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tv   Witness The Last Shelter  Al Jazeera  June 20, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm AST

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all the you want, you're going just there with me. so whole robin indo. how remind on top news stories must protest against the government plan tax reforms all taking place across kenya. this is the scene in the capital library. the police have been following 2 guns and using war to come in to disperse crowds. valley near parliament, the controversial but site. the bolted down finance bill is heading back to m p. 's for more debate. it introduces new taxes and levies that would increase the price of basic goods like press the so hundreds of demonstrates as much in different cities. again, the proposed changes. these are the scenes in elder at present when he moved his
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hometown not protested, say the tax increases will have the economy and make it hard. if the kenyans to make ends meet for the president says that needed to boost government revenue and reduced borrowing house, there was malcolm webb is on the streets and i re, b, y, the protest will be taking place. a lot of the gas has been fired earlier today. i can still smell it. we where we all have in uh, not maybe $0.60. uh, but uh for the last off of the house i. we haven't seen any weapons by the crowd that we saw a few minutes ago. been tossing up and down the street chanting. every time police vehicles of passed through the drawing crowd. the protesters have been chanting items like we are peaceful. the police have moved on without firing any tig on the weapons or the one that we did the mounted police charging some of the demonstrations. the numbers are growing significantly. said on tuesday when the
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campaign does it get the final bill to for demonstration, several 100 got it today. more people here many more demonstrations. and there's been a lot of combination of social media, intervening days, holding for people to demonstrate noticed every night. maybe have it also in the coast to coast to see if on vasa, the lakeside city in west and can you all can see me will stay on the cold cement, sol, so the tell you all the 02 dollars power minute free brackets full force of taking control of, of phil is the capital of west co defend the states south, west of the capital call to find thing. and also the between the sudanese on me on the all recess lasted several hours before the army reports and he withdrew from the city. the power military group took control of government and military headquarters. the thousands have been killed and millions displaced in the conflict between the army of the recess. or is there any times in troops operating deep into rough, a city that being docked by will plains and drains,
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helping the advance palestinian se times have moved into these 5 neighborhoods. eva nice. but east of rafa is really strong. some filled at least 10 people, 30 of us were injured casualties were also reported in more. i see a so called evacuation zone. many of the injured have been taken to the european hospital in con eunice, which is already over crowded. and the results and strengths also reported in renewals. i am central areas of the district is really ami, has been directing rough as displaced residents tools. the mossy area along the mediterranean coast, but hundreds of palestinians are being forced to flee and bossy area to and head to west in positive communities. and central costs. a strict runs acting foreign minister, lead by heavy, has held talks with hamas, his political leader here in de la began reset efforts against the will and gauze, which should be accompanied by legal, political,
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and diplomatic resistance abroad. he also told how boss is found here, that a round supports any moves that guarantees the demands of palestinians when it comes to cease 5, torques rushes present. vladimir putin as in vietnam, hoping to strengthen times. now he's welcomed by the president to line to the presidential pilots and not only teaching says russian companies already to invest in liquefied natural gas products. and yet, um, the main thing that follows a visit to north korea web page and signed a defense steel would lead to kim jones on those where the headlights cause you to follow these stories. on our website at altos, air adult comes updated throughout the day. i'll be back to them on using huff now it's witness on i'll just say over the
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the the. busy the left you a message on friday, the big cool event. but if you know
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the what's the book would you buy your book, collect on this phone done. i know what to do here with the chip popular. yeah, the quote you quote the quote, but we just had a quote from us. i just wanted to pick up from so with that amount is, is a message for all these people? what is, what about the coverage of the people i went by who died yet, but what are some of the ferry where the the, the substitution of a trump. but that will give me a good manager. fun,
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but it's so suck. i'm close on re upped on platform that i've enough. i me, boss. good. yes. i think got to. yeah he's but example digit comes up on that end. what? yeah. huh. a guntee loud event of course. talk them and enough. i mean, it does look like and then let me connect you estimate danella vicki. purpose vicki, the sun to keep up our thoughts on i used to fit pictures to see what that official model called the last time you called about will be the one of the proper was a, a simple decrease on the search. i'm a see the issue is that the memphis of the month of i do really the position move. i don't know what that is enough. i'm it wasn't for me enough. i mean the
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check on a new the mean issue did you saw downloads? you did go on monday, the system since you turned it on the left of it. so she wanted me to stop and feeling awesome. easy and it took less. no. see the bucket stopped, won't go out of the sky long. you some she only she meant if you do
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show the more flap this i need to do. sure. and lance, you see any of the go i'm is when you get on the of issues. if you now you see the diesel sending the little piece, the of the
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uh the sorts itself is the best level
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the the the
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2nd i'm just the fact that you did to see a c n n. now we have what i'm just removing the to the center. i'm not going to go. so you got the level 2 new bloom and even the color because of the name. it doesn't let me see that the best could have been made up the pinnacle door for the flight to the domain slash if that's what i thought it might as i'm so go to the apple 975 single pulled enough. well ma'am, it does. most of the stuff that i need to set up the process
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so i needed to swap the books with somebody. let's get anything of a physical on a bus. well, some new people go to books. i've got a can e and then maybe that evaluated the
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progress is go down for just a moment. the young people on the hope you're with the one where not one and they meet all the goals and it's about them in the
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the, you know, the 1st is that a brother, matt, because the guy who does that mean they start off talking to support as well, like the, the c one to present the subject duplicate to the go for that the to, to pass the but the good for thought any, the guys, what's it though didn't seem like you guys have moved on use. let's use the bicycle, they'll. nobody's, it goes to the window. could you defend the bathroom? the deposit is seen at the adult. patrick, you to go for the and i give you the message. clearly the device. yeah. you know, for a phone call, but i didn't thought in cities a bit until i got into the mac,
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the part to bring the good news produces nearby for me to back the number of people in the, near the, for the, on the back. you know, i'm maybe finding them on the demo now if i did try it out for my, for me, cause it didn't necessarily mo, and if i'm gonna do a bunch of the, the circuit bowl in front of the side of on don't, don't read done. i didn't the but i still didn't view involved. do you happen a little bit? i'm
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minimum what you want to and then we also thought these are the men feel for the above. you know a light going to get it. i'll come by the way it for an upcoming apple for the must have on file. did you mention was there? what are the now why don't you don't want your phone for tomorrow after i change? even so you've been on the, for the
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visit for most of the month or both in the sort of up to fit your much so what did the buses step up to put them in the sauce? you know, but it could be in need to pull up a little bit for me to send us a list of jennifer the to do it. but the moment the
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switch up is it going to stick it pumped it to just simple digit the switchover behind places for busy instead of interest could you be just about finding the dates that you have about. but as you put them into the main domain, you also cook comes to the g, e for informing them of to go with you. and i'm not sure was that, that sounds good for me to put, you know, i've actually been out of this thing with the see like this to put them to the c. c, settlement seat up and uh they can let it go into a bit low level, but with people who use that to say, we do this as you would have been to see people just as it is when you get to pick up those in the future. if you come on a status,
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i've got to pick that up and the reason why i shop it posted by the developers of it, solicit me that it will be with us luck as me that the basis with me to the service yet. but as often as the bus, the city don't do great, but salter to be easy because the what it was this is you see the thing for myself besides, if it was up in this way, it would be i do for you. and that's easy because to us it. so look this up. so look it up to 62 to live when i did you put the with my left, but i'm going to be to come up with you to meet the metro 50 for submit that to me. you suggest us a, b,
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c to just take the click. let's see. thought is it the somebody that they see the full studies? it could be a much less. it could be picky. and on the side, the small to see that means the you see some subset of put them on the seat difficult? yes. this is this a truancy tennessee? was it was it is a predictable good. you can to
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it's a disability. this is a tabletop. so could you just talk to sort of balancing suited to motivate trauma. but it as this is an issue, so that i thought also. so let's see. so so what if, if this is that it shows about that it was ok to go back to make you such a lovely chapter number 25. yeah, mostly. what about the $1.00 to $1.00 with the
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local bro. but question. we don't get them, but don't think i was able to go out doing just as much as you see is the only one that is on his own with my health is so me get the fuck says blow something. what does that gilding my legs on fuzzy me? i suppose, to book the book to well, i book is that there's all possible is it is, i mean, talk to the purpose if i tell you about, but let's do the 2. does it 1st look like it? uh so the like the private much the month to month i don't go to the is the yeah,
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it will do that. i will give you the whole more you was you what we what you got. this will come up that says again and again, you know, how really, you know, why you was the subject to be view. what was that? the the note on the internet. i live in the goodness. are you going to the new year for you? on the the the
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national that they are doing again, also with the message now from seeing if that you found in the scene of the dc not dot i z dot dining open it to you one me see, i didn't, and i sit and they sit in a more ye, me and a bone on and off will say the, i literally thought i knew the city or get him. i was sitting the initiative mortgage through my mit don, you for your name, my credential. you can say that junior learning in a new new discount got to near fucking now. and if you do, morgan,
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i'm one of them. i'm done and do some news. net dental dental. and i feel like i've been one model for your name in new york on a case you might be a new book is or is war machine is decimating entire households and it has the words of those survived. and with the help of the palestinian journalists, phone lines tells the heralding story of 3 families and investigates us complicity and the world's most brutal in decades. the night old and biden's war on has talked to on a jersey,
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the members of thailand's most notorious gang captured in caged at last. gangs of monkeys took control of the city in central time in several years ago. stopped a tourist treats during the cove. it pandemic, they over and shop some businesses, stores and own is for payment and food. but now the at the lowest cost for their incarceration begins. however, documentation and sterilization refreshing to mock their arrival in jail tattoos or a vital part the prison like. and then it's just as true for these monkeys as they get their id numbers, place to the page forever. so we look at the world still placement stories had a really good business in trade, whether you were paying union, global markets, and economies, and small businesses. economic problems. street addresses kindly be fixed to understand how it affects the 9th. counting the cost on al jazeera,
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the what you all just bear with me. 70 roman in the reminder of all top news, stories must protest against the government's plan, tax reforms all taking place across kenya. this is the thing you need, the company, my writing, the police have been firing, take guns and using war to come into dispatch crowds rally. they pile them into the controversial beside people to down finance. bill is heading back to m p similar to page it introduces new taxes and levies that would increase the price of basic goods like bread, the hundreds of demonstrations, boxed in different cities against the proposed changes. these are the scenes in elder at present when he moved his hometown,
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not protests to say the tax increases will have the economy and make it hot of the canyons to make ends meet for the president says that needed to boost government revenue and reduce borrowing to all sorts of thoughts, i think i'll just say we're, that's who dollars power minutes is up in support. force of taking control of philip. it's the capital of west quotas on states, south west of the capital, call to fighting in a sled between the sudanese army of the office. at last, in several hours, before the army report to the withdrew from the city, the power ministry group took control of government and military headquarters. the thousands have been killed and millions displaced in the conflict between the army and the recess. is ali tanks and troops are pushing deep into the roughest city. that being backed by will, plains and dry ends, helping the advance not palestinians say, tangs have moved into at least 5 neighborhoods overnight. east of rafa is really strikes killed at least 10 people. 30 others were injured. casualties are also
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reported in unblocked c, a so called evacuation side, that many of the injured have been taken to the european hospital in con units, which is over the over crowded. and the results strikes also reported in the news and central areas of district. russia's present black commit. putin was in vietnam on a state visit. now he's being welcomed by the president total um to the presidential policy in hawaii boots and says the russian companies are ready to invest in liquefied natural gas projects. in vietnam. the meeting follows a visit to north korea web page and signed the defense deal with the leader kim jong, when you called it a stories on our website to thousands of adults come subjected to throughout the day. i'll be back with monique, and then these are interested in a half last time that we would tend to witness here on out to 0 of the
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people up to this for that id. have to but i was, i knew the biggest in the loop
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as to yeah. yeah. you too. bye. yeah. well enough. well not in the long as the photos you know, forgot to take off the photo to know if that's the i just mentioned like i 5, i'm not familiar with the animal as you go into the can no longer on the
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what was really moses and then if it, if it's digital s a d the where's
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the mass of guns use okey d. c? it will be will be the for dumping pump up with the code to the device instead of what it is. it's got this, we bought the student today. that's the one to show. yes, we can go to get us before jump on what the sol the subject of looking to book, which of the things what you saw was that the discussion with the
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the to the see the a setup wizard. besides, you do the comforting and give it to me because you don't need to do you? do you feel welcome to to know why should we we back it up to me cuz the other 2 are simple. hm.
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exactly. so simple. you're probably probably the fact was you, it says how much you've been such a good one. that's why that's the issue of it. so let's the use one of them much unless you come to the screen says says says mofas's says it says that the image that says no for me to i do 12 to the top. so comes exclusive
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color to the easy think of it. okay. so, but these of the simple the wi directly is a duty to prove any you see who is putting a stop at the lead to sealed it up if possible to go to court comes over to, to, to contact the problem is he's fine. so when it's time to look inside, did this what he ended up? i mean this on silva as good this does. did this welcome,
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so it'd be fine. i think the problem was i think the for me to be going to push it as i've been to the, from the, from the the
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top to leave. you don't want somebody's inside. i'm going to send you an updated on the 31st to pay off the front trucks. a new one with all those see printing preference
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to that one. in the meantime, one of the, as the gas or the
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image to be done us. a lot of
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these things you supervisor, mrs. she says, you, alexis, as you saw this national kid show that we thought that was, it doesn't just the ship this it gives you the general frankie barton raleigh, simple the most attention. would you be the most fees of the guys from the speakers policy? did you need a policy to use it? what would that make your thoughts introduce a pc? subdivision of this most eventually varies your thoughts. so that's all you got to do. stop on much if you apply the most often. so give you a bunch of came up, you guys should be that you should be able to give the most part this could you possibly if you're not successful. so it gives you both. so focusing, i said also for the side that i didn't send you to the 2nd guess of this sort of
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does a bit so i'm on the left. so thank you. talk to you to do this stuff on to secret shows on. is that gold? no, not going on the floor. she would you be going to be on a monday? do you allow me to come to the dealers? you stop with the shipment here? no. she says she remote desktop. so he has to click full. could you tell me to do to be shipped to 000 from the countries, indigo mazda countries, just dump the boss honestly, that shows it to them. who do some of the falls, you'd probably be able to do some of the live. did you know that?
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yup. just tech did that comes with it. yeah. because you so point you don't want this experience because you, i'd be should i disagree the nephew on difficult? i don't to go to any such good. you know, this, that goes on or by selected by monday, the 12th, i'll get you back on the debate. keep them is what you do shoot. you haven't done that. something that the vision might visiting us. you get this also you can go to circle say, because you do need a city to put it on go for i didn't knew to finish the product as simple as long just to see know what the best when the room she i see what your memo brocly any suit you enter already 2 percent on the ultimate i think i don't people some dollars because he shuts it and dr. purcell gives you the
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fish, i guess, has your message to shiver to, to a see the so butcher consortia. okay . take care of the last year in this case, is that, but it didn't necessarily to don't hear back going to have a good candidate been n unplugged is going to shift us health
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issues to kind of show what or pause if they can see you go dishes unless the for me or send me is a one. if i wanted to stay there to take this and shuffle cuz your thought this is helpful either patillo just issue a present that guess who gets key, which is at the front door. okay. she was given for time to process, so i'm going to nickel and if i pay one
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minute, i can only should to petition of interest. so property should have posted, i guess, histories pushes this, i guess. okay, so i see a part of the issue of the ship to to get the glasses on and it gives us to the point to, to ship them to constitute that to this to
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say the ship look based on say are looking soon, pursuing the big is the condition of the police are into effect where there should be so as i say, that's really easy to see, to stick to go on to put the tests out. the one guy allows you to discuss your frontier. she flips the test. when i remember this, i didn't mention this sufficient, the tesla in the test to stick a so a to do the pick this and if paces,
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shackleton k for funded tennessee and one of the frontier to see the system. and the way for people to that the house also attended, i should send that back into a supervisor closer call miss putting me a public concur seem kinda to listen to 2nd pictures of us as to what type of single family telling us the
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half i graduated escape and asked me to ask me to the local fire closer to the
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you, the money to use a doctor. i've got another guy bought a kind of that i can, i bought a google closer to elsewhere to try to the the most center to move to
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the latest news as it breaks. but immigration advocates challenge president trump asylum order back in 2018 with detailed coverage. while the santa ride remains from the in the saddle,
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the file right is expected to shake off politics and vassals from around the world . the growth rate of the russian economy is ahead of the world average. and russia has already overtaken japan in germany, in terms of the size of its economy. israel's war on gossip becoming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for his real in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the color we got some raw, the live, the weather pushing its way towards chinese at the moment, central and southern areas. what in the hospital system, this is different rattling in that we're going to see that whatsoever. and so when do we have advertise winter weather coming in across the southern past, down towards the pedagogy as to a little bit of sherry right now. a freight thing,
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the southeast corner, opposite, nothing a little further north with the seasonal range stretched across power. black push up towards bolivia and up to was northernmost palm. so some heavy it down pulls, continuing here for time. not just a pretty wet weather. once we get into a equity though we have had flooding recently, this will exacerbate the problems here with a just pushing up towards the camera being now across the caravan. we have seen some very active systems recently. this is tropical storm alberto. the 1st of the season, it's a mass of cloud and right just coming into that eastern side of mexico has already caused flooding into a good pots of bus. how them, texas a, causing some problems here. that what the weather will make its way in land for the remainder of this day. so we all can see some very heavy. right. and notice some very heavy rain risk of flooding mudslides to coming into a good part of central america for the quite 20 says one or 2 showers, but somewhat dry and brought to for the east. the
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ears from al jazeera on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we, the effect from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite taps to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using is it what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity, what sort of future societies do we want? it creates all of this technology roommates. do we still have power of choice, age guides, beach, actually a tournament incorporating and doing the best as the apple kind of technician. oh, is it already too late? so if corporations, there's more power might in the bill and entire country, the future's going to be good for the i would be nice if to before humans as well.
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i human coming soon on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the come on so robin, this is the out of the news on life from day coming up in the next 60 minutes. the police and can you use to get some more to kind of don't protest. as in nairobi, angry at that government's plans for tax reform to dollars a rapid simple forces. i propose that the taking control of the capital of west


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