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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the, the often months of cross florida attacks has full, a release of surveillance video of what it says on military faces. deep inside is room for us and boy visits as well, 11 on an intent to diffuse tensions. but as well as all me says, it's ready for that. so the money in saw you, this is all just there in life from the also coming up a trip that could have global consequences. rushes, president vladimir preaching,
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arrives in north korea for his 1st visit, that in nearly 20 full years. it's a perfect storm and the computer screen, the dangers you installed, beneficial for refugees tells out is area. thousands of student needs displaced by the several weeks away from starvation. hofferm 1000000 immigrants could certainly get it citizenship off of a new plan by the us president cio bond and offering protection to spouses of american citizens. news . hello, welcome to the program. we begin with the tensions between the lebanese group has bola and israel that have been mounting during israel's 1009. what appears to be a serious lapse of security and israel has bullet, has reveals the valence video of sensitive sides inside the country is ready on me
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. released the statement saying top generals have now approved when they cool operational plans for an offensive in lebanon, san a call that has this reports from the 11 east capital bayard, or has bolos latest message to as well that it is ready for war. another demonstration of the lebanese armed groups, increasing military capabilities, a 10 minute video showing what it says are images from a reconnaissance the drone of sensitive military sites up to 30 kilometers from the border. the drone flu over many areas in northern israel, showing bases an anti aircraft missile batteries. and with many consider a failure on the part of israel's defense. it is quite embarrassing for a drone that is the one and a half me to a long and 2 meters wide, to fly over full on this uh auntie and deception. batteries like the iron dome and david's thing that was supposed to protect the one of the most
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important military industrial complex and is right, that is a rough idea and extended on 6.5 kilometers. and then go also to haifa, where we see the picture of all the is really the navy and all the wrestlers. the video was released as presidential biden special envoy, amos hochstein, concluded his meetings in bay route. it was his 4th round of shuttle diplomacy since hezbollah opened up a front to help him, us in garza, he is trying to de escalate the conflict between israel and has the law that's reached its most intense level yet from a route he had a message for his brothers ally, hum us, encouraging it to agree to a us back cease fire deal in garza as a way to reduce regional tensions. the deal stops the war and gaza. it lays out the schedule for the withdrawal of forces. if that's what from us once. so they should
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just say yes, accepted a ceasefire and gaza and or an alternative diplomatic solution. could also bring the conflict across the blue line to an end. that seems to show an understanding of has the last position. the group has already lost more than $300.00 fighters in this war and insist it will only hold fiery once. there's a permanent end to as well as war on gaza. but as round has insisted on a new reality along the border during his last visit to bailey with the us and voice said, a ceasefire in garza does not automatically mean an end to the war on the 11 on israel front. and that's a new security power as i'm would be needed. now he appears to be saying it would be enough. but what he didn't say is what happens if, how much does not agree to that us backed proposal?
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and literally the proposal and how much this decision could decide if loving on an israel's war of attrition expands to a broader conflict or comes to an end, then a who their owner is either failed. i just reminded is there any government has bound to al jazeera from reporting that which is why hemmed us salute is now joining us from the jordanian capital on, on how that what has been the is really on a reaction to the release of this video for quite a statement from these really military saying, but top and generals and israel's northern command have now approved what they're calling operational offensive. battling a task, plans for lab and on. but let's remember that this is something we've heard before from is really defense officials, mainly israel's defense minister jo of go launch. who has said this earlier in the year, that is really as pull no longer on the defensive,
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but rather on the offensive when it comes to dealing with his butler. something that's important to note here is that these really army chief of staff 1st see how levy had previously been the one to also make these kinds of statements that there had been new battle and attack plans of 411 on that had been approved. but this time it was just top generals, india is really military. nonetheless, this is a shortly quite the response from these really are me, given how humiliating the failures in the air defense systems were. what has bella was able to fly? perhaps one or several drones to obtain nearly 10 minutes a video footage that showed sensitive military complexes and targets including iron jo, missile defense batteries. so we also heard from one is really official, the foreign minister, who said that israel is getting ready to change the rules of the game when it comes to his ball and that shortly they would be destroyed. if an all out war were to
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break out, all of this comes as bindings on boy almost hook scene is in the region meetings with both lebanese and is really officials both sides saying that they want to mitigate the situation. however, both are still standing clear in the fact that they are prepared for war. ok, thank you for that. honda civic that for us in a mon, again, a reminder, these really government has bombed al jazeera from operating in israel, which is why we are reporting from neighboring jordan. now on the ground in gals or the is ready army has been targeting areas across the strip attacks on 2 homes in elm. is there a to refuge account killed at least 17 palestinians. the victims have been taken to i lack so hospital in there on by law and who diary is moved from there on by law in central garza of the people around the central area and especially to interlock the hospital have one question every single day. where should we go?
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where should we seek refuge? everywhere in gaza is under it is ready. air starts. palestinians came to this area and did it. but because a rough law has been under uh, is there any error? error rates and, and, and it, it r talary selling and people came here after the, is there any forces, ordered them to evacuate to the middle area today in the morning to kind of sydney and residential houses in this way. don't have been targeted. but let's also be clear that this is not the 1st incident that took place in a slight odds and ends in my left sense. that is where the forces pulls the people to evacuate to this area. this area is over one over the past with policy and use you can find and st. m. c, even the sidewalks are full of people who are the set it up. there are times and still there's only one hospital which allows us to do or we already know who is
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serving $1000000.00 kind of simians right now. and it's working with the one generate through there has been no medical supplies. there has been a few assurances since the fingers and started so the situation is dire. and the palestinians, the are, are enough, has this and very, very devastated and frustrated because there has been no safe place in gaza. the person present environment patient has arrived in north korea and is 1st state visit in 24 years. he will attend to days of meetings with need a kim jones and we are expected to sign off on defense and trade deals as both set convent weston sanctions. from a friendly reports from young, young in south korea, on the matter of time border with the north, a full visiting russian president vladimir putin and his north korean host,
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kim jungle. and this is the summit that comes at a crucial moment for folks. and one of the could have global consequences. russia seems determined to look east, building its relations with asian neighbors as a challenge to what it sees as a world older dominated, farther west. it sends a message to other asian countries that russia is an important player in the region . it also has sends a larger message to the international community, particularly the west ross is not isolated who to last visited pyongyang in 2000 as a newly elected president. now nearly a quarter of a century on he re tons, apparently desperately in need of munitions to support russia's war in ukraine. last september, 210 hosted came at the cause bedroom and rushed as far east as north korea developed technology to put a spice satellite into space. and it comes at
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a time of hiking tensions along the demilitarized zone, separating the 2 careers with reports of north korean soldiers, fortifying defenses and south korea. and so just again, firing warning shots to ensure they stay on this side of the border. south korea sees these visits as a blatant attempt by north korea to fully exploit russia's need for further military support, suspecting age of trying to secure and return. and i'll totally advance space rocket technology, but also an economic boost of to decades of crippling sanctions. many in the west a at that increasing trade ties and the supply of north korean work is to russia, could boast, appear on young economically. russia since the full scale invasion has suffered, extreme sanctions as well. so we'll be looking at things like the transfer of money between the 2. they're looking at that trading relationship, watching this visit, mostly in china, having strong ties with both north korea, ran russia,
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as putin continues to quote he's neighbors as an alternative power block to the west. rob mcbride, i'll just say era young people on island, south korea. now they had, as a humans refugee agency has told out to 0 that's to dawn, could be just weeks away from seeing my steps. do you just donation really for ground a who is in some don, one that facing in the countries expanding, making it difficult to deliver aid. as warning comes as the power ministry, rapid support forces are accused of funding and destroying the village for rory in no style for stage. now the areas near the size of police and fighting between the sudanese on me and the recess. highly of my colleagues, somebody's a down spoke to the un refugee chief phony for grandy. he said the situation that is dia, we are negotiating all of us seeing the humanitarian community with the parties
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with us, with the news army, with the rocket support forces to have more access tend to bring urgently more food to the people the need. if that is a, becomes more and possible if, if we succeed in these negotiations and in the last few weeks, there's been a little progress. but this has to be accelerated. then we can hope to limits the damages that you'll be talking about. otherwise, i think it's going to happen very quickly. you know, one other factor that is naturally to issues that are so we're saying, but unfortunately it is a sorry to press you. but what do we talk about weeks months? what does he owe? you'll probably likes it could be weeks, it could be weeks. and what i was going to say is that we have an additional obstacle now, which is the rainy season, which in the country with very poor infrastructure mix transport by car,
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by ruled by truck. very, very difficult in many parts of the country from this is to reduce the number of troops and west and central africa on the plans to limit its mandatory presence in the region. it's expected to count those in several african countries to around 600 troops. that's about a course the current levels. last year president emanuel micro announced the plans off to some african nations expelled french forces. i wanted to re see is a principal, a james and global open source intelligence company says president, my call is just responding to growing sentiments against francis presence impulse of african. the phones uh has uh, essentially been uh, uh, forced to withdraw from the moly bulk in effect. so in new year. and we just pretend them pretty much to operation back kind of which was the touch erased efforts in the so hell region. and as he sees going backlash against its presence
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in africa and also pressures to do more in terms of the deployments eastern europe to support the need to for, with presence in the romania or in the baltic states. reducing military tooth levels in a, in a number of african countries. is that an expedient way to get these troops available for other assignments while the same time result reducing the visibility of its presence and changing the model of the office deployment from the one where he maintains a permanent detachment. so some of which were operating on their own to one where the focus will be on partnering with the military use of the countries in which fossil remains to work on capacity building on the training and the much more in a supporting role that it is now slides on the elders era. a french court
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over tons of fan on is ready exhibits has from attending one of the wells largest palms expos, the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump, now i don't think so and that it could even help trump in the general election? i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se i thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story on al jazeera, as he says, he went toward towards syria to provide a lifetime entail was very interesting, but not in the eyes of his government. this has been our home for so many years. in
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the final part of the series, we followed the story of a british age worker as he flees from it live with his family. after being arrested by a powerful melisha, one of the toughest times when they tortured me state list in syria on now to 0. on counting the cost to your a plays catch up with the us in china and what's being called a competitive does crisis can india is private as but pushed through economic performance with the refused to follow the entry majority. and how the, how should pilgrimage is boosting saudi's economy counting the cost on that? i'll just say around the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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the watching al jazeera on line desktops, or is this the lebanese group, as well as released video of what it says, surveil sensitive sites. the cost is room during such a shows. critical installations in is right in cities including high stuff. is there any minute, trias, set operational times for an offensive 11 on has been approved. the 17 people have been killed and is there any attacks on homes in al and is there a refugee counts in central gone? the victims have been taken to all acts of hospital india and the russian president suddenly appears soon as arrived in north korea as fast as h. the country 24 years. fusion was welcome. finally, to kim johnson at shown young apples bridges. trip is aimed at strengthening ties and developing trade that avoids west and sections. israel is worn garza, his voice,
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nearly 2000000 people from that homes desperate palestinian song seeking refuge in every available space. tarka resumed reports now from an amusement park, and i noticed that is now sheltering displaced families as the entertainment city used to be one of those big used amusement parks. now, instead of relaxing and socializing palestinians are seeking refuge from is really a tax. but even here, there was no respite. why we was filming the disability military carried out an air strike. a reminder that no wedding goal is a safe environment and who the interest family was forced to leave rough uh would few options has ended up seeking shows up in a place used to bring his children to on special occasions north. now you'll miss my final. i'm really the,
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when these really armies down to the military and cousin of a fine, we will totally level that i was terrified. so i packed some of my belongings. i knew smith, i was afraid of losing my 6 children. and it comes to be a substitute shelter for my family and fun unit, but there was nothing but rubble. the whole. everyone is crowded with refugee and they've been displaced. families of crowded into every inch of the amusement park. a new services, new food, water or sending taishan, a new health care. the 1st month the guy did not need it on the we're from rough, or we used to come to our store for entertainment and to have front of you know, this park has turned into an evacuation shelter. we are tired, we're struggling to find water, food and electricity. and i'm sick, my car, get my medications because we are exhausted in the see. that's what i got the has all the to you and says is very attractive force more than 800 sounds. that palestinians from rough or an area of it is very minute tree had previously
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declared a saves of in previous years. palestinians would visit him, use punks like this one here. during a bill of how far during israel's wooten garza, i placement to be a source of fun. entertainment has become a source of sholtes, of assemblies forcibly displaced from the homes. are recognising. oh, just a rough hon. eunice, palestine, the french course has a ton to band on, is rarely companies at one of the wells, the biggest says the government found is ready defense exhibits is from taking pos because of his role is full on concept bought. the court ruled the decision was discriminatory. and the powers fat open on monday, patasha butler has moved from the past few weeks ago, the french government has suggested to close as the company, the organizes, the yours satori alms, fast cities rating companies should not be welcomed. that is because the french
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government are against, is rose on getting a miniature operation in rockford. now what's the organizes the if and when ben was on to do is fine, or is there any company so that 74 is ready? funds have to keep away from mr said hey however, complains about that. and that bond has now been is a ton by a french court to decide that it was discriminatory. however, it's not the yet for the organizes coaches. because last week, another course in phones has decided that anyone linked to any of these as rated companies could not attend the federal either wednesday. works for them will know what to say, what is riley or northwell that amazing? so i hope the case is foreclosures and full will be organized ational trade for so they decided to appeal that time to go to all stop by and for decisions still to come. latasha butler, i'll just say with you as president joe biden has announced new protections on
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documenting spouses of american citizens. they will be shielded from the full taishan provided with what permits and given a pathway to us, citizenship, people who are wrong, even legally not an american citizen, currently have to return home to apply for permanent residency. the president bottom says the new measures are long overdue. my dad used to have an expression, see joey, families about the beginning, middle, and the end. about keeping couples together were married. where one spouse is us, as the others aren't documented. they've been living in the united states for at least 10 years. these couples of advising families, setting the kids of church and school pay taxes, contributed our country forever for 10 years or more. out of fact, the average time they've spent here is 23 years. people are affecting their living, united states all this time, the fear and i'm certain we can fix that. and that's what i'm going to do today.
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the o. n. c, a. david calhoun has addressed a us senate inquiry into 737, max, across the safety issues apologizing to the relatives of passengers killed in crashes. back in 2018. 2019 victims families rallied outside. the hearing mom lies to whistle blowers of plain boeing installed damage or improper pauses on claims. one of them told the investigating panel he was ordered to conceal evidence from the aviation regulator. like to speak directly to those who lost loved ones on line or flight 610, e t o p 015302. i would like to apologize on behalf of all of our going associates spread
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throughout the past and present for your loss or damage as and i apologize for the grief as we have cause and i want you to know we are totally committed in their mind for focus, let's say, for as long as life is worth again, i'm sorry, 5 years of teachers in columbia on striking the capital book to the teachers union is protesting outside congress with education reforms that being discussed by politicians. education is just one of the many sectors which president, gustavo petra, has pledged of kenya's government says it will scrap some parts of a controversial bill that included major tax rises off the vaughn and protests against the legislation was used to introduce new taxes and levies. and would
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increase the price of basic goods like fred, some of the closes have now been trumped. president william rooters as measures on need and to boost government revenue. reduce oring the hook and drawing whether combined with strong wins of coal was the number of intense wall fires in the western united states as rome runners report so was just possibly yet to come. swale fire season has begun in california with several wind with blazes burning across the states. north of san francisco a wildfire set up a huge plume of smoke as it consumed brush and trees in a sparsely populated area of sonoma county. one firefighter was injured fighting the place, and some structures were destroyed. is accusation, orders were issued for residents. we were here for the other evacuations. we've
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evacuated twice. i don't love it. it's kind of like a p t s d moment. right. but it's also pretty far away, and our fire crews are pretty awesome. near the state capitals, sacramento, a brushed fire burn heavy rains during the winter months soaked, california and cause grasses, underbrush and shop are all plants to grow and flourish. but now hotter temperatures have dried out those plants, turning them into an abundant source of fuel for fires. the largest wildfire is raging north of los angeles and has consumed more than 65 square kilometers of wild land. we have 2 and a half years of mine, burn fuel in a lot of places because we haven't had a big major fire over the last couple of seasons. we've had them bumping up and not to this size. so there's a lot of unburned fuel out there. and a lot of growth and with the wind and the low humidity, they've dried out already. about 1000 firefighters have been deployed to the area as well as aircraft. there were no reported injuries,
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although 1200 hikers and campers were evacuated from the area. climate scientists computer model suggests the western states and hawaii will see unusually hot and dry weather during the summer and into the fall. that could wellbeing omen of even more severe and dangerous wildfires to come. rob rentals l g 0, los angeles. i'll be back in health now inside story coming up next. the hello. it's looking lot of breezy across the southern parts of australia. it may even be called larry or refer west of weather which, which is the clips way through the bite. this cold front just sweeping for raw, the more active system that just around the tasman will flick some. what's the weather? tools at western side of news, either the scenario should stay long as you drive. it will breezy over the next couple of days. but the weather will be across southern positive australia. moving
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through the south east of us as we go on through wednesday, line of whatsoever just making its way into central process of weakening feature. i will let dry out there as we go through the next couple of days that's at west the weather. still down to the south east, the self australia, victoria thing, some of the weather honey 11 sales are struggling to get into double figures the for melvin getting up to around 19 in the said me, but it does. cooled off is that right? just makes its way through come a friday and we don't rain making its way through other parts of southern china at present. this is the major from pushing as well a little further north, which says we go through wednesday some heavier right here. possibilities some localized flooding spawn and dry. meanwhile, across japan, the korean peninsula deposit of northern shot. but as we go on into wes this day, where's the weather drives its way across the street to see keisha
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the or is it needed for the conflicts possible, or 4 or 5 new to the powers have increased spending on a scale not seen in decades on going was a set to be the reason, so has to need to determines fails. but story the hello and welcome to the program. i'm the bulk of
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a report by the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons. it shows spending on a topic this has ballooned nearly


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