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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 20, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the, the hello there, understand the pay, this is and use our line from the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. the police and demonstrates is class across opinion for good by the government's plans to raise taxes. to john's rapids, the full force has continued to make gains, reporting the taking control of one of the last 2 remaining on the basis and so desperate patients and on. so we get
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a 1st time look at how golf is only functioning hospital is being overwhelmed. 8 months into israel, so that's 5 minutes and offers is set to be the next nature chief, as well as the strongest. the military lines faces numerous. the challenge on part is smallwood, the sports telling them buffy is expected to fight. and frances next game at the arrows, the captain has unveiled his new protective mask in training after breaking his nose in our opening. the while we begin in kenya, what demonstrators have been fighting with police during country wide protests against the government's plans, tax reforms, the police used was the cannon and tig, as you can see, is a dispatch crowds in the apartment. and i wrote me with and piece of voters, it's,
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there's a head with that bill. a final word is expected next week. now the proposed legislation introduces taxes and levies which opponent say will further increase the cost of basic goods. not present when research says the reform non needed in order to boost revenue and reduce borrowing the hundreds of demonstrations of also taken to the streets of all the cities you're watching scenes now from elder read, which is president william versus hometown protest also took place and at least 9 cities and towns across the country. i think it's time for kenya to change because they used to a parents who just never questioned them. our parents was scared of them. we're not scared of you. we have the constitution, we need you to follow the constitution. we're not asking for anything crazy. i'm here to do to protest to made age because they feel so much of a place we are. they young children, in addition, posit inches, to, to house out, do a joy to be doing the previous government. redeem for the village. he tied presidente,
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then you'll moisten speed to feel to be and we don't want to and headed to the field or someone like we, i just completed no job, the country. then you still want to tell me by the time on getting things that have to pay 300, she just includes i'm working on it doesn't make sense for me without correspondent knocking web was at those protests for us in the capitol in the air. and i replace it just slide the say gosh, as the crowd started to come around, which just minutes ago was full of hundreds of protests slid down here. this is off the hours of this streets and several other things to many demonstrations or just a couple of 100 meters from can you call them in the building to kind of crowd
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throughout the rest. and they take the larger pieces, the guy with the breakers, who can increase taxes, a couple of the people set up the say many, many more today many, many of the others a young lawyer and the guy working for public relations agency.
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somebody. 3 just finished to see was waiting to get you to this is a very different crowd, the kind of demonstrations you see it. and can you guys be led by political opposition or? well that spring in the cadina's means that he's a result job with the east africa piece and security governance program at the institute for security studies. he joins us now from the canyon capital nairobi. and the theme is, i want to stop by asking you about the carrot that these protests were saying, because even though we're hearing anti government slogans, this hasn't been driven as, as out repose. it was saying that bought by political parties, it feels much more of a grass roots movement leg mostly by the you can you talk us through some of the dynamics you're saying here? well, actually you're right to this movie does be very much real gun. you can come so read so nature, most of the other protest as a young people referred to as the generations that professionals and people not previously have not participated in may never used for this because of the not
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any, although he's pretty kind of they put just in case have actually been led by mostly the position in publications, but this was seen a more organized for most part this the, from the young people or either a couple of these 7 new book pulls down the finance be, which has a little effect on when it increases taxes, so we see a little more new more um, you know, use paled temples. um, uh for this which is quite unique. did independent context. well, these purchase are also going well beyond other incentives. we're seeing this across the country. how much does router feelings a threat right now? this is the, it was quite the many people thought it was just when it will be, you know, even most of us in cuz they will be on by saki swimming. but uh interestingly um he does actually picked and the meantime, you know,
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the nun line vehicle. yeah. counties and gary mean like keep p a even moment is actually uh tom is that um you know, not very much and then send, this is actually very interesting. this is that we have seen using those particular room count is an electrical number and account is also getting more meantime in cottage to come out in, in protest. and of course, uh, even though that bill has to be boxed you, you can see that, um, uh, the present in the government is under increasing pressure to i'm showing each deals with these particular issues that they produced as a reason indigent labovic. and i've been wondering what is actually driving that the this level of anger feels like it goes beyond the cost of living. obviously that's an issue. but i know corruption has been raised and the pay of m. p. 's has been raised is a broad issue with governance here. to actually put it on dick's. this is
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just um, you know, you can see the was really the rate and it's because of a long time my g patients, you put the code that last the, the position actually got a know can i see for this, for almost 2 months non uninstalled and most of the months increase in price is the cost of fuel. i don't believe the priest and all of these really the of a nice the little the, the you was and then the position felt these, these increasing the taxes that are really high to. and of course you funding comes of this and defeated the 3 frames documents. so these ease of purchasing power from, from most citizens it, of course, it is targeting a central commodity such as brand oils mail, which i gain is really affecting the, the livelihoods of many canyon. so you can see it is and of course there's also a piece of professional funds. if you look at a budget that was read last week,
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there's a lot of tools. you know, the funds that i'd be now located takes to 2 things that are not very early funds. and this is actually a glitch. total honest amongst many canyon, especially that used to the said it just being bullion over the over the period of time. and that's all that's set to continue from what we're hearing from the people on the streets and exhibits mendota from the institute for security studies. joining us that from nairobi, thank you so much for being with us on entre 0 this week. how is this, you don't know where sources tell it onto 0, that the parent of that tree, rapid support forces have taken control of a full and that's a capital of the west quota fund state, which is south west of the student use capital cartoon fighting in alpha let between that the student is only on the r a. so if we understand austin several hours before the army, then reporting the withdrew from the city, the permanent to group has taken control of government and military headquarters
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that thousands and been killed and millions more. displaced in this conflict between the army and the r. assess him, morgan has won a phone call to the the foreign ministry rapids support forces has been targeting positions opposite in these army, not just infatuated in the job for region in north star, for but also in other parts of the country. now in west coast time, the rest of was able to take over and food, which is one of the last 2 remaining armies, townhomes in the states and with the takeover of the iris over the ministry garrison and then food at that need to me by the new, so as the last remaining minutes, re stronghold in the states of west go to define. now this means that the, our step has expanded its control over the territory into them. and especially in the core defend region, and especially in the west star floor. and now has access to control of the border between sedan and south to them. but the takeover of the iris f over and food that has led to the displacement of civilians and fuller was already in a place that has been homes or hosting hundreds of thousands of people who have
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been displaced from other parts of the court defend region into areas that are controlled by the army and territories controlled by the army because they deemed it safer. and now with the iris of control and food of tens of thousands have closet defeats with bob and news in west for defense state, which is the last remaining army strong, cold. but it's also a place that the recess has been targeting for the past few weeks. and have been trying to take control of the all concerns about the humanitarian situation that will result as a result of the iris if taking liver and as a result of the displacement of civilians from and for that to buy a new plan elsewhere, including across the border into south to them already, but united nation says $10000000.00 people have been displaced as a result of the conflict. more than 15000 people have been killed and there is a catastrophic, so many parents situation according to the united nations. and they often sense that with more and more people mean especially towards buy a new cell, which is already an active,
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complex own. and where 8 organizations cannot easily really reach those needs. they often sense that the communitarian assistance or the humanitarian needs will grow and the more and more civilians will be in dire need of assistance and may lose their lives. as a result of shortages of those relief supplies, even more than alta, 0 to the causes hospitals have faced unprecedented attacks during israel's for lunch. as for many of the medical facilities have been damaged by selling, rated by is rarely soldiers or shut down entirely out of there, it was given access to the strips, only functioning hospital, which is now reaching a breaking point of corresponding honeywell words towards the deluxe. a hospital with dr. bush hoffman a where inside the lock off the emergency department. and i because the, its over crowded and i'm joined by doctor man inside the hospital from
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pansy. my medical missions volunteering to hold people and medical staff. or we need to know more about what's going on inside the emergency department. thank you, honey. as you can see the extreme, i have a crowding in the emergency department. this is actually a time when it's not really as busy as it could get, especially when there are a tax nearby. there's limited resources in the department with only a few doctors servicing hundreds of patients. family members everywhere. there's not enough beds for the patients. you can see them either in wheelchairs or on the floor on that, surrounded by their family members. and there are like 3 doctors generally in the emergency departments. are these doctors i've worked in on the staff and as you can see, he has some of the nurses helping distribute some of the medications to the patients
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. there's certainly not enough medications to go around some of the antibiotics that we want to use that have crucial, not available, and also on allowed to be late. and in terms of medical supplies it's, it's a hospital, but it's fairly functioning and it's working on very limited resources which is causing a lot of strain and it any minute. now the health care system is kind of imminently collapse and the millions of people getting off the hospital wouldn't be able to get it. this is a hospital normally that would have a couple of 100 beds and doesn't necessarily get to treat a lot of patients. there are now up to 800 patients and thousands of displaced people living here. as you can see all around us, their patients and the family members in the car doors in the hallways. living with that by whose family members and it makes it very difficult to be able to move around even to be able to actually even find your patients that a lot of funds, unfortunately, because there's no structure and there's no system you actually don't know always way your patients and the way you might be able to find them in order to provide
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the treatments as they were in the pdf, pick one of the children which houses infants and small babies all the way up to kids. about 12 years old. extremely crowded. i, one of the striking features added the you think you'll young babies an instance require formula and reading this to be and now the christian, especially everybody for children and the adult population. and as you can see, there's no room for these patients to be in bed. they're surrounded by the family members in the hallway. and it's very difficult to be able to examine them with privacy. so unfortunately, sometimes we're having to examine patients and speak to them in the open hallways, and that's just become an accepted part of how we can provide for them. this more on children is absolutely heartbreaking. and sol shattering, it's very, very difficult to actually provide them any can. so some of these children don't actually have their mother and will they father, potentially guard parents maybe being looked after by extended family members. a
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lot of them have had shrapnel injuries that are going to leave them with amputations and debilitating problems for the rest of a life. now we're working from the, all the building to the building that used to be the of centrix was that's now been converted to the operating theatre building. and we're going to take a look inside. unlimited resources that are being provided here and the operating you know the healthcare facilities. there are only a couple of students that are still. tasha. this will be one of them. we just entered the operating theatre a complex here at the hospital. dr. buckner, tell us more of what we're seeing. yeah, so just very quickly on my left hand side here, the recovery rooms with patients come after they finish the operations and kind of to fairly show you everything that's inside, but there's very limited resources. there's not necessarily the equipment to be able to monitor them. sense of taking their vital signs, like blood pressure and hot, right. there's one main card on that as far as the entry way and the exit for
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patients coming in to the operating room. and most of the time they're full of 56, even after 10 patients just lining the car don't. it's very difficult to actually move around. what is this case? yeah, so this is, this is a young kid that obviously had some vine from an explosion or bloss injury. this is a very common and unfortunate scenario, or a lot of these kids are in the pain because of their rooms. there isn't enough adequate energies. you have to be able to give them or they have to come daily down to the operating through room to get dressing changes because there isn't enough adequate supply on the wards to be able to dress a winds appropriately and, and they require care. actually this is sometimes it's not necessarily not able to be provided here at our hospital. tragedies find you at every corner of a lock saw hospital after walking into the different deploy. 5 minutes of this health care facility, the only remaining to my operational health care facility in the central area. we
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couldn't help but notice thing the inadequacy of the medical care available for people. this is honey my more from a lot. so hospital in the central area, guys on palestine as well that seems to be in the end in sight. the suffering and gaza is rarely tanks and troops pushing even deeper into the southern city of rasa . they being blocked by will planes and drones helping not advance palestinian say the times have now moved into at least 5 neighborhoods according to the you and relief agency for palestinian refugees on rough and estimated 65000 palestinians are still sheltering that in rafa. let's be talked correspondence on the ground, handled our issues in general ballot and central golfers, gaza and joins us now from the in. can you talk us through some of the movements we've been seeing in the south, around rafa on people actually able to get out as, as these tanks sometimes move in well,
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it's still intensifying in drop off. there are more artillery selling. there's more edge, right? especially in the heart of the for, we're talking about as to buddha and also as so the neighborhoods where these parts of europe a had the most number of the states palestinian. but as you mentioned, who knew what reduced a statement that of these at 65000 pilots in use to remain. and the 5, despite all of this, our tenant who was selling air rates and, and those people are trapped, they're telling us, we have been talking to the people on the, on the ground. they said that it's very hard for them to move from a place to another because there are constant is where the drones and constants quads, carpenters that they could not leave their houses. so they're trying to stay in their houses as much as possible. and we're also having that a lot of, of, of a lack of information because i'm being says could not read stuff. area journalist
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could not reach the area. and last week there was an ambulance that was targeted by that. is there any forces also we have to mention and highlight the fact that there are 0 hospitals and drop off all of the people who the civil defense seems in department. they got so access to transfer gets transferred to 10 units in at the european hospice and it's very dangerous right now in, in, and drop off. and the israeli forces are pushing deeper, squeezing people into the middle area, forcing them to get internally displaced. inquiry, the with the license for us from the ground reporting from darrell bhalla and central garza, thank you and runs acting fine. mr. advisory has held talks with him also is politically to hear and are ha bugger, reset that efforts against the war on gauze that should be accompanied by legal, political, and diplomatic resistance abroad. he also told them also as well. hm. yeah,
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the iran supports anywhere that guarantees the demands of palestinians when it comes to cease 5, told us all of the has velocity that has some as well, a warranty, as well as what he called a will with no rules or strains should have known as an offensive on lebanon, as well as said, no place in israel would be safe from, has bl, as attacks of to is really officials announced that they were ready for all out for those rather also threatened cypress, saying that if true would be a target if it allows israel to use administrator facilities. now is there any forces have health joined military exercises with cyprus in which is well the separate president has responded to has bless threats given what could have given him blood. give them a kind of good cypress is not involved in any way in the hostilities. cypress is not part of the problem, but cyprus is in fact part of the solution. and our role as it was manifested, for example, through the humanitarian cordele, is recognized. certainly by the are well, but by the entire international community, the name of god is this the attempt to present an image of cyprus being involved
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the military operations under no circumstance. pcb. only your opinion has also respond to now to us as well as comments the cyprus, these members state of the european union. that means you look in union, these cycles and cyprus, east european union. that means any sort of against the longer, if i remember states, is that the against the european union. so in the sense of the european union fully supports cyprus as such. and the statement made in this context of the threats from he's blocked by the president of cyprus. let's bring in law on the shower. i'll just hear a senior political unless he joins me now from paris modeling. we're now hearing from the you about potential escalation. no one ones abroad a war ride or is that changing? know isaac, uh, this just simply snowballed over uh, the last 48 hours when probably they should have been has i think it has been large warning to the ship. it's not to get involved basically because everyone
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understands that is there and has tried to search and drop off small with the. ready side person with others and basically the canyon over the past several years . and, and if there's any such intelligence about possible use of, uh, is there a lot, a shift for you uh, you know, ports or whatever. i think the, the warning was uh, you know, important and whether or not in fact to get the cypress involved. i think i need to be on that at this point in time. especially after that have been used for our minister and the shipping as partners that i've already spoken and, you know, worked it out, i think would be just more sensationalism. and yeah, no more than that. so moment i want to talk about the role as around an order status. i mean, it has well as been saying it's acting in solidarity with the people have causa. so as we see biography, now having these towards what is around the agenda going forward to hi agenda add ons agenda is what the agenda has been for the past 45 years. that's our region of
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power. and once the region of the commission decided to start making it public and it also, you know, states with the cost as it were, i started pollution uh, non stop and uh, in that sense uh, especially after americans ray, the west and attempt fact uh silence to get there is really definitely been attempts packed um um you know, going be on their board. there's an order through the instrument device, whatever, as they have around the region and say, but it was interest. but of course, as you know, has been live has insist that they are working for the national interest. them about citizenship or if you're on a, where do you say all assess going on? because there was a cease 5 push from the us that seems to have gone. absolutely no way. we're seeing these escalation intentions now on the lebanese is really border. what happens now?
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just on the line uh, kind of started here because i think it's important to just to the extent or viewers around the world, the pedal level between how much it has been a lot different, a shift to the wrong and the signature between the 2 groups moving forward or even moving backward to the prostate fonts and why there's such a significant between how my son has by law and. 4 both are supported by one state . both are of course just as cool when they don't want to shy from the other sydney . but despite the doctor know, the difference is the 2 groups have had a close relationships since the since the 19th is when both groups came to existence and they had to be 19 acres, in fact has one must 1st statement as his brother in law and the ladies, what's common thing about the mastercard, of somebody i should just shut the that was basically facilitated by these ratings . most of groups kept existence in the mid 19 eighties. and since then both groups have been at the semester, you know,
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resistance groups against this road. this continue the search until the 4th is or to throw in 2000 from stock club and on and in 2005 to read the boy out of guzzle. so they kind of had the relative successes, i guess is right by using the militant or, or violent resistance against this or that did not stop of course is right from launching a towards one in 2006. i can just drop it on and then 200820092014, that goes to mazda and guys on so on, so forth. but what we've noticed over the past 40 years since both have mass and his book into existence is that despite is ward spikes is an even war crimes in software. but not any guys. both groups have continued to grow a sort of defy and become people are more popular in their, in their, and their environments. and they have become people more menacing to israel than this ever before in the past for 2 years. so based disney is as victims
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has failed, is the strategy to which has by law and have access to being and both groups. the product is really occupation of chocolate. but non, i know that a started continued to exist because the occupation i place in terms of guys are continue to exist long. this are out of here, a senior political analyst, the sharing those insides. thank you, ma'am. the . all the outgoing done is probably minutes to unlock, which i look set to be the next nature chief of to the only other kind of the full that post pulled out of the race. who is it? is that to take over the reins in october when the incumbents get installed in bags . time comes to an end. this transition comes at a challenging time for the military alliance. russia's war and ukraine is now, and it's the in nature. lead is also worried about the rising threat posed by china
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and unrest in the middle east. well, let's bring into is a fall, and she is the director for the center for russia, europe, and asia studies and brussels. she's also a full member of the nato advisors group soccer, which is the supreme allied commander, europe. she joins us now from russell's surgery. that was, it is essentially by default, the next nature chieftain, no one else want the job as well. i think there have been several people who wanted the job, but there's kind of a window in process and it's better to keep some of this negotiation behind closed doors. my group has been in power for a long time. he has very good european connections from attending european council meetings, and i think this will kind of improve or help to improve nieto european relations e relation. so i think we've seen an unprecedented period of maybe you convergence in many areas because of the warrant ukraine. oh, well, some huge challenges remain including trying to maintain some confusion and unity particularly and respect to the ukraine. well,
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it seems that that has been some recent headway made with hungry and you think that's set to continue on the road. so i know the 2 men haven't exactly seen eye to eye on policies in the past and one of the letters was leeks. hungry has under oregon, has been often of a difficult partner for both to you and nato. he has kind of progress suppositions and pro china position, so he has been able to block a lot of things. so the negotiation with him was that hungry finally agreed to him be coming to to replace jen stilton burge. so i think that if there are more of countries that are elect leaders like or bon for the see those kind of growing right wing nationalists and populist leaders coming to power who might not have such strong support for nato or might have more of a pro russian position, this will be very difficult. so i think that he'll have many challenges ahead of jen stilton burke. so one whole keeping cohesion within the organization. there are
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2 new members, so that's also a big positive sign. and we're also seeing increase spending for many members states. so i think that that's key. this will continue to grow. and i think that there's a growing understanding that there has to be more spending on defense. and everyone's watching what will happen in the us in november and how the elections will go. the presidential elections will go a horse and toys i want to pick up on something. you mentioned that the rise of the far right wing, which has already had to deal with the far, arise at home, cut filters on the last election there. and often the results of the very recent european parliament elections is the rise of the right. so that the far right on nature is agenda right now. well i think that was enough on their plate. i mean, these are, this is democracy. countries will vote, you know, people will vote. but i think that if they can continue to get the message out about the importance of nato,
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i think that's we'll see how things go in july at the major nato summit that will be taking place there. and i think that this isn't going to go away this problem with the rest of the this were a new cream. we also have other countries. i do want to join nato, for example, dover, in georgia. they are having rest referendums coming up in the next few months. so i think there's a lot of issues that will be facing both europe and nato. and i think that's the very strong head winds. there are also things that are beyond the people's imaginations. this increased cooperation between russia and china in the arctic. so this will bring china far more close to your some people in europe like to think the problems in asia are far away from us. but as we see russia, china cooperation increase the, as the balance of power between these 2 countries, basing will be able to ask more of moscow. and many analysts are expecting increase cooperation in the arctic. so this will bring them far closer to europe as this
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would be a key area of cooperation for europe because these issues are right in their backyard. so there are some members in their european union who or i should say, nato members who don't agree with the framing of the endo pacific. but whereas others are starting understand all of these things are connected. and we've noticed that with the gen stilton birds, recent speeches, he's really connecting the dots on what's happening in asia and how that will affect your and as we see, just with the present pollutants, recent visit to north korea, to get munitions and other the munitions things like the people you think, we can see clearly that these 2 areas are deeply connected. certainly very interesting times i had for mr. rosa theresa, fall in the director of the center for rush in europe and asia studies and brussels . thanks so much for joining us again. on al jazeera joyce, thank you. hello,
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still a heads here, hear this news out. without them appears and wraps off his visit to vietnam a day off the finding a land long defense agreement with north korea. global survey shows full and every 5 people once more action against climate change put on the government system as an for the shock defeats for the reigning wimbledon champion. as a new board is number one lands the biggest win of history of details. the, the latest news as it breaks, is really military has been forced to stop locating a blockade on the golf. rest of your limit exam 3 of the spend, so good with detailed coverage. human rights organizations have well come. the u. s . decision to place is relevant list of countries that violates children's rights
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from the ha. so the story, the shortage of water is adding more misery to the live of tens of thousands of palestinians. the is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. be more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we'll turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the back to watching out a 0 that somebody about some stories the sounds and p as in kenya, i have always had to move ahead with the controversial tax reform bill purchased as have been fighting with police during demonstrations against the proposed legislation. i say the measures will further raise the cost of living sources tells was there at the to don's time. let's go back to the support forces, have taken control of elsewhere, the capital of west co defend space fighting and also between the sudanese ami um the are assessed last and several hours before the army reported the list. drew from the system is raining, the tree is pushing even deeper into western roughly tags supported by will planes are now stationed in 5 neighborhoods across the southern, especially with tens of thousands of sheltering the or russia is. the president has wrapped up his visit to asia and he's been in vietnam
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where he's agreeing to to supply natural gas to the country. in prison was in north korea where he signed a mutual defense packed with nita conjunction, put in his trying to show up support in the region as he deals with the war in ukraine. tony chain reports from the getting these capital. henry letterman, hooton's medicaid arriving at the presidential palace in handling a woman bryce from the recently appointed president of vietnam. when puts in last visited the alum had only just started his ascent to the top job. but he, like many getting these fields, a strong legions to russia for it supposed to vietnam in the past. we have them give one call in montana. vietnam will always consider russia as one of the most important partners will force to give the friendship and cooperation between generations of leaders and the people of 2 countries. and i liked the visit to north korea. here,
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the focus was on economic development and co operation. russia already has links to vietnam's, portland gas production. you agreements have been signed to the that development. the pollutant is also you get to be seen as a player and the wider region. by joining the discussion of the situation in the asia pacific region were mutual interest was expressed and building a reliable and that the court security architecture in the asia pacific region based on the principles of non use of force, a peaceful settlement of disputes in which there will be no place for clothes, military, political blocks. a busy day here, and henry for vladimir putin o cents a around independence. 12 behind me. first of all, a visit to the presidential palace where he'll meet the president himself, all of the prime minister and the general secretary of the communist policy. and then the ceremonial ju just laying a rate in front of the muslim the founder among, via the document late in the afternoon,
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a solemn approach to pay respects to the man who led vietnam to independence. a brief visit for russia's president's vietnam. the chance to renew old friendships. tony chung out is there. handling persons as a trip has been closely followed by the united states that spring in a lighthouse corresponding kimberly house that can bring what school divide administration concerns right now of the yeah, as you're right, the trip has been watched closely here in washington. in fact, the national security council spokesperson john kirby speaking with reporters about it and noting that uh, i liked the visit by vladimir putin to when he was meeting with the north korean leader kim jong il. there was a very different tone when he met in the vietnam and there is, has a lot to do with some of the investments that the united states has made in terms
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of strategic partnership in vietnam. and uh, this is notable, given the fact that the statements coming out of vietnam were very new to it. in contrast to just a day earlier where we saw flooding recruiting railing against the united states, making very strong rhetorical comments and saying that the united states is an imperial power that is forcing its will upon the world. the state is coming out of vietnam were really more focused on a trade and, and technological ties and really were somewhat new to then. so the national security council suppose for some drug, kirby saying that again, this is because the united states and vietnam and turn really value the relationship that has been built. it's an investment that job ivan has a really built on, and that this is one that will continue as and so this is something that the national security council spokesperson says is
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a comprehensive strategic partnership that will be strengthened and broadened in the years to comp committee how cut the white house correspondent with the license from us. thank you very much company of all the biggest as a public opinion survey on climate change shows that roughly 4 out of every 5 people globally, when their governments to do more to tackle the climate crisis. the people's climate for to found that 80 percent of people want more and vicious measures. tens of thousands of people in 77 countries took part in this u. n. survey. there were also calls for 20 of the world's biggest admits, as of greenhouse gases, to do more thing to, to china, the us, russia and india. it also found 72 percent once a quick transition away from fossil fuels. some of the responses came from the world's biggest oil and gas producing, such as saudi arabia and nigeria to 86 percent, according on their governments to work together to tackle the crisis despite the geo political differences. well, joining me now for x
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a and the u. k is emma disarmed, she is a kind of just as active as m as in un, has been pointing out. the survey shows that the scale of consensus is huge. what is actually preventing it from being translated into policy? well, i think this is the critics, the environment and public consciousness. i gladly showing that people won't claim auction. i think the barriers to put it very simply is the fact that the governments incorporation is around the world all fixed into their system. all those but, and described on a planet with finite resources and often process essentially. and i think this report is permissions that i've noticed around the world to take serious action that you say permission know to be some of the world's biggest admits is people in those countries. they support strong direction, including a very quick transition away from fossil fuels, interested in either not russia. what do you think is going on that a but i think these governments looked in to like systems or to benefit them,
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right. like the fox, we've got to start to see people controlling so much the smile by the assistant benefits then. and we need, we need the, i to transition away from fossil fuels and we need, we need that now because we know the climate change. his hair is impacting people and yeah, we need even a way to cup cooler based government, which these people benefit from. i need to wake up cool. that you know, ordinary people aren't going to stand for it. oh, there's perhaps a not on surprising division between rich and poor countries. people in developing countries think more about climate change than those and well, the ones that mean they're also the ones who, who the survey says feel safe or it was interesting. something else to survey highlighted business growing level of climate anxiety. is that something that you feel and in your generation and, and when you speak to people who, who want more action yeah. a 100 percent of like, you know, the climate and, and how we feel on separate families like you know, the economy in the environment. onset for things, peace or stuff like interconnect trips or storms. and there's no doubt the weight
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going to feel. and after that, i'm sorry, i am stressed about and like, but we still have a most or shape wonderful. associated ways you didn't like 61 percent of people. amazing. that precision was based on like the climate crisis. and you have like, my generation, you know, we've grown up with the climate crisis is being like only presenter out like, you know, what we're pursuing on our frames are essential media like, you know, prices are on the road right now. the climate is not separate from the fact that my generation is able to consume the news of what's going on in published by what's going on in the plan. but like, i think what mister pool also shows is people are connecting adults between these triangles. like how they feel the climate of corruption from government. i make some arrangement of that consciousness that we cannot, she really likes to use the phone and realized that, you know, frustration to comply with carpenters know raw decoder, actually very logical. and i just say around the time it just as active as speaking to us from exeter in the u. k. thanks so much for joining us. what else is there and sharing the thoughts? i'm
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a key for at least 800000 people in northeastern vandal dash county stranded as heavy rainfall continues to persist in the flood. hit region of so heads, hundreds of villages have been in on day to then would already save as heavy rain will be continuing until friday. and the se at least 10 people have been killed that your lands live in the cups us. because all district tundra tundra is in cops has bizarre with more on how the wrangell refugees, their coping with all the spot. a heavy, torrential, rain and land slide cause havoc in the camp or on when is there at least more than $7000.00 people were effected at less more than $1000.00 houses were damaged. many of the people are now living and coming out of shelters are with their families voluntary or is there an 8 agency is trying to rehabilitate them, providing them hot food. 70 as on the refugee is, are frustrated. many of them we spoke to us, particularly the woman sounds depressed. they said there is no hope of going back
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in the immediate future as a civil war in me on my talking to them. their main concern is the family more than i have the population are children without formal education, that informal education with me on my credit club and that's totally up to 9th grade. that whole future generation. basically with of pharma lady cation. that's something really concern for them. and then there's pretty arctic violence incidents of fire in the cab. many people die end of gang violence and political rivalry without any hope of going back. most they're going to have to do is even take turns in taking bowed, so that they all been all going to southeast asia on the process. many dies, but most want to get out of here. yeah, there is no hope of going back to mann mart in any near time future. it's 100 charge race. i'll just, there are cox's bizarre, a still a head for your head on out a 0 gathering in front with the image,
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making it easier for african countries to get life saving vaccines and times of clothing and matching. and later on the oven euros as savvy a rescue of wayne pennsylvania, that's coming up shortly with the business. latest is brought to you while he gives us a line supply on one of your this makes modern fleets.
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the business latest is free to you. believe i guess is a nice smile on one of your just makes modern pleads the the doesn't matter and it's time to support and his par, this style. so yeah, thank you so much. england have mr chance to win their group, but the guy. 2 who's after being held to 11, draw by denmark, after winning 1st game, england would have been guaranteed top spot in groups. see with another victory and a place in the last 16 captain harry came,
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put them ahead in the 1st half things were looking good. but denmark were leveled before half time with the school from martin and tillman. 11 was how it finished. well, there was a late drama in the other group seen game between for vinny and serbian sylvania were on track for their 1st every heroes. when was a goal from zan carnita, serbia threw everything forward including their goalkeeper and the level things up in the system and at an added time. substitute lisa, you'll get shipped with the header, which meant it also finished $11.00. so emily and still top the group and 4 points should be enough to go through as best 3rd place finish or denmark's lavinia and serbia can all still progress on. mccain has more from jeremy's capital berlin, and that's it. nowhere in breathing same. both of them say good point means the english slope was a great for they all know through yes,
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one with the last 16 but they did. so the game, the group must go on for the friends here. well, lose. this was one that reaction and you know, it's so crazy man, you know, we just play them out of the field. you know, a small country like get denmark, play like that. you know, that means smaller countries. they are bigger than they go, you know, benny. i was a big, big class. they could do nothing. terrible about rush, what are we should have off the banks? we don't have to call it a night. we need to create a respite. yeah. bring in the only one. no. no. so this group will go to the last game is it means that these 2 things that are just played well, they are in post position. certainly the english on full points is also with 2
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points. know the positive results for them will take them through how to sarah coolant. well, a game on thursday kicks off shortly and it's a heavy weight clash between spain and italy. spain started out with an impressive 3. know when over craig, shad but italy are the rainy champions and also opened up with a window for albania. the teams met at the last year rose with italy, knocking spain out in the semi finals. when are you going to some classical this is what i think it's a classic match. if this competition of any competition, it's any one of the national teams we face the most during my time with the spanish people federation. it's a classic, i think it's so much that could easily be a european championship final, in this case, or even a well cut final. these are 2 teams with a grateful pulling history and some fantastic place. friends kept in telling them, bobby hasn't failed. his protective mask, after breaking his nose and their opening game against austria,
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it has the colors of the french national flag and his initials on it. bobby trained in leipzig had their next game on friday again, so that the lens and his coach says he should be available to play basketball again and get better with the kelly and situation. there's no disturbance in the group. the medical staff are doing the best they can and he is with us regardless of what's going on outside the camp. internally, there's tranquillity and serenity. massey's argentina team take off the coping america later. this thursday. the south american championship is rather confusingly, being hosted by the united states or cup winners argentina or the title holders, and they start their defense against canada. canada are one of 6 teams from outside south america, taking part in the event. the opening game is being played in atlanta you know, you're playing as a team with a high quality, you know, a lot of quality and you know, a lot of the organization. i think we've prepared well for this game. and our
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mindset is strong. we're going out there playing and you know, the walk of champions and the stuff motivation for us and obviously just to win this game and, and then try to move on. it's raining wimbledon champion. carlos alvarez had suffered a shock upside to the grand slam warm of events at queen's. well, lemme too was done by britons jack draper and the last 16 draper, who has just been crowned as new british and number one out for us. the straight fence reach for the finals, asked lynch the biggest win of his career. he'll play american tommy pony, which is fine. is it really something new to me? i they call us is defending something. yeah. obviously when, when we're done last year in an incredible talent and so amazing support, so i had to come on and play very well. i'm looking at it today. so thank you. bad news for the defending women's wimbledon. shifting to mark had to have under a sofa,
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had to pull out liberal and open ensured after falling during her 2nd round match. she found clear at the stage at the trunk player will be sitting enough to play wimbledon, which starts on july 2nd business. although such issues for roll number 2 cocoa golf, the american history to the quarter finals in both in berlin after beating a kathrina alexandro button straight fence. the us open champion will play a role. number 10 on each other. next thing. and do you have just beaten afghanistan? their opening, super 8 matched the t 20 woke up. it was a comfortable victory in barbados. india batted 1st and post a $181.00 for 8. and then 20 overs and us galveston were bold out for a 134, falling short by 47 runs the coast west indies last to england and their opening super a match the home side scored a 180 for, for in saint lucia. reading champions, england chased down that total with more than 10 more than 2 overs to spare. the wendy's will aim to get back on track for
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a semi final place and their next match against united states. as to time defending champion, you'll notice that single gore has confirmed he will compete that the tory to from the beginning later this month, the danish writer has been recovering from serious century sustained and a high speed crash. and april 3 broke his collarbone and several rips. the tour begins on june 29th in florence. i'm a fish from nice shots from barcelona formula. one driver daniel carter and motors . u. p. ryder mark mark has swapped their cart car and like for boats, they were taken out an ac forties. we can reach more than 55 kilometers an hour or smaller versions of the boat, which will be raced in the americas cap, which begins being held in barcelona. and okay, and that is all your support for that. and this does get back to you. thanks a bunch. fine. now the award winning hollywood that donald sutherland has died aged $88.00,
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the canadian act to featured in nearly $200.00 films and tv shows during his career . adding 6 decades southern installed in mash and turned up now more recently in hunger games. his son, keith, who is also not that concerned his father is passing on more than a $1000000000.00 has been pledged in the fights for better access to vaccines and africa. french president emmanuel background, and several african leaders met in paris to loan to the african vaccine manufacturing, etc. ration from the diego report amazing of mines and phones promised all to enable african countries dependent on vaccines made abroad to access and produce that own. among those gather his health organizations and pharmaceutical firms, an outage assets, a b, just to make the confident, most self sufficient. in the face of the next pandemic, left click africa. many factors,
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only 2 percent of the vaccines are to choose this in the end that we have set for ourselves. is it by 204060 percent of axis ought to be manufactured on the continent. more than $1000000000.00 has already been committed to the cause 3 quarters pledged by european countries and attempts they say to correct the mistakes of the post when the colored 19 vaccine was being distributed around the world. africa was one of the last places where it was rolled out. vaccine nationalism, well, welfare countries pushed access and potentially hold production was blamed, creating not only deep and the quantities, but also allowing for further mutations and countries with low a vaccination rates. despite the kofax initiative that enabled low to middle income countries access to the vaccines kovacs hilbert as to reach the world. as for us and most notable foster,
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then we would have otherwise. but not fast enough. there is no doubt that the delays in reaching lowered income countries and communities we instructions cost lives. and it's not just cobit that's been dudley on the continent. malaria kills more than 90000 people. yeah. more than 6000 to have died in the current color outbreak across eastern and southern africa. the largest death total in is 40 percent of those fatalities recorded among children under 5 years of age. exacerbated by flooding and regions with access to vaccines is most vital. the project aims to secure more than 800000000 vaccine dose is produced locally across africa, over the next decade and achievement. that would be some way to address the an equality that continues to overshadow. health care around the world. so they've got yegell out to 0. well, that's it for me and associates
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a and i'll send you over to my colleague, elizabeth brun. i'm, she'll be here in a moment with lots more of today's news to stay with us here on the the, the rate of temperature increase this without precedent. we're facing a future that we don't understand. we can't predict fully. a lot of places are simply not going to be comfortable to live in all human settlements. after face this problem, they grew up in climate, which is going to be much different from the climate. we're going to get the, you can see the intense rain stores. you can see the incredible heat waves where people are dying,
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large population. so we'll have to move all over the world because of sea level rise. we're going to see more categories, 4 and 5. hurricane, so maybe even categories we've ever experienced before, we're about to get a brand new climate. the my wife and i just said between the admin of financial 2010. today we need a new fund. digital has trans back, won't qualified. so you don't have that contract and now we'll have this was logged in. you are the last 2 digits of the beneficiaries who have booked on the kids about 400000. and those are the best coverage. we've even multiple any financially a bar. and these don't offer guns with alternate training them unimed, providing mentors for them. today on the 2nd largest employ of labor in the private space of soap with the states of nigeria on russian side space. is there a fall or use?
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it creates technology oriented opportunities to use words like with driving frontier, right. joshua looked at the lighting job creation. oh, well, so as showing to seep economic empowerment because the women move found empowering african entrepreneur is the police and demonstrations class across kenya. target by a government plan to raise taxes the put on and this is algae on live from don't how? so coming up. so don, somebody support which has continued to make gains, reportedly taking control of one to last 2 remaining on the basis of the south.


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