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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 20, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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met with soldiers, voices from different quote, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from well on alger 0 the is there any child support deeper interoffice between 7 guys are with tens of thousands of people are chopped under heavy gun fire and shake the play and watching l g 0 life from the housing for the back to the also coming up, as well as lead a threatens a war without losing any full scale offensive with israel assigning. that's right. i also warn cyprus not to get involved showing up old friendships. russian
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president, vladimir burton, is on a state visit to vietnam, a manufacturing house and a long time and chinese coast guard personnel use nice sacks is in ms. chevy is to attend to the teams naval vessels in and seated area of the south china. as we begin in gaza, where is really tags pushing deeper into rafa. city in the south, they being backed by war planes and drones helping the advance palestinian say tongues have moved into at least 5 neighborhoods overnight. east of a rafa is really yes. rice killed at least 10 people. so to yeah, those were injured casualties were also reported in my wasi, which is a so called evacuations on many of the injured have been taken to the european hospital in kind eunice, which is already over crowded and under resource s reich's. well,
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so we forwarded in the north and central areas of the gaza strip, the rising temperatures in overcrowded camps causing severe outbreaks of disease across gaza. the united nations agency for policy and rescue g says 2 thirds of the strips. water and sanitation facilities have been damaged or destroyed in 8 months . so these are, as war is already documented, hundreds of thousands of cases of accused hepatitis respiratory infections and diarrhea. and other developments as well as leader has done as well as stacy's fight is a ready for a wide, a war against israel. these are the army and 11 on base has been live. been fighting on the board a since war and guys that began in october in recent days, both sides have stepped up that ha ha still if he's and rhetoric in a televised speech on wednesday, his son as well as said his group had increased. the number of its fighters and
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would fight with the war with a war without rules for the 1st time heals, thoughts, breton, cypress, and e, you, nation, that they too would be a target. it also is that the man it was imposed on lebanon, the resistance will fight without restraint, without rooms and without limits. yes, if a couple months ago was specifically a government should be aware that the opening of his app or some basis for his reading the minutes, your use would mean the cypriot government becomes part of the goals. and the resistance will do with this part of the so yeah, we'll get the reaction from is rarely in just a moment with bernard smith. but 1st we go to the honda who's in bevells for us and as a now we've had a response from cyprus to the warning bi hezbollah. cyprus is saying that it is not involved in any military conflict. it's not taking any sides and that the it's involvement is a, is a humanitarian one. opening
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a c cord or to allow aids to reach garza but as well as leader has the sort of a is accusing cypress of allowing israel to use its territory to carry out military exercises, simulating a possible ground offensive. now these really media. a has reported that military exercises have happened on the island, but this didn't happen in recent months. it is, you know, back in 2023, 2022. as well as saying that fibers will be a legitimate target if, as well uses is territory. if facilities is airport sports, if it's the size to launch a wider war against hezbollah 11 on. so this is also has a warning, this rate is that it's good, sorry, gets the air force and force inside as well. so hezbollah is raising the stakes things as a future, conflicts will not be confined to as well. and 11, i see also mentioned the mediterranean sea saying that it will be
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a target and that it could become, you know, like the problem facing shipping in the red sea. so cypress denying as involved in any military rece activities, test bullet insisting and warning cypress. not to allow its territory to be used by, as well as ina, you've come of this story for a long time for us. what is his fullest strategic confirmation? now, you know, if you it's, it's rated very carefully since october and the beginning of the war on guys that uh, and try not to escalate the situation despite the funds for the time we see how's that? no change and how much support does the group have 11 on right now? well, it is still trading carefully, and this is still complying with the unreturned rules of engagement between the 2 sides of that is. the conflict is large, they can find to the, for the region and to military targets every now and then a has by law, raises the sea level escalation to send the message. and this is what has the,
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has been doing even his speech, a very defined speech by how setting us rather yesterday. but it was all about messages to the is the way it is. yes, we do not want for, but it doesn't mean we are afraid of or we're prepared for war. we have enough fights, is we have enough weapons. and so what types of what i've been trying to do is the search as well, from widening widening this, this conflict. now, how much support this has full of have and nothing on this is the base of all, no doubt. it has it's support space. they uh, you know, back it's decisions to help the palestinian people. but there's also a segment of the population in this country who believe that, you know, has the open offices front. it's just going to cause uh, you know, more suffering to the country that has a whole lot collapse economically, financially because what a feels that by opening the front in northern israel, it is putting pressure on these various. cuz for the 1st time in his rough history,
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you have tens of thousands of people who are displaced and forced to leave their homes. they know thank you very much, that's on to 0 z. now hold every 14 their life from be roots. let's head to a mind, jordan now and speak to ben estimates who joins his life from there because israel has gone down to here from reporting from israel. what are these really saying that about the situation on the northern border and, and this warning from us on this rather a fully on a visit to the know the israel's northern border on wednesday, the head of the military. how does the how that be? he said, he talked about the video that uh uh, that has been released as drones voltage that apparently showed a hezbollah drove and flying over a major is rarely pulled high southern flowing out of line over military base, as well as showing its capabilities. now the lady said that the video showed a capability that we already knew about, and that is why it was cresting solutions to deal with it. you said that we have
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costs are infinitely greater capabilities. what's happening on the northern border remains of a live political issue in israel. benjamin netanyahu was on the pressure, particularly from the fall rights, and these cabinets to have a more muscular approach towards has bullet to push, has boulevard deeper into lebanon. so that the 60000 people who been evacuated from the 28 times the villages along the board of a can go home. then yahoo has a reputation and his rail low for being very, very cautious when it comes to launching major military operations. and these ready to lead ship knows that taking on as bola is of a very different order to checking on how mass and brand. and we've had a statement that these really a military spokesman has, has to walk back comments. he made about eradicating a mouse. and, and the possibility of doing that tell us more about so
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yeah, this was a uh, common from uh, a that made a military spokesman who said that if we do not bring something else to guys or at the end of the day, he said, we'll get thomas will this prompted a very robust response from these riley government from the cabinet, saying that the cabinet is committed to the destruction of how much as a military and governing capabilities as one of the war reigns and as such as rails military is committed to this basically expose this division which has been exposed before talked about before and that the military is acting out the orders of the government. but there isn't a plan for what's gonna happen in gaza after the war venue many netanyahu's previous to being criticized for allowing the war in gauze the degree of this chaos without any sort of plan stabilization or governing it. we know that the, by the ministration ones published and you know, far as you to be involved in the governments of gauze and then yahoo said no on the
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far right. it wants to be able to put sacraments in god. and then, you know, there's also set notes about, but he hasn't said what he wants to happen and gaza when the war pen is. thank you very much for the update that's obviously has been estimate 314 deadline from i'm on jordan, because these are the government has bought out his ear from reporting from with a new strategy. there's been more violence in the occupied westbank between these really soldiers and palestinian fighters, mia jeanine. these really armies special units had been trying to infiltrate the janine camp by sending military reinforcements to palestinians where detain before is really forces went to the army, has been conducting a near daily rate in the occupied westbank since october. that's the most sense of the days of in use now and rushes prizes invited me a protein is in vietnam, hoping to strengthen ties. he was welcomed by president,
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told them to the presidential policy. and henry roy, both leaders are expected to discuss trade and security in an opinion piece, probably surely effort and praise what he called a noise found in spence on the war in ukraine. the meeting follows a visit to north korea. we're glad to be in fulton signed the defense deal with that leader kim jong, or that's bringing tony chang who's covering the visit for us is joining us live from her. know what is on the agenda for teens visit to vietnam. van tony and who's the going to be need to as well as you mentioned, this is really more about economic ties than security. well, those security will be discussed via the me is a military realize very heavily on the russian supplied weapon systems. they have found that rather hard to get in the last couple of years since the war and ukraine started. so i think that going to be trying to push for certainly by the supply chain. but we also know that there are parts of the military that would like
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vietnam to diversify, not to be so reliant on russia alone. of course, much of that is part of the historical relationship between vietnam and russia and the soviet union as it was back in those days. and the support of the soviet union k to vietnam was since it became an independent nation off during dependents during the american war. and afterwards, and i think it's important to remember, the, the soviet union supported a vietnam in the years when it invaded cambodia. whatever was shown by the international community, we spoke at the lots of people here in the last couple of days, who still remember russia very fondly, many of whom, whom have been educated over there over the years. and that's one of the other things that is going to be on the agenda, but i think for the most part, this is about let them it puts in being able to show that he can come to southeast asia. it's a very dynamic part as well. there are, he is facing sanctions in many other places in vietnam. he's not,
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he's going to get a very warm boys already had a very warm welcome. it's a relatively short visit. we're expecting him to leave late later to nights. but i think the fact that he's here, the fact that the be me is able to welcome a leader of his caliber also is good for the upticks of a, of a new the elect to get the nice president. tony, are we likely to see any significant agreements similar to the non aggression pact signed in north korea? no, i don't think we are, and that's because of them isn't much more complicated position diplomatically. it does have this very strong historical allegiance to russia that so he, the many people are still keen to, to say is in place. at the same time, it has taken a rather different approach diplomatically. i mean, it has maintain friendly relationships with the,
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with ukraine. ukrainian embassy is just around down to the road here on my right. the big ukrainian flags outside. that's various stages in the last couple of years . now i'm is actually off with some form of a to let no military to ukraine. so i think that trying to impose the policy of being friends tool. now that is of course, very complicated, but when you look at the trade, for example, the relationships with china and the united states, much more important. i think russia is aware of that. but it's very key to maintain the strategic partnership. and i think it's very important, the bottom it puts and feels he's able to travel around the globe so publicly and be welcomed. thank you, tony, for that, i'll just hear sony chang reporting a live from her noise yet. now the still ahead on the program 7, europe is left sweating. this is heat waves strike early on rob reynolds in burbank. california will tell you why the american dream of home ownership is
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increasingly out of reach. the hello today is the some of those. this sits at the vehicles because it is a leap here. one thing that hasn't been any is the arrival of somebody across move west and pos if you fennel is on its way. but i'm not savvy at 5 price. it just starts at the nose this way. and that's the is all time it will quiet and things down. it'll clear the skies. we'll see some warm sunshine busting for your hot sunshine continues across the se. if you're going to see it was a waterfront, just coming out to the east in spain, pushing up because a good part of france like the showers across the central southern positive jeremy . i was the west as well for the time being my, my life at football over the next couple of days. and the system extends its way up towards the western side of russia through the baltic states as we go one for the
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next couple of days. and as i said, it will not be getting up to $23.00 south east in london, a touch above the average at last signs of somewhat of weather slipping towards the island as we go on through the latter part of the day. but plenty of weather there across the front. northern areas of spain, some wet weather, just pushing into that western side of jeremy knows that heavier right. over towards a western russia, as we go on into friday, that rain will slide its way across, such as may some heavy down pools. again, it may affect the football. what's the weather to slipping into the final west? the israel's war machine is decimating entire households and with us the words of those survives done with the help of palestinian generalists. folk lines tells the heralding story of 3 families and investigates us complicity and the world's most
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beautiful in decades. the night old n biden's wanted us to on just either the welcome back, a recap of our top stories on how to sierra, the latest garage of these really attacks on guys or has skilled at least 30 palestinians in the southern end. central part of the strip over night as strikes east of ross, i killed 10 people. casualties were also reported in on lucy rock and on my wife's account. cypress has denied involvement and the conflicts between these really ami and has for life and lebanese groups need of one of the country not to open the
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spaces to these really military tensions between has for my industry i'm having face to face and rushes present. vitamin 14 is in vietnam a day after assigning a defense deal with north korea. president toll land welcomed him to the presidential policy and had noise. the leaders are expected to discuss trade and security that people living on the soft green island of young young say they are worried about deterioration relations between the 2. korea's in recent days. tensions of peak along the dom minutes rise zone as well as the maritime border between the north and south. i'll just here as rob mcbride's free for some young count. so what is already a has a dis occupation? fishing out of young young island has the added risk of being right on the maritime boda with north korea. and fishermen like pod k one. i've had to deal with the suspected jamming of gps satellite positioning signals by the north. p tells
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us how suddenly and alarmingly, as system told him, he'd straight over the border panam securing your device when you're both was actually here. when the gps german happened, showed us being on the northern side just of the northern coast of the island is west south korean waters. and. and that includes on the other side of the dividing line, what appeared to be to north korea and fishing boats. knowing where that line is, is vital, or as commemorated in this memorial incursions, intentional or otherwise, have often led to see battles. after a break of h is no of career is believed to have resumed its gps jamming in these waters in response to joint military exercises between south korean and us forces this spring after the sign of listening relations. recently, north korea launched hundreds of trash field balloons across the demilitarized zone,
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dividing the 2 careers in response to propaganda. balloons from the south. and both sides have again, sets out propaganda land speakers not seen or heard since before. the brief period of stomach diplomacy, several years ago, back on young people. another memorial commemorates the deadly 2010 shilling by the north. in response to artillery drills held by the south. worryingly for many here, similar exercises, all planned, was always the thought. if we conduct military exercises again, we are posed to us. there's no guarantee there won't be another shelly not given. the proximity to north korea is guns. bomb shelters on numerous on a previous visit when relations with back to we found many had been changed closed . now all seem to be unlocked and ready for use. rub, mcbride, i'll just say era young people in the island,
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south korea. the philippines military is demanding the chinese coast guard return rifles and equipment sees during a confrontation in a disputed area of the south china sea as calling for reparation. so what it describes that the chinese sides pirate, like lucy, the philippines military has release video. it says shows chinese coast guard forces forwarding, it specials and attacking the crew with axes, knives and machetes. the philippine side was delivering supply. so it's grounded for shipping to the dispute of area of the south china sea. but china says the philippines is to blame for the incident. it's accused the filipino boats of delivering deliberate me robbing it's vessels. katrina you is engaging with more on the controversy are inside has released a number of videos and images vividly illustrating what they say took place on june 17th. when philippine vessels undertook a resupply mission of the ground in worship the sierra madre,
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they say that the chinese coast guard vessels approached. they were out number. there was room bodies, toys, coast guard vessels that deliberately bled sirens of disorient filipino sailors. these twenties of postcards still bowed philippine vessel brandishing shop with ins, including machetes, acts is threatening to home. filipino sale is that once they go to they acted aggressively. they said that this was a brazen at of aggression that they use it and destroyed boats and equipment, acting essentially as pirates. now the filipino general said that the sailors valiantly full bath with the hands of one sailor was injured. he must have some these also demanded that the chinese side, which side confiscated equipment and pay reparations with damage and cut on that day during that incident. now the aging, on the other hand, is these very different languages said that the chinese course got voted and inspected these, going to be best as after the legally legally intruded into your territory that
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trying to can such as it's owned by the host. the when i read that they were not only carrying resupply equipment, but they were also carrying reconstruction equipment to reinforce this grounded warships. now, the aging has accused the philippines, side of dangerous maneuvers. it said that the philippine nice main supply boat, intentionally approach chinese coast guard vessels and collided with chinese course god. this is closing. this instant we also heard from china is foreign ministry spokesman on this on thursday. he said that this result, this incident, resulted entirely because the philippines ignored chinese. the suasion to prevents for illegally and treating and chinese territory that the philippines has broken the commitments of aging. to remove this spencer, he also said that connie's post dot stock did not deliberately targets or take any direct measures. i get skilled nursing between you all the 0 agent authorities in china. i have united emergency plans as well in rivers threatened to
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overflow after days of torrential rain and flash floods. heavy rain in china as coastal areas of or right have already killed. at least 9 people. add one don't province. upgraded is the emergency response plan to the 2nd highest level this house coordinate and therefore a resources across the flood stricken province and know that northeastern bangladesh, flashlights have stranded, at least 700000 people. some of the displaced have taken shelter in schools, in the southeast and people have been killed in lance lives in cox's bizarre district firefighters in brazil are trying to put out why fi is in the punch. now wetlands fires in the area have increased 10 fold. this year, despite the wi fi season, usually starting in july, the wetlands at home to many animals, including jaguar's and condos, and giant, and t h. a southern europe is experiencing an extremely hot summer affecting the
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lives of locals and tories. the heat has fueled why fires any roddic rains? increase elaina vishalini beach has more from hi up above 3 excited flight destroyed to quell the blaze. encroaching on the village of kit, see 25 kilometers south of athens fined by strong winds. the saw his school homes and driven residents out, as greece blisters on the temperatures of up to 43 degrees celsius. the heat affecting large parts of southern europe, prompting these low closing costs of, of to take any charles they can get to cool off. that for the construction well because there's no choice but to carry on. so do you know of, of sort of popular working today, despite the fact it is very hot. it is around $35.00 celsius. so we try to get frequent breaks. 100 my what, so this is on to high temperatures. how gone,
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and then we get back to normal working habits. there is a little normal day when it comes to the sweltering temperatures, heating room here. europe has warmed up twice as quickly as the global average. and is the oven areas that are taking the brunt of it. see, these are the ones suffering most. they're shooting up twice as fast, and they're inhabited by increasingly the majority of a global population. so we really have to receive how we build our cities and how we build our industries, our infrastructure, and to make sure that we create backup systems and resilience to extreme weather events, weather events, we can expect more of as climate change, experts say was the conditions of the world we live in mainland invested in the rich outer 0. a new report by researches at harvard university finds the cost of owning a home in the us is now the highest in fair to use. the number of household suffering
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under a severe financial burden due to rising rents is also at a record high, and the number of homeless people has passed. 650000 rentals takes a closer look at the us housing prices for millions of people, the cherished american dream of owning a home has slipped out of reach. so like a house like this. well, out of suburban house, but yeah, and they got a detached garage and it's really beautiful like price and accountant and his wife have spent years searching for an affordable home. it is very frustrating. it just seems as though things are just so priced or above what we can actually afford that we're constantly searching for something. why our price is so high? well, it's really, it's e con one. 0 one. so that there are many more home buyers and there are homes for sale. and so that in balance and supply and demand is just really pushed, price is up. mortgage rates were 3 percent during the pandemic. there's 7 percent
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now. so that means it costs more to buy a house and is that makes it tougher for 1st time buyers definitely in chicago, like many us cities, former working class homes now cost millions. new data shows. there are 550 cities where the typical home value is $1000000.00 or more, including 210 cities in california alone. and there's a yawning racial gap in home ownership. the home ownership rates between black and latino households and wide households in chicago and even nationally is as much as a 30 percent gap were upwards of 7075 percent of white households are homeowners, and only 30 and 40 percent of the latino black households are homeowners, for now price is painful to have a roof over his head. i feel for those people who are struggling and need to get out of and get some place before it's too late before they're out the streets. people like johnny in chicago, what's worked
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a steady job but fell on hard times. you decline to give his last day? i mean, i would say it's just good morning. we'll housing prices start going down. don't bet on at home. prices are pretty much where they're going to be for the foreseeable future, and that doesn't seem like they're gonna fall anytime soon. lack of affordable housing is one of many factors that have put americans in a sour mood about the economy. and that's a problem for president joe biden as he goes head to head with former president donald trump in november's election. rob reynolds, l, just sierra burbank, california and mexico of thousands of people for some their homes by gang violence or demanding the government do more to restore peace. vivian protesting in the city of yeah, how long way they took shelter 2 weeks ago. around 4000 people fed the southern town of t, not when gun members opened fire at homes and businesses. fighting into don between
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the army and paramilitary rapid support forces is reported to a force more than 10000000 people from that homes. many of seeing the country altogether and thousands of recently crossed into libya national at how why it is one of them. here's her story. good now got the you know, stuff to be show on the had them all. you don't have a special but that, that had a my duck, a little bit bigger. sally. i mean, shall i go to the front remedy and the way it's a way to get to house that i need a pass out the one. so by sure how awesome will they be good that, that i shouldn't the asian because we're skinner. i can't invest ok. what additional with the data big and will she get a check with my fee and high off at the moment. yeah. and the machine is going to let the video whom i didn't mention that the buddy will find new side will be a guy that the guy. yeah. am i, i will the am i what do you have all the and he's from last late in the last and apply i knew because i'm on my feet by the common name and it's have like a lawyer festival. he's combining, i know where he might go see and move on,
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but in the beginning as a thought not out of bottle.


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