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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 20, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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from the ha, so the story, the shortage of water is adding more misery to the live of tens of thousands of palestinians. the fee is of an old nose war between israel as live known as the head of his beloved ones. his grateful flashbacks with knows in the one just to prove washington. this is to see red light from don't. also coming out is really on the spokesman says how most is an idea and can not be destroyed. is remarks drew a quick response from the high minister benjamin netanyahu. a new un report says
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israel may have repeatedly violated the laws of war and failed to distinguish between civilians and fighters in guns. russian president vladimir putin arrives in vietnam after visiting north korea. so the 1st time we move into the head of the lebanese group has the law has warranties. funds is already for a wide, for against israel. there's been frequent across the border exchanges of fire between has the law and israel since the war and goes up began, and increasing rhetoric has raised fee is it could escalate further in a televised speech, hassan estella said his group as boost a troop numbers and would find a will with no rules. he also warned nearby cyprus, against alone, is round to use its military bases. it off only about the have a well, i don't know if it was imposed on lebanon. the resistance will fight without restraint,
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without rooms and without limits. yes, if a couple months ago was specifically a government should be with the opening of his apple as a basis for his riley miniature use would mean the cypriot government becomes part of the goals and the resistance will do with this positive on the go. so you know, swell is comments come a day of to these really military said it had approved plans for an expensive inside of living on i'll just there was in a hold the reports from beverage. we are not afraid sweats of a full blown ward to not scare us. we are prepared. it is the enemy who should be afraid because nowhere in israel will be safe. those were the words of house on the throne of hezbollah. the secretary general in a defiance speech amid heights and tensions between the lebanese armed group and israel. a conflict has been raging along the border for 8 months now, triggered by the war in gaza. as ro, really has been threatening as of late,
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that it intends to whiten this conflict white in the war if has followed the border of the message board from the swallow, with one of the defiance even boasted on the groups capabilities, claiming that they had more than $100000.00 fighters and that they have new weapons and they and they would manufacture their own ms. housing drones. in fact, they, he went as far as to tell the is really, is that there the war between the wars that is israel strikes in syria. israel has been carrying out strikes and syria for years now to try to degrade the capabilities of the brand and its allies just did not work, so defiant and strong words from, from hezbollah as ro to a talking tough. but up most rela, had a strong warning to the cypriot government, claiming that these really military has been carrying out maneuvers in cyprus and
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is planning to use ports in airports and other facilities in the event of a war with lebanon in the event that has below targets airports in ports in israel, and the smaller, telling, disappear government you will be considered a legitimate target. so really, the stakes are high in this escalating conflict along the border. a conflict that to the us, the by the end administration is saying that, you know, this is a very serious situation. center for their was, is the, the new comments from these randomly latrice is top spokesman. a signaling growing differences between security officials and the countries political leadership to new. hi, gary has told local media that eradicating him, us, which is one of the government's stage of goals is unattainable. i don't know how much, how much is an idea? a mazda is a party and it is implanted in people's hearts. whoever thinks that we can demolish from us is wrong. it is the muslim brotherhood that has been present in the region
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for many years. but what can be done is to create something else to replace it and make the population realize that there is another party. it distributes food and provide social services. who is this party that replaces homeless at the political level? and is this the way to we can home us, i cannot discuss the alternatives. the political leadership must decide and the army implemented the decision. but the issue that have most can be destroyed and em, us can disappear, is just to throw dust into the public's eyes. if we do not bring something else as an alternative and gaza, i'm us will remain a hi. gary's remarks quickly prompted a statement by prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office insisting israel is committed to her mazda of destruction, and to remind to israel his band of 0 from operating inside the country. so home to salutes reports from jordan whitening risk between these really government and its army this evening. these really military spokesperson, daniel,
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a glorious saying that it would be impossible to defeat him. us because they are, quote, an ideology that is instilled in the people these really prime minister's office fuming at this releasing a statement saying that one of the goals of the war is to eliminate how much is military and political capabilities. but the army spokesperson has said that anyone who is saying that is in fact misleading the public. it just gives you an idea of what benjamin netanyahu has. policies are in this war, and what the army on the ground is saying is actually not realistic. now all of this comes as the situation on israel's northern border continues to escalate these really defense minister, you'll have to launch holding a situational assessment with the military chief of staff in which they emphasize they want to come back to his bullet drones. right? and that israel is prepared for a wide variety of scenarios. hertz see how lovely turing israel's northern border down playing the near 10 minute video. that his bullet head release showing
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sensitive military targets, saying that israel is none the less prepared for war from the central jersey to a man. and a reminder, again that these rarely government has bad odors here from operating in israel. and that's why honda was reporting from jordan as a new wave of these rally attacks as killed at least 30 palestinians. across garza, 10 people were killed and 30 injured and then attack east of process in the past few hours is rarely forces are reported to of shelves, a group of civilians. the injured have been taken to the european hospital, which is already over crowded with patience. is rarely forces have also destroyed parts of the roof of crossing in southern garza, more than a month after they ceased as video shows, band town buildings including the main terminal. it was a vital route for aid flowing into goza from the egyptian side. but israel has
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further restricted supplies from getting through since it took over the crossing on may the 7th. and you report by the united nations human rights office has found, but israel may have systematically violated the laws of 4. it's assessed 6 is riley attacks with high casualties from the beginning of the war, cooling them, emblematic of a pattern of behavior from israel. oh, to 0 is gabriel elizondo reports from un headquarters in new york, or a drain crate or the remnants after is real bombs. the densely populated job will be a refugee camp on october 31st, just 3 weeks into which war on guys a the u. n. says at least for 1000 pound, bombs were dropped by, e's real. 10 structures were flattened and the un verified at least $56.00 people were killed, including 12 women and $23.00 children. it was one of 6 is real attacks last
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october, november examined by the un human rights office in a new report on indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks. the report concluded, is real systematically failed to comply with fundamental principles of international humanitarian law of distinction, prohibition of indiscriminate attacks and proportionality. the report concludes that these is riley strikes, indicates that the id, if may have repeatedly violated fundamental fundamental principles of the laws of war. in this connection, it notes that unlawful targeting when committed as part of a wide sprayed or systematic attack against the civilian population. in line with the site or organizational policy might also input kite. the commission of crimes against humanity is real often justifies a tax on civilian populations,
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saying armed fighters were targeted and killed often without proof. the un says, even if arm groups are within the civilian population, it does not deprive civilians protection or absolved israel of war crimes. the requirement to select means and methods of warfare to minimize civilian casualties appear to have been consistently violated during the bombing campaign. and this is something that the in depth look at 6 specific incident seems to bear out who should be held accountable for this house should account ability be carried out there. many different groups looking into things. obviously, there will be the need, as with every conflict for measures of uh for accountability to be taken. while the conclusions from this report are clear, account ability could be more allusive. however, the findings here could be used by the international criminal court or the international court of justice as further pieces of evidence of israel's war crimes
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and gaza. gabriel is on the out just in the united nations in new york displaced palestinians in the gaza strip. have been describing what life is like living on the streets in summer without access to clean drinking water or toilets. they say they feel humiliated and just want to go home. amadi la la, i'm on. well, i struggle to get to the bathrooms, especially at nights, and sometimes i can't even make it to out of hospital nearby to use the toilets without basic necessities like mussa. and while authorities do health and little bit, it's not enough. urgent need appeal for gallons of all, just the restroom use and defense tools like cooking appliances. not just for me, but for all other women and children, and need access to clean water and functional restrooms is crucial for our dignity and wellbeing. so i that it most of auto smaller somebody if i were living in in humane conditions and made shift tents after being bombed last week, 2 of my children were injured. we are innocent civilians suffering from lack of
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water and food over whelmed by insects that cause disease. i'm ill and this life is unbearable for any human being. as humans whose ease have released a video, they say shows their attack on a ship last week, causing it to sink in the red sea. one person was killed when the greek congo ship was drunk by missiles a week ago. the rest of the crew was safely evacuated. it's believed to be the 2nd vessel sunk side of who sees the group has been targeting israel link ships in what they say is solidarity with palestinians in gulf canada has listed. it runs revolutionary good. as a terrorist group, the i a g. c is a powerful section of these on the new a tree controls a sizable portion of the economy. the move means its assets can be frozen and its members bound from entry into canada. there's been mounting pressure full kinda to make the listing the aisle g. c shots on a plane overhead on 4 years ago,
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killing everyone on board, including 85 people with links to canada. the us declared the group as a terrorist organization in 2019 o israel's assault on guns. i continues. palestinians in the occupied westbank are during what the u. n says is day of the day of unprecedented bloodshed more than 500 pellets, denny, and have been killed by his rarely forces. and settlers since the war on gauze began. no day went to one village where it's really simple is a foster taking over the fire is still burning. here in board color is rarely subtler sets on fire, several 100 trees in the village. nobody has been able to come here and put the fires out. is really subtler attacks targeting this village had been intensified over the past 9 months. but it's a story that spawns many years old. gone now is it did, and village,
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it's set down to do a 5 sip a month, all around motor car being effect sort of the best to be month over 20 times. imagine this used to be the main road of woodcock. it's a 7 minute drive from here to the for 25 years. it has been closed. and now all of that area is off limits to the residents. because the settlers have taken over. the non stop attacks have created a sense of fear across the village. little and have mental we called the rest the day on lights because we're afraid of the 2nd. this is really subtler score to the earth while these really army takes over the land. over the years, the residents of book all have been squeezed into only one 5th of the villages land, while the population has dropped nearly a half. and this is not just but a story all across the west bank, illegal is rarely supplement. i'll post like this one are mushrooming and subtler
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attacks are increasing dramatically. it is what the you on is calling a silent for, not all of the address data protocol, palestine the still ahead on the 0. i'm rough, mcbride, a jump, young island, south korea, just a few kilometers from north korea and west, south korea and fishermen on navigating the latest on greece, done the hello racing guys have same flooding into southern parts of try to protect me down towards a se one. don't promise was young province unless because of the menu from the plumb range, i slipped a little further northwards now. and that's going to bring the heavy it down, pulls into central air, is able to will shanghai because of a rope of cloud, a road for of wet to whether you're flicked by and you'll see the west to weather,
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making its way further. east was running just to the south of south crick issues, things the big temples. could see some flooding coming in here. going into friday. right? pulses out a little further east was at that stage. so i was on the shelves are going to be shame it. the in the took care of it around the $29.00 celsius, tells us of what the weather was. the fondles of china up towards guardia and heavy showers will continue. close central pos are china moving further? no. with the flood risk, just extending into these areas here. lobby shy was continue across the philippines, northern parts of indonesia, malaysia things and lobby shows. and so particularly what, what they've just gathering, just around southern past cambodia and a vietnam, particularly whether continues across good parts of india. now the monsoon based that what i'm truly setting what to whether it's a bundle with dish as well, increasing count on right. i can get cooler for new debbie. the
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ok foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened 75 countries around the world, 100 percent of 2nd of emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the the, this is a reminder of our top stories, the seller ahead of the lebanese group has the law says, april side with no rules,
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no ceiling's. if israel launch is a rule on living on us on this right low has also wants nearby cypress against, allowing israel to use its military bases. is really military spokesman says how much cannot be destroyed speaking in contrast to the government's stated gold. as illuminating how much, daniel has already told local media that most is an ideology implanted in the hearts of the people with guns. new reports by the un human rights office says israel may have systematically violated the laws of war which protects civilians. the report examines 6 pacific its attacks, and garza with high casualties and the stones of the bushes. presidents letting me in fruit and has ended a 2 day state visit to north korea where he signed a defense deal. he's now in vietnam's capital, annoy food news. jew to meet the country's top leadership and sign agreements covering with in sales and educational exchanges. in an opinion piece published on
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wednesday, he praised what he called henry's balance stance on ukraine. tony chang has moved from henry so just practice the ceremonial, much in front of henry's monument to the revolutionary months, as those who died in the american war. last minute rehearsals, before the arrival of russia's president vladimir putin. so many of you at the muse, the relationship with the soviet union. now russia is more than just diplomatic ties. so, i do believe that professor gwen lived in tulsa and russia for 20 years. there was his time is a young soldier on the front line. fighting against america with the soviet weapons which cemented the bone, the code in vietnam, we say one piece of food when hungry, you cause a box of food when phone we were hungry, dying, and then
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a very difficult situation. i wish your help to is received and i mean, issued thanks to that, we took the bottle field and towed on such 2 lands. the military ties are still strong. vietnam uses russian made weapons systems. recently supplies have been hard to get because of the war and ukraine. a new generation of soldiers is looking to diversify for a vibrant southeast asian economy. a strong relationship with russia may seem strange, but as it struggles to count to the influence of china or in the us, martin vietnam could find puts in a useful and i haven't got picked i quite like russian presidents with an i hope this visit will increase only doctor to cooperation and friendship between russian and vietnam and other that. and i feel like this is an on the vietnam and russia to because i think with this visit, russia will expand the corporate of relationship with vietnam and strength and the
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economic under domestic development for our country. for state visit. this one is going to be relatively short, it's still at the rush, as president will only be here for about 24 hours. but the deep ties between rusher and vietnam will ensure he gets a warm welcome. and that's relatively ref uploaded, and puts in when he travels overseas. tony chung out is there a residence on the south korean island of young peeling, say they worried about the worsening relations between the 2 koreas that has been tightened. tensions along the shed land frontier known as the demilitarized zone, as well as the maritime borders from mcbride has moved from young fuel. and so what is already a has a dis occupation? fishing out of young young island has the added risk of being right on the maritime boda with north korea. and fishermen like pod k one. they've had to deal with the
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suspected jamming of gps satellite positioning signals by the north. p tells us how suddenly and alarmingly his system told him he'd straight over the border panam securing your device when you're both was actually here. when the gps charming happened, showed us being on the northern side just of the northern coast of the island is west south korean waters. and. and that includes on the other side of the dividing line, what appeared to be to north korea and fishing boats. knowing where that line is, is vital as commemorated in this memorial incursions intentional lo otherwise have often led to see battles after a break of h is north korea is believed to have resumed its gps jamming in these waters. in response to joint military exercises between south korean and us forces this spring after the sign of listening relations. recently north korea launched hundreds of
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trash field balloons across the demilitarized zone, dividing the 2 careers in response to propaganda balloons from the south. and both sides have again, sets out propaganda land speakers not seen or heard since before. the brief period of stomach diplomacy several years ago, back on young people. another memorial commemorates the deadly 2010 shilling by the north. in response to artillery drills held by the south worryingly for many here, similar exercises all planned with all the thought. if we conduct military exercises again, we are opposed to us. there's no guarantee there won't be another shelly not given the proximity to north korea's guns. bomb shelters on numerous on a previous visit when relations with back to we found many had been changed closed . now all seem to be unlocked and ready for use. rob mcbride, i'll just say right,
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young people on the island, south korea, in the philippines has released videos. what it says is the latest confrontation between chinese and the philippine vessels and disputed waters of the south china sea. the philippines military says a chinese coast guard boat round and booted an inflatable vessel and with swords is as nines. it said they attacked members of the filipino crew were delivering supplies to troops based on the 2nd, thomas john. manila has cove. it's an act of piracy katrina you joins me now live from aging. katrina, tell us about what the philippines has said about these incidents. the well, they haven't just said uh oh, described what's happened. they released a number of videos and images really quite explicitly describing or showing what happens. they say on june 17 when philippine vessels and it took admission to resupply the ground of worship,
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the sierra madre. they say that they was ruled outnumbered by chinese vessels. that during the incidents which on east coast, god was layering sirens to disorient philippine sailors that they were brandishing pointed weapons, including the ship fees and the axes. and that when they bowed, they essentially acted like pirates loosing and destroying equipments. now the philippine slide has holders of basically an act of piracy one se low was indeed the most to some. and philippine general has demanded that old confiscated equipment be returned and that the chinese coast guard pay reparations. and for all the damage in touch and katrina, those as in strong accusations from manila, how hesitating responded to those restrung words from manila. very, very different language use 5 aging. they say that the chinese coast guard professionally wooded and inspected these political vessels when they legally
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intrude the area of aging because it is chinese territory that it cost. when i reese with motor in the re supply equipment, but also reconstruction equipment to really reinforce this ground of worship, the language to use. but aging said that the philippines conducted dangerous maneuvers that threatened the safety of both sides. and the aging has accused the philippines of its main supply ship intentionally approaching and colliding with chinese vessels to actually create this, this incidental, this encounter. now we also had some times for ministry. we said that this incident, basically is entirely the fault of the philippine side, saying that this was the philippine forces, ignoring chinese dissipation, to leave a chinese voltage that ended legally. it says that philippine slide has broken a commitment to bating, to remove this ground of worship, and he also pointedly set for ministry for miss restore. expressing that the
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chinese site did not deliberately take any direct measures against personnel on these katrina grant to get your insights. that's how corresponded katrina you're reporting from aging. well, i'd like to introduce you now to richard. hey, diane, who is a policy advisor and senior electra and international affairs at the university of the philippines, and she joins we now live from manila. richard, thank you so much for joining us. this is certainly not the 1st incident like this that we've seen between the philippines and china. not the 1st time that we've seen both countries accusing each other of dangerous maneuvers in the south, tennessee. but does this incident mark an escalation? oh, absolutely. so over the past year, we have single flows to half a dozen incidents including coalitions between philippine and chinese vessels. and at the same time also trying to deploying very aggressive tactics like water cannons that could be potentially see those with disabilities. that just that it's
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tactics including using boats that could we'd spend water cannon, the plumbing by china. but this, i'm trying to do something quite different. it's deployed on the, essentially its troops. it's american forces aboard the vessels and force the disarm and the salt for them. so that could have triggered something very, very dangerous, similar to what happened in the human lives between india and china. when, when folks you know that troops on both sides engage in hand, glad come on. but gladly this could have been decided, was professionally enough to send scan down and not to fight back. but this could have gone wrong in many ways. so we're gradually seeing china so called gray zone strategy, moving towards something much, much, much cause you know, the potentially explosive and, and this is big because the philippines is not alone in dealing with finance. east, there were to be cash. all of these in the future or the americans have made it clear that they could get directly involved. and richard, you,
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you've touched on the fact that this is a very much a regional issue. one of great importance for the unblocked, that's the association of southeast asian neighbors. is there enough, a urgency on the, on the part of that block in addressing this issue? because we know that, for example, the code of conduct has been in discussion for more than 20 years. it seems to be that the philippines is perhaps being let down by some of its neighbors in addressing this issue. to be absolutely honest a, the situation doesn't look good either. doesn't seem to be any sense of urgency. in fact, what's happening right now is in the philippines. there are many questioning whether ozzy and is helpful. that's all, in fact, many would argue into philip means that the odds in has been enabling china by essentially not only training and life nights, but we see some members of us again in different forms. essentially, blaming the philippines off for the escalation intentions, essentially engaging while they called strategic gas lighting. so the conversation
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over the past few weeks in major 4 in the region all over the dispute, as well as me something between ozzy and minus the philippines to meeting the philippines is supposed to be the outline every day american i like exceptional plays and in the philippines, man, you're saying maybe sign up for phillip is minus audience, so it's very intense moment, but produced to prime minister and worry. bring him in a major fall right and call them ports. earlier this month he said that he is been engaged in aggressive diplomacy and he's got a coordinated be present in mark as of junior, because some melisha will take over. i was in sure i'm actually next year, but this year i wasn't sure midship is under loss, which to be very frank is a country that has very close and in many ways it is dependent on china in many ways. so i don't think that the means is expecting much from us in this year, but we're hoping that we can coordinate things were much more robust kind of response or stance from us again. but yes, you're absolutely right. philippines is being isolated in the countries that are supporting definitely these are for all the site. the regents americans are australian, so are your opinions and also the japanese richard. hey darian,
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thank you so much for your analysis. that's richard. hey, darren, who is a policy advisor and senior electra in international affairs. i think.


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