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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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investigates us comparison and the world's most brutal, more in decades. the night and biden's war on does talk to just either the police and demonstrations class across kenya, treated by government plan to raise taxes the de put on. and this is out as a life from don't, how is so coming up. so don, so rapid support for this has continued to make gains reportedly taking control of one of the last 2 remaining army bases in the south. desperate patients and now lock. so we get a 1st hand looked at how one of them causes only functioning hospitals, is being overwhelmed by as rounds and watched as president vladimir putin,
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reps on the store of asia, off to bolster and ties with vietnam and north korea. the to begin and tenure, we demonstrate this have been fighting the police doing nationwide protests against the governments planned tax reforms. the police used would have had and then to this, to this, this crowd the upon them into my really be with and piece voted to move ahead with the bill. more protests of in cold for next week. what a fine of suspected. the red cross is 39, people were injured and the demonstrations age are in critical condition. most of the protest as a young people who say higher taxes. so the increase the cost of basic goods the and they have also been protests and all the
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cities. these was the same, some eltoff that's president william looters. hometown protests took place and at least 9 towns and cities. i think it's time for kenya to change because they used to our parents. we just never questioned them. our parents was scared of them. we're not scared of you. we have the constitution, we need you to follow the constitution. we're not asking for anything crazy. i'm here to do to for additional mates because they feel so much of a place. we are, they young children, jeanetta are showing up. it is to to household do a joy to base the during the previous government to do for the village. he tied presidente, then you'll moisten speedometer feel to be and we don't want to and headed to the, to you or someone like we, i just completed some of the lease nodes on the country. then you still want to tell me by the time on getting say, yes, i have to pay 300 to me just because i'm, i can do that. it doesn't make sense for me. now can web has been that the protests
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and the capital in the air and i replaced it just fine. big guy says the crowd tried to come around, which just minutes ago was full of hundreds of protests. cleared down here. this is off the i was in this street and several others. big book, many demonstrations are just a couple of 100 meters continue building kind of crowd throughout the larger pieces. the go back to
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the the breakers to get to increase taxes. a couple of the people set up the say many many, many of the others, a young lawyer and the guy working for public relations agency, somebody else and just to see was waiting to get you to the very different crowd, the kind of demonstrations you see it and can you guys be led by political opposition? a, just a don now as little as town to 0, the power military rock and some poor forces have taken control of on the for the that's the capital of west, quoted the fond state south west with a suit in east capital costume fighting and i'll flip between the sudanese army in
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recess last and several hours before the armies are perfectly withdrew from the city. the problem and the tree group has taken of the government and military headquarters. their thousands have been killed and millions displaced in the conflict between the army and a set for the policy. yeah. hipaa morgan has this update from cartoon of the foreign military rapids support forces has been targeting positions officer to these army not just in and flash it ended are for region and northstar for but also in other parts of the country. now, in westport, at the time the, our stuff was able to take over and food, which is one of the last 2 remaining armies, trunk holes in the seats. and with the takeover of the recept over the minute 3 garrison and food that that needs to be bubble new. so as the last remaining minutes, very strong, cold in the states of west go to find. now this means that the hours have, has expanded its control over the territory into them. and especially in the chord defend region, and especially in the west star floor and now has access to control of the border
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between sedan and south to them. but the takeover of the iris f over and food that has led to the displacement of civilians and photo was already a place that has been home or hosting hundreds of thousands of people who have been displaced from other parts of the port defend region into areas that are controlled by the army and territories controlled by the army because they deemed it safer. and now with the iris of control and food on tens of thousands have thought that defeats with bob and who's not in west. we define states, which is the last remaining army strong, cold, but it's also a place that the recess has been targeting for the past few weeks and have been trying to take control of the all concerns about the humanitarian situation. that's what it resolved as a result of the iris of taking mover. and as a result of the displacement of civilians from without to buy a new plan elsewhere, including across the border into south to then already the united nation says $10000000.00 people have been displaced as a result of the conflict. more than 15000 people have been killed and there is a catastrophic,
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so many parents situation according to the united nations. and they often sense that with more and more people seeing, especially towards buy a new cell, which is already an active, complex own. and where 8 organizations cannot easily really reach those needs. they often sense that didn't mean to parents, assistance or the humanitarian needs will grow and that more and more civilians will be in, in dire need of assistance and may lose their lives as a result of shortages of those relief supplies. he but morgan onto 0 hard to the low end in sight to the suffering and gaza is why the tax and troops are pushing deeper into the southern city of alpha. they being backed by will plants and drawings helping the advance palestinians say tax of moved into at least 5 neighborhoods. and according to the u. n. relief agencies of house and investigators and want an estimated 65000 palestinians. a still sheltering in java
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in the holidays and this update from the lawn, central gaza. its been in 10 society and escalating and dropped off where it's a boston field right now between the policy mean resist infections and is where the army we're fighting is taking place in a subordinate refugee camp and also in a so the neighborhoods at least 65000 policy news remain and roughly and refuse to evacuate despite the airstrikes and our country recently. it's also the se in the another, and parts of the gods as to where airstrikes continue targeting residential homes in us is that you know where her, in the heart of the cause of the city, the palestinian civil defense teams were able to pull the bodies of 4 pod of sinews after 4 days of their targets, where i saw many was targeted 4 days ago in the say that come, we just received their bodies right now in an actual hospital. it's still
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intensifying palestinians are still the space current to the space for a place to another. striving to find water and foods, the hospitals in gaza, which is still functioning and dealing with an influx of patients, they're doing their best to treat them despite as a via shortage of medical supplies. i'll just see what has been given special access. and so i've gone as largest functioning hospital a correspondence honey mcclure got a 1st hand account of the challenges from boucher ultima and a general surgeon and alex the hospital. working with another sees medical mission, a weird side deluxe, a hospital like the emergency department here. you can see its over crowded and i'm joined by doctor man inside the hospital from causing that medical mission, volunteering to hold people and medical staff. or we need to know more about what's going on inside the emergency department. as you can see, the extreme, i,
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the crowding in the emergency department, this is actually a time when it's not really as busy as it could get. especially when there are a tax nearby. there's limited resources in the department with only a few doctors servicing hundreds of patients, family members everywhere. there's not enough beds for the patients. you can see them either in wheelchairs or on the floor on that, surrounded by their family members. and they're only 3 doctors generally in the emergency department. sorry. based off this i've worked in on this, this is a hospital normally that would have a couple of 100 beds and doesn't necessarily get to treat a lot of patients. there are now up to 800 patients and thousands of displaced people living here. as you can see all around us, their patients and the family members in the car doors in hallways, living with that by whose family members. and it makes it very difficult to be able to move around even to be able to actually even find your patients that
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a lot of times unfortunately because there's no structure and there's no system you actually don't know. always way your patients end up a way you might be able to find them in order to provide the treatments. and we're going to take a look inside. unlimited resources that are being provided here in the operating. you know, the healthcare facilities. there are only a couple of hospitals that are still tasha. this will be one of them. on my left hand side here are the recovery rooms where patients come off today has finished day operations. and i'm kind of to terribly sorry, everything that's inside. but there's very limited resources. there's not necessarily the equipment to be able to monitor them. tens of taking that vital signs, like blood pressure and hot, right. what is this case? yes sir. this is, this is a young kid that's obviously had to be done from an explosion or last injury. this is a very common and unfortunate scenario, or a lot of these kids are in the pain because of their rooms. there isn't enough adequate energies. you have to be able to give them how they have to come daily
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down to the operating through room to get dressing changes because there isn't enough adequate supply on the wards to be able to dress. i wins appropriately and, and they require care. actually this is sometimes is not necessarily not able to be provided here at our hospital. yvonne's that thing, foreign minister only the getty has held talks with him also as political leader here in doha. because he said, efforts against the wall and gaza should be accompanied by legal, political, and diplomatic resistance abroad. he also told him, off of his mind, had any of that evidence supports any moves that guarantees the demands of palestinians. when it comes to sci fi tax, european leaders have reacted to as well as wanting to cyprus, that soft, awesome loss of all us, that the country would be a target if it allows, as well to use its military facilities. that's how long is relative, what he called a goal with novels of his trains shouldn't launch an offensive on 11, on the charlotte said no place in israel would be safe from his ball. as the tax
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often is rarely officials announced they were ready for loud tool is where the forces of hell joint military exercises with cyprus in recent years. and this is what the cypriot president had to say. a give him a good, i've given him blood, give them a gun enough. good. cypress is not involved in any way. and the hostilities cypress is not part of the problem. but cyprus is in fact part of the solution. and our role as it was manifested, for example, through the humanitarian cordele is recognized certainly by the are well by the entire international community. the name of god is this the attempt to present an image of cyprus being involved in military operations under no circumstances under your pin union has also responded. and as well as comments site bruce, these members state of the european union. that means you look in union east cyprus and cyprus, east european union, that means any sort of against the bundle. if i remember stage, is that the against the european union? so in the sense of the european union fully supports cyprus as such. and the statement made in this context of the threats from his beloved by president of
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cyprus, a still ahead on knowledge, a 0, a gathering and from so the aim of increasing vaccine production and access to ask for the hello. we had a nice little taste of wind to across the southeast of australia, coal bloss right out of band tosca, bringing some 50 conditions up towards that eastern side of victoria into new south wales, around this area of life pressure. what is it feel so winter solstice? just past this, so it's a great surprise here, but we should see the 1st easing off as we go on through the next couple of days. still a few shelves into these, the side of victoria, some showers. they're just running up the coast of new south wells, what the weather will make its way to both these evils over the next couple of days
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is that area of light pressure disliked its way across the tasman, whether also sliding its way across the south west of australia, past temperature, this point back to around 80 degrees celsius is that right? moves through and it will make its way through the by just clipping the malibu using a little further east, which as we go on through sunday and by sunday, some very wet and windy weather. also affecting that eastern side of new zealand, at least for a time, whether effecting a good parts of central china the may, your front brings really heavy pulses of raining here, rolling toward shanghai some what to with a little further north, me got some pretty wet weather just clipping the fall south of japan for time for the next system makes its way into south korea and eventually in case you of the, you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the
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cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red chris the the the you watching all 0 of me, elizabeth put on a mentor of a mind to of on top stories, casella and peas and kenya headboard to, to move ahead for the controversial tax reform bill protests have been fighting with police to in demonstrations against the proposed legislation,
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they say the measures will further raise the cost of living as united people went into the age on critical condition. so so tell alj a 0 that saddam's elementary records have taken control of the capital of westcove, the fond state flashing, and i'm sort of between the citizens on the, in the i assess last several hours before the on even withdrew from the city. and that is right in the trees, pushing the button to west and drop on casa tech support in bible chains of stations, and 5 neighborhoods across the southern city. what tens of thousands of palestinians are still sheltered. rushes president has wrapped up his visit to asia. he's been in vietnam when he agreed to supply natural gas to the country. earlier. pollution was a north korea where he signed a mutual defense packed with his counterpart kim john own. tony changed reports from vietnam's capital handily to let him in hooton's motorcade,
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arriving at the presidential palace in handling a woman bryce from the recently appointed president of vietnam. when putting last visited alum had only just started his ascent to the top job. but he, like many getting these fields, a strong legions to russia for it supposed to vietnam in the past. we have them give one call in montana. vietnam will always consider russia as one of our most important partners. will force to give the friendship and cooperation between generations of leaders and the people about 2 countries. i'd like to visit to north korea. here the focus was on economic development and co operation. russia already has links to vietnam's oil and gas production. you agreements have been signed to the that development. the pollutant is also you get to be seen as a player in the wider region by showing the discussion of the situation in the asia pacific region where a mutual interest was expressed and building a reliable. and that the court security architecture in the asia pacific region
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based on the principles of non use of force, a peaceful settlement of disputes in which there will be no place for clothes, military, political blocks. a busy day here, and henry for vladimir potent o centered around independence. 12 behind the 1st of all, a visit to the presidential palace where he'll meet the president himself, all of the prime minister and the general secretary of the communist policy. and then the ceremonial juices slowing a rate in front of the muslim found among them. 13 minutes late in the afternoon, a solemn approach to pay respects to the man who led vietnam to independence. a brief visit for russia's president's vietnam. the chose to renew old friendships. tony chung out is there. henry. meanwhile, washington has announced one of the senior officials will travel to handle it on friday. the state department said to visit by the assistant secretary of state for
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the on the school us support for vietnam. just in the day after letting me fusion was there because of the health that has moved from the white house. a russian president vladimir fitness visit to vietnam, closely watched in washington, noting in washington's, at the tone of the visit to vietnam. very different than the visit just one day earlier in north korea as the national security councils, folks person john curry saying that there is no surprises. that tone is different. given the fact that you as president joe biden has invested in making sure that the united states in vietnam have a. a very close strategic partnership as a result, herby saying that the tone and rhetoric coming out of north korea was one that was very much heightened in fact put railed against washington,
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calling it an imperial partner or power rather forcing is will upon the world. whereas when he got to vietnam, it was a much more muted statements coming out where the leader talked about the significance of the relationship between russia and vietnam. sol is getting more on trade and energy and technology. now again, the united states saying that it is going to continue working and investing in his own relationship with vietnam, calling it a comprehensive, strategic partnership, one that it will continue to strengthen as well as rod and in the months and years to comp. kimberly, how could al jazeera whitehouse, outgoing dr. prominence democratizing look set to be the next chief of natal hoffer, the o'neill, the aspirant for the posts pulled out, which i will take over the reins of the toilet window to him of the incumbents
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against functions that comes to an end. can take all of it at a challenging time, rushes warren ukraine, is that it said yeah. nation leaders are also worried about the threat posed by rise in china and conflict in the middle east or the foot of a military is demanding. the chinese coast guard returned vive. so some equipment seized during the consultation in disputes with area of the south china sea. it's cooling for reparations, also, what it describes as pilot life. losing badging says its troops acted with restraint and talked to for the pain vessels round its bows. katrina, you has more on the dispute from the j. k, you also can town to between philippine boats and chinese coast guard vessels in the south china sea. philippine military relief these videos, which it says shows a confrontation between the 2 sides on june the 17th. while it was undertaking a supply mission to which grounded bullshit the sierra madre. manila describes the actions of the chinese coast guard as a brazen of aggression st. troops wounded,
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this was sounding sirens to disorient personnel and brandishing axes. knives, industries, threatening tom filipinos, sailors. one, it says lost from indian counter analysts warranty incident knox, and escalation, and the territorial dispute between the 2 sides. over the past year. we have seen that close to half a dozen incidents including coalitions between philippine and chinese vessels and at the same time, also china deploying very aggressive tactics like water cannons that could be potentially fatal. the philippine latrice, his troops pulled back with that the hands will tony's posters behaved like pirates boarding its vessels and loosing and destroying boards and equipment. the agent didn't realize the accusation and says manila does full responsibility without a challenge. other, the for the pace position, the intrusion interior that jo in china is non stop island is despite china's warnings is the direct cost of the current situation. the china coast guard
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conducted warning enforcement. mattress long side with professionalism, and the restraints. a ton is coast guard has released images. it says tell a different story. it's accusing the philippine side of dangerous maneuver. it's saying it's main supply, shipped intentionally, collided with the chinese vessels, the way they things, things that manila has written that the decades or commitments to remove its ground of worship, sierra madre, or from the area. it says military transports more only basic provisions. construction materials even needed occupied aging claims, almost the entire south china sea as its territory, including the 2nd told to show with the sierra madre has been preached since 1999. washington monroe is named security ally has condemned badges, actions re assumed his commitment to a mutual defense tracy leaders in the philippine say that asia neighbors however,
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have remained logically silent. katrina, you all to 0. they doing the values of a style and move in is full cost off to funding and costs and bizarre. the district has home to a 1000000 or hang of refugees. at least 10 people killed, one to venture rang for the lance lines. thousands were forced to flee to higher ground on which all these reports from cox's was a. the old was the, when a mom of the and one was only 8 years old when escape from me and my with his family in 2017, has been living at this refugee camp in band with dishes cox bazaar ever since. but on wednesday his life changed once again, when floated off, his immediate family members were killed in a landslide that hit the region. still in shock. he's not sure how he will manage his life during the but i was out on the line slide happen. both my parents, older brother and his wife were buried by sludge and my only my younger sister managed to escape and run for help. but they were no more menu tried to help,
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but faith de la ged to rachel ryan, the so we will loosened up and started rolling down onto the shelters. we were barely able to salvage the victim's body. heavy monsoon rains have triggered land slides and flooding in the camp. displacing thousands and damaging many shelters. making ship schools have been turned into shelters, camp authorities, agencies, and, and us have started providing support. you know, i think our reference is mostly live in small shacks, made of bumble and plastic sheds that are highly vulnerable to extreme. whether the sex are often built in speed pills or in low lying areas prompt to flooding and land slide during monsoon season. after fleeing a military crack down a neighboring myanmar in 2017, nearly 1000000 growing live in crowded camps and cox's bazaar embodies and now that
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was the largest refugee supplement. in recent years, many drawing the refugees have died in land slides and floods installed in bangladesh at the hoodie. it is why we were all sleeping around 12 am. there was the southern lunch light that buried my sister and her husband. they both died. the amount of the late as a disaster is part of a number of climate events triggered by extreme weather in bangladesh and south asia. in general, many refugees here are worried because more rain is expected in the coming days, which could worse than the flood situation. and the trigger even more land slides in the can turn to each other. i'll gives it a cox's bizarre. well then, a $1000000000.00 has been charged and the 5 for better access to vaccines in africa . french president demand your met calling him several african leaders measuring pallets to launch the african vaccine manufacturing, etc. ration sonya guy, the reports,
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amazing of mines and funds promised all to enable african countries dependent on vaccines made abroad to access and produce that own. among those gathered here, health organizations and pharmacy to confirm knowledge assets say meters to make the continental self sufficient. in the face of the next pandemic, left click african manufacturers, only 2 percent of the vaccines that to choose is india. and that we have set for ourselves is that by 204060 percent of axes, out to be manufactured on the continent specifics more than $1000000000.00 has already been committed to the cause. 3 quarters pledged by you are being countries in attempts they say to correct the mistakes of the past. the, when the cousin 19 vaccine was being distributed around the world, africa was one of the last places where it was rolled out. vaccine nationalism well, welfare countries pushed access and potentially hold production was blamed,
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creating no totally deeper in the quantities, but also allowing for further mutations and countries with lower vaccination rates . despite the kofax initiative that enabled low to middle income countries access to the vaccines callbacks, help us to reach the wireless porters and most by medical faster then we would have otherwise. but not fast enough. there is no doubt that the delays in reaching loading come countries and communities we instructions cost lives. and it's not just cobit that's been dudley on the continent. malaria kills more than 90000 people. yeah. well then, 6000 to have died in the current color outbreak across eastern and southern africa . the largest death total in is 40 percent of those fatalities recorded among children under 5 years of age, exacerbated by flooding and regions with access to vaccines is most vital.
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the project aims to secure more than 800000000 vaccine doses produced locally across africa over the next decade. an achievement that would be some way to address the an equality that continues to overshadow. health care around the world, san diego. oh to 0. selby avenue denny, i would thought it was set to make history a this is and then pick games and power shoes. the 1st female from saudi arabia to qualify for the and then things lena, i will actually have reports or the new oval toilet glove training. and take one to add an old boys club and saudi arabia for unexpected beginning has pushed her to shatter stereotypes and kick her way to history. how this has been used 20 years ago. and this is a challenge for me as the 1st audi woman to qualify for the olympics. it means that have.


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