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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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why had this is tina, how many between the moment i got injured and now i've had a round 61 surgeries. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. the off the months of cross border attacks lebanese group has the last releases, surveillance, video of what it says, a military installations deep inside this rep comes as a us special envoy visits by roots of eas spiraling. tensions almost amongst dean says, washington wants to avoid the grades of companies like the semi se, then this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up inside garza,
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another day of intense is riley strikes on residential neighborhood. c, 17 comma simians killed a trip that could have global consequences. rushes presidents letting me have foods in set to touch down in north korea for his 1st visit. that'd be 24 years. talk to an official, helps out the sierra could be just weeks away from unprecedented. finally, and then the we begin with tensions between the lebanese group has been lined israel, that have been mounting during israel's war on garza what appears to be a serious lapse of security. and his route has the laws revealed surveillance, video sensitive sites inside the country. fighting across the board has intensified over the past week. also these ready, the ministry killed, one of the groups seeing you come on this saying a whole,
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the reports from the lebanese capital bay route. the husband loves latest message to as well, that it is ready for another demonstration of the lebanese armed groups, increasing military capabilities, a 10 minute video showing what it says are images from a reconnaissance the drone of sensitive military sites, up to 30 kilometers from the border the drone flu over many areas in northern israel, showing bases an anti aircraft missile batteries. and what many consider a failure on the part of is arouse defense is quite embarrassing for a drone, that is the one and a half me to a long and 2 meters wide, to fly over full. i'm just uh, auntie and deception. batteries like the r and um, and david's thing that was supposed to protect the one of the most important military industrial complex and is right, that is
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a rough idea and extended on 6.5 kilometers. and then go also to haifa, where we see the picture of all the is really the navy and all the wrestlers. the video was released this presidential biden special envoy, m as hawks then concluded, has meetings in b route. it was his 4th round of shuttle diplomacy since has been opened up a front to help him us in gaza. he is trying to de escalate the conflict between israel and has the law that's reached its most intense level. yet from a route he had a message for his brothers ally hum us encouraging it to agree to a us back cease fire deal in gaza as a way to reduce regional tensions. the deal stops the war and gaza. it lays out the schedule for the withdrawal of forces if that's what from us once they should just say yes and accept it as
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a ceasefire in gaza. and or an alternative diplomatic solution could also bring the conflict across the blue line to an end. that seems to show an understanding of has the last position. the group has already lost more than $300.00 fighters in this war and insist it will only hold fiery once. there's a permanent end to as well as war on gaza. but as round has insisted on a new reality along the border during his last visit to bailey with the us and voice said, a ceasefire in garza does not automatically mean an end to the war on the 11 on israel front. and that's a new security power as i'm would be needed. now he appears to be saying it would be enough. but what he didn't say is what happens if, how much does not agree to that us backed proposal? and literally that proposal and how much this decision could decide if loving on an
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israel's war of attrition expands to a broader conflict or comes to an end, then a who their owner is either failed. this way the government has banned, i'll just say or from proposing bad. so we go to hum this all the totes in the jordanian capital on mine. so quite embarrassing video to come out. right. how's that going down and as well? hello. well, there has been no response, no sort of statement from his really officials, no comment from these really army ends. was he to did reach out to these really military who said they were checking to see if there was any comment or from the military spokesperson. but still we have not heard back. this is a huge failure for is really ariel defense, which is something that is usually so sensitive, an iron clad usually with a success rate, upwards of 98 percent and the detection rate of even higher than that. so there's
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going to be a lot of questions these really army is going to have to answer to when it comes to why these drones were not detected in the 1st place. and were able to have this video footage extensive video footage and 9 and a half minute video. the only is really officials we are hearing from our local ones, the northern israel, like the mayor of haifa, who says that these really military need some sort of plan to combat the threat on the northern border that nearly 9 months into this conflict. there has been no sort of a plan for the army as to how they're going to tackle this moving forward. and remember, just last week, benjamin netanyahu had extended evacuation for tens of thousands of people in the northern townsend settlements until at least late august. and we're hearing about protests and protests is gathering outside the connected. it is a sign that process and now escalating of the
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well, this is days, 3 of the week of disruption as protests organizers are calling it, it's several different protest movements. the biggest one, the capital enforce, this is the biggest anti government protest movement that is leading the way for all other protests groups. but let's talk about what happened last night. outside of these really parliament, at least 9 people were arrested and several others injured. one is really the least use water cannons to try and disperse the demonstrators. one of the people injured is actually a physician who was there to help be injured when the water cannon hit her in the ice. and now she's at risk of losing her vision, which has caused a group of doctors to urge is really felicia to not use measures of violence against demonstrators. so these protests come as a new poll from the huber university, shows that 76 percent of his rallies believe that these really prime minister should resign and around 60 percent believe that election should be held
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immediately or immediately after the war. so just to give you an idea of where these really public head is that the demands from demonstrators are the same. they want new elections, they want new leadership. and just today, in fact, these really prime minister is hosting at his home a sort of dinner or gathering of family members of campus who were killed in gaza. but there were several who tell the media, but they declined that invitation because it was simply too late a too much time has gone by. and that the prime minister is lacking leadership and lacking true decision making. leave with that. and just to remind the that the son supposed to use reporting to us from a mine in jordan because as well as band down to sierra from operating back. and while on the ground in gauze, are these ready army has been targeting areas all along the strip attacks on 2
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homes in the silence refugee camp killed at least 17 palestinians. the victims have been taken to a box of hospital in debt of bela and hold it a isn't that about a 100 central gaza joins us why from that? so people who have been told to leave the south where they had taken refuge headed to central garza, which is now also coming under attack, can send me the people in the gaza strip, are devastated and has placed their evacuating from a place to one another. being displaced multiple times, all of the people surrounding me have been displaced either from the north or from alpha. and this is not the 1st time they have been displaced, but punished in use, obeyed the is really evacuation orders and moved from the fact to the middle area. and this is where they have been targeted. we're talking about at least 17 policy news that were killed in the middle area earlier today in the morning. and dozens of others were injured by somebody. let me paint the picture and show you how the
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situation a little x a hospital is right now. so this is an, an extension it tens that was made by the alexa hospital because the hospitality is over when it's over packed with a lot of patients and injuries. if you walk inside the alexa hospice facility, you will not even have the space to walk because it's very crowded. and as you see, there are a lot of patients and injuries in this courtyard outside because it's very hot. inside there has been no ac is no sense and the hospital is running on one. jenny rates are only because they have been a, a lack of fuel and also a medical facility. we have been talking that's for more than 40 days. now the hospital did not receive any medical supplies, since the roughly encouraging have been started. so the situation,
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the displacements, the head situation are all collapsing and the situation is very dot. you're here in the middle areas, tommy. so that begs the question, and what happens is that announced series appears as well. there has been news about a tactical pause. there will be no fight thing. starting 8 am to 7 pm every single day. but this isn't something that is misleading because the fighting continues, the air start continues, age workers are not being able to receive and pick up the piles up, aid on that is really controlled at a border of cutting of asylum. and also there has been no age entering the gardens through and it's very difficult for the age where it goes to work under such circumstances where it's very risky and it's risking the lives of these humanitarian age where it says another thing that's in the north or with missing
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another starvation because they're saying that they have been not receiving anything other than wheat flour. but in order to make this wheat flour, you need the cooking. got, you need fuel, you need bus tools you need through it's you need everything to put inside this bread and wheat, flour, palestinians in the north and in the south have not been receiving any aids. since the past couple of days. they're saying that they're on the verge of a star basin. and also there are families that are telling us that they are barely being able to provide their children with one meal per day, other than the struggle of receiving and finding courtesy, watts or tutoring. so on all aspects of life, the punish didn't use are suffering and struggling every single day. saw me. thank you very much. tend to hold the, the, the
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russian president vladimir putin is due to arrive in north korea in the coming hours and what will be his 1st visit in 24 years. earlier, he traveled to ya, quits in roches, far east. he's expected to be in film yang on tuesday. evening. puts in strip is aimed at string sending ties and getting munitions, as well as developing trade that avoids west and sanctions from mcbride as small from young people in south korea on the amount of time border. a russian president vladimir putin. this is a huge leap, consequential, a trip symbolically perhaps turning away from the west and heading east, looking to build up alternative power blocks, power relationships in this part of the world. and heading for i traditional a friends of russia around the fort before russia, the soviet union. so that means ultimately he will be visiting vietnam. but 1st of all, going to north korea arriving over night
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a tuesday into wednesday into the capital p. young young, which has already been decked out in flags of both russia and north korea for once being treated as a state visit. the full schedule gets on the way a wednesday with the usual formalities of the inspection of a god of on a reef lank. a formal reception, but the will business of the visit comes with the signing of what's being called a comprehensive partnership agreement to cover things like trade and security issues in which light they may have put in. it says the west will have nothing to do with this is just between. he says russia and north korea. this is a 2 countries which have been thrown together by necessity. they all countries that have been largely shunned by large us waves of the international community. i just thought that's over recent years of the 2 countries have been looking at ways, although they denied have getting around some international un sanctions. and
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a north korea was also accused again, although it denies it of supplying russia with vast amounts of bombs and for its war in ukraine. and the suspicion is the vladimir putin is in need of a lot more of this is being followed very closely from south korea, which is concerned about russia providing north korea with advanced a space rocket technology, but also other weapon systems that it can use to directed south korea and this comes with a type of increasing height and tensions along the d. m. z boat between north and south korea. public pride, i'll just say right young kung island, south korea, the outputs and then kim will have a lot to talk about both slate is need military assistance from each other as i'll just here as defense editor alex, good top of this explains ties have been deepening between vladimir putin and kim jong and both russia and north korea have much to offer each other. russia desperately needs artillery ammunition from as many sources as possible. first war
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and ukraine. software and estimates that north korea has already supplied. well, the 3000000 large caliber i'll tell you shows by ship as well as gladwell kids. the short range, ballistic missiles, big numbers, but there's evidence, the quality is questionable. you create a report say that north korea weapon states capture the conflict for 40 to 50 years old and frequently failed. north korea is also looking for help with this military satellite program. only one's being lowered sofa and the be many failures. the latest was in may of this year when a rocket carrying a 2nd satellite blew up shortly off to launch. evidence suggests russia is helping those korea tests new rocket fuels with kim lou and hoping most of those expertise is space launches will help his country develop a 1000000 jobs of ation satellite programs over it. so the power minute, tre rapids support forces in sudan. they've been accused of burning and destroying a village in no style for states. the governor of the full region is released the
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video showing homes funding in the village of our over the area is near the sides of recent fighting between the sudanese ami the recess. social media platforms affiliated with the group posted videos of its sciences, taking control of public facilities in the region. the un high commissioner for refugees philipo grande's visiting sedan the welds was, humanitarian crisis is on folding. since the civil war began in april last demo 9000000 people have been forced from that homes. 18000000 people are facing severe hunger to the millions of children under the age of 5 suffering from acute malnutrition. 2.9000000 of those are in dial 4 in the west where the world food program says so they've been able to deliver limited amounts of aid. i spoke to for the progress of the just a short while ago he wants to dance humanitarian crisis is expanding. i came here
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to this interview straight from meeting about 200 families and from the state of north caught the fact. this is a state neighbouring where i am now in white night states and the, the stories once again, i heard from them where the small and fighting in their villages, people killed women type and then abused and endless stories of displacement, peoples leading to the mountains. then to another village to escape the fighting or different types of militias and then trying to seek refugee relatively safe for areas of the country. this state. this is a states in the southern part of so that, bordering actually the state of south. so that, and the, and the estimate is that this anywhere between $1.20 people here displaced from
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other parts of the country. we know that kind of tool, the capital is an embattled zone, but the front times seem to be expanded to these people. as i said, the people i met to, they came from the front of the seas. yep. and not the region of so that so this a crises is not totally huge, is not only largely neglected by the international community, but seems to be expanding with increasing impact on the very innocent civilians to our play thing. the price i said i had on al jazeera, a french cold. i have a tons of band on these by the exhibitors from attending one of the world's largest alms expos. while fi season has begun in california with more than a 1005 fines is baffling. a blaze in the south. the
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interrogate the narrative. there's no question about the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yeah. think that correct, but so is the international community upfront only without the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump, now i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selected justice or weapon as ation of the justice system. frank
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assessments that this stage both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build up inside story on al jazeera, the the welcome back. you're watching out, is there a time to recap on headlines? lebanese group has the laws released video of what it says as availed sensitive sites across the as well. drawing for the it shows critical military and civilian installations in his writing cities, including high fuck these radios and has beloved been carrying out across the border attacks against each other. for months,
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at least 17 people have been killed in this way. the attacks on homes and then silence refugee camp incense from garza. the victims have been taken to a lot of their invalid laughter. a stuff in the codes and roches, east rushes presidency is heading to north korea. you'll meet those korean counts on washington is expressing concern about the deepening relationship going young's weapon sales to moscow for war and ukraine, kenya is government says it will scrap some pulse of a controversial bill that included major tax rises off to violent protests against the legislation. police 5 to gas to disperse demonstrates is rattling outside parliament against the new finance bill. it was due to introduce new taxes and levies that would increase the price of basic goods such as bread and some of the clothes as of now being dropped. as in william
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rooters says measures and needed to boost government revenue and reduce borrowing. some of the tax increases that to protest, but to violence and the capital loss. yeah. up front is to reduce the number of troops in west and central africa on the plans to limit its ministry presence in the region. it's expected to count those in several african countries to about a quarter of current levels. last year president emanuel, my call announce plans off to some african nations expelled french forces and wanted to show it as a is a principal, a jane's a global open source intelligence company. he says, present background is responding to growing sentiments against frances presence in parts of africa from, uh, has essentially been uh, uh, forced to withdrawal from the lead both f s o in the year. and we just between them pretty much to operation by kind of,
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which was the anti terrorist efforts in the so how region and as it stacy is going backlash against the presence in africa and also pressures to do more in terms of the deployments eastern europe to support the need to forward the presence, the remain. yeah. or the baltic states reducing military tooth levels in a, in a number of african countries. is that an expedient way to get these troops available for other assignments while the same time is reducing the visibility of its presence and changing the model of the office deployment from the one where he maintains a permanent detachment. so some of which, where of operating on their own to one where the focus will be on partnering with the military use of the countries in which fossil remains to work on capacity building on the training. and the much more in
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a supporting role that it is now to a friend's causes of a ton. the bad on these riley companies, one of the world's biggest alms fast the government band is riley defense exhibits is from taking part because of israel's war. on garza, the court ruled the decision was discriminatory. paris fat opened on monday us president joe biden is set to announce new protections for undocumented spouses, of american citizens will be shielded from the pool taishan provided with work permits. and given a pathway to us citizenship, people who arrive illegally and marry an american citizen kindly have to return home to apply for permanent residency. first, hot and dry weather combined with strong winds as cools the number of intense wild fires in the west and east west and all the united states roll browse for full seats. the worst was that the west rather as possible yet to come
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a wildfire. susan has begun in california with several wind with blazes burning across the states. north of san francisco, a wildfire set up a huge plume of smoke as it consumed brush and trees in a sparsely populated area of sonoma county. one firefighter was injured fighting the place, and some structures were destroyed. is accusation, orders were issued for residents. we were here for the other evacuations. we've evacuated twice. i don't love it. it's kind of like a p t s d moment. right. but it's also pretty far away, and our fire crews are pretty awesome. near the state, capital sacramento, a brushed fire burn heavy rains during the winter months soaked, california and cause grasses, underbrush and shop are all plants to grow and flourish. but now hotter temperatures have dried out those plants, turning them into an abundant source of fuel for fires. the largest wildfire is
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raging north of los angeles and has consumed more than 65 square kilometers of wild land. we have 2 and a half years of mine, burn fuel in a lot of places because we haven't had a big major fire over the last couple of seasons. we've had them bumping up and not to this size. so there's a lot of unburned fuel out there. and a lot of growth and with the wind and the low humidity, they've dried out already. about 1000 firefighters have been deployed to the area as well as aircraft. there were no reported injuries, although 1200 hikers and campers were evacuated from the area. climate scientists computer model suggests the western states and hawaii will see unusually hot and dry weather during the summer and into the fall. that could wellbeing omen of even more severe and dangerous wildfires to come. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles. a hate warnings of being issued across the border in canada, temperatures and the south and central region is expected to climb as high as 35
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degrees celsius. but the full cost of say, could feel as high as $45.00 degrees. due to humidity. weather is next then inside story, stay with us, the the hello, i think hots and getting closer across the middle east. pretty much sums it up over the next few days. you can say some very, very high temperatures showing up on that child into the mit policies. here and go into the box. so then we'll see maybe we'll get up to about 50 celsius, the q a. i've also for baghdad, so that in tennessee, that's a really nasty hate, is set to persist in the coming days. a few showers stuck between the black sea and the caspian, but across the east. most of them at it's right in severe hayes in place here as
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well. and again, you can see temperatures getting up around that 40 degree miles or more as we go on through the next couple of days and no significant side of any rest pipe from that . a meanwhile, holding up 2 men to the northeast of africa. so the successors started aaa, but to this could get up about the 40 degree mock as we go through. why does di plenty of shells the across west africa, the seasonal range doing quite nicely. these may become a little more lively, pushing a little further north and kind of also as we go $13.00 fast, i got a not you have a sing live you down pose as per usual. wanted to show us one or 2 down poles to into the east, the side of africa. so it's a what to whether they're into what times in their into can. yeah. and that will continues to drive this way. further. northwood state of the what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society we want to create and all of this technology roommates?
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do we still have power of choice, age guides, which actually a tournaments and operating and doing this as the apple kind of technician? oh, is it already too late? so if corporations, there's more power might in the bill and entire country, the future's going to be good for the i would be nice if to before humans as well. i human coming soon on elders era isn't needed for the conflicts possible, or 4 or 5 stick to the powers have increased spending on the scale not seen in decades. on going was a set to be the reason. so has to need to determines files. and so that story, the hello and welcome to the program and the bulk of a report by the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons. it shows
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spending on a topic this has ballooned nearly a $100000000000.00 has been spent by the world's 9 nuclear.


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