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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 20, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the phase of an lout will between israel and 11 known as the head of his fuller ones. his great, we'll fight back with no limits. the light is out of their lives. and oh, so coming up is really all me spokesman, daniel agari says a mosque isn't the idea and cannot be destroyed. his remarks drew a quick response from prime minister in
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a report by the un fines. israel may have repeatedly vonage the lowest pool and fail to distinguish between civilians and vices in con um, russian president that refuses to use a whole troops with vietnam's top lead is in annoyed with a name to strengthen ministry and trade. tell us the, the head of the lebanese group has bullet, has wound his fights is already for why the war against israel happened. frequent cross fluid exchange as a fight between his brother and israel, since the war and guns and began and increasing the rest of it because res fees a could escalate father. and i tell him by speech hassan, those are all as said his group has boost and trip numbers and would fight with a rule with no rules, you will say will nearby cyprus against allowing israel to use it submitted to
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bases. it is all about the man it was imposed on lebanon. the resistance will fight without restraint, without rooms and without limits. yes, if a couple months ago was specifically a government should be aware that the opening of his apple as a basis for his reading the minutes, your use would mean the cypriot government becomes part of the goals. and the resistance will do with this part of the so yeah, that's one of those comments come a day off to these really military said it had approved plans for an offensive inside 11 on now. does there assign a hold of his most buried? we are not afraid sweats of a full blown ward to not scare us. we are prepared. it is the enemy who should be afraid because nowhere in israel will be safe. those were the words of house on the throne of hezbollah. the secretary general in a defiance speech amid heights and tensions between the lebanese armed group and
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israel. a conflict has been raging along the border for 8 months now, triggered by the war in gaza. as ro, really has been threatening as of late, that it intends to whiten this conflict white in the war if has followed the border of the message or from the swallow, with one of the defiance. he even boasted on the groups capabilities, claiming that they had more than $100000.00 fighters, and that they have new weapons and they, and they would manufacture their own ms. housing drones. in fact, they, he went as far as to tell the is really, is that there the war between the wars that is israel strikes in syria. israel has been carrying out strikes and syria for years now to try to degrade the capabilities of the brand and its allies just did not work, so defiant and strong words from, from hezbollah as ro to a talking tough. but up most rela, had a strong warning to the cypriot government,
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claiming that these really military has been carrying out maneuvers in cyprus and is planning to use ports in airports and other facilities in the event of a war with lebanon in the event that has below targets airports in ports in israel, and the smaller, telling, disappear government you will be considered a legitimate target. so really, the stakes are high in this escalating conflict along the border. a conflict that to the us, the by the end administration is saying that, you know, this is a very serious situation. center for their out. is it a new comments from the is riley ministry's top spokesman. all signaling growing differences between the security officials on the countries political leadership. daniel hagar has told local media that erotic casing him off, which is one of the government states of goals is attainable. you know, how much a mazda is an idea? a mazda is
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a party and it is implanted in people's hearts. whoever thinks that we can demolish from us is wrong. it is the muslim brotherhood that has been present in the region for many years. but what can be done is to create something else to replace it and make the population realize that there is another party. it distributes food and provide social services. who is this party that replaces homeless at the political level? and is this the way to we can come us, i can not discuss the alternatives. the political leadership must decide and the army implemented the decision. but the issue that homeless can be destroyed and a mosque and disappear is just to throw the dust into the public's eyes. if we do not bring something else as an alternative and gaza, i'm us will remain a guy is, are most quickly prompted a statement by prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his office insisting is role is committed to him. also is the destruction, as well as bound out, is there from inside the country,
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which saw him. the salute is now following developments from neighboring georgia or a whitening risk between these really government and its army. this evening, these really military spokesperson, daniel, how are you saying that it would be impossible to defeat him? us because they are quote, an ideology that is instilled in the people these really prime minister's office. fuming at this releasing a statement saying that one of the goals of the war is to eliminate him, us as military and political capabilities, but the army spokesperson has said that anyone who is saying that is in fact, misleading the public. it just gives you an idea of what benjamin netanyahu has. policies are in this war, and what the army on the ground is saying is actually not realistic. now all of this comes as the situation on israel's northern border continues to escalate. these really defense minister jo up the launch holding a situational assessment with the military chief of staff in which they emphasize they want to come back to his bullet drones, right? and that israel is prepared for a wide variety of scenarios, hertz,
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the whole every turing, israel's northern border down playing the near 10 minute video. that his bullet head release showing sensitive military targets. saying that israel is none, the less prepared for war from the central jersey to i'm a beautiful and new wave of his riley attacks has killed at least 30 palestinians across gauze. a 10 were killed and such he ended in an attack east of rafa. and the post a few hours shortly forces are reported to have showed a group of civilians. the injured at been taken to the european hospital, which is already over crowded with patience. meanwhile, is ready forces of also destroyed parts of the rasa. crossing and southern garza. within a month after they ceased, it, video shows burned out buildings including the main terminal. it was a vital rate for a flowing into garza from the egyptian side. but israel has further restricted
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supplies from getting through since it took over the crossing. on may the 7th. it's now a new report by the united nations human rights office has found that israel may have systematically violates at the lowest so full. it's assess 6 is really a tax with high casualties from the beginning of the bowl. cooling them, emblematic of passive behavior from israel out of there is gabrielle, is on their reports now from the us. it's a drain crater. the remnants after is real bomb, the densely populated job, and the refugee camp on october 31st, just 3 weeks into which war on guys a. the u. n says at least for 1000 pound, bombs were dropped by, e's real. 10 structures were flattened and the un verified at least $56.00 people were killed,
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including 12 women and $23.00 children. it was one of 6 is real attacks last october, november examined by the un human rights office in a new report on indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks. the report concluded, is real systematically failed to comply with fundamental principles of international humanitarian law of distinction, prohibition of indiscriminate attacks and proportionality. the report concludes that these is riley strikes, indicates that the id, if may have repeatedly violated fundamental fundamental principles of the laws of war. in this connection, it notes that unlawful targeting when committed as part of a wide sprayed or systematic attack against the civilian population. in line with the site organizational policy might also input kite. the commission of crimes against humanity is real often justifies a tax on civilian populations,
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saying armed fighters were targeted and killed often without proof. the un says, even if arm groups are within the civilian population, it does not deprive civilians protection or absolved israel of war crimes. the requirement to select means and methods of warfare to minimize civilian casualties appear to have been consistently violated during the bombing campaign. and this is something that the in depth look at 6 specific incident seems to bear out who should be held accountable for this house should account ability be carried out there. many different groups looking into things. obviously, there will be the need, as with every conflict for measures of uh for accountability to be taken. while the conclusions from this report are clear, account ability could be more allusive. however, the findings here could be used by the international criminal court or the international court of justice as further pieces of evidence of israel's war crimes
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and gaza. gabriel is on the out just in the united nations in new york. displaced palestinians in the gaza strip have been describing what life is like, living on the streets in the summer without access to clean drinking or set or even toilets. they say they feel humiliated and just want to go home. amadi la la, i'm on. wow. i struggle to get to the bathrooms, especially at nights, and sometimes i can't even make it to out of hospital nearby to use the toilets. we like the basic necessities, like mussa and wall authorities to help a little bit. it's not enough urgently appeal for gallons of all just the restroom use and to central's like cooking appliances. not just for me, but for all other women and children, and need access to clean water and functional restrooms is crucial for our dignity and wellbeing. show that most of auto smells somebody. if i were living in in humane conditions and made shift tents after being bombed last week,
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2 of my children were injured. we are innocent civilians suffering from lack of water and food over whelmed by insects that cause disease. i'm ill and this life is unbearable for any human being. if you haven't the suitcase have released a video. they say shows the attack on the ship last week, causing it to sink in the red sea. one person was killed when the greek own congo ship was struck by missiles. the rest of the crew was safely evacuated. it's believed to be the 2nd vessel sunk by the heat. these group has been targeting as were linked ships and what they say solidarity with palestinians and garza while israel's assault on gauze, a continuous palestinians in the oak pod westbank on during while the un says is day of today of unprecedented bloodshed as of 500 pallets the indians have been killed by israeli forces and settlers since the war on gaza began. new or all day
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went to one village where is rarely settlers of faust taking of so the fire is still burning. here in bold, colors, rarely subtler sets on fire, several 100 trees in the village. nobody has been able to come here and put the fires out is really subtler attacks targeting this village had been intensifying over the past 9 months. but it's a story that spawns many years old. gone now is it did, and village, it's set down to do a 5 sip of minutes all around photocopy effect sort of the best to the month over 20 times. imagine this used to be the main road of woodcock. it's a 7 minute drive from here. put on my lot for 25 years. it has been closed. and now all of that area is off limits to the residents. because the settlers have taken over the non stop attacks have created a sense of fear across the village. little and have mental. we called the rest the
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day on lights because we're afraid of the 2nd. this is really subtler score to the earth while these really army takes over the land. over the years, the residents of book all have been squeezed into only one 5th of the villages land, while the population has dropped nearly a half. and this is not just but a story all across the west bank. illegal is rarely supplement. i'll post like this one are mushrooming and subtler attacks are increasing dramatically. it is what the you on is calling a silent for, not all of the address data protocol, palestine. so hands on al jazeera, china in the philippines face off in the dispute in south china sea, filipino. so just say they were attacked when the vessel collided with a chinese case gone bags. and rob rentals in burbank, california will tell you why the american dream of home ownership is increasingly out of reach
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the hello. so quads across the middle east at the moment in terms of the weather, but we are looking at the types hates the very strong sunshine of coal. so we're going to the 4th. is that the to buy for the high for re add as well. mecca, getting up into the forty's here as well. similar conditions as we go one into friday. perhaps a little bit of lifted. dustin sat across savvy, but nothing else to report ready wanted to show us just around the cool causes, but the for the eastern side of the med, again is quite but it is how we're looking at temperatures. again, getting up around the 40 degree mock for many of the thought you celsius, the air in gauze or some of the temperature as we go on into friday. i saw in any significant rifle ready coming through over the next few days. and i saw that many, right, because northern parts of africa. i over the next few days,
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a seasonal rain set, pushing a little further north with perhaps not quite as wise, but was intensive. we'd like to see at this time is the pressure on into friday. maybe some heavier rain just coming across and getting a pass sized pots here. going to sing live the showers right the way into the gulf, if any of the, of us out of the responded because some what the weather coming through here as well. so at least and half of times and they're pushing across into kenya thinks and went by. but the south is that it's dry. the for my life is the senegalese fisherman to elected m p in the madrid assembly fighting racism insane. giving voice to those he left behind. a michael and turned politician reveals how european over fishing an applicant forces has become a driving force for a regular migration. take your 3 buses, the
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a witness documentary on the i'll just say around the and watching out is there in line. the top story is this hour ahead of the lebanese group has follow says it will suffice with no rules and no ceilings. if israel launch is 11 on us on those round out will so will need by sign 1st against allowing israel to use and submit it. she basis is really ministry spokesman says mazda cannot be destroyed. speaking in on charles to the government stated goal of illumination from us, daniel gary told local media that from us is an audiology in canada,
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in the box of the people in the cost on a new report by the un human rights office as well may have system us, clint, fine. they took the lose of which protects civilians and examined 6 specific attacks and gaza with high casualties. from the bushes president vladimir pierson's visit to vietnam is on the way he plans to deepen ties with annoyed and we'll be discussing economic education and energy issues with his counseling the president toll. despite his story, despite being historic allies, vietnam's trade with russia is dwarfed by its trade with china on the us. and while i'm may, 1 close to ties to the kremlin, he must also be careful not to risk us sanctions. vietnam is so far avoided condemning rushes when you crane the stones piece and has welcomed as balanced is
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as good attorney chang. he joins us now live from noisy. so a busy day from peach and today. uh, what do we expect to it is indeed in fact to about 5 minutes ago we so is most cave dr. pos to on the way to the president's palace, which is on the other side of independence square. you can see behind me, the mall is the name of how to man in the middle and we're expecting by the man puts in to go and present a reset in a couple of as time. but 1st of all, the main business of the trip he's meeting you present a solemn, he's also going to be the prime minister. and i think unlike the sort of security issues that he's been talking about in north korea, so the, for, as previously, this is going to be much more focused on sort of traditional relationship the vietnam has with russia. things like educational exchange with and this will be
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discussed but not weapons going to russia, those coming into vietnam, vietnam military, it's still very heavily reliance on russian made on this, but they found it increasingly difficult to get them particularly since the war and ukraine started. so they'll be one thing, some guarantees, but there's also pressure on the vietnam is military to diversify the military reliance on russia. and i think that's probably a theme for the trip to get me is recognized as a very strong relationship here, particularly historical one and the very keen to make you missed the boots and feel welcome. the same time they do, as you mentioned, has strong relationships with china. and now the united states, the want to protect attorneys with mentioning, we're just looking at live pictures now. awesome president, pacing with the president told him that we'd like me to see any significant agreements like the non aggression pact that president pearson signed to north
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korea just before we arrived. or i think probably notes. i think this is more, i'm not sure of a ceremonial trip. then the one we say that in north korea, i think the vietnam is want to make this misput and feel welcome. they all very aware of this relationship they have with the rest of rush. it goes very deep, we've spoken to lots of you have to me is particularly those who are live during the american war and fighting using robin russian weapons using, you know, a lot of aid that came from russia really enable vietnam to stand up to the americans and when that will they still feel a very deep pollutants. they're all ties to go take a back to been more free to ones with generations of it. and these going to russia to be educated. i think now though the feeling is on the streets and we see that in here and henry over the last couple of days. again,
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i'm just kind of moved on. it's working a very delicate diplomatic, telling true. trying to balance out relations with the united states. china and russia without committing particularly to one thing while it wants to make mist puts and feel welcome on this visit and puts in himself, wants to show the well that he's able to travel freely. the vietnamese will be a little bit cautious and probably won't be signing the kinds of agreements we saw 24 hours ago, the dpi. okay. okay, thank you for that. tony taking that 1st life in no way the philippines has released the video of what it says is the latest confrontation between chinese and philippine vessels in disputed waters of the south china sea. philippines ministry says that a chinese coast gone boat round and forwarded an inflatable vessel armed with sward, spears, and knives. so they attacked members of the filipino crew who were delivering
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supplies of troops based on the 2nd thomas show men, it has cooled, it an active piracy, katrina, you reports now from beijing. the philippine side has released a number of videos and images vividly illustrating what they say took place on june 17th. when philippine vessels undertook a re supply mission of the ground in worship the sierra madre, they say that the chinese coast guard bethany approached. they were out number, there was room bodies, chinese coast guard. this is that deliberately bled sirens of disorient. filipino sailors that these twenty's of postcards stole, boarded philippine vessels brandishing shop weapons, including machetes, axes, threatening to home, filipino stainless that once they voted, they acted aggressively. they said that this was a brazen aggression that they use it and destroyed boats and equipment acting essentially as pirates. now the filipino general set of filters sailors valiantly
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full bath with the hands of one sailor was injured. he must have some. these also demanded that the chinese side returned confiscated equipment and pay reparations for damage and code on that day during that incident. now the aging, on the other hand, is these very different languages said that the chinese course got voted and inspected these filipinos. as after the e legally legally intruded into the territory that trying to consider or rather costs the when i read that they were literally carrying re supply equipment that they roll. so carrying reconstruction equipment to reinforce this ground, to warships. now the aging has accused the philippines, side of dangerous maneuvers. it said that the philippine maced main supply boat, intentionally approach chinese coast guard vessels and collided with chinese course god. this is closing. this instant we also heard from china is foreign ministry spokesman on this on thursday. he said that this results, this incident resulted entirely because the filipino ignored chinese,
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the suasion to prevents for illegally and treating and chinese territory that the philippines has broken the commitments of aging. to remove this spencer, he also said that ties post on stock did not deliberately targets or take any direct measures. i get skilled nursing between you all the 0 agents and the 700000 people have been left stranded by a flash floods. in ne funded us old and half of them in the still have districts. some of the displaced have taken shelton schools and in the se, 10 people have been killed landslides in coaxes bizarre district. a system where a ringo refugees from me, i'm a living in camps. the situation is expected to west and that's more heavy. rain is full cost in the next 12 hours. while fuzz and the united states have killed at least 2 people enforced a 1000 from the homes. of course, severe damage to homes and property in um,
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around the village of re dos. so in new mexico, officials say the place is having gulf mold and ac squat kilometers. emergency services are waiting for the funds to become stable before they can assess people's homes. tropical storm alberto has become the 1st name storm of the 2024 atlantic hurricane season. it's bringing heavy rain and flooding to south west texas and east and mexico meteorologist and warning. the high ocean temperatures will cause powerful storms across mexico, the caribbean, and the u. s 55 is in brazil are still trying to put out while fires in the pump. now wetlands, the wetlands are home to many animals like john clause, and the condos and john and jesus fives in the area jump 10 full this year despite well 5 season, usually starting in july drowns, has left the pump. now dr. unusual,
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making it vulnerable to places in southern europe is also experiencing an extremely hold some of that affecting the lives of both locals and tours. the heat has field walls size and a rustic rains in greece. belinda vessel, lenovo, which has from high up above greek fi, destroyed to quail. the blaze encroaching on the village of catchy 25 kilometers south of athens, signed by strong winds. the fi has scorched homes and driven residents out, as greece blisters on the temperatures of up to $43.00 degrees celsius. the heat affecting large parts of southern europe, prompting these low closing costs of, of to take any chose they can get to cooled off. that for the construction well because there's no choice but to carry on. so do you know of,
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of sort of working today, despite the fact it is very hot. it is around $35.00 celsius. so we try to get frequent breaks. 100 my what so this is on to high temperatures are gone and then we get back to normal working habits. there is a lift to normal day when it comes to the sweltering temperatures, heating room here. europe has warmed up twice as quickly as the global average and is the urban areas that are taking the brunt of it. see, these are the ones suffering most. they're shooting up twice as fast, and they're inhabited by increasingly the majority of a global population. so we really have to receive how we build our cities and how we build our industries, our infrastructure, and to make sure that we create backup systems and resilience to extreme weather events, weather events, we can expect more of as climate change, experts say was as the conditions of the world we live in mainland invested in the
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rich outer 0 or in through a group of or time soldiers have been convicted in the rate as 9 teenagers the case states fact decades ago. but it's the 1st time. so even quotes address, sexual crimes, commissioned by the army, and 10 for the soldiers have received present sentences between 6 to 10 years. each soldiers raped the minus off to dis, hanging them without evidence 5 of them becoming pregnant. as a result, it happened during the war against the shining post communist group in the eighty's and ninety's conflict left and estimated $70000.00 people that i knew report by researches at harvard university, finds that the cost of earning a home in the u. s. is now the highest and best to use the number of households suffering on the severe financial bed. and due to skyrocketing rents, is that a record high? the number of homeless people is also as a pos,
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previous records topping 650000 problem. reynolds takes the place it up for millions of people to cherish the american dream of owning a home has slipped out of reach. so like a house like this. well, out of suburban house, but yeah. and they got a detached garage and its really beautiful like price and accountant and his wife had spent years searching for an affordable home. it is very frustrating. it just seems as though things are just so priced above. what we can actually afford that were constantly searching for something why our price is so high? well, its really its econ 101. so there are many more home buyers and there are homes for sale. and so that in balance and supply and demand is just really pushed, price is up, mortgage rates were 3 percent during the pandemic. there's 7 percent now. so that means that costs more to buy a house and is that makes it tougher for 1st time buyers?


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