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tv   Bone Hunter  Al Jazeera  June 20, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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to copy, revised wells and increases systems cost on red chris the hello, i'm jessica washington into how there's hope stories on challenges. 0. the head of the lebanese group has below it says a full size with no rules, no ceilings. if israel launch as a rule unleavened on us on, that's what our lot also want nearby cypress against, allowing israel to use its military bases, it up only about the have a lot of them. it was imposed on lebanon. the resistance will fight without restraint, without rooms and without limits. yes, if i'm a couple months ago, was specifically a government should be aware that the opening of his app or some basis for his reading, the minutes or use would mean to sit for
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a government that comes parts of the world. and the resistance will do with this possible new comments from the is rarely military's top spokesman, a signaling growing differences between security officials and of the countries political leadership. daniel gunnery has told local media that eradicating him, us, which is one of the governments stage of goals is unattainable. how mazda is an idea, a mazda is a party, and it is implanted in people's hearts. whoever thinks that we can demolish from us is wrong. it is the muslim brotherhood that has been present in the region for many years. but what can be done is to create something else to replace it and make the population realize that there is another party. it distributes food and provide social services. who is this party that replaces homeless at the political level? and is this the way to we can home us. the new wave is rarely a texas count, at least 30 palestinians across guns. a 10 were killed and 30 injured in an attack
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. east of rough uh, in the past few hours is really forces have reported to have showed a group of civilians. the injured have been taken to the european hospital, which is already over crowded with patients. is there any forces, have also destroyed ponts of the rough or crossing in southern guns a more than a month officer. they seized it. video shows bunch house buildings including the main terminal. it was a vital route for aid flowing into garza from the egyptian side. but israel has further restricted supplies from getting through since it took over the crossing. on may the 7th. a new report by the un human rights office says israel may have systematically violated the laws of full which protects civilians. the report examined 6 specific attacks in garza with high casualties from the sellers of the war. humans who these have released a video, they say shows and it's their attack on a ship last week, causing it to sink in the red sea. one person was killed when the greek owned congo
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ship was struck by missiles a week ago. the rest of the crew was safely evacuated. it's believed to be the 2nd vessel so excited. the group have been targeting israel link ships and what they saying is solidarity. the palestinians in gaza rushes president vladimir putin has ended a 2 day state visit to north korea, where he signed a number of security deals. he's now in vietnam's capital. i know a couldn't is due to meet the country's top leadership and sign agreements covering weapons, sales and educational exchanges in an opinion piece published on wednesday and praised what he called henry's balance. stats on the ukraine will to run the pose that has been sworn in as the president of south africa for 2nd time. the ceremony in pretoria and peace re elected run the post and last week following a deal to form a coalition government often last month's elections is governing african national
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congress policy was forced to into an alliance after failing to win a majority the 1st time since the end of the positives, more than 3 decades ago. at least 700000 people have been left stranded by flash floods in ne bhangra dish. more than half of them in the still have district . and in the southeast 9, people have been killed in lance, lies in coaxes bizarre district, age of them. whoever hindered refugees from me and ma, living in cats, at least 10 people are dead. and as many as 60 more are missing of the 2 ship wrecks off the coast of easily involving migrants and refugees. the italian coast guard rescued at 12 from a send me so much crops and conducting such as by. and so all the supplies is the rex happened of the southern island of lump producer. those are the headlines. the news continues here on out a 0 of the out a 0. well, the
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the the, this is quite on like anywhere else. ultra stands for so much in people when it comes to violence. and the question on progressive people would size oppression. i would say division and the bosses will filters in the to that a form of
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support just like are in hiring these political, the politics was calling to clear the socialist left leaning. what you see on the, those of the police of the, the funds that get the on its own stuff on the go. it's very fund fundraising trends record themselves to l. just then for the to choose between data political, lots of in store a full size offering. the boats come and see it. come down, come and visit us. you know, you, wherever you all you have been saudi arabia, palestine just to jump on a plane in pharmacy is the
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great thing from the coastal city. all right. then south of london baseman seconds and most important to off of white hole can how would leave town game last time, games and hawks among the trees this off may decide the fates even sprang up in the is me and league or getting really get into that account to know what i'm telling you now, this is massive. yes. do you know do not leave the
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i'm often see like to see when i get for the, for the home guys, i usually have about 9 o'clock to go to the garden. say my mom and my sister and bride. so me and for those to the by
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the life of the normally football at work awake 5 days a week for most of them and then travel down for 2 hours training tuesday and thursday. and then play football on a subsidy. you know, they, they didn't pay the money for doing what i left there was a come side, but it's now quite a bit kind of, i'm tough. and this is the entrance to the syllabus. very syllabus engines to the ground. that's the food bank. food jordy boat, because we're collecting, so watch with food bank today. the we like the food bank. i mean it's a very good course. local. got good links with them. a lot of people who might who
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rely on it and i know friends are very, very good in terms of what they bring. there are variety of things going on during the day that kevin is normally the passenger. we who organizes the last name. why? who is a, in a cold, why, who states, denise brighton and over the years 20 years ago. so it is quite deprived area. um and there's a lot of low income families in the, in that particular area. and there's lots of initiatives within the community to, you know, make people's lives in a little bit better to one of the churches. as in kaufman's the setup, a white hope food bank, the local community helps to make that to make it will be easier for them to know, simon. and also i k or alternate things. um lets me,
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i'm 5157 phone and not in 64. through up in n y o, which is why, which is why i support this thing. although i live in london last for this time. so yeah, when i grew up getting a growing up on the estate, there was here. so just dive into the enclosed ground and watch the players. the kinds always good to apply for the 15 back then started off for the different saying, but we much were boy from club. so on the 16th
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point, the story and then we would have to go to our last time in the season and lose by knowing goes to get relegated to the right the way where the guy said it was always just struggling to stay away when it was full, the 1945 as while some on the phone, all boys. there was a periods of success in particular through the sixties and the eighty's on this. i
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mean, so underneath that was taught when say i was just one of the biggest teams in suffolk, [000:00:00;00] the, the oldest living photograph of anything connected with why or is this picture? and this is a 1945 teen photo. we know who most of the players of the a patient at the low to the people. young lad,
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22 was carry on playing football when they finished playing useful bullet wants to go out of football. 1945. so they for me to go whitefield and mine, a farm o boyce. so whitefield is here, man of farm, is the state which is on the other side that hill behind my head on the other side of the valley. and they had a period of incredible success of the decades of the fortress, the starting, the voltage. they won the voltage and every company and and they progressed and got promoted 1st major transfer. there was not $251.00, the associates cancel cap, and then they go into associates translate. so they, they came from tying hawks football on open pages to actually get into the cancer. they can be one of the top teams in the county in under 10 years. they changed their name to white hole in 1958. they then had
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a relative pay rate of success. they would, they didn't get, keep coming on getting promot you. there was a top calculate side throughout the 50, the 61, the calculator again at the start in the sixty's and give the chapel in 1962 and they want the cancer, they gave me 9064 in the eighty's, they became quite successful again. they became that, you know, they started getting caught runs day that the team, the team go back to the data. and, um, they were still in the county league and they were just a good county lakeside. they, they've had a couple of allegations during that time that going back into candidly to ones came straight back up again. the, the biggest things that they did that they did in the history really was developing a ground because they were just paying on a page which was enclosed by low to hedges. that's why it's called inc. has grand. so they doesn't know changing. so they just or anything like that. so they're very proud of the fact that go to the dressing rooms, they go
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a clubhouse and they were quite happy being a club in calculate the and somebody we must definitely mention terms of issue the coverage on rosenblatt who is now at 81. i think promising sign on this photograph that right way and slash this is 9071 that she's 19717071. this picture and this joan version best. first asian, the secretary there is as a young man, and here is 10 years later on this picture here. i mean, i think i'm right in saying that every single one of those people on that front row, other than john derrick who looks old here just a life generic does the border him
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a much dice and john is still with of secretary when i go i usually watch you how you doing my days to play the button in the box with a tough board around it showed up who low wrong color guy that was just up to they started noted for a fire try i used to watch and then after just after the war, the car, that remodeled really, really good papers, the old war, joe used to be a camp for spite. there's really, really out about getting paid and have it over now for each other. and what that date was created, a fantastic atmosphere relationship between the community and the club. that's the federal government been building the building so that
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the people show you the bar to where the paper tray. okay. tape, but more are do not know, of course is out of pocket detail, but which are most about most curious or stuff like that much. or they know if he's coated on the more token just to be paid for our sake. got bad reputation for a big put it. that was the thing that's a, that's go when i was the community and we wanted watch football club to be at the forefront of the center of everything that with the, the, the, the, the community was proud of the brighten up on this,
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on the estate of i'll say you have to be mentally tough and i say here you have to low cost, you have to low cost yourself. it just felt like you have to you hot for me. the how do you, how to cook? i have to create a car it to to be um, just to so so, so it says it will fit in, survive if you like. the problem, what told in check cleaning jobs. and she works with a ron to use an old people's home and a trade in via and my dad was just a bit of a child where it is a bit of it. it was a bit of a while ago when he was younger, is very young. when he had me and my sister so in the sixty's, it was rough bombing around town with the mall. and it was always up to look very sharp and project himself on his own. these appearance, as i said before, it's very amusing
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the . 6 but the well you've to move here on the 15. did really well, i'm to 16. then i stopped playing that sort of under 1617. and i decided to go to pups and do my own thing on the weekends and gone around with my nights,
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which didn't really involve playing football. the the the doesn't think device is politics, it's politics and for most it's a really mix. well, they do the, it's not really about politics, it's just about a belief. you know, um i think people just want to do the right thing and, and,
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and kind of live together and be part of everything's together and ends. football is a, is a sport where, you know, it's a great level on from london originally i lived down to brighton about 17 years ago. um and several people said to me if you like, but we usually go to walk home. and because of the reputation i yeah, i'm embarrassed to say that i didn't actually come down and i didn't know it wasn't on links, it was all about. so i thought it might be somewhere where the hooligans life the it's really not like that the
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. they also started with a see guys at the back of the stand. and i was saying that so us as just as attracted the taxi, but other people and ends that i became a in the old shows features again. and i want to talk to the the found as a vill, rory. then i think gilman and foot came along. so nick is a parent, so that comes along. we use the doesn't come anymore. we moved out of town met so used to bring a saw. i run the f, i took time, we had a big air raid sirens, so it be low to noise in
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the paper and you go so low as you go the what is on for. so i'm actually in the end is declining this and it's the goodness and it's the cherishing. and it's the hard work and the can the love and the support for the guy that will actually we noted for in the end you ready will,
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is it has to pay for his money. they've ruined it. then they've ruined football the a plus. and they'll say guys that my name's meant for, um, i'm currently a trade union organizer and so i'm a passionate want hope fan by one company there anymore. because of my wife, i happened to go to the little town suffice to button, and there was a game being played between back town, m y o, and one of my friends. why didn't you come and watch the game? and i said, thought teddy, well, whoever wins this game i will follow, i'd so given up on league football by this point because it's become so commercialized and, and so rigid and it's full of aggressive people and i want to not part of it. and then i went to the guy and there's
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a threat in getting between louis and white hole and why 13 to. and from that moment on i was actually be hooked to my home and i could not give up on that. i went every single guy in the season after season home in hawaii. now when i went along, there was a group of $65.00 or 6 friends sort of watch, supposedly in germany and the bruship value. and i think as well, it was as well. but they loved the as, especially stones and started they jokingly as a group for funding. so that would be the way to to go ahead with, with creating a guy that's a name for a group of files. we all want it. oh wow. oh oh yeah, it was a chunk because that was sent to of us, but it was a joke the could look,
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but we didn't have the identity. and so we started to just build an identity we. we took pictures of hawks, we took things we, we just site and suddenly, and it was the fact that ultra stands for solving much in football when it comes to violence and aggression and was not in progressive people with size passion, i would size division and divisiveness the wife of cultures, but she thought that a bunch of folks are thinking complete, you know, so you can see that passionate, but you don't have to be full rivers with heights. you can be just as passionate as any other ultra, to show people the, you know, it's a great game and it can and it could be a wonderful experience and it could be a moving experience. the
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to the, this is what's called a been and this is where the ultra is, this is the home, put it bisco pulled up here because it's a, it's a policy they want to just enjoy deposit. and then they just collect stickers from around around the world. i. so a lot of real big these clubs, lot of european clubs also in a similar kind of belief. and all um, you know, sort of enjoying football community more than just the football itself. certainly quite infectious about the fans isn't the spirit of the club it's. it's quite unlike anywhere else i. i'm not supporting for the the latest news as it breaks. but immigration advocates challenge president trump
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asylum order back in 2018 with detailed coverage. while the santa ride remains from the in the saddle, the fall right is expected to shake off politics and russel's from around the world . the growth rate of the russian economy is ahead of the world. everidge and russia has already overtaken japan in germany, in terms of the size of its economy. the colleges, when you will see a duty and a groove using for p, use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects, except the cost. and we strive to insure it reaches its deserving recipients,
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visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems costs on red, chris the a hello. i'm jessica washington into the top stories on how to 0. the head of the live needs group has been uh, says it will find with no rules, no ceilings. israel launch is a rule unleavened on us on the throne law has also warned nearby cyprus, against allowing israel to use its military bases. it up only about the man it was imposed on lebanon. the resistance will flag without restraint, without rooms and without limits. yes, it a couple months ago was specifically a government should be aware that the opening of his app or some basis for his
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reading the minutes for use would mean the cypriot government becomes part of the goals. and the resistance will do with this, part of the sci fi is really military spokes person says most cannot be destroyed. speaking in contrast to the government's stated goal of eliminating homeless daniel, her gallery told local media that her most is an ideology implanted in the hearts of the people of gauze. a new wave is rarely a tax, has killed at least 30 palestinians across garza. 10 were killed and 30 inches and it is hacked east, a for alpha in the past few hours is there any forces reported to have shown a group of civilians. the injured have been taken to the european hospital, which is already over crowded with patience, is rarely forces have also destroyed parts of the roof of crossing in southern gaza . within a month after they ceased, as video shows burnt out, buildings including the main terminal. it was
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a vital route for aid flowing into garza from the egyptian side. but israel has further restricted supplies from getting through since it took over the crossing on may 7th. a new report by the un human rights office says israel may have systematically violated the laws of war which protects civilians. the report examines 6 specific attacks in garza with high casualties from the stones of the in all the news serial, rem of hose that has been sworn in as the president of south africa for a 2nd time. and a ceremony in pretoria and peace re elected run the pose of last week following a deal to form a coalition government after law sponsor elections is governing african national congress policy was force to enter in alliance of failing to win a majority for the 1st time since the end of apartheid more than 3 decades ago. well, those are the headlines. the news continues here on now to 0, up to out to 0 wells, the,
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the, the politics. what, what kind of clear, the socialist left leaning socialist politics of what you see on the says those are the police of the, the funds that get behind the go on from the on the go, the, is tracy way. if you bring politics into sports. yeah. and, and football, but for what was going to a fantastic platform and then launch voice. and then i think that's
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we here we all play school in the sense that we would like to sing about people's freedoms, refugees, and welcome here. for instance, like the referees of tory is not always, i know everyone is necessarily the same, some shape, but it's quite a socialist and quite a forward thinking here. um we do, we have lots of lots by political things have a way i'm not but just silence. the fascist is silenced, the bigots, it's stopped in its tracks and it, it made for it my passion and it might. and that's what, why hooks actually what about what the, what, who ultra is all about is about passion and always being passionate and enjoying it . and tearing and being a family unless appreciating that everybody mile female black white refugee, that doesn't really matter, as long as you love football. it's the home for you. it's a passion for the dying that matches. beyond that,
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you can show care and love and that's far more powerful than devices politics and tribalism, which is what football has been for so long and which has made extend cluck a dead fish. that's what white oaks about. that's why i love i feel like any form of sports, just like art, inherently, is pulled up to code because it is group based. it is looking to just not individuals, but a group of people. it is bringing people together. this why it is a great platform to also not only you know like, is the kind of sharing the art or sports, but we also share the messages. and it is fascinating for me to see that the watch focus actually that the,
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this is what we do. yeah, it's a wild life when we, when we sing, when we lose, and we think that's what we've done. that was quite unique because i'm originally from turkey and some football teams. i mean even the most major ones don't really have a political ton if you like. but what hope was different in that regard? and it's reinforced today just because there's no notes about it that those families have been given by the school. it's very from time driven. that was the friends who call themselves the eldest stanfull. the english civic, a football is rule, it's definitely fun driven. there are initiative style that the tub the tub has increasing. they got involved with that promote those values as well, but it did start with the friends and um, if football is for roll it people often ask me, well,
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does that mean that we also include people who uh, who go values diametrically opposed to us? well yes, we'd like to, we'd like to include and then we'd like them to come along. but at the end of the day there are the rules and laws around what you kind of kind of say a football matches and what and how we should behave. some people that's a bit of a that's just political correctness. go mad and you know it's but those people are in an increasing minority the . but if i go to the amex towards brian, who can help you? and i hear things which i don't want to hear if i go to the i t i do, i go way to watch much the city i hear things. i don't want to have games like that as well. so those, those i think, you know, with that was going to reflect society is it in general, i think is whether it's a question where the balance is always there is a question of promotion and continue to reminding people about the,
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the values that we've got. i'm putting them right out there at the front and know, assuming that those things are just going to happen unless they're actually worked on by the cops. i started with the funds develop is still a fund light thing, but the trouble is also embraced it and introduced a number of initiatives which it back to what funds have been been asking for a doctor. well, will political action issues with our, you know, i 70, you know, have lots of political shows in the power of stand so sudden exciting much about that. that's the way that i am, but i'm a football fan and that's why i was, you know, i think the folks, you know, i'd have to choose between beta political activity store a football fan and i'll try more time. i can be part of the slogan as it is um it's not so much use it these days. i think it's on there um
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its way to fade about the anyone use it. oh, why is it on a to show anything like that? even though i think for boyfriends video sake, i think some people get carried away at the moment. and i think we've had people try to for a while, who would probably go along with those or things in the past. but they suddenly funded they're in a culture that is very, very different. but until they talk to them with the thinking that it's, that there are people in football law very vicious and very, very nasty who will create lots of environments and spread to either welcome that sort of. by the way, if we go down we'll, we'll just,
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as i was off and we will be back again and we're rush all about it. yeah. yeah. what hope the opera. yeah. yeah. yeah. for the new movie i was some for the new manager. yeah. how's it goes to this new attack? good attack as good as off. oh, the notes as we love it. ah, we just, we don't, we don't, we don't support a comprehensive success. we disappointed because everyone has what, how it's why, okay, now for different reasons, for example, moxie works with, with bringing the refugee people to because i love football that's, that's what mock and those people feel that was right for the both of them, the food by run while they see what's the bottom of the see it because i see is a way of spreading the main message of tolerance rather than of the of for shifted
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division. so it has many things to many people. now that by and large owners, those supporters would agree with every other support you would be doing. so if your passion was the food bank, you would still be say yes or fully support people coming in to because that refugees and they want to enjoy football as well. i know i fully support an anti fascist stones as well. and i fully support the fact that i've come here for a policy. they would all work together in that respect to match what binds them. is those different strands which you could ultimately co lo truck. i think the club, so raise the profile. what was being a saying, the place of being a place where people can come and have a good time, and everyone can mix together and have a common cause. i think you need to have a common goals, and i think that the club with its sense of fall and unclear. i said,
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let's say on and for once a web foot full roll the everyone's welcome here. and i think that's helping to, well, hopefully helping to raise the profile oil cars as a, as a good place and a place where um you know, where as i said before. busy is needed, you know, maybe the beauty of it is because it does river local, it doesn't have much money and that's why it is, it has the power to be free. as much as this company, the new investors came in at 20072008. that they, there was investment in it and this company doing that to them just paint guarantee . and then there was this period of successive promotions that i taught for the 1st time in 201314 internationally south, which is 2 of the 2 legs below the football league. so quite
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a remarkable way they stayed on quite low gates, that the club then suddenly became much better known. and in 2015, we played and give them a webpage in the 2nd round to if a company, if one not game we to play to have it no way in the 3rd round of as a cut. and that's what most people remember, cuz we have a 2000 people in the ground for the reply, the last time the guys wanted to change the, the way that the club was saying around around the city. and we've already mentioned that and i think outside of bright and then a suffix y holt is,
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is seen as a progressive, you know, dynamic increasing only for the top now. and it was kind of any of, you know, it was just another in a recess. uncomfortably, in the city and the surrounding areas. it was white. okay. it was kind of this like kind of babies. tongue sort moves. i agree, and that's why old is that kind of thing. i think the management at the time so well if we change that name to button city and as we would have a new image, new added to new environment, no changes. why hope a state is a place of poor people and people who have not had the opportunity and lost the other people have been given and that's not fair. and that you know what the club of data, in a small way were silent. we know we should organize we've, we've got people that can come in now the one to come and help and they want to do
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it. and, but the st. john, by giving positivity out to the local population, inviting them to come, watch the games, trying to get our prize to go into the local schools to help you know, to show football skills to kids, to run the food bank to get money at christmas. take to home this paper to write lasix just to be that as part of the community and as a beacon for the community gets paid for the point of heart, which is for when the commercial as side of the club wants to change the name. i felt as did many, many others, that you're rubbing people of something that was this part, their identity is, you know, there's not a lot to be proud of in the pull place. the of discuss the subsequently a little bit with the investors. i think it was born out of frustration with the,
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with the low attendance is i think the fact that all to anybody who's going a monday was successful was, was curious. the name's john summers on a principal invest stuff. been watching football club and a local business. one more father had a business in white top and he used to um, sponsor the club and advertising the local and the local white hold press. um, so i, i picked up one of his old adventures, but she, on the guy in the, in an old program with one whole can it was a pull back, some incredible memories of, uh, that's business back in the dice. so it's lovely to have that connection. we got involved in 2007 back in 2009, where we struggling with tendencies. i want hook got pointed to
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a band price as a place for trade in the media room baby, same a. the primary, a, one of the top 10 people have to originate in, in, in the country. we was struggling to get people in the door. and there was a lot of positive changes in my, to the club improvements to the facilities, etc. but of playing playing stuff and we're still struggled. the so it was a great point of the committee at the time of the transfer you to add the protection to the 911 of the true true to raise the way i need some rice, the price point of the cloth. but it was quite a positive commercial move in, you know, in conjunction with the improvements we making at the club and improving performance isn't going up in the league we wanted to, i brought it to the name and the vote at the time of the committee vote. was bumper,
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the point in the city will not be time chairman in 2015. i was off to put that for which the f i, which we did approach f. i did, i fired massively because as it would have done with a lot of other problems because you know, you'll deal taking away um, some of the legacy you're taking away the name, you're taking away what, but everything was i think that stands for and this by the fact that perhaps some places outside of why hold light look down up a why old and, and, and, and the scene that it's uh and heard of it. so they'd probably have to area the painful n, y. org. but quite proud of what they they had and i was proud people. so why would she wants to change that? and there's almost like an insult to them that day. and you'll get wants to change that name to button city because even the club doesn't like why hold the area. suddenly a group of progressive people have created a, a vibrant football club full them. but it's getting noticed in the, in the reports in newspapers and something positive coming out of
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a poor place. and you're going to change the name. you can adapt to because it's suit. she'll commercially driven. are these no, no, no, no not. that doesn't work in my mind. i'd be cool. going to say all the services and speaking to the friends a few away in hung games. and it was generally that they were quite upset about that. so we didn't wanna do it about the signed approval because we have the friends approval before but as time went on that change and i was on the radio, the front of the morning with the chat room with mr. summers and it stops. and that was, that was it. and from there one in the club is taking steps and stalled, sees that show the, the east of the finds has been recognized by those the in power. and the yes, there is always a role for commercialism,
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but must not always be the soul driving race. and actually the values of the funds and the people that attend on this extra days and the change the nights and the brightening the cold will go to the other towns to do it. that's what drives for both of the drugs the, the . 6 about that, we won't be out to the, we've done what we sent out to the we've stayed in this like the
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performance in the club house. hold on. what's your sites this'll be come down, come on the smoke to check the about, you know, the call to the investment or the return on the investment. i think it's about what you're investigating through. i think this is a social investment, and it's been a lot of money. we put a lot of money into, into this full truck. um,
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over the years of costs, i still think it's money well spent in the long run, i think to payoff pays david ends for, for the town, for the city. oh, love it. and i'll come, come to the more come and see it come down from visit us. you know, you, wherever you all you have been saudi arabia, palestine. let's just jump on a plane and come and see us, cuz you'd be more than welcome. i really enjoyed the conversations like this about where what your ultimate goal is, reminds me of what used to be said that what the, when people decide to me you like and vision. if you don't want to be the best, you want to be the best. absolutely. everything is i can be sure you have to also be realistic about where we are. i'm what, what we all. so i don't think it's sensible talking about why or independently
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going to jump is a i think it's sensible. talking about phase one, white hold establishing themselves as a talk normally football club and national league south. i don't think it's sensible to have another conversation about whether we want to go to the next level as a professional football club. and at that point, you may decide you don't or you may decide the result space isn't appropriate. keeps the top bottom track. function of the back club will always be the able. it's had a multi commerce success. and once you've tasted a little bit of success and the way that your east or sees it will carry on rolling that way. i think it will be a roller coaster for the pa, for the always be office for what they will lock a whole lot of wide open eventually, sol, and set a good example to all of the cups populate that. but then how many do you
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the, you know, there's life and then this football, but that's very close. very as close as we also really guys and that's how close it is. yeah, the 2 points and i've been close to really go sion in law very close. i think i've been really guys came back home. i went down a couple of divisions many years ago, but then i got a new management. i met my met my wife and uh yeah, i know i rosa, i used to love to pocky. but then when i got to 40 and i had
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a child on the policy how to stop. so i stopped part in them from that time a sore new new way of living and a new life, a new sideboard way of living, clean life. and um, but those experience, so how does the policy is kinda stuff me in good stead already? um, not the gram it go a bit docks. um the relegation is but then you look forward to the promotion, you know, and every, every year is uh yeah, i'm just, i'm just glad to be alive. that's why i moved. that's why i'm was running around and you know, spend a lot of time being been miserable and unhappy that when you find something and you find happiness, you just go up, embrace it. you know, i mean, in some ways this book will cup toes my own life story, and i just down the down the down, the down, the rise up of the adventures then go down and now we're going to hopefully rise up again. this is in some ways the story of, of, of my life and probably
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a lot of people's lives. now the 3, let's getting ready. so the game is not a thought to people who seem to know. my name is not about smiles and laughter all around. it's not about the dream she could take around the ground. it's not about the change. the style is to start to stand out above the play as a shake. it is not about the theater that we witnessed every week. not about the the a unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has nothing rough and looks like we're
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off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0, the, the hello we have that bank type is a contrast in the weather across north america at the moment. the intent is the severe he way set to continue, particularly up towards the northeast corner, right of area of high pressure when it's probably in a clockwise direction. so we're drawing a southerly weight and a lot of moisture in this that's the shoot me to see added to the high temperatures as well. we have got this dividing line between the halter and cooler right across the west and both west and palm. so if a confident is a cold problem that will make his wife for we're all going to see some bonding
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stools on the system as we go through the next couple of days. they say around 33 celsius on thursday afternoon and warming getting up to 37 the jamaica way into the latter part of the week. so we do have that big temperature contrast. live the storms on this one because the cold are on the comfortable man. forces the to rise big funds of stones coming down the alternate. i mixed it and had some very large how as a potential for some flash flooding, a scattering a shout was that right down across the rockies, pushing across the plains. i know some what the weather will say making its way into the deep south of the us. so just around western pot, southern areas of texas. and that's because we have a federal system that's bringing some very heavy right and flooding the east and mexico. the
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in the center i've been is due to the latest news as it breaks is really military has been for says complicating of blockade on the gauze. the rest of the year limit exam 3 of the spend, so good with detailed coverage. human rights organizations have well come the u. s . decision to place as well on the list of countries that violates children's
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rights from the hearts of the story. the shortage of water is adding more misery to the lives of tens of thousands of palestinians. the fee is of an old nose war between israel as live known as the head of his beloved ones. he's grateful flashbacks, with no limit the one jessica washington. this is to see red light from don't. also coming out is really on the spokesman says how much is an idea and can not be destroyed? is remarks drew a quick response from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a new un report says
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israel may have repeatedly violated the laws of war and failed to distinguish


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