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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 19, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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that the, [000:00:00;00] the color there on the saw the attain. this isn't use our line from the coming up in the next 60 minute view and release as it's fast in depth reports into the war on garza and the attacks of october, the 7th. first israel and the palestinian on groups are accused of war crimes. and the lions against the west brought him a prison and can you don't want to sign a mutual defense deal during amazing. and john yeah, i must. i met a set of i'm up for some swear that i would be faithful to
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the public on south africa. same lead it different governments, so around the pose a sworn in for a 2nd time of the his weekend and see the problem actually majority at an sport health nation. germany are back in the spotlight after year o's, the 3 time champions comes to care of their place in the last 16 with a win against hungry. the . now you and commission has found is randy it with our cheese responsible for carrying out war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza? the report says is rarely with ours. he's committed the crimes of starvation, mother, intentional attacks against civilians, sexual violence, torture, and outrages upon the personal dignity about creation, routes and designations. safe areas where a piece of the attacked mounting to the forcible transfer of people. it says that
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israel's total sage of gaza, constitutions collect is punishment, and denied palestinians basic necessities. it also found as ready forces committed acts of sexual violence, torture and inhuman treatment. in the west bank, i'm austin, of the palestinian on groups also found responsible for crimes, including deliberately targeting civilians and taking captives will not be appealing the chat. the ones commission of inquiry spoke down to 0. after presenting this reports findings to the human rights counsel in geneva, we have never seen anything like this in this extent. and that's why since even the tech on the united nations and please sit down to the number of victims and police indented as never happened before, the other commissions, the reports to the fact is unbelievable. so i did live with the report and i point to the us, the member states to read the 2 big concepts papers. that's a company that report through the quote,
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this itself is limited to $10700.00 woods and with this enormous public health. and we put detail 7 day notice from the, the action of both palestine and ease of though the ambassador said, we didn't address the issues sufficient. the i will be telling them to read the detail, papers that, to the company, you know, miss task. but i truly value this kind of intellect died. i bet knew that this human rights council took it out of the political arena, really, and planted it squarely in terms of international speak to of, to speak, to invested us to invest today. supported our recommendation of respect for international law for justice and accountability. when i read through the reports and there's a lot to read, it seems to me in use as an ongoing investigation. but even though you've covered so much the, perhaps things that onto the, i'm thinking, for example,
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a tax on hospitals and medical facilities. i mean, is that move to come as much more took up. we had to cut, cut off out presentation from 7th, october to 31st of december. our next report will be delivered before the general assembly at the united nations in new york. and that will cover what you've just described. and, and the 5th of education of children, for instance. oh, these are important in this report. we also, we did investigate sexual violence on both sides. i thing it's tragic that is right. it is preventing us from seeing victims inside is that given the invest in described of people, she new personality, a mother who lost a child, the 6 of 6 you
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a violent then how can they explain just they preventing those victims from seeing you in permission commission that's what faith police investigate and get the voices of the victims out. who wants me to correspond on gabriel as on the he's at the united nations force game. we've had all of this before and as not be player was saying that there is more to come. so yeah, there is in that might be the part that is the most interesting of all of this. quite frankly. we haven't heard from the secretary general or his office yet about this report. his daily briefing by spokes person is expected to happen a little under an hour from now. so we might hear more at that point. but certainly, given how large this report is and how detailed it is, 10700 word maximum. they can put in this and they've reached the maximum and added a more pages to it if you will. it's going to take time for you and officials, quite frankly,
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to go through this. but clearly everything that we're hearing and reading from this report targeting of civilians using starvation as a method of war. these are things we here at un headquarters we, they hear back from the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs, other humanitarian, un officials in guys or in around guys for months now about un facilities themselves being targeted and even un staff. so certainly while this report is being taken very seriously and they're still going to be digesting it, the findings in it. certainly, unfortunately are certainly nothing new per say, given the fact that the un itself has been a target of some of these crimes. and they gave what does that you actually do with the, these kinds of reports? what happens now as well? you have to look to the, the i c, j and the i, c, c. the international court of justice, of course, has the genocide case pending in front of it with south africa and others. this
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could be used this commission of inquiry report could be used to further that case in the i c j. and then you see the i c, c, the international criminal court of golf course for the prosecutor is already recommended, potentially arrest warrants on that on that front. this could be used as evidentiary material moving forward in both of those international justice systems or courts. if you will, but beyond that, i'm sure it will be used by a civil society, but also potentially by governments as well. that support is real. this the report could add political pressure to some of israel's allies that have backed israel up through this. we're so far, deborah, that's on the, the with the very nice is for us from the united nations today. thank you game. well, that's not bringing mullen, bizarre elders, you're a senior political analyst who joins us today from paris law and what sort of
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differences, any of this going to make, given what we've seen so far, is kind of making a difference today or tomorrow. but i think uh, in historical perspective, it's incredibly important that the news continues to tighten around is rose, is there is a party. is there a war crimes and even around zionism as the states, the ology, in the way, it's by the 1st it so each and every time i was such more crimes. and i think uh, the new report adds more, you know, evidence to the nature of, is there any occupation the nature of, is there any wars the nation of is right, is strategy. and i think what's important here of course, is not so much that there are new revelations as much as substantiation of a lot to what 3 i thought your 0 had been reporting for the past 8 months. but it's
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important to get tax from such a distinguished your own body, an international body, a substitute, substantiate. so all these allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. and the 3rd thing, the cases of the tortured and sexual harassment and all sorts of other crimes guided by his right or what, 8 months in gaza this uh would add to all the uh, sources of pressure on is on an exposure of israel's, the nature of your patient by di, so you see the i c, j on saw, so forth started. there's a, there's a, there's an added pressure. there's are sort of a combination of many movements on many fronts, up are happening. this is all sorts of new to many of us who have destructive international load. international pressure is nothing but uh, you know,
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ink and paper. but i think we see more movement by the international, by these are transferred by the international community. taking the stab is, are you talking about the international community taking a stand, but us secretary state honest name banking has often somebody promised to work nights and day to remove weapons restrictions from for his really the us also a send. somebody has read lines, given the contents of this report, showing me this press and not to send more joined funds as well. yes. uh huh. yeah . now, you know, you just move to the reality of june politics today, where by the united states remains the most or for most super power. what was it to swim? and it certainly able to of shots uh the application with their emotional law and locked it into the machine community from taking action when a dealership in american or american allies interest. that's one thing. but on the
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other hand, look what's happening to the united states. and so, i mean, it's really becoming ever more isolated around the world. and clearly the present level standards and the front of the united states has exposed america. and as we can, america standing america might be or continues to be quite oppressive. it's relationship with is there a doorstep at the stadium, but it's also been exposed as we know, what has the united states been able uh, been unable to impose a supplement the way it has been do so in into so it's kind of fine. it can help in flame wars in the middle east, it's hard to be able to stuff. so any or big piece, look at the feeling here yesterday and never, not by the us invoice. the failures of the american officials to even pressure these random officials, human uses every day by the likes has nothing to on so on so forth. so yes,
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so us continues to block the application. so emotional, but with each and every step, america is becoming more more weak. so consequences are there to see for what is right and the united states despite their, their continued outcomes while on the chart out of the areas senior political. unless speaking today to us from parents, thank you for joining us again. my one, a whole a new wave is riley attacks in the central and southern parts of gauze. it has killed and injured several palestinians. 5 arabs have been reported only only say a refuge account and is ready for us as also stepped up their attacks. and on the wasi, near the southern city of rasa, proposed that they can 7 palestinians that now on the west is we know is a narrow coastal strip with thousands of displaced. families have set up, makes shift accounts. israel has designated it as a so called to monetary and zone and organ palestinians in both ross,
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i'm con eunice to move that for their own safety. meanwhile, in the north, and there's really a stripe on an apartment in kansas city has killed at least 6 palestinians because of a lack of electricity. volunteers use torches on their cell phones to help civil defense cruise search for survivors. obviously as telecom was there in the centers this update from there all by so there's no really significant change in terms of the security condition on the ground here as what we do, notice that it's very mandatory continues, it's military operations and going to treat practices all around all the main focus was directed towards 2 main parts of the gaza strip, including dental it part of both of our 6 palestinians at least half. their reported to be due today is really heavy and, and bland, bombardments, in particular, in as a to neighborhood. this area is recommended to you, in fact has operated in multiple times and carrying out mass, military and cogent destroying, multiple buildings and being completely destroyed and produced to the russell plot . the made also expands into the fighting,
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had reached to reach to the city. what according to the is spend a minute to read the, the managed to control. 7 between 60 off to 70 percent of the roof i district as back to those are still raging. and the numbers 3. so rough. uh, we how much points is on the hispanic oh, me far as we've been hearing from the direct so brooklyn usability has see has been saying that these, but um, it has destroyed 70 percent of the civil infrastructure in roughly district. is this. they are systematically carrying out a process of demolishing residential neighborhoods. one often. yeah, that seems that they are trying to push collateral destruction similarly to other areas of the goals or strip where the military had operated and before but since the breed since 3 down to 3 don't today at least 18 palestinians have to report the cube according to the government media office of the same time, the following thing did not stop as we continue to loud explosions and the number
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of costs of under say, ross refuge, account close to late 3 junction, which is the area of the vast majority of medical operations regarding the central parts of the goals, this trip kind of stopped from a while. israel is that a sold on garza continues palestinians, and they don't do point. west bank are enduring with you and says it's day off to day of unprecedented luncheon. more than 500 palestinians have been killed by as really forces and settlers since the war on gaza began out of there as nor a day went to one village, which is really set because of foss taking. the fire is still burning. here in board color is rarely subtler sets on fire, several 100 trees in the village. nobody has been able to come here and put the fires out is really subtler attacks targeting this village had been intensifying over the past 9 months. but it's a story that spawns many years old gone now is a bid and village. it's set down to do
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a 5 sip of minutes all around photocopy effect sort of the best to the month over 20 times. imagine this used to be the main road of woodcock. it's a 7 minute drive from here. put on my law for 25 years. it has been closed. and now all of that area is off limits to the residents. because the settlers have taken over the non stop attacks have created a sense of fear across the village level and have mental we called the rest the day on lights because we're afraid of the fact that this is really subtler score to the earth. while these really army takes over the land, over the years, the residents of book all have been squeezed into only one 5th of the villages land, while the population has dropped nearly a half. and this is not just but a story all across the west bank. illegal is rarely supplement. i'll post like this one are mushrooming and subtler attacks are increasing dramatically. it is what the
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you on is calling a silent for not all of the address data protocol, palestine as well the as really military has improved. what has caused operational plans for an offense of 11 on as tensions rise between israel and has by israel has already one has been all out. all of the group released surveillance flushed edge of what it says, a sensitive ministry sites and film to buy drones from within israel. the us says it's washing to prevent of wine to war. or at least 5 people are important to have been killed when it is really striking. 11, east village, near the border with israel follows an escalation in hostilities between israel and has by since israel wants to tour and gaza is really just also attacked. a 3 story building and the town are full gallia and how about the north of the tiny river that acts as an unofficial border. thoughts with israel under you and resolution. hold on has more for us from much. are you in southern w, a hostile, it is,
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have resumed after a brief respite over the weekend, over the muslim either of ha holiday. but israel appears to be escalating this conflict with him. any warning that it could expand into a wider war. in the past few hours, at least 4 is ready. the air strikes 2 of them targeting the border village behind me, him another targeting the border village of viet in. and another striking, deeper inside level non close to the southern city of tire. we have what we understand, at least for hezbollah fighters were killed in those strikes hezbollah, to in the past 24 hours carrying out at least 8 operations against israeli military targets across the border. but the attacks are still within the unwritten rules of engagement, in the sense that both sides are targeting, you know,
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military positions. but no doubt the efforts by the us and boy amos huston who was in baby boots yesterday and is round the day before his diplomatic initiative seems to have failed. he didn't not succeed to find a diplomatic settlement to this conflict, which was now and it's 8 months triggered by the war on garza, the russia and north korea have signed a deal that includes a pledge of neutral and if any of the country is attacked. it was among several vale signs during present. the autumn of hooton's 1st visit to prolong young and 24 years north, greenly that came john and promised his full support for most codes military offensive in ukraine. from mcbride reports from young chung island on south chris bowers on board with the rules, a full russian president vladimir putin, a full blown official welcome in palm young's main square, the highest on
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a sort of visiting head of state. he and north korean leader kim jong on putting on a show of unity to a well they both regardless, potentially threatening very existence. first, you can view russia in north korea heavy, a link by strong friendship and close neighborly relations for many decades. who tim scientists host for supporting russian policies, including the war and ukraine. we express full supports for the russian government army and the people in carrying out the special military operation in ukraine to protect the sovereignty. that is being widespread speculation. russia was trying to secure the supplies of munitions from north korea, allegations, both sides denied in public at least the highlights of this summit was the signing of a partnership agreement made to shape relations for years to come on, potentially challenging the existing world or to russia or north korea is asian
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neighbors have been following this crucial summit closely. china has deep relations with both japan, along with south korea, see a potential threat to the western leading blocks. they belong to lead by the us and nato. for that reason, this visit could have global consequences, but what happens in europe, mathis for a showing that happens and they show up this for else. and this is clearly demonstrated in ukraine where you're on north korea. china are popular, fueling rushes water, aggression against the ukraine, south korea, the strong go, russian ties william bolden. it's know the neighbor at the time when tensions and angry exchanges along the demilitarized zone between them. all right, that was 10 years. rob mcbride, i'll just say era young chung island, south korea as well as for in russia, correspondent yulusef of all of us who joins us now from moscow. you didn't, these 2 countries had
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a pact to back during the cold war for full scale intervention. and the events of mutual defense, i understand, do we know if this deal goes not full while you are right. so such an agreement existed which wouldn't be us assigned north korea back in soviet times. but until now, there were no such, there was no such agreement on the signing of such an agreement was fed in south korea and japan. they fear that north korea could possibly stop the conflict, saying that it was doing it in self defense and drunk russian to it. and now we're read that russia north korea have indeed signed an agreement on a comprehensive, strategic partnership. it provides for mutual assistance and they've been to aggression against one of the participants. while some local on this actually say that the agreement is not a military alliance because help could be just on supplies or diplomacy and
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disagreement between russia. north korea is reminiscent of security agreements between ukraine and nasal countries. and apart from that of the issues were discussed during those nice things like um, signing of agreements in the fields of health care and medical education. and science also, ministry cooperation was very likely this cost as such, lights acknowledge a tory, isn't she playbacks that trend? uh, interesting that other world news outlets reports that decisions would likely made on additional supplies of munition for the war and ukraine. russia could agree to share ballistic technologies for the production of a croft ballistic missiles, something that russia either denies or death and to comment on your and moscow took us through how this business has been reflected upon and then received in russia to the local media portray the visit to north korea as
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a longer ways of amazing of to good friends. it's interesting, but the russian media discuss how it presents, visits resonates with the walls. they say the visits to north korea and the now have attracted close attention from the united states and the west as they could potentially affect the regional triplets. kalonski and many agree. but the refreshment between moscow and po young is a rational choice. i mean of times by the united states and its allies to achieve the isolation so called isolation of russia and no screen. the. 1 old many high lives, the foxes, off north korea piece and is going to vietnam, whose main trading partner is the united states now. and washington has already reacted sharply to the uh, the upcoming visit of the no. russian president demonstrates that many countries of the world have their own opinion on the ukrainian crisis. they do not agree with the united states on sudden issues and are capable of maintaining the strategic
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autonomy even with close size. with the us. that's according to the russian media. you dish of, of, out of a, the, with the very nice just for us from the russian capital. thank julia. well, visions next stop and asia often was career is vietnam. then you'll be meeting with the countries presidents and prime minister and signing agreements, covering with an sales and educational exchanges. this visit is being described as a sign of a strong historical link between the 2 countries. tony china has worn out from henry so just practice the ceremonial, much in front of henry's monument to the revolutionary marches. those who died in the american war. last minute of rehearsals, before the arrival of russia's president vladimir putin. so many vietnamese, the relationship with the soviet union. now russia is more than just diplomatic ties. spectrum for that professing when lived in tulsa in russia for 20 years. there was his time is
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a young soldier on the front line. fighting against america with the soviet weapons which cemented the boned knowledge of the code in vietnam, we say one piece of food when hungry equals a box of food when phone we were hungry, dying, and in a very difficult situation. i wish you helped us received on dominion issued thanks to that. we took the bottle field and towed on such 2 lands as the military ties are still strong. vietnam uses russian made weapon systems. recently supplies have been hard to get because of the war and ukraine. a new generation of soldiers is looking to diversify for a vibrant southeast asian economy. a strong relationship with russia may seem strange, but as it struggles to count to the influence of china or in the us, martin vietnam could find puts in
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a useful m i. m. pick i quite like caution president with an i hope this visit will increase only dollar to cooperation and friendship between russian and vietnam and other that. and i feel like this isn't on the vietnam and russia to because i think with this visit, russia will expand the corporate to the relationship with vietnam and strength and the economic under your magic development for our country. for state visit, this one is going to be relatively short. installed, the rush as president will only be here for about 24 hours. but the deep ties between rusher and vietnam will ensure he gets a warm welcome. and that's relatively ref uploaded. it puts in when he travels overseas, tony checking out, is there a still a head here on out of here. we have is it families in ukraine to see how this surviving as a rush of cripples that policy clients and, and support who have one of the best and goal line saves you ever see in the
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stanley cup finals that's coming up shortly as far hello, we are looking at more very heavy rain into foot hit pots of brazil we are seeing some big stones just the right thing at present wednesday. we'll see for a heavy down pulls in a us that region. and then this will tend to just not a little further north with the week and as we go on through the sky. so it does kind of little drive of the showers. never the still the never, the less, the seasonal. right. the closer we do run across the power of wides bolivia, big down pools up towards the move west of the confidence up towards columbia heavy shouts that the venezuela noticing very wet when the weather, also making his way back into central and southern parts of chile. now looking very wet and wendy just around the car a bit, particularly around that, that is to sort of mexico. we have got a system here. this is
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a potential topical side club and that's gonna throw some very heavy right into that eastern side of the mexico. for the south, it down pulls, continuing around one year risk once a mile it down to was nicaragua. i pushing across into costa rica scattering. a shell is across the, the eastern islands. so with the weather that to into the greater entities at least for a time. meanwhile, up towards the us, we are looking at some very heavy, right, the southern positive texas across the plains and staying very hot towards the east, the award winning program from international. so make, as we've just seen so many people traveling with children, taking a long and difficult to explore and abundance of wells plus programming every time we do an interview, web net with soldiers voices from different quote, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a,
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with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world on algae 0. israel's war machine is decimating entire households. and as i saw, the words of those who survived and with the help of the palestinian generalists, folk lines tells the heralding story of 3 families and investigates us complicity the world's most beautiful in decades. the night old and biden's war on this talk to on just either the the
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block. imagine watching nails is here and use our let's remind you about top stories you and commission has found is really all started. he's responsible for war crimes and gaza, st. jude math, a torch of sexual violence, and forced to be transferring and starving palestinians, and also whole thomas and all the palestinian honest groups responsible for war crimes, particularly during the time of 70 attacking israel. meanwhile, there's really forces have killed at least 7 palestinians, and almo, watching, near the city of rough and southern dasa, israel, high designation of that area as say, the army also carried down the tax and owners set off in central cost. russia and north korea have signed the deals and increase the pledge of neutral 80. this even countries of tax. it's one of several vail signs during present government solutions. a 1st visit to some young expenses for the is also around the power as it has been sworn in for a 2nd time. as south africa's president his party,
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the african national congress failed to secure a problem and for the majority in the may elections, forcing it to form a government of national unity with other policies, including the official opposition. for me, the miller has more from the integration sermon inventory. so helped me go, president silver. i'm opposed to sick until i mean office comes with some major changes of to losing its pulling them into majority is quality. the african national congress now governs along with 5 others, including the biggest rival, the democratic alliance. despite some resistance from within the parties ranks to working with the official opposition. wednesday was a day of celebration for the amc. oh, hard your mom. i had one of the testers and the people have a full that's a huge piece. and the overall conflicts
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a violation of the constitution of mister m as in dog, while in attendance heads of state from neighboring nations including zimbabwe and gold, as well as of the african countries. well, as a crowd of thousands came out to witness from opposed to taking the oath of office . we believe we're going to make more differences because, well, going to work with the appointments, especially on the way appointments before, but not where we can together to make sure we have speed up in the service to our communities. this is really an opportunity because we have a current listing, the parties together in the government. we have an opportunity to actually really fix and rebuild, which we haven't had for maybe 1015 years as a young person. i hope that self advocacy i'd employment late degrees and then our youth, who now get jobs to scroll. this is a treaty called last week and the 1st speech of the 2nd time, someone pulls a promise to be
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a president for south africans pitching and inclusive economy and the creation of jobs. unemployment is one of the biggest concerns, provo just wanting to the people is also of work for many south africans. the amc has failed to fulfill the promises it made since coming to power following the end of a par date in 1994. those who have faith in the new unity government, hopeful things will change. but the majority widely democratic alliance is struggling to present itself as an inclusive party and the worries, the coalition won't prioritize the poor and the majority black population. this is a new era for south africans and their country's political landscape. one that's likely to see great to consultation between the amc uh the support those policies will have to be agreed as present from a post. the professor names is new cabinets that will include members from other parties. so me the ultra 0 pretoria, a will that speak to crystal oldest and she is a john that's based in south africa and
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a research fellow at the university of chicago. she joins us now from cape town. crystal today for many was a demonstration of the strength of institutions and i know as well also for others hope for more accountability and government and some africa. absolutely. i think one has to reflect that as applicants oldest liberation movement. the amc expected that only 40 percent of south africans had in fact voted for them. and to day settled, almost both the speech spoke about expecting that the will of the people must be respected. the constitution must be to speak that i thought it was also interesting julie speech that was of can be veiled a tech to those that want to attack institution those that don't want to see the country side. and yeah, i think he was referring to home or place of the jacob zuba, who in fact was the only full the kid of the state of south africa who did not a king. today's proceedings. very interesting. crystal, as you say, in that span change, spoke about polarization,
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toxic cleavages and social fragmentation that could turn to instability. if some think, to inflamed tensions, i mean, obviously many reading that as that pointed statement aimed at from the presidency . and the, and his support is how real about the rest of that. and i think we can pick an old the jacobs who by the factor of 1st before the members of parliament hash boycotted friday's proceedings, we, members of parliament was sworn each day. now saying that they will be part of this government of, well, part of the new administration. so i don't think the n k party with the 58 in piece of sport. simply going to expect what federal run my post of food, i think will some more price candy we heard from the police today that several members of the m k. coffee will talk to you regarding the actually try to break in that the in the independent electro commissions office in johannesburg and they wanted to steal ballot boxes. now why is this a concern?
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because the m k policy has be counting that the something, unless in fact they had 12 sets of the majority, and they not pointing fingers at the i, e. c for doing something wrong. the splunk that the i, c, f, b explaining the process. so there's also a lot of list information going around. so and but the fact these, the intake part beach is now challenging this has now gone to the like to quote again. so i don't think i'm fortunate the, the intake policy and jacobs who might, is still going to remain a factor in the body parts under the solar. i'm opposed to and these new government funds. and these coalition government will have to deal with this issue will speaking of when it's present from a process describing us as a new era of thoughts given the coalition, this is essentially a move towards the center, right? a working relationship with the democratic aligns that many would have never believed to be possible. how would you see that working?
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and it's absolutely historic. if we think of how the eviction campaign means, how the attacking each other on policies, on cold cases on everything majorly in the fostering p as these 2 parties have disagree. fundamentally, what i do think is interesting. we heard yesterday the parent aspect in this congress, the p a c, which is full landry, distribution school 3 distribution policies have now joined this coalition government. we also see a policy like good, which is a petition to law. and she used to be in the democratic allied. so i think for us the, we going to see most more of the policies join this coalition government, both from the right and to the next, which makes it well inclusive. but i don't think one can deny the fact that so right, my pull set as a pull my union negotiate to more than 50 years ago will have to use these union negotiating skills in trying to walk this fine line between those which seem to write policies and those on the left you will also have to balance what im capable
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to and the economic feed them 5 because we just now pocketbook from greece to alliance. how are we going to have to deal with it? but i think ultimately the makes each of all the spot. these are the timing effect west as find me that pointed out why me to the people. i mean, the way jobs we've had north point one percent growth in the 1st quote of this year . they need to work together to get this country moving. huge challenges ahead. still an incredibly big alignment for south africa as a country today, crystal oldest and that a journalist based. and so that's kind of a such kind of university of chicago. thanks so much for joining us on the elders here and use our the the ukraine that says it's stopped a wave of russian drones from attacking its territory. the air force as it shut down nearly all 21. kamikaze runs a fight into eastern and western new crane,
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but some did reach that talk. it's one person was injured in the western city of the fees and buildings will also damaged. new crane is now imposing rolling electricity blackouts, as it grapples with limited output from damaged power stations. the government says russian strikes on samuel and hydro electric plants have reduced their generation capacity out of the rest on home, then visited a family and vis garage near the capital case as they went through a power outage. the, the stuff stores in the health care household and basically the ukraine and the power goes system. that's it. mike's going this is like every day, you know, for helena, under the and 7 year olds left the constant blackouts. it's not for me to put her slough that can be talk away in the morning. you get up. if that's electricity, you charge paul banks, farms, flashlights about trees. so you can use them in the evening when it's dark. when
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i'm at work and i see they'll be a power car, i have to ask my boss to leave front of the store or check where i can order food. it's not convenient, but you adopt the budget for federal close of ukrainians across the country doing the same. so now national rolling black house because russian error types of destroyed so many energy phones normally the out to do is run a pre amount schedule as the country russians its power. but often light tonight they go on longer than planned. if you have a generator, it's not such a problem, many like the how it, cuz stock is the price of petrol the gets in the way. yeah. so if you buy a generate to with the power, but we'd like it's expensive. so you need to have 3040 liters a few and was of without the reduced to cooking with the naked flame. eat things like battery power plant like washing dishes with stored water. it's
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inconvenient no. later in the year it could be dangerous. you look at this on a summer's night and it seems manageable, but this strikes a continuing. the electricity companies is saying that they can a struggle to get plots back online before winter. that's when things are going to get really tough. the temperatures go well below 0 here, and the night draws in by the late afternoon. back in the cup to keep street lights are off and traffic lights down. people carry their own light songs of the fabric which makes the city livable frame. in the household at least as some from before bedtime. in the absence of tv though i pads, spiders and thirds play. we've russia continuing to hit power plants. it seems that later in the things we get a lot more serious on home and out to zeta. physically,
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at least 1200000 people have been left stranded by flash floods in northwest and bangladesh. more than half of them are in the phil hatch district. the displaced have taken shelter in schools that the situation is also expected to west and is even more heavy. rain is full cost in the next 24 hours across the se. 9 people have been killed and lance lions and cops has been on district. 8th of them, we understand what we're hearing the refugees from me and living there and counts. a powerful storms have devastated communities and southern china to killing thousands of people that tens of thousands of in order to evacuate their homes. and the problems as if we're gen in kwan show, katrina, you reports now from beijing. as nato city and china southern go don't. provence is submerged. torrential downpours which slash the region since sunday triggered destructive floods in land flights. it's full. the recognition of the 40000 people
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and cut electricity to more than 130000 household roads have been turned into waterways. emergency teams have been deployed to rescue those tract line towns and villages the remote mountainous areas of going see and gmc destroyed underwater. many rivers have bus that banks. and so the way down south in degrees, young river inc, dropping peak with the estimated water level of 60 meters, 2 meters above the ref, warning line in areas and for jen province haven't been sped, police and emergency teams, a clearing operation trees from flooded type ways and removing stranded vehicles and go for president, student ping has called for our efforts to safeguard those effected. he says the task of controlling floods in china is becoming increasingly arduous. extreme weather events have become more frequent, while the south grapples with wrinkled rains, which one is news has been hit by unprecedented high temperatures staging this week
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was put under an orange unless the 2nd highest in the store to warning system for hot weather. a severe heat wave and drowned a threatening re cups in the provinces of jose and for 9. and the authorities have drawn well just from emergency stores to help pharmacy irrigate, that feels. katrina you out a 0 aging as stella head here on al jazeera, the fishermen of gauze are risking their lives to feed their families. and that's the ongoing role is right. and more like drama, euros, as albania, rescue a point against croatia that's coming up. so bein sports with are the business latex to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the business agents to be sponsored by interlock stuck. he's real estate consultant. the
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the old mac. it is time for supporting his bar, just as you thank you so much. a goal in the 5th minute of added time. so i'll dania rescue a point and there euro group game with correlation the to, to draw these bow team's in with a chance of reaching the last 16, making all the there a 2nd, a parents and a major tournaments, albania took a 1st half lead and hamburg after the break, a 2020 to well come semi finalists, felicia hit fast with 2 goals in 3 minutes. the 2nd with an own goals i'll being as close just do less boxes. same player then went on to score the lady who wiser for his country. and earned his team and valuable points. well here's how group b is looking after that result in both teams with their 1st point on the board. but it's croatia you sit bonham with a goal difference of minus 3,
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spain and italy plays each other on thursday. both looking to make it to wins from 2 or just minutes away from take off between house germany and hungry instead guard germany beat to scotland 51 in their opening game while hungry were beaten. 31 by switzerland. germany went out of the last 2 ro, cops at the group stage on the last 16 of the euros in 2021. told julian now goldman says there, well police and that poor run of form. and when you have some experience players and you've got to have all experience different stations of the solutions for different situations, especially when you talk about pressure when you talk about expectational fans situations to do with on the pitching of the pitch. so i think to have a good mix it's, it's really good and the mood and our campus really excellent to germany, fans will be watching all over the country, including the capital,
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berlin and square correspond to dominate chain is life for us. dominic, germany's recent record at major tournaments isn't good, is there a ceiling there? but that's about to change. the certainly amongst the people who are here all sharing the public an ad. so reading at the names of the team, the team is playing and about 15 minutes or so. they feel of that team can do it. they feel that they have the right ingredients, right, manager and the right players. but that means that players like slowly and yes for a while, eva susan, had a wonderful season domestically, county reproduce that for me. and this gave me school to getting scotland. the same can be settled with yacht at the same can be said for oscars. i habits, they will school, they were arrested off the 15 minutes of that game. they should be fit for this one . or might that be a surprise package in the shape of hungry? can they neutralize those players? really, the 10s of thousands of fans here who are holding germany. they don't want them to
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do that. there are a few intrepid hungry farms yet, but i have to say this funds then, the vast majority of the germany give us a sense dominic, um, of how important football is in germany and what a difference it would make if the house can actually go on to do well in this treatments. well, the 1st thing to say is it is the national sports by, by a clear look at the national jersey falls falls on the national jersey full times will champions for woke up foot is 3 times european champion. so they want to get that full fewer up and championships to show how goods they feel that same is but that same house in the cost of the last $3.00 tournaments suffered under that refutation, the weights of expectations. the questionnaire will austin use is this, it would seem to deliver that for 4 months. on the other thing to say from the
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neutral perspective, it's always the case that when a host nation hosting a tournament such as the euro, such as the world comes when it prospers solely to does the tournament. because the interest level is that it's main thing through the group stages into the elimination. right? so as i say these people clearly one that seems weird, i'm say no. but if germany wins, they go through. and of course, the other game in history will be taking place later on. that's the scopes, the gates, the swiss, the swiss most say when they go through. likewise for the school fish, james, the last 51 into germany. and they do something back to this time around because if i lose again like that, they're probably going to be going home. well, it looks like you're in for an exciting night. dominic cane reporting live for us from berlin. thanks for now. tens of thousands of scotland fans or in germany hoping to windows
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a change in their countries fortunes. the scots are taking on switzerland and cologne. scottish supporters will be helping history can repeat itself the last on scotland. one group game after a year rose was against would still end in 1996. scott was go and no problem. really the top go off the gentleman i gave a message, i'll tell you what in the box, i'll drop it off for the we're just going to send somebody sent me a hear something very similar to german to get away. hopefully it's pure dismiss all watched by going to talk to you today on i was, i'm using, the speed is up. i'll be happy as long as we leave nothing to fetch it. as went on the french, the french team are still waiting on the fitness of their captain colleen and bob bay. he broke his nose in their opener against austria. and although he does not require surgery, it's not clear as he'll play their next game against the netherlands. his teammates say he's doing better,
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the doctor is there yet to give him the all clear they've been so it sounds like you've done this sounds good job of coach kelly and is a very important play for us. he's our captain, so it's bound to weigh heavy on us. it will be a blow if he's ruled out, but i have complete faith in all the prize on the bench and the quality that we have under which will be able to play in all pga tour a signature advance after being awarded a lifetime exemption pj's board made the decision due to his exceptional achievements. 48 year old woods is $182.00 tor titles including 15 majors. but he's only played a 9 tournaments since entering his leg in a car crash in 2021. he'll next play at next month's open championship in scotland . you may have mentioned oilers have taken hawk a stanley cup final into a game $6.00 bidding the florida panthers $53.00 to stay alive. and the contests for the on a child's and the biggest prize pants are still leads best of 7 series,
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3 to after this when and for that getting 6 will be back in edmonton on friday. the panthers have never won the stanley cab wallet boilers for aiming to lift the trophy for the 1st time since 19. not using gentlemen. it is with great sadness that we announced the san francisco giants legend and hall of famer willie mays passed away peacefully this afternoon. at the age of $93.00 and the world of baseball has been paying tribute to one of its all time grades. willie mays has died at the age of 93, a 24 time all star. his most talked about career highlight became known simply as the catch it help of san francisco joins when the world series in 1954. okay. and that is all you support for now is trying to get back to you. thanks so much bye. well now it until the fisherman of garza to are risking their lives to feed their families. and if the ongoing was israel, i'll correspond to hire
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a couple of their reports from central. they're all data on the livelihoods that have been affected. of the stalls is mediterranean coastline is one of the few areas in the gaza strip is very minute tree has not destroyed the sea is both a source of livelihood for palestinian fishermen thought to the identity. most of the risks, his life every day rowing out on the waves on the is baby surveillance to fish, which is hungry family have come to read only love. as i said, the i can know sort of not to for you don't to really you're forced to go to see and fish. we want to take the risk to feed all families. no one was able to get efficient during the 1st 5 months of the war for the last 3 months. i lost my brother in law. i've used also officially that since october, the 7th, as well,
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has declared much of the goals as coastline compact. so, or during commercial and private votes to stop rating the however, even in areas, the only has declared safe humanitarians zones, posted in session and have been targeted. they say, is really warships open following them without any warning. and how to, how they've got it all in a possibly a the, in this war is deadly for palestinians to be sure, but we don't have boats. most of them were destroyed. but is there any fight to jets in war ships? they were attacked on the beach and we woke up the next day to discover they were burnt. now we can only fish close to sure. if we move further away, we will be attacked. and there's a lot of how this little hole put co setting across is her son. my mood was killed at sea. you want catching fish for his family and the silver
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for the honey. a mess. woodwinds, pushing. as usual. let us do. you want to collect his net, but he was killed by his really worship. he was our main bread winner who was going to gets married, but these released killed him. they crushed his dreams. are they no one level? the western gauze is it says, into a death trap with as well, looking humanitarian, a deliveries into the strip to special men could be a lifeline for palestinians, as well as well as effectively shut down the fishing industry. adding to the whites the bread hung up on the salvation. power capacitive l just the right there is the palestine. well that's it for me and associates. hey, for the sounds. are there any is out from them that you can always find that much small on a website that is out a 0 dot com? don't go away though, i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with much more. today's news for you can't to stay with
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the on counting of the cost you are a plays catch up with the us in china and what's being called a competitive does crisis can. india is private and stuff pushed through economic performance with the refused to follow the entry majority. and how the, how should pilgrimage is boosting saudis. economy? counting the cost on al jazeera of the, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on out just sierra my wife and i chatted between the admin and financial on 2010 today to need a new fund. digital has between about 1 o'clock, 5 mean you don't have a contract and now we have this was one, then you are the last to reduce the beneficiaries who have bought on the kid. about
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400000 of those are the best advocate we believe not only financially a bar, and these don't have the guns with alternate training them. unimed, providing mentors for them to be on the 2nd largest, to have a play of labor in the private space of stuck with the states of the 90 on russian side space, ace to a fall or use create technology oriented opportunities, worthwhile were driving over to you ever to, to sure, look at the lighting joke, finish on wheels assuring to steep economic empowerment because the women move found empowering african entrepreneur as he says, he went toward towards syria to provide 8 my time entail was very interesting, but not in the eyes of his government, this has been home for so many years. in the final part of the series, we followed the story of a british age worker as he flees from it, with his family after being arrested by
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a powerful village shop. one of the toughest times when they tortured me state list in syria on now to 0. the all wheel from using salvation as a method of possible tron sma, a few and fast in depth reports into the wall and all that lays out violations by israel and from us and accuses them of the color that run this dog. hey, this is under the red light from the on also coming the hezbollah chief one is the


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