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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 21, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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a rush hour, which is a selection of the best news from across the network and the the the as we take a look inside gauze as few surviving hospitals with doctors on treating the wounded and ill under the most challenging conditions. we couldn't help. but notice thing, vain adequacy of the medical care available for people. i'm jessica washington. this is the red light from don't ha,
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also coming out is mail shells, a residential building in the southern city of hon. eunice. there are reports of casualties, the last tax hikes in kenya triggered nationwide and government protests. at least one person has been changed. and so dense, rapid support forces continue to make gains supposedly taking control of one of the last 2 remaining army faces in the south. the we begin in garza where what's the names of the columbus health system is struggling to treat the wounded and ill in the face of unrelenting attacks by the israeli military. that began more than age months ago. currently only 17 out of $36.00 hospitals across the strip,
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a partially functioning that's according to the world health organization. at least 70 percent of guns as medical staff has pledge, hospitals, all operating with minimum stuff. all the supply of medicines and fuel has turned into a trickle because of israel's blockade. a groups a warning a so the outbreaks of infectious diseases. the un says 67 percent of water and sanitation facilities have been destroyed or damaged, forcing palestinians to rely on contaminated water. because as health industry says about 350000 palestinians in the strip living with chronic diseases including cancer, they no longer have access to medication or essential medical procedures like dialysis and chemotherapy. a 0 to 0 has been given special axis inside goes as load is remaining functioning, hospital medical work is struggling to provide can to an ever growing number of patients of correspondents honey fluid was taken through the locks the hospital dr
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. bushera osman was a general surgeon working with an overseas medical mission. we're inside the locks on the emergency department here. you can see it's over crowded and i'm joined by dr. man, inside the hospital from pansy mount medical, michigan, volunteering to help people and medical or we need to know more about what's going on inside the emergency department. as you can see, the physics stream either crowding in the emergency department. this is actually a time when it's not really as busy as it could get, especially when there are tax nearby. there's limited resources in the department with only a few doctors servicing hundreds of patients. family members everywhere. there's not enough beds for the patients. you can see them either in wheelchairs or on the
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floor on mat, surrounded by their family members. and they're only 3 doctors generally in the emergency department. sorry. based off this i've worked in on this, this is a hospital normally that would have a couple of 100 beds and doesn't necessarily get to treat a lot of patients. there are now up to 800 patients and thousands of displaced people living here. as you can see all around their patients and the family members in the car doors in the hallways, living with deadlines, whose family members and it makes it very difficult to be able to move around even to be able to actually even find your patients that a lot of times unfortunately because there's no structure and there's no system, you actually don't know ways with your patients. and the way you might be able to find them in order to provide the treatments. and we're going to take a look at side and the limited resources that are being provided here and the operating theatre and all the health care facilities. and there are only a couple of hospitals that are still passionate. this will be one of them on my left hand side,
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here are the recovery rooms where patients come off today and finish the operations and kind of to fairly show you everything that's inside. but it's very limited. resources is not necessarily the equipment to be able to monitor them terms of taking their vital signs, like blood pressure and hot, right. what is this case? yes sir. this is, this is a young kid that obviously has to be binds from an explosion or last injury. this is a very common and unfortunate scenario, or a lot of these kids are in the pain because of their worries. there isn't enough adequate energies. you have to be able to give them or they have to come daily down to the operating through room to get dressing changes because there isn't enough adequate supply on the wards to be able to dress. i wins appropriately and, and they require care. actually, this is sometimes is on necessarily not able to be provided here at the hospital. dr. james smith is an emergency physician who worked as alexa and all the hospitals in garza. he says, the real state of the health care system is difficult to convey. and i don't think
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the even the most attentive media outlets that have been reporting on, on the genocide since since day one. and prior to october, i don't think that those media outlets have really conveyed that the full extensive, the violence, the full expense of, of, of the popularity of what is happening. and the ways in which that has manifest i'm with, with, with speaking here about hospitals that have been unable to cope for several months . and they are functioning really by the sheer determination of the palestinian health care workers that are continuing to show up and are continuing to see patients. but frankly speaking, even the most well resourced health care system in the world would not be able to withstand, at the level of, of, of trauma that is coming through the, the, the doors the she and number of patients presenting with some of the most complicated and terrific physical. ready and psychological conditions, but that,
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that health care professional will see in that, in that, in that professional career is what is needed. and, and frankly, it's incredible that we're still having to st. this 8 plus months into one of the most, bob barracks uh moments in, in human history, is that we need an immediate end to the violence against the people of casa, and what's then needed, of course, is a ground swell of support that is sustained, not only over several weeks and months, but over the years and decades to rebuild and to revitalize the palestinian health care system. these really ministry is targeting the area around no said hospital in hon. eunice. this is the moment is many shells hate a residential building in the southern city. there are reports of casualties. at least $37431.00 palestinians have been killed since as well launched its will and
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goes in october is really tanks and troops pushing data into the southern city. a for alpha, the being backed by war, plains, and drones helping the advance palestinian say the tanks have moved into at least 5 neighborhoods according to the un release agency for palestinian refugees. or under a, an estimation. 65000 palestinians are still sheltering in rafa. and they'll hold the send us this update from data bella in central casa, so it's the incentive society and escalating and just the where it's a thoughts and feels right now between the policy and mean resist infection. and is where the army where fighting is taking place. in a subordinate refugee camp and also in a so the neighborhood, at least 65000 policy in use, remain and reflect and refuse to evacuate despite this air strikes and our cars are recently, it's also the se in the another,
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and parts of the city where airstrikes continue targeting residential homes in us is that you know where her, in the heart of the cause of 50, the palestinian civil defense teams were able to pull the bodies of 4 pod a sinews after 4 days of their targets. where a drive i saw many was targeted 4 days ago in the se, dot com. we just received their bodies right now in an actual hospital. it's an instance assigned palestinians are still the space currently displaced for a place to another. striving to find water and foods have been violent. confrontations in israel between ultra orthodox, a jewish protest is and to the police as anger among the author orthodox community over legislation being advanced impala and that would end their exemptions for military conscription. apparently they're able to avoid enlistment by enrolling in religious studies. the government has pushed to review that more as it goes up
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hundreds of thousands of present this 4th garza or in all the news. antonia one person has been killed as demonstrate as crushed with police during nationwide protests against the government plan tax reforms. thousands of people took to the streets in cities across the country. in the capital, nairobi police used to gas and water cannon against the demonstrators. the web reports from nairobi it started with social media uses, laming can use president william root tech to the rising cost of living and tax hikes. now, his full housings to the streets protest is gathered, may, can use parliament as m. p. 's debated the legislation to increase taxes. we operate the houses l o w on the up into what taxes will get to go run to get the most. we don't get enough missing doors. we don't please trying to can street
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government says it's already listen to the people when it renews some of the most controversial taxes from the bill. every time we got the processes to the side streets around it, please include the right place in the front of the way to be done the same regardless of the police and the taken out. remember that the need to do these offices as people talented young, peaceful protest as well. mostly peaceful federal coupon, had several streets in the city center. so the police use fulton cannon into a gas to seal off the streets, closest to parliament inside about 2 thirds of the n p's voted to approve the amended bill at its 2nd reading. president retail has the majority,
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the outside people said his government doesn't represent them and that type of corruption and full service delivery to the initial on the 1st step on we so, so far as soon as he came into the fall off once as he's done with the, the 1000 protested in around 20 different towns and cities, including router's hometown is able to read the crowds a younger than those seen it opposition? lead protests and reason. yes. it doesn't follow a political leader and that student's job see, cuz i'm young professionals on the streets in my baby rights group say more than 30 people were arrested and thousands injured, including 6 hate by police cars. when running away, the police have set their respect. constitutional rights must protect government
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buildings from occupation holloman's expected debates on the finance village final reading. next week, the sunsets appraised. please try to clear the streets with flies of tear gas before nightfall. it didn't work until plain co security broke up the remaining crowd. malcolm with al jazeera, no ruby, can you to sit down now with the head of the medical charge you don't does. but the board is, says, the ongoing conflict has provoked one of the will as well as tremendous sharing crises in decades in the latest development and sofa is toe to 0. the power, military rapids, the poor forces have taken control of alpha. it's the capital of the west coast off on stage south west of the sudanese capital, how to tune fighting in full between the sudanese army and the r a suff. last and several hours before the army reportedly withdrew from the city, the power military group took control of the government and military headquarters.
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the thousands have been killed in the conflict between the army and the rest of since april last year. even morgan has more from hard to, so the foreign military rapids support forces has been targeting positions opposite in these army, not just infatuated in the door for region in north star, for, but also in other parts of the country. now, in westport, at the time the, our stuff was able to take over and food, which is one of the last 2 remaining armies, trunk holes in the seats. and with the takeover of the recept over the military garrison and food that, that need on the bubble new. so as the last remaining minutes re stronghold in the state of westwood define. now this means that the hours have, has expanded its control over the territory into them. and especially in the core defend region. and especially in the west star floor and now has access to control of the border between sedan and south to them. but the takeover of the iris at over and food that has led to the displacement of stability. and i thought it was already a place that has been home or hosting hundreds of thousands of people who have been
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displaced from other parts of the pool, defend region into areas that are controlled by the army and territories controlled by the army. because they deemed it safer. and now with the iris of control and food of tens of thousands have closet to peter with bob and who's not in westport defense states, which is the last remaining army strong, cold. but it's also the place that the recess has been targeting for the past few weeks and have been trying to take control of the all concerns about the humanitarian situation that will result as a result of the r as if taken over. and as a result of the displacement of civilians from and for that to buy a new plan elsewhere, including across the border into south to them already. but united nation says 10000000 people have been displaced as a result of the conflict. within 15000 people have been killed and there is a catastrophic, so many parents situation according to the united nation. and they often sense that with more and more people lean, especially towards buy a new cell, which is already an active,
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complex own. and where 8 organizations cannot easily really reach those needs. they often sense that the for me to parent assistance or the humanitarian needs will grow and that more and more civilians will be in dire need of assistance and may lose their life. as a result of shortages of those relief supplies even more than onto 0. how to still ahead on down to 0, which is military june to revokes you. uranium mining license for a french company for the straining ties with paris. and a global survey shows 4 to 5 people want action against climate change without a government's listening. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump? now i don't think so and it could even help trunk in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selected justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank
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assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se i thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story on al jazeera, at the edge of the hot or does it is a refuge for weary travelers. most are crossing africa looking for a possible way to europe. some are coming back the other way. and their stories are chilling, reminder of the dangers that's my head, the safe haven at the crossroads of hope and despair. the loss shelter. witness on a jersey the colleges. when
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the the still watching? oh, just do you ever mind tilt down top stories this our guns as hospitals are facing extreme overcrowding as they struggle to treat the deal and when did, according to the world health organization, my 17. out of the 36 actually functioning the is rarely, military has targeted a residential building in the city of hundreds in southern gaza. it was located in the vicinity of the northside hospital, and they all reports of casualties. in kenya, one person has been killed as demonstrations, crushed with police during nationwide protests against the government plan,
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tax for police use war to come in and check us to disperse. the crowns in the apartment in nairobi with m. p. 's voted to move ahead with the bill. he says military jones has revoked the uranium license of a french nuclear group or a know the mind operated by the company has one of the wills, largest uranium deposits. it's the latest move towards cutting ties with friends and interest reports in the mind. me license, i thought it was all about the military unit that relates to the more wording mining side, which seats on $200000.00 tons of uranium. a metal used in the production of nuclear energy, as well as nuclear weapons. it's not the only cycle created by the prince mining company, or i know it also operates another binding site in our lead, in the most of the country in the region of it is the government of the give you a chinese, the ministry need and you had given or on the up to the 19th of june, to mobilize,
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decide or lose it slices the company side because already you mobilize stuff and my tv is to the side and lead infrastructure. so is a 4th of june relationship between 1st i need for my call. i need you to try to rearrange it says the coup last year that piper gave you a general try me. and then we'd start to see how the relationship towards started are taking a nose dive when the french, the military and government boarded the french investigator to leave out. that was followed by the eviction of several hundreds of french soldiers based image and disrupting down on a french basis image here. now it seems that they move forward the action of the media future to is also targeting print businesses. image russian companies have indicated interest in the uranium mining sup, uh, site anymore, right. and we're seeing also applauding of a to just between russian businesses and the russian government as well as rushing best. and the reason is year, which clip point to the direction. why these new license or the nicest for you,
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but we're in may be headed to how many degrees obviously that i would you cus is banning a russian maid, antivirus software and made concerns about possible threats to national security. the bite and administration says the kremlin has total access to the cusp boesky system and the days of all of its customers. they include us critical infrastructure providers, and state and municipal governments. washington has been concerned about the software since 2017 cust buskey will now be prohibited from entering into any new agreements in the us. starting from july 20th the us and china have held a high level talks about and you know, co takes cooperation after breakthrough in a joint investigation into major drug linked and money laundering operations. washington resumes, law enforcement and counting on cortex talks with badging at the beginning of this year. it was prompted by spike in debts from opioid overdose is in the u. s.
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corporation was frozen for a couple of years over a range of issues, including the origin zip code. 19. the chief minutes of the past 5 months have once again proved that cooperation between the 2 sides is mutually beneficial. while fighting is detrimental to both sides or in the u. k. to climate active is have been arrested for spray painting on private jets at an airport. they was stopped by police officer cutting through the fence. why a censored airport just outside london? it from the environmental group, just stop oil. this comes just a day off to other activists from the group which obtained for spray painting the you case historical landmark. the biggest, as a public opinion survey on climate change shows that roughly 4 out of 5 people globally, once they governments to do more to tackle the climate crisis. it's been conducted by the united nations development program and indicates
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a growing awareness about the impacts of climate change. gabriel ellis, under reports from the un headquarters in new york, it's only june, not even peak of summer, and it's so hot in washington dc. the city has issued a heat emergency leading residents and taurus searching for any place to find shape to stay cool. i know i would never come back to the sea in june. if it's going to be this hot, so i would rather come like at the cooler time, but it, but he, in turn, a new report conducted by the un development program, surveyed tens of thousands of people in 77 countries and found climate change is a growing concern some of the key findings, 80 percent of the people surveyed want their governments to do more on climate action. 86 percent want to see countries set aside geo political differences and
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work together on climate change. 79 percent think rich countries should do more to help poor countries adapt and 56 percent say they think about climate change, at least once a week. we have increased wildfires, drought sea level rise. we all know that this climate crisis is, is on the doorstep. and as the secretary general has said, the issue of being able to stay below 1.5. it is possible. it's just about possible, but we have to take action here now. and it's very clear that people want to see climate action urgently in the days ahead. much of the us east coast could see temperatures near or above 37 degrees celsius. i believe that for the past decade we have been screaming that we want this government, this country is a big business in your dollars. can you continue to get into what you and official who read the survey told me she hopes every one will read it. but
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particularly world leaders. because it's people in power that are facing decisions on climate that will affect generations to come gabriel's onto. i'll just see that it's united nations in new york to age has announced temporary power constance, some parts of the country during p consumption. how is it struggling to meet increased demand because of extreme summer heat? officials say the scheduled costs would be for up to 2 hours a day. in recent years, climate change has made some of the peaks closer and longer regions. prime minister richardson acts as he's angry to hear that his party colleagues being investigated for placing bets on the timing of the u. k. general election to of so next the conservative party colleagues of facing questions from the countries gambling regulations of a whether they used insight information for the profit. the election date was
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a closely guarded secret and took many people in the conservative party by surprise . it's going ahead on july, the 4th. it's a really serious matter. it's right that, that being investigated, populated by the relevant nor enforcement authorities including is sharing the said a criminal investigation by the police. and i want to be crystal clear. but if anyone has broken the rules, patient faced the full force of the law, and that's what those investigations of that to do. i hate do they do that work is quickly and authority as possible. so easy and as governor jeff landry has signed a bill making the stage the only one in the usda requires that public schools display the 10 commandments from the bible in conference. the american civil liberties union has announced legal action. so you can just stop the bill. as it violates the separation of church and state and the us supreme court ruling laundry has signed the bill as part of a series of education reforms to expand faith in public schools. this bill
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mandates the display of the 10 commandments in every classroom and public elementary secondary impose education schools in the state of louisiana. because if you want our respective room, all you gotta start from the original log in, which was most are many of our founders would have had no issue with religion being a little more present in our public school system. so that's not the issue at all. the problem with what we see in it's doing is they're really trying to make a point about one particular real glitch, right? they're not being expansive in trying to include muslims or even jews, even though the skin ma'am, is comes to the tour. they're really trying to make sure that event jail val christianity is for your internet and very noticeable in the public school system. as 2 people have died and 9 were injured, following a train accident in chile authority say
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a freight train collided head on with an empty passenger train carrying out a speed test on the outskirts of santiago. the freight train was carrying over a 1000 tons of copper and had some people on board with the driver and his assistant were killed as well. that's it for this news bulletin. i'm jessica washington. the weather is next. and then inside story discusses, what kinds accusations against israel and post and in the close the menu fronts the problem raise. they are bringing some really heavy down polls into central parts of china that you can think of. this is a rope, is if you're flicking that right, if i was at west to but a little further north, west running on toward shanghai, southern policy, japan just seeing a little bit of that wet weather. then as we go on into a fast day,
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hit comes on next ripple which will make his way across. south gripping down pulls could see some metal localize with flash flooding. as a result of that, that went by the, to just running in across the south west of japan. so the south still a few showers down towards southern parts of china, but not as heavy as they were already around in the week. meanwhile, like a scattering a showers across much of south east asia, pushing up into the philippines mould impossible here while retained showers also coming in rolling across a good pot sofa with southern areas of indo china. something positive in the ass, those things are very heavy right across down. it is for like a month. certain right. still think it's a heavy pulse, as of right to was an old face of the country through bung with ash should have made a little more progress by now pushing across towards the northern plains. but they're not quite there yet. wisdom disturb is we'll try to temper the heat up towards the north west hole with a top temperature of $41.00. the
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israel's war machine is decimating entire households. and this is the words of those who survived. and with the help of the palestinian journalists, phone lines tells the heralding story of 3 families and investigates us complicity and the world's most brutal in decades. the night old n biden's war on has talked to on a just either yes, a good israel is accused of committing rule crimes against palestinians. this time by you and box commission of inquiry says, unless is october attacks didn't happen in a vacuum listing in groups or so i received a share of the blame, but who will enforce the accountability? this is inside story. the
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welcome to the program. i need bought a report by a you and by commission of inquiry funds as well has committed war crimes and crimes like.


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