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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 18, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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to. ringback the protest as rally outside these really time and just as residents as opposition mounts over his handling of the gauze, entire palestinian families up in wife's house. we look at how israel's will on tell us that is killing multiple generations. the jessica washington. this is out of your life from to her. also coming up. russia's president is heading to north korea for a 2 day trip and strengthening relations. a trick who was interested john's duck porch as humanitarian crisis, that deepens and the last army stronghold in the region remains under
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the it's 23 gmc, we begin in israel. we're prime minister benjamin netanyahu is facing mounting pressure of his handling of the gulf war. thousands of protesters are really nothing you know, his home in west jerusalem. they cooling early elections and to cease by deal 9 protest as have been arrested. crowds also gathered outside parliament as part of a week long protest which began on sunday. that's happening. oh is often this neil who disbanded the war cabinet. it comes more than a week after benny guns quits the group. crops cracks have been whitening the cat in the cabinet over the conduct of the will. meanwhile, a us special advisor is holding talks with is rainy leaders as part of efforts to prevent an escalation of funding with has the almost hook street and will also
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travel to 11 on both sides have stepped off the attacks against each other in recent days. the salute reports that it's too soon to know what effect the protests will have on the government. and remind a israel has bend over 0 from reporting the. so she's reporting from jordan's capital, i'm on they have been quite disruptive just 2 days into the week. they started off on monday with blocking major roads in big cities all throughout israel and in west jerusalem outside these really parliament, massive demonstrations that ended in a march to these really prime ministers house, where at least 9 protesters were arrested. several others were injured. as is really police use water cannon to try and disperse these demonstrators who are calling for new leadership. one of those arrest is actually a family member of a captive still being held in gauze. now these protesters are asking for a lot of different things. they're not just asking for new leadership,
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new governance, but they're also asking for new elections to be held immediately and calling on the government to to accept any sort of ceasefire deal on the table that will ultimately end more hours earlier in the day. we did see in one is really parliament committee, families of these really captives essentially scolding the government, saying they're incredibly disappointed with the lack of decision making. and the absence of true leadership protests are expected to continue throughout the entire week. and to remind to again, these really government has banned over to 0 from reporting in israel. and that's why honda was reporting from jordan lewis all of a mazda and has moved from beavers on an his railing. drone strike that has killed a member of his blood incense in southern lebanon. as this morning there wasn't really a minute to strike on southern oven, and there was drones take on a card. no, it has cooled off quite
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a name to my home and i was killed in that strike. this is confirmed by his law and he is the 300 and 42nd has been appointed to have died since october the 8th. now the is really ministry. same that he was the member of the rocket unit, part of the division of has the course as usual headquarters thing, tight lips and there's not some time this. this comes today, this is one of at least 8 strikes. 5 is really ministry on the southern level, including in the town. if i to a shop which has been almost reduced to rubble in the strikes. now this fuller's a week of and 10 strikes and uptake in the cross for the tit for tat and strikes. my husband are on the, is really military following me as early as estimation of color. so, i mean abdullah has the come on now the strikes are continuing and the last 48 hours has been to him. tons of strikes of the last week. but as i said,
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having so many strides from to 8 or 9 strikes today on the ground in gaza. is there any forces of killed at least 9 people east? a for alpha. the city was huge by a series of strikes on monday, while is really tanks shows a mock is many palestinians were forced from their homes and they remain in the southern part of the strip. israel is intensified located on garza and means. few is hard to find and when people can find it, it's expensive. so people are resorting to basic methods of transport, like donkey costs and bicycles to get around that. a couple of the reports from that obama before as well launched it in garza coats, driven by don't keys and horses arrest solely to the goal is a strip spot. today's the house becomes
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a main message. all the transport full of people moving around and such as food they lose the cities or typically it's very bombardment in the center of goza, in one of the huge, really busiest streets of dairy bella, cause a now rarely seen. i'm using the car because i have no other alternative. i want to visit my sister in l. no say dog and i had been waiting here for hours to move. we don't have any other means of transportation with little fuse, any available here. another way of traveling is becoming popular place it kills people from all walks of lonely form. then the only demand to send the price of sol rake for the people have been buying more bikes due to the luxury fuel and the fully involved going post on gaza policy being installed to to repair the old bikes . before october, the 7th bicycles were cheap in comparison to prices today, before the war, a bike could cost just about $50.00. but now that's reason to up to $270.00
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a month for displaced, people like that. the whole money is bicycle is essential, as he strives to get his family members what they need to do. i will probably, i need the bicycle now for me, it's priceless. i use my bike to go to the market. i sometimes call 6 kilometers every day using it. i even use my bike to bring water to my family. my boss has everything for me now. i'm it will as they are forced to constantly seek what show to the can under the threat of constant is really attack postiani and find themselves forced to use more primitive means of transport to siblings. palestinians have been doing whatever they can do to cope with the increasing hot shit of their daily life, bicycles, and then keep costs. have been the last remaining solution for the transportation crisis close by the fuel prices here in the gaza strip. start recognizing how did
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the wrong there is that i kind of fine. a new investigation has found between october and december of last year, at least 60 palestinian families, most of 25 or more members of the family in his riley bombings in gaza. the associated press news agency, unless 10 of the deadliest is rarely strikes between october 7th and december 24. they collectively killed more than 500 people. the a p says notice the strikes appear to target a military objective. no, was a direct warning given to those inside mainly residential buildings. one family last at least 270 members. in an attack on the densely populated devali refugee cab is rarely bombs wiped out an entire block of buildings. nearly 14 members of the same family lost their lives gauze. as health ministry says 300 palestinian families have lost more than 10 members. double the number of selected during the
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51 day war in 2014. israel says it takes measures to mitigate against civilian casualties, but the wells top call the international court of justice is considering whether israel is committing genocide in gaza. i had of up to us, is the accountability program director with defense for children at palestine. he says, israel is deliberately targeting civilians in garza, the emitter fills the incidents. there is no water name to from the side. so uh those, uh, some it is uh, and all of my store orders that documentation indicated that the display as was thought to get that without the snap. what and ink and uh, what's that? so that could involve many of the doors for me. it is among them at the end. so, and this is one of the questions about the what a few political us got the family as well as the family member or more without it
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the they are to see a warning or not. and in other incidents, the inform us that the literacy of watermain, but the time spent was not enough in order to effect you with the place that has been thought to get that. or the nap or a house or a building was started, get that without that, that knowledge. so what it is that a, it is, it's not the initial to what stands. on the contrary, we believe that the body of the military, the strategy is to clear the life of civilians in order to push to but the pressure on the resistance, the group in order that to a certain done. and this explains the high number of schedule. it is a month to billy on some of them to that. the
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president pushing says russia and north korea will strengthen that ties and to develop trade that avoids western sanctions. food. and it's heading to north korea on tuesday for to day trip. before heading on to vietnam, he's expressed his things to be on young for supporting moscow in the will and ukraine. tony chang reports. well, that's all the stuff. how do we get north korean president, kim jong and celebrating russia's national day in killing? yeah, we're not russia, he said it was an invincible ally. ahead of a visit to asia by that an impotent on the tab they significance to me is that you know mr. pollutant is traveling around like i is a statesman. he has the allies, he has partners, he's in the brakes. he is making moves, and those are the thing that he's losing the war. i may have to think again. his 1st visit is to north korea, for 2 leaders who don't travel much. president kim and puts in a will acquainted a visit to russia last year by kim john. seems to have submitted an agreement to
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buy weapons from p on yang. in february, ukrainian prosecutor said russia deployed 24 north korean ballistic missiles, although most missed their intended targets. 14 people were killed in 17 inches in the attempt. the next step is vietnam to alum, a pointed president in the last month, will be eager to welcome one of vietnam's closest historical allies assigned the recent political turbulence. this settled down, betcha, is one of the major power of the world. besides the u. s. china and even india. so i think that's why that and i'm try to keep the very strong, tight and close time of the relation between the 2 countries. but more than vietnam has made new alliances. a diplomatic relations have flourished with old enemies accounts of balance to china. us small ships
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a welcome to vietnamese walters and pollutants visit, may not be well received by vietnam's, new friends. vietnam actually has moved west close to the us to the west in some ways. but not on the russian aggression. so the put in visit the woods. that'd be a bind for, for getting them to, to hold and carry out this balancing act. it would be hotter. russia holds one impulse called china india, a vietnam even sing a pool. a major consume is a russian fossil pills. and that's likely to mean vladimir putin receivable welcome on his agent to tony chang. elders are right. i'm joined now by donald jensen, who is a senior advisor for russia and europe with the us institute of peace and he joins . we now live from washington, d. c. dental. thank you so much for joining me. on the 0. this is dr. me pittman's . first visit to north korea in 24 years. certainly one of significance. we do
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expect that north korea will roll out the red carpet for him. when he arrives in north korea. what would both lead as be expecting to gain from this visit? well, 1st of all, the, what we're seeing now is the formation of a, a, an actress of people for countries, china, iran, russia, and north korea. let's feel victimized, feel they're not participating in the role order. they want to overturn that order for russia and north korea are natural partners in some way, not as a high level, but as we see the fact that putting is going here now have it written on just after china shows that he thinks john young can be a relatively useful partner to rush or wants weapons. russia was shells, rush or launch artillery rusher, wants the hard, cruel metal of warfare. it's not sophisticated, but it works for what russia watch. korea, on the other hand, wants
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a high technology equipment. the kind of things that will help but modernize it's a nuclear program. the kind of thing is you need to develop very advanced weapon systems. so they both can help each other, whether it works no longer term. we'll have to say a china is over there in the corner, a little nervous about what's going on. because china is you created north arrears, largest trading partner, economically a china does not want to see a nuclear re, uh, any more than it is already causing trouble on the financial are so wireless access that i called it, then they benefit each other. they're also nervousness of some of the guards as well. and donald, we had earlier from a kremlin spokesperson saying that this is our right to develop good relations with our neighbors. that really shouldn't be of concern to anyone else. but of course, there is concern. there is reaction from the us from south korea, and indeed, as you mentioned, there is some degree of concern from china as well in the absolutely yes, yes,
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restaurant vietnam or ron china, of course they can develop right relations with whatever country they want. but this is far more complicated than that, and what we see now is award as deadly bloody and apparently go on for quite a while and you claim. so when you turn to north korea, for shells as badly as or may, that prolongs the war and many countries, including a so called global south brazil, india, they want peace. so this is not universally popular, this visit tomorrow. and we'll have to see what concrete comes out of it, but it's a market in a while away as well. i won't say russian desperation, but russia's need 4 more man power rush as needed for more weaponry to fuel what is storing a new printer and it's not been easy for them. it's not easy now, and it means all the help with him get needs all the friends of them have. and that means start 3 of this week. and of course, following the visit to north korea, we do expect that the russian president will be in vietnam, and this is certainly
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a visit on all the different circumstances. because while north korea is isolated on the world stage, vietnam isn't indeed last year. we. so president biden, and only a few weeks off to him president, you didn't think both making visits to vietnam. it seems to be indeed a hot spot for diplomatic visits as well. it does have yet not, it has improving relations with united states with other western countries. i think your introduction set it quite accurately. they're trying to push through an independent foreign policy. that means i have to balance all of these moves all over their interest and certainly accepting warmly, apparently a coach on our end nom will not go down well and washington and some other western capitals. so this presents a challenge for, they've gotten to me as leadership as well, which has to navigate this very, very complicated. this with diplomatic and global challenges that we're seeing right now. china is, of course, is that not as a major concern. china is very expansionist in southeast asia,
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so it's natural that you got nom wants, if you apply a more independent course, but welcoming food and we're showing that so many western capitals will not go down well in brussels or washington or london, right donald against and thank you so much for your time and joel speak with you about this visit in coming days. that's donald jensen, who is a senior advisor for russia and us with the us institute of peace. thank you so much. thank you. still ahead on out the latest military hardware is on sale in congress will tell you why is or at least banned from one of the world's largest spans. the also is making a good taco, how a prestigious coloring wood is smoking, more interest in the popular mexican dish. the in the
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world can we have across the plain states, just giving temperatures in the midwest quite a boost, the way up to 70 degrees above average. i think our next day or so in contrast, the cold, this running of montano in wyoming where there's actually 2 folding. can you believe the 2 come together to generate giant funds as drones a bit of a risk besides them? damaging hail seems likely at least running into the upper midwest the same time on the south coast. you'll notice that increase in flow that looks like very wet weather for texas and eventually so that part of northeastern mexico as well. so there's the 2 contrasts in the us, so it's quite active whether in central america the moment there's been funding recently in guatemala, some of the town and the potential for peachy is obviously that that's the circulation of talking about it will bring very wet weather to the text and coast and recent heat is just about to be tempted by increasing the amount of cloud in
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the leeway dials. looks sunny after this alpha beta, just in the breeze with no charles, i don't think i remember real big ones have been showing up in what is the seasonal line of fund install somewhere between year required se present. it's usually that it's time of year. it's given some funding just north, a positive x ray. as you can see and science of that option to you is really understanding winter with some significant snow in the sense the sounds of to you right over mind to about top stories based. our police have been using war to come in, and that is to block thousands of protesters gathering news rarely prime ministers,
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benjamin know whose home they cooling for any elections and to cease by ideal russian president vladimir putin is heading to north korea for a 2 day trip the 2 countries planned to strengthen ties, as they tried to sidestep the western sanctions from young has been providing russia with weapons for use in ukraine. stanley and prime minister antony of an easy says he's government is working to stabilize relations with china. up to several years of diplomatic tension, he's met the chinese premier and the town for talks. both sides describe as candid or club for poets from kendra of the day. everyone welcomed premium lady's visit to the strutting capital. hundreds can boot still in the moon's apartment house with probably beijing support is clashing with human rights groups. it is why premier lee was given a ceremonial service, a cannon salute, and the official god of own us. he's the most high profile chinese leading to visit
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a strategy a since 2017, as well as this type. luncheon depaula entry address. the fanfare continued inside that house for the 2 countries looked to find common ground. there is no fixed model for a stipend large relationship. add your piece to make sure that we manage our relationship so that we can contribute to regional and global pace. and prosperity also on the host's table for discussion with regional security in the, in the pacific region. and the further pushed by camber to convince beijing to a band and remaining tried restrictions on exports, such as loves stuff. other barriers on key exports, such as colon one had already been removed since the election of a stride. his labour prime minister in 2022. china described the tools of candidate both laid as agreeing to reopen dialogue, which you put on yes, in less than a year. we've made each other multiple times and we exchange visits to each other's
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countries. this shows the great importance we attached to the china australia relationship. it also shows that this relationship is on the right track to potentially do still exist, the can, but publicly voicing. it's all positioned to beijing, military confrontation with the striding motion in the south. china sees the question is now where and it's driving you're trying to calm down there is a positive cooperation and manage those tensions without them. once again, clowning, i thought with the railroad, i'm the abilities to talk to each of them. so what was some concrete progress cuz may during the visit, the 2 countries on civil agreements, corporate on tried education, climate change and culture, as well as intellectual property. premier leave visit paved the way for present changing painted to estrada. he's already been invited by prime minister anthony alban easy, but he hit to accept the invitation or say the dice or clock out your 0 camera.
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the world food program says it's a drugs or incidence north of don't for region, for only the 3rd time in 2 months. the wsp says they caring through just for a 160000 people. the conflict between sedans, army and the power military rapids support forces. as cool is one of the world's worst hunger crises, the you and says that the citizens population, that's 18000000 people are stopping. fighting continues in the city of all fashion . the rapids support forces are reported to be advancing on the city. it's the student is on these last major stronghold in the for the r a. so if has been trying to seize control of the city in while the un says if he is ethnic cleansing, if the are assess captions officer, former us envoy to sit on don't or boots, spoke to my colleague, sammy's, they done about those fees. i think what will happen really depends upon the general imagine and how much control he has over the forces that are actually on
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the ground there. i think if the rapid support forces or are as if have any intentions that are trying to have a governing roland sedan, they're going to have to show that if they take elf osher, it is not going to be an ethnic bloodbath. the tribal divisions, there are, are immense and decision these have to learn, to frankly find a way to govern themselves in a way that can and it can address their diversity. so this is really, i think if the are a self does take out flasher, this will be a true test as to whether this is uh they have any, any possibility of ever having a claim to any goal and governance. and so then i have not seen any indication that there's any desire for international engagement intervention. as you know of vision these government at that time lived there by general behind insisted that unit made the un mission into our for uh, terminate and back in in 2020. i think if the you and had been able to stay on the
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ground, this could have mitigated some of the the atrocities that are we've, we've had reported. the critical thing to understand is that the r as f as a creation of the best of your machine. and is it an armed forces? they use the ginger weed, which is now, and the r s f has evolved from that and they use them to put down rebellion and our for. and now those very forces that they used in the past of to do their bidding are now challenging them in their heartland in khartoum and, and then just the other state and denial valley. the 11 migraines have died and 65 i'm missing off. the 2 ship ship breaks off the coast of southern easily a gentleman charge. he says it found a sinking wooden boat. while its rescue ship was in the area,
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the survivors were handed to the italian coast guard and taken ashore. the 2nd boat set home from de camp of but over tons of the catching fire. which rarely funds have been banned from one of the world's biggest exhibitions. host front says its defense ministry is opposed to israel's assault on guns, a southern city of russell natasha. butler reports from paris. one of the world's biggest on says your century and bill underneath our companies for more than a 100 countries exhibiting the latest weapons defense technology. but missing this year is randy companies and boy, the french government 2 weeks ago because it opposes israel's operation in russia. last week, a french quote, whole say, band, any attendees, the could be linked to the grey, the arms firms. the events organizes explained the ruling in this letter. we hear by inform you the chorus events being subject of a court decision they to june 14,
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2024, requiring to prohibits employees. representatives of is really companies of your century trade show and to prevent the promotion of the activities and any commercial inter mediation. the rooms have fig tree for these and people campaign is some to the case to quote the. 2 good to be sure as far as the movements and because the federal prisons saw over the in the world and his friends, the major companies and the i'm afraid none of the executives and we spoke to wanted to discuss the fun and be defense. open always was declined to speak to some cameras about the issue, bought a square square. some said that they would appeal the court decision. 74 is really, companies will shed you to take part in the fed. some say the french government's decision is discriminatory. they say they weapon so we're central to ensure is real
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safety activists say that being used against palestinian civilians. this actually butler, how does 0 powers landslides have killed at least 6 people in central, equitable 30 um, missing of the entire neighborhoods were washed away. 2 inch will range across the region caused rivets to overflow, flooding streets and homes. it's a taco stand in mexico city was recently awarded a missional install. that's one of the world's most prestigious culinary owners. it's propelled the small business to instant fame within the country where taco stands line about every blog. what makes the best taco julie gallano reports from mexico city? what's the mexico tacos? are everywhere you can see here the think. oh my little lady. as quintessential to this country's culture as might yeah geez, tequila and being yeah. does. there are tens of thousands of taco stands and
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restaurants across the country. now this popular staple is also the recipient of a mishal in star. this tackle stand on an otherwise non descript mexico city street was recently awarded the prize which is catapulted to same hours long lines now form every day to get a taste. but for tackle lovers like them out of the and that the new found fame is just a distraction from the main event. the taco itself looks like it's of them yourself, that sort of a, i've heard people have no idea very briefly describe what is the top of the that's our goal is i think i would something on it. but i thought a be yeah, this is very important. uh well, is this mexican chrome products that is super nutritious is the day. so for diets, how many types of tacos would you say there are like, was it kind of stuff that goes they post or that goes it got to meet those instead of the people.


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