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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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is to force them to return to their country with the latest global news. this is probably policy and demonstration number 15. in the insightful documentary, i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you place to the house of the story, the page really soldiers pushed deeper into rafa. city in southern gaza with tens of thousands of people, a truck under heavy gun fire and shit. the play you're watching l g 0. live from bill. how with me for the back people also ahead as well as lita threatens a war with that rooms in any full scale defensive with his route, assigning us around that also one cypress not to get involved. also in the news
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showing up old friendships russian prize invited me a 14 is on a state visit. so it's long time i get now and police in kenya, you see a gas on protesters angry about the government's controversial tax reforms. will have a live report. the thank you very much for joining us. it's 9 g m t mid day in guys where is really time central set pushing deeper into rafa. city in the south, there being batch by war, plains, and drones helping the advance about a simian se times have moved into at least 5 neighborhoods over night. east of rossa is really strikes killed at least 10 people. 30 of us were injured casualties were also reported in wasi,
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a so called evacuation. so many of the injured have been taken to the european hospital in concord and is which is already over crowded and under resource strikes . well, so we floated in the north and central areas of the street rising temperatures in overcrowded count as that causing severe outbreaks of disease across the guys a strip. the un agency for palestinian refugee says to phase of the stress water and sanitation facilities have been damaged or destroyed in 8 months of israel's war is already documented. hundreds of thousands of cases of acute hepatitis respiratory infections and diarrhea. let's get an update on the situation and guys i and speak to, i'll just hear as honey my most enjoying just lie from job a lot in central guys. so honey is really forces pushing deeper into southern guys that tell us about what's been happening in these last few hours. so yes, father will, as he gets you from the frame here, behind me,
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a larger crowd of people here for you see good by a performed last prayer for one person killed the base trans parts off. there is velocity just within the past hour and a drawing just spire. this one missile in what seems to be a targeted killings. the eastern part of the central air there are multiple injures, also reported to a lot to the hospital. and right now the crowd here, these are remaining family members, friends in residence or from the local areas who knew the person here who was described as the community leader was helping many of the displaced families. and then i've been targeted apparently our hours today. and right now here they're getting ready for the funeral at the nearby a graveyard at the vicinity over a lockbox at hospice outlet. the are the, are ours is really military, as it extending the overnight, a tax on dropbox would be pushing deeper into the central part of the city all the
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way to the western park. very close to milwaukee. exactly which in zone where mich ready will look it up, hundreds of displaced families are still inside the 10s that do set up months. that goal, sheltering and seeking protection of from the ongoing is really air strikes. but as we, what we hear now from on or what, and it's reported that there's still 65000 people remain a roof on the reason was the people are still there is because the lack of safety, the shutters, sense of safety and security for them to go elsewhere, almost all areas that there's really military house designate to the safe zones. first of all, it's a been rolling loosely i talked and people died inside and murder inside the 10s that there were set up in these evacuations on these really minute. great continues with this military operations, along with the occupying forces on the ground, destroyed major parts of the city, residential building, public facilities,
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restoring to humanitarian areas that are as zones is just designated for the movement of humanitarian, a truck or right. and. and we also have own ra, honey warning of the increase in, in water born diseases. what sort of conditions ah, people facing these camps that they live in? the fall is just the past hour we were inside the hospital and we moved it from one department to another on to our shock, not only injuries, and patients inside the hospital, but a newly press case is coming in from these dense side inside the hospital we spoke to medical is that for nursing to describe the difficult situation, the alien outbreak of disease is kind of disease of our alias to them because of the rising, he'd be in unsuitable living condition inside these bins that contaminated water that is only available for ford visit for the rep that displays families day back,
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we didn't find these dance. the lack of standing facing an eye is used as really monetary destroyed the vast majority of the high z in a system, an old defendant station facilities across the gauze. and so it's easy, right? now to walk into any of the roads here and speed at sewage village rose the rubble still grow dark at the address eating the problems of, of the disease. the front of it is particularly infectious diseases among the children among women and those who, who have health a complications that these conditions or these. these areas are creating fever and conditions for the algebraic and the spread of diseases on alonzo w at your documents in many of the cases that are only adding more pressure on the medical stuff. and the health care facility is one thing just tracking as we did this report inside the hospital, almost unanimous agreement that this is not a hospital anymore. it's not suitable for medical services not suitable to save
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life because of what's going on on a thank you very much for the update. that sounds ears, honey. my mood reporting deadline from job a lot in central gas. they now the developments has, well, as leader has signed the smallest sizes, find is a ready for a wide, a war against israel. these are the army and the lebanese base has voted. i have been fighting on the border since the war and guys are beginning october in recent days. both sides have stepped up there hostilities and rhetoric in a televised speech on wednesday. and that's rhonda said his group had increased a number of his fighters and would fight with without rules. if there was a war for the 1st time. he also threatened cyprus and the nation that they too would be a talk. it is all probably about the have a lot of them, it was imposed on lebanon. the resistance will fight without restraint, without rules, and without limits. yes it, and a couple months ago was specifically a government should be aware that the opening of his apple as a basis for his writing the miniature use would mean the cypriot government becomes
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part of the goals. and the resistance will do with this possible, the cypress has denied involvement and the conflicts between hezbollah and israel on wednesday, as well as the, the one the island against opening his sports and airports. so he's really forces a government spokesman responded on x saying the republic of cyprus is not involved in the conflict in any way and is not part of the problem. but part of the solution he added that the president had responded to me as well as statement saying they were not pleasant and do not correspond to what is attempted. that is to present that image, that cyprus is involved in the war activities. i'll just arizona holder has more now from baby. the cypress is saying that it is not involved in any military conflict. it's not taking any sides and that the it's involvement is it is a humanitarian one. opening a see cord or to allow aids to reach garza but as well as leader is accusing cyprus
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of allowing israel to use its territory to carry out military exercises, simulating a profitable ground offensive. now these really media has reported that the military exercises have happened on the island, but this didn't happen in recent months. it is back in 2023, 2022 has about a saying that fibers to be a legitimate target. if it is well, uses its territory if facilities its air forces. 4th, if it's the size to launch a wider war against hezbollah 11 on. so this is also has a warning, this red is that it's good target the airports and ports inside as well. so hezbollah is raising the same thing, that's a future conflict will not be confined to as well. 11 i, he also mentioned the mediterranean sea saying that it will be a target and that it could become, you know, like the problem facing shipping in the red sea. so cypress denying as involved in
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any military activities, how's the insisting and warning cypress not to allow its territory to be in spite as well. and israel, meanwhile, the army spokesman has told local media that eradicating him us, which is one of prominence. and as he always stated, war gold is not possible. a mazda is an idea, a mazda is a party, and it is implanted in people's hearts. whoever thinks that we can demolish from us is wrong. it is the muslim brotherhood that has been present in the region for many years. but what can be done is to create something else to replace it and make the population realize that there is another party. it distributes food and provide social services. who is this party that replaces him off at the political level? and is this the way to weaken him? us? while these really ami has had to walk back those common sense, he has bernard smith with more than that from jordan's capital m on this was a uh, comment from uh, a that made
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a military spokesman. who said that if we do not bring something else to gauze or at the end of the day, he said, we'll get how much will this prompted a very robust response from these riley government, from the cabinet, saying that the cabinet is committed to the destruction of how much as a military and governing capabilities as one of the war reigns and as such, israel military is committed to this basically expose this division which has been exposed before talked about before and that the military is acting out the orders of the government. but there isn't a plan for what's gonna happen in gaza after the war venue many netanyahu's previous to being criticized for allowing the war in gaza to crate this chaos without any sort of plump stabilization or governing it. we know the, by the ministration, once published in, you know, authority to be involved in the governments of gauze and that yahoo said no on the far right. it wants to be able to put settlements in gauze. and then you know, there's also set notes of that,
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but he hasn't said what he wants to happen and gaza when the war. a yvonne's acting for administer alley by gary has held taunts with him off his political leader here in del ha, the gary set out for us against the war on guys i should be accompanied by legal, political and diplomatic resistance abroad. he also told tomas is, is my near that yvonne supports any move that guarantees the demands of palestinians when it comes to cease fire talks. the best one to have the world news now and in kenya, there's a 10 situation right now unfolding and i will be protest is i've been gathering near the parliament to protest against a propos, rise in taxes, as you can see on these live pictures that they've been pushed by by police, which has been using t guys against the demonstrates is the controversial but slightly watered down to financial bill will go back to the parliament for more debate and data it
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introduces it introduces basically more taxes for canyons to pay to increase the price of goods such as bright, i'm on this, let's go live to my come wave, who is in my will be and i will be where 10 seen is that is may not right now. i'll come tell us about what's been happening on the street. say we're in, i'd be city center 3 to 5. the other 2 guys this morning we've been wearing a gas mask. most of the time. maybe you can see that on my face still. how you time the price can you hear me or flash bang? seeing side of the street, he's starting, the process is gather and chime mocks towards the main street. police have broken it up with a gas as it was to be mounted police on horses charging out the processes. but each time they got to be gather in the side street and start chanting a non so you're getting and they're demanding. who is controversial?
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fine on sale due to be debated and getting parliament today, but it should be dropped in its entirety. they say that president william russo has been taxing canyon's see hard driving up the cost of living and they can't take anymore. now we saw protesting kenya just over a year ago, against the high and rising cost of living. it's been going off on and off habits into the global pandemic, those protests last year, but right for an inmate to lead by political opposition. they had the numerous impulses from my baby's populace and voss slums. now we're talking about a very different kind of crowd. these people are young, the social media use as many a university students who can have them gathering down the street once again, ready to advance, to try and advance to a problem. and so what we can expect is, once again the crowd is gathering that will be broken up by 2. got everything, they do things very widely documented, but it demonstrates it themselves on social media. this is
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a young generation of use sexual media to a box that, that, that pays and they don't have any single leader, but they were ranking or challenging similar messages that the finance bill must be dropped. and yet the significance really of, of the demonstrations this time around, as he says that there is no political party. it seems behind the young people who are protesting on the street. so we saw it yesterday and today as well. a lot of it being driven by social media, of course, talk to us more about the anger this bill has sparked in kenya, why people so angry about it and why does the government want to go ahead with these tax increases? the the economy side down uh a lot during the global con, that may cause it did have you added since then? uh, global economic shots, the warring, you crate among them at that to can he is going to see weakening against the dollar
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. meanwhile, kenya has a very heavy debt, but in an economy say the states to the previous government, been president current president william groups, i was deputy president, economists say that was excessive borrowing for grand infrastructure projects, which are the modified corruption scandals. so they say that the cost of living process has been yeah. is it making no, really a boot size government last yeah. doubled the ac on to the increased income tax. that it a housing that'd be, i don't know. who would the government bearing to uh, the preparing the budget for the overhead, the trying to raise more taxes to fund their own budget? i'm keep up with debt repayment, but the people protesting here saying enough is enough. and they can't take anymore snacks ation and how is the government of present tobin responding to these demonstrations and the fact again, as we say that it's now young people taking to the streets who the government on a tuesday, will the presidency bothered,
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announced that several of the most egregious taxation from the draft bill would be removed. they included a re introduction of the ac on red and a tax, an annual tax to be paid on the most vehicles at these the amendments the m p. 's and next due to debate. so the demonstrates is the organizers say civic, just say another flash bang bang side to demonstrate the organize the demonstration say that this is a tactical alone, that the government were going to put in some egregious taxation hikes to distract everyone and then remove them before passing the bill, but they say what remains in the bill is still too much and they wouldn't take it. so the government appears to have responded to the outcry. the gun on social media is now taking place on the streets at but on the streets. the response from the government through the place and the security agency, the here is very much one that protests will not be tolerated. yeah,
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i see joyce just joining us on, on to 0. we've been watching a 10 situation unfolding in nairobi, kenya, we're protesters against the a tax increase bill, which will be debated in parliament later today have taken to the streets of nairobi and they are being pushed back. as you can see on these live pictures by police using t, a guy, a very 10 situation on folding here, malcolm. the bill will be debated again later today. what can we expect from that parliamentary session? we're waiting to find out how and peas will react to these 1st amendment amendments. removing the most egregious taxes, including the re, introduction of the young red. but a very present, really research tenure, crenza calculation as a majority in parliament and people who say that they will pass whatever they want
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. that there isn't any real accountability because the ruling policy has the majority. and they also say because of the corruption in the punch and age, which is assisted in can you for decades is widely perceived that you have a controls. the government will be able to uh, to pay and piece. do you see voted in that favor? as a widespread obligations of, of, of this kind of a patronage happening either directly or didn't directly, it is not feeling of not being represented as it seems to have pushed. these demonstrates as to the limit the organizes of oversight complain that even when the government does with the money that it does raise that there isn't adequate accountability, that there is widespread corruption. so they argue that raising of the taxes isn't going to help because they feel that that money is not being spent wisely. ok, malcolm will leave it there for now. how does, here is malcolm website? 14 deadline from nairobi, kenya where 10 situation again,
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is on folding as protests is gathering the upon them into protest against that proposed rise in taxes. a controversial bill which will be debated later today. i would police have been using to a gas against a protest. this trying to push them back. we'll keep a close eye on the situation in nairobi, and of course bring you the latest here on out you 0 and still ahead on the program . chinese coast conferences now use nys ok, susan machetes, to attack the philippine naval vessels in a disputed area of the south china sea, the color we have seen some very heavy rain recently into west somal try lobby down pulls coming through here. this is them just extending into the north of some out to a 150 millimeters of freight and coming down in the space of 24 hours. but what's the
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weather that's going to slip across the gulf, todd on some heavier bus. the freight is coming into west southern pots of cambodia, southern areas of vietnam over the next few days, south west of the month. so you still pushing some very heavy right up to was lose on good parts of the philippine. seeing some very wet weather over the next few days. as per usual, you can see some heavy rain coming into southern part. so vietnam, as we make our way through fast, i thought of the south. i am pleased to say it's a little quieter, across southern areas of indonesia as quite a cost, a good possible straight area. we have seen some very cold weather down towards the south east. recently. this area of low pressure has been drawing up cobra house of the antarctica just pushing towards the south eastern cold winter solstice, air coast i. we spent a taste of winter. we are looking at plus 3 showers, rattling through the south east as we go through web friday. so with the weather just coming to the southern parts of new south, well, it's more of the same as we go and it's assessed a southern positive w. i also by the way and when i'm with the west, the new statement,
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the . ringback the or the,
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you're watching out you 0 live from doha, a reminder about top stories. police in kenya, have you guys against protesters who are gathered near the parliament in nairobi to protest against a controversial finance bill, which has been watered down, but will still need to go back to comment for more debates. the bill introduces new taxes and levies that would increase the price of goods section right now. the news cypress says ignite involvement in the conflict between these really on the and has for law and lebanese groups leader of warrants type person. not to open his spaces to these really military tensions between has full ninety's rate of increase. they'd be sunday and yvonne's acting for administer and eva gary as hell talks with tomas as political leader in contact. gary said efforts against the warm guys that should be accompanied by legal, political, and diplomatic resistance abroad. he also told masses leader that he wants to force
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any move that guarantees the demands of palestinians when it comes to cease fire. well, let's speak to h a hear about this. he's a senior associate federal. i'd be kind of getting documents for international peace in washington dc is joining us so from london. thank you for being with us. let's start with this meeting that's happened here in katara. what's the significance of it in the current you political context and how much pressure do you think is being put on him off to accept a ceasefire with his right? and so i think that then when it comes to the ceasefire, how much has been expressing objections? because it doesn't see actually the do as a ceasefire. dear or say it's a pause and fighting um, but there are concerns that have been expressed about the permanency of that pause because these railways have made it very clear that they're not interested in a permanent ceasefire. having said that, i think that most of the governments in the region including governments that have
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been, uh, the mediating with how this uh, the cost of usage evictions. they're really keen to give this a deal that the buy ministration allowance a few weeks ago. the best shot that it has, and as a result, i think there is a lot of pressure being put on have us to accept the deal as it is at the moment and then try to work things out as things go forward. if all needs to give some relief to the people of guys who are obviously suffering tremendously and present, what sort of pressure precisely would these countries like khattab be putting on her mouse right now? so some things have been mentioned in public. others are obviously being said, i'm sure in private that has been the suggestion that i got there was no longer be the safe haven that it's been for the have us leadership, the political leadership to exist outside. of course i'll post time um the companies have, have denied that this is something that they're really talking about. um,
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other different reports on that. but when it comes to other governments, i mean the egyptians are in control. they were in control of the, on the line. ready order crossing that was not completely under the control of these re, these but of course that that no longer exists and off has a complete control of destroying the defense forces at present. so there is limits of pressure that can be applied on how the us uh, but also when it comes to the political leadership that's outside, they're not the same as it was in the sides. um i think that the uh, that has been also a tricky thing for people to negotiate over. ready ready the last few months that you know, sitting was who was in control of how the us in gaza. um has changed the goal posts on more than one occasion, right. it is not as valuable. ready in terms of negotiations as the political,
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she and leadership might be outside. okay, let's discuss another rock during this conflict, and that's has the law, the lebanese group, the calculations on the border with israel, where we've seen a 10 situation unfold. of course are links to what's happening in guys i to the military concentrations there. and we have today as well as threatening a war with no restraint against israel. israel is military say that it has operational funds in place for a potential offensive and 11 on how coast all we do do. do you think to an all out war on the northern border of israel and 7 border of level? i think nobody should be not able about this. i think that the, the, the likelihood of a huge escalation on the border with love and on is quite high. i think the escalation has been the thing that people have been most concerned about over the past 9 months because there was never going to be any charges. so what happened
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because it was only go to stay in gaza and i think that you've seen the board out in terms of. ready use that have happened with the right in this with his, my love with the who would fees. but it also means that the reverse is true, that the key to unlocking a process by which the escalation, negotiation and political solutions of political supplements could be come to all starts with a ceasefire and gaza addressing the problem. first and foremost, if that is addressed, then there are other opportunities that can be fulfilled, that taking advantage of when it comes to 11 on. if it isn't that i'm afraid that more and more windows of opportunity simply close a chart and yet always good to get your thoughts. thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us side ha heavier. joining us there from london. the
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a not in use rush, just present that to me a protein is in get now i'm hoping to strengthen ties, see was welcomed by president, told them to the presidential policy. and henry put in said, russian companies are ready to invest in liquefied natural gas projects. and getting them in an opinion piece, probably surely a he prays what he called a noise violent stance on the war. in ukraine, the meeting follows a visit to north korea wife, which in signed the defense deal with leader came jump on. tony chang is covering the visit for us. he is in henry whitmore. this is really more about economic ties than security. low security will be discussed via the me is a military realize very heavily on the russian supplied weapon systems. they have found the rather hard to get in the last couple of years since the war and ukraine started. so i think that going to be trying to push for certainly by the supply chain. but we also know that there are parts of the military that would like vietnam to diversify, not to be so reliant on russia alone. of course,
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much of that is part of the historical relationship between vietnam and russia and the soviet union as it was back in those days. and the support the soviet union, k to vietnam was since it became an independent nation off during dependence during the american war and, and off the woods. and i think it's important to remember that uh, the soviet union supported a vietnam in the years when it invaded cam birdie when it was shunned by the international community. we spoke at the lots of people here in the last couple of days, who still remember russia very fondly, many of whom, whom have been educated over there over the years. and that's one of the other things that's going to be on the agenda. but i think for the most part, this is about the person being able to show that he can come to southeast asia. it's a very dynamic part as well. there are, he is facing sanctions in many other places.


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