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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 20, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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a house on red chris, the the head is the lebanese group has the loved ones. israel is full size, is no rules, no ceiling's. it's a voice in post on. it's the one jessica washington. this is known to 0 life from to ha. also coming of the spokesman for the is rarely on the cost to go live heretic heading from us as an unattainable drawing. a quick response from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a new report by the un find israel may have repeatedly violated the laws of war and failed to distinguish between civilians and find his in gaza. russian president vladimir putin arrives in vietnam after visiting north korea for the 1st time in
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more than 2 decades. signal from russia that it's known items, news. the head of the lebanese group has the law, has warranties, find has a ready for white, a war against israel has been frequent to cross border exchanges of fire between hezbollah and israel. since the will and goes up again and increasing rhetoric has raised fee is it could escalate further in a televised speech nested, alice said his group has boosted troop numbers and received equipment from abroad. he said, has, below, would find with no rules, no ceilings and warrant nearby cyprus, against allowing israel to use its military bases. it up only about the man it was imposed on lebanon. the resistance will flag without restraint, without rooms and without limits. yes, it on a couple months ago was specifically
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a government should be aware that the opening of his apples to basis for his reading the minutes, your use would mean the cypriot government becomes part of the world. and the resistance will do with this possible. that's what all is warning comes a day after these really nutri approved plans for an offensive against has the israel wound as an all out war officer. the group released surveillance video of what it said was sensitive military and civilian sites inside israel. attacks from both sides have stepped up along the border region in recent weeks. at least 5 people are reported to have been killed on wednesday. and what is the latest is really strikes on a lebanese village. a 0 is in a hold, the reports from favor we are not afraid threats of a full blown ward to not scare us. we are prepared. it is the enemy who should be afraid because nowhere in israel will be safe. those were the words of house on the throne that has the secretary general in
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a defiance speech amid heights and tensions between the lebanese armed group and israel. a conflict has been raging along the border for 8 months now, triggered by the war in gauze. well, israel really has been threatening as of late that it intends to widen. this conflict widened the war of hezbollah. the order of the message from the swallow, with one of the defiance, he even boasted on the groups capabilities, claiming that they had more than 100000 fighters and that they have new weapons. and they, and they would manufacture their own ms. housing drones. in fact, they and he went as far as to tell the is really, is that there the war between the wars that is israel strikes in syria. israel has been carrying out strikes and syria for years now to try to degrade the capabilities of the run and its allies just did not work, so defiant and strong words from from hezbollah as well to
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a talking tough. but most rela, have a strong warning to the cypriot government, claiming that these really military has been carrying out maneuvers in cyprus and is planning to use ports in airports and other facilities in the event of a war with lab and on in the event that has below targets airports in ports in israel, and the smaller, telling the cypriot government, you will be considered a legitimate target. so really, the stakes are high in this escalating conflict along the border, a conflict that to the us, the bite and administration is saying that, you know, this is a very serious situation. center for the was, is it up earlier? my colleague, this does the chase spoke to abraham, the soley he represents has the law in the lebanese parliament. she all seem about, most of all is wanting to the supreme government not to cooperate with the is
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rarely military. we separate part is taking part in the military, but the if we know this is information, this is what said most of all of the budget on disclose. know that if they are going to be part of the war against us, if they are going to give the their own airports to be used by the water jets lady will just love the existence a level. busy with most of the them, targets on the it would be they would be for thought that is with the is it, i it is um they have to assume the responsibility and take the percussion. so what they are doing and you've talked to their about a line that you've your site press crossing if it, if it allows the use of bases. so let me ask you, then what is has below as red line. israel is saying that it's ready for all out war. what would be a threshold that would be crossed? that would then mean that has, but that would be in without tool. we will respond to anything. this do that will bring us closer to it. out or war,
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we will respond to nothing kind and then equality, we would go over what they have do they'd be surprised when they see what kind of input cushions their actions and then a go shows with and taking over the new comments from these rarely, miller trees top spokesmen a sing signaling, growing differences between security officials and the countries political leadership. daniel, who got a, has told local media that eradicating him, us, which is one of the government's stated goals is unattainable. and how much is an idea? how much is a potty and it has implanted in people's hearts? whoever thinks we can demolish from us is wrong. it is the most and brotherhood that has been present in the region for many years. but what can be done is to create something else to replace it and make the population realize that there is another party. it distributes food and provide social services. who is this party that is going to repeat from us at the political level?
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and is this the way to weaken from us? those comments quickly prompted a statement by prime minister benjamin netanyahu is office insisting israel is committed to her. mazda is destruction. the reminder israel has band or 0 from operating inside the country. so honda salute is following developments from jordan for a whitening risk between these really government and its army this evening. these really military spokesperson, daniel, how are you saying that it would be impossible to defeat him? us because they are, quote, an ideology that is instilled in the people these really prime minister's office fuming at this releasing a statement saying that one of the goals of the war is to eliminate him, us as military and political capabilities, but the army spokesperson has said that anyone who is saying that is in fact, misleading the public. it just gives you an idea of what benjamin netanyahu has. policies are in this war, and what the army on the ground is saying is actually not realistic. now all of
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this comes as the situation on israel's northern border continues to escalate. these really defense minister yo up the launch holding a situational assessment with the military chief of staff in which they emphasize they want to come back to his bullet drone threat. and that israel is prepared for a wide variety of scenarios. hertz see how lovely turing israel's northern border down playing the near 10 minute video. that his bullet head release showing sensitive military targets, saying that israel is none the less prepared for war from the central jersey to a man. and to remind to again, these really government has banned out his ear from operating in israel. and that's why honda was reporting from jordan as a new wave of these rarely attacks have killed at least 30 palestinians across garza, 10 were killed. i'm 30 injured in an attack east of rough or in the past few hours is really forces reported to have shown
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a group of civilians. the injured has been taken to the european hospital, which is already overcrowded with patients. is rarely forces have also destroyed parts of the rafa crossing in southern garza, within a month after they seized it videos show grandchild buildings including the main terminal. it was a vital aid route, full aid flowing into garza from the egyptian side. but israel has further restricted supplies from getting through since it took over the crossing on may 7 new report by the united nations human rights office has found that israel may have systematically violated the laws of war. it's assessed 6 is rarely a tax with high casualties. from the beginning of the war, cooling them emblematic is a pattern of behavior from israel. how does he or is gabriel elizondo reports from un headquarters in new york as a joint crate or the remnants after is real? bombed the densely populated gemini, a refugee camp on october 31st,
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just 3 weeks into a tour on guys a. the u. n says at least for 1000 pound, bombs were dropped by israel. 10 structures were flattened and the un verified at least $56.00 people were killed, including 12 women and $23.00 children. it was one of 6 is real attacks last october, november examined by the un human rights office in a new report on indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks. the report concluded, is real systematically failed to comply with fundamental principles of international humanitarian law of distinction, probation of indiscriminate attacks, and proportionality. the report concludes that these is riley strikes, indicates that the id, if may have repeatedly violated fundamental fundamental principles of the laws of war. in this connection,
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it notes that unlawful targeting when committed as part of a wide sprayed or systematic attack against the civilian population. in line with the site or organizational policy might also input kite. the commission of crimes against humanity is real often justifies a tax on civilian populations, saying armed fighters were targeted and killed often without proof. the un says, even if arm groups are within the civilian population, it does not deprive civilians protection or absolved israel of war crimes. the requirement to select means and methods of warfare to minimize civilian casualties appear to have been consistently violated during the bombing campaign. and this is something that the in depth look at 6 specific incident seems to bear out who should be held account, unable for this house should accountability be carried out there. many different groups looking into things. obviously there will be the need,
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as with every conflict for measures of uh for accountability to be taken. while the conclusions from this report are clear, accountability could be more elusive. however, the findings here could be used by the international criminal court or the international court of justice as further pieces of evidence of israel's war crimes and gaza. gabriel is on the out just in the united nations in new york. humans who these have released a video, they say shows their attack on a ship last week, causing it to sink in the red sea. one person was killed when the greek owned congress ship was struck by miss south a week ago. the rest of the crew was safely evacuated. it's believed to be the 2nd vessel sung by the who these, the group has been targeting is around linked ships. and what they say is solidarity with palestinians in gaza. canada has listed a bronze revolutionary god. as a terrorist group, the i r g c is
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a powerful section of your bronze military and controls a sizable portion of the economy. the move means its assets can be frozen and dismembered bod, from entry into canada. there's been melting pressure as a candidate to make the listing the i a g. c shopped on a plane over ted ron 4 years ago. healing everyone on board, including $85.00 people with links to canada. c, u. s declined the group as a terrorist organization in 20. 19 the still ahead on out to 0. i must, i made a pseudo drum up for some swear that i would be faithful to the republic of south africa. same leda, different governments, 01 of those that is sworn in for a 2nd time of his weekend and see, last it's complimentary. majority and southern europe is much switching as they see
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as heat waves strike um the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump, now i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments the 5th stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se felt that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for each inside story on al jazeera, unique perspective, one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this is not a rough. it looks like we're off, it looks like so on heard voices, we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 100 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find
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elsewhere. folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land, the stream on out to 0. so i'll just see where the hello again, this is al jazeera, a reminder of our top story is the shower head of the lebanese group. has the law says, april, signed with no rules, no ceilings. if he's male launches of go on living on her son,
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i said i'll also warrant nearby cyprus, against allowing israel to use it's military bases. is rarely, military spokesman says from us can not be destroyed. speaking in contrast to the government's stated goal of eliminating him us genuine gary tone, local media, that almost is an ideology font in the heart of the people with guns. and you report by the human human rights office says israel may have systematically violated the laws of war, which protects civilians. therefore, he examines as 6 specific sites in garza high casualties from the sound of prussia. as president vladimir putin has ended a 2 day state visit to north korea when he signed a number of security deals. he's now arrived in vietnam's capital henry, who is due to meet the countries at the top leadership assign agreements covering with in sales and educational exchanges. in an opinion piece published on wednesday,
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who's been praised, what he called henry's balance stance on the ukraine for tony chang. has moved from henry of the soldiers practice the ceremonial, much in front of the head, always monument to the revolutionary montes, those who died in the american war. last minute rehearsals, before the arrival of russia's president vladimir putin. so many vietnamese, the relationship with the soviet union. now russia is more than just diplomatic ties items or that professor gwen lived in tulsa in russia for 20 years. there was his time is a young soldier on the front line. fighting against america with soviet weapons submit to the bone. the code in vietnam, we say one piece of food when hungry equals a box of food when phone we were hungry, dying, and in a very difficult situation where she had helped us received on munition,
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thanks to that, which took them on the battlefield and towed on such, 2 lands, the military ties are still strong. vietnam uses russian made weapons systems. recently, supplies have been hard to get because of the war and ukraine. a new generation of soldiers is looking to diversify for a vibrant southeast asian economy. a strong relationship with russia may seem strange, but as it struggles to count of the influence of china or in the us, martin vietnam could find puts in that useful. and i haven't got, take, i quite like russian presidents with them. i hope this visit will increase solely dollar to cooperation and friendship between russian and vietnam and other that. and i feel like this is an on the vietnam and russia to because i think with this visit, russia will expand the cooperative relationship with vietnam and strength. and the economic and the domestic development of our country for state visit. this one is
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going to be relatively short. it's still at the rush, as president will only be here for about 24 hours. but the deep ties between rusher and vietnam will ensure he gets a warm welcome and that's relatively rid of a lot of inputs. and when he travels overseas, tony cheng al jazeera and on us democrats and republicans have visited to bents governments and next. so based in india, hoping to strengthen times image with the deli mama to this search with this along with top to business officials. adults kind of ahead of the expected passage of the us to designed to encourage dialogue between china and the best leadership on culture invites china to contribute to this in 1951 minutes before china. so probably going to so pervasive a that and to do and also because of their position as the 2nd slicers economy. and there wasn't even before that goes so they have political power that
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committed to power all because of the economic power and the force other countries to see that to that is part of people are sort of big of china. but as to it isn't all by nation. the serial rem oppose that has been sworn in for a 2nd time. as south africa's president his policy, the african national congress failed to secure upon them entering majority in last month's elections that forced it to form a government of national unity. with all the parties, including the main opposition party, the democratic alliance. so me to mila has moved from the no duration ceremony in pretoria. so helped me go, president silver. i'm opposed to sick until i mean office comes with some major changes. after losing its pulling them into majority is quality. the african national congress now governs along with 5 others, including its biggest rival, the democratic alliance. despite some resistance from within the parties,
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rings to working with the official opposition. wednesday was a day of celebration of the a and the load hard your mom. i had one of the testers and the people have a full that's a huge piece over a 100 critics or on the constitution of the medical. so let's see this the m, as in dog was in attendance, hits of state from neighboring nations including zimbabwe and gold, as well as of the african countries as well as a crowd of thousands who came out to witness the rumble pools of taking the oath of office, we believe we're going to make more differences because well, going to work with the appointments, especially the way appointments before but not where we come together to make sure
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we have speed up in the service to our communities. this is really an opportunity because we have a current listing, the parties together and in the government we have an opportunity to actually really fix and rebuild it. we haven't had for maybe 1015 years as a young person. i hope that self advocacy i'd employment late degrees and then our youth will now get jobs. this is the treaty called african until the 1st speech will be 2nd time. so i'm gonna post a promise to be a president for also the africans teaching and inclusive economy. and the creation of jobs, unemployment is one of the biggest concerns to vote is wanting 3 people is out of work for many. so last weekend, the agency is failed. to fulfill the promises it made since coming to power, following the end of a par tate in 1994. those who have faced in the new unity government, hopefully things will change. but the majority widely democratic alliance is struggling to present itself as an inclusive party and their worries. the coalition won't prioritize the plus and the majority black population. this is
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a new era for south africans and their country's political landscape. one that's likely to see great to consultation between the amc, i just bought those policies will have to be agreed as president from oppose. the professor names is new cabinets that will include members from other parties. so me them a little. i'll just share up pretoria. at least 700000 people have been less stranded by flash floods in ne bundle dish. more than half of them are in the so had district. some of the displaced have taken shelter in schools. and in the se 9 people have been killed in lance live in cox's design district. each of them were hanging refugees from me and ma, living in tents. the situation is expected to watson as more heavy rain is full cost in the next 24 hours. while fi is in the united states of killed at least one person and forced $7000.00 from the homes, it caused severe damage to homes and property in and around the village of really
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do so in new mexico. officials say the blazes have in golf at about 89 square kilometers. the emergency services are waiting for the science to become stable before they can assess people's homes, firefighters in brazil, all still trying to put out wild fires in the punch in the wetlands, the woodlands, a home to many animals such as judge was on the condos and joined and each is fine as in the area have jumped 10 fold this year despite wildfire, sees and usually starting in july, drought has left the punch no dryer than usual. they can get phone ripple to blazes . southern europe is experiencing an extremely hot summer affecting the lives of locals and tourists. the heat has viewed wild fires and erotic reigns in greece, malayna vessel, and which has more from hi up above 3 excited flight, destroyed to quells of blaze. encroaching on the village of kit,
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see 25 kilometers south of athens, fined by strong winds, the saw his scorched homes and driven residents out. as greece blisters on the temperatures of up to 43 degrees celsius. the heat affecting large parts of southern europe, prompting these low closing costs of, of, to take any tools that can get to cool off that for the construction well, because there's no choice but to carry on. so do you know of, of sort of working today, despite the fact it is very hot, it is around 35 celsius. so we try to get frequent breaks. 100 my, what? so this is on to high temperatures. how gone and then we get back to normal working habits. there is a list so normal though, when it comes to the sweltering temperatures, heating room here, europe has warmed up twice as quickly as the global average. and is the urban areas
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that are taking the brunt of it. see, these are the ones suffering most. they're shooting up twice as fast, and they're inhabited by increasingly the majority of a global population. so we really have to receive how we build our cities and how we build our industries, our infrastructure, and to make sure that we create backup systems and resilience to extreme weather events, weather events, we can expect more of as climate change, experts say was as the conditions of the world we live in, mainland invested in the rich outer 0. to please 10 people, a dead end as many as 60 more i'm missing off to ship rags off the coast of easily involving migrants and refugees. they telling coast god rescued 12 people from a semi submerge cross, and conducting searches by as one of the survivors. the wrecks happened of the south and italian islands and produced authorities in poland to find
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a hospital for denying a woman and a portion saying it could have endangered her life. poland has strict rules, prohibiting abortion in most cases except for rape incest. or when the mother's life is threatened, the polish national health service found that the hospitals decision violated the law. the woman went to another facility, poland, new governments, that one elections last year is trying to roll back exceptions. introduce for doctors to refuse on moral grounds. to beluga wells have been evacuated from ukraine to spain, to protect them from the ongoing for they were in an aquarium in hopkins, which has been under increasing attack fresh and artillery fire has been landed in just a few 100 meters from this size, official se, if the whales had stayed in the war zone. the chances of survival would have been very slim. well, that's the news for now. i'm just go,
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washington. the weather is next and then inside story examines with the hezbollah and israel will get into a full fledged, the hello racing dice. have same flooding into southern parts of try to take me down towards a se one. don't promise was your own province. unless because of the my, your front, the plum range, i slipped a little further northwest now. and that's going to bring the heavy a down pulls into a central area, is able to wool shanghai because of a road pick pattern road from where to where are your flick by. and you'll see the west to weather, making its way further. east was running just to the south of south crick issues, things up examples. could see some flooding coming in here. going into friday. right? pulses out a little further east was that state. so i was on the shelves are going to shame it
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. the in tokyo with around $29.00 celsius to office and what's the weather towards the fondles of china up towards guardia and heavy showers will continue. close. central pos are china moving further north with the flood risk just extending into these areas here. lobby shy was continue across the philippines, northern parts of indonesia, malaysia, things on lobby shells, and particularly what, what the, just gathering, just around southern past, cambodia and a vietnam, particularly whether continues across good parts of india. now the month saying basically what i'm truly sensitive, what to whether it's a bundle, a dash as well, increasing count them right. i can get cooler for new debbie. the working class community driven football club, some remarkable friends left leaning socialist politics. what you see on this, the, those and the police of the funds to pay school phones, discrimination wide focus,
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bringing people together. it's quite unlike anywhere else while odd white folks football office on out a 0. 0 is rolling hezbollah on the verge of full blown war? 2 sides of setting up the rest of your control sort of attacks. israel says, plans for defensive and let it on have be approved. what would a well look like this time around? and those diplomacy stand a chance. this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm the focus tensions between the israeli military and lebanese on group has the law as an old time high. they've been engaged in low levels of.


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