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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 18, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the add on is minus you buy to the 3 is called i. she's the of the hello. i'm sammy's. i them. this is the news i live from. dell coming off in the next 60 minutes of the months of cross border attacks has belie release and surveillance video of what it says. a military base is deep inside israel. the us special envoy visits by route to ease the spiraling tensions between his ram and as belong i must talk. seeing, says washington once to avoid the crates of conflict inside gaza,
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another day of intensities by the strong sun residential neighborhood, c, 17 palestinians killed. we'll have a live upside and with starvation threatening thousands of displaced people and camps in sedan. we speak to a talk to an official visiting the region. and in sports, one of the best support a team that the arrows are bound to kick off their campaign in germany. tens of thousands of turkey or fans or endorsement for their game against the tournament deputy john george on the way began with tension between the lebanese based group has the law and israel that have been mounting during israel's war on gaza. what appears to be a serious lapse of security and as well as the laws reveal surveillance, video sensitive sites inside the country,
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the 10 minute drive and for the it shows critical infrastructure and is really cities as fall south as haifa thing to didn't pull the military and civilian installations, cross border attacks between has belong, these right imagery have increased since israel's war on gaza began. got to correspondence on this story in the middle will be speaking to him, the son hope in our mind to get these really reaction. but 1st, let's go to as a, to hold on to see joins us from by road. so 1st of all, saying that this is clearly designed to send a message to as well, right? definitely this is, has by law sending a message to israel that it is ready for war. and this is what we understand from sources close to the lebanese arms group is 10 minute video showing images taken from a reconnaissance drone deep inside as well, up to 30 kilometers from the border. they show sensitive military sites, the civilian infrastructure. they show the city of hay for the ports of haifa. so
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many consider this really as a security breach. and the, you know, this really army will have to answer, you know, to the people who are hearing this stuff to the local officials in the city are concerned that, you know, there needs to be some sort of a security plan for their associates. so hello. also releasing this, you know, these images just hours after the us envoy image austin concludes his visit to 11 on what we also understand from his follow sources is this is a message to the united states has about a considers united states and also send on the broker not as a mediator, really in this conflict, but fighting with israel and coming to 11 on just the issue threats. now this is not the 1st time has the law has issued some sort of message or send the message to these ratings in recent weeks, which we've seen them do is on sale, their capabilities, their military capabilities, their new arsenal. and this is all part of an effort to,
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to turn his route from carrying out a wider scale of attack on 11 or expanding the conflict. because israel is threatening war if hezbollah does not withdraw from the boarder regence. let's talk about timing now saying that we know when this footage was taken a why it was released now of what we do not know when the video was taken, but definitely just hours after hawks in the us. special envoy concludes his visit to be rude. he came here really to give a message to her mouth. now when you give him a message to come out here, also giving it to hezbollah because how much and hezbollah our allies, he told from us that they'd better agreed to the us back to cease fire proposal? death is on the table. and he's telling hezbollah that the cease fire would be enough to end the war along along the northern border. a few weeks ago when he was
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here, he said, that's a ceasefire. and garza would not automatically mean that the border along the northern front with and then that set as route will demands a new security paradigm. but what he didn't say is more important than that is what happens if, how much does not agree to that cease fire? are we going to see an escalation of the conflict in recent weeks? we've seen these conflict intensify and tossed and themselves, you know, may have made that warning while while and they don't let me be clear. the conflict along the blue line between israel because bella has gone on for long enough. innocent people are dying, property is damaged, families are shattered, and 11 east, the economy continues to decline. the country is suffering for no good reason. it's in everyone's interest to resolve it quickly and diplomatically. that is both
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achievable. and it is urgent. so tensions really at an all time high with really the level of confrontations, the intensity increasing along the border or lice. thank zayna for the for that update. let's keep this going. now with the solve codes, of course we're going to and i'm on jordan because these rated government has banned. i'll just hear from reporting inside israel. so 1st of all, how is this video going down in israel? well, there's been no official is really reaction on the political or security side to this 9 and a half minute video footage by his vala that was taken by their drones unclear when exactly this footage was taken, but it will surely be seen as a failure in israel's aerial defense array, this is a defense system that is supposed to be near iron clad. there are 3 levels of air
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defense and the alarms go off almost all the time. whenever there is any sort of item in the sky that israel deems as a foreign object or hostile aircraft. so there's going to be a lot of situations in which the army is going to have to understand why exactly these alarms didn't go offline. why should well, it was able to obtain the split it, but it also comes out an interesting time just yesterday on monday is really officials had met with the us on boy, almost hochstein. and in all of those meetings, in the readouts from is really officials like the prime minister, opposition, leaders, army officials, they're all looking to determine what they are calling the threat on the northern border. but it seems like israel is spreading their military quite then let's look at the war on guns. so you have also an open front in the north. so there's a lot going on for israel's army. and this is surely going to be seen as
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a widespread failure that they are going to have to come up with answers to. but nonetheless, these really have maintained that they are ready for an all out war with his bullet . they don't want it to escalate to that level, but they have said that they are quote, not afraid to turn bader into another, gaza sammy. why believe it that i'm the sound hold reporting to us from my mind in jordan, because israel has bandages here from reporting inside israel. all right, let's go over now to model on the shot out to 0. see me a political analyst joins us by skype from paris. so model on, 1st of all, what is this release of video tell us about has the last capabilities you know, saw me, i'm reluctant to jump into conclusions about the nature of the video, the timing you contacted you when the video was taken and so on. so forth, but clearly that as far as a signal is between uh, 2 different or 2 different sites and campuses is an important signal from has
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a lot to is right. and that we have your number that we know what's what. and we know where to attack, and it's not just use throughout the us. we could also eventually instruct the new it's clearly determining factor on the part of as by law. i'm not sure how i'm losing, that's going to be miserable. and we certainly the rest of us should be washington to the conclusion that there is attitude between has been on. is that yes, as our correspondence a not as reported from level not as well as a mass, a good number of rockets for that happened at the end of thousands perhaps your um and it is more capable, but how much older, how much has shown itself to be quite capable and resistance. and yes, i would say is right with the support of the united states. as these writers continue to attract is more than capable of destroying the root or tending beard
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within to another gossip. and that's where the problem lives is or is not just threatening his bundle is threatening to live in on more want stay with us it because all of this happening, of course, while there's a bunch of diplomatic efforts going on to find the fuse, the tensions between has the line israel and the being judged to abide by you and resolution, 1701 which ended that war in 2006. if you remember that back for the fall back, while it boss has the law from operating between the latanya river and what's called the blue line, that's the unofficial border with israel. israel was instructed to remove all its troops from lebanese territory. however, many of the site is fully compliant with the resolution. since october, the 7th has belong is ready for us as of exchange fire on a daily basis. and lebanese group says it will only seize hostilities if israel withdrawals from garza more than $60000.00. people have been evacuated from
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northern israel, off the months of cross border attacks, and mold 90. thousands have been displaced in southern lebanon last week. these are the ami killed, the senior has the lock mazda called about della group responded by launching and unprecedented by roger of rockets into northern israel. spring model. one of the shot of back into this is out to 0 senior political analyst. as i mentioned, the model one once you make of the messaging coming from a most hochstein, let me just take a moment here and remind ourselves of something i am totally bewildered about as almost all the time is that he's right. he's that is really a miracle. he was born in his room. he served in the is there any admitted to he was a thank you man. he was a part of a bank true and is very limited. the remains of a problem just right. so what we're all pretending he's by this guy. he's
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actually on his own. the soldier mediating between has been law. i'm is read. i mean, imagine if it was a comfortable, if he was more than that, but on what sort has been law and then became america's invoice. is there a level, i mean, is that even by just simple, is that even compare? but i actually, um, uh how about the last 4 words that we take you as a, as if it's natural for the. busy market and what to be shipping. the news, i'm about to go to a level. now, having said that, let's remind our viewers again, that he's been coming to an up and down since the war started basically after a couple of months. so he came in november, then he came in january, then he came in march, and now he was a good to be a couple of months issues. the 11 on i need, delivers that message from the united states. a certain message that the united states has delivered when it's sent. it's armando settings to get to that again.
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but no one should have a right to interfere is read a business in palestine in gaza. so as is there a guide is out is genocide in guys the rest of that are boiled, including and especially has by law, does everyone need to remain quiet? you shut off about it, right? i mean, that's the message. i think hawkstern's basically delivering the 2nd message, but by then delivered back then. that's it is not lebanon's business. what is going on is our product side. it's only a mattress business, but everybody knows, do they not mind want? that's the key to coming things in the north is really by ending there's very war on garza. so again, you know, the, the sort of the purpose of having a us envoy to go to lebanon, to say, we've got to end this 11. and can it lead to anything without 1st ending these writing conflicts in gaza and see not right or clearly i
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should say not. you are definitely say right, but the problem here is on this. i'm begin with you at on the silk ceasefire. so the americans really, once again are speaking out of both sides, have been able to speak of a ceasefire. that's not a ceasefire. kind of interesting. no, i mean the way they found their way there for relate to different pull some and tell you what a security council and basically shoved it in the best of the world is by saying, we'll take 6 weeks of a ceasefire, meaning a pause. and then is that what decides whether it will continue to respect the ceasefire? oh, twins resumed more. so we all know that from 6 weeks probably going to be come back from square one. and i think has bullet understands that how that number sense, i think that has to be reset, understand site and it's up to the united states to show the will that it's really serious about the 5 and 64. that's why it's formulating the ceasefire. and because
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as a template or really things i've heard of and that will give all the guarantees possible to the but he's got her as to the palestinian leadership as if there's a, there's a few contribution. but it's serious about having said that, just to get to clarify it. it's amazing how the americans worked. like uh, you know, how like a network of connections and invitations. so while they are giving ultimatums and customizable ad, this is basically the, the lebanese army chief has just brought back from the united states. what he had reported to have made a positive visit to washington that's, that's just f o and they, they had that many as many to generate on. i've just come back from washington reporting good visit to washington. so washington continues to keep up that theater says, or ran into the spot into some pocket about one space, lot of the same time sitting $18000000000.00 of new arms. these are ad which i
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found a place in the pipeline would be happening soon. all right, we'll leave with that. thanks so much more. one visual meanwhile, on the ground in gall cities, right. the army is being targeting areas on the strip tax on 2 homes and then the site on the refugee camp killed at least 17 palestinians. the victims have been taken to our locks the hospital in debt and by and hopefully isn't data back in central guys and joins us now from then live. so take us through what's happening to those victims when they arrive in a hospital which is functioning. if that is an appropriate would and very challenging conditions 7, most of the people we receive as injuries in the lock, the hospitals come to their rooms and reuse them. there has been a lot of fear critical injuries who arrived today and they were unfortunately,
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we're not being able, the medical things were not able to save their lives because we're talking about a hospital that is running out of medical supplies since the breakfast and be gen 42 days ago there has been 0, medical supplies entering the causal strip. the hospital is only working with one to the right to where they had to turn off the means and the rates are due to the lots of fuel. there has been no medical supplies. the hospital is over when with patients and injuries, the hospital had to add an extension for the emergency dis, apartments behind me. the hospital is in a very dire situation and this is not only hospital. this is also a refuge for hundreds of families, but somebody let me highlight the fact that that is ready for says, asked the people to box you way to the middle area because it's this ignited us safe. but as you see, the target system warning have been on the middle area where i'm
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a 1000000 of pilots in use. evacuated from rough uh around a month ago, and they're still being targeted in the central area where at least 2 houses. i've been targeted by the is really for says earlier today. so palestinians are, are still being targeted wherever they go, even if it was a safe zone. and even if they followed they back, you wasting orders followed by the is there any armies, tammy? all right, thanks. so much same ahold of you, bye, or the russian president vladimir puts in is due to arrive in north korea and the coming hours and what will be his 1st visit in 24 years. earlier, he traveled to the eclipse, getting rushes far east. he's expected to being shown young on tuesday evening within fits his aim, that strengthening ties and guessing munitions, as well as developing fray that avoids west and sanction. so mcbride has mall from
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the on beyond south korea on the merits, all russian president vladimir putin. this is a hugely consequential trip. symbolically perhaps turning away from the west and heading east, looking to build up alternative power blocks, power relationships in this part of the world. and heading for i traditional a friends of russia around for the full russia, the soviet union. so that means ultimately he will be visiting vietnam, but the 1st of all going to north korea arriving over night a tuesday into wednesday into the capital p. young young, which has already been decked out in flags of both russia and north korea for once being treated as a state visit. the full schedule gets on the way a wednesday with the usual formalities of the inspection of a god of on a re flag, a formal reception. but the will business of the visit comes with the signing of what's being called
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a comprehensive partnership agreement to cover things like trade and security issues in which lie they may have put in. it says the west will have nothing to do with this is just between. he says russia and north korea. this is a 2 countries which have been thrown together by necessity. they all countries that have been largely shunned by large us waves of the international community. i just thought that's over recent years of the 2 countries have been looking at ways, although they denied have getting around some international un sanctions. and a north korea was also accused again, although it denies it of supplying russia with vast amounts of bombs and for its war in ukraine. and the suspicion is the vladimir putin is in need of a lot more of this is being followed very closely from south korea, which is concerned about russia providing north korea with advanced a space rocket technology, but also other weapon systems that it can use to directed south korea and this
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comes with a type of increasing height and tensions along the d. m. z boat between north and south korea. public pride, i'll just say right. young kung island, south korea, a closing then kimball, have a lot to talk about both ladies need military assistance from each other without just here as defensive is a alex go topless explains ties have been deepening between vladimir putin and kim jong and both russia and north korea have much to offer each other. russia desperately needs artillery emulation from as many sources as possible for the war and ukraine. software and estimates that north korea has already supplied. well, the 3000000 large caliber i'll tell you, we shows by ship as well as gladwell kids. the short range, ballistic missiles, big numbers, but this evidence, the quality is questionable. ukrainian report say that north korea weapon stops captured in the conflict for 40 to 50 years old and frequently failed. north korea
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is also looking for help with this military satellite program. only one's been lowered sofa and the be many failures. the latest was in may of this year when a rocket carrying a 2nd satellite blew up shortly off to launch. evidence suggests russia is helping those career testing you rocking fuels with kim lou and hoping most of those expertise is space launches will help his country develop a 1000000 scrubs of ation satellite program of it, so afraid why it was a long time russia correspondent for the christian science monitor and he joins us now live from moscow. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, what do we actually know about how much military exchange and assistance is going between moscow and north korea? we know the allegations from south korea and from some of the less than partners, what do we know for sure? a lot, pretty much because both sides, russian and north korea are keeping silent about it. but there seems no doubt
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that north korea has been for some time no, providing this the soviet standards artillery shells and a short range battlefield missiles and things that the russians desperately need on the credit in front of 8, north korea apparently has a huge production capacity for these kind of weapons. so this is really been an important thing for, for russia in the short term. obviously russia can, can provide those 3 a lot of things that it needs. but down the road, i think um, beyond that kind of military assistance, you know what i mean? mission? basically i think north korea can provide labor on north korea. it has very skilled construction workers, and they will be needed by russia after the war ends to rebuild
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the new territory. is that it's almost certainly going to, to take it. russia's going to need the norm as a lot of labor. and john yang is one place to look for it. so in the larger sense, russia is restoring those soviet era alliances that it had since it's alienated completely from the west. and it probably doesn't matter to russia now that a lot of these deals they'll be striking and killing young tomorrow, violate the, or potentially violate the security council's sanctions on north korea, which russia itself signed onto in the past. but it seems like we're entering a new era in which russia will round up its former soviet allies is of a russian fleet in to, but last week i put in is going on to vietnam after north korea. so you, so you can see the trends very clearly. it's, it's, it's
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a new world that's opening up that, that's been told by the russian president about overcoming us sanctions working with north korea to become us sanctions for potential lies beth of the 2 countries . oh it's um, in north trees case, there are not, there are us sanctions on, on things like petroleum and so on. but most of the sanctions on north korea or from u. n. security council, which means that russia itself is obliged to obey them. so i think that what russia can do now at the expense of violating those, those you and security council resolutions is provide a north korea with not just our romans, but few will petroleum fuel, which must create a very much needs of food. but i mean, just north korea needs just about everything and then russia can provide most of it
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. all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much fred. why a partial correspondent of the christian science monitor, pamela, tre, rapids, the pool full season. so that i've been accused of burning and destroying a village in no style for state. governor of the full region is released the video showing homes funding in the village of auditory. the area is near the sides of recent fighting between the sudanese army and the rapids support forces. social media platforms affiliated with the group posted videos of finance is taking control of public facilities in the region. the un high commissioner for refugees is visiting sudan with the world's most was to monetary and crisis is on the folding since the civil war began and april last, yet more 9000000 people have been forced from that homes. 18000000 people facing
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severe hunger, including millions of children on the 5 who are suffering from acute mound nutrition. $2900000.00 of those are in dial 4 in the west where the world food program says it's going to be unable to deliver limited amounts of a as a sleeper. grand a is the united nations high commissioner for refugees fully you and refugee agent . so you joins us live via skype, from white and all region in sedan. thank you for taking the time to talk to us. let me 1st ask you for your impression now and your thoughts having visited and seen 1st hand the scale of suffering. i a and i came here to this interview straight from meeting about 200 families from the state of north quarter till 5. this is a state neighbouring where i am now in the flights united states and the,
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the stories once again, i heard from them where the small fighting in their villages, people killed women to try attending abuse and endless stories of displacement. people fleeing to the mountains, then to another village, to escape the fighting or different types of munitions and then trying to seek refugee relatively safe for areas of the country. these states, this is a states in the southern part of so data bordering actually the state of south. so that, and the, and the estimate is that this anywhere between $1.00 and $2.00, meaning young people here, these place from other parts of the country. and the front line you mentioned before. we know that come to the capital is an in battle zone. but the front, the time seemed to be expanded to these people. as i said,
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the people i met to they came from the front of the seas, not the region of so that so the so crises is not totally sure which is not only largely neglected by the 3rd national community, but seems to be expanding with increasing impact on the very innocent civilians fireplace paying the price when you say it's expanding, so is so then on the verge, on the brink of unprecedented famine, something that's been talked about. and that's, of course, another consequence of the war. because the old luxury cultural activities in the areas of the power, in fact, also that for parts of the car, the final kind of tool jesse to see this is a very big part of the country, including some of the most the 1st time areas, agricultural activities are gravely living things are hampered by 5 to so
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inevitably, people do not have access to agriculture products and to food essentially. and the to many parent opperation, you mentioned the world foot program and the whole to manufacture of effort has great difficulty having access to those areas of conflict. it's also very, very dangerous. you know, i came here to this area which is relatively safe for the time, be from the south so that, that's the only way i could access here is 2030 kilometers from the from flight. so you can see how full time the situation is and how dangerous it is for the lives of those. but especially those that come keeping me that are stuck in more areas. but how long before so we might see scenes, the world might see scenes of people stopping to death of famine that the world has never seen before. when this is very difficult to,
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we are negotiating. all of us seem to show many theory and community with the parties with the so the news army with the rapid support forces to have more access tend to bring urgently more food to the people. the need is that is a, becomes more as possible if, if we succeed in these negotiations, i mean the last few weeks, there's been a little progress. but this has to be accelerated. then we can hope to limits the damages that you'll be talking about. otherwise, i think it's going to happen very quickly. you know, one other factor that is naturally to issues that are so we're st very closely. sorry to press you. but what do we talk about weeks months? what does he owe your likes? it could be weeks. it could be weeks and what i was going to say is that we have an additional obstacle now, which is the rainy season,
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which he did come see with very poor infrastructure. meeks transported by a car by a road bike truck. very, very difficult in many parts of the country. so all of these ads, it's a perfect storm and the can be extremely dangerous for the people we're talking about. thank you so much for the 4 grand day. the united nations high commissioner for refugees, for taking the time to come and talk to us while on your trips that in so down, appreciate it. thank you. for 10 years government has decided to scrap some positive, a controversial bill that included major tanks rises of the violent protests against the legislation. police find tig asked to disperse, demonstrates is routing outside parliament against the new finance bill. the it was due to introduce new taxes and levies that would increase the price of basic goods such as bread. a,
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solve the clothes is now being dropped as an william root. so says the meshes a needed to boost government revenue and reduce borrowing. some of the tax increases led to protests and violence in the capital. last year. spent ahead on al jazeera french called over tons of band on these right. the exhibits is from attending. one of the world's largest alms expos, wild fi season, has begun in california with mobile a 10055 is baffling, a blaze in the south. and it's for the championship. when that means the boston celtics now signed the loan and n b a history. the las vegas employees thousands, a huge proportion of them. latino workers in the service industry had taught by carpet the economy, furious about illegal immigration. trump meets the votes and is pushing hard for
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the the republican party matches and aligns with our culture and our values. our core, it's the core of us. if we went nevada, we wouldn't all think donald trump is in a strong position. hey, we're involved right now. he has a 5 point lead ahead of joe 5. a lot can happen between now and november, but the political winds of change may be heading to nevada, at least if donald trump gets his way. a diverse range of stories from across the globe from the past. steve, on netflix douglas on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the, how come back you're watching and i'll just say are
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a time to recap on headlines. 11 and based group has the laws release video of what it says survey. oh, what's the violence of sensitive sites across is ro try and so it's, it shows for the cool military and civilian installations in his riley cities, including hyphen, these are the ami and has beloved been coming out across the border attacks against each other for months. at least 17 people have been killed in his writing the attacks on homes and on the side of the refugee camp in central garza, the victims been taken to along to the hospital in debt and by a french code is out of a ton to band on these re, the companies that one of the world's biggest alms, fast the government found is ready defense exhibits is from taking part because of israel's war. on garza, the court ruled the decision was discriminant, tree. paris fat opened on monday. it's tasha bonsa and joins us
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live from paris. so natasha, let's start 1st of all with the finding by the power as commerce tribunal that the exhibits his decision not to host his riley companies was discriminatory. that what does that mean? it means basically that decision by the exhibitors is now the well let's just take the back of it. what happened was a few weeks ago, you have the french government suggesting to organizes all based on, say, cool, cause yes, the french government suggested that is really, companies should not be able to attend, because the french government's particular concerns about as well as the operation in russia, now, what happens then was that the open eyes of this on the slide decided to brand 74 is ready. companies that would use with do so with 10 french government didn't have any legal power to put such
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a bond in place for the actual organization of the fed. they decided to do that. now we have this quote in front. so it is decided to overturn that fine cooling is a discriminatory what that means is that those 74 is ready. funds could now show at yours to tories. your story. that is the name of the onset outside of power is that it goes on till the end of the week on friday. now whether or not so some companies will actually turn off isn't all the questions because clearly many of them it made all the plans and they had to ready to cancel. but if they wanted to, they could, won't be called in for on said was that the decision to find them was discriminatory? and is the decision that has been uh, welcomes by a jewish group. their phones, physically sad with the jewish counsel, research sense of loss has prevailed and on that last point that you mentioned now, i mean practically speaking. what does this mean is a time for companies to come? where does this leave? what was reported as
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a court ruling on friday against employees or rep even representatives of israeli companies coming. is that reported court order also over time? so exacting that was another quote or the last week, 5 french quote. the world, moto, ne, should those companies remain brands from attending the trade 5, but also anyone, links to those company is really know whether they were saw for most of those companies. they should not be allowed into the fed. as you can imagine, authorized complicates of trying to shake everyone's credentials as they go in. nevertheless, the court said that is more should happen, that the organizes of the fed said with a dispute that i told him what is it i did and they are appealing, bass and cold. and we're still waiting. the verdict of that a p is if thought appeal is, or if it said,
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it means that everyone will be allowed in where they will know they have links to these where the company's own old. and now we know today she's ready, companies can definitely assess up and exhibit, as i said, if they should. so wish if the quote opposed the brand on those, all the people attending, well they would have to go. all right, well, leave the the, the actual boss from paris us president joe biden is set to announce new protections for undocumented spouses of american citizens. they'll be shielded from the poll taishan provided with work permits. i'm given a pathway to us citizenship, people who arrived illegally and mount an american citizen kindly have to return home to apply for permanent residency. let's go live now to our white house correspondent, kimberly how kit. so 1st of all, kimberly, this is being described as one of the most significant changes to immigration, little related to,
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and documented migrants in the years. take us through what exactly this means. yeah, well you really nailed it there just a moment ago when you described that big shift as what it is. it makes it so significant is the fact that no longer will people have to leave the united states in order to be process. now, those who are, who enter the united states illegally and now are married to an american citizen, may even have children. now they'll be able to stay in the united states and work through that paperwork that paperwork that many people refer to as trying to get a green card or permanent residency. this is going to affect roughly half a 1000000 people and then the children of spouses, of american citizens. it will be roughly 50000 people that could be affected by
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this. what this will allow is for those who as of june 17th 2024, who have been living in the united states for roughly 10 years or more, they will be able to apply under this program. and it will allow them, as you pointed out, normally a pathway to permanent residency, but ultimately a pathway to citizenship. and this is coming not too far from that little thing called elections. how's expected to play out the as well the white house hopes that is going to play out in terms of translating into votes for president joe 5. and now what the official line is, is that this is going to boost the economy that this is going to help the labor market. this is going to promote family unity. but what the white house has really hope because this is for the best job by his approval ratings, which in many cases on a range of issues are lagging behind. his rival, former president donald trump, says the issue for the president is he doesn't have much time left to get those pro
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ratings backed up. if we're taking a hit, not just on the issue of immigration where his rival has taken a very hard lie, but also on the issue of his realty. he's been in recent public appearances. he's been looking uh, wandering off. he's also been as sort of raising questions about his physical and mental fitness. so the warehouse was hoping that this will attract from some of those negative headlines and also bring up some of the more positive aspects of the by the ministrations agenda. and that is, kimberly how could outside the white house for us leon, fresco is an immigration attorney and a former deputy assistant attorney general in charge of immigration at the us department of justice. it says the announcement of this policy is politically motivated. i think it is tied to the election for a couple of reasons. number one it's, it's tied to the election in the sense that this is the sort of get into the gang
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of the border announcement that was just made by couple weeks ago where the border was, flows down to asylum seekers who crossed the legally, that phased a lot of criticism on the lab. and so they, now this was implemented that the model apply the criticism of the land and also the vaccines that under the current process that you had discussed earlier, where people have to leave and then come back into the united states. that process currently takes over 3 years to actually finish from start to finish. and so this actually really been a priority for the administration. it would have devoted resources about how big that process they 3 years. but instead, they move that to the back of the line. so this thing sort of now prioritizing this now ease of the change from what i've exist the days ago, there's going to be lawsuits. there's going to be debates about who benefit from this and whether they are cutting the line from other people who are doing a border called the right way the by the ministration hold spend,
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look at there really are 500000 people who are benefits that mean there's 500000 us, it isn't boulders who will benefit as long also, maybe they have family members who care about this situation. i may be, they also will vote on the behalf of joe by to now because he did this frances, to reduce the number of troops in west and central africa on the plans to limited smooth free presence in the region. it's expected to count those and several african countries to allow the quotes are of current levels last year, presidency manual my call announced the plans off to some african nations expelled french forces. so let's take a look at francis metric plans overall in africa. the government planning to drastically reduce what it calls pre positioned forces in west and central africa to around $600.00 sol. just stay in double sunny golf ivory coast. i'm chad. it's. i mean to keep roughly 300 person alan chad down from
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a 1000. and 600 troops stationed in ivory coast to be reduced to 100 until 2 years ago from this had more than 5000 troops in the house. but it's been gradually withdrawing from molly, but cannot fast so and these yeah, and one to show is a, is a principal at jane's a global open source intelligence company. he says, president, my call is responding to a growing sense of the gains francis presence in parts of africa. the phones uh has uh, essentially been uh uh, forced to withdraw from the molly loki f. s o in year. and we just pretend them pretty much to operation by kinda, which was the anti terrorist efforts in the so hell region. and as he sees going backlash against the presence in africa and also pressures to do more in terms of the deployments,
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eastern europe to support the need to forward the presence in the remain. yeah. or in the baltic states, reducing military tooth levels in a, in a number of african countries is a, an expedient way to get these groups available for other assignments while the same time is reducing the visibility of its presence and changing the model of the office deployment from the one where he maintains a permanent detachment so some of which were operating on their own to one where the focus will be on partnering with the military use of the countries in which false will remain to work on capacity building on the training and the much more in a supporting role that it is now. thailand's former prime minister, texting shawanda, is being charged with insulting them on a key. he's been released on bio texting, allegedly insulted demonica in comments made during an interview with the south
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korean newspaper back in 2015. he denies any wrongdoing pilot has some of the was strictest laws governing world destination. each charge for the sizing, a member of the royal family counter is a possible 15 year prison sentence are still ahead on al jazeera, fitness wire is full. frances stoplight, full, full european championship, probably lives. those country germany. the business like to be sponsored by intellect, tuck,
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he's real estate consultant. the businesslike has to be sponsored by intellect tuck, he's real estate consultant, the
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vice paul's fans foss. parents bring us up to speed with the school. thank you so much, sammy, and one of the best for the teams. app arrows are best to kick off their campaign in germany dirty, a face tournaments debutantes, georgia endorsement. there are around 1500000 to this people living in germany and around the same number of german citizens have churches for 30. i have appeared at 5 previous heroes, but i've never won their opening game. well, that's the 1st of the 2 fixtures coming up on tuesday later, cuz china, rinaldo is portugal, take on the check republic and leipzig, which will bring an end to the 1st round of matches. well, let's go to our correspondence. dominic kane, who's in berlin for us, and dominic, lots of support for turkey. yeah. but the weather is threatening to spoil the party across germany. that's right. full thoughts and
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storm warnings in different cities around this country are full stay officials to close found friends owns in many different places. so specifically. yeah. the front of the gate, one of jimmy's most like conic landmarks behind it is a very large find. my little friends i, we weren't expecting to be broadcasting from that. we cons because officials have closed at the time. they say the threats is too serious and yes, yeah, right now it's so late spring day it's warm, maybe slightly mucky. but the threatened storm seems to be quite distant thoughts as i say, those thoughts of most in the minds of the officials. the thing about the turkish team on the following, it has here, well, newspaper sierra talking about the turkish friends as the red wool saying that effectively those funds are going to be like a 12 month in that stadium sharing on the team. and certainly right around the city right around this country,
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that very logic's patry community is or pulling in the turkish teams direction. all right, looking forward to back game, but let's lot move on to match too, and we'll see chris jonah, rinaldo play in yet another year. us . that's right. remember, this is the christiano and alex who 8 years ago kept interesting to winning that so on them and 02016. he's still, that is what you might call a sort of duracell bunny of the portugal team. button dynamo that just one stop and the media here saying that the team is being built completely around him. the opponents the check for public. well does that mean if they neutralize ronaldo, they neutralize portugal. lots of questions that the other thing i say finds best thing that stuck is going to do it. well. let's concentrate for the moment on portugal against check republic that will bring it in to the 1st stage. busy the
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group of the group games of that have been we'll have a slightly expressive picture about who's prospering and who has to do a lot by ser. oh, now the big story in the last 24 hours has been kelly and bobby's note is. what's the latest on that? yes, that's right. all sorts of people on social media here in germany, the print media online as well. so online use agencies, referring to one is a dodge of sites and says that he is the nozzler then that's you on the nose of the nation and saying that what happens to him is like i sort of the lightning rock for what happens to the team we know that the initial fee is that perhaps he wouldn't play it for the rest of the tournament. have been a laid some what the idea that he's being treating are asking people for advice about mosque. the suggestion is he won't be able to play in the game against the netherlands so, so next game for the french team for the may be back in time for the game against
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poland for a member of that group from poland, netherlands, and australia that has been referred to as a group of tests. so clearly the french football federation wants and by fe playing as soon as they possibly can. so much going on there. dominic came reporting a lot for us from berlin. we look forward to speaking with you later. i to a boston celtics, now stand alone in the and the a record books, the celtics beat, the dallas mavericks to win an 18 foot championship. it's a victory that moves them a bump. the lakers on the all time list saw him each reports to move and us be more than 15 years in the making. the boston celtics. oh, once again and be a champion this 18th type of window, putting them ahead of any other team in the history of the room for me. we
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did the. 6 6 6 jason tatum saw it to the celtics in game 5 against the dallas mavericks. dylan brown was also 2 performers and who was named the finals a most valuable class. who could don't use it. you did all he could to take the best of 7 series to 6 game, but even his best efforts could prevent the celtics from securing the win. and for one serious victory in front of their home, from the thing we learn from all our mistakes, all of our versity, i think has made us stronger, made us tougher and policies and you can see it. no, we, we started from the john. we made a lot of sacrifices, we played both ends at a ball at our level. so the have a big when the biggest, when that you guys in front of your home crow. i feel like that was really
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important to go up there and do everything in my power to make sure we won his game today. it's a win that will be celebrated around the world, close to hoff of celtic fans and live outside the united states. tens of millions of books and follows had witness tatum and bronze 5th playoff run this year. they at last made it to the finish line on most of this. yeah, to worry mouth. roy has announced that he'll be taking a few weeks away from gulls. mcclory allowed to, to shortly to disappear during the final stage in the us open on sunday. i'll make it through turn at next month's show and more frustrations for entre group lives. the russian smashed his racket after shop to beats, and the 1st round of how it opened in germany, which he time champion was beaten by american player and marco stuff. and that is all you support for now. back to you, sammy. thank you so much. 5, a hot and dry weather combined with strong winds as close to
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a number of intense wild fires in the west and united states as well. grounds reports, the worst is possibly yet to come. wildfire season has begun in california with several wind with blazes burning across the states. north of san francisco a wildfire set up a huge plume of smoke as it consumed brush and trees in a sparsely populated area of sonoma county. one firefighter was injured fighting the place, and some structures were destroyed. is acu ation. orders were issued for residents . we were here for the other evacuations. we've evacuated twice. i don't love it. it's kind of like a p t s d moment. right. but it's also pretty far away, and our fire crews are pretty awesome. near the state capital sacramento, a brush, fire burn, heavy rains during the winter months soaked, california and cause grasses, underbrush and shop are all plants to grow and flourish. but now hotter temperatures have dried out those plants,
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turning them into an abundant source of fuel for fires. the largest wildfire is raging north of los angeles and has consumed more than the 65 square kilometers of wild land. we have 2 and a half years of mine, burn fuel and a lot of places because we haven't had a big major fire over the last couple of seasons. we've had them bump it off and not to this size. so there's a lot of and burn fuel out there and a lot of growth and with the wind and the low humidity, they've dried out already. about 1000 firefighters have been deployed to the area as well as aircraft. there were no reported injuries, although 1200 hikers and campers were evacuated from the area. the climate scientists computer model suggests the western states and hawaii will see unusually hot and dry weather during the summer and into the fall. that could wellbeing omen of even more severe and dangerous wildfires to come rob rentals l g 0,
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los angeles advantage for this news out on the bank and i went with another 4000 and stay with us. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now? i don't think so. and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selected justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments the 5th stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build offices reach inside story. on al jazeera reporting in the field means i often get to witness not just news as breaking, but also history as unfolding. dropping from one day i might be covering politics.
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i might be covering protests, but what's most important to me is understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. just here to we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. he says he went toward towards syria to provide a lifetime entail was very interesting, but not in the eyes of his government. this has been our home for so many years. in the final part of the series, we followed the story of a british age worker as he flees from it live with his family. after being arrested by a powerful melisha, one of the toughest times when they tortured me state list in syria on now to 0 award winning program from international. so make yes, we've just seen so many people traveling with children, thinking a long and difficult to explore and abundance of wells class programming. every
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time we do an interview, web net with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from wells today on alger 0. the off the months of cross border attacks, nothing and base group has the law releases the valence video of what it says the minutes we installations deep inside as well. and it comes as the us, as special envoy visits by route to ease the spiraling tensions between the 2 sides . amos augustine says washington one's to avoid a great conflict, the


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