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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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slice with driving, so that's the average of joshua looked at the lighting jump finished on wheels assuring to sweep economic empowerment of women move foundation. and powering african entrepreneur is the police and demonstrations class across kenya, triggered by a government plan to raise taxes, the phenomena distance onto the on line from door ha. so coming up, so don's support has continued to make gains reportedly taking control of one to last 2 remaining on the basis of the south desperate patients and ok, so we get it 1st hand look at how god's is only functioning. hospice one is being
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overwhelmed by as well and rush as president of that. and if fusion rests office to asia, often holes to in times of vietnam and north korea, the boot again in kenya with demonstrations have been fighting with police during nationwide protests against the government's planned attacks. for phones, the police use water cannon and to go to this, this crowds me upon them into my really be with and piece of order to move ahead with the bill will protest to being cool for next week when a final verse expected. the read process says, you know, and people injured and the demonstrations age are in critical condition. most of the protest as well, young people, the proposed legislation introduces taxes and every such opponent savings. so the
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increase the cost of basic goods, the and they have also been taught to test and all the cities things with the scenes in elder. all that's president william russo's. hometown protests took place and at least 9 towns and cities. i think it's time for kenya to change because they used to a parents who just never questioned them. our parents was scared of them. we're not scared of you. we have the constitution. we need you to follow the constitution. we're not asking for anything crazy. i'm here to do to for additional mates because they feel so much of a place we are. they young children, jeanette, are showing up. it is to to house out. do a joy to base the during the previous government redeem. for the late he tied presidente, then you'll moisten speed to feel to be and we don't want to and headed to the, to you or someone like we, i just completed these notes on the country. then you still want to tell me,
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by the time on getting, say, yes, i have to pay 300 to me, just because i'm a kenyan citizen, it doesn't make sense for me. malcolm web has been that the protest from the capital in the air and i replaced it just fine. big guy says the crowd tried to come around, which just minutes ago was full of hundreds of protests slid down here. this is off the hours of this street and several others approved many demonstrations, a couple of 100 meters continued building china. and now the
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the largest piece is the guy back to the us to get to increase taxes. a couple of the papers turned out to say many, many, many of the others, a young lawyer and the guy working for public relations agency. somebody else it's just to see was waiting to get you to the very different crowd, the kind of demonstrations you see it. and can you guys be led by political opposition or to sit on now with those this town i'll just say are the power military repetition forces. i'm taking control of of fuller. that's the capital of
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risk. go to the fond state, southwest of the sudanese capital, the car boom. fighting and i'll flip between the suit and these on the, in the are assess last of several hours before the on even supposedly withdrew from the city, the power. and then the treat group has taken of the government and military headquarters there. thousands have been killed in millions displaced in the conflict between the army at recess of the past. you have a morgan has this update from cartoon to the foreign ministry rapids support forces has been targeting positions officer, denise army, not just infatuated in the door for region in north star for, but also in other parts of the country. now, in westport, at the time the, our stuff was able to take over and food, which is one of the last 2 remaining armies, trunk holes in the seats, and with the takeover of the recept over the military garrison and food at that needs on the bible new, so as the last remaining minutes, very strong, cold in the states of west go to fine. now this means that the hours have,
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has expanded its control over the territory into them. and especially in the core defend region. and especially in the west star floor. and now has access to control of the border between sedan and south to them. but the takeover of the iris that over and food that has led to the displacement of civilians and photo was already a place that has been home or hosting hundreds of thousands of people who have been displaced from other parts of the court defend region into areas that are controlled by the army and territories controlled by the army because they deemed it safer. and now with the iris of control and food of tens of thousands have spelled it defeats with bob and who's not in westport defense states, which is the last remaining army strong, cold. but it's also the place that the recess has been targeting for the past few weeks and have been trying to take control of the all concerns about the humanitarian situation that will result as a result of the iris if taken over. and as a result of the displacement of civilians from and for that to buy a new plan elsewhere, including across the border into south to them already. but united nation says
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10000000 people have been displaced as a result of the conflict. within 15000 people have been killed and there is a catastrophic, so many parents situation according to the united nation. and they often sense that with more and more people lean, especially towards buy a new cell, which is already an active, complex own. and where 8 organizations cannot easily really reach those needs. they off on the sense that the for me to parent assistance or the humanitarian needs will grow and that more and more civilians will be, are in dire need of assistance and may lose their lives. as a result of shortages of those relief supplies, even more than onto 0, hard to the low end and saw it to the suffering and gaza is why the tags and troops are pushing deeper into the southern city of alpha. the being backed by will planes and drones helping the advance palestinians say tax have moved into at least 5 neighborhoods
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according to the un relief agency for palestinian refugees on what an estimate of $65000.00 palestinians are still sheltering. and that offer in bel facilities sent this update from then on the line central gaza, the it's the incentive society and escalating and just the where it's the thoughts and feels right now between the policy and mean resist infections and is where the army we're fighting is taking place in a subordinate refugee camp and also in a so the neighborhoods, at least $65000.00 policy news remain and reflect and refuse to evacuate. despite this airstrikes as opposed to recently. it's also the se in the another and parts of the process to where airstrikes continue targeting residential homes in us is that you know where her, in the heart of the cause of 50, the palestinian civil defense teams were able to pull the bodies of 4 pod is sinews after 4 days of their targets, where
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a dry family was targeted 4 days ago in the se, dot com. we just received their bodies right now in an actual hospital. it's been intensified. palestinians are still the space currently displaced for a place to another. striving to find water and foods. yvonne's act in foreign minister only the getty has held talks with him off his political leda here and don't ha, but good. he said f as against the war and gaza should be accompanied by legal, political and diplomatic resistance abroad. he also told him off his mind him the that the wrong supports any moves that guarantees the demands of palestinians. when it comes to cease 5 tools. european leaders have reacted to hezbollah is wanting to cyprus, that's off the house, and the loss of the country would be a target if it announced israel to use it's military facilities. that's all i want is relative. what he called a rule with no rules of a strains shouldn't launch an offensive 11 on
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a sunday said no place in israel would be safe from hezbollah. as the tax offices rarely officials announced they were ready for without war is ready forces of house joining to industry exercises with cypress and we sent us for well, this is what the cypriots president had to say. give him a good. i've given him blood, give them a gun enough. good, cypress is not involved in any way and the hostilities cypress is not part of the problem. but cyprus is in fact part of the solution. and our role as it was manifested, for example, through the humanitarian cordele is recognized certainly by the are well by the entire international community. the name of god is this, the attempt to present an image of cyprus being involved the military operations under no circumstances. and the european union has also responded to most of all those comments cypress, these members state of the european union. that means you look in union disciples and cyprus, east european union. that means any sort of against a bundle. if i remember space, is that the against the european union?
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so in the sense of the european union fully supports cyprus as such. and the statement made in this context of the threats from he's bullied by president of cyprus, hospitals and gaza will just those functioning dealing with an influx of patients. they are doing their best to treat them despite as a via shortage of medical supplies. i'll just say what has been given special access inside gauze is largest functioning hospital correspond to tiny mac. moved on the 1st hand account of the challenges inside from bush, an ottoman a general surgeon, and unlocks the hospital working with an overseas medical mission. a weird side deluxe, a hospital like the emergency department. and i because the, its over crowded and i'm joined by doctor man inside the hospital from pansy. my medical missions volunteering to hold people and medical staff. or we need to know more about what's going on inside the emergency department.
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thank you, honey. as you can see the extreme, i have a crowding in the emergency department. this is actually a time when it's not really as busy as it could get, especially when there are a tax nearby. and there's limited resources in the department with only a few doctors servicing hundreds of patients. family members everywhere. there's not enough beds for the patients. you can see them either in wheelchairs or on the floor on that, surrounded by their family members. there only 3 doctors generally in the emergency department, sorry. these doctors i've worked in on this. this is a hospital normally that would have a couple of 100 beds. and doesn't necessarily get to treat a lot of patients. there are now up to 800 patients and thousands of displaced people living here. as you can see, all around us, their patients and the family members in the car doors in the hallways. living with that by whose family members and it makes it very difficult to be able to move
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around even to be able to actually even find your patients that a lot of times unfortunately because there's no structure and there's no system. you actually don't know ways where your patients and the way you might be able to find them in order to provide the treatments. and we're going to take a look inside unlimited resources that are being provided here and the operating you know, the healthcare facility. there are only a couple of hospitals that are still passionate. this will be one of them. on my left hand side, here are the recovery rooms where patients come off today. i've finished the operations and kinda fairly show you everything that's inside but says very limited resources. there's not necessarily the equipment to be able to monitor them terms of taking their vital signs, like blood pressure and hot, right. what is this case? yes sir. this is, this is a young kid that obviously has to be buying from an explosion ard last injury. this is a very common and unfortunate sonata yard. a lot of these kids are in the pain because of their worries. there isn't enough adequate energies. you have to be able to give
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them or they have to come daily down to the operating room to get dressing changes because there isn't enough adequate supply on the wards to be able to dress. i wins appropriately and, and they require care. actually, this is sometimes is on necessarily not able to be provided here at our hospital. still ahead on al jazeera, a gathering in front of the amazon. we single vaccine productions and access and the major saudi arabian pioneer who wants to win glory and next mom's house and them fix the colors, some of hate parole and some of storms for many across europe to somebody when you
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see lots of cloud fund that has rolling across frogs, pushing to the west side of jeremy, that's what we're going to use its way for the east was the he continues, meanwhile, down towards the se, in particular, the intense heat by carrying on here we'll see something of a heat wave pushing up towards the northwest as we go to the console next wait times is already starting to rise. a little bit of whether it's just coming in across all in the west and pa, sought the u. k. to have to get pushed out. so the way it is squeezed out of the way by a barrier of high pressure. but there's the stormy weather that sky the settling cause of good positive jeremy, may notice a few of those for the football taking place. the some what to whether to into central the some positive frost easing across into northern parts of easily as i said, it will make its way for the east with a rash, the shaft rolling across poland into the baltic states some parts of scandinavia as well as southern areas, if you will be a good deal dry and bryce at price of weather dry weather that just coming into spain and portugal at long last drive prologic us northern parts of africa. we have
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got the usual scattering dish as opposed to west africa, but not as widespread as they should be of the for my life is this 10 degrees fishermen to elected and key in the madrid assembly fighting racism in giving voice to those he left behind a michael, intent politician reveals how european, over fishing in african waters has become a driving force for a regular migration. take your 3 bus, these be a witness documentary on the i'll just say around the
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the watching all just they are with me, elizabeth put on and go ha, i've a mind to about and please an hang a headboard or to move ahead with the contribution tax reform bill protest isn't being slicing, but police doing demonstrations against the proposed legislation. they say the measures will further raise the cost of living. so to 9 people, engine 8 on critical condition. sources tell the elders 0 that saddam's power military rapids forces have taken control of the that's the capital of west or on stage fighting. and i'm sort of between the sudanese on august the foster several hours before the on even fortunately withdrew from the city. and that is really military is pushing deeper into west and drop button jobs and not the tax supported by claimants. a station to 5 neighborhoods across the southern city for tens of
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thousands of palestinians. the sheltering more than a $1000000000.00 has been packaged and the 5 for best access to vaccines and africa . french president, familiar met call and several applicant data is measuring power, has to launch the african vaccine manufacturing, etc. raisa. the funding will be used to speed up the vaccine rollouts and help build a better manufacturing base and the continent and the quality is june. the close of 19 pandemic. many, many african nations have to wait a long time for vaccines and testing equipment. let's take a closer look at the vaccine preventables diseases and africa. the world health organization says more than 30000000 children under the age of 5 suffer from preventable diseases. every year is estimated. the depths of african children represent move in half of o global vaccine. preventables death, the most common preventable diseases include malaria, cholera, pneumonia, measles,
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and rubella professor child shape. we san gay is a team lead for vaccine preventables diseases at the w h. r regional office for africa. and he's joining us live from brazza for the democratic republic of congo. thank you very much for your time this evening. so how much of the inequalities that the call or the 19 pandemic that the policies that they exposed responsible for us being at this point at the launch of this program? a good is thank you so much for having me. so like you indicated with the cover 19 uh under mixture, countries that have the strongest systems for research for manufacturer and for the collision of lexus. we are the forefront of getting their boxes. i'm literally saw as of the world like africa. we have pushed through the back of the queue because of that's the nationalism. so i forgot your speed is there was or box it into
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quality during uh, cover and 19. and it was moved from dr. any kind of lead us to the upper continue page, uncommitted, the other one, they would not want this to happen again during ended up under me, because the question is not whether they would it be under polemic. it is about when it will happen because we know when we're talking and even beyond that for a normal box is that we use while we're doing them in a central right? yes. we procure 99 percent of those boxes from s or that's exactly what i was going to ask you. most every song k only one percent of vaccines that he used an applicant a made on the continent. what is needed to change that and how much will today's pledge, how which is the idea of the gun that's on the 3rd against the letter to the government. the rest of the alliance is pledging over $1000000000.00 over the next 10 years to i forgot to have sent and backs and manufacturing. so it isn't
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really going to change because the plan is that between on $2241.00 to be able to produce 60 percent of of us. and it's quite a new under produced one present on this. and we're planning to produce at least 60 percent between now i'm 2014 and this as the letter is going to have. and we mentioned that, you know, half the children dying from vaccine preventables diseases in the world are in africa. tell us what's at stake for the continent, not just for his children. i think that is, is very slow. because children died from using the preventable diseases for which we have boxes that have been around for because like many of those like who think of like difficulty, i haven't outbreaks on because when covering it is true that this before committed us onto the services we have disrupted corner and tv only about uh,
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3 and 4. children get the best thing about some that are supposed to receive me now for time. so if i'm missing one inflection, then i'm district then who can get back from her to that it was dying from easily preventable diseases like medicine was like, well, think of like gift or i'll say must of a sonia of, of thing. that vaccine hesitancy has been an issue in africa with a lot of misinformation about foreign made vaccines. do you think that vaccines that have made on the continent could, could address that hesitancy? it is quite a very complex complex issue. and there are many factors that lead to hesitancy. some of the things that lead to hesitancy when people have been a legend elias, they have been excluded or they have been because they have been very interesting that i've loved them to mistrust the system or the low cost systems in the system.
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oh, for an adult, is it 2 bucks and his guns? the so there's boxes met on the continent and people trust our systems. i think that's and his business is going to reduce and that is why we need to have uh do a lot. when we, we are strengthening our religious systems, what do i send to me on the factory system? we need to bring the people along with the let our people know that they're gonna trust us. we have the official system and the vision and dental manufacturing that would uh would produce effective access, child che, i song a of the w h. i. thank you very much for your time tonight. thank you. rush as president has wrapped off his visit to asia. he's been in vietnam when he agreed to supply natural gas to the country. early of fusion was of north korea where he signed a mutual defense packed with his counterpart, kim jong on tony chang, reports from vietnam's capital henry
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a little bit. hooton's mode, decayed, arriving at the presidential palace in handling a woman bryce from the recently appointed president of vietnam. when put in last visited, the alum had only just started his a sent to the top job. but he, like many getting these feels a strong legions to russia for it supposed to vietnam. in the past. we have them get one call him or vietnam will always consider russia as one of the most important partners. we will force together friendship and corporation between generations of leaders and the people about 2 countries. i liked the visit to north korea. here the focus was on economic development and co operation. russia already has links to vietnam small island gas production. you agreements have been signed to further that development. the pollutant is also you get to be seen as a player and the wider region. by joining the discussion of the situation in the
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asia pacific region, mutual interest was expressed and building a reliable on thought to quit security architecture in the asia pacific region. based on the principles of known use of force, a peaceful settlement of disputes in which there will be no place for clothes, military, political blocks. a busy day here and had always for vladimir potent, all centered around independence. when behind me, 1st of all, a visit to the presidential palace where he'll meet the president himself, all of the prime minister and the general secretary of the communist policy. and then the ceremonial juices loading a rate in front of the muslim found among them, which he meant late in the afternoon. a solemn approach to pay respects to the man who led vietnam to independence. a brief visit for russia's president's vietnam. the chance to renew old friendships. tony chung out as they are handling to
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the philippine military is demonic, the chinese coast guy between rifles and equipment. seeds during a consultation and a dispute to the area of the south china sea is quoting for reparations. also what it describes as pilot life looting. the bathing says its troops acted with their string talk to philippine vessels round it's boats. katrina, you has more of the dispute from badging. k, you'll take in town to between philippine boats and chinese coast guard vessels in the south china sea. the philippine military release. these videos which it says shows a confrontation between the 2 sides on to the 17th. well, it was undertaking a supply mission to which ground at bullshit the sierra madre. manila describes the actions of the chinese coast guard as a brazen of aggression. st. troops. wounded. this was sounding sirens to disorient personnel and brandishing axes knives, initiatives. thrusting tom, filipino sailors. one, it says lost from indian counter analysts won't. the incident marks an escalation
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to the territorial dispute between the 2 sides. over the past year, we have seen close to half a dozen incidents including coalitions between philippine and chinese vessels and at the same time also trying to deploying very aggressive tactics like water cannons that could be potentially fatal. the filipino latrice his troops pulled back with that the hands. well, tony's forces behaved like pirates voting its vessels and loosing and destroying boats and equipment. the aging didn't realize the accusation and says manila does full responsibility without challenge. other defend pays, but this, the intrusion interior that joe in china is non stop island is despite china is warnings is the direct costs of the current situation. the china coast guard conducted laurie inforcement mattress on site with professionalism, and the restoring. a ton is coast guard has released images. it says tell a different story. it's accusing the philippine side of dangerous maneuver. it's
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saying it's main supply should intentionally collided with the chinese vessels the way they doing things that noah has written that on a decades or commitment to remove its grounds of worship, sierra lauder from the area, it says military transport, small only, basic provisions, construction materials, even needed occupied the aging claims, almost the entire south china sea as its territory, including the 2nd told to show with the sierra madre has been preached since 1999. washington monroe is named security ally has condemned badges. actions reassigned its commitment to a mutual defense tracy leaders in the philippine say that a z in neighbors however, have remained largely silent. katrina, you all to 0 agent at least $800000.00 pay for the northeastern bond division strand. it is heavy rain full possess from the fund hit region of sil hit. hundreds
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of villages have been inundated, as long as you say, the heavy rain will continue until friday. and the se, at least 10 people have been killed, student lance lines and cox's bizarre district. part of the child is in, cox was presented with more on how for him to refugees. a clifton, with the flooding, a heavy torrential, rain and land slide cause havoc in the camp or on when is there at least more than $7000.00 people were effected at less, more than $1000.00 houses. red damaged. many of the people are now living and coming out of shelters are with their families voluntary or is there an 8 agencies trying to rehabilitate them, providing them hot food. 70 as on the refugee is, are frustrated. many of them we spoke to us, particularly the woman sounds depressed. they said there is no hope of going back in the immediate future as a civil war in me on my talking to them. their main concern is the. 6 really more they'll have the population of children without formal education,
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that informal education with me on my credit club and that's totally up to 9th grade. that whole future generation. basically with off formulated cation, that's something really concern for them. and then there's pretty artic violence incidents of fire in the cab. many people die end of gang violence and political rivalry without any hope of going back. most are going to have to do is even take turns in taking bode so that they all been all going to southeast asia on the process of many dies. but most want to get out of here. yeah, there is no hope of going back to me in my, in any near time future turnville the child's raised. i'll give it a cox's bizarre cell. the athlete donia alternative is set to make history. this is and the big games and powers. she's the 1st female from saudi arabia to qualify for the of them fix nina of walk lab reports.


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