of your this makes model inflates the . the business latest is free to you believe i guess is
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a nice smile on one of your just makes modern pleads the alright, let's catch up. all schools use with pizza. certainly, thank you. very much belgium has made a miserable soul to the european championship. they've suffered a major upset in frankfort using against slovakia. a team. $45.00 places below them in the fee for rankings. football care, winning. one know, thanks to natalie gold for yvonne, she runs from me to cochran, could have got 1000 level foot failed, and i also have 2 goals. room doubts ukraine. what happened by romania in munich? earlier in the come i sent you the rugs von, marine, both the school spectacular goals with the games finishing 3, you know,
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this is remaining is 1st victory after euro since 2000 and may be the england 32. and which the call to find out if we are not sure we know the mark simone, every player in the team together. if we don't show our maximum, he'll be really difficult because we are playing against best place in the or countries and doesn't matter who's feeling favored so not favorites. football is about today. what are you showing today? this is your face, not what's happened yesterday or last year. what are you showing to the today? unfortunately, we didn't show lower level and now we have to really be. ready serious for the next much a. l 0 is dominique cain was a defense. so any munich for that game, he has more one remaining his victory, and also it looks 8 to francis match against australia, which kicks up shortly. monday kicked off with the gain between romania and ukraine . tens of thousands of funds from postings thronging in munich,
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and the city center earlier and then making their way to the same. some of them were here at the friends and the jubilation that the roommate in funds shows when 2 of those goals from the 3 decided to gain 2 of them with what you might call real scream is goals that lights up a tournament like this greeted as i say with jubilation from the romanian families 1st perhaps from the ukrainian side of things while they were crestfallen. and so it was just glad to be in this tournament, given the journey to the country, is have to make, suggest uh, lots of attention on the last game of the day, which sees the french team take on the austrians from to team this one. this tournament. twice the world cup twice regularly get so the final of these sorts of told them that once they come across hurricane semester, almost 3 and seen that seen as adult coal, small standing one game and qualifying against belgium of 19 points from a possible 24. and has several players from the europe's top leads, bangladesh shaw heading into the super 8 stage of crickets,
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t 20 will come up potentially the final spot. despite being bundled up for just $106.00, find the pool i managed to defend. it's a fire rebuilding sco from 10, zoom ha, some 2nd. so in take full for 7, then the pool could not cover the rollout. $85.00, bangladesh for the was successful, the instead of t 20 words. so here's how the super 8 states shapes up. india, australia. i've got a stone and bangladesh make up group one, but the usa, england, the west indies and south africa group to the stage starts on wednesday with the united states banks of african. and when these facing old arrivals, england, a well done beside the new method is, has reached the 2nd round of the hello open. that's up to the russian ousted portables, new borges in straits seats. 76, and 6 fold school. mixed up folder is amazing with jane
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jane. it would have has only ever $11.00 gras school tournament in his entire career. that was 3 years ago in missouri. there was a domestic finish at the gulf. us opened as bryce and december walked away with the title of to late ground collapse from brewery mcelroy. the northern irishman went into the final round training session by 3 shots, but the other 10 that the episodes to be the american by to with 5 holes to play. but then it all went wrong for mcelroy. he missed the spot from inside 3 feet on the 16th to make it consecutive bodies and more heartbreak on the 18th, where he dropped another shots of finish of 5 on the palm and open the door for the shambles and needed to part the last to victory wasn't a bit of trouble, but then pulled off. would you describe as the shots of his life? the shambles, holding the pots to beat mcelroy by a show us as the american security. second, us open title. that was the moment mcelroy news. john silver 1st may june 10 years
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had gone. that's it was full of things for them having to have more a little bit late to sammy thing so much beta now attacked yo stand in mexico city was recently awarded. a mission install is one of the world's most prestigious colored area on those. but the country was tac toe stands line just about every blog. what makes the best tac toe to? they gotta, ya know, visited some food spots and mexico city to find out to the mexico. tacos are everywhere. and if they can't, they can tell you the think. well, my lovelady, as quintessential to this country's culture as might yeah geez, tequila and being yeah. does, there are tens of thousands of taco stands and restaurants across the country. now this popular staple is also the recipient of a mission in star. this tackle stand on an otherwise non descript mexico city street was recently awarded the prize which is catapulted to same hours long lines
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now form every day to get a taste. but for tackle lovers like the might of the and that the new found fame is just a distraction from the main event. the taco itself looks like it's the result they provide for people who have no idea very briefly describe what is the type of re. okay, that's our goal is i thought a video with something on it. but i thought a be yeah, this is very important. uh well, is this mexican chrome products that is subordinate your so this is the base. so for diets, how many types of tacos would you say there are like was a kind of stuff that goes there. post door that goes that gotta meet those exam was yeah. and then we have very specific that goes by this the, the oregon tacos, let's say, like drive that goes and bring tackles and the something for everyone. but the use of food right. or a partner at
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a local tech area. thanks. mexican slough for tacos, runs deeper than the pallet. so definitely, uh, an identity symbol that uh says a lot about your culture about your, your plays or your hometown, different cultures or mexico. back on the street might have takes us to another one of her favorites. this time in a more formal setting, highlighting diversity of this dish, using tablets, or one of the few things that i, a mexican society enjoys across all social classes nowadays. but it's some new things the beginning of the street food in general, obviously included that goes in the 19th century. the leads were like, oh, that's on the jen egan. but for the streets and actually the oldest club products and supplies of food as to boy for the on their development, the countries initial and star or not when it comes to this country signature,
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food, mexicans, and visitors, so like, can't get enough go. yeah, i know i'll to 0 mexico city all that set for this news out. we're back in the moment with another full show that is so say with us the for my life is the same because he's fisherman to elected m p in the madrid assembly. fighting racism into thing. giving voice to those he left behind a michael and turned politician reveals how european over fishing in african waters has become a driving force for a regular migration. take your 3 buses,
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be a witness documentary on the i'll just say around the corner of the quest to be just to of find 2 months the among them to guy she asked me to to do a good funds to talk to us toward the governor, nursing i'm going to type in talk because speak, this is at the pseudo inquiry but then on doing talk boy e to bonnie pain. i gushed and pushed by the i mean television perfectly. so would you neg,
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into economic tough month to be. she can do both to dubia. she got them like the winds in springfield and beach by the category 5 bottles, 3 west to me and wrap the u. s. attempts to de escalate tensions on the israel 11 on buddha with forcing with as well as displaced tens of thousands of people on both sides. on monday, inside the sound, is there a knife and also coming up on the government purchases in west jerusalem close to


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