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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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the, the old winds and bring salt and each by the category 5 bottles to west to me and wrap the us attempts to de escalate tensions on the israel 11 on buddha with forcing with has full as displays. tens of thousands of people on both sides. the money inside the sound, is there a knife and don't also coming up on the government purchased as in west jerusalem, close to new elections, hours of deployment, as the benjamin netanyahu dissolved the wolf cabinet. well, feed program gets aid into seed on stuff full for only the 3rd time in 2 months.
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the last, all me strong holes in the region remains on the seeds. on the 6 candidates fair rooms, presidential election, holding the 1st life tv debates, the hello welcome to the program. we begin in golf. so web has been no less often is riley strikes. at least 9 people have been killed in the latest attacks in the southern city. of rough or meanwhile, and israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu is facing mounting pressure over his handling of the war, thousands of protest as a rolling outside parliament to call for the elections and a sci fi deal. it's part of a week long process, which began on sunday demonstrations, so blocked major highways and tele v. to. now this will happening hours of the
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prime minister. netanyahu dismantled the wood cabinet and comes more than a week off to benny gowns quits. the group cracks happen whitening in the cabinet over the conduct of the world. meanwhile, a us special adviser is holding talks with is really need as part of efforts to prevent an escalation of fighting with his bullet, almost hostile, but also travel to 11 on both sides have stepped up a tax against each other in recent days. now these really government has bound elders, era from reporting from national home to salute, joins us now from the jordanian capital amman. let's begin with the anti government process. how did they continue in israel any indication on how they are impacting the government as well? no indication moline as to how they're impacting the government just yet, but protests organizers of several different groups are saying that this is only
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the beginning of the week's worth long of disruptions that they're planning to cause. tonight, a huge demonstration outside of these really parliament known as the can this it. and it comes just a couple of hours after families that is really kept. it was met with one committee of the parliament and said that they were disappointed in the lack of leadership and the absence of concrete decision making. and this is something that the protesters themselves are saying as well. they're saying that the government should, in fact enter a ceasefire deal to bring back the remaining is really captive. but ultimately, and the war. they say that there has been no sort of leadership or guidance that has come to them from that said, yahoo! that has been good, so they're looking for new leadership, new governance, this week of disruption. i'll remind you began early sunday morning on processors, were blocking roads and highways all across israel. and it happened again this morning and we can expect to continue demonstrations throughout the week. at home
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that we have the u. s. special advisor a most. what's the and visiting israel? what does this this visit expect to to achieve the it's quite an interesting question because in all the readouts from is really officials that he's met with. it doesn't exactly say what the plan ahead is, but it rather says that he was given a full scope of the situation on his roles northern border. but let's remember that israel's defense minister you'll have to launch himself. has said that this is not a problem that can be solved diplomatically. and in fact that israel is ready to engage in a full scale war which is by law and that they're ready to quote, turn beta into another gone. so, but the cross border fly or has escalated, we have seen that not just in the last several days and weeks, but in fact, in the last several months, last week, these really prime minister held the security assessment and he decided that those
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areas in the north tens of thousands of people from the northern townsend settlements will be evacuated until at least the end of august, something those people have been protesting against as well. okay, thank you for that. honda salute the for us in amman, and just to remind you again, the israeli government has found out, is there a for operating in israel, which is why we are a forcing from neighboring jordan. now, the journalist all of a mazda and has moved from bay roost on and is running drones, drawing that has killed a member of hezbollah in southern lebanon. so this morning there wasn't really a minute to strike on southern oven and there was a drones pipe on a car. now it has cooled off quite a name to mohammed. i was killed in that strike. this was confirmed to his line. he is the 300 and 42nd has the fight to, to have died since october the 8th. now the is really ministry claim that he was
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the member of the rocket unit, part of the subdivision of hezbollah, the 4th, as usual, hospitalized hang tight lips, and there's not some time this this comes today. this is one of at least 8 strikes . fight is really ministry on the southern level, not including in the town. if i to a shop which has been almost reduced to rubble in the strikes. now this colors a week of intense strikes and uptake in the 1st floor. the tit for tat and strikes my husband are on the is really military following is early as estimation of color . so i me, i've done a, has the come on. now the strikes are continuing and the last 48 hours has been to in terms of stripe of the last week. but as i said, having so many strides from has a lot to 8 or 9 strikes today. my head on the ground and golf as far as the forces of killed at least 9
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people east of rafa. city. so a series of us strikes on monday wall is really times full. so shell unlock it. many palestinians who have been forced from the homes, remain in the southern part of the strip as well as intensified located on gauze as men. the fuel is hard to find and when it is available, it's expensive. as a result, people are resorting to basic methods of transport like using don't keep costs and bicycles to get around. sorry about as soon as in gaza has more. as before, as the loan ships will, in garza coats and trim blank, don't keys and horses arrest. the only thing the goal is a strip, but today they have become the main method of transport for people moving around and such as food. they use the cities, or typically it's very bombardment in the center of casa, in one of the huge,
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really busy streets of dairy bella, cause on now, rarely seen. or if i'm using the car because i have no other alternative. i want to visit my sister in a little say dog and i have been waiting here for hours to move. we don't have any other means of transportation with little fuse, any available here. another way of traveling is becoming popular. place it kills people from all walks of lonely form, then annoying demand to send the price of soul. rig that has the just the way people have been buying more bikes due to the lack of fuel and the fully involved. going please don't garza products thing and started to repair the old bikes before october. the 7th bicycles were cheap in comparison to prices today, before the war, a bike could cost just about $50.00. but now that's the reason to up to $270.00 as a matter for displaced people like that. the little money is bicycle is essential, as he strives to get his family members what they need to do. i will probably,
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i need the bicycle now for me, it's priceless. i use my bike to go to the market. i sometimes call 6 kilometers every day using it. i even use my bike to bring water to my family. my boss has everything for me now. i'm it will as the force to constantly seek what showed to the can under the threat of constant is really attack postiani and find themselves forced to use more primitive means of transport to sit bones. palestinians have been doing whatever they can do to cope with the increasing hot shit of their daily life, bicycles, and then keep costs. have been the last remaining solution for the transportation crisis close by the fuel prices here in the gaza strip. start recognizing how does the ron gary, the how to sign the
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to sit down with the well feed program says it's managed to get a trucks into the del full region for only the 3rd time and 2 months. the w of p says the carrying food to support a 160000 people to the conflict between c don's army and the power military rapids support forces has caused one of the worlds of west hunger crises. united nation says a 3rd of citizens population, that's 18000000 people all starving. meanwhile, 5 can continue using the city of al faster. the rapids support forces are reportedly advancing on the city. it is base, so the needs armies last major, strong hold in the full your staff has been trying to seize control of the city. the you on says if these ethnic cleansing, if the are a staff does cap to l. sasha donald booth is a former us and boy to sit on. he spoke to my colleague, some is a don about those phase of ethnic cleansing if they are as they have to take
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control of l. sasha. i think what will happen really depends upon the general imagine and how much control he has over the forces that are actually on the ground there. i think if the rapid support forces or are as if have any intentions that are trying to have it governing rolling through them, they're going to have to show that if they take off osher, it is not going to be an ethnic bloodbath. the tribal divisions, there are, are immense and decision these have to learn, to frankly find a way to govern themselves in a way that can and it can address their diversity. so this is really, i think if we are as if those take out flasher, this will be a true test as to whether this is uh they have any, any possibility of ever having a claim to enroll and governance. and so then i have not seen any indication that there's any desire for international engagement intervention. as you know of vision
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these government at that time lived the by general behind insisted that unit made the un mission into our for uh, terminate and back in in 2020. i think if the you and had been able to stay on the ground, this could have mitigated some of the the atrocities that are we've, we've had reported the, the critical thing to understand is that the r s f is a creation of a bus year. redeem, and is it an armed forces? they use the ginger weed, which is now, and the r s. f has evolved from that. they use them to put down rebellion into our for and now those very forces that they used in the past of to do their bidding are now challenging them in their heartland in khartoum and, and then just the other state. and then i'll valley a russian president vladimir pierson is to visit north korea on tuesday for
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a 2 day trip before heading on to vietnam. fusion has limited his overseas travel since the international criminal court issued arrest warrants for him last year. 20 chang reports. we got huh. to stop north korean president, tim john, celebrating russia's national day in killing. yeah, we're not russia. he said it was an invincible ally. had a visit to asia by vladimir putin tongue tip. this significance to me is that you know mr. booth and i is traveling around like i is a statesman. he has the allies, he has partners, he's in the briggs, he's making moves, and those are the thing that he's losing the war. i may have to think again, his 1st visit is to north korea, for 2 leaders who doesn't travel much, president kim and puts in a will acquainted a visit to russia last year by kim john. seems to have cemented an agreement to buy weapons from p on yang. in february, ukrainian prosecutor said russia deployed 24 north korean ballistic missiles hold
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on most miss their intended targets. 14 people were killed and 17 inches in the attempt. the next step is vietnam to alum, a pointed president in the last month, will be eager to welcome one of vietnam closest historical allies assigned the recent political turbulence. this settled down, betcha, is one of the major power of the world. besides the u. s. china and even india. so i think that's why that and i'm try to keep the very strong, tight and close tie of the relation between the 2 countries. but more than vietnam has made new alliances. diplomatic relations have flourished with old and them is accounts of balance to china. us warships, a welcome to vietnamese walters and pollutants visits may not be well received. vietnam's, new friends. vietnam actually has moved west,
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closer to the us. uh to the west in some ways. um, but not on the rest of the question. so the put in visit the woods. that'd be a bind for, for getting them to, to hold and carry out. this balancing act to be hotter with russia holds one important called china india, a vietnam, even single pool. a major can see him as a russian fossil pills, and that's likely to mean vladimir putin receivable welcome on his agent to tony chang, elder 0, the head on al jazeera nodules, garages back shaking up the case. political scene baton. his reform policy actually went on the chinese premier visits, australia to men, ties off the use of diplomatic tension. differences haven't gone away the
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on counting the cost, you are a place catch up with the us in china and what's being called a competitive does crisis. good, india is private as but pushed through economic performance with a refused to parliamentary majority. and how the, how should pilgrimage is boosting. so these are counting the cost on al jazeera. he says he went to award towards syria to provide a lifetime entail was very interesting, but not in the eyes of his government. this has been our home for so many years in the final parts of the series. we follow the story of a british age worker, as he flees from it live with his family. have to be interested by a powerful village shop. one of the toughest times when they tortured me. state list in syria on now to 0. you will see caught a duty and a growth using for the p. use a caught to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the
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cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request the the the come back and watching out is there a mind to top stories based our thousands of is riley protesters so riling outside call them into cold elections on a ceasefire? jail. it's possible week long protests which began on sunday demonstrations of also belong to major highways in tennessee. and is there any drone has killed
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a has fallen, remember, and stuff, and nothing on in the native across the food exchange. us special advise at eva, steam as an intro to talks, to try to prevent an escalation in spicy between who has pulled on at israel on the well feed program says it's managed to get a trucks into sit on stuff full region early this time in 2 months is as the rapid support forcing solver, of course it may be 1st of 5 presidential debates. among 6 candidates have been taking place into from the debates, a cost of the campaign ahead of june 28th election treated by the death as far as the presidency. brian bracy and a helicopter crash in may. the 6 candidates were approved to run in the elections off to being vested by the 12 members of the guardian council. that's good enough to resolve cetera, who is the only for us in teheran renewal. so took us through the most prominent
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accounts base as well. now the 1st debate presidential debate has been how roughly started around 2 hours ago, and the this debate is focusing on economic issues. so there are 6 candid is running for present, but 2 of them are quite prominent. the 1st one is the current parliament speaker mohammed bucket cutty buff, who is a more conservative, also a form or the reputation to guards the general that he also has to have as the, the mayor of to around for roughly around 12 years. so she said that the country is producing per day around $9000000.00 barrels off the oil, and significant portion of that is being wasted. and if he's elected as president, she's going to use this old for production in a more efficient way. and he also said that the, the, the, the, the, the families that said, want this families, nurses, workers, social workers,
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those what on fixed income and using on databases because of the ravaging inflation . and that's why said if he's elected as president, he's going to increase the salaries of these fixed income individuals at the rate of the information to, to, to make sure that the purchases and poverty remain stable. so the 2nd important candidate that is running for president is the hard line. conservative side jedi lead. so she has served as the secretary of the national security council previously is closely aligned with the supreme leader. and she, she's, she's, his focus was rather on that your on needs to employ more technology could add vitamins in the economy to prove it. and you also pulse about the resistance, the economy means that you're on should have an east where to pull the seat. reconnect with this solid global sold to avoid the impact of the sections that are being influenced by the west. and the 3rd one is the only the fort miscounted that that's running for president mislead position. yeah. she says that the sanctions
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are disaster and we need to soften the sanctions and to do that needs to open off to the world. and also he says that in the around there is a lack of transparency and the flow in the country. and that's why the, for the investment has not come in. and it just says, if she says, if he's elected, he's going to fight this court document the country, and he's going to secure the for the investment to improve the economy. thank you for that. we're, so we'll set it up for us in tech. ron competing has begun and phones is not problem entry. elections ahead of the 1st round of voting on june. the 1st is these live pictures from montreal. net, harris, weather less waiting for hello from is holding a raleigh president and my new my chrome quote for the voters solved to the far right national riley beach, his policy in the european parliament elections. my goal is described the votes as a referendum on the phone line. so meanwhile, in the united kingdom,
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the populist reform policy is threatening to take away right wing support from the governing conservative party ahead of the polls on july. the 4th and party led by nodules, whereas launched its manifesto on monday and paused, show its neck and neck with the conservatives, both all way behind the labor policy. john angela has more. he's one of britain's most recognizable politicians, but he's never won a seat in parliament. he changed britain profoundly by leading the quotes for breakfast and then almost disappeared from politics is but now nigel for roger's reform party has overtaken the conservative in a recent post head of next month election on monday reform launched its manifesto and it's hard a promise to stop immigration and withdrew britain from the european court of human
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rights, while the, instead of the people on the streets of britain today have come here in the last 2 years alone, a little before in history. we've ever seen literally anything like it. we believe that an overall freeze on net migration numbers is what we need for a few years to help us at least try to catch up for just return to frontline. politics has split support among right of center, right as further damaging the conservative party. but even among his support has many saved voting for reform, will secure a neighbor when in the east london, town of rome, foot some wary of broken promises the considering of the election wildcard. i won't pay for coming out of the boat every time i can serve a side of it and stuff that haven't stopped nothing but reform seem to have some of the critical ideas that will try and make it best. so some people like that
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many don't. a divisive fig throughout just been attacked twice during the campaign and now has a security detail paid for by tax payers, a millionaire and form a city of london trade fraud styles himself has a mind if the people off against and out of touch political elite and he's predicting quote and $6000000.00 people who would like to reform larger project knowledge is his reform policy comp, possibly when the selection and in britain's 1st cost. suppose the electoral system guessing millions of votes across the country doesn't necessarily translate into winning any of parliament's 650 seats. but if are all just to be believed, his sites a set note on this selection, that the next charlie on to the algebra, london, 11 microns have died and 65 still missing off to 2 ship racks off the coast of southern italy. german charged the set, it found a sinking wooden bows while operating its rescue ship in the area. the survivors
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were handed over to the italian coast guard and taking a show. the 2nd page which itself from turkey had over turned off. the catching fire was fairly in probably minutes to answer the albany z says his government is working to stabilize relations with china funding use of diplomatic tension. he met with the chinese premier in cameras. the talks the both sides described as candid me. chang is the highest level chinese official to visit australia in 7 years. sir, o'clock reports from the capital camera. the navy, one welcomed premium lady's visit to the strutting capital. hundreds can boot still in the moon's. a pilot house with probably beijing support has clashing with human rights groups. it is why premier lee was given a ceremonial service, a cannon solution,
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and an official got him on. he's the most high profile chinese leading to visit the strategies since 2017. as well as his type, luncheon depaula ministry address, the fanfare continued inside that house for the 2 countries looked to find common ground. there's no fixed model for a stipend, large relationship, add your piece to make sure that we manage our relationship so that we can contribute to regional and global pace. and prosperity is also on the host's table for discussion with regional security in the, in the pacific region. and the further pushed by camber to convince beijing to a band and remaining tried restrictions on exports, such as loves stuff. other barriers on key exports that just called and one had already been removed since the election of a stride his labor prime minister in 2022. china described the tools as candidate both laid as agreeing to reopen dialogue, which you put on yes, in less than
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a year. we've made each other multiple times and we exchange visits to each other's countries. this shows the great importance we attached to the china australia relationship. it also shows that this relationship is on the right track. with tensions do still exist, the can, but publicly voicing. it's all positioned to beijing, military confrontation. with the striding motion in the south. china sees the question is now where it's and it's driving you're trying to calm down, there is a positive cooperation and manage those tensions without them. once again, cloud and you'll have all the really me, i'm the abilities to talk to each other. so what are the some concrete progress cuz may during the visit, the 2 countries on civil agreements, corporate on tried education, climate change and culture, as well as intellectual property. premier leave visit paved the way for present changing painted to estrada. he's already been invited by prime minister anthony alban easy, but it hit to accept the invitation or set of dice or clock out your 0 camera.
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okay, that's it for me. my name's i thought small information on a website out there, they'll come to check it out and use continues here. now does, they're often counting the cost, the of the another early summer forecast, full of rain rather than sunshine and get it cleared from the circulation of plants all around $3.00 centers of low pressure or generating areas of rain, even the thunder storms. the 2 concentrations, i think one, this one here of a poach, golden spite, and 3rd share was into was the middle despite the other one here and immediate future. and golden from the low countries that was produced was as well the big shelves. you'll see it must grow their calls, flooding as file size as turkey,
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moving north by severe as it catches at the store. the one of the healthy cities in europe catches the shower way through or drop that to 20 for appropriate joy that are in that. cuz the rest of something is going to be scorching hot, but not immediately. and then strat fronts, probably germany, then once again for the baltic states, and you saw some sun disturbances. that's what they will be. that's the forecasts for wednesday, north rituals, ballpark code 20 and then in south we to schedule the full cost for right. and typically it's the, the balkans is rising up to the record highs forward. you section 9.3 being reco. it's the $39.00. the full cost for the steps because he is coming up from those asked which has been very hot recently as one has cooled down to 43 in this a hell where it's been really hard. is that cutting down? because increasing charles is fond of sponge you. what does a i really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society do we want?
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it creates it. all of this technology roommates. do we still have power of choice? a g i, 's beach, actually autonomy and operating in doing this is the apple kind of technician, oh, is it already too late? so if corporations, there's more power and light in the bill in an entire country. the future is going to be good for the eyes would be nice if to before she needs as well. human coming soon on al jazeera, the hello, i'm adrian said again, this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you know, we can look at the world of business. i think it all makes this week. it's being called a competitiveness crisis. the use investment income and productivities lagging behind the us in china. so can the folks economy catch up?
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the body wants india to become a developed country by 2047, but with the reduced power i mentioned the jersey term, the prime minister put.


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