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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 18, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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that has been done before to be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the israel carrier is on more strikes on our new c rods, refugee camp in central guys. that is 17 people that get back to me all you're watching now. 20 life from doha also head us present. joe biden fence is top and voice 11 on, i'm a growing fuse of an all out war between israel and has 4 law. the 10s of thousands of these really is launch
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a week of protest. they want 5 minutes to an issue out a step down and a sci fi in gaza to allow the release of these readings. and also in the news rushes price of invited me put in is on his way to north korea for his 1st trip. in nearly 24 years, the thank you for joining us, is really bombing across the guys this trip has continued overnights, at least 17 palestinians have been killed after selling hit 2 separate homes in lucy, rob refugee camp in central gaza. is really a tax. i've also been reported in res comp and in darrow by law, let's get the latest without his ears honey. my hold was joining us from darrow by in central guy honey. many of the people injured in these recent attacks hoping, arriving at unlocks the hospital way. you are of
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the yes fall and it has been a quite a bit to arctic sea in here at the hospital where you have for many family members are buying mothers and then collapsing fathers over the bodies of their children, their sons and daughters or wives or husbands work, let him land on the ground near the courtyard of the hospice are wrapped in those y 2. so with a lot this thing is very disturbing and quite sad for the majority of people here. but those have been arriving from the sides of the bomb to residential homes at the new site, right? refugee camp over night attacks that killed the entire families that they would do prominent displays families, their role known in the gaza and gaza city. and the northern part have been displaced here in the central area for the cost a month. then since the, the ground invasion and dropbox city is part of that. and it is the what we're seeing within the past 30 minutes is more of the to bodies remove the from under
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the levels arriving also to the hospital expecting and a little bit of state. and then that will confirm the number of casualties has a rise into more than 17 what we have going from road into 17. they're more injuries, more of bodies removed from the rug to the levels that transferred to this hospital and allows a hospital. that's another site, right? refugee camp and normally what happens at all, there's more of a transition all's facility where bodies arrived there for registration and then they are transferred all the way here to a lot of hospitals where prayers are performed. and then these take, they're taken to the nearby a graveyard. now it also reminds people that 70 people that's from the overnight at talks as well as they are, is more people. these are from the law enforcement, a personnel who were to talk then killed out. do it late evening hours yesterday as they were securing a some commercial trucks all day. the karma kind of solid and pressing all the way
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to the gaza, the the central area and the northern part of the street. so the attacks honey have continues despite israel announcing what they call tactical pauses in some areas in the south. and those pauses were also meant to allow aid into the causes trip. do we know how much aid has gone in? so it's only a trick amount and it's equivalent to nothing when you're talking about all the $44.00 trucks made their way. and those 4 trucks are from the commercial sector, private sector into the market. here you can imagine the situation that the market does storing the price is the ability of people here to reach and buy these goods. there are more trucks, it's still at the other side of the borders. what are these rough i crossing and then they're miles of the truck goes with the humanitarian aid and live saving goods. but they are stuck at the other side of the voters is also the other side of the car. the other side of them is crossing where more mixed of commercial trucks
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for the private sector, as well as human. if you're any, they're meant to be for the hospitals, the fuel for hot healthcare facilities in the central area and the southern part of this trip. the amount due is still very little and this is the deliberate, the deliberate blockade on, on, on the, the crossing, just making it very difficult and, and severely limits things. and 3 of the humanitarian it do, they got the right now, for example, if we take this hospital the case, they've been suffering from the lack of a few and nothing is very medical supplies without the sufficient to flaw off of medical supplies. and if you this hospital wouldn't be able to continue oper operating it was able to do so only because the organization like the w at your, the united nations, other international organizations are being provided some sort of so essential to keep it running. but not that does not last sports for, for long, and also the distribution of it is difficult because law enforcement personnel attacks all the time. right, honey,
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thank you so much for bringing us an aide to say from data by in central casa in israel. meanwhile, at least 9 people have been arrested during protest. me have a home of prime minister benjamin netanyahu arrive, police use water cannon in an attempt to control demonstrators. thousands gather across at protests, across the country. they accounting for early elections and a society in gaza when a space has more on the protests from amman, jordan, because israel has found dr. sarah, from operating next thousands of protest is defended on the israel's problem and tourism and on the residents of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they've been promising while they called a week of disturbances and there was a bit of violence last night in the protest with 9 arrests. these often have the weekly demonstrations now and these ro often and tell of eve, since well, before the war against netanyahu's government before the war,
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it was against changes, particular changes to the make up the supreme court. they climbed down in the wake of the war and then picked up again in reached a month and why was in almost participation in them. they have really succeeded in changing the political landscape. and israel benjamin netanyahu was still in command of a pretty stable majority in his rails palm and other developments us present. joe biden special envoy is now on an official visit to lebanon, to try and de escalate tensions between has for lined israel amos hall. shane is meeting lebanese leaders after talks in israel on monday as well as increased cross border attacks in the past week after israel killed one of it's top commanders. that's bringing ologist areas in a honda who's enabled for us. so they know, how does hezbollah view this visit by the us envoy? well, this is the 4th round, the shuttle diplomacy by a most hushed and since the start of confrontations along the border 8 months ago.
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and like in previous locations, hezbollah officials make their physicians clear up just a few hours before he arrives from the country. and that position hasn't changed and that is, has, the will not hold the fire. it will not hold fire until there is a permanency fire in garza, as well as position, is also that it is not interested in getting involved in any sort of negotiations to change the security reality along the border until there is a cease fire and cause so now source as close to hezbollah, tell us that husbands mission is to make sure that this war, this war of attrition, if you like, remains a limited war and contains it at the same time. he wants to hear from hezbollah, whether or not that will be ready to hold the fire, if major operations and in gaza in rough off. but you know, there is no formal declaration of war and as well continues. the surgical strikes pinpoint the attacks against from us. now those sources tell us that no hezbollah
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will not agree to that, it will only agree to whatever her mazda agrees to and once how much the color is. this war over there will be a whole to the fighting along the northern front. so this is a very dangerous escalation because isabel to is threatening war saying that it can no longer tolerate the in security and instability along the border. so what are the hosso zayna then, what, what is the us trying to achieve here? well, aimless huston has repeatedly said that this is not about bringing peace between 2 long time and this is about, so you know, the readings. there's some sort of an arrangement along the board or what does this route want as well once has pulled out to pull back from the border in line with you and resolution? 170. 1 of course, living on has blamed is, are off or not implementing $1701.00 because it continues to violate lebanon's aerospace, but has the law is not ready to do that. in fact, when you talk to officials, what they tell you is that we understand 1701 to mean that there will be no visible
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presence of arms and fighters along the border. now what is the wes trying to do? and the us are trying to beef up the presence of the lebanese army and you and forces along the border. and you know what is telling? i can tell you is that how students 1st meeting today was with the head of the armies with that phone. he was scheduled to meet the speaker of parliament at 10 am local. instead, he met the head of the army. so it goes to show you that the western countries see a bigger role for the lebanese army in southern 11. not now whether or not has follow will agree to that. it's too early to say, but for right now, no diplomatic supplement can be reached as long as the war on garza continues. thank you very much, dana. that sounds a 0 zena hodge, a reporting deadline from beveled is ready for his conducting raise across the occupied westbank. dozens of palestinians have been arrested in the village of coast near the city of nablus, for people were also arrested in the ramallah district. and these really military
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has besieged a home in jericho, is really, is really raised any occupied westbank have intensified since the war and gas that'd be gotten in october. the pain out of world news rushes president vladimir fulton is on his way to north korea for the 1st time in 2 decades. he's arrived in yeah, coats that's in russia's font east and is expected to travel to p on young in the evening. for 10 strip is aimed at strengthening ties and developing trade that avoids western sanctions. i was just as rob mcbride has more from young young in south korea, which is on the maritime border with an off that this visit by russian president vladimir putin, very much represents his stated intention of turning away from the west and towards the east and building up relations with countries,
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especially in asia and especially long term allies, such as north korea, stating that through russia or in the full rush of the soviet union, they have enjoyed a 70 year relationship of mutual respect. this is he said, and optical for reduction mom. this is the official news mouth piece in north korea, also stating that he wants to be signing, trade and security ties with north korea. that a not controlled by the west of both countries off thrown together a buying deed, both being heavily sanctioned. it is thought that to between north korea and russia, that had been ways around international sang sanctions that have been going on now for a few years. and also, despite denials from both countries, it is claimed that north korea has been supplying russia with both artillery shells and ballistic missiles. and potentially russia will want to see an increase supply
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of those. looking down from the sidelines is china, which has close relationships with both north korea and russia, but also south korea, which is concerned about north korea or it's attaining from the russians. more advanced space technology to help it put a spice satellite intubated, but also other weapon systems coming at a time of increase tensions along the into korean border from mcbride. i'll just say right young tongue island, south korea and south korean forces are fired. warning shots had a group of north korean soldiers who reportedly crossed the border. this is the 2nd border violation in 2 weeks in a separate event. so is reporting multiple casualties after a land mine exploded near the dom minutes arise. own officials believe the blast may have been accidental as north korea untruths were reportedly working near the heavily fortified fort in thailand, former prime minister attack. since you know,
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walter has been indicted on a charge of allegedly insulting the monarchy in 2015. the former prime minister, who was a powerful back of the parents wanting government, was granted bales, shortly after he was invited. thailand has some of the well strictest royal defamation laws which protects its monarchy. each judge criticizing a member of the royal family brings that potential 15 year prison sentence. at least 11 people have died and 65 others are missing. after 2 ship breaks off the coast of southern easily, german chatty says, one of his rescue vessels came across a sinking wooden boat. the survivors were handed over to the tiny and coast guard and taking a short. the 2nd boat set off from to a key, but overturned after catching fire. us present, joe biden is said to announce new protections for undocumented spouses of american citizens. under the policy, they will be shielded from deforestation provided with work permits and given
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a pathway to us citizenship. people who arrived in the country legally and marry an american citizen, currently have to return home to complete the process for permanent residency. the still ahead on al jazeera age trickles in disadvantaged awful region as a humanitarian crisis. deep in the armies last stronghold in the region, remains under siege and a taste for a taco how a prestigious culinary award is walking more interest in the popular mexican dish. the colors, the real side of a laptop in the seats across the south, east of europe, los a very hot sunshine persisting around grace and to, to the right,
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across the south, east of the continent that back up towards the northwest. it does stay raw. the run settled, we have go, this every flight pressure bring some very heavy right in across frogs. that's the news in store for the next few days. though this bridge of high pressure will knows its way in and some of will gradually start to make an appearance. so it's something to look forward to for the hearing now, there's still more heavy right across northern front. strew the low countries running across inter good pots. so for what northern harmful gemini may see a few lobby showers for the football. when the weather does stretch this way down into spain and poets, cool, a few showers, the 2 across england and into west kauffman calling on the other hand, close to the area of high pressure, looks fine, dry and sunny for the most part, then sunshine. meanwhile, down to the se, but still went up into the thirty's there. in athens, as you can see, when the 2 spots could get close to 40 degrees celsius, yet a guide wasn't making his way across such yeah, many will slide across the pilot. i was at western side of process of heavy down
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pulls of met with some some the may well for most go it's hot, dry and sunny of the for my life is this 10 degrees fishermen to elected and key in the madrid assembly fighting racism in thing giving voice to those he left behind. a michael intent politician reveals how european over fishing in african waters has become a driving force for a regular migration. take your 3 buses, be a witness documentary on the i'll just say around the
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the hello again. you're watching l g 0 life from doha reminder about top stories. at least 17 palestinians have been killed. baptize for any forces bombed homes, and new c rogers, refugee camp in central gas on attacks have also been reported in operation compound name, darryl. and israel police of use one account into bronx thousands of protesters gathering near the prime minister's home in west service. ma'am. the accounting for early elections in a society and russia's prices environment 14 has arrived in the kusha in russia, east. he's on his way to north korea, for a 2 day trip to visit is his 1st appear on the on in 2014 this the one on the war on guys i and is what has intensified brocade of guys. i mean, fuel is hard to find. and when it's available, it's expensive, so people are resorting to basic methods of transport like donkey costs and
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bicycles to get around. i'll just say we're a startup was before some down by law. before is real launch tips in garza coats are driven by don't keys and horses arrest. the only thing the goal is a strip, but today, they have become the main method of transport for people moving around and such as food, daily the cities, or typically is very bombardment in the center of casa, in one of the huge, really busiest streets of dairy bella, cause a now rarely seen the time using the card because i have no other authority. if i want to visit my sister in law, say dog and i had been waiting here for hours to move. we don't have any other means of transportation with little fuse, any available here. another way of troubling is becoming popular. price that kills people from all walks of life, want then and the only demand to send the price. the sole rate for the people have
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been buying more bikes due to the lack of fuel and the fully involved going employees. don't garza palestinians started to repair the old bikes before october, the 7th bicycles were cheap in comparison to price these today, before the war, a bike could cost just about $50.00. but now that's the reason to up to $270.00 a month. for displaced, people like that, the whole money is bicycle is essential, as he strives to get his family members what they need to do. i will tell you i need the bicycle now for me it's priceless. i use my bike to go to the market. i sometimes call 6 kilometers every day using it. i even use my bike to bring water to my family. my boss has everything for me now. i'm. it will as the force to constantly see quite show to the can under the threat of constant is really attack hausteen's find themselves forced to use move primitive means of transport to sit bones. palestinians have been doing whatever they can do to cope with the
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increasing hot shit as their daily lives, bicycles, and then keep costs. have been the last remaining solution for the transportation crisis close by. the crisis here in the gaza strip star recognizes out to 0 very that i kinda saw in the united nations high commissioner for refugees is visiting. so don, where the wells was to monetary and crisis is unfolding. well, the 9000000 people have been displaced in the 14 month conflicts between the army and the power military rapids support forces. meanwhile, the wall for the program says it's trucks are in the gospel, region, foley, the 3rd time in 2 months. it says a convoys are caring for supplies to support a 160000 people the you and says a 3rd of saddam's population. that's 18000000 people is tommy well members of the rapids support forces, every, fortunately advancing on the city of our fashion. the southern he's on his last
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major, strong holding down for the power military coup has been trying to seize control of a city for months. and you and says that fee is ethnic cleansing if the recess capture is our fashion. or we spoke to the former us and boy to so don donald both about those years. i think what will happen really depends upon the general imagine and how much control he has over the forces that are actually on the ground there. i think if the rapid support forces or are as if have any intentions that are trying to have a governing roland sedan, they're going to have to show that if they take elf osher is not going to be an ethnic bloodbath. the tribal divisions, there are, are immense and decision these have to learn, to frankly find a way to govern themselves in a way that can and it can address their diversity. so this is really, i think if the are a self does take l flasher, this will be a true test as to whether this is they have any, any possibility of ever having
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a claim to any goal and governance. and so then i have not seen any indication that there's any desire for international engagement intervention. as you know of vision, these government at that time lived the by general behind insisted that the unit made the un mission and our for terminate back in in 2020. i think if the u. n. had been able to stay on the ground, this could have mitigated some of the the atrocities that are we've, we've had reported. i think they, the critical thing to understand is that the r as f as a creation of a special redeem. and is it an armed forces? they use the ginger weed, which is now, and the r s. f has evolved from that. they use them to put down rebellion into our for and now those very forces that they used in the past of to do their bidding.
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are now challenging them in their heartland in khartoum and, and then just the other state. and then i'll valley the 1st of the runs 5 presidential debates has taken place in taylor on the 6 candidates, discussed economic policies in the televised session. elections are due to be held on june the 28th. they were triggered by the death of president the reign lacy in a helicopter crash last month. the candidates discussed their proposals for iran spiraling economy, which is strongly under us sanctions. race will sit down, has more on the debates from tehran as the 1st tele wise debate between the 60 around noon presidential candidate was held on monday. and the focus of this debate was on economic issues. so 3, among the 6 candid as far regarded prominent, and each of them has elaborated on the economy program, if they are elected as president buck and kind of boss dakota in panama, speaker,
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and what the cause of it just said that you said want this family's employees work as nurses, those work on a fixed income and moving on databases because of the implementation. and he said that he's planning to increase the salaries at the same rate of the inflation to keep the purchase in poverty. stable the hard line, conservative and the former secretary of the national security, the console side jelly lee said that you're on must employ more technological tools to improve the economy. he said that the human resources of the company also needs to be used in a more efficient way. and he also said, if he's elected as president to adopt the resistance, the economy economy model, which suggest you wrong, should have an east ward policy and connect better with the global sold to ease the impact of the sections that are imposed by d west the on the default miscounted dismissal position, on the other hand said the sanctions or disaster but to soften them. you don't have to open off to the world and to be more flexible. engage with the west schools,
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emphasizes the level of transparency and the flow in your on your economy. and he said that is a fundamental problem to set that sees, effectively going to fight the sections and bring transparency and economy to appeal to the for the investment. incent wise, the economy as of now, according to the pools guys above comes 1st. and trinity comes as 2nd, according to the 4th position is number 3, but she is step of the building. she is public support then many and you don't believe if she can mobilize and unite the reform is his chassis or being elected as president is quite high because she said that, oh to 0, the wrong. and the u. k. the populace reform party is threatening to take away right wing support from the governing conservatives ahead of elections on july. the 4th po, show the party led by nigel for raj, his neck and neck with the tories. but they're both way behind the labor party as trying to answer their resources. he's one of britain's most recognizable
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politicians, but he's never won a seat in parliament. he changed britain profoundly by leading the quotes for breakfast and then almost disappeared from politics is but now nigel for roger's reform party has overtaken the conservative in a recent post head of next month election on monday reform launched its manifesto and it's hot. i promise to stop immigration and withdrew britain from the european court of human rights. why didn't says he, people on the streets of britain today. i've come here in the last 2 years alone. never before in history, we've ever seen literally anything like it. we believe that an overall freeze on net migration numbers is what we need for a few years to help us at least try to catch up the rogers return to frontline politics has split support among right of center,
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right as further damaging the conservative party. but even among his support has many said voting for reform will secure a neighbor when in the east london, town of rome said some wary of broken promises, but considering as a bi election wildcard, i don't want people coming out of the boat every off a time i can serve a side again and stuff but haven't stopped nothing but reform seem to have some of the critical ideas that will try my to best. so some people like that many don't. a divisive fig for just being attacked twice during the campaign. and now has a security detail paid for by taxpayers, a millionaire and storm, a city of london trade to fraud styles himself has a mind if the people off against and out of touch political elite. and he's predicting organ 6000000 people who writes a reform for raj, acknowledges his reform policy called possibly when the selection and in britain's
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1st pos, the post electoral system guessing millions of votes across the country doesn't necessarily translate into winning any of parliament's 656, but if for all just to be believed his sites a set note on this selection, that the next charlie on to the algebra. london. a heavy rain in el salvador has killed at least 11 people of 40 say the victims died after torrential rain in the north cost land slides and trees to fall over the weekend. nearly 900 people are living in temporary shaft, as, as a result. that tackle stand in mexico city has been recently awarded with a mission star, one of the world's most prestigious culinary honors is for pal, the small business to instant fame. but in a country where a taco stands line, just about every block, what makes the best tackle julia gadgianno before to mexico city?
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what's the mexico tacos are everywhere, and if they can't, they can tell you the lots and that be those that go my lovelady. as quintessential to this country's culture as might yeah, geez, tequila and being yeah. does. there are tens of thousands of taco stands and restaurants across the country. now this popular staple is also the recipient of a mishal in star. this tackle stand on an otherwise non descript mexico city street was recently awarded the prize which is catapulted to same hours long lines now form every day to get a taste. but for tackle lovers like them out of the and that the new found fame is just a distraction from the main event. the taco itself looks like it doesn't reach out to provide for people who have no idea very briefly describe what is the top of the barclays at the video with something on it. but i thought a be yeah.


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