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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 19, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the overnights is rarely and strikes target in a lock in guns decisions. the news of the string at least 6 palestinians have been killed the jessica washington. this is the red light from dell. also coming up tensions between israel and has below ruptures of israel approves that who plan in living on as has been released to surveillance, video or sensitive sites in israel. vladimir putin arrives in north korea as a talks with kim joan. it's the russian president's 1st visit to feel man in 24
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years when live at the south korean, who never got a chance to see the near my daughter's boy ever again. the boeing ceo faces the he's from family members of the victims of the next 737 crashes, as he's real, the senate hearing the begin in gaza with and his really and strikes, targeting an apartment in the north of the strip is killed at least 6 palestinians overnight, the attack happened in goes to city just after midnight, which usually the lack of electricity, residents use the lights on their cell phones to help civil defense cruise trying to reach the victims. a number of wounded have been pulled out of the rubble in central goals or the is rarely military has carried out. strikes on major refugee
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cubs attacks on 2 homes and own is that outcome killed at least 17 palestinians. the victims have been taken to the alex, the hospital in data. bella strikes will also reported in the range refugee can handle hold that a has more from the bola in central cancer. a lot of the people around the central area and especially the analog to the hospital have one question every single day. where should we go? where should we seek refuge? everywhere in gaza? is under it is ready air starts. palestinians came to this area and did it, but because a rough law has been under uh, is there any error, error rates and, and, and it, it r talary sending and people came here after the, is there any forces, ordered them to evacuate to them in the area today in the morning to kind of sydney and residential houses in this way, don't have been targeted. but let's also be clear that this is not the 1st incident
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that took place in the slate odds and ends in my left sense. that is where you for says tools, the people to evacuate to this area. this area is over one over the past with policy and use you can't find ad street, m. c. even the sidewalks are full of people who are these sets up their tense and still there's only one hospital which allows us to go to where we are right now. who is serving 1000000 kind of simians right now. and it's working with the one generate through there has been no medical supplies. there has been a few short days since the fingers and started. so the situation is dire. and the palestinians, the are, are enough. and very, very devastated and frustrated because there has been no safe place in gaza. these are in the military has approved what it calls operational plans for an offensive in living on as tensions rise between israel and hezbollah. the statement came was
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off to his beloved, revealed surveillance video, a sensitive sites it filmed from within israel. the us says it's working to prevent a grain of war between the 2 sides. have been cross border exchanges of fire since as well as well on cause a began in october. so in order for points from beta as has bolos latest message to as well, that it is ready for war. another demonstration of the lebanese armed groups, increasing military capabilities, a 10 minute video showing what it says are images from a reconnaissance the drone of sensitive military sites up to 30 kilometers from the border. the drone flu over many areas of northern israel, showing bases an anti aircraft missile batteries. and what many consider a failure on the part of is arouse defense. it is quite embarrassing for a drone that is the one and a half me to a long and 2 meters wide,
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to fly over full on this uh auntie and deception. batteries like the iron dome and david's thing that was supposed to protect the one of the most important military industrial complex and is right, that is a rough idea and extended on 6.5 kilometers. and then go also to haifa, where we see the picture of all the is really navy and all the wrestlers. the video was released as presidential biden special envoy, amos hochstein, concluded his meetings in bay root. it was his 4th round of shuttle diplomacy. since hezbollah opened up a front to help him, us in garza, he is trying to de escalate the conflict between israel and has the law that's reached its most intense level. yet from a route he had a message for his brothers ally. hum us encouraging it to agree to a us back cease fire deal in garza as
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a way to reduce regional tensions. the deal stops the war and gaza. it lays out the schedule for the withdrawal of forces. if that's what from us once they should just say yes and accepted as a ceasefire in gaza. and or an alternative diplomatic solution could also bring the conflict across the blue line to an end that seems to show an understanding of has the last position. the group has already lost more than 300 fighters in this war and insist it will only hold the fiery ones. there's a permanent end as well as war on garza, but as one has insisted on a new reality along the border. during his last visit to bailey with the u. s. n voice said a ceasefire in garza does not automatically mean an end to the war on the 11 on israel front. and that's
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a new security power as i'm would be needed. now he appears to be saying it would be enough, but what he didn't say is what happens if, how much does not agree to that us backed proposal? and literally the proposal and how much this decision could decide to flip in on an israel's war of attrition expands to a broader conflict or comes to an end, then a who their owner is either failed. as we mentioned, the is rarely always says it's developed plans for an offensive in living on. but such a move would require approval from is mainly does have the salute is following developments from a man in jordan. these really military has released a statement saying that they have approve new operational plans for an offensive in 11 on as well as increasing the readiness of troops on the ground. this comes just hours after his belo release and your 10 minute video showing that there drones capturing several videos of areas in northern israel. some of them considered
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military targets like army complex's and bases as well as iron jo, missile defense batteries. now it is worth mentioning that this is not exactly a change in policy by these really military. in fact, we've been hearing this earlier in the year and for months of bias. really, security officials, like the defense minister jo, up the launch and the army chief of staff hurts. see how levy, who have said that they are no longer on the defensive, but rather on the offensive with his beloved meaning that they were actively pursuing targets in southern lebanon, and even further away from lebanon, southern border. now this has been a sentiment they've been echoing for months. however, the fact that she's bella was able to have these drones fly over several areas into northern israel, including hif up, which is around 20 kilometers from israel's northern border means that israel's air defense systems were not activated. the alarms did not ring something that shortly is raising a lot of questions within these really security establishment. but nonetheless,
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both sides, israel and his bullet have said that they are prepared for an all out war. how does that, who is your 0? i'm going to remind a v as really government has been though to 0 from operating there. and that's why honda was reporting from jordan's a drama. lee is a distinguished public policy fellow at the american university of fans. he says, has the law has shown it's capable of bypassing is rarely defense systems. as well as capabilities. continue to expand, become more sophisticated and are more able to penetrate. it's literally as rarely a defense of systems. this has been a steady process really almost in the last 20 years. practically, i said 16 years of the same thing is happening with him as in the south that their ability is, of course, they are linked together in many ways. their ability is, have uh,
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expanded to the point where the old advantages of israel had over both of them and technology and a heavy weaponry air superior hardy and all of those things has been a little down. it's much, much less. we see the consequences of that and goes to where all the might that israel has used, has destroyed much of gas until a tens of thousands of people, but has not been able to eliminate how masses capacity to continue fighting in various ways. of course this comes with a terrible cost to the palestinian people, but they have a bottle of how mass approaches. they are most advanced and loving them because of the capabilities 1st by law. they just wanted to show that, but they've already shown it in the last 78 months with the kinds of attacks that they've been able to achieve. and sizes are held on military bases and other subsets of target. so this is making it more dramatic. and there may be other
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things that has bella has not revealed just as well to a temporary humanitarian p, a in cause of it costs the u. s. $230000000.00 to build could be dismantled early. that's according to a report by the new york times. the peer was built to deliver aid to the strip by sea, but its only been operational for about 10 days in the month since deployments on friday, the us military says it was being removed from garza shoreline to avoid being further damage to by high seas. the pentagon has denied claims that the pew was used to carry out in his rarely military grade to rescue captives held in garza. early of this month, thousands of his families have rallied in front of parliament, protesting the government's handling of the war in gaza. at least 9 people have been arrested and police use water cannons to dispose the crowds, their ven, weekly protests cooling for
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a ceasefire and the return of captives and early elections. russian president vladimir putin is in north korea for the 1st time in more than 2 decades . those green states media says put an ad kim, john, uh, looking to advance ties, and to establish an alternative trade mechanism to bypass western sanctions. the u . s. has expressed concern of a growing relations between the 2 countries is accused beyond yang of supplying alms to most go in its war on ukraine. i'm joins now by rope. mcbride, who is in youngstown island on south korea, is maritime border with north korea. rob, thanks for joining us. what's at stake in this summit, and what are we expecting to see today? or yeah, i mean, the stakes are extremely high full of both sides and this, these are the 2 leaders who been throwing together very much 5 necessities added may, uprooting, has spoken about
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a 70 year relationship of mutual respect between russia and then formally, the soviet union with north korea, which may well be true, but certainly in more recent times, the last couple of years given uh, recent events uh, the real brought these that to lead us in 2 countries probably much closer together . both are heavily sanctioned. both have been shunned by vos waves of the international community, so they both look into each other for support of putin has arrived in pyongyang overnight. tuesday into a wednesday was match on the top mac by kim jungle, and there was a few save greeting that they spoke about and they made to leave for a couple of minutes before then accompanying him to the state run guest house. and it's a wednesday, didn't kill me. yeah. and we are really good to see the, the bulk of this summit take place that we're going to be the usual. so ceremonial is the length of a reset. that will be the inspection of it on the,
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on the gods that will be parades and performances and so on. and the real business gets, comes when we see the signing of this comprehensive partnership agreement between russia and north korea covering things such as trade and security. and it is an onset of trying to forge their own relationship, which will have a, according to the russians that most of the north grades nothing a tool to do with the west. and from what are we hearing from north korea's neighbors? how did they view this meeting? there are some very interesting power dynamics here at play. what single of this very close the is china? because of course, china has very deep ties with both north korea and with russia uprooted and sees the potential of china, russia, north korea possibly being the basis of some kind of alternative power block as a counter to the i us lead weston leaning block of nations and of course, in this part of the world,
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we have 2 senior partners in that block in the form of japan. and here at south korea who both have very full relations with the news for south korea's upon that very concerned about rush. just applying those career with any advanced space, rocket technology or helping them with a nuclear program. and it does come at a time here in south korea, whether uh, increase tensions all along the d, m, z separating north and south career and also in the amount of time border, such as hearing young children island way over on the western end of the border between the 2 countries where we're expecting, we've had class, she's in the past year and we are expecting the next few weeks. that sounds great. well, once again, hold off tillery drills, which have been, which it provoked retaliation from the roles. and that is something that very much concerns local people here to rob mcbride. thank you so much. that's rob mcbride reporting from young joan island on south korea's maritime borders. if north korea,
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the still ahead on out to you and security council, it discusses the dire humanitarian situation in system. when you least 5000000 people are facing emergency levels of students cares. i'm on the phone that i'm getting, the colombian capital with our tens of thousands of teachers are protesting against and education reform bill currently being discussed in congress. the hello are we looking at? mold, very heavy, right? it's a central and southern parts of china. the menu from the plumb range that's making his way in pushing a little farther north, which as we go through a wedding state, edging up towards shanghai and eventually pushing some heavy wet weather into que she much of japan will be dry. it will be halts as well. you me so that the sales just uh,
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full tech here. you can be to for the aging at around $34.00 degrees. plenty of sunshine is so with testing. so if you 5 celsius yeah, it should stay dry. meanwhile, its sunshine and showers across a good pump, oh se dies, as per usual, a seasonal range. don't quite not see. some breakdown posts they have across the philippines, northern parts of bonia. so what's the weather to interest them outright? i'm plenty of showers the into in though chinese see what the weather the standing up in to me. i'm ma. so that's just why the, the monsoon ryan. so now just to the south of goods are right pushing across the was certainly being go pushing across towards bandwidth as now. and of course pushing up a little further north with some heavy down pulls because the some flooding. as a result of that. meanwhile, a little low cloud up towards the north west of india, and also to know the positive puckers down to west. and this stuff is coming through here, hopefully helping to break the hey, we see that what's the weather strip again,
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with us by a meeting of minds all over the world. the product is the rise of $84.00 as the climate catastrophe. where do you put the resulting anger? well, i'm hoping we can use that as the fuel to change society for the meta musical innovative brian, you know, between now and economist hardoon tang talked to for most of the funniest the callers in the world. i don't have a new competition you'd, you'd be on split data analysis era. the, this is a reminder of our top stories this hour and overnight is rarely
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a tech on the gaza city. apartments has killed at least 6 palestinians and wounded several office crews on using cell phones, flush lives to search. the rubble facilities is due to a lack of electricity elsewhere in gaza. at least 17 people have been killed in is really of tax in the own. the setup refugee time strikes were carried out on 2 separate homes. strikes were also reported in the upper range refugee and so 11 east group has the law has released video afford it, says sensitive military ends naples sites across these rail. oh is off to the video is released, fee is rarely new. latrice said it's for pit operational pounds for an offensive in living on the reckoning. further escalation, israel's will, on garza, has closed, potentially irreversible environmental damage. that's according to a new report by the un. the preliminary investigation sounds that new nations and
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explosive chemicals of head of heavily contaminated soil and water. those effects could last for decades. the gaza strip is now living with more than 39000000 tons of debris 5 times more than the battle against i. so in most or iraq, the just associated with that debris is considered a health hazard, and guns is waste water treatment plans are defunct, the release of untreated sewage is contaminating the environment at excess of aging . the risk of disease, patrick, big a, is a climate policy research a he says the situation will be nearly impossible to redress. so i think what the report does, a really good job of demonstrating is that the social and environmental crisis in gaza did not start on october 7th. that is already been deteriorating quite a bit for the last 15 years. but the unprecedented bombardment of cause a by the idea has created some really serious environmental challenges that are
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going to take decades to unwind. uh, both in terms of the actual ecosystem damages, as well as the threats that they post to human health. and so i think getting it sector by sector analysis of the destruction that has been brought by the invasion is a helpful tool to understand the sheer scope of devastation the water situation is particularly dire. given the fact that the eastern mediterranean has already been identified as a climate change hotspot that was already having serious impacts on the, the, all the and availability of water, which is now even further degraded both through the direct impacts of the bombardment. but also by the emergency responses, the cousins have had to take in order to just access whatever quantity of water that they can right now. so i prefer cell and ization of the pollution of untreated sewage off the coast of gaza. these are really serious impacts that will be
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difficult if not impossible to remediate. the police in zimbabwe have arrested mold and 70 people. many of the members of the political opposition authorities say they are guilty of disorderly conduct. opposition groups say they would gather a private party tamaqua holiday. somebody's opposition has accused the ruling policy that has held power since 1980 of using the quotes. understanding against the to the un security council has discussed the dire humanitarian situation in sit down with you and estimates. nearly 5000000 people are facing emergency levels of food and security. that comments com is finding intensified around of russia in don't for with many civilians called in the middle of slicing between the sudanese army and the rapids support forces. oh to 0 is gabriel elizondo reports from the u . n. today,
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i regret to inform that you down continues to spiral into carol's powerful word from a top united nations official. regarding the dire situation in sudan. according to his un reports, sudan now has the largest internally displaced, population ever reported over 9000000 people. the displacement fuel after fighting broke out between the rapids support forces or r s f and the sudanese armed forces known as the s a f. $7000.00 you mother is could die in the next few months if they don't get access to food and health care costs. sedan the women are dying because of complications during pregnancy or childbirth or those. and very the last week, the security council passed overwhelmingly 14 to 0, a resolution that among other things demanded the r. s. f in did senior jo flasher,
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the warning has mostly fallen on deaf ears. on tuesday, the sudanese ambassador accused the un of acting to slowly and renewed accusations . that'd be united arab emirates issue department, the r s f. if you're locked in by, we'd be thought me might to. 3rd, the security council failed to address the situation and only adopted a general stance. they hesitated in addressing the rapid support militias and the regional and international sponsors. this would empower unique terrorist model including diaspora displaced migrants and mercenaries and ethnic gangs to want to destroy a sedan o d u a and basset, or shot back. it is shooting these counterpart for making the accusation. using this platform to spread false allegations against the we to distract from the grave violations that are happening on the ground. there will be no military victory or
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a military settlement of the conflict into done the only way to settle will be to the negotiating table. 14 months into this conflict between the r s f and the s a f and the security council as engine closer to a place. it was hoping to avoid being biased standards to war. it can't stop the gabriel's on to l just either at the united nations in new york. pause in dry weather combined with strong winds, have caused a number of intense wild fires in the western united states. in new mexico, the governor declared a state of emergency and officials ordered 7000 residents of a small southern mountain village to evacuate. fires arose, are threatening homes in southern california. us president joe biden has announced new protections for undocumented spouses of american citizens. that will be shielded from deportation and provided with work permits and given the ponds way to
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us citizenship, people who arrive illegally and marry an american citizen currently have to return home to apply for permanent residency. president biden said the new measures a long overdue my dad used to have an expression, said joey, families about the be getting middle and the end about keeping couples together were merry, where one spouses, us as the others aren't documented. they've been living in the united states for at least 10 years. these couple of advising families, some of the kids of church and school pay taxes, contributed our country forever for 10 years or more. out of fact, the average time they've spent here is 23 years. people are effective, they're living in the united states all this time, the fear and i'm certain we can fix that. and that's what i'm going to do today.
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us on capital hill and emotional and heated hearing as the ceo of boeing appeared before the senate committee. this comes as the aerospace companies facing a series of accidents, scandals and investigations. medical have reports to help us standard hearing was an unusual beginning and i apologize for the grief as we have caused. and i want you to know we are totally in their mind for focus. one says david calhoun, the ceo of aerospace giant, boeing apologizing to the families of victims from to plane crashes caused by a faulty system that the company didn't disclose. but for some family members, the apology may not go far enough for him to say. safety is number one issue that is not or even worse, mean anything to me. to me, just this is for them to felt the comfortable. but wayne has been at the center of
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repeated crises in 2018. indonesia is lines, air crash, and months later the ethiopian airlines crush in 2019346 people died, causing the 737 max. 3, grounded worldwide for almost 2 years. also in 2018, a southwest airlines flight the engine housing ripped off, shattering a window. a woman was killed after nearly being sucked out of the plane in 2011 the roof of a boeing plane ripped off offline at 11000 meters. but safety issues were brought back into the spotlight after a door flew off in alaska airlines flight in mid air earlier this year. all of that leading to a contentious hearing for calhoun. now you're going to make me really angry. you talk about safety and culture, but you aren't answering the question about what the root causes are here. you're getting paid a heck of a lot of money gets unbelievable. if anybody's come out of this deal. good, it's you. why haven't you resigned, senator? i'm, i'm sticking this through,
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i'm proud of having taking the job. i'm proud of our front of this, right, the record and i a prior we say that record of our boeing people, you're proud of the safety record. i am proud of every action we have taken every action you this or wow. boeing is currently being investigated by the federal aviation administration, the national transportation safety board, and the justice department is considering filing criminal charges against the company. meaning the tough questions are far from over for boeing and it's leaders . patio pain, elda 0, washington. columbia is public school teachers are on strike, to them on the government withdrawal, a bill to reform the education system. they were arguing that the proposed changes would undermine funding for public education. oh sons, that old i'm here at the reports from both the for columbia. select these government, its friendly fire. tens of thousands of unionized public school teachers on strike . let's say the latest version of an education reform bill currently under wayne,
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congress has been so distorted by amendments that it would undermine public education. we sat at the top on 3 o. lawmakers make changes to the bill when he reached the senates that are on acceptable among them, they eliminate public preschool grades which are responsibility of the state. the law also allows public funds to finance private schools and universities like public schools are falling apart and in dire need of money. public schools unions are among presidents gustavo, paperless, main allies, and they remain so. but in order to push through the senator ted cation reform, the government's allies made significant concessions. that angered the president space on monday teachers from across the country store and the comfortable with the


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